MCQ Q and A-Orthopaedics
MCQ Q and A-Orthopaedics
MCQ Q and A-Orthopaedics
1. The most commonly encountered musculo-skeletal disorder with an
occupation involving the use of arm in 30 degrees forward flexion or
abduction at the shoulder joint is
a) Bicipital tendinitis
b) Supraspinatus tendinitis
c) Thoracic outlet syndrome
d) Scalenus anticus syndrome
Ans : b) Flexion-abduction
3. In case of below-knee amputation, the prosthesis of choice is:
a) SACH prosthesis
b) PTB prosthesis
c) Conventional quadrilateral socket with knee joint & SACH
d) Total surface bearing with knee joint & SACH
An : b) Articular cartilage
9. The test performed to stretch the femoral nerve is called as:
a) Schober Test
b) Kernig test
c) Babinski test
d) Prone Knee-Bending Test
Ans : b) T12
16. In case of mild Achilles tendinitis, the patient is advised:
a) To ambulate with crutches
b) Cast immobilization
c) To walk with temporary heel lift bilaterally
d) To walk full weight bearing
Ans : c) Gout
20. The patient lying in prone with the knee flexed to 90 degrees and
longitudinal compression with tibia rotated medially and laterally refers
a) McMurray test
b) Lacheman’s test
c) Apley’s test
d) Clarke’s test