Super Foods
Super Foods
Super Foods
Green Vegetables
“As a shopper, you may pass by them many times, looking but not buying, noticing, the dazzling array of fresh, crisp,
and nutritious greens – curly kale, red and green chard, collards, bok choy, mustard greens, arugula, frisee, mesclun,
and other exotic looking lettuces. A little uncertain, a little confused, you tuck these impressions into a corner of your
mind. Then, at a favorite restaurant, an exotic-looking salad is served, or perhaps tender beet greens with garlic and
olive oil. The next trip to the market once again serves to conjure up these tasty dishes. This time, you buy some beet
greens, some arugula, even frisee, and take them home. Now what?” Greens Glorious Greens
“Diets that are rich in vegetables and fruits are protective against many cancers – there is an enormous amount of
work on this,” says Lee Wattenberg, a professor at the University of Minnesota who has been studying cancer
prevention for 30 years. “over the last decade a fairly large number of prevention compounds have been found in
fruits and vegetables. When you look at the totality, it’s quite impressive.”
Green Vegetables
As impressive as the health benefits of greens may be, you should not picture a pile of tasteless, hard to chew greens
on your plate. You don’t have to eat them just because they are healthy for you. We are here to say that leafy
greens are not only beautiful to behold, but also tasty and capable of transporting us (through recipes) to far
corners of the earth where greens have been a way of life for centuries. The
knowledge that you can transform greens into a variety of delicious dishes is what we hope to pass along.
With the exception of spinach and lettuce, and some use of collards and turnips greens in the South, leafy greens
have generally not been part of the American diet.
Green Vegetables
Oxalates include some leafy greens, berries, fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C, some nuts and seeds, coffee, tea and chocolate.
That is why it is important to have a nice variety of foods in your diet and not be extreme in any one thing.
Oxalate is a molecule that, under certain circumstances, links up with calcium and crystalizes. It is important to eat a low oxalate diet
if you suffer from kidney stones, fibromyalgia, inflammation, or have had part of your intestine removed. A food is considered high
in oxalates when it has more than 10mg of the compound per serving.
Some of the foods high in oxalate include, spinach, green beans, rhubarb, kidney beans, soy, sweet potatoes, strawberries,
raspberries, tangerines and kiwis. Meat and dairy do not have oxalate.
To balance vegetables that are high in oxalates combine them with richer foods like seeds, nuts, beans or oil.
Green Vegetables Leafy greens
Arugula Endive
• Bitter, leafy
¨ Cruciferous
• Belgian endive, escarole, and curly endive (frisée).
¨ Peppery taste
• Good source of potassium, (manages blood pressure and
¨ High in potassium preventing osteoporosis)
• Vitamin K (may prevent bone fractures).
¨ Manages blood pressure
¨ Prevents osteoporosis
¨ Boosts memory (phytochemicals) • Leafy
• Good source of potassium, a mineral involved in
¨ Antioxidants
managing blood pressure and preventing osteoporosis
• Good source of vitamin K( may prevent bone fractures).
Collard Greens
• Good source of antioxidants, (helps prevent arthritis, cataracts, and
¨ cruciferous and leafy from the cabbage
macular degeneration, as well as maintain healthy hair and skin)
¨ Good source of antioxidants, including vitamin C, beta- • Good source of potassium (manages blood pressure and prevents
carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin (helps maintain healthy osteoporosis)
eyes, hair, and skin) • Vitamin K (may prevent bone fractures)
¨ Vitamin K (may prevent bone fractures) help prevent arthritis and maintain healthy eyes, hair, and skin)
• Contains folate, (may help reduce the risk of heart disease, enhance
memory, and improve mood)
Lettuce • Vitamin K (may prevent bone fractures)
¨ Leafy
¨ leafy vegetable with a bitter taste • Vitamin K (may prevent bone fractures)
• Iron and Vitamin B
¨ good source of potassium (manages blood pressure and
prevents osteoporosis)
Swiss Chard
¨ Vitamin E • Leafy green vegetable
¨ Peppery flavor
¨ Vitamin K
Juice or Blend Chlorophyll
Blenders retain everything from the food. They take the fiber and pulp and blend it all together.
Juicers separate the pulp from the juice and we drink the juice only.
When you first start out, juicing is a lot easier on your body. Whether you are juicing to treat a health condition or just to
stay healthy, you will experience a lot of detoxification if you are not used to all that fiber.
When you get used to the juice, and if you enjoy the texture, go ahead and try smoothies.
When we juice green vegetables, we liberate the chlorophyll and our bodies immediately absorb it. Chlorophyll is a
detoxifier, deodorant and is an incredible healer of inner and topical inflammation and wounds. The chlorophyll remakes
our blood. It is centered on magnesium and our blood is centered on iron.
Sea vegetables, also called seaweed, are among the most nutritionally dense foods in the world. Asian
cultures have used sea vegetables as a major part of their diets. Sea vegetables are the highest natural
source for electrolytes. It can contain 10 times more calcium than cows milk and more than twice as much iron
as red meat. They are rich with chlorophyll, easy to digest and alkaline.
¨ Agar - Also called kanten or Japanese gelatin, it's a clear, tasteless alternative to animal or chemical-
based gelatin and comes in opaque flakes. Agar is a combination of various sea veggies and just like
any other gelatin, it can be used to firm up jellies, pies and puddings. It simply dissolves in hot liquid and
thickens at room temperature.
¨ Arame - Look for thin and wiry black shreds. They have a sweet, mild flavor and pack in a good supply
of calcium, iodine, potassium, vitamin A and dietary fiber. Rinse thoroughly, then soak in warm water for
10 to 15 minutes before cooking. Try them in quiches, omelets, stir-fries, pasta salad or tossed into a cold
salad with a light vinaigrette.
Whole Foods
Sea Vegetables
¨ Dulse - This sea vegetable isn't green at all. It's reddish brown, full of potassium and protein and
available in whole stringy leaves or powdered as a condiment. Expect a chewy texture and slightly salty
finish. Pan-fried in sesame oil, dulse becomes feather-light and crispy and can lend a savory flavor and
crunch to any sandwich or salad. Some even liken it to bacon! In fact, you can eat this one straight from
the package like jerky.
