2020 06 24 NYS Decarbonization Pathways Report PDF
2020 06 24 NYS Decarbonization Pathways Report PDF
2020 06 24 NYS Decarbonization Pathways Report PDF
Decarbonization in New
York State
4 Sectoral Findings..................................................................................20
4.1 Transportation...................................................................................... 21
5 Conclusions ..........................................................................................44
6 Areas for Future Research ................................................................. 46
1 Background
Figure 1. IPCC Analysis of Pathways to Limit Global Average Temperature Increase to 1.5
degrees Celsius1
In response to the latest climate science, New York State passed the Climate
Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) in the 2019 legislative session.
Included in the CLCPA are the most aggressive climate targets signed into law in
the United States: 40% GHG reductions below 1990 levels by 2030, and carbon
neutrality by 2050. The midcentury goal will be accomplished by reducing GHG
emissions by at least 85% below 1990 levels with in-state carbon sequestration
opportunities meeting or exceeding remaining emissions, resulting in net-zero
statewide GHG emissions.
IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5oC
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The CLCPA also includes specific targets to decarbonize the State’s electricity
sector, such as:
In order to better understand how the State might meet its ambitious targets, the
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) had
engaged Energy and Environmental Economics (E3) to conduct a strategic analysis
of New York’s decarbonization opportunities. For this project, our analysis
evaluated the emissions impact of New York’s recent policies and explored
additional measures that would be needed to reach the State’s 2030 and 2050
targets. Results from our initial analysis, as well as our assumptions,
methodology, and findings, are described in detail in this report.
This analysis uses available 1990 data from prior inventory reports and adopts the
GHG accounting framework from those prior reports. Future decarbonization
pathways analysis will align statewide GHG emissions accounting with these
CLCPA provisions and updated baseline.
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Progress in New York State
New York State tracks its historical GHG emissions through the New York State
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory, which currently adheres to IPCC guidelines
and creates a baseline against which future progress can be measured. The
Inventory provides a detailed accounting of emissions beginning in 1990 until
the most recent data year (currently 2016) and encompasses two overarching
categories of emissions sources:
Note: The combined contribution from all waste-related activities is approximately 8%.
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Progress in New York State
New York has made significant progress in reducing GHG emissions (Figure 3).
Since 1990, GHG emissions have fallen by 13%, and most of New York’s GHG
reductions have come from the electricity sector, which have decreased by more
than 50% below 1990 levels. Reductions in emissions from onsite combustion in
residential, commercial, and industrial buildings constitute the next-largest
segment. While this progress is both substantial and important, significantly more
action is needed to reach the reductions set out in the CLCPA – particularly in the
transportation sector, where emissions have risen 25% from 1990 levels, and
aviation has become an increasing share of transportation emissions.
Figure 3. NYS GHG Emissions by Sector: 1990, 2005, 2016, and CLCPA Emissions Targets:
3 Decarbonization Pathways
See Appendix B: Literature Review of Economy-Wide Deep Decarbonization and Highly Renewable Energy Systems
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Decarbonization Pathways Analysis
within the State. Scenarios are designed to test “what-if” questions to compare
long-term decarbonization options and develop realistic and concrete GHG
reduction pathways.
For key sectors like buildings and transportation, PATHWAYS uses a bottom-up
stock rollover approach based on data from the EIA National Energy Modeling
System (NEMS) that is validated through benchmarking to historical New York
“top-down” energy consumption. Our modeling approach also incorporates
detailed electricity sector representation using E3’s RESOLVE model. RESOLVE is
used to develop least-cost electricity generation portfolios that achieve New
York’s policy goals, including 100% zero-emission electricity, while maintaining
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Decarbonization Pathways Analysis
efficiency targets, and the zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) MOU and related
vehicle emission standards. This scenario serves as a counterfactual for
comparison in future years.
