Uncertainty in Financial Markets and Business Cycles

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Uncertainty in Financial Markets and

Business Cycles∗

Seçil Yıldırım-Karaman†

Can financial uncertainty shocks induce real downturns? To investigate this question
theoretically, this paper develops a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with
two period lived heterogenous agents, monopolistically competitive firms and sticky
prices. In the model financial uncertainty is measured by the volatility of stock prices
and this volatility results from the stochastic irrational beliefs of nonsophisticated agents
about the future performance of the stock. An increase in the stock price volatility
decreases aggregate demand and generates a significant contraction in output. The
model contributes to the literature by modeling financial market volatility in a general
equilibrium framework, establishing its causal impact on real variables, highlighting the
mechanisms through which the impact works, and providing estimates of its magnitude.
Keywords: Financial Uncertainty; Volatility Shocks; DSGE; Business Cycles; Great
JEL Classification: E12; E32; E37; G01; G12

I am grateful to Refet Gürkaynak for his extensive academic guidance and encouragement. Çağrı
Sağlam, Başak Tanyeri, Susantu Basu, Brent Bundick, seminar participants at Bilkent University,
Şehir University, Bahçeşehir University, Boston College, Koç University, Gebze Technical University,
Kemerburgaz University also provided invaluable comments and insights. This paper is based in part
on research conducted in Boston College during 2013-2014 with financial support from TÜBİTAK.

Department of Economics, Istanbul Kemerburgaz University, Istanbul, Turkey;

1. Introduction
This paper investigates whether uncertainty originating in financial markets affects real
variables and helps drive business cycles. The impact of uncertainty is investigated
based on a New Keynesian model with two types of agents, sophisticated and non-
sophisticated, who price the risky asset, stock, differently. In the model, an increase
in volatility of future stock price expectations of nonsophisticated agents increases the
volatility of current stock prices. The stock price volatility, in turn, reduces consump-
tion, investment, employment and output. The paper contributes to the literature by
modeling financial market volatility in a general equilibrium framework, establishing its
causal impact on real variables, highlighting the mechanisms through which the impact
works, and providing estimates of its magnitude.
By investigating the real consequences of financial volatility, the paper fills a gap in
the existing DSGE literature on business cycles. In the DSGE literature, the prevalent
approach is to model volatility as originating from real sector. This modeling choice
reflects the fact that modeling financial markets as an exogenous source of volatility
is not straightforward when all agents are assumed to be rational. Hence, volatility is
modeled as second moment shocks to the total factor productivity1 , household discount
rates2 , idiosyncratic productivity of the firms3 , or fiscal policy tools.4 In these models an
increase in real volatility in turn causes a contraction in output and induces endogenous
volatility in asset prices.
The innovation in the current model is that it generates financial market volatility
even in the absence of real shocks. In other words, in this model uncertainty shocks orig-
inate in the financial sector and are transmitted to real sector. The critical assumption
for generating financial market volatility in the absence of real shocks is the existence
of nonsophisticated agents in the model who are boundedly rational and have volatile
expectations about future stock market performance. This modeling setup reflects the
insight that financial markets might themselves be an independent source of uncertainty.
Theoretically and empirically, there is a large body of work that suggests behavioral and
See Bloom et al. (2012) and Basu and Bundick (2012).
See Basu and Bundick (2012).
See Gilchrist et al. (2014), Christiano et al. (2013), and Arellano et al. (2010).
See Fernández-Villaverde et al. (2011).

informational shocks might lead financial volatility to increase over and above volatility
due to fundamental shocks.5 In this respect, this paper identifies a mechanism both
for the exogenous increase in financial uncertainty caused by nonfundamental factors
and its transmission to real industry. This independent impact of financial uncertainty
might be working together with real uncertainty shocks emphasized in the literature
and help understand the severity of the resulting downturns. This setup is particularly
relevant for the recent Great Recession, considering the widespread consensus about
the role of financial sector in instigating the crisis.
The paper formalizes the impact of financial uncertainty on real variables based
on a model that works in two steps. The first step generates financial uncertainty
as the outcome of ”mood” shocks to agents. In particular, there are two types of
agents, sophisticated and nonsophisticated, who price the risky asset, stock, differently.
Sophisticated agents correctly discount future dividends. Nonsophisticated agents, on
the other hand, are subject to ”mood” shocks which change their level of ”pessimism”
about the future performance of the stock, and cause their valuation to deviate from
sophisticated agents’ valuation. The ”mood” of nonsophisticated agents is subject to
both level and volatility shocks causing the level and the volatility of the stock prices
to be stochastic.
The second step in the model, the main focus of the paper, captures the impact
of greater stock price volatility on real variables. The impact works as follows. First,
because agents are risk averse, when future stock price volatility increases, demand
for stocks and equilibrium stock price falls, and because agents hold stocks, there is a
negative wealth shock. Second, the increase in stock price volatility implies an increase
in volatility of future income, which induces agents to take precautionary measures.
In response to both the wealth shock and precautionary motives, agents cut back on
consumption and increase their labor supply. On the firm side, under the New Keyne-
sian assumptions of monopolistic competition and sticky prices, lower wages increase
markup, and higher markup contracts labor demand. Under plausible parameter val-
ues, labor demand contracts more than the increase in labor supply, and so equilib-
rium employment and output fall. Higher markup and lower employment also decrease
marginal return on capital and in turn investment. All in all, equilibrium employment,
See De Long et al. (1990), Barberis et al. (1998), Baker and Wurgler (2006).

