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SolarWinds Orion® ®

Network Atlas Administrator



Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

Copyright© 1995-2010 SolarWinds Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this document may
be reproduced by any means nor modified, decompiled, disassembled, published or distributed, in
whole or in part, or translated to any electronic medium or other means without the written consent of
SolarWinds All right, title and interest in and to the software and documentation are and shall remain
the exclusive property of SolarWinds and its licensors. SolarWinds Orion™, and SolarWinds
Toolset™ are trademarks of SolarWinds and SolarWinds.net® and the SolarWinds logo are
registered trademarks of SolarWinds All other trademarks contained in this document and in the
Software are the property of their respective owners.
Microsoft® and Windows 2000® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
Graph Layout Toolkit and Graph Editor Toolkit © 1992 - 2001 Tom Sawyer Software, Oakland,
California. All Rights Reserved.
Orion Network Atlas version 1.2, 5.11.2010

2  Conventions
About SolarWinds
SolarWinds, Inc develops and markets an array of network management, monitoring, and discovery
tools to meet the diverse requirements of today’s network management and consulting professionals.
SolarWinds products continue to set benchmarks for quality and performance and have positioned
the company as the leader in network management and discovery technology. The SolarWinds
customer base includes over 45 percent of the Fortune 500 and customers from over 90 countries.
Our global business partner distributor network exceeds 100 distributors and resellers.

Contacting SolarWinds
You can contact SolarWinds in a number of ways, including the following:
Team Contact Information


Technical Support www.solarwinds.com/support

www.thwack.com you need a customer account to access the

User Forums
Customer Support area of the website.

About SolarWinds  3
Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

The documentation uses consistent conventions to help you identify items throughout the printed and
online library.
Convention Specifying

Bold Window items, including buttons and fields.

Italics Book and CD titles, variable names, new terms

File and directory names, commands and code examples,

Fixed font
text typed by you

Straight brackets, as in
Optional command parameters

Curly braces, as in
Required command parameters

Logical OR, as in Exclusive command parameters where only one of the

value1|value2 options can be specified

4  Conventions
About SolarWinds ........................................................................................... 3
Contacting SolarWinds .................................................................................... 3
Conventions .................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 1

Introduction ................................................................................................... 9
What is in a Map? ........................................................................................... 9
Network Atlas Features ................................................................................... 9
Example Maps............................................................................................... 10

Chapter 2

Installing Orion Network Atlas ................................................................... 11

Orion Network Atlas Requirements ............................................................... 11
Installing Orion Network Atlas on a Remote Computer ................................ 11

Chapter 3

Creating a Basic Map .................................................................................. 13

Starting Orion Network Atlas ......................................................................... 13
Adding Map Objects ...................................................................................... 14
Connecting Objects Automatically with ConnectNow ................................... 15
Connecting Map Objects Manually ............................................................... 16
Using Object Links to Represent Interface Status ........................................ 16
Interpreting Map Links ................................................................................... 16
Using Anchor Points to Reshape Map Links ................................................. 17
Adding a Background .................................................................................... 17
Saving Maps.................................................................................................. 19
Opening Maps ............................................................................................... 20
Displaying Maps in the Web Console ........................................................... 20
Map Resources in the Orion NPM Web Console ..................................... 20
Displaying Maps in the Orion Web Console ............................................. 21
Displaying Maps in the Orion EOC Web Console .................................... 21

Contents  5
Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

Chapter 4

Advanced Mapping Techniques ................................................................ 23

Zooming In and Out of a Map ....................................................................... 23
Creating Nested Maps .................................................................................. 24
Displaying Map Object Metrics...................................................................... 25
Adding Independent Map Objects and Floating Labels ................................ 25
Changing the Appearance of Map Objects ................................................... 26
Pasting Custom Icons from the Windows Clipboard ................................ 27
Adding Custom Icons from Graphics Files ............................................... 28
Changing the Appearance of Links ............................................................... 29
Changing the Appearance of Labels ............................................................. 29
Linking Map Objects to URLs........................................................................ 30
Linking or Embedding Maps in Web Pages .................................................. 30
Customizing Orion Web Console Tooltips .................................................... 31
Converting Orion NPM Maps to Orion EOC Maps........................................ 32

Chapter 5

Advanced Map Layouts .............................................................................. 35

Displaying Grid Guides ................................................................................. 35
Aligning Map Objects .................................................................................... 35
Distributing Map Objects ............................................................................... 36
Selecting Automatic Layout Styles ................................................................ 36

Chapter 6

Map Properties ............................................................................................ 39

Chapter 7

Orion Network Atlas Settings .................................................................... 41

Appendix A

Orion Network Atlas Tooltip Variables ..................................................... 43

Application Variables ..................................................................................... 43
Application Component Monitor Variables .................................................... 44

6  Contents
Date and Time Variables ............................................................................... 44
General Variables ......................................................................................... 45
Interface Variables ........................................................................................ 46
IP SLA Variables ........................................................................................... 48
Node Variables .............................................................................................. 49
Volume Variables .......................................................................................... 51
Wireless Variables ........................................................................................ 52


Index ............................................................................................................. 53

Contents  7
Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

8  Contents
Chapter 1

Orion Network Atlas is a powerful tool for creating custom maps and network
diagrams. The maps created in Orion Network Atlas enable users to view a
graphical depiction of their network in the Orion Web Console. You can also use
Orion Network Atlas maps to create your own network documentation, which can
then be printed and exported as needed. The following sections provide an
introduction to Orion Network Atlas:

• What is in a Map?
• Network Atlas Features
• Example Maps

What is in a Map?
Map objects can be Orion NPM nodes, interfaces, and volumes; Orion APM
applications and components; Orion IP SLA operations; other Orion Network
Atlas nested maps; and network links. The numerous presentation options for
your network maps include:

• a large set of predefined background colors, textures, and images for use in
your maps, and the ability to use your own custom background graphics
• the ability to project real-time weather or natural disaster maps onto your
network maps using linked web graphics as a background
• the ability to customize the shape, size, color, and style of map links to
illustrate the status or the relative bandwidth of associated objects
• the ability to show map objects in multiple styles to display network status
• map nesting that selectively reveals increasing levels of map detail with the
status of child objects on nested maps bubbled up to the parent map

Network Atlas Features

Network Atlas gives you the ability to create multi-layered, fully customizable,
web-based maps of your network to visually track the performance of network
elements, applications, and operations monitored by any of the following Orion

• Orion Network Performance Monitor

• Orion Application Performance Monitor

Introduction  9
Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

• Orion IP SLA Manager

• Orion Enterprise Operations Console

The following features are currently available in Network Atlas:

The ConnectNow tool in Orion Network Atlas allows you to instantly draw
lines between mapped objects that are directly, physically connected. For
more information, see “Connecting Objects Automatically with ConnectNow”
on page 15.

Linked Backgrounds
The linked backgrounds feature allows you to create maps with backgrounds
sourced directly from the Internet. Using a linked background, you can create
maps that include dynamic weather information relevant to your distributed
network sites. For more information, see “Selecting a Background Image” on
page 18.