¨ Kelp - Kelp noodles are a food made from kelp, an edible brown seaweed that contains high amounts of
iodine. Marketed as a low-calorie alternative to pasta and other noodle varieties, kelp noodles contain
kelp, sodium alginate (a form of seaweed-derived salt), and water. Since no cooking is required in their
preparation, kelp noodles are often eaten by those on a raw food diet.
¨ Kombu - Its dark purple color might just romance you. Look for kombu in thick strips or sheets. Eating it
adds iodine, calcium, magnesium and iron to your diet — easily added dry to the cooking liquid for rice,
beans or soup. There's an extra advantage to kombu, too: cooking a postage stamp-sized piece of dried
kombu with beans will help make them more digestible. Cooking hint: Keep in mind that kombu doubles its
volume and readily soaks up water, so add extra liquid to broths, beans and stocks whenever you add
dried kombu.
Whole Foods
Sea Vegetables
¨ Nori - This just might be the sea vegetable you know best since it's typically used to make sushi rolls like
California Rolls. Look for nori to be dark purple to marine green. It's readily available toasted or
untoasted, too. Eat up; it contains both iodine and vitamin C so don't hesitate to use it as a condiment for
rice, soups, salads, casseroles or grains either crushed into flakes or cut into strips.
¨ Sea Palm - Its name gives away the fact that this sea vegetable, brownish-green in color, looks just like a
miniature palm tree. It's also called American arame and comes from America's pacific coast. Expect a
sweet, salty taste with this one, so enjoy it raw or sautéed, added to soups or salads or toast some and
add to your trail mix. Try this: marinate sea palm and other sea vegetables in a mirin-tamari-ginger juice
sauce for an out-of-this-world sea vegetable salad.
¨ Wakame - Pronounced wah-ka-may, this deep grayish-green sea vegetable is the tenderest of them all.
Consider adding it to your diet since it supplies dietary fiber and potassium. After soaking it for about
10 minutes in water, wakame expands to seven times its original size. After being soaked then cooked,
long fronds of wakame become silky and almost melt in your mouth. Eat raw as a snack, add to soups
and stir fries or roast and sprinkle on salads or stews as an easy way to add minerals to your favorite
Whole Foods
Legumes are plants that have pods containing small seeds. Beans, peas and lentils — are among the most
versatile and nutritious foods available. Legumes are typically low in fat, high in fiber, contain no cholesterol,
and are high in folate, potassium, iron and magnesium. They also contain beneficial fats and soluble and
insoluble fiber. A good source of protein, legumes can be a healthy substitute for meat, which has more fat
and cholesterol.
As long as legumes are prepared properly they will not produce any more gas than any other food. Soak the
legume in preparation for cooking and rinse them in water. After cooking, rinse them again. This works
because the water they soak and cook in absorbs some of the sugars we can’t digest, that cause gas. You
should introduce legumes into your diet slowly to allow time for the digestive system to adapt.
Raw legumes can be sprouted. Sprouting improves the nutritional value and digestibility. Sprouting also
allows the digestive enzymes to remain intact, this eliminates gas production altogether.
Adzuki beans (field peas or red oriental beans) Soups, sweet bean paste, and Japanese and Chinese dishes
Anasazi beans (Jacob's cattle beans ) Soups and Southwestern dishes; can be used in recipes that call
for pinto beans
Black beans (turtle beans) Soups, stews, rice dishes and Latin American cuisines
Black-eyed peas (cowpeas ) Salads, casseroles, fritters and Southern dishes
Chickpeas (garbanzo or ceci beans) Casseroles, hummus, minestrone soup, and Spanish and Indian
Edamame (green soybeans ) Snacks, salads, casseroles and rice dishes
Fava beans (broad or horse beans ) Stews and side dishes
Lentils Soups, stews, salads, side dishes and Indian dishes
Lima beans (butter or Madagascar beans) Succotash, casseroles, soups and salads
Red kidney beans Stews, salads, chili and rice dishes
Soy nuts (roasted soybeans or soya beans) Snacks or garnish for salads
Soaking & Sprouting
Soaking & Sprouting nuts, beans and seeds is one of the ways to add super- extra nutritional punch to your meals.
How to Soak:
• Get a bowl, fill it with clean water and pour the food you want to soak into it.
• Cover it up with cheese cloth.
Soaking makes the nuts and beans easier to digest. You can soak nuts and dried fruits if you are using them in a
creamy application.
The number one rule is that whatever you soak must be alive to sprout, so be sure that you have raw seeds, beans
or grains in order to sprout.
Soaking & Sprouting
How to Sprout:
So, why sprout? The nutritional value goes up by 500-800% when sprouted! Amazing!
Dehydrating nuts, beans and seeds loses about 20% of the nutritional value. You are still way ahead if you
sprout. By soaking and then dehydrating nuts, they become crisp and delicious.
How to Dehydrate:
After you finish soaking your nuts or fruit, put them into the dehydrator and turn it to just below 105 degrees.
Wait until they dry and get crisp. Turn it off and put the food in the fridge.
You can also make some very delicious raw crackers in a dehydrator.
Great news! ....some fats are long as we don't eat too much of it. Nut oils are a great
source of fat. If you are trying to lose weight, use them very sparingly. If you are trying to gain
weight, they will make you feel better.
There are all different kinds of nuts to choose from. Some nuts have more heart-healthy nutrients and
fats than others. Walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, macadamia, every type of nut has a lot of
nutrition packed into a teeny little shell.
If you have heart disease, eating nuts can be heart healthy. Eating nuts can lower the LDL, low-density
lipoprotein or "bad," cholesterol level in your blood.
"Many nuts are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s are a healthy form of fatty acids that
seem to help your heart by, among other things, preventing dangerous heart rhythms that can lead to
heart attacks. Omega-3 fatty acids are also found in many kinds of fish, but nuts are one of the best
plant-based sources of omega-3 fatty acids."
*The saturated and unsaturated fat contents in each nut may not add up to the total fat content
because the fat value may also include some non-fatty acid material, such as sugars or phosphates.
Enjoy your nuts knowing that they are healthy and good for you as well as tasty.
Studies have shown that seeds can help prevent weight gain, heart disease and accumulation of LDL
cholesterol. Seeds can be great sources of protein, minerals, zinc and other nutrients. Seeds , like
nuts, should be organic and raw. Care should be taken to keep them fresh.