consumption, investment and output decrease.
In the model outlined above, uncertainty in financial markets is generated by ”mood”
shocks. The model, however, can be interpreted more broadly, as a general model of
uncertainty shocks that spread from financial sector to real sector. Uncertainty in fi-
nancial markets can also go up, for example, if the quantity and quality of available
information changes (Ross (1989), Andersen (1996)). Whatever the ultimate exoge-
nous source of financial uncertainty is, the mechanisms of its impact on real variables,
identified in the second step of the model, are still at work.
The negative causal effect of financial uncertainty on real output in the model is con-
sistent with empirical evidence from both older and more recent economic downturns.
For example, Romer (1988) finds that doubling of stock market volatility, which is mea-
sured by historical variation in stock prices, reduces durable consumption goods output
significantly. She also argues that 1929 stock market crash led to a recession, but 1987
crash did not, because in the 1929 crisis volatility was much higher. Choudhry (2003)
investigates the impact of stock market volatility on real production, consumption and
investment using an error-correction model under the assumption that volatility follows
a nonstationary stochastic process. His results suggest that stock market volatility has
adverse effects on consumption and investment.

Figure 1. Real GDP and Implied Volatility during the Great Recession

Figure 2. Industrial Production and Stock Market Volatility during the Great Depres-

The sequencing of events during the recent and earlier financial crises also provide
evidence for the negative impact of financial market volatility on real production. In
the build up to the Great Recession of 2008, a critical turning point was the collapse of
Lehman Brothers. After Lehman failed, it created a widespread panic in financial mar-
kets about the possible bankruptcy of other financial institutions. The panic arguably
increased the volatility in the financial markets, a feeling of uncertainty replaced eco-
nomic optimism and this in turn played a role in the decision by consumers and firms
to cut back their spending.
Historical evidence suggests that a similar mechanism was at work during the Great
Depression of 1929. The US entered a mild recession in the summer of 1929, explained
in the literature mainly by the monetary tightening of the Federal Reserve. The severe
collapse in output, however, began in October 1929 after the stock market crash and
the spike in financial volatility. Volatility stayed high for the next few years because of
the concerns about the health of the banking system while real production continued
to decline. This sequence of events has motivated Friedman and Schwartz (1971) and
others to argue that the spike in the financial market volatility played an independent
and important role in the real contraction during the Great Depression.

Figure 1 and 2 demonstrate, in both instances, at the outset of the real down-
turn there was a significant spike in stock market volatility. The spike was partly a
consequence of a turn for worse in the real variables. Arguably, in addition to these
real shocks, market panic and informational asymmetries also contributed to volatility.
Since stock market plays a central role in the economic decisions of both firms and
households, it is only plausible that the spike in volatility should have causal effects of
its own.
The rest of the essay proceeds as follows. Section 1 presents the model and section
2 describes the calibration procedure. Section 3 discusses the model assumptions and
results, evaluates them and compares them with the empirical evidence. The last section

2. The Model

2.1. Agents

Agents in the economy are modeled as an infinite sequence of overlapping generations

(OLG). For simplicity, each generation has the same size and is assumed to live two
periods. There are two types of young agents, sophisticated and nonsophisticated,
which are assumed to be risk averse. The share of nonsophisticated and sophisticated
agents are fixed and respectively denoted by n and 1 − n where 0 < n < 1. They work,
consume and save in the first period and retire in the second period. Their income in
the second period is equal to the return on savings they made in the first period.
In the first period, the agents decide how much to work, how much to consume in
the current period and save for the second period, and how to allocate savings between
safe and risky assets to maximize their lifetime utility. The safe and risky assets are
interpreted respectively as bonds and stocks. The price of the safe asset is always 1
in terms of the numeraire consumption good. Its one period return is known with
certainty. The risky asset, stock, is supplied at a fixed amount and both the level and
the volatility of its price are time varying and determined as discussed below.
Equilibrium asset pricing structure follows De Long et al. (1990) and stock price is
determined by consolidating the portfolio choice decisions of both types of agents. The