AutoArrange options allow you to quickly structure or reorganize objects on
your map. For more information, see “Selecting Automatic Layout Styles” on
page 36.

Example Maps
The following figures are examples of the types of maps you can create using
Orion Network Atlas.

10  Introduction
Chapter 2
Installing Orion Network Atlas

Orion Network Atlas is pre-installed on Orion EOC v1.1 and Orion NPM 9.5 or
later servers, and it can be run as a local application on those Orion servers.
Users can also run Orion Network Atlas as a standalone application on any
remote computer meeting the stated minimum requirements. The following
sections provide more information about installing Orion Network Atlas:

• Orion Network Atlas Requirements

• Installing Orion Network Atlas on a Remote Computer

Orion Network Atlas Requirements

The following table provides the minimum requirements for an Orion Network
Atlas installation:

Note: To take full advantage of Orion Network Atlas features, users of Orion
Network Atlas must either have node management rights in Orion NPM or be
assigned the administrator role in Orion EOC.

Server Component Requirements

Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows

Operating System
Server 2003, or Windows Server 2008 R2.

Memory 1 GB

Hard Drive Space 150 MB

Remote instances of Orion Network Atlas require TCP on port

17777 to either the Orion NPM or the Orion EOC server.

Installing Orion Network Atlas on a Remote Computer

The following procedure installs Orion Network Atlas on a remote computer.

To install Orion Network Atlas on a remote computer:

1. Log on to your Orion NPM or Orion EOC server.

2. Click Start > All Programs > SolarWinds Orion > Orion Web Console.
3. In the Network Map resource, click Download Network Atlas.
Note: If you do not see a Download Network Atlas link in your Network
Map resource, click Edit, and then check the Show Network Atlas

Installing Orion Network Atlas  11

Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

Download link option on the Edit Network Map resource page

(administrative access may be required).
4. Save the Network Atlas installer (NetworkAtlas.exe) to an appropriate
location on your remote computer.
5. Run the Orion Network Atlas installer on your remote computer.
6. Click Next on the Welcome window.
7. Accept the terms in the license agreement, and then click Next.
8. Provide an appropriate installation destination folder, and then click Next.
9. Click Install on the Ready to Install window.
10. Click Finish when the Setup Wizard completes.
For more information about starting Network Atlas and creating a new map, see
“Creating a Basic Map” on page 13.

12  Installing Orion Network Atlas

Chapter 3
Creating a Basic Map

Creating a map can be as simple as selecting a background image, dragging

network resources onto the drawing area, and connecting the objects with lines.

This chapter provides procedures to accomplish the following tasks:

• Starting Orion Network Atlas

• Adding Map Objects
• Connecting Objects Automatically with ConnectNow
• Connecting Map Objects Manually
• Using Object Links to Represent Interface Status
• Interpreting Map Links
• Using Anchor Points to Reshape Map Links
• Adding a Background
• Saving Maps
• Opening Maps
• Displaying Maps in the Web Console

Starting Orion Network Atlas

The following procedure launches Network Atlas.

Note: To take full advantage of Network Atlas features, users of Orion Network
Atlas must either have node management rights in Orion NPM or be assigned
the administrator role in Orion EOC.

To start Network Atlas:

1. Log on to the computer hosting your Network Atlas installation.

2. Click Start > SolarWinds > Network Atlas.
3. Connect to your Orion server, as directed in the following procedure:
a. Provide your Orion Login and Password.
Note: Your Orion Login and Password correspond to your Orion Web
Console User Name and Password.
b. Provide your Orion server IP address or hostname in the Address field.

Creating a Basic Map  13

Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

c. If you are connecting to an Orion NPM server, select Orion as the

Connect to target.
d. If you are connecting to an Orion EOC server, select EOC as the
Connect to target.
e. Click Connect.

Adding Map Objects

Any objects monitored by SolarWinds Orion NPM or Orion APM may be added to
an Orion Network Atlas map, including all of the following:

• Orion NPM nodes, interfaces, and volumes

• Orion APM applications and components
• Orion IP SLA operations
• Network Atlas nested maps; and network links.
For information about populating an Orion database with your network devices,
see “Discovering and Adding Network Devices” in the SolarWinds Orion Network
Performance Monitor Administrator Guide.

For information about monitoring appplications and application components with

Orion APM, see the SolarWinds Orion Application Performance Monitor
Administrator Guide.

The following procedure adds monitored network objects to your Orion Network
Atlas map.

To add monitored objects to your map:

1. If you are creating a new map, click the Orion Network Atlas button ( ),
and then click New Map.
2. If you are adding objects to an existing map, complete the following

a. Click the Orion Network Atlas button ( ).

b. Click Open Map.
c. Navigate to your existing map, and then click Open.
3. Expand and navigate the node tree in the left pane to locate the network
nodes and monitored objects you want to add to your map.
Note: All monitored applications, application components, interfaces, and
volumes, associated with monitored nodes, in addition to other maps listed in

14  Creating a Basic Map

the left pane, are available as map objects. Click + to expand any listed node
and object types and view associated interfaces, volumes, applications.
4. Drag selected objects onto the drawing area.
• If you want to add all the objects of a selected type on a selected node to
your map in a single operation, click + next to the node name to reveal all
its associated monitored network objects, and then drag all objects in the
desired object group onto the drawing area.

• A checkmark ( ) next to a node or network resource indicates you have

already added it to your map.
• To view details about a map object, hover over it with the mouse pointer.
• To locate a specific map object in your map, click its network resource in
the left pane. This selects the map object.

Connecting Objects Automatically with ConnectNow

Using the ConnectNow tool, Orion Network Atlas can automatically draw lines
between directly connected nodes on your network, as shown in the following


• The ConnectNow tool cannot draw indirect connections between nodes. For
example, if nodes A and C are connected indirectly through node B, you
must manually add node B to the map to create the connections.
• Because topological data about your network is only generated during
Network Sonar Discovery, ConnectNow can only draw lines between
discovered nodes. Nodes that are added manually, as in Web Node
Management, cannot be connected using ConnectNow. Orion NPM version
10.0 does allow you to schedule network discoveries, so now you can have
regularly updated topological information about your network. For more
information about network discovery, see “Discovering and Adding Network
Devices” in the SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor
Administrator Guide.

To automatically connect objects using ConnectNow:

1. Add appropriate nodes to an open network map.

Note: For more information about adding objects to a network map, see
“Adding Map Objects” on page 14.
2. Click Home.

3. Click ConnectNow ( ).

Creating a Basic Map  15

Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

Connecting Map Objects Manually

You can represent network links in your map by drawing lines between map
objects. If a connected object is down, any connected links change color to red.

