Sugata Bose PDF
Sugata Bose PDF
Sugata Bose PDF
Economic and Political Weekly August 1, 1998
modern regimes of power, that never appears in Ranade as a critique of ancient the thing and the only thing that will
n e g a t e d the p o s s i b i l i t y of s e l e c t i v e Indian tradition. Even more fascinating is rescue us from our present appalling
appropriation and e f f e c t i v e resistance Ranade' sexposition of reason in the service condition of intellectual and moral decay,
within these fields of p o w e r T o put it in of reform. In 'Our Modernity' Partha but we are not to take it haphazard and
a n o t h e r way, I w o u l d c o n t e n d that Chatterjee offers us this reading of Kant's in a lump; rather we shall find it expedient
colonised intellectuals sought alternative essay on Aufklarang. to select the very best that is thought and
routes of escape from the oppressive According to Kant, to be enlightened is known in Europe, and to import even that
present, not all of which lay through to become mature, reach adulthood, to with the changes and reservations which
creating a 'mayajal' or web of illusions stop being dependent on the authority of our diverse conditions may be found to
about our past and denouncing their o t h e r s , to b e c o m e f r e e and a s s u m e dictate. Otherwise instead of a simple
modernity. responsibility for one's own actions. When ameliorating influence, we shall have chaos
What is needed here is a dynamic and man is not enlightened, he does not employ annexed to chaos, the vices and calamities
historicised conception of religion that his own powers of reasoning but rather of the west superimposed on the vices and
might enable us to consider how the place accepts the guardianship of others and calamities of the east, 17
of the 'religious' in Indian public and 14
does as he is told. Aurobindo Ghose called the Congress
political life changed in the course of What lay at "the root of our helpless- un-national in 1893 not because of its
India's colonial history. There is a certain ness", Ranade declared, was "the sense imitation of the west or its inability to
static quality to Dipesh Chakrabarty's that we are always intended to remain attract Muslims in sufficient numbers, but
invocation of age-old Indian religion set children, to be subject to outside control, because it did not reach out to the working
under siege by the modern forces of and never to rise to the dignity of self- classes, "The proletariate among us is sunk
scienwtific rationalism, Partha Chatterjee control by making our conscience and our in i g n o r a n c e and o v e r w h e l m e d with
c o n c e d e s that the " i d e a that 'Indian reason the supreme, if not the sole, guide distress. B u t with that distressed and
nationalism' is synonymous with 'Hindu to our conduct... W e are children, no doubt, proletariate, - now that the middle
nationalism' is not the vestige of some but the children of God, and not of man, class is proved deficient in sincerity, power
pre-modern religious conception but an and the voice of God is the only voice [to] and judgment, - with that proletariate
entirely modern, rationalist and histori- which we are bound to listen...With too resides,..our sole assurance of hope, our
cist idea". 11 But he explains away the appa- many of us, a thing is true or false, righteous sole chance in the future," He even saw
rent contradiction between this rationalist or sinful, simply because somebody in the some hope in the communitarian conflicts
idea and the religiously inspired emotional past has said that it is so...Now the new over Hindi-Urdu and cow slaughter in the
attachment to the nation by resort to an idea which should take up the place of this early 1890s. "A few more taxes, a few
unsatisfactory dichotomy between the helplessness and dependence is not the more rash interferences of government, a
material and spiritual domains that he reads idea of a rebellious overthrow of all few more stages of starvation, and the
into anti-colonial nationalism, 12 In facing authority, but that of freedom responsible turbulence that is n o w religious will
up to the fundamental dilemma of having to the voice of God in us", 1 5 Seven years become social, I am speaking to that
to simultaneously resist colonial power later in a 1904 article entitled 'Reform or class.,.called the thinking portion of the
and appropriate elements f r o m modern Revival' Lala Lajpat Rai sought to argue Indian community; Well, let these thinking
European knowledge, colonised intel- that, while the reformers wanted reform gentlemen carry their thoughtful intellects
lectuals of the late 19th and early 20th on 'rational' lines, the revivalists wanted a hundred years back. Let them recollect
century harnessed reason and religion in reform on 'national' lines. Attempting to what causes led from the religious madness
multifarious ways to the cause of the nation. turn Ranade's argument on its head, Lajpat of St Bartholomew to the social madness
Religious sensibility could in the late Rai wrote: of the Reign of Terror". 1 8
19th century be perfectly compatible with Cannot a revivalist, arguing in the same Did the version of Indian nationalism
a rational frame of mind, just as social strain, ask the reformers into what they authored by Tilak and Aurobindo get
reform calling upon practical reason almost wish to reform us?....Whether they want marooned in the world of religious madness
invariably sought divine sanction of some to reform us into Sunday drinkers of brandy that failed to make the grade to social
kind. Speaking at the Eleventh Social and promiscuous eaters of beef? In short, madness? On the key questions of relations
Conference in Amraoti in 1897 Mahadev whether they want to revolutionise our between the overarching Indian nation on
Govind Ranade scored a debating point society by an outlandish imitation of the one hand and religious communities
against his 'revivalist' critics: European customs and manners and an and linguistic regions on the other, anti-
When my revivalist friend presses his undiminished adoption of European colonial t h o u g h t a n d politics of the
argument upon me, he has to seek recourse vice? 16 Swadeshi era left contradictory legacies.