Hemp Seeds
Hemp seeds are a superfood.
• perfect balance of three to one omega-6 to omega-3 oil ratio
• more alkaline than most proteins
• excellent source of gamma linoleic and stearidonic acid
• contain 10 essential amino acids
• composed of over 30 percent pure protein
• 40 percent fiber
• raw and has it’s own enzymes (good for digestion)
• disease-fighting phytosterols
• may prevent heart disease, many forms of cancer, as well as inflammation-based diseases such as
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
Sunflower Seeds
The perfect phytochemical-rich seed for those of us looking to lose weight, as they promote healthy
digestion and increase fiber intake.
• 22% protein
• extremely rich in folate
• full of good fats
• antioxidant-rich Vitamin E
• selenium and copper - crucial elements in preventing heart disease, cancer, and other forms of
troublesome cellular damage.
Sesame seeds
• high in calcium
• Magnesium
• Zinc
• Fiber
• Iron
• B1
• Phosphorus
Sesame seeds are unique in their chemical structure. Possessing important cholesterol-fighting fibers
known as lignans, studies show that these seeds can lower blood pressure, as well as protect the liver
from damage. Sesame seeds also may help prevent arthritis, asthma, migraine headaches,
menopause, osteoporosis and PMS.
Pumpkin Seeds
Some scientific studies have shown that the components of pumpkin seeds may stop the triggering of
cancerous behavior in male prostate cells.
• high in carotenoids, a special plant derivative that enhances immune activity and disease fighting
• high in omega-3 fatty acids
• zinc (inflammation, arthritis and osteoporosis)
• high in phytosterols, (aid in keeping stable levels of cholesterol, enhanced immune response, as
well as cancer-fighting attributes)
Chia seeds
Chia seeds are from the mint family. Extremely tiny, yet extremely potent, these small seeds are
packed full of fiber, protein, nutrient oils, various antioxidants and even calcium and are considered a
• stabilize the blood sugar
• lower our risks for cardiovascular disease
• 34% pure omega-3 oils.
Contains Gluten Gluten FREE Grains
Wild Rice
**Oats are inherently gluten-free, but are frequently contaminated with wheat during growing or processing. Several
companies (Bob's Red Mill, Cream Hill Estates, GF Harvest (formerly Gluten Free Oats), Avena Foods (Only Oats),
Legacy Valley (Montana Monster Munchies), and Gifts of Nature) currently offer pure, uncontaminated oats..
Pseudograins are actually seeds, though they are commonly referred to as grains. Pseudograins
don’t contain gluten, which makes them easily digestible, alkaline-forming, and suitable for celiacs,
who are gluten intolerant.
This pseudograin has twice the calcium of milk, three times the fiber and five times the iron of wheat
flour. Amaranth is also high in potassium, phosphorous and vitamins A, E and C. It is rich in lysine, an
essential amino acid very difficult to find in plant-based sources. Lysine helps your body absorb
calcium in the digestive tract. It’s also 90% digestible.
Buckwheat is rich in essential amino acid tryptophan—the critical component in serotonin production
—buckwheat is a good choice for enhancing mood and mental clarity. High in protein, buckwheat’s
particular protein structure is being studied for its unusually strong ability to bind to cholesterol. Also
a good source of manganese and vitamins B and E, buckwheat contains compounds that are being
studied for the treatment of type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol.
Quinoa is packed with B-vitamins and 20 percent protein—the highest of any pseudograin—quinoa
is another good source of iron and potassium. Nutritionally similar to amaranth, quinoa is also quite
high in lysine.
Wild Rice
Wild Rice is another source of lysine and high in B-vitamins, this original North American aquatic
grass thrives in the wild (native to the northern regions of Canadian Prairie provinces), so it’s seldom
treated with pesticides.
Brown Rice
Rice is one of the most consumed foods in the world (by volume). Since brown rice has been
unaltered over the years, the possibility of causing an allergic reaction is low. Brown rice has a nutty
flavor. Since only it’s outer layer, the hull, is removed, brown rice retains its nutritional value. Brown
rice is high in manganese and contains large amounts of selenium and magnesium. It is also a good
source of B vitamins.
Preparation: 1:2 water ratio (45 min)
One of the most easily digested grains, it is gluten-free and its digestion creates a slight alkalizing
effect in the body. It can be either creamy or fluffy, depending on how long it is cooked. Millet is
high in B vitamins, magnesium and the essential amino acid, tryptophan. Millet is nutritionally dense
and complements many meals. Millet flour, with its mild, easily influenced flavor, adds nutritional
variety to recipes.
Preparation: 1:3 water ratio (35 min) can be sprouted
Referred to as an ancient grain, meaning it has not been altered over time by either primitive
crossing techniques or modern genetic modification. Spelt is rich in energy producing B vitamins and
has 30% more protein than standard whole wheat. Spelt does contain gluten. Because of its gluten
content, it can be used to bind other grain and seed flours in baking.
Preparation: soak overnight 1:3 ratio (1 hour)
Teff is a mineral rich grain. Along with its large amounts of calcium, magnesium, boron, copper,
phosphorus, and zinc, teff has about twice as much iron as whole wheat.
This tiny grain becomes creamy when cooked; reduce cooking time for a slightly crunchy texture. Teff
has a slight mollases taste, adding flavor when combined with other grain and seed flours.
Preparation: 1:4 water ratio (15 min) can be sprouted
29 What is Protein?
Proteins are part of every cell, tissue, and organ in our bodies. These body proteins are constantly being broken
down and replaced. The protein in the foods we eat is digested into amino acids that are later used to replace these
proteins in our bodies.
USDA Recommended Dietary Allowance for Protein Grams of protein needed each day
Children ages 1 – 3 13
Children ages 4 – 8 19
Children ages 9 – 13 34
Girls ages 14 – 18 46
Boys ages 14 – 18 52
Women ages 19 – 70+ 46
Men ages 19 – 70+ 56
Vegan – No consumption of animal products.
If you choose to abstain from animal products, be sure to get enough Vitamin B12. You can get protein from plant foods,
you can not get B12. Be careful of the supplements as well, there are many that can not be absorbed and are useless.