critical assumption in agents’ problem is that the two types of agents price the risky
assets, stocks, differently. The sophisticated agents correctly discount future dividends.
The nonsophisticated agents, on the other hand, may be subject to ”mood” shocks
regarding the future performance of the stock, which in turn causes their valuation to
deviate from sophisticated agents’ valuation. In other words, nonsophisticated agents
misperceive the expected stock price based on their irrational beliefs. These shocks to
”mood” of nonsophisticated agents are modeled as a stochastic process and both their
level and variance are assumed to follow AR(1) processes. In the following subsections
both types of agents’ problems are specified in more detail.
Using OLG framework for the agents is an appropriate way of modeling the ques-
tion of the paper for two reasons. First, OLG includes at least two types of agents
living in the same period and belonging to different generations, young and old. This
structure allows financial assets to be traded between two different agents at each point
in time. In this set up young agents’ demand for stocks is based on their expecta-
tions about the future stock price and can be derived from their optimization problem.
Old agents supply the stocks. Equalizing total supply to total demand determine the
equilibrium market value of the stock which differs from its fundamental value. Hence,
OLG framework, with heterogenous agents in each period, allows the model to generate
stock market volatility in the absence of fundamental shocks, and investigate its impact,
which is at the core of the paper.
Second, OLG framework allows us to analyze the different periods of the life span
explicitly. This is important because agents make their saving and portfolio allocation
decisions to maximize their expected future wealth. The model captures how the vari-
ations in the stock market affect agents’ expectations about their future income which
in turn affect their saving and working behaviors when they are young.

2.1.1. Sophisticated agents

Sophisticated agents maximize their lifetime utility:

s s s
M ax
s s s
U (C y,t , Nt ) + βE t U (C o,t+1 ) (1)
Nt ,St ,λt

subject to:

Wt s
N = wt Nts = Sts + Cy,t
Pt t

λst Pte
Sts − Bts = = λst pet (3)

Et [Co,t+1 ] = Sts rtb + λst Et [(pet+1 + dt+1 ) − rtb pet ] (4)

where Cys and Cos respectively represent the consumption of young and old sophisti-
cated agents. P is the price level and w is the real wage level in the economy, S s is the
amount of saving in terms of consumption goods which is allocated to stocks and bonds,
B and λs are respectively the amount of bonds and stocks purchased by sophisticated
agents. Price of one unit of bond is equal to one unit of consumption good. pe is the
real price of one unit of stock, d is the real dividend payment for one unit of stock, and
rb is the real return on the bond.
Utility function of the agents is defined as:

U (Cy,t , Nt ) = −e−2γCy,t − ν (5)

Et [U (Co,t+1 )] = Et [−e−2γCo,t+1 ] (6)

where γ is the coefficient of absolute risk aversion and 1/ϕ is the Frisch elasticity of
labor supply.
Under the assumption of normally distributed returns, maximizing (6) is equivalent
to maximizing:

Et [Co,t+1 ] − γσc2o,t+1 (7)

Since the variance of consumption of old agents is a function of the variance of stock
price, σc2o,t+1 = (λst )2 σp2et+1 , the expression (7) can be rewritten as:

Et [Co,t+1 ] − γ(λst )2 σp2et+1 (8)

Sophisticated agents choose how much to work, how much to save and how to

allocate their savings between risky and riskless assets. First order conditions for the
utility maximization problem of sophisticated agents are:

U 0 (Cy,t
) = Et βrtb U 0 (Co,t+1
) (9)

" #
(pet+1 + dt+1 ) − rtb pet
λst = Et (10)

U 0 (Cy,t
)wt = −U 0 (Nts ) (11)

where (9) is the Euler equation, (10) is the demand function of the sophisticated agents
for the risky asset and (11) is the labor supply function.

2.1.2. Nonsophisticated agents

The young nonsophisticated agents’ optimization problem at period t is:

, Ntn ) + βEt U (Co,t+1
M ax U (Cy,t
n n n
) (12)
Nt ,St ,λt

subject to:

Wt n
N = wt Ntn = Stn + Cy,t
Pt t

λnt Pte
Stn − Btn = = λnt pet (14)

Et [Co,t+1 ] = Stn rtb + λnt Et [pet+1 + dt+1 − at − rtb pet ] (15)

Note that the only difference between the nonsophisticated and sophisticated agents
problem is that the former has an extra term, a, in the budget constraint (15). a cap-
tures the nonsophisticated agents mood, and more specifically, their degree of pessimism
about the future performance of the stock. If the level of a increases, nonsophisticated
agents become more pessimistic about the expected value of their savings. If the volatil-
ity of a increases, volatility of the expected future value of their savings increases. a is
assumed to be stochastic and both its level and volatility are assumed to follow AR(1)


at = ρa at−1 + σta εat (16)

a a
σta = (1 − ρσa )σ a + ρσa σt−1
+ σ σ εσt (17)

where ρa < 1, ρσa < 1.