in some subterfuge which really furnishes By this time Ranade was dead and he The anti-colonialism of both Hindus and
no reply to the question - what shall we could not reply that there need be no Muslims was influenced in this period by
revive? Shall we revive the old habits of necessary c o n t r a d i c t i o n b e t w e e n t h e their religious sensibilities. But since the
our people when the most sacred of our rational and the national. colonial state's scheme of enumeration
caste indulged in all the abominations as Vet it must be emphasised that the first had transformed one into the 'majority'
we now understand them of animal food radical intellectual challenge to moderate and the other into the ' m i n o r i t y '
and drink which exhausted every section nationalism had been remarkably community, it became easier for Hindu
of our country's Zoology and Botany? discriminating, judicious and balanced in religious symbolisms and communitarian
The men and the Gods of those old days ils attitude to European modernity. As interests to be s u b s u m e d within t h e
ate and drank forbidden things to excess Aurobindo Ghose put it in his sixth essay emerging discourse on the Indian nation.
in a way no revivalist will now venture N e w L a m p s f o r O l d ' p u b l i s h e d on If the Irish nation in 1905 was, as D P
to recommend. 13 December 4, 1893: M o r a n insisted, " d e facto a Catholic
What Chatterjee presents as Rajnarayan We are to have what the west can give us, nation", 1 9 the writings and speeches of
B a s u ' s critique of English modernity because what the west can give us is just most swadeshi nationalists certainly left
Economic and Political Weekly August 1, 1998
material" while the Hindus and Muslims s e d i t i o u s s p e e c h e s at t h e K h i l a f a t a "bond of affection" tied together the
h a d " r e l i g i o n a n d h o n o u r as t h e i r Conference in Karachi on July 9, 1921, Congress president and the young man he
motive". 3 3 Mohamed Ali and six others were put on a p p o i n t e d secretary of the A l l - I n d i a
T h e r e were at least two points of trial. Staged in a colonial law court, the Congress Committee. One frequent subject
weakness in the M a h a t m a ' s grand scheme defendants' case of necessity took the of argument between the two was "the
of Hindu-Muslim unity in his non-violent form of an interrogation of power in which Almighty". T h e Maulana liked to refer to
holy war. First, as in his staunch defence the memory of past British promises and God in Congress resolutions by way of
of t h e c a s t e s y s t e m , G a n d h i c l u n g present British perfidy loomed large, thanksgiving and when Nehru protested
dogmatically to social closure along lines M o h a m e d Ali took t w o long days to he was shouted at for his irreligion. But
of religious community when it came to address the jury. He did not hope to sway Mohamed Ali forgave his younger col-
inter-dining and inter-marriage. Likening them in order to be found not guilty. His league, believing him to be "fundamentally
eating to the other privately performed greatest success was in trying the patience religious" in spite of his "superficial
sanitary processes of life, he refused to of the British judge, all of whose attempts behaviour". 'Perhaps', Nehru mused, "it
dine even in the company of the Ali to rule his lengthy treatises on religious depends on what is meant by religion and
brothers. And he gave the meaning of law to be irrelevant proved utterly futile. religious". 4 1
Hindu-Muslim brotherhood an inimitable The judge exercised his power to sentence M o h a m e d A l i ' s stirring call for 'a
Gandhian twist in his opposition to inter- M o h a m e d Ali to t w o y e a r s ' rigorous federation of faiths' notwithstanding, the
marriage. "If brothers and sisters can live imprisonment, but the d e f e n d a n t had Coconada Congress failed to ratify C R
on the friendliest footing without ever successfully communicated his argument D a s ' s Bengal Pact for an equitable power-
thinking of marrying eachother", he wrote, to his audience of Islamic universalists sharing arrangement between Hindus and
"I can see no difficulty in my daughter and Indian anti-colonialists and, in the M u s l i m s . A s D a s ' s political disciple
regarding every Mahomedan [a] brother process, made the colonial masters squirm, Subhas Chandra Bose noted ruefully, it
and vice versa", 3 4 Gandhi changed his Mohamed Ali reminded the court of the was "rejected on the alleged ground that
views later in life and attended only inter- promise in the q u e e n ' s proclamation of it showed partiality for the Moslems and
caste and inter-community marriages, but 1858, a p r o m i s e r e - a f f i r m e d by t w o violated the principles of Nationalism". It
his attitude had caused hurt if not offence, s u b s e q u e n t British s o v e r e i g n s : ' T h e was adopted by a large majority at the