To manually connect map objects:

1. Click Home.

2. Click Straight ( ) or Curved Line ( ) in the Lines group, as appropriate.

3. Click an object with the line drawing tool to begin drawing the link
4. Click and drag as needed to set optional anchor points along the link path.
5. Click a second object to finish drawing the link.
6. If you want the links connecting your mapped objects to communicate
the status of connected interfaces, complete the following steps:
a. Right-click a link, and then select Properties.
b. Select Status in the left pane of the Link Properties page.
c. Drag the appropriate interface objects from the left pane of the Orion
Network window to the link status assignment areas.

Using Object Links to Represent Interface Status

The following procedure configures an object link to represent the status of its
connected interfaces.

To use object links to represent actual interface states:

1. Right-click a link, and then select Properties.

2. Select Status in the left pane of the Link Properties page.
3. Drag the appropriate interface objects from the left pane of the Orion
Network window to the link status assignment areas.

Interpreting Map Links

Links created on Orion Network Atlas maps are not merely connectors between
network objects. Map links display the states of the interfaces through which your
linked objects are connected. Interface states are determined from Orion NPM
polling data. The following table relates how interface states are reflected in the
status of a link between NodeA, with InterfaceA, and NodeB, with InterfaceB.

Note: Link status is only shown as either UP or DOWN. To emphasize potential

problem links, DOWN status is granted a higher priority.

16  Creating a Basic Map

InterfaceB Status





Using Anchor Points to Reshape Map Links

You can use anchor points to change the shape of object links on your map, as
shown in the following procedure.

Note: Use multiple anchor points to create more complex shapes and curves.

To use object link anchor points:

1. Click Select in the Tools group or click the middle mouse button.
2. Click and drag the link you want to reshape.

Adding a Background
You can select colors, textures, and locally-hosted or Internet-hosted images to
serve as your map backgrounds:

• Selecting a Background Color

• Selecting a Background Texture
• Selecting a Background Image
• Clearing the Background

Selecting a Background Color

Orion Network Atlas supports 24-bit color backgrounds.

To set a map background color:

1. Click Home.

2. Click Background > Background Color ( ).

3. Select a color from the palette, or click More Colors to select a custom color.

Creating a Basic Map  17

Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

Selecting a Background Texture

Orion Network Atlas also provides numerous colored textures that can serve as
map backgrounds.

To set a map background textures:

1. Click Home.

2. Click Background > Background Texture ( ).

3. Enter appropriate values for the Width and Height of your map in the Map
Size in Pixels area.
Note: The default values are the smallest area bounding the existing map
objects and labels.
4. Select a texture to apply as your map background, and then click OK.

Selecting a Background Image

Orion Network Atlas allows you to use images as your map background. The
source of the background image can be a graphics file on your hard drive or a
URL link to a graphics file on the Internet in any of the following graphics formats:

• Graphics Interchange Format (.gif, non-animated)

• Tagged Image File Format (.tiff)
• Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg)
• Microsoft Windows Bitmap (.bmp)
• Portable Network Graphics (.png)
Linked backgrounds are updated when the map is accessed or when the browser
page is refreshed. In a typical use case, a linked background is used to provide
weather data from an Internet weather service on a network map.


• Background images you supply display at their full size in the Orion Web
Console, so consider their dimensions. You may rescale images within the
application, but images displayed at full scale provide optimal quality.
• In determining map size and resolution, consider web page layouts and
potential display screen resolutions.
• Example background images are in the NetworkAtlas Backgrounds folder
located in your default shared documents folder. Clicking Background
Image always starts you in this background images folder.

18  Creating a Basic Map

To select a background image:

1. Click Home.
2. If you want to use a background image from disk, click Background >
Background Image ( ), and then navigate to the image you want to use.
3. If you want to use a background image from the Internet, complete the
following steps:
• In the web console, map background images linked from the Internet are
refreshed with the Orion Web Console refresh.
• If the Orion NPM server is behind a web proxy, the proxy settings
entered into Microsoft Internet Explorer are used to create the Internet
connection. If the web proxy requires authentication, you cannot link
directly to the background image. A workaround is to write a script that
periodically downloads the Internet image and saves it to a folder on the
web server. You can then specify the saved image as the linked
background image.

a. Click Background > Linked Background ( ).

b. Type the URL of the image you want to use.
c. Click Validate.
d. Click OK.

Clearing the Background

To clear the current map background, click Home, and then click Background >
Clear Background ( ).

Saving Maps
Orion Network Atlas saves your maps directly to the server to which you are

Note: To save a map to your hard drive instead of your Orion server, click >
Export > Export Map.

To save a map:

1. Click the Orion Network Atlas button ( ), and then click Save.
2. If you are saving the map for the first time, name the map, and then click

Creating a Basic Map  19

Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

3. If you want to save your map to your hard drive, complete the following

a. Click > Export > Export Map.

b. Navigate to an appropriate location on your hard drive.
c. Provide a File name, and then click Save.

Opening Maps
Maps are loaded from the Orion server to which you are connected. They appear
in the left pane of the Orion Network Atlas window.

To open a map,

1. Click + to expand the Maps group in the left pane of the Orion Network Atlas
2. Double-click the map you want to open.

Displaying Maps in the Web Console

You can display saved maps in the Orion web console Network Map resource.
The procedure for selecting Network Maps is different between Orion EOC and
Orion NPM, and maps created for one are not compatible with the other. Select
either of the following procedures, as appropriate:

• Map Resources in the Orion NPM Web Console

• Displaying Maps in the Orion Web Console
• Displaying Maps in the Orion EOC Web Console

Map Resources in the Orion NPM Web Console

The following map-related resources are available in the Orion NPM Web

Network Map
The Network Map resource displays a selected map within the Orion Web
Console. Objectts on the map a user is not permitted to see are hidden from
the user, as are any connections to those objects. For more information
about including Network Atlas maps in the Orion Web Console, see
“Displaying Maps in the Orion Web Console” on page 21.

All Maps
This resource provides a list of all available network maps. Clicking any map
name opens a view containing the selected map with a list of the objects

20  Creating a Basic Map

included in the map. Clicking an object name or its description opens the
corresponding Orion NPM device Details page, providing extensive
diagnostic information about the selected map object.

Custom List of All Maps

This resource is a customizable version of the All Maps resource.

List of Objects on Network Map

This resource lists all objects displayed on the map shown in the Network
Map resource. Clicking an object name or its description opens the
corresponding Orion NPM device Details page, providing extensive
diagnostic information about the selected map object.

Displaying Maps in the Orion Web Console

The following procedure opens a saved map in the Orion Web Console.

To display a saved map in the Home view of the Orion Web Console:

1. Log on to the Orion Web Console using an account with administrative

2. Click Edit in the Network Map resource.
3. Select your map from the Select Network Map list.
4. Click Submit.

Displaying Maps in the Orion EOC Web Console

The following procedure opens a saved map in the Orion EOC Web Console.

To display a saved map in the Home view of the Orion EOC web console:

1. Log on to the Orion EOC web console with an Administrator account.

2. Click Settings.
3. Click Manage Views.
4. Select Home, and then click Edit View.
5. Click Resource.
6. Click Network Map in the Added list.
7. Select your map from the Select Network Map list, and then click Save.
8. Click OK, Save Changes.
9. If prompted to confirm your changes, click OK.
10. Click the Home view to see your map.