Protein for Vegans
3. Non-Dairy Milk. Almond or Coconut milk can pack about 7-9 grams of protein.
4. Nuts or nut butter. Peanut, cashew or almond.
5. Lentils: 1 cup is 18 grams of protein.
6. Grains: pseudograins or sprouted grains
The only problem is it appears that those with sugar addictions, compulsive eating, and obesity have DRD2 systems
that need much more stimulation to feel pleasure. Those who have sugar addiction, it seems have fewer D2
dopamine receptors and they need extra stimulation to make them “turn on”.(i)
Functional MRI studies of teenagers, both lean and obese, found that the obese teenagers whose brains didn’t light
up as much in the dopamine reward centers were more likely to be obese and gain weight later.(ii) They also were
more likely to have the DRD2 gene that coded for fewer receptors.
Some studies have pointed to drugs or nutrients that can modulate this defective dopamine reward response. In one
study, naltrexone, an opioid blocker (blocks the effects of heroin and morphine on the brain) was used in sugar
addicts. When they took this drug, which prevented them from getting the temporary high from sugar, they craved
less and ate less.
Sugar Addiction
We also know that amphetamines are natural appetite suppressants and reduce cravings. That is why children who
take stimulant ADHD drugs (which are actually just fancy amphetamines that stimulate dopamine receptors) have
trouble gaining enough weight as they grow.
There are also some promising studies of nutraceuticals that can modulate dopamine receptor function and appetite
regulation. Bruce Ames, PhD found that high levels nutrients can reduce disease in people with 50 different gene
variants, nutrients may modulate the function of our genes, improve their function, or affect the activity of enzymes
that genes produce. In fact, one third of our entire DNA has one simple job: To code for and produce enzymes
controlled by nutrient co-factors. This means that nutrients have a powerful ability to modify the expression of your
Sugar Addiction
Overcoming Your Addiction to Sugar
Despite being stuck with the sugar addiction low pleasure gene, you may be able to modify its activity by
modulating your brain chemistry and receptor function with the use of specific nutrients that either improve gene
expression, or modify the activity, the enzymes, or the receptors, even if they are somewhat impaired.
Regulation of hormones and neurotransmitters that affect appetite and cravings is complex and involves many
factors including how quickly food spikes our blood sugar, stress, getting enough sleep, nutritional deficiencies,
chemicals such as artificial sweeteners, food sensitivities which drive inflammation, and more.
For those with personal struggles with food addiction, remember it is not a moral failing or lack of willpower.
1. Balance your blood sugar: Research studies say that low blood sugar levels are associated with LOWER overall
blood flow to the brain, which means more BAD decisions. To keep your blood sugar stable:
Eat a nutritious breakfast with some protein like eggs, protein shakes, or nut butters. Studies repeatedly show that
eating a healthy breakfast helps people maintain weight loss.
Sugar Addiction
Also, have smaller meals throughout the day. Eat every 3-4 hours and have some protein with each snack or meal
(lean animal protein, nuts, seeds, beans). Avoid eating 3 hours before bedtime.
2. Eliminate sugar and artificial sweeteners and your cravings will go away: Go cold turkey. If you are addicted to
narcotics or alcohol you can’t simply just cut down. You have to stop for your brain to reset. Eliminate refined sugars,
sodas, fruit juices, and artificial sweeteners from your diet. These are all drugs that will fuel cravings.
3. Determine if hidden food allergies are triggering your cravings. We often crave the very foods that we have a
hidden allergy to.
4. Get 7-8 hours of sleep. Research shows that lack of sleep increases cravings.
5. Optimize your nutrient status. Optimize your vitamin D level: According to one study, when Vitamin D levels are
low, the hormone that helps turn off your appetite doesn’t work and people feel hungry all the time, no matter how
much they eat. Optimize omega-3s: Low levels of omega three fatty acids are involved in normal brain cell function,
insulin control and inflammation.
Sugar Addiction
Consider taking natural supplements for cravings control. Glutamine, tyrosine, 5-HTP are amino acids that help
reduce cravings. Stress reducing herbs such as Rhodiola can help. Chromium balances blood sugar and can help take
the edge off cravings. Glucomannan fiber is very helpful to reduce the spikes in sugar and insulin that drive cravings
and hunger.
Swapping Sweet
Sweetener Substitution Ratio
Figs 8 oz pureed
Sugar & Aging
Sugar in all of its forms (corn syrup, cane sugar, high fructose corn syrup, etc.) is extremely damaging to the skin--and in fact to all
organ systems. And so yes, enjoy that yogurt-a very healthy food—but eat it plain or add fresh fruit—the sweetened varieties
sabotage a healthy lifestyle.
Here's why:
Sugar suppresses the activity of our white blood cells. This makes us more susceptible to infectious disease (colds, flu and so forth) as
well as cancer. The same dysfunction of the white blood cells can also make allergies worse.
Simply put, the formation of AGEs is responsible for serious damage to the body, both internally and externally. And sugar is a
major culprit.
Alpha lipoic acid increases the cell's ability to take up glucose for metabolism. This removes it from the blood, thereby helping to
prevent damaging glycation reactions. Because it is both fat and water soluble, it can reach all portions of the cell, providing
complete protection. This is true whether it is taken as a supplement or used as a topical. ALA's fat
Sugar & Aging
solubility allows it to penetrate into the skin where it can wield its anti-inflammatory power to great benefit. It protects the cells from
free radical damage and halts the initiation of skin-damaging inflammatory cascade.
If you are concerned about your health, and not accelerating the aging process, it is best to avoid all forms of refined sugar as well
as chemical artificial sweeteners. There are natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables that should be our only source of sugar.
These foods are high in anti-inflammatory anti-oxidants, help stabilize blood sugar, and nutrients that promote beautiful skin and a
healthy body.
Vitamin D
“Because vitamin D is so cheap and so clearly reduces all-cause mortality, I can say this with great certainty: Vitamin D
represents the single most cost-effective medical intervention in the United States.”
~ Dr. Greg Plotnikoff, Medical Director, Penny George Institute for Health and Healing, Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis
Vitamin D2 is made by plants. Vitamin D3 is made when the skin is exposed to the sun. Foods can be altered to have
vitamin D2 or D3 in them. As always, the natural source is the best. If that is not possible, like you live in a cloudy area,
you can also get them in supplements.