despite his claim that the Ali brothers Sepoys' Mutiny after which the q u e e n ' s Bengal Provincial Conference at Sirajganj
"scrupulously respect[ed his] bigotry, if proclamation was issued had originated in May 1924 overcoming the opposition
[his] self-denial may be so named". 3 5 The with greased cartridges in which c o w ' s of "some reactionary Hindus". 42 But at
s e c o n d w e a k n e s s s t e m m e d f r o m his and swine's grease was believed to be the all-India level the P u n j a b line
determination not to c o u n t e n a n c e the mixed". But Islamic law, the learned articulated by Lala Lajpat Rai had won
p o s s i b i l i t y of any l e g i t i m a t e c l a s s Maulana insisted, permitted a Muslim to out over the Bengal line advocated by
dimension in Muslim subaltern resistance eat pork if faced with starvation but laid C R Das. W h e n Das died in 1925, Subhas
to Hindu economic power. W h e n the down an absolute injunction against killing Bose, who deplored the absence of 'cultural
Mappilla rebellion broke out in the summer another Muslim. "And yet a government i n t i m a c y ' b e t w e e n I n d i a ' s t w o great
of 1921. he saw it as fanaticism pure and which is so tender as to ask soldiers before religious communities, wrote from
simple for which 'cultured Mussalmans' enlistment whether they object to vacci- Mandalay prison:
were sorry. 3 6 The response to the 'Moplah nation or re-vaccination", he concluded, I do not think that among the Hindu leaders
madness' was cited by him as proof of "would compel a Muslim to d o something of India, Islam had a greater friend than
Hindu-Muslim solidarity. " A s members worse than apostasise or eat pork. If there in the D e s h b a n d h u ..Hinduism was
of a family", he assured himself, " w e shall is any value in the boast of toleration and extremely dear to his heart; he could even
sometimes fight, but we shall always have in the proclamations of three sovereigns, lay down his life for his religion, but at
leaders who will compose our differences then we have performed a religious and the same time he was absolutely free from
and keep us under check". Besides, "in legal duty in calling upon Muslim soldiers dogmatism of any kind. That explains
the face of possibilities of such madness in these circumstances to withdraw from how it was possible for him to love Islam 4 3
in f u t u r e " , he asked, what w a s "the the army, and are neither sinners nor T h e m i d - 1 9 2 0 s , most contemporary
alternative to Hindu-Muslim unity? A criminals." 4 0 observers and historians agree, were a
perpetuation of slavery ? " 3 7 Even when in period of Hindu-Muslim strife. Nehru titles
December 1921 Lord Reading had "flung UNITARY NATIONALISM: the chapter in his autobiography dealing
Ireland" in his face, Gandhi was unfased. HINDU-MUSLIM DISUNITY with this phase of riots 'Communalism
"[I]t is not the blood that the Irishmen have M o h a m e d Ali emerged from prison as R a m p a n t ' in which he concludes: "Surely
taken", he contended, "which has given president of the Indian National Congress, religion and the spirit of religion have
them what appears to be their liberty. But Jawaharlal Nehru was present at the annual much to answer for. What killjoys they
it is the gallons of blood that they have session of the Congress in Coconada in have been." 4 4 This Nehruvian misdiag-
willingly given themselves". So Indians December 1923 where the Maulana, "as nosis of the c a u s e of H i n d u - M u s l i m
had to learn "the art of spilling their own was his wont", "delivered an enormously disunity was to have large implications
b l o o d w i t h o u t s p i l l i n g that of t h e i r long presidential address". But Nehru for the history of Indian anti-colonial
opponents". 3 8 t h o u g h t it w a s " a n interesting o n e " , nationalism in the last t w o decades of the
largely b e c a u s e it s h o w e d the historic British raj. A s the discourse of mainstream
For Gandhi's closest comrade Mohamed
M u s l i m deputation d e m a n d i n g s e p a r a t e Indian nationalism turned more strident
Ali it was the British call to Muslims to
electorates to have been "a command in its insistence on singularity, a sense
spill the blood of their o w n which, as
performance,..engineered by the govern- of unease a m o n g those c o n d e m n e d to
Ayesha Jalal has shown, constituted an
ment i t s e l f , Nehru considered Mohamed 'minority' status at the all-India level led
i n t o l e r a b l e i n f r i n g e m e n t of religious
them to call for safeguards and eventually
f r e e d o m . 3 9 On the charge of making Ali to be "most irrationally religious" but
Economic and Political Weekly August 1, 1998
small token of... love and admiration for and Bengal and the province of Ulster had 4 Dipesh Chakrabarty, 'Radical Histories and
Burma". 5 6 Accepting the gift the Burmese to be divided by totting up numbers in the Question of Enlightenment Rationalism'
in Economic and Political Weekly, April 8,
leader B a M a w said: "We Burmans also districts and counties.
