Bend Allowance Bend Deduction K-Factor
Bend Allowance Bend Deduction K-Factor
Bend Allowance Bend Deduction K-Factor
K-Factor is a ratio that represents the location of the neutral axis
with respect to the thickness of the sheet metal part and
depends on material, thickness and bend radius. K-Factor (K)
can be defined as follows:
Bend Allowance
The Bend Allowance (BA) is the arc length of the bend as
measured along the neutral axis of the material. Understanding
the Bend Allowance and consequently the Bend Deduction of a
part is a crucial first step to understanding how sheet metal parts
are fabricated.
When the sheet metal is put through the process of bending the
metal around the bend is deformed and stretched. As this
happens you gain a small amount of total length in your part. The
Bend Allowance is defined as the material you will have to add to
the initial length of your flat sheet in order to arrive at the length
of formed part. As it was mentioned before the length of the
neutral axis doesn’t change after the bending. So the following
equation is valid at all times:
Bend Deduction
On the other hand, when you are trying to develop a flat pattern
you will have to make a deduction from your desired part size to
get the correct flat size. The Bend Deduction is defined as the
material you will have to remove from the total length of your
flanges in order to arrive at the flat pattern. To calculate the Ben
Deduction, we can rewrite the previous equation as: