Teaching Profession Syllabus

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Prk. Waling-Waling, Zone II, Arellano Street, City of Koronadal, Philippines
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Syllabus Issue No.: Revision No.: 00
Document Title: Effective Date:
Name of Subject: SPEECH AND ORAL COMMUNICATION (ENGL3) Page 1 of 6

RMMC-MI is a premier learner-centered institution committed to quality standard and innovative
development. 1.
1. Resilience 2. Modesty 3. Mindfulness 4. Compassion 5. Motivation 6. Integrity INSTITUTIONAL GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES INSTITUTIONAL LEARNING OUTCOMES
RMMC-MI shall set a quality instruction, research and extension, and effective resource management. a. Demonstrate creative and innovative
GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Critical and Analytical Thinker
b. Employ problem-solving skills in
formulating sound decisions.
Aligned with the vision and mission are specific goals for Key Result Areas (KRAs) on Instruction,
Research, Extension and Resource management: c. Express ideas effectively through
Effective Communicator
multidisciplinary communication.
KRA 1: INSTRUCTION. d. Work collaboratively as members and
Team Player
 Produce life-long learners through outcome-based teaching and learning curriculum. leaders of diverse groups.
e. Uphold personal and professional
 Create strong research culture. Ethically and Socially
 Disseminate research findings responsive to the needs of the community.
KRA 3: EXTENSION. f. Exhibit global efficiency without
Glocally Competent
 Establish strong industry and academe partnership, collaboration and linkages. neglecting local identity.
 Conduct highly visible community outreach programs.
 Establish effective quality management system through continuous monitoring of facilities,
faculty and staff development programs, and student services.
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
Prk. Waling-Waling, Zone II, Arellano Street, City of Koronadal, Philippines
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Syllabus Issue No.: Revision No.: 00
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Name of Subject: SPEECH AND ORAL COMMUNICATION (ENGL3) Page 2 of 6

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) V M
In accordance with the vision of the College, the Teacher Education Program (based on CMO 46, series of 2012) aims to a b c d e f
produce highly committed, innovative and well-rounded teachers who:
a. Articulate the rootedness of education in philosophical, socio-cultural, historical, psychological, and political contexts;        
b. Demonstrate mastery of subject matter/discipline;        
c. Facilitate learning using a wide range of teaching methodologies and delivery modes appropriate to specific learners and
       
their environments;
d. Develop innovative curricula, instructional plans, teaching approaches, and resources for diverse learners;        
e. Apply skills in the development and utilization of ICT to promote quality, relevant, and sustainable educational practices;        
f. Demonstrate a variety of thinking skills in planning, monitoring, assessing, and reporting learning processes and
       
g. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards sensitive to the local, national, and global realities; and        
h. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied experiential and field-based opportunities.        

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)
a b c d e f
1. Identify current issues influencing the field of education and teacher professional development      
2. Analyse the culture of schooling and classrooms from the perspectives of language, gender, socioeconomic, ethinic, and disability-based
academic diversity and equity      

3. Provide examples from online classroom observation and course activities that demonstrate understanding of educational pedagogy and
professional responsibilities of teachers      

4. Recognize the various multiple intelligences/learning preferences in order to be able to implement instructional practices that meet the
needs of all the learner

5. Demonstrate active and critical listening      
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
Prk. Waling-Waling, Zone II, Arellano Street, City of Koronadal, Philippines
Document Type: Document No.:
Syllabus Issue No.: Revision No.: 00
Document Title: Effective Date:
Name of Subject: SPEECH AND ORAL COMMUNICATION (ENGL3) Page 3 of 6

6. Develop values of respect, tact, sincerity and integrity in their daily conversation      

This introductory course is designed to provide students with a field based experience and orientation to the profession of teaching. Students will investigate and analyze the culture of schooling and classrooms by
exploring various theories, social rules, structures, and current trends and issues in education. Emphasis will be placed on characteristics of effective teachers and establishing appropriate learning environments for
diverse student populations.




12 hours lecture every week
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
Prk. Waling-Waling, Zone II, Arellano Street, City of Koronadal, Philippines
Document Type: Document No.:
Syllabus Issue No.: Revision No.: 00
Document Title: Effective Date:
Name of Subject: SPEECH AND ORAL COMMUNICATION (ENGL3) Page 4 of 6


Time Course Learning Topic Learning Outcome Teaching Strategies or

Frame Outcome(CLO) Course Content or Topic (TLO) Methodology Assessment Activity Resources

Module 1: The Professional

Teachers are Socially  Formulate a personal educational
Responsible philosophy that would guide
Engage Enabling Main Task
1. Socially Responsible teachers in their exercise of the
CLO1  Lecture/discussion  Group Activity/Oral Recitation
Teachers: Rich with teaching profession Lim, L. S., Caubic, R. A., &
CLO2 Philosophical Heritage  Develop a web of teachers’ role Casihan, L. L.
CLO3 Explore Main Task:
2. Socially Responsible and responsibilities in society (2014). The teaching
CLO4 Teachers: Active  Activity  Activity
 Apply the Code of Ethics for profession. Adriana
CLO5 Members of Social Professional Teachers in given Publishing Co., Inc.
CLO6 Institution Apply Reinforcement Task:
3. Socially Responsible  Activity  Activty
 Develop a concept map of a
PRELIM Teachers: Moral and socially responsible teacher
 Manage instruction, relationship, Engage Enabling Main Task
Module 2: The Professional
CLO1 physical environment, discipline,  Lecture/discussion  Group Activity/Oral Recitation
Teachers are Competent Lim, L. S., Caubic, R. A., &
CLO2 time, and routines effectively
1. Competent Teachers: Casihan, L. L.
CLO3  Establish effective community Explore Main Task:
Effective Classroom (2014). The teaching
Managers relationship by applying ethical  Activity  Activity
profession. Adriana
CLO5 principles
2. Competent Teachers: Publishing Co., Inc.
CLO6  Apply effective management skills Apply Reinforcement Task:
Good Community Link
for different situations  Activity  Activty
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
Prk. Waling-Waling, Zone II, Arellano Street, City of Koronadal, Philippines
Document Type: Document No.:
Syllabus Issue No.: Revision No.: 00
Document Title: Effective Date:
Name of Subject: SPEECH AND ORAL COMMUNICATION (ENGL3) Page 5 of 6

Module 1: The Professional Lim, L. S., Caubic, R. A., &

Teachers are Global Casihan, L. L.
 Compare and contrast the
1. The Global Teachers: (2014). The teaching
different K to 12 Programs of
Knowledgeable of K to profession. Adriana
various countries Engage Enabling Main Task
12 Program in Various Publishing Co., Inc.
CLO1  Describe teacher’s skills in  Lecture/discussion  Group Activity/Oral Recitation
CLO2 handling multicultural classes
2. Global Teachers: CIIT Philippines College of
Multiculturally Skilled  Analyze significance of exchange Explore Main Task:
MIDTERM Arts and Technology.
CLO4 programs in honing teachers’  Activity  Activity
3. Global Teachers: (2015, July 13). K to
CLO5 competencies
Active Participants in 12 basic education
CLO6  Portray an innovative global Apply Reinforcement Task:
Various Exchange program in the
Programs teacher  Activity  Activty philippines.
4. Global Teachers:  Describe global teachers YouTube. https://www
Technology and Digital equipped with 21st century skills .youtube.com/watch?
Innovative v=NfasYVlyYLE
Module 1: The Professional Engage Enabling Main Task
Teachers Strictly Observe
CLO1  Lecture/discussion  Group Activity/Oral Recitation
Legal Practices of the  Apply existing laws in the practice Lim, L. S., Caubic, R. A., &
CLO2 Teaching Profession of professional teaching Casihan, L. L.
CLO3 Explore Main Task:
FINALS 1. The Professional  Analyze educational problems in (2014). The teaching
CLO4 Teachers: Conformers  Activity  Activity
the light of legal foundations of profession. Adriana
CLO5 of Legal and education Publishing Co., Inc.
CLO6 Constitutional Apply Reinforcement Task:
Mandates  Activity  Activty
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
Prk. Waling-Waling, Zone II, Arellano Street, City of Koronadal, Philippines
Document Type: Document No.:
Syllabus Issue No.: Revision No.: 00
Document Title: Effective Date:
Name of Subject: SPEECH AND ORAL COMMUNICATION (ENGL3) Page 6 of 6

SCORING DOMAIN EMERGING (2 points) DEVELOPING (3 points) PROFICIENT (4 points) ADVANCED (5 points)
Students showed a complete understanding Students showed a good understanding Students showed a basic understanding Students did not seem to understand
Content and Ideas
of the topic of the topic of the topic the topic very well.
Speaks with clarity and projects voice during Speaks with clarity and projects voice; Speaks with clarity and projects voice for
Seldom speaks with clarity and rarely
Articulation entire speech; uses appropriate tone, pace varies tone, pace and emphasis the majority of the speech; varies tone,
projects voice; fails to vary tone, pace
and emphasis to enhance the overall effect of throughout the speech, but not always pace and emphasis throughout some of
and emphasis throughout the speech.
the speech. Varies all when necessary. effectively. the speech, but it’s not always effective.