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Decarbonization Pathways Analysis
Clean Electricity Clean Electricity Share of 50% renewable by 2030 70% renewable by Same as HTA
Generation renewable/zero- 2030,
emission 100% zero-
generation emission by 2040
Technology-specific Offshore wind 2.4 GW by 2030 9 GW by 2035 Same as HTA
targets capacity
Behind-the-meter 3 GW by 2023 6 GW by 2025 Same as HTA
solar PV
Energy storage 3 GW by 2030 3 GW by 2030 Same as HTA
Non- Non-Combustion Percent reduction 38% increase by 2030, 9% reduction by -15% increase by
Combustion Emission from 1990 levels 52% increase by 2050 2030, 2030,
Reductions**** 45% reduction by 35% reduction by
2050 2050
Natural & NWL MMT CO2 22.5 MMT CO2e 32.5 MMT CO2e 25.5 MMT CO2e
Working Lands Sequestration***** sequestered in
CCSU Carbon Capture & MMT CO2 None Industry CCS: 2 BECCS: 4 MMT***
Sequestration/Use captured and MMT,
sequestered in BECCS: 4 MMT***
* Annually retire up to 5% of existing stock early, beginning in 2040 and continuing through 2050 as needed
** In decarbonization scenarios (high technology availability and limited non-energy), renewable diesel blend includes all demand
sectors (e.g., transportation, buildings, and industry) and includes biodiesel share in downstate buildings included in the reference
scenario; renewable gasoline blend in decarbonization scenarios is an advanced biofuel derived from available in-state feedstocks and
displaces ethanol as well a fossil gasoline.
*** BECCS used only for bio-refining
**** Non-combustion emissions include waste, agriculture, industrial process and product use source categories. Major sources of
emissions in these categories include methane emissions from landfills and HFC emissions from refrigerants.
***** NWL sequestration projections derived from estimate of forest sequestration in report prepared for NYSERDA by E&S
Environmental Chemistry. Sources and Sinks of Major Greenhouse Gases Associated with New York State’s Natural and Working Lands:
Forests, Farms, and Wetlands. (2020). Projections were developed with input by subject matter experts based on historical data.
Both the High Technology Availability and Limited Non-Energy Pathways reach
CLCPA’s long-term goal: carbon neutrality, with a reduction in emissions of at
least 85%, by 2050. As shown in Figure 5, the High Technology Availability
Pathway meets the 85% GHG reduction target and achieves carbon neutrality
through natural and working lands and other negative emissions technologies.
The Limited Non-Energy Pathway achieves greater GHG emissions reductions and
relies less on negative emissions.
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Decarbonization Pathways Analysis
Low-carbon fuels
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Decarbonization Pathways Analysis
Existing New York clean energy policies are foundational to meeting a 40% GHG
reduction by 2030. Figure 8 shows emissions reductions by measure in the High
Technology Availability Pathway and highlights the impact of key actions such as
New York’s 2025 and 2030 energy efficiency and heat pump commitments, the ZEV
MOU and related vehicle emission standards, and 50% Clean Energy Standard.
Federal policies such as the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards will
also contribute to meeting New York’s 2030 target provided that they are not
The CLCPA’s electric sector targets of increasing renewable power and reaching
100% zero-emissions electricity will achieve substantial reductions in direct
emissions and underpin a sustainable transition to electricity in vehicles and
buildings. But additional decarbonization measures will be needed to reach New
York’s 2030 emissions goal:
Looking further out to New York’s 2050 target, a 100% zero-emissions electricity
system is assumed to be the backbone of a decarbonized economy as fossil-fueled
end-uses electrify in transportation, buildings, and industry. Carbon capture at
large stationary sources, such as electric generators and industrial facilities could
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Decarbonization Pathways Analysis
The two pathways vary in the pace and extent of energy system decarbonization,
extent of reduction from non-combustion emissions sources, and sequestration
potential from natural and working lands (Figure 9). Additional reductions are
achieved through in-state biorefining with CCS (BECCS). While carbon neutrality
can be achieved without negative emissions technologies such as direct air
capture (DAC), they may be required if adoption of other technologies is limited
or delayed.
4 Sectoral Findings
Meeting CLCPA targets requires substantial GHG emissions reductions across all
sectors of New York’s economy, as shown in Figure 10. The largest reductions are
needed in the electricity, transportation, buildings, and industry sectors. This
section presents specific sector-by-sector findings from E3’s analysis.