In the model, level shocks to mood of nonsophisticated agents are given by increasing
parameter εa in equation (16). Such a shock increases a, makes nonsophisticated agents
more pessimistic and in turn depresses stock price. Volatility shocks to the mood
of nonsophisticated agents are given by increasing parameter εσ in equation (17).
These volatility shocks in turn increase the volatility of stock prices. Hence, level
and volatility shocks to nonsophisticated agents mood translate into level and volatility
shocks to financial markets and the model investigates how these shocks in turn affect
real variables.
The first order conditions that follow are:

U 0 (Cy,t
) = Et βrtb U 0 (Co,t+1
) (18)

" #
(pet+1 + dt+1 − at ) − rtb pet
λnt = Et (19)

U 0 (Cy,t
)wt = −U 0 (Ntn ) (20)

where (18) is the Euler equation, (19) is the demand function of the nonsophisticated
agents for the risky asset and (20) is the labor supply function.
When we consolidate equations (9) and (18) with the weights of sophisticated and
nonsophisticated agents we obtain the consolidated Euler equation:

e−2γCy,t = Et βrtb e−2γCo,t+1


where Cy,t is the total consumption of young in period t.

s n
Cy,t = (1 − n)Cy,t + nCy,t (22)

Co,t is the total consumption of old in period t.

s n
Co,t = (1 − n)Co,t + nCo,t (23)

Similarly, we combine equations (11) and (20) to obtain the consolidated labor
supply function:

νNtϕ = 2γwt e−2γCy,t (24)

2.1.3. Equilibrium asset pricing

The equilibrium price of the risky asset is determined by setting demand for stocks
equal to the supply. The supply of stocks is fixed at S e which is normalized to 1. It
follows that the stock price is determined by setting the total demand of both types of
agents equal to one:

(1 − n)λst + nλnt = S e = 1 (25)

Equations (10), (19) and (25) determine the evolution of the stock price:

pet = 1/rtb Et [(pet+1 + dt+1 ) − 2γσp2et+1 − nat ] (26)

Through forward iteration of equation (26), we can define the variance of the stock
price as a function of the variance of the nonsophisticated agents’ mood. Discounting
the expected future variances with the steady state discount factor, it follows:

σp2et ' V ar(at ) b − ρ )2
(rss a

h i  
Et σp2et+1 ' Et V ar(at+1 ) b (28)
(rss − ρa )2

εat+1 )
Et [V ar(at+1 )] = Et V ar(ρa at + σt+1 (29)

Et [V ar(at+1 )] = ρ2a V ar(at ) + Et (σt+1
 a 2
) (30)

Expected variance of next period stock price is defined as:

h i n2
Et σpet+1 ' ρ2a V ar(at ) + Et (σt+1
 a 2 
) b − ρ )2
(rss a

Then, equation (26) can be written as:

pet 1/rtb Et (pet+1 ρ2a V a
= + dt+1 ) − 2γ ar(at ) + Et (σt+1 b − ρ )2
− nat (32)
(rss a

From equation (32), we can make two immediate observations. First, stock prices
persistently deviate from their fundamental values. The intuition is that because the
agents are risk averse the additional risk generated by the unpredictable mood of the
nonsophisticated agents can not be eliminated completely. Hence, arbitrage trading
stays limited. Second, an increase in both the volatility and the level of the pessimistic
beliefs of nonsophisticated agents have a negative impact on stock prices. An increase
in the level of pessimistic beliefs decreases only the demand of nonsophisticated agents.
An increase in the volatility of misperception, however, decreases the demand of both
types of agents.

2.2. Firms

There are two types of firms in the model, intermediate and final goods producers.

2.2.1. Intermediate goods producers

Intermediate goods producers are monopolistically competitive and face a quadratic

cost of changing their price Pt (i) each period. Each firm i produces Yt (i) using capital
Kt (i) and labor Nt (i). They use debt and equity to finance their investment and face
a quadratic cost for adjusting the investment rate. Each firm i chooses its price level,
investment and labor demand to maximize the discounted sum of the equity value. All
intermediate goods firms have Cobb-Douglas production function with constant returns
to scale and a fixed cost f c. Hence, firms maximize:

" ∞
X Dt+s (i)
M ax Mt+s [ ] (33)
Kt+1 ,It ,Pt ,Nt
Pt+s (i)

subject to:

Pt (i)
Yt (i) = Yt = zKtα (i)Nt1−α (i) − f c (34)

 2 !
ψk It (i)
It (i) = Kt+1 (i) − 1−δ− −δ Kt (i) (35)
2 Kt (i)

Dt (i) Pt (i) b
= dt (i) = Yt − It (i) − wt Nt (i) − rt−1 Bt−1
Pt (i) Pt
ψp Pt (i)
+Bt − − 1 Yt (36)
2 Pt−1 (i)

where constraint (34) states that total production of intermediate good i must be
equal to the total demand of final goods producers for intermediate good i. Since
intermediate goods producers have monopoly power, they take the demand function
as given when they solve their optimization problem. Constraint (35) represents the
capital accumulation process and constraint (36) captures that the profit of the firm i
is distributed to the equity holders as dividend payments.
First order condition with respect to Nt gives the labor demand function:

wt = (1 − α)zµt Ktα (i)Nt−α (i) (37)

where µt is the Lagrange multiplier for constraint (34) and can be interpreted as
marginal cost of producing the intermediate good and 1/µt is the mark-up at time t.
First order condition with respect to Kt+1 gives investment demand equation:

    2 
ψk It+1 (i)
α−1 1−α
1 − δ − 2 Kt+1 (i)
− δ
qt = Et Mt+1 αzµt+1 Kt+1 (i)Nt+1 (i) + qt+1     
It+1 (i) It+1 (i)
+ψk Kt+1 (i) − δ Kt+1 (i)
where qt is the Lagrange multiplier for constraint (35) and can be interpreted as the

price of a marginal unit of capital.
First order condition with respect to It is:

It (i) 1
1 − ψk −δ = (39)
Kt (i) qt
First order condition with respect to Pt (i) is:

 h i−θ h i−θ−1 
Pt (i) Pt (i)
(1 − θ) Pt + θµt Pt
Pt (i) Pt
ψp −1 = h   i 
Pt−1 (i) Pt−1 (i) Yt+1
+ψp Et Mt+1 Yt Pt+1 (i)
−1 Pt+1 (i) Pt
Pt (i) Pt (i) Pt (i)
First order condition with respect to Bt (i) is:

1/rtb = Mt+1 (41)

Since Modigliani and Miller Theorem (Terra (2008)) holds in this set up, debt
financing and equity financing are equivalent for the firm. Without loss of generality,
it is assumed that intermediate goods producers’ borrowing is equal to a fixed share of
the value of capital:

Bt = τ qt Kt (42)

2.2.2. Final goods producers

Final goods producers use the intermediate goods as input, have a constant returns
to scale technology and operate in a perfectly competitive market. The representative
final goods producer maximizes its profits:

Z 1
P t Yt − Pt (i)Yt (i)di (43)

subject to:

Z 1  θ−1
Yt = Yt (i) θ di (44)

where θ is the elasticity of substitution between intermediate goods.

First order condition gives the demand function for each intermediate good i :

Pt (i)
Yt (i) = Yt (45)

2.3. Monetary Policy

It is assumed that monetary authority controls the nominal interest rates to stabilize
the economy. Following Basu and Bundick (2012) the monetary authority adjusts the
nominal interest rates using the following rule:

ln rt = ρr ln rt−1 + (1 − ρr )(ln r + ρπ ln πt + ρy ln ) (46)
Fisher equation gives the relationship between the real interest rate, expected infla-
tion and the nominal interest rate.

= Et [πt+1 ] (47)
So, the Euler equation becomes:

−2γCy,t rt −2γCo,t+1
e = Et β e (48)

2.4. Equilibrium Conditions

Total consumption in period t is equal to the summation of the consumptions of young

and old agents in period t :

Ct = Cy,t + Co,t (49)

Goods market equilibrium implies that total output (net of inflation cost) has to be
either consumed or invested:

ψp Pt (i)
Yt − − 1 Yt = Ct + It (50)
2 Pt−1 (i)
Labor supply equation (24) and labor demand equation (37) together give the labor
market equilibrium:

(1 − α)zµt λt Ktα

Nt = (51)
All firms choose the same price Pt (i) = Pt , capital Kt (i) = Kt and labor Nt (i) = Nt .
Inflation is defined as πt = Pt−1

2.5. Solution Method

Perturbation AIM algorithm developed by Swanson et al. (2006) is used to solve the
model. This algorithm uses nth order Taylor approximation around the steady state to
find the rational expectations solution of the model.
In order to investigate the independent effects of the second moment shocks, third
order approximation is made around the nonstochastic steady state of the model along
the lines of Basu and Bundick (2012) and Fernández-Villaverde et al. (2009). Con-
sequently, impulse responses of variables to one standard deviation increase in the
financial volatility are estimated in terms of log deviations from their ergodic means.

3. Calibration
To analyze the quantitative impact of financial volatility shocks, I calibrate the model at
quarterly frequency. Some of the parameters are backed out from the data by matching
model generated moments with those in the actual data. Others are based on standard
values used in the literature. The resulting parameter set is summarized in Table (1).
In the first step of the calibration of the uncertainty shock process, I characterize
the financial volatility in the actual data. The proxy for financial volatility I use is
Chicago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index (VIX). The VIX is a measure of the
expected volatility of the Standard and Poor’s 500 stock index, and is the standard
proxy of forward-looking financial volatility used in the literature. The VIX is available
daily, so I first take the quarterly averages of the index between 1990 and 2014 to match
the frequency of the model. The resulting quarterly VIX series has a sample average of
21.01%. I then estimate the following reduced-form autoregressive time series model:

V IXt = (1 − ρvix )V IXss + ρvix V IXt−1 + σ vıx εt (52)

The estimated persistence parameter ρvix and the standard deviation of the distur-
bance σtvıx are respectively 0.73 and 5.01. Hence, one standard deviation shock to VIX
increases the level of VIX from its sample average of 21.01% to 26.02%, or by about a
The second step is to derive a model generated counterpart to VIX and match its
moments with the moments of actual VIX index to back out the parameters of the
model. The model-implied VIX index I use is the expected conditional volatility of the
expected return on the equity of the representative intermediate-goods producing firm.
Following Basu and Bundick (2012), the model implied VIX is:

V IXtimp eq
= 100 4V art [Et (Rt+1 )] (53)

where V art [Et (Rt+1 )] is the quarterly conditional variance of the expected equity
return. Setting the steady state value of model implied VIX equal to its sample mean of
21.01%, the share of nonsophisticated agents (n) is backed out as 14.67%. Similarly, I set
the uncertainty shock parameter σ σ as 0.0074 so that one standard deviation shock to
the volatility of degree of misperception increases the model implied VIX by a quarter
as in actual data. Finally, I calibrate the persistence parameter for the uncertainty
shock process, ρσa , as 0.73 which is the estimated value of the persistence parameter in
the autoregressive process (52).
Persistence parameter for the level shock is calibrated using S&P 500 series. Since
the series is non-stationary, first it is decomposed into trend and cycle components
using Hodrick-Prescott filter, and then persistence parameter of AR(1) process for the
cyclical component is estimated. The persistence parameter is found to be 0.88 and is
significant at 1%.
Other parameters are determined as follows. Calibration of adjustment cost for
investment, ψk , is based on Kimball (1995). In particular, adjustment cost parameter
is calibrated so that the elasticity of investment to capital ratio with respect to marginal
cost of capital is 5. Frisch elasticity of labor supply is equal to 1/ϕ and assumed to be
1.25. υ, labor supply constant, is calibrated so that the steady state fraction of time
spent in employment is 33% of the one unit of time endowment.

Table 1. Calibrated Parameters

Parameter Value Definition

α 0.33 Share of capital in the production
β 0.99 Subjective discount rate
δ 0.025 Depreciation rate
z 0.95 Solow residual
θ 6 Elasticity of substitution between intermediate goods
ψp 600 Adjustment cost to change price level
ψk 8 Adjustment cost to change investment
ρa 0, 88 Persistence of first moment financial shock
σa 0, 01 Volatility of first moment financial shock
ρσ a 0, 73 Persistence of second moment financial shock
σσ 0.0074 Volatility of second moment financial shock
γ 2 Degree of risk aversion
ϕ 0.8 Inverse of elasticity of labor supply
υ 5.22 Labor supply constant
n 0.1467 Share of nonsophisticated traders
ρπ 1.5 Sensitivity of nominal interest rate to changes in inflation

4. Results and Interpretation

This section reviews and interprets the findings of the model. The first subsection dis-
cusses the mechanisms through which financial uncertainty affects real variables and
puts them in the context of existing literature. The second subsection presents the im-
pulse response functions to financial volatility shocks and investigates the quantitative
impact of the shocks based on evidence from the Great Recession. The third subsection
discusses the responses of the real variables to a first moment financial shock. The
fourth subsection interprets the model’s treatment of financial markets. The last sub-
section evaluates the performance of the model by comparing its predictions regarding
comovements and magnitudes of variables with the actual data.

4.1. Modeling the Impact of Financial Market Volatility on

Real Variables

In the model, an increase in the volatility of stock prices alters the agents’ incentives in
two ways. First, when stock price volatility increases, stock price falls, and consequently