Vitamin D’s job is to maintain normal blood levels of phosphorous and calcium. It helps calcium to be absorbed which
forms and keeps your bones strong. There has been recent research that shows that vitamin D can help protect against
high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, skin, kidney and blood diseases, diabetes and endocrine disorders, mental
disorders, cancer and some autoimmune diseases.
They are finding that there is a huge population who are vitamin D3 deficient It is good to get outside for at least 20
minutes a day.
It is important that what you are taking is vitamin D3 and not just a D supplement. If you are taking Vitamin D3, it is
important to know that there are other vitamins you need to be able to absorb and metabolize Vitamin D3; those
include magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin K, boron and zinc.
As more of us shop at whole food markets and have become aware of the importance of eating clean and organic foods, we are
naturally moving toward foods that have the potential to make us incredibly healthy!
Superfoods are not new, as a matter of fact, they all go back to ancient times. We are just rediscovering what our ancestors knew
instinctively. Superfoods are natural food sources with highly concentrated, complex supply of high quality nutrients with the least
negative properties.
The magazines are pushing them as diet aids, the truth is they are not always low in calories, but, for the number of calories present,
they are always high in nutrients. They are an excellent addition to any healthy diet.
Superfoods should not be the only part of your diet. A really healthy diet would include live, raw plant foods, superherbs and
superfoods. Superfoods can help nourish the brain, muscles, bones, organs, immune system and hair, skin and nails. They also
correct imbalance in the diet. The ultimate goal would be to be able to quit taking vitamin and mineral supplements and actually
get these nutrients from your foods.
Acai (ah-sigh-ee) is the high-energy berry of a special Amazon palm tree. Harvested in the rainforests of Brazil, açaí tastes like a
vibrant blend of berries and chocolate. Hidden within its royal purple pigment is the magic that makes it nature's perfect energy
fruit. Açaí is packed full of antioxidants, amino acids and essential fatty acids.
¨ A synergy of monounsaturated (healthy) fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols to help promote cardiovascular and digestive
¨ An almost perfect essential amino acid complex in conjunction with valuable trace minerals, vital to proper muscle contraction
and regeneration.
¨ The fatty acid content in açaí resembles that of olive oil, and is rich in monounsaturated oleic acid. Oleic acid is important for a
number of reasons. It helps omega-3 fish oils penetrate the cell membrane; together they help make cell membranes more
supple. By keeping the cell membrane supple, all hormones, neurotransmitter and insulin receptors function more efficiently. This
is particularly important because high insulin levels create an inflammatory state, and we know, inflammation causes aging.
Aloe grows in 200 species in Africa, America, Asia and Europe. The gel of raw aloe has vitamins A, C and E, the minerals, sulfur,
calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, and chromium and antioxidants, fiber, amino acids, enzymes, sterols, lignins, and polysaccharides.
The polysaccharides lubricate the joints, brain, nervous system and the skin. Aloe can be used for digestive problems. The same
polysaccharides that make you limber, smart, and beautiful also calm digestion. It cuts the mucous in the intestines and allows for
more nutrients to be absorbed.
Aloe is also useful in killing candida (yeast). Aloe reduces inflammation, radiation sickness, cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
Aloe Vera is also an adaptogen. Adaptogens help to balance blood sugar and enhance the liver, digestive system and skin.
You can purchase aloe in whole leaves, bottled as gel or water, dried powder or lotions.
“There’s nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with chocolate.” – Linda Grayson
Cacao (chocolate) - is one of the most delicious and healthy superfoods that exist. It is beneficial with PMS symptoms, good for
metabolizing glucose, heart healthy, easing depression and it helps as a delivery agent for many other super-foods like mushrooms,
goji berries and spirulina. In addition to supporting cardiac health and lifting moods, cacao is well-known to east symptoms of PMS,
enhance glucose metabolism and may even help prevent colon cancer.
“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” – Charles M. Schulz
Cacao is a seed. Everything chocolate comes from a seed and called cocoa beans. Chocolate does not have sugar or dairy….
unless you add it. If you want a delicious, high energy weight loss food; chocolate is your bean!
Chlorella - contains more chlorophyll—the alkaline-promoting powerhouse—than any other known plant, chlorella is a freshwater
green algae with an amazing growth rate that makes it the fastest growing plant on earth.
Not to be underestimated because of its microscopic size, chlorella packs an impressive punch on many fronts. Chlorella is a strongly
alkalizing, complete food that shines as a vitamin and mineral supplement. One of the few plant-based sources of B-12, chlorella is
a welcome addition to any vegetarian or vegan diet based on this fact alone.
At a whopping 65% protein, chlorella is an incredibly efficient source of protein, possessing 19 amino acids—including all ten
essential amino acids—as well as essential fatty acids and a host of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Clean and green, chlorella is
being researched as a future alternative to protein farming.
Renowned for its cleansing and detoxifying abilities, chlorella enhances your immune system at a cellular level.
Able to quadruple in a single day, chlorella’s impressive growth rate stems from a compound called chlorella growth factor (CGF)—
combined with nucleic acids (RNA and DNA), the superfood chlorella is a supplement built for healing.
Consuming chlorella regularly speeds cell regeneration, enhancing healing, expediting muscle recovery and slowing the signs of
aging. The CGF in chlorella stimulates tissue repair, supporting your immune system in times of stress and helping you avoid getting
sick. If you choose to take a chlorella supplement, look for one that’s had the cell-walls cracked so your body can digest its goodness.
Coconut - tastes delicious and the health benefits are astounding! Coconut oil can be used as a cleanser, anti-fungal and moisturizer.
There is a lot to be said for anything that is chemical free that we can use on our bodies. There are some people who use coconut oil
on their faces. Coconut oil is great to massage into your scalp. It is nice for the hair and the skin.
A pinch of coconut oil in hot tea with a pinch of raw cacao is a special treat as well.
Coconut oil can also be used with cashews and stevia to make a delicious frosting. There are a lot of ways to use coconut oil…there
are even more reasons why you should.