Speaker is easily heard throughout and Speaker is heard throughout and varies Volume and pitch are too loud or too soft Volume and pitch make it so the
Modulation varies volume and pitch to effectively extend volume and pitch to effectively extend and message cannot be easily audience cannot fully hear the
the message. the message. understood. message.
Students were able to utilize materials Students were not able to utilize materials Students were not able to use any
Students were able to utilize technology,
that accompany their presentation and that accompany their presentation but material to accompany their
songs, pictures and props/costumes and
Creativity were able to incorporate songs, acting, were able to incorporate songs, acting, presentation and were not able to
were able to incorporate songs, acting,
dancing, and/or any type of oral dancing, and/or any type of oral incorporate songs, acting, dancing,
dancing and/or any type of oral presentation
presentation presentation and/or any type of oral presentation
Expressive, dynamic, and natural use of Stiff or unnatural use of nonverbal
Body language reflects a reluctance to Failed to use any hand and body
gestures, posture and facial expressions to behaviors. Body language reflects
interact with audience. Distracting gestures or facial expressions.
Stage Presence reinforce and enhance meaning. Body some discomfort interacting with
movement and/or use of self-adaptive Distracting movement and/or use of
language reflects comfort interacting with audience. Limited use of gestures to
behaviors. self-adaptive behaviors.
audience. reinforce verbal message.
Facial expressions, gestures, and Body language, gestures, and facial Body language, Body language, Body language, gestures, and
expressions gestures, and facial facial expressions and gestures facial expressions are lacking or
movements adds greatly to the message expressions compliment message lack variety and spontaneity inappropriate
Clearly stated the relevance of topic to Topic seems somewhat relevant to
Topic seems irrelevant to audience needs
audience needs and interests. Thoughtful audience, but not explicitly stated. Topic is clearly irrelevant to audience
Rapport with the Audience and interests. No attempt made to
audience analysis reflected through choice of Vague reference to audience needs needs and interests.
connect topic to targeted audience.
topic and supporting evidence. and/or interests.
Exemplary Above Average Adequate Inadequate
(Far exceeds, 5 points) (Exceeds standard, 4 points) (Meets standard, 3 points) (Below standard, 2 points)
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
Prk. Waling-Waling, Zone II, Arellano Street, City of Koronadal, Philippines
Document Type: Document No.:
Syllabus Issue No.: Revision No.: 00
Document Title: Effective Date:
Name of Subject: SPEECH AND ORAL COMMUNICATION (ENGL3) Page 7 of 6

Writing is coherent and logically Writing is coherent and logically

Writing lacks logical organization. It organized. Some points remain organized. Some points remain Writing lacks logical organization. It
Organization shows some coherence but ideas lack misplaced and stray from the topic. misplaced and stray from the topic. shows some coherence but ideas lack
unity. Serious errors. Transitions evident but not used Transitions evident but not used unity. Serious errors.
throughout essay. throughout essay.
Content indicates synthesis of ideas, in- Content indicates original thinking and Content indicates thinking and reasoning
Shows some thinking and reasoning
Level of Content depth analysis and evidences original develops ideas with sufficient and firm applied with original thought on a few
but most ideas are underdeveloped
thought and support for the topic. evidence. ideas. and unoriginal.
Main points well developed with high Main points well developed with quality Main points are present with limited
Main points lack detailed development.
Development quality and quantity support. Reveals supporting details and quantity. Critical detail and development. Some critical
Ideas are vague with little evidence of
high degree of critical thinking. thinking is weaved into points thinking is present. critical thinking.
Spelling, punctuation, and grammatical
Essay is free of distracting spelling, Essay has few spelling, punctuation, and
Most spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors create distraction, making
punctuation, and grammatical errors; grammatical errors allowing reader to
Grammar and Mechanics correct allowing reader to progress reading difficult; fragments, comma
absent of fragments, comma splices, follow ideas clearly. Very few fragments
though essay. Some errors remain. splices, run-ons evident. Errors are
and run-ons. or run-ons.
Shows outstanding style going beyond Attains college level style; tone is
Approaches college level usage of some Mostly in elementary form with little or
usual college level; rhetorical devices appropriate and rhetorical devices used
Style variety in sentence patterns, diction, and no variety in sentence structure,
and tone used effectively; creative use of to enhance content; sentence variety
rhetorical devices. diction, rhetorical devices or emphasis.
sentence structure and coordination used effectively.
Meets all formal and assignment
requirements and evidences attention to Meets format and assignment Meets format and assignment Fails to follow format and assignment
detail; all margins, spacing and requirements; margins, spacing, and requirements; generally correct margins, requirements; incorrect margins,
indentations are correct; essay is neat indentations are correct; essay is neat spacing, and indentations; essay is neat spacing and indentation; neatness of
and correctly assembled with and correctly assembled. but may have some assembly errors. essay needs attention.
professional look.


Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
Prk. Waling-Waling, Zone II, Arellano Street, City of Koronadal, Philippines
Document Type: Document No.:
Syllabus Issue No.: Revision No.: 00
Document Title: Effective Date:
Name of Subject: SPEECH AND ORAL COMMUNICATION (ENGL3) Page 8 of 6

Exemplary Above Average Adequate Inadequate

(Far exceeds, 5 points) (Exceeds standard, 4 points) (Meets standard, 3 points) (Below standard, 2 points)

Somewhat organized structure allows

Extremely well organized. Order Organized. Structure allows reader to Poorly organized. A clear sense of
reader to move through some of the
Organization &             structure of information is move through content without direction is not evident. Flow is
content without confusion. Flow is
compelling and flows smoothly confusion. Flows smoothly frequently interrupted.
sometimes interrupted.

Thorough and insightful understanding Shows  incomplete understanding

Content Complete understanding of content Shows some understanding of content
of content of material

Shows minimal effort for

Enthusiastically uses materials and Use of materials and ideas for Shows some use of materials and
Creativity enhancement of materials and
ideas for enhancement enhancement ideas

Insightful and well considered ideas Ideas are  considered; more than one Ideas are somewhat on topic; makes Ideas are unclear
making multiple connections thoughtful connection is made some connections few connections

Work has no spelling errors and/or Work has one or two spelling errors Work has three spelling errors and/or Work has four or more spelling
Grammar and Spelling
grammatical errors. and/or grammatical errors. grammatical errors. errors and/or grammatical errors.

Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
Prk. Waling-Waling, Zone II, Arellano Street, City of Koronadal, Philippines
Document Type: Document No.:
Syllabus Issue No.: Revision No.: 00
Document Title: Effective Date:
Name of Subject: SPEECH AND ORAL COMMUNICATION (ENGL3) Page 9 of 6

Exemplary Above Average Adequate Inadequate

Criteria (Far exceeds, 5 points) (Exceeds standard, 4 points) (Meets standard, 3 points) (Below standard, 2 points)
Content is well-organized using
Content is well-organized using Content is organized for the most Content is not organized using colors
colors to identify the components
Organization colors to identify the components parts. Colors may or may not to identify components of the
of the template. Colors are
of the template. Colors are used. work together. template. Colors are unpleasant.
Makes use of colors, neat and
Makes excellent use of colors, Makes good use of colors, neat Use of font, neat and legible
legible handwriting, graphics,
neat and legible handwriting, and legible handwriting, graphics, handwriting, graphics, effects, etc.
Attractiveness/Creativity effects, etc. but occasionally
graphics, effects, etc. to enhance effects, etc. to enhance the but these often detract from the
these detract from the
the presentation. presentation. presentation content.
presentation content.
Three or fewer misspellings
No misspellings or grammatical Four misspellings and/or More than four misspellings and/or
Mechanics and/or grammatical errors
errors committed. grammatical errors committed. grammatical errors committed.
Paragraph is well-construed. Paragraph is well-construed. Paragraph is well-construed.
Theme is clearly identified. A topic Theme is clearly identified. A topic Theme is not clearly identified. A Content is minimal and/or there are
Theme Paragraph
sentence and supporting details sentence and some supporting topic sentence lacks supporting several factual errors.
are evident. details are evident. details.
Uses other people’s ideas (and
Product shows amount of original Product shows some original
gives them credit), but there is Uses other people’s ideas, but does
Originality thought. Ideas are creative and thought. Work shows new ideas
lack of evidence or original not give them credit.
inventive. and insights.