Creating a Basic Map  21

Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

22  Creating a Basic Map

Chapter 4
Advanced Mapping Techniques

You can apply a number of advanced mapping techniques to enhance the

usefulness of your maps. This section discusses the following topics:

• Zooming In and Out of a Map

• Creating Nested Maps
• Displaying Map Object Metrics
• Adding Independent Map Objects and Floating Labels
• Changing the Appearance of Map Objects
• Changing the Appearance of Links
• Changing the Appearance of Labels
• Linking Map Objects to URLs
• Linking or Embedding Maps in Web Pages

Zooming In and Out of a Map

Orion Network Atlas allows you to zoom into a map to enlarge details or to zoom
out to reduce its size. Zoom level is a visual aid, and it is not saved with the map.
Use any of the following methods to zoom in or out on a displayed map:

• Press and hold CTRL while rotating the mouse wheel button.
• Click the Zoom slider on the status bar, and then slide the zoom control to
the zoom level you want

• Click View, and then select the type of zoom you want to use from the Zoom

Advanced Mapping Techniques  23

Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

Creating Nested Maps

Nested maps allow you to navigate through a map to see multiple levels of detail.
For example, a map of the United States can include an icon for a child map of
Oklahoma. You can then click the Oklahoma object to open the child map.

The map of Oklahoma can then become a parent map to a network diagram.

Each child map can include a view of the objects, either devices or other maps,
deployed on it. Any nested objects can then be clicked to view the next level of
map detail, until the level of the final network device is reached and all available
network information is displayed.

Note: The total number of objects on a map, including those displayed on child
maps, affects how fast the map loads in the Orion Web Console. If your maps
load slowly, decrease the number of map objects.

To create a nested map:

1. Drag a map from the Maps group in the left pane onto the parent map, and
then position the map icon appropriately.
2. If you want the status of a child map to also indicate the status of its
child objects, complete the following steps:
a. Right-click the child map icon on the map, and then select Properties.
b. Check Include child status on the Status properties page, and then
click OK. The object status icon now includes the secondary status

24  Advanced Mapping Techniques

Displaying Map Object Metrics
The status of a map object icon reflects its current state, such as up or down.
You can add a secondary status indicator to a map object to reflect metrics such
as response time, CPU load, or the state of any child objects. This secondary
status indicator appears at the bottom right corner of the status icon.

To add the secondary status indicator:

1. Right-click the map object, and then select Properties.

2. Check Include child status on the Status properties page, and then click
To change the thresholds of the metrics:

1. Right-click the map object, and then select Properties.

2. Click Metrics to view the Metrics properties page.
3. If you want to change the warning or critical threshold for a metric, click
the threshold value, and then type a new value.
4. If you want to ignore a metric, uncheck the metric.
5. Click OK.

• The secondary status indicator respects the Orion web console Status Rollup
Mode setting for displaying status.
• All child objects and selected metric thresholds are taken into account to
determine secondary status.

Adding Independent Map Objects and Floating Labels

You can add independent map objects and labels that do not have associations
to network nodes or resources.

To add an independent object:

1. Click Home.
2. Click Add Object in the Objects group to add a gray map object to the map.
Independent labels may also be placed anywhere on your map.

To add an independent label:

1. Click Home.
2. Click Add Label in the Labels group. A label is added to the map.

Advanced Mapping Techniques  25

Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

Changing the Appearance of Map Objects

Changing the graphics that represent map objects is an excellent way of
increasing the information density of your map without increasing the map

You can set the default representation style for all map object of a certain type, or
you can change the appearance of selected map objects.

To set the default representations of map objects:

1. Click the Orion Network Atlas button , and then click Network Atlas
2. Click Graphic Styles in the left column.
3. Select an appropriate default style for each available map object.
Changing the representation of selected map objects opens up another level of
graphical information. For example, you can set an object icon to display a
mainframe graphic, visually designating the type of device being monitored. You
can then select a status style, such as 3D Pad Underneath, to illustrate the map
object status.

To change the representation of selected map objects:

1. Right-click a map object, and then select Properties.

2. Click Appearance in the left column of the Properties page.
3. If you want the map object to appear as a fixed-size, LED-type graphic,
complete these steps:
a. Select Orion LED Status Icon.
b. Select a style from the Orion LED Status Icon Style list, and then click
4. If you want the map object to appear as a scalable shape, complete
these steps:
a. Select Shape
b. Select a style from the Shape Style list, and then click OK.
c. Drag a corner handle on the map object to resize the shape.
5. If you want the map object to appear as a scalable graphic, complete
these steps.
a. Select Graphic.
b. Click Select Graphic, select an appropriate graphic, and then click OK.

26  Advanced Mapping Techniques

c. Select a status style from the Graphic Style list, and then click OK.
d. Drag a corner handle on the map object to resize the graphic.

Pasting Custom Icons from the Windows Clipboard

You can paste graphics from the Windows clipboard directly into your Orion
Network Atlas maps and then display an overlay behind them to depict the

Icons that you paste into Orion Network Atlas are saved to the Orion database,
and made available for reuse in other maps under the "Imported" icon grouping.
Pasted icons saved to the Orion database can be accessed and used by remote
instances of Orion Network Atlas.

To paste a custom icon into Orion Network Atlas:

1. Open the icon image in a graphics program such as Visio or Photoshop.

2. Copy the image to the Windows clipboard with the Copy command.
3. Open the desired map in Orion Network Atlas.
4. Paste the image as new object following these steps:
a. Right-click on the map and then click Paste.
b. Select Paste the image from the Clipboard as a new object.
c. Enter a name for the this new image in the Please enter a name for the
new image field.
d. Click OK.
Icons added in this manner are also saved on the Orion NPM server in the path
%APPDATA%\SolarWinds\NetworkAtlas\Maps\Orion\<orion server
address>\NetObjects\Imported. %APPDATA% is typically C:\Documents and
Settings\<logged on user>\Application Data for Windows XP, and
C:\Users\<logged on user>\AppData\Roaming for Windows Server 2008.

To delete a custom icon:

1. Determine which file on the Orion NPM server contains the icon (for
example, mypicture.wmf).
2. Add .del to the file name (for example, mypicture.wmf.del)
3. Start Orion Network Atlas on the Orion NPM server to delete the icons from
the database.

Advanced Mapping Techniques  27

Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

Adding Custom Icons from Graphics Files

You can use any Windows Media File (.wmf) or Graphics Interchange Format
(.gif) format graphic as a custom icon, but you must name the graphic files
according to their roles. The file name must not contain any other dash (-)
characters other than depicted in this table.