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Sectoral Findings
Figure 11. Final Energy Demand by Fuel, High Technology Availability Pathway
4.1 Transportation
Our analysis assumes a transition to a mix of plug-in hybrid, battery electric, and
hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, depending on the vehicle class and application. These
electric vehicles add to the State’s electricity demand, but also can enhance
Because some medium- and heavy-duty vehicles will be more difficult to electrify,
we assume drop-in renewable fuels (such as bioenergy or synthesized fuels) can
be used to reduce emissions. For example, advanced renewable diesel plays a key
role in decarbonizing freight transportation emissions. Non-road transportation,
such as marine and aviation, are decarbonized through a combination of
renewable fuels and efficiency.
As seen in Table 2 and Figure 12, efficiency, electrification, and low-carbon fuel
use decrease both energy use and GHG emissions in the transportation sector
through 2030 and 2050. Note the energy and emissions reductions displayed in
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Sectoral Findings
Table 2 are a result of the scenario design process in this study and do not
represent sectoral targets.
Pathways Scenarios
Figure 12. Transportation Final Energy Demand, High Technology Availability Pathway
4.2 Buildings
Buildings must transition from using several fuels today (i.e., natural gas, oil,
electricity) to being mostly electric in a carbon neutral future. Simultaneously,
As seen in Table 3 and Figure 13, efficiency, electrification, and low-carbon fuel
use decrease both energy use and GHG emissions in the buildings sector through
2030 and 2050. Note the energy and emissions reductions displayed in Table 3
are a result of the scenario design process in this study and do not represent
sectoral targets.
Pathways Scenarios
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Sectoral Findings
Figure 13. Building Final Energy Demand, High Technology Availability Pathway
The shift to electrification is most pronounced in space and water heating, which
in turn will lead to the emergence of a “winter peaking system” in New York,
where electricity demands are highest in the winter (today’s system demand is
highest in the summer due to air conditioning loads). The magnitude of the new
winter peak depends on the types of appliances that are sold and the pace of
adoption, but can be mitigated by investment in ground-source heat pumps;
investment in R&D to increase cold-weather performance of cold-climate air-
source heat pumps; and onsite combustion backup systems using fossil fuel,
bioenergy, or synthesized fuel such as hydrogen. Our study assumes that a
balanced portfolio of electric space heating systems – including cold climate air-
source heat pumps with and without onsite combustion backup, as well as
ground-source heat pumps – would be deployed.
Much like electric vehicles, the potential for building appliances to operate
flexibly can contribute to electric system reliability. Water heaters and
refrigerators have a proven ability to shift load by a few hours, thus allowing the
electric system to operate more efficiently and cost-effectively. Heating systems
may be able to shift load, though there are open questions about how much, how
long, and at what temperatures. Advanced distributed energy storage
technologies may also contribute to system flexibility.
Both pathways described in this report consist of an approach that includes a mix
of electric heat pumps, significant investment in efficient insulation and building
shells, and flexible loads. Draft results from ongoing work for NYSERDA’s Carbon
Neutral Buildings Roadmap show that there would be significant additional
impacts from transitioning to electric space heating without this mix of measures.
For example, New York’s winter peak could be substantially higher in 2050
without progress in efficiency, building shell improvements, and flexible loads,
presenting additional challenges to the development of a 100% zero-emissions
electricity portfolio.
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Sectoral Findings
Figure 14. Peak Load Implications of Heat Pump Transition: High Technology Availability
Pathway System Peak Load (left) and 2050 Peak Load Under Different Space Heating
Configurations (right)
4.3 Industry
Industrial energy use, though accounting for a relatively small share of New York
State’s current GHG emissions profile, becomes increasingly important as New
3 This section focuses on industrial emissions from energy combustion only; industrial process emissions are
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Sectoral Findings
Figure 15. Industry Final Energy Demand, High Technology Availability Pathway
The challenge facing the electric sector in a carbon-neutral future is two-fold: (1)
meeting increased electricity demand due to electrification of vehicles and
buildings; and (2) reducing, and eventually eliminating, GHG emissions while
serving that demand.
Our analysis shows that electricity demand in New York may increase by 65% or
80% relative to current load levels (Figure 16), which is consistent with the range
found in our literature review (20%-120% by 2050). This range depends
significantly on the scale and timing of electrification; whether there is a
significant role for bioenergy; and the potential for synthetic fuels, such as
hydrogen, that are produced from electrolysis.