Criteria Exemplary Above Average Adequate Inadequate
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
Prk. Waling-Waling, Zone II, Arellano Street, City of Koronadal, Philippines
Document Type: Document No.:
Syllabus Issue No.: Revision No.: 00
Document Title: Effective Date:
Name of Subject: SPEECH AND ORAL COMMUNICATION (ENGL3) Page 10 of 6

(Far exceeds, 5 points) (Exceeds standard, 4 points) (Meets standard, 3 points) (Below standard, 2 points)
There is a well-developed introduction with an
attention grabber that grabs the reader’s interest and
Background details are a random,
continues to engage the reader up until the thesis Introduction adequately explains the
Introduction and Conclusion Introduction creates interest. Thesis unclear collection of information.
statement. The thesis statement should clearly state background, but may lack detail.
(Background History/Thesis states the position. Conclusion Thesis is vague and unclear.
the experience or event that will be described as well Thesis states the topic, but key
Statement) effectively summarizes the topic. Conclusion is not effective and does
as the effect on the writer. Conclusion should elements are missing
not summarize main points.
effectively wraps up and re-stresses the importance of
the thesis.
Three or more main points relate to
Well-developed main points/topic sentences that Three or more main points are Less than three ideas/main points
the thesis, but some may lack
relate directly to the thesis. Supporting examples are present, but lack details in describing are explained and/or they are poorly
Main Points (Body Paragraphs) details. The analysis shows events
concrete and detailed. The analysis is developed with the event. Little descriptive language developed.
from the author’s point of view, but
an effective point of view. is used. The story tells; it doesn’t show
could use more descriptive language.
Logical Progression of ideas with a clear structure that Logical progression of ideas. Organization is clear. Transitions are
Writing is not organized. The
Organization (Structure and enhances the thesis. Transitions are effective and vary Transitions are present
transitions between ideas are unclear
Transitions) throughout the paragraph, not just in the topic present throughout the essay, but at times, but there is very little
or non-existent.
sentences. lacks variety. variety.
Writing is clear, but could use a little
Writing is smooth, skilful, and coherent. Sentences are Writing is confusing and hard to
Style (Sentence flow, Variety, and Writing is clear and sentences have more
strong and expressive with varied structure. Diction is follow. Contains fragments and/or
Diction) varied structure, Diction is consistent. sentence variety to make the writing
consistent and words are well chosen. run-on sentences.
more interesting.
Punctuation, spelling, and There are only a few (3-4) errors in
Mechanics (Spelling, Punctuation, Punctuation, spelling, and capitalization are all correct. Distracting errors in punctuation,
capitalization are punctuation, spelling, and
and Capitalization) No errors. spelling, and capitalization.
generally correct with few errors (1-2) capitalization.

Students are required to do the following:
1. Reading of assigned text and other materials.
Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
Prk. Waling-Waling, Zone II, Arellano Street, City of Koronadal, Philippines
Document Type: Document No.:
Syllabus Issue No.: Revision No.: 00
Document Title: Effective Date:
Name of Subject: SPEECH AND ORAL COMMUNICATION (ENGL3) Page 11 of 6

2. Regular class attendance.

3. Punctual performance of assigned tasks such as performance tasks, quizzes, class/home works, reflective papers, reports, projects, major examinations, etc.
4. Active participation in oral activities and discussions.

Prelim Midterm Final
CS = A + Q + R CS = A + Q + R CS = A + Q + R
3 3 3
PFG = CS x 2 + E MFG = CS x 2 + E FFG = CS x 2 + E
3 3 3
A = Assignment PFG = Prelim Final
Final Average Grade
Q = Quiz MFG = Midterm Final
R = Recitation FFG = Final Final Grade
CS = Class Standing E = Exam

 Lim, L. S., Caubic, R. A., & Casihan, L. L. (2014). The teaching profession. Adriana Publishing Co., Inc.


 CIIT Philippines College of Arts and Technology. (2015, July 13). K to 12 basic education program in the philippines . YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfasYVlyYLE

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Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs
Prk. Waling-Waling, Zone II, Arellano Street, City of Koronadal, Philippines
Document Type: Document No.:
Syllabus Issue No.: Revision No.: 00
Document Title: Effective Date:
Name of Subject: SPEECH AND ORAL COMMUNICATION (ENGL3) Page 12 of 6

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Vice President for Academic Affairs President
Date: __________ Date: __________

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