Role File name

Down status iconName-down.gif

External status iconName-external.gif
Icon with no status iconName.gif
Unknown status iconName-unknown.gif
Unmanaged status iconName-unmanaged.gif
Unplugged status iconName-unplugged.gif
Unreachable status iconName-unreachable.gif
Up status iconName-up.gif
Warning status iconName-warning.gif

To add custom icons from graphics files:

1. On your Orion NPM server, create the folder:

%APPDATA%\SolarWinds\NetworkAtlas\Maps\Orion\<orion server addr
ess>\NetObjects\User Graphics.

%APPDATA% is typically C:\Documents and Settings\<logged on

user>\Application Data for Windows XP, and C:\Users\<logged on
user>\AppData\Roaming for Windows Server 2008.
2. Copy the graphics files to this folder.
3. Start Orion Network Atlas on the Orion NPM server to finalize the additional
After copying the graphics files to their location, you can assign them as an icon
as you would any other graphic image.

To assign a custom icon to an object:

1. Right-click the object on the map, and then click Select Graphic.
2. Select User Graphics in the left pane.
3. Select your desired graphic image, and then click OK.

28  Advanced Mapping Techniques

Changing the Appearance of Links
Orion Network Atlas allows you to change the appearance of network links by
customizing their width, color, and line styles.

To change the appearance of a link:

1. Right-click a link, and then select Properties.

2. Select Appearance in the left column of the Properties page.
3. Select a line width in pixels from the Width list.
4. Select a line color from the Color list.
5. Select a line style from the Style list.
6. Click OK.
Note: The color setting only changes the color of links that have Up status.

Changing the Appearance of Labels

Orion Network Atlas allows you to change the appearance of labels by changing
text attributes, borders, and background colors.

To move a label:

Drag the label to the desired location.

To edit the text in a label:

Double-click the label.

Press SHIFT+ENTER to separate multiple lines within the same label.
To change the appearance of a label:

1. Right-click the label, and then select Properties.

2. Select Appearance in the left column of the Properties page.
3. If you want to change the font attributes, click the … button, select
appropriate font attributes, then click OK.
4. If you want to change the text alignment, select an alignment from the
Text Alignment list.
5. If you want to change the text color, click the Text Color color box, and
then select a new color.
6. If you want to add a label border, select the border width in pixels from the
Border Width list.

Advanced Mapping Techniques  29

Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

7. If you want to change the label border color, click the Border Color color
box, and then select a new color.
8. If you want to remove a label border, select 0 from the Border Width list.
9. If you want to add a label background, uncheck Transparent
10. If you want to change the label background color, click the Background
Color color box, and then select a new color.
11. If you want to remove a label background, check Transparent
12. Click OK.

Linking Map Objects to URLs

Orion Network Atlas allows users to click on map objects in the Orion web
console to see more details. By default, map objects are linked to the most
relevant Orion details page for the object. You can customize the URL hyperlink
to link to external web sites and pages as necessary.

To link a map object to a URL.

1. Right-click the map object, and then select Edit Hyperlink.

2. If you want to link to the relevant Orion page for the map object, select
Logical page in Orion.
3. If you want to link to a custom URL, select Manually set address, and
then type the URL.
4. Click OK.

Linking or Embedding Maps in Web Pages

You can link or embed your maps in other web pages by referencing the URL for
the map. The map URL is in the form:

This is the IP address or host name of your Orion NPM server.

This is the display name of the map. If the map display name contains space
characters, substitute %20 for the spaces when specifying the name.

30  Advanced Mapping Techniques

Customizing Orion Web Console Tooltips
In the web console, hovering over map objects displays a tooltip providing
current identification and status information about the object. Tooltips are
customizable for all map object types, and you can customize the tooltips in the
Orion NPM web console to display additional information by inserting Orion alert
variables, custom properties, and other text.


• Tooltip customizations are global and affect all maps.

• Orion EOC does not support custom web console tooltips.
• For a complete list of variables available for use in Orion Network Atlas
tooltips, see “Orion Network Atlas Tooltip Variables” on page 43.
• Use ${CR} to enter a carriage return.

To add additional information to map object tool tips:

1. Log on to Orion NPM as an administrator.

2. Click Edit in the Network Map resource.
3. Click Customize map tooltips.
4. Type the variables and any text you want to add in the text field for the
appropriate map object type.
5. Click Submit.

Example Custom Orion Node Tooltip

Enter this custom node tooltip definition in the Orion.Nodes field to display node
location and contact information:

Location: ${Location}${CR}Contact: ${Contact}

Advanced Mapping Techniques  31

Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

Example Custom Interface Tooltip

Enter this custom interface tooltip definition in the Orion.NPM.Interfaces field to
display the current bandwidth usage:


Tooltip variables are available for Orion NPM, Orion APM, Orion EOC, and Orion
IP SLA. For more information about available tooltip variables, see “Orion
Network Atlas Tooltip Variables” on page 43. For more information about custom
properties, see “Creating Custom Properties” in the SolarWinds Orion Network
Performance Monitor Administrator Guide.

Converting Orion NPM Maps to Orion EOC Maps

Maps created for use in Orion NPM must be converted before they may be used
in Orion EOC. SolarWinds provides the following utilities for this conversion:

• The Map Maker to EOC Converter converts maps created using MapMaker
in Orion NPM versions 9.1 and earlier for use with Orion EOC version 1.0.
• The Network Atlas to EOC Converter converts maps created using network
Atlas with Orion NPM version 9.5 and later for use with Orion EOC versions
1.1 and higher.

The following procedure downloads and installs the required conversion utility,
based on your current environment.

Note: You must currently be on maintenance to download from the Customer


To download and install a required Orion NPM-to-EOC conversion utility:

1. Browse to http://www.solarwinds.com/.
2. Click Customer Portal.

32  Advanced Mapping Techniques

3. Log in using your SolarWinds Customer ID and Password.
4. Click Additional Components in the column on the left.
5. Click Download Orion NPM Components,
6. If you are converting maps from Orion NPM version 9.1 or earlier, click
Map Maker to EOC Converter.
7. If you are converting maps from Orion NPM version 9.5 or later, click
Network Atlas to EOC Converter.
8. Select Save File, and then click OK.
9. Right-click the archive you downloaded, and then click Extract All.
10. Complete the Extraction Wizard to extract the utility to an appropriate
11. Open the extracted folder, and then launch the executable.

Advanced Mapping Techniques  33

Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

34  Advanced Mapping Techniques

Chapter 5
Advanced Map Layouts

You can improve the visual layout and organization of your maps by using the
advanced layout tools to help you align and distribute your objects and links. This
section discusses the following topics:

• Displaying Grid Guides

• Aligning Map Objects
• Distributing Map Objects
• Selecting Automatic Layout Styles

Displaying Grid Guides

A grid guide helps you maintain structural and spatial relationships as you
arrange your map objects. Orion Network Atlas allows you to select two kinds of
grids and to change the grid spacing.

Grids are not map objects, and are neither saved with a map nor displayed in the
Orion Web Console.

To display a grid:

1. Click View.
2. Click Show Grid in the Grid group.
To customize the grid:

1. Click View.
2. If you want grid lines, click Grid Option > Grid Lines.
3. If you want grid points, click Grid Options >Grid Points.
4. If you want to change the grid size, click Grid Options > Grid Size, and
then select a grid size.