Coconut oil has lauric acid, caprylic acid, capric acid. These acids give it antimicrobial, antifungal, antibacterial and antioxidant
abilities. It is mostly saturated fat, 92% with a small percentage being mono unsaturated and poly unsaturated.
¨ digestion • Alzheimer’s
¨ candida • hormone regulation
¨ kidney stones
¨ liver disease
“Coconut oil has fewer calories than any other fat source. Unlike the high-calorie, cholesterol-soaked, long-chain, saturated animal
fats found in meat and dairy products, coconut cream and coconut oil are made of raw saturated fats containing mostly medium-
chain fatty acids that the body can metabolize efficiently and convert to energy quickly.” (Wolfe, 2009)
Coconut oil helps to regulate blood sugar. It is one fat that diabetics can eat without fear.
Coconut oil is useful for bone and dental health because it improves calcium and magnesium absorption. This is good for dental
health. It is especially beneficial to women who are at the age to develop osteoporosis.
They are also called wolfberries. It is a bright orange-red berry that comes from a shrub that's native to China. It is foundational to
the Chinese medicine system. In Asia, goji berries have been eaten for generations in the hopes of living longer. Goji berries are an
adaptogen*. They are often recommended for chronic conditions. The health benefit they are best used for is nourishing and
supporting healing. Goji berries are not a rich source of vitamin C. They are a wonderful antioxidant, with about 3 times the
amount of antioxidants as are found in blueberries! Goji berries are also the only food known to stimulate human growth hormone
(hgh) naturally!
21 or more trace minerals (zinc, iron, copper, calcium, germanium, selenium, phosphorous)
Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and E
complete protein source (19 different amino acids) (8 essential amino acids)
beta sitosterol (anti inflammatory)
linoleic acid (essential fatty acid)
anti aging sesquiterpenoids
¨ Goji berries are available dried, powdered, juiced, extracts, oil, fresh berries and processed into nibs, candies and bars.
¨ Goji berries are gelatinous, like chia seeds they can add richness and texture to many recipes.
Qualities: (continued)
betaine (for the liver)
Goji berries are available dried, powdered, juiced, extracts, oil, fresh berries and processed into nibs, candies and bars. Goji
berries are gelatinous, like chia seeds they can add richness and texture to many recipes.
Goji berries are pretty easy to add to smoothies. By adding goji berries in to our foods, we are bringing it all together....body, mind
and spirit. Throw a handful into your next smoothie!
Maca is a turnip-like root vegetable native to the Andean mountains in Peru. Grown at altitudes of 14,000 feet
where no other crops can survive, maca is a hardy, resilient plant that’s incredibly rich in amino acids,
phytonutrients, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.
Maca earns its superfood status not merely on the grounds of this nutritional density, but from maca’s true super-
power: its renowned—clinically proven—ability to regulate, support and balance hormonal systems in both men
and women.
Maca (like ginseng) is classed as an adaptogen—an adaptogen is a substance that produces a response in your
body which increases your power of resistance against multiple stressors and has a normalizing influence on your
body’s multiple systems.
Maca has an uncanny ability to regulate and rejuvenate your adrenal glands—an especially important action in
a modern life full of uncomplementary stresses that tire and overwhelm the adrenal system, sapping you of
energy and making stress even more challenging. Properly supported, your adrenal gland will restore your
stamina, improve mental clarity and your ability to handle stress.
If adrenal support isn’t enough to convince you of maca’s superfood status, consider this: maca’s adaptogenic
properties restore hormonal balance in both genders (as proven by scientific studies and human clinical trials).
If you’re a man, maca’s reputation as “the Viagra of the Herbal Kingdom” may be of interest: used traditionally
in Peru, maca as a fertility and libido enhancer, recent human clinical trials published in a peer-reviewed medical
journal showed a 180% increase in libido and a 200% increase in sperm count.
If you’re a woman, you’ll want to remember maca as you approach menopause—it’s a non-estrogen alternative
to hormone replacement therapy known to relieve the hot flashes, depression and other symptoms of menopause.
Supporting the adrenal gland and balancing hormones with maca has another key benefit: it slows down the
aging process and can reverse some of the physical signs of aging.
The impressive resume of the superfood maca can be capped off with one more thing: maca possesses the amino
acid building blocks of serotonin, helping your body curtail stress, support mental health and reduce cravings for
artificial stimulants, like refined sugar and caffeine.
Dr. Hyman says...
“We should obtain the bulk of our antioxidants from food – namely whole, real, unprocessed plant foods. And we should take
antioxidants as a team, not individually.
“How important are fats, what forms should you be consuming and in what quantities? It wasn’t long ago when then medical
community was advocating the avoidance of all fat, even in the form of nuts or an avocado. Long gone are the days of neglect and
dismissal when it comes to fat. We have made great progress drawing more clear lines between raw plant based sources that are
good for you, even anti-aging, and those that are harmful such as cooked, animal based, and processed saturated and trans fats......
Bad fat
A deficiency of healthy fat runs prevalent throughout the modern day North American diet with the majority of people consuming
too many of the detrimental bad fats including saturated fats in meat and dairy, and processed polyunsaturated fats or
hydrogenated trans-fat from cooking oil and margarine used in processed foods. Consuming too many of these and not enough of
the good fats contribute to stroke, heart attack, chronic inflammation, cognitive impairment, allergy, auto immune diseases and
ultimately premature death.
Many of the oils we think are doing our bodies good are in fact causing further damage. The processing of oil can be the difference
between good and bad. Some extraction methods for cheaper oils involve high heat, which can actually cause the oil to convert to
trans fat. Other extraction methods use chemical solvents to separate the oil, usually done with low-grade oils.
Good fat
The health benefits of consuming a sufficient amount of fat in the right forms and proper proportions has been shown to be
immensely important in an endless number of areas impacting the state of body and mind. Among other things, it can strengthen the
immune system, enhance brain and nervous system function such as mood, intelligence and behavior, greatly reduce cardiovascular
disease, increase energy and performance, grow healthy skin, hair, and nails, regulate body weight, and improve organ and gland
Repair and regeneration of the cellular membrane is vital for keeping the body biologically young and enabling it to retain mobility
and vitality throughout life. Contributing to our cells’ ability to receive nutrition and eliminate waste, EFAs help keep the cellular
regeneration process moving. Our body’s ability to fight off infection and reduce inflammation is in part dependent on having an
adequate supply of EFAs in the diet. In fact, healthy and efficient brain development in children has been linked to a diet rich in
In addition, a balance of omega-3 and omega-6 EFAs are vital for skin health. Dry skin is commonly treated topically with a
moisturizer, leaving the cause of the problem unaddressed. A diet with adequate EFAs will keep skin looking and feeling supple.