We find that the shift to a winter peak occurs around 2040 and is driven by the
timing of heat pump and electric vehicle adoption. Flexibility in electric vehicle
charging patterns and building loads can significantly reduce peak demands and
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Sectoral Findings
the need for new electric generating capacity. Flexible loads can serve a similar
role to battery storage, shifting demand to times of high renewables output.
Figure 17 illustrates this evolution of the system peak—and the impacts of electric
load flexibility--over time.
Figure 17. Annual summer and winter peak electricity demands (top) and average hourly
load (bottom)
Note: The chart above contains a 24-hour set of hourly loads for each month, representing
an approximate monthly average hourly load; as a result, the chart does not capture
seasonal peaks. The “flex down” area represents the portion of load that can be reduced
in that hour and shifted to other times of day.
New York State has access to diverse in-state renewable energy resources and
zero-emissions technology options, as well as access to adjoining states,
provinces, and regional transmission systems which offer additional options for
zero-emissions energy supply.
Our analysis explored the new resources required to reliably meet electricity
demand in buildings, transportation, and industry with 100% zero-emissions
electricity for the upstate and downstate regions of New York. The analysis
includes reliability constraints and models the reliability contributions of
intermittent and limited-duration resources by projecting the effective load
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Sectoral Findings
Our analysis finds that New York can reliably meet growing electricity loads with
100% zero-emissions electricity by relying on a diverse mix of resources,
In-state hydro and existing and new hydro imports from Quebec
Existing and new combined cycles (CC) and combustion turbines (CT)
utilizing zero-emissions biogas
The projected least-cost resource portfolios to meet New York’s electricity targets
are shown in
4The effective load-carrying capability is the amount of “perfect capacity” that could be replaced or avoided with
wind, solar, or storage while providing equivalent system reliability. The ELCC curves in this analysis were developed
using E3’s reliability model, RECAP.
Figure 18 below. This generation chart illustrates the two-fold challenge facing
the State of (1) meeting rapidly increasing electricity demand while (2)
transforming the electricity generation mix into a highly renewable system
primarily powered by wind and solar resources. The contributions of renewable
resources are projected to increase beyond the 70% target after 2030, while
other zero-emissions generation resources will also play an important role in
balancing the portfolio and ensuring year-round reliability.
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Sectoral Findings
Figure 18. Projected Installed Capacity (top) and Annual Electricity Generation (bottom)
The analysis projects substantial growth in solar and wind capacity in upstate New
York, as well as new offshore wind projects delivering power directly to load
Advanced energy storage deployment will also play an important role in New
York’s future electricity system. Even after accounting for the declining effective
load carrying capability as storage penetration increases, battery storage
additions can help meet New York’s growing peak demands, and along with end-
use load flexibility, battery storage will also play a critical role in renewables
integration and intraday balancing needs.
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Sectoral Findings
The State has already begun the process of adding bulk transmission capacity
through its selection of AC transmission projects,5 although additional
transmission may be needed to ensure that power can be delivered into New York
City and Long Island. The level of additional transfer capacity is subject to
substantial uncertainty and an important topic for future analysis.
Firm capacity is the amount of energy available for power production which can
be guaranteed to be available at a given time. As the share of variable resources
like wind and solar grows substantially, firm capacity resources will be needed to
ensure year-round reliability, especially during periods of low renewables output.
5 The AC Transmission projects were selected by the NYISO Board in April 2019 to address transmission needs
identified by the New York Public Service Commission, as part of the Public Policy Transmission Planning Process:
Firm capacity allows the system to have adequate resources available during
prolonged periods of low renewable energy output. The State’s need for firm
resources would be most pronounced during winter periods of high demand for
electrified heating and transportation and lower wind and solar output, as shown
in Figure 20.
Figure 20. Electricity Demand and Wind + Solar Generation in 2050 in the High Technology
Availability Pathway
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Sectoral Findings
total electric system costs under zero-emissions targets. Research has shown that
the magnitude of this cost reduction ranges from 10%-62%.6
Deep decarbonization strategies often focus on fossil fuel combustion. But New
York State’s non-combustion GHG emissions – from sources that include landfills,
farms, industrial facilities, natural gas infrastructure, and refrigerants – are
projected to increase over time. Reducing these will be important to meeting
New York’s 2030 and 2050 goals.