there is an immediate negative wealth shock to the agents. Second, higher stock price
volatility increases the volatility of agents’ future income, and because agents are risk
averse, it creates incentives for precautionary measures. Both of these channels induce
the agents to cut back on consumption and increase their savings and labor supply. On
the firm side, with monopolistic competition and sticky prices, falling wages increase
markup, which in turn depresses labor demand. Under plausible parameter values,
the decline in firms’ labor demand exceeds the increase in workers’ labor supply, and
equilibrium wage and employment fall. Finally, higher markup and lower employment
reduce the return on capital and decrease investment demand. Hence, in equilibrium,
consumption, employment, investment and output all decrease.
From a theoretical perspective, the main finding of the model, that uncertainty
depresses output, is not a straightforward result. In particular, in contrast to the current
New Keynesian setup, in general-equilibrium neoclassical models with a representative
firm and consumer, uncertainty increases output. The different predictions of the two
setups can be traced back to differences in the impact of uncertainty on labor demand.
In the current setup, uncertainty increases labor supply, but with sticky wages and
higher markup, contracts labor demand, leading to a fall in equilibrium employment
and output. Assuming labor supply is elastic, it increases in the neoclassical setup too,
but in the absence of a change in capital stock and technology, labor demand stays
the same, and so equilibrium employment and output increase. As will be discussed
below, the evidence on the comovement of variables during recessions lends support to
the predictions of the New Keynesian setup over the neoclassical setup.
The paper that the current model relates most closely to is Basu and Bundick
(2012), which also investigates the impact of uncertainty on real variables in a New
Keynesian setup. There is, however, an important difference. In the current study,
the source of uncertainty is financial markets, whereas in Basu and Bundick (2012),
household discount rates and total factor productivity. Consequently, while in both
models uncertainty shocks depress output through precautionary increases in labor
supply and saving, in the current model, there is a second channel which is absent
from Basu and Bundick (2012). In particular, in the current model, an increase in the
volatility of future stock prices induce an immediate fall in the current stock prices,
which acts as a negative wealth shock and exacerbates the negative impact on output.

By modeling uncertainty shocks that originate in the financial markets, the study
also offers a contrast to the financial accelerator models where the negative impact
of the increase in the cross sectional uncertainty is exacerbated by financial market
frictions.6 In this literature, uncertainty shocks to the variance of idiosyncratic produc-
tivity distribution of the firms increases the default risk of the firms and cost of debt
financing which in turn causes a decline in investment and output. The current study
makes the stronger claim that financial market risk can drive business cycles even in
the absence of a fundamental shock elsewhere.

4.2. Quantitative Impact of Volatility Shocks and the Great


In this section I use the simulation results to graphically demonstrate the mechanisms
through which the impact of financial uncertainty works and provide estimates of the
magnitude of the impact.
First consider Figure (3), the impact of one standard deviation increase in the fi-
nancial volatility on the labor market for the parameter set in Table (1). As discussed
above, labor supply shifts out, but labor demand contracts more, so equilibrium em-
ployment and wage fall.

Figure (4) traces the impulse response functions of the real variables to the one stan-
dard deviation volatility shock to the degree of misperception of the nonsophisticated
agents on a quarterly basis. One standard deviation increase in the volatility increases
the model implied VIX by 25% compared to its ergodic mean as we observe in data.
Consistent with the empirical evidence on recessions, the volatility shock is accompa-
nied by fall in real output and its components. In particular, one standard deviation
increase in volatility generates a 0.18% reduction in hours worked, 0.17% reduction in
output, 0.12% reduction in investment and 0.13% reduction in consumption.

To put these magnitudes in context, I next turn to evidence from the Great Re-
cession. Figure (5) shows the VIX-implied volatility shocks, calculated by dividing the
residuals of autoregressive process (52) by its standard deviation. It shows that the
See the seminal paper by Bernanke, Bernanke et al. (1999) and among others Gilchrist et al.
(2014), Christiano et al. (2013), and Arellano et al. (2010).

Figure 3. Labor Market Equilibrium before and after the Volatility Shock

1.31 LS1


1.29 Eq1

1.28 LD1

1.26 LD2

0.325 0.330 0.335 0.340

increase in the VIX index during the Great Recession was approximately 6.5 standard
deviations. Hence, to estimate the real impact of financial volatility during the Great
Recession, the responses of real variables in Figure (4) should be multiplied by 6.5. Ta-
ble (2) summarizes the resulting estimates of quarterly changes in real variables. The
model estimates a 1.11% peak drop in output, a 1.17% peak drop in working hours, a
0.78% peak drop in investment and a 0.85% peak drop in consumption. To put these
estimates in context, in the first quarter of 2009, the output gap was −6.2%.7 Because
the model abstracts away from the fundamental shocks that were at work during the
Great Recession, the numbers are not comparable per se, but the findings of the model
suggest that roughly 18% of the gap can be attributed to the increase in the financial
volatility which is a substantial impact.

Table 2. Simulation Results for the Great Recession

Peak Drops
Output 1.11%
Working hours 1.17%
Investment 0.78%
Consumption 0.85%

Congressional Budget Office estimates.