Aligning Map Objects

You can change the relative alignment of your map objects using the alignment

1. Click Edit.
2. Select the map objects you want to align.

Advanced Map Layouts  35

Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

3. Click the appropriate button in the Align group to arrange your selected
Button Function Description
Aligns all selected objects on the left edge of the
Align Left
Aligns all selected objects on the right edge of the
Align Right
Aligns all selected objects on the bottom edge of the
Align Bottom
Aligns all selected objects on the top edge of the
Align Top
Centers all selected objects vertically
Centers all selected objects horizontally

Distributing Map Objects

You can distribute your map objects evenly across the selection area using the
distribution tools.

1. Click Edit.
2. Select the map objects you want to distribute.
3. Click the appropriate button in the Distribute group to arrange your selected
Button Function Description
Distributes all objects so that they are equidistant
from the left edge of the leftmost object to the right
edge of the rightmost object
Distributes all objects so that they are equidistant
from the top edge of the topmost object to the bottom
edge of the bottommost object

Selecting Automatic Layout Styles

You can select from the following five styles to automatically change the relative
positioning of objects your map:

Emphasizes the clusters inherent in the topology of a map. It emphasizes
prominent links between main objects and its peripherals. Object groups

36  Advanced Map Layouts

have radial placements. Use circular layouts for maps containing ring and
star network topologies.

Emphasizes the symmetrical patterns inherent in the map topology. It
emphasizes an even distribution of objects, and minimizes edge crossings.
Object groups have star spiral placements. Use symmetrical layouts for
maps that have fairly homogenous or uniform clusters.

Emphasizes mapped dependency relationships by placing objects at different
levels. Use hierarchical layouts to depict data dependencies.

Emphasizes compact drawings and uses only horizontal and vertical edges.
Objects are enlarged if necessary to provide enough space for edge
connections. Use orthogonal layouts for maps that need to depict multiple
clusters in a space-efficient manner.

Emphasizes parent and child relationships. Child objects are arranged farther
from the root object than their parent objects. Use tree layouts for maps that
have a central control object.

Moves all mapped objects back to the center of the map view.

Arrange Labels
Restores the default relative position of all object labels.

To arrange map objects according to a layout style:

1. Click Edit.
2. Click an apprpriate layout style from the AutoArrange group.

Advanced Map Layouts  37

Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

38  Advanced Map Layouts

Chapter 6
Map Properties

The Map Properties window allows you to configure options regarding the
following aspects of your map:

• Setting the Map Up Status Threshold

• Overriding Account Limitations

Setting the Map Up Status Threshold

The UP status threshold is the percentage of map objects that must be in an up
state on a given map for the map to be represented as up on the parent map.

To set the percentage of map objects that determine Up status of a map:

1. Right-click any empty portion of the map, and then select Map Properties.
2. Slide the Map status will be UP slider to configure an appropriate up state
threshold on the Map Properties page.

Overriding Account Limitations

For security reasons, you may wish to prevent web console users who have
account limitations from seeing network nodes on the map they are not allowed
to see. By hiding the restricted nodes and links, users with account limitations
remain unaware that the nodes even exist.

To hide nodes from users who have account limitations:

1. Right-click any empty portion of the map, and then select Map Properties.
2. Select Remove nodes that users do not have permission to view.
If you choose to reveal restricted nodes to all users, all web console users can
see the restricted nodes, but users with account limitations cannot retrieve any
additional information about the restricted node.

To reveal nodes to all users:

1. Right-click any empty portion of the map, and then select Map Properties.
2. Select Allow all users to view all nodes on this map.
Note: An Orion NPM user with account limitations, but who has permission to run
and use the Orion Network Atlas application, can change this setting in the map
and see the presence of restricted nodes. Although the user cannot retrieve any
information regarding the restricted nodes, this can still be considered a security

Map Properties  39
Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

risk. If this is a concern, do not give node management permissions to Orion

NPM users who have account limitations.

40  Map Properties
Chapter 7
Orion Network Atlas Settings

You can customize the default icon styles, map defaults, and node tree
specifications from the Orion Network Atlas Settings window.

To open the Orion Network Atlas Settings window, click the Orion Network Atlas
button ( ), and then click Network Atlas Settings.

The following sections describe the options available in the Orion Network Atlas
Settings window.

Connection Settings
The options in this section allow you to select the default Orion server details.

Map Defaults
The options in this section allow you to set a device threshold for the overall
map status. The status indicator reflects the state of many objects at once;
therefore, SolarWinds recommends that the map status be set at 100%. At
this setting, when any device on a map or sub-map is down, the problem
status will be indicated.

Node Tree
The options in this section allow you to customize the view of the node tree
located on the left pane of the Orion Network Atlas main window. Some
users find it helpful to display the status icons of each node and interface,
while others find the vendor network node and interface icons more useful.
You may also specify that node names and/or IP addresses be included in
the display.

Graphic Styles
The options in this section allow you to select the default graphical styles for
Orion Network Atlas. You can change the default style types for network
objects, and you can select a color scheme for Orion Network Atlas itself.

Orion Network Atlas Settings  41

Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

42  Orion Network Atlas Settings

Appendix A
Orion Network Atlas Tooltip Variables

Many of the variables that are available for use in Orion NPM alerts are also
available for use in Network Atlas tooltips. These variables are dynamic, and they
parse when the tooltip is opened. For example, the variable ${CPULoad} will
parse with the current processor utilization of the node you are viewing. The
following sections provide tables of variables corresponding to the types of
objects you can map with Network Atlas.


• For more information about viewing and customizing Network Atlas tooltips,
see “Customizing Orion Web Console Tooltips” on page 31.
• In some cases, the table name may be required for alert variables, as in
${Nodes.Description}. The following tables provide the table name in
listed variables when it is required.
• In earlier versions of Network Atlas, variables were referred to as macros.

Application Variables
The following application variables are valid for use in Network Atlas tooltips.

Variable Description

${ApplicationID} Internal unique identifier of the application

${ApplicationTemplateID } Internal unique identifier of the parent template

Internal unique identifier of the SolarWinds Orion Job Engine

task associated with this application

${Name} Application name

${NodeID} Internal unique identifier of assigned node

Numerical application status code. For more information see

${Status} “Status Icons and Identifiers” in the SolarWinds Orion
Network Performance Monitor Administrator Guide.

${StatusDescription} User friendly application status

${UnManaged} States if application is currently unmanaged

Orion Network Atlas Tooltip Variables  43

Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

Application Component Monitor Variables

The following application component monitor variables are valid for use in
Network Atlas tooltips.

Variable Description

${ApplicationId} Internal unique identifier of the associated application

${ComponentId} Internal unique identifier of the component

Numerical component monitor type code. For more information,

${ComponentType} see “Orion APM Alerts” in the SolarWinds Orion Application
Performance Monitor Administrator Guide.