attach a great deal of importance to certain T h e spirit of religion had little to do with 5 Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities:
sacred spots, to certain victory-bearing these temporal sins. Throughout the entire Reflections on the Origin and Spread of
earth as in Shwebo," 5 7 Once the march to c o u r s e of the history of Indian anti- Nationalism, Verso, London, 1991, p II.
Delhi had been halted at Imphal, the colonialism, religion as faith within the 6 G M Trevelyan, English Social History, p 353
defeated warriors and their leader gathered limits of morality, if not the limits of and British History in the Nineteenth Century,
once more at Bahadur S h a h ' s tomb on p vii, cited in Cannadine, ibid, p 202.
reason, had rarely impeded the cause of 7 Thomas Babington Macaulay, 'Gladstone on
July 11, 1944. On that sombre occasion national unity and may in fact have assisted Church and State' in G M Young (ed),
Subhas Chandra Bose closed his speech its realisation at key moments of struggle. Macaulay; Prose and Poetry, Harvard
with a couplet composed by Bahadur Shah T h e variegated symbols of religion as University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
after the collapse of the 1857 revolt: culture had enthused nationalists of many 1952, pp 609-60, quotations from pp 636-38.
Ghazion me bu rahegi jab talak iman ki 8 Partha Chatterjee, Our Modernity' in The
hues and colours but had seldom embittered
Takht London tak chalegi, tegh Hindustan Present History of West Bengal, Oxford
relations between religious communities University Press, Delhi. 1997, p 204.
ki. until they were flaunted to boast the power 9 Rajnarayan Basu, She Kal aar E Kal,
(So long as Ghazis are imbued with the of majoritarian triumphalism. Theconceits Brajendranath Bandyopadhyay and
spirit of faith of unitary nationalism may well have Sajanikanta Das (eds), Bangiya Sahitya
The sword of Hindustan will reach Parishad, Calcutta, 1956, cited in Chatterjee,
caused a deeper sense of alienation among
'Our Modernity' in Present History, p 198.
London's throne.) 58 those defined as minorities than the attach- 10 Chatterjee, ibid, pp 200, 210,
FROM UNION OF HEARTS TO AMPUTATION ments to diverse religions. T h e territorial 11 Partha Chatterjee, The Nation and Its
OF LIMBS claims of a minority turned nation heaped Fragments: Colonial and Postcolonial
further confusion on the furious contest Histories, Oxford University Press, Delhi,
Whether due to a British error in rational 1994, p 110.
over sovereignty in the dying days of the
decision-making or in answer to the prayers 12 I have undertaken an elaborate critique of this
raj. Having failed to share sovereignty in position elsewhere. See my 'Nation as Mother:
offered at Bahadur S h a h ' s tomb. India's the manner of their pre-colonial forbears, Representations and Contestations of "India"
anti-imperialists were given a last oppor- late-colonial nationalist worshippers of in Bengali Literature and Culture' in Sugata
tunity to reach an honourable settlement the centralised state ended up dividing the Bose and Ayesha Jalal (eds), Nationalism,
of the problem of religious difference when land. Surely Godless nationalism linked Democracy and Development: State and
three Punjabi officers of the INA - a Hindu, Politics in India, Oxford University Press,
to the colonial categories of religious Delhi, 1997, pp 50-75,
a Muslim and a Sikh - were put on public majorities and minorities has much to 13 Ramabai Ranade (ed), Miscellaneous
trial at the Red Fort for waging war against answer for. What a killer it has been! Writings of the Late Hon'ble Mr Justice
the king-emperor. The venue was the same M G Ranade, Sahitya Akademi, Delhi, 1992,
I can do no better than close with a few lines
as on the occasion of the historic trial of p 190,
of a poem that the "great sentinel' Rabindra-
Bahadur Shah, so was the sentence - depor- 14 Chatterjee, 'Our Modernity' in Present
nath Tagore, a jealous guardian of reason History, p 199.