Figure 4. Impulse Responses to One Standard Deviation Financial Volatility Shock

4.3. First Moment Financial Shocks

Note that the discussion up to this point focused on the impact of volatility shocks. A
relevant question is the impact of level shocks. In the literature, a number of papers
have investigated the impact of first order shocks to financial markets on output through
different modeling setups. For example, in Jermann and Quadrini (2009), the level
shocks are to the firms’ exogenous borrowing capacity, and in Iacoviello (2014), they
enter through an increase in the number of borrowers who default and cause banks to
deleverage. These papers identify different transmission mecanisms nevertheless both
of them show that negative shocks to the financial system have significant negative
consequences on real production.
By changing parameter a, the level of misperception of agents, the current model

Figure 5. VIX Implied Uncertainty Shocks (residual of equation 2.52 is divided by its
standard deviation).

allows investigating the impact of level shocks on real variables. Figure (6) summarizes
the impact of one standard deviation increase in degree of pessimism. Overall, the
responses of the real variables are similar to the responses to volatility shock. To see
why, first note that, the impact of a volatility shock to agents’ mood worked through
two channels: the negative wealth effect and the incentives for precautionary measures
against future volatility. Both of these channels had the effect of increasing agents’
labor supply and incentive for savings. In the case of a level shock to the pessimism
of the agents, the stock price again declines, so the wealth shock is there, but there is
no change in future volatility, so the shock does not create a change in precautionary
incentives. The overall effect, however, is still an increase in agents’ labor supply and
higher incentive for savings. This in turn causes a decline in the aggregate demand.
Consequently, consumption, investment, employment and output decline.

4.4. Modeling Financial Market Volatility

In the model, uncertainty in financial markets is generated by shocks to the ”mood”

of the nonsophisticated agents. In this respect, the model follows a long line of liter-
ature that goes back to Keynes (1936) and argues that markets can fluctuate under

Figure 6. Impulse Responses to One Standard Deviation Level Shocks to Financial

the influence of investors’ animal spirits. According to this literature, due to behavioral
biases, investors may misprice assets and asset prices may diverge from their fundamen-
tal values.8 There is growing consensus in the literature that the mood shocks play a
significant role in financial markets, evidenced by the stock market bubbles and excess
volatility in aggregate stock index returns that can not be explained by volatility in
Note, however, that the main question that this paper investigates is how exogenous
volatility in financial markets impact real variables. In this respect, in the broader
interpretation of the model, the mood shocks can be considered as an analytical device
See De Long et al. (1990), Barberis et al. (1998).
See Baker and Wurgler (2006).

to generate the exogenous volatility in financial markets in order to trace its impact.
Financial markets may become more volatile for reasons other than mood shocks, and
the findings of the paper regarding the mechanisms through which financial volatility
affects output would still be valid.
A critical aspect of the financial markets in the model is that the stock prices de-
viate from their fundamental values. The rationale behind this deviation might not be
immediately transparent, as the efficient market hypothesis argues that even if non-
sophisticated traders exist and deviate the prices from their fundamental values, exis-
tence of rational arbitrageurs should drive prices towards their fundamental values.10
However, when the mood of the non-sophisticated traders is unpredictable, arbitrage
trading charges additional risk to the arbitrageur. If the arbitrageur is risk averse then
arbitrage becomes limited and fails to eliminate the deviations of asset prices from their
fundamental values completely. Hence, under limited arbitrage these deviations can be
persistent even if there is no fundamental risk.11

4.5. Validating the Model

The model makes a number of predictions about the impact of financial uncertainty on
the agents’ incentives and equilibrium outcomes that can be checked against the data.
For the agents, it predicts that financial volatility creates incentives to increase savings
at the cost of current consumption. This prediction can be traced back to the setup of
portfolio selection with one risky and one riskless asset and two period lived agents. In
this setup, an increase in stock market volatility implies an increase in the volatility of
second period income, and, because agents are risk averse, a decrease in the expected
second period utility. Moreover, since stocks become riskier, demand for stocks, and
consequently, stock price falls. Agents try to accommodate these negative shocks by
increasing their incentive to save. On the empirical front, there is a long line of lit-
erature supporting this prediction. For example, Carroll and Samwick (1998) provide
empirical evidence that income uncertainty induces agents to increase their precaution-
ary savings. Regressing household wealth on their measure of income uncertainty, the
paper estimates that between 32% and 50% of wealth in their sample is attributable to
See Fama (1965), Sharpe (1964), Ross (1976).
See De Long et al. (1990) and Barberis et al. (1998).

the extra income uncertainty.
On the firm side, the model predicts procyclical marginal costs and countercyclical
markups through sticky prices. These predictions accord well with the empirical litera-
ture. For example, Bils (1987) finds that short run marginal costs change procyclically
whereas prices do not respond cyclical fluctuations immediately and hence markup,
price to marginal cost ratio, is countercyclical. Likewise, Galeotti and Schiantarelli
(1998) provide evidence for a negative relationship between markups and aggregate
Most importantly, the model predicts that financial uncertainty leads to a contrac-
tion in investment, consumption and consequently in output. This prediction is con-
sistent with the empirical evidence. On the empirical front, Romer (1988), Choudhry
(2003) and Raunig and Scharler (2011) argue that an increase in stock market volatility
makes people feel unsafe about their future income and causes a substantial decline in
durable consumption and investment demand. The rationale behind this finding is that
households perceive stock market volatility as a predictor of future economic conditions
even if they do not hold stocks. Hence