The present day American diet contains an excess of omega-6 by10 to 25 times with almost no omega-3. This imbalance among
other things has been shown to contribute to stroke, heart attack, chronic inflammation, cognitive impairment, allergy and auto
immune diseases. Excellent sources of omega-3 to help restore the natural balance are flaxseed and hemp oil as well as walnuts.
Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) – is a difficult to attain omega-6 EFA with potent anti-inflammatory properties via production of
hormone-like substances called eicosanoids. These help soothe skin, promote healing and regulate water loss. GLA’s anti-
inflammatory properties expand blood vessels enabling better blood flow. It is known as an immune booster, cancer fighter,
cholesterol reducer, arthritis reliever and supple, beautiful skin. Evening primrose, borage and hemp seed oils are the best sources of
Another healthy yet underrated fat are Medium-chain triglycerides, or MCTs, found in large amounts in coconut oil. They are unique
in that they are a form of saturated fat, yet have many health benefits. Their digestion is near effortless and, unlike other fat, MCTs
are utilized in the liver and are easier on the pancreas, liver, and digestive system.
Within moments of MCTs being consumed, they are converted by the liver to energy which make it an excellent source of energy
during an intense workout or race. It has been shown to promote heart health, a strong immune system, a healthy metabolism, weight
loss and youthful skin.
Healthy fats like raw unprocessed plant based oils also carry hundreds of phytonutrients such as chlorophyll, phytosterols,
Carotenoids, Lignans (Phytoestrogens), tocopherols, tocotrienols, Flavonoids (Polyphenols) among others. Flax oil, for instance, when
extracted properly can retain high levels of cancer fighting lignans, while hemp oil is rich in many phytonutients, in particular
receiving a lot of attention for its high levels of immune boosting, alkalinizing, and cleansing chlorophyll.
Plant based oils can also be a great source of antioxidants. Chlorophyll found in hemp oil has antioxidant like properties while berry
seed oils are packed with antioxidants in a highly concentrated form. Raspberry, cranberry, and pomegranate seed oils are among
the best. They can be hard to find in stores and are expensive, but they will deliver an extra dimension to a high-quality oil blend. A
mixture containing all these oils is the ultimate essential fatty acid and antioxidant combination.
I use hemp oil as the base for salad dressings, sauces, shakes and many other recipes that do not require cooking at high heat. This is
because hemp offers exceptional flavor and nutrition. Using only hemp oil as your primary oil source is a good way to go; however,
a blend of about 80 percent hemp oil, 10 percent flaxseed oil, and 10 percent pumpkin seed oil is an optimal balance of essential
fatty acids. Fats play a pivotal role in ones health and longevity.
Hemp seed oil, flax seed oil, antioxidant oil blend (green tea seed oil, pomegranate seed oil, black cumin seed oil, black raspberry
seed oil, blueberry seed oil, cranberry seed oil), pumpkin seed oil, coconut oil.”
Organic Foods
Originally, all foods were “organic.” They were grown and prepared without pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, hormones
or irradiation. Foods were unrefined, whole or minimally processed. Since World War II and the advent of chemical farming and
food processing, the soils and foods of much of the world have been depleted of many important minerals and nutrients.
Our food these days, whether of vegetable or animal origin, is not only deficient in nutrients, but also full of pollutants and farming
chemicals. The modern process of denaturing foods via heavy refining and chemical treatment deeply affects the life force of our
food supply, making it difficult to foster equilibrium and health.
Pesticides, which have been shown to cause cancer and liver, kidney and blood diseases, create extra work for the immune system.
They lodge and accumulate in tissue, resulting in a weakened immune system, and consequently allow other carcinogens and
pathogens to filter into the body and affect our health. Organic certification is the public’s assurance that products have been grown
and handled according to strict procedures without persistent toxic chemical inputs.
1. Keep chemicals off your plate. Pesticides are poisons designed to kill living organisms and thus are harmful to humans. Many
approved pesticides were registered long before extensive research linked these chemicals to cancer and other diseases. Organic
agriculture is a way to prevent any more of these chemicals from getting into the air, water and food supply.
2. Protect future generations. Children are four times more sensitive to exposure to cancer-causing pesticides in foods than adults.
Organic Foods
3. Protect water quality. Pesticides pollute the public’s primary source of drinking water for more than half the country's population.
4. Organic farmers work in harmony with nature. Three billion tons of topsoil erodes from croplands in the U.S. each year, and
much of it is due to conventional farming practices, which often ignore the health of the soil. Organic agriculture respects the balance
necessary for a healthy ecosystem; wildlife is encouraged by including forage crops in rotation and by retaining fencerows, wetlands
and other natural areas.
5. Save energy. More energy is now used to produce synthetic fertilizers than to till, cultivate and harvest all the crops in the U.S.
6. Help small farmers. Although more and more large-scale farms are making the conversion to organic practices, most organic
farms are small, independently owned and operated family farms. USDA reported that in 1997, half of U.S. farm production came
from only 2% of farms. Organic agriculture can be a lifeline for small farms because it offers an alternative market where sellers
can demand fair prices for crops.
7. Support a true economy. Organic foods might seem expensive at first. However, your tax dollars pay for hazardous waste clean-
up and environmental damage caused by conventional farming.
8. Promote biodiversity. Planting large plots of land with the same crop year after year tripled farm production between 1950
and 1970, but the lack of natural diversity of plant life has negatively affected soil quality.
9. Nourishment. Organic farming starts with the nourishment of the soil, in turn producing nourishing plants. Well-maintained soil
produces strong, healthy plants that have more nutrients than conventionally grown produce.
10. Flavor. Organic produce simply tastes better. Conduct your own taste test!
You hear a lot about GMO's these days. What is the best way to avoid GMO's? Eat whole foods! What exactly is a GMO?
Genetically modified foods have had foreign genes inserted into their genetic codes.