tation for life. But on this occasion the sen-
against unreason, printed in his little book 15 Ranade (ed), Miscellaneous Writings of
tence could not be carried out and the Red
on nationalism in 1917. It was an English the Late Horihle Mr Justice M G Ranade,
Fort the three officers were released almost pp 193-94.
rendering of a Bengali poem he had
immediately by the commander-in-chief 16 Lala Lajpat Rai, Writings and Speeches,
composed on the last day of the last century:
Claude Auchinleck under intense public Vol I, University Publishers, Delhi, 1966.
The last sun of the century sets amidst the
pressure. 5 9 Yet the union of hearts in the 17 Aurobindo Ghose, 'New Lamps for Old' in
blood-red clouds of the West and the Haridas Mukherjee and Uma Mukherjce (eds),
winter of 1945-46 could not prevent the ampu-
whirlwind of hatred. Sri Aurobindo's political Thought (1893-
tation of limbs in the s u m m e r of 1947.
The naked passion of self-love of Nations, 1908), Firma K L Mukhopudhyay, Calcutta.
The all-important question as to why at 1958, pp 103-04
in its drunken delirium of greed, is dancing
the end of the day the Punjab pushed the 18 Ibid, pp 108-09.
to the clash of steel and the howling verses
subcontinent towards partition rather than 19 Cited in R F Foster, Modern Ireland, 1600-
of vengeance... 1972, Allen Lane, London. 1988, p 454.
union has been addressed more fully by
Keep watch, India...Let your crown be of 20 Cited in Ayesha Jalal, "Exploding
Ayesha J a l a l 6 0 What needs emphasising Communalism; The Politics of Muslim
in conclusion today is that division was humility, your freedom the freedom of the
Identity in South Asia' in Bose and Jalal
not a foregone conclusion until the moment soul. (eds), Nationalism, Democracy and
of the actual wielding of the p a r t i t i o n e d Build God's throne daily upon the ample Development, p 87,
axe. The principle of Ausgleich was alive bareness of your poverty 21 For a fuller treatment of the history of this
And know that what is huge is not great period see the relevant chapters in Sugata
in the cabinet mission's proposal of a Bose and Ayesha Jalal (eds). Modern South
three-tiered federal structure for India in and pride Is not everlasting. 62
Asia: History, Culture. Political Economy,
1946 as it had been in the ideas for a Routledge, London and Oxford University
Notes Press, Delhi, 1997,
council of Ireland in 1920 and perhaps
even as late as the James Craig-Michael [G M Trevelyan Lecture, University of Cam- 22 See the chapter The Moment of Manoeuvre:
bridge, November 26, 1997. I would like to thank Gandhi and the Critique of Civil Society' in
Collins pact of March 1922 and also in
Ayesha Jalal for inspiring the ideas that inform Partha Chatterjee (ed), Nationalist Thought
the plans for a binational state in Palestine and the Colonial World: A Derivative
this lecture even though she does not share my
in 1948. 61 What made partition-adecision Discourse, University of Minnesota Press,
starry-eyed admiration of Gandhi,]
born of short-term expediency - into such Minneapolis, 1993, pp 85-130. The quoted
a l o n g - t e r m f e a t u r e of the p o l i t i c a l 1 Jawaharlal Nehru, Towards Freedom, Beacon phrases appear on p. 93.
Press, Boston, 1958, p 32. 23 Mahatma Gandhi, 'Mr Andrews' Difficulty',
landscapes of both India and Ireland, was
2 David Cannadine, G M Trevelyan: A Life in in Young India 1919-1922, (Young India,
that in order to ensure rule by religiously History, Fontana Press, London, 1993, p 92, July 21, 1920), S Ganesan, Madras, 1922,
defined majorities the provinces of Punjab 3 Nehru, Towards Freedom, pp 34-36, 38. pp 151-52.
Economic and Political Weekly August 1, 1998