${Name} Component monitor name

Numerical application status code. For more information see

${Status} “Status Icons and Identifiers” in the SolarWinds Orion Network
Performance Monitor Administrator Guide.

${StatusDescription} User friendly application status

${TemplateID} Internal unique identifier of the parent template

Date and Time Variables

The following date and time variables are valid for Network Atlas tooltips.

Variable Description

${AbreviatedDOW} Abbreviated current day of the week.

${AMPM} AM/PM indicator

${D} Current day of the month

${Date} Current date. (Short Date format)

Current date and time. (Windows control panel defined “Short

Date” and “Short Time” format)

${DayOfWeek} Current day of the week.

${ DayOfYear} Numeric day of the year

${DD} Current day of the month (two digit number, zero padded)

${H} Current hour

${HH} Current hour. Two digit format, zero padded.

${Last24Hours} Time period: the last 24 hours

${Last2Hours} Time period: the last 2 hours

${Last7Days} Time period: the last 7 days

${LastHour} Time period: the last hour

44  Orion Network Atlas Tooltip Variables

Variable Description

${LocalDOW} Current day of the week. Localized language format.

${LocalMonthName} Current month name in the local language.

${LongDate} Current date. (Long Date format)

${M} Current numeric month

${MediumDate} Current date. (Medium Date format)

${Minute} Current minute. Two digit format, zero padded.

${MM} Current month. Two digit number, zero padded.

${MMM} Current month. Three character abbreviation.

${MMMM} Full name of the current month

${S} Current second.

${Second} Current second. Two digit format, zero padded.

${Time} Current Time. (Short Time format)

${Today} Time period: today

${Year} Four digit year

${Year2} Two digit year

${Yesterday} Time period: yesterday

General Variables
The following general variables are valid for use in Network Atlas tooltips.

Variable Description

${Acknowledged} Acknowledged status

${AcknowledgedBy} Who the alert was acknowledged by

${AcknowledgedTime} Time the alert was acknowledged

${AlertTriggerCount} Count of triggers

Date and time of the last event for this Alert. (Windows control
panel defined “Short Date” and “Short Time”)

${Application} SolarWinds application information

${Copyright} Copyright information

${CR} Line Feed – Carriage Return

${ObjectName} Description/Name of the object in the alert

${Release} Release information

${Version} Version of the SolarWinds software package

Orion Network Atlas Tooltip Variables  45

Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

Interface Variables
The following interface variables are valid for use in Network Atlas tooltips.

Variable Description

Numeric administrative status of interface. For more

information see “Status Icons and Identifiers” in the
SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor
Administrator Guide.

${AdminStatusLED} Filename of current interface administrative status icon

User friendly description of interface combining name

with other identifying information

States if interface supports IF-MIB high capacity


Indicates if transmit and receive bandwidth fields are

${CustomBandwidth} user-controlled (1) or controlled by automated
detection via ifSpeed MIB (0)

Day, date, and time that this interface was last polled
by the current poller

${InBandwidth} Incoming bandwidth of interface

${Inbps} Current incoming traffic, in bps, to interface

Number of incoming packets discarded by interface in

last hour

Number of incoming packets discarded by interface in

current day

${InErrorsThisHour} Number of interface receive errors in last hour

${InErrorsToday} Number of interface receive errors in current day

Current incoming multicast traffic, in packets per

second, to interface

${InPercentUtil} Current percent utilization of interface receive

${InPktSize} Average size of incoming packets to interface

Current incoming traffic, in packets per second, to


${InterfaceIcon} Filename of the icon represent the interface type

${InterfaceID} Internal unique identifier of selected interface

${InterfaceIndex} Index of selected interface on parent node

sysUpTime value when the interface entered current

operational state

Interface Maximum Transfer Unit: the largest packet

the interface can handle

46  Orion Network Atlas Tooltip Variables

Variable Description

${InterfaceName} User friendly name

${InterfaceSpeed} Interface bandwidth

${InterfaceType} IANA type of selected interface

${InterfaceTypeDescription} User friendly description of interface type

${InterfaceTypeName} User friendly name of interface IANA type

Current incoming unicast traffic, in packets per second,

to interface

Time and date of last interface database and memory


${MaxInBpsTime} Time when ${MaxInBpsToday} was measured

${MaxInBpsToday} Maximum measured traffic, in bps, into interface

${MaxOutBpsTime} Time when ${MaxOutBpsToday} was measured

${MaxOutBpsToday} Maximum measured traffic, in bps, out from interface

${NextPoll} Day, date and time of next scheduled interface polling

${NextRediscovery} Next interface rediscovery time

Internal unique identifier of node that is parent to the

selected interface

${ObjectSubType} States if parent node supports SNMP or is ICMP only

Numeric operational status of interface. For more

information see “Status Icons and Identifiers” in the
SolarWinds Orion Network Performance Monitor
Administrator Guide.

${OperStatusLED} Filename of current interface operational status icon

${OutBandwidth} Outgoing bandwidth of interface

${Outbps} Current outgoing traffic, in bps, from interface

Number of outgoing packets discarded by interface in

last hour

Number of outgoing packets discarded by inteNumber

${OutDiscardsToday} of interface transmit errors in last hourrface in current

${OutErrorsThisHour} Number of interface transmit errors in last hour

${OutErrorsToday} Number of interface transmit errors in current day

Current outgoing multicast traffic, in packets per

second, from interface

${OutPercentUtil} Current percent utilization of interface transmit

${OutPktSize} Average size of outgoing packets from interface

Orion Network Atlas Tooltip Variables  47

Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

Variable Description

${OutPps} Current outgoing traffic, from interface, in pps

Current outgoing unicast traffic, in packets per second,

from interface

${PhysicalAddress} Physical address of interface

Interval, in seconds, between polling attempts for


Interval, in minutes, between rediscovery attempts for


A network health score providing 1 point for an

${Severity} interface in a warning state, 1000 points for a down
interface, and 1 million points for a down node

${StatCollection} Interface statistics collection frequency, in minutes

Numeric interface status. For more information see

${Status} “Status Icons and Identifiers” in the SolarWinds Orion
Network Performance Monitor Administrator Guide.

${StatusLED} Filename of current interface status icon

${UnManaged} States if interfacee is currently unmanaged

${UnPluggable} States if interface is designated as unpluggable

IP SLA Variables
The following variables related to IP SLA operations are valid for use in Network
Atlas tooltips.

Variable Description

${DateChangedUtc} The last time operation information was updated

${Description} A user defined explanation of the operation

${Frequency} How often the operation is performed

${IpSlaOperationNumber} The time between operation executions

This value is True if it was created by IP SLA Manager,

False if it was created by the user
${OperationInstanceID} The internal ID of the operation.