"Genes change every day by natural mutation and recombination, creating new biological variations. Humans have been exploiting
this for centuries—shuffling genes in increasingly systematic ways and using extensive crossing and artificial selection—to create
many combinations that would never otherwise have occurred. Just about everything we eat is derived from livestock, crops, and
micro-organisms bred specifically to provide food. Humans have also redistributed genes geographically: the soybean is native to
Asia but is now grown throughout the Americas, and the potato, native to the American continent, is grown throughout the temperate
world. DNA has never been “static,” neither naturally nor at the hand of people.
Genetic modification is an extension of this. However, unlike conventional breeding, in which new assortments of genes are created
more or less at random, it allows specific genes to be identified, isolated, copied, and introduced into other organisms in much more
direct and controlled ways (see boxes). The most obvious difference from conventional breeding is that genetic modification allows us
to transfer genes between species.”
The average American’s diet relies heavily on corn, not so much in its vegetable form, which is okay in moderation, but in its more
toxic forms like high-fructose corn syrup, which is found in a lot of the fake, processed foods available in your grocery store or
restaurants. If you are vegan or vegetarian, you probably get soy in your diet as a protein substitute.
It is easy to see that there are perceivable benefits to genetically modifying our foods. It is less apparent to many that there can be
a huge and detrimental impact upon our health by eating the same.
It’s virtually impossible to provide a complete list of genetically modified food (GM food) in the United States because there aren’t
any laws for genetically modified crops. Some estimates say as many as 30,000 different products on grocery store shelves are
"modified." That's largely because many processed foods contain soy. Half of North America's soy crop is genetically engineered!
Rapeseed - Resistance to certain pesticides and improved rapeseed cultivars to be free of erucic acid and glucosinolates.
Gluconsinolates, which were found in rapeseed meal leftover from pressing, are toxic and had prevented the use of the meal in
animal feed. In Canada, where "double-zero" rapeseed was developed, the crop was renamed "canola" (Canadian oil) to
differentiate it from non-edible rapeseed.
Honey - Honey can be produced from GM crops. Some Canadian honey comes from bees collecting nectar from GM canola plants.
This has shut down exports of Canadian honey to Europe.
Cotton - Resistant to certain pesticides - considered a food because the oil can be consumed. The introduction of genetically
engineered cotton plants has had an unexpected effect on Chinese agriculture. The so-called Bt cotton plants that produce a
chemical that kills the cotton bollworm have not only reduced the incidence of the pest in cotton fields, but also in neighboring fields
of corn, soybeans, and other crops.
Rice - Genetically modified to contain high amounts of Vitamin A. Rice containing human genes is to be grown in the US. Rather than
end up on dinner plates, the rice will make human proteins useful for treating infant diarrhea in the developing world.
Soybean - Genetically modified to be resistant to herbicides - Soy foods including, soy beverages, tofu, soy oil, soy flour, lecithin.
Other products may include breads, pastries, snack foods, baked products, fried products, edible oil products and special purpose
Sugar cane - Made resistant to certain pesticides. A large percentage of sweeteners used in processed food actually comes from
corn, not sugar cane or beets. Genetically modified sugar cane is regarded so badly by consumers at the present time that it could
not be marketed successfully.
Tomatoes - Made for a longer shelf life and to prevent a substance that causes tomatoes to rot and degrade.
Corn - Resistant to certain pesticides - Corn oil, flour, sugar or syrup. May include snack foods, baked goods, fried foods, edible oil
products, confectionery, special purpose foods, and soft drinks.
Sweet corn - genetically modified to produces its own insecticide. Officials from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have
said that thousands of tons of genetically engineered sweet corn have made their way into the human food supply chain, even
though the produce has been approved only for use in animal feed. Recently Monsanto, a biotechnology food producer, said that
about half of the USA's sweet corn acreage has been planted with genetically modified seed this year.
Canola - Canola oil. May include edible oil products, fried foods, and baked products, snack foods.
Potatoes - (Atlantic, Russet Burbank, Russet Norkatah, and Shepody) - May include snack foods, processed potato products and other
processed foods containing potatoes.
Flax - More and more food products contain flax oil and seed because of their excellent nutritional properties. No genetically
modified flax is currently grown. An herbicide-resistant GM flax was introduced in 2001, but was soon taken off the market because
European importers refused to buy it.
Papaya - The first virus resistant papayas were commercially grown in Hawaii in 1999. Transgenic papayas now cover about one
thousand hectares, or three quarters of the total Hawaiian papaya crop. Monsanto, donated technology to Tamil Nadu Agricultural
University, Coimbatore, for developing a papaya resistant to the ringspot virus in India.
Squash - (yellow crookneck) - Some zucchini and yellow crookneck squash are also GM but they are not popular with farmers.
Red-hearted chicory - (radicchio) - Chicory (Cichorium intybus var. foliosum) is popular in some regions as a salad green, especially
in France and Belgium. Scientists developed a genetically modified line of chicory containing a gene that makes it male sterile,
simply facilitating the production of hybrid cultivars. Today there is no genetically modified chicory on the market.
Cotton seed oil - Cottonseed oil and linters. Products may include blended vegetable oils, fried foods, baked foods, snack foods,
edible oil products, and small-goods casings.
Tobacco -The company Vector has a GMO tobacco being sold under the brand of Quest® cigarettes in the U.S. It is engineered to
produce low or no nicotine.
Meat - Meat and dairy products usually come from animals that have eaten GM feed.
Peas - Genetically modified (GM) peas created immune responses in mice, suggesting that they may also create serious allergic
reactions in people. The peas had been inserted with a gene from kidney beans, which creates a protein that acts as a pesticide.
Vegetable Oil - Most generic vegetable oils and margarines used in restaurants and in processed foods in North America are made
from soy, corn, canola, or cottonseed. Unless these oils specifically say "Non-GMO" or "Organic," it is probably genetically modified.
Dairy Products - About 22 percent of cows in the U.S. are injected with recombinant (genetically modified) bovine growth hormone
Vitamins - Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is often made from corn, vitamin E is usually made from soy. Vitamins A, B2, B6, and B12 may
be derived from GMOs as well as vitamin D and vitamin K may have "carriers" derived from GM corn sources, such as starch,
glucose, and maltodextrin.