To bend the emissions curve downward, significant reductions are needed across
non-combustion emissions sources. Mitigation of short-lived climate pollutants is
key, including focus areas of New York State’s methane reduction plan, such as
reducing emissions from landfills, natural gas infrastructure, and agriculture, and
switching to climate-friendly refrigerants (i.e., substitutes for ozone-depleting
substances, or ODS), as shown in Figure 21. Identification of technological
opportunities to reduce such emissions is beyond the scope of this report, but
will be the subject of further analysis.
6Sepulveda, N., J. Jenkins, F. de Sisternes, R. Lester. (2018) The Role of Firm Low-Carbon Electricity Resources in
Deep Decarbonization of Power Generation. Joule, 2(11), pp. 2403-2420. DOI:
Jenkins, J., M. Luke, S. Thernstrom. (2018) Getting to Zero Carbon Emissions in the Electric Power Sector. Joule,
2(12), pp. 2498-2510. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joule.2018.11.013.
E3. 2019. Resource Adequacy in the Pacific Northwest. https://www.ethree.com/wp-
“Negative emissions” refers to the removal of CO2 directly from the atmosphere
or from the emission stream of renewable biogenic feedstock combustion (where
the carbon emitted was first captured from the atmosphere in the photosynthesis
process, resulting in a net decrease in atmospheric carbon). Up to 15% of New
York’s carbon neutrality goal can be achieved through negative emissions, which
may be essential if there are portions of the economy (e.g., industry, air travel,
non-combustion emissions) that prove impracticable or uneconomic to fully
decarbonize. Negative emissions can come from natural and working lands (NWL)
through natural processes or from technologies that capture and sequester
biogenic or atmospheric CO2.
With nearly 20 million acres of forest, New York State’s natural and working lands
sink is projected to sequester between 23 to 33 MMT CO2e, depending on the
outlook for advances in forest regeneration and land management practices.7 The
See technical appendix section on natural and working lands (2.5.4) for more details.
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Sectoral Findings
Biorefining with CCS (BECCS) and direct air capture technologies can provide
additional negative emissions to offset remaining emissions in the energy and
non-combustion sectors. CO2 is a waste product of biofuel production and can be
captured and sequestered to produce negative emissions. Direct air capture
(DAC) of CO2 may prove to be an important “backstop” technology if other
measures do not perform as expected. However, DAC is unproven at scale, and
its cost outlook is highly uncertain.
Figure 22. Negative Emissions Contribution to GHG Targets in High Technology Availability
Advanced low-carbon liquid and gaseous fuels are key to decarbonizing sectors
where electrification is challenging, such as freight transportation, aviation,
marine, and high-temperature industrial applications. Our fuels analysis includes
low-carbon advanced biofuels and hydrogen produced from electricity.
Bioenergy is used in New York today largely in the form of ethanol blended into
gasoline and wood combusted in buildings for heat, with smaller quantities of
biodiesel being used for vehicles and space heating. The transition to carbon
neutrality will require very strategic use of limited biomass and careful screening
of sustainable feedstocks to ensure that bioenergy is carbon neutral when
considering its net GHG impacts.
As illustrated in Figure 23, the pathways modeled in our analysis can achieve deep
decarbonization using available in-state biomass feedstocks that are assumed to
be converted to advanced renewable natural gas and renewable petroleum
products. We also assume that a small amount of wood consumption remains in
2050 to serve a variety of needs, including residential wood usage in the North
8 Both pathways retain approximately 16 TBtu of wood consumption statewide in 2050; Compare to 2016
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Sectoral Findings
5 Conclusions
This report presents E3’s initial strategic analysis to inform New York’s future
decisions for meeting GHG goals under the CLCPA. Based on our detailed
assessment of pathways to deep decarbonization in New York State, we find the
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Managed electrification can help mitigate the risk of very high winter
peaks. In addition to efficiency and end-use load flexibility, investments
in a balanced mix of electric heating system configurations and
investment in research and development to continue the improvement
in cold climate heat pump performance can help to mitigate potential risk
associated with unintended consequences of unmanaged electrification.
This analysis provides an important starting point for New York as it considers
next steps to meeting CLCPA goals, but it also outlines potential areas of
additional research and exploration, as listed below.
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Areas for Future Research