${OperationName} The name of the operation as it appears in Orion

Numerical operation status code. 1=DHCP, 2=DNS, 3=FTP,

${OperationTypeID} 4=HTTP, 5=ICMP Echo, 8=TCP Connect, 9=UDP Echo,
10=UDP Jitter, 11=VoIP UDP Jitter
${SourceNodeID} The Orion node ID of the source node

48  Orion Network Atlas Tooltip Variables

Variable Description

Numerical operation status code. For more information see

${Status} “Status Icons and Identifiers” in the SolarWinds Orion
Network Performance Monitor Administrator Guide.

${StatusMessage} A message that describing the ${Status} value.

${TargetNodeID} The Orion node ID of the node the operation is targeting

Node Variables
The following node variables are valid for use in Network Atlas tooltips.

Variable Description

${AgentPort} Node SNMP port number

${Allow64BitCounters} Node allows 64-bit counters (1), or not (0)

${AvgResponseTime} Average node response time , in msec, to ICMP requests

${BlockUntil} Day, date, and time until which node polling is blocked

${Caption} User friendly node name

${Community} Node community string

${CPULoad} Node CPU utilization rate at last poll

Day, date, and time of last poll attempt on node

Day, date, and time that node was last successfully polled

Current date and time. (Windows control panel defined “Long

Date” and “Long Time” format)

${Description} Node hardware and software

${DNS} Fully qualified node name

If node supports dynamic IP address assignment via BOOTP or

DHCP (1); static IP address return (0)

Internal unique identifier of the polling engine to which node is


${External} States if node is currently designated as external

${GroupStatus} Filename of status icon for node and its interfaces

${IOSImage} Family name of Cisco IOS on node

${IOSVersion} Cisco IOS version on node

${IP_Address} Node IP address

${LastBoot} Day, date and time of last node boot

${LastSync} Time and date of last node database and memory

Orion Network Atlas Tooltip Variables  49

Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

Variable Description


Node manufacturer or distributor and family or version


${MaxResponseTime} Maximum node response time , in msec, to ICMP requests

${MemoryUsed} Total node memory used over polling interval

${MinResponseTime} Minimum node response time , in msec, to ICMP requests

${NextPoll} Day, date and time of next scheduled node polling

${NextRediscovery} Time of next node rediscovery

${NodeID} Internal unique identifier of node

Node hostname. Defaults to node IP address

${IP_Address} if hostname does not resolve.
${ObjectSubType} States if node supports SNMP or is ICMP-only

${PercentLoss} ICMP packet loss percentage when node last polled

${PercentMemoryUsed} Percentage of total node memory used over polling interval

${PollInterval} Node polling interval, in seconds

${RediscoveryInterval} Node rediscovery interval, in minutes

${ResponseTime} Node response time, in milliseconds, to last ICMP request

Node read/write community string; acts as security code for

read/write SNMP access

A network health score providing 1 point for an interface in a

${Severity} warning state, 1000 points for a down interface, and 1 million
points for a down node.

${SNMPVersion} States the version of SNMP used by the node

${StatCollection} Statistics collection frequency, in minutes

Numerical node status. For more information see “Status Icons

${Status} and Identifiers” in the SolarWinds Orion Network Performance
Monitor Administrator Guide.

${StatusDescription} User friendly node status

${StatusLED} Filename of node status icon

${SysName} String reply to SNMP SYS_NAME OID request

Vendor ID of the network management subsystem in OID form.

Clearly determines the type of node.

${SystemUpTime} Time, in hundredths of a second, since monitoring started

${TotalMemory} Total node memory available

${UnManaged} States if node is currently unmanaged

50  Orion Network Atlas Tooltip Variables

Variable Description

${UnManageFrom} Day, date, and time when node is set to “Unmanaged”

${UnManageUntil} Day, date, and time when node is scheduled to be managed

${Vendor} Node manufacturer or distributor

${VendorIcon} Filename of node vendor logo icon

Volume Variables
The following volume variables are valid for use in Network Atlas tooltips.

Variable Description

${Caption} User friendly volume name

User friendly volume name including captions of

parent node and interface

Time and date volume last synchronized in

database and memory models

${NodeID} Internal unique identifier of parent node

Numerical volume status: (0=”Unknown”, 1=”Up”,

2=”Shutdown”, 3=”Testing”)

${StatusLED} Filename of volume status icon

Number of volume allocation errors for this

volume in last hour

Number of volume allocation errors for this

volume in current day

${VolumeDescription} User friendly volume description

${VolumeID} Internal unique identifier of volume

${VolumeIndex} Unique index of volume within the parent node

${VolumePercentUsed} Percentage of volume currently in use

(Y) = volume is currently responding to SNMP


${VolumeSize} Size of volume, in bytes

${VolumeSpaceAvailable} Total space available on volume, in bytes

${VolumeSpaceUsed} Total space used on volume, in bytes

Volume type, as reported by hrStorageType OID

${VolumeType} (Removable Disk/Fixed Disk/Compact
Disc/Virtual Memory/RAM/etc)

${VolumeTypeIcon} Filename of icon for volume type

Orion Network Atlas Tooltip Variables  51

Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

Wireless Variables
The following wireless variables are valid for use in Network Atlas tooltips.

Variable Description

States if node is being polled by the wireless poller (1) or

not (0)

${ WirelessLastStatPoll } Date and time node last polled by wireless poller

Interval, in minutes, between wireless polling attempts on

${ WirelessPollInterval }

${ WirelessStatBlockUntil } Date and time node may be polled again by wireless poller

52  Orion Network Atlas Tooltip Variables


account limitations independent
maps 39 labels 25
advanced options nodes 25
maps 35 installing
alignment tools on remote computer 11
maps 35 Orion Network Atlas 11
anchor points 17 requirements 11
application component monitors interface
variables 44 links in maps 16
applications interfaces
variables 43 variables 46
autoarrange IP SLA
maps 36 variables 48
automatic mapping 15 L
B layouts
background circular 36
image 19 hierarchical 36
Background Image 19 orthogonal 36
backgrounds symmetrical 36
maps 17 tree 36
C linking URLs
ConnectNow 15 maps 30
converting maps 32 links
D anchor points 17
date status 16
variables 44 M
distributing objects maps
maps 36 adding map objects 14
E backgrounds 17
EOC converting NPM to EOC 32
converting maps from NPM 32 creating 13
examples 10
F icon styles 41
features 9 label appearance 29
G layout 36
general line styles 41
variables 45 link 16
gridlines linking URLs 30
maps 35 map defaults 41

Index  53
Administrator Guide  SolarWinds Orion Network Atlas

nested 24 S
node tree 41 security
settings 41 maps 39
system requirements 11 starting 13
metrics status
maps 25 maps 39
nested maps 24 time
network links 29 variables 44
node graphics tooltips
maps 26 maps 31
node metrics 25 V
nodes variables 43
variables 49 application component monitors
NPM 44
converting maps to EOC 32 applications 43
O date 44
Orion Network Atlas general 45
adding map objects 14 interfaces 46
starting 13 IP SLA 48
Orion Network Atlas nodes 49
installing 11 time 44
P volumes 51, 52
properties volumes
maps 39 variables 51, 52
remote installation 11 zoom
maps 23

54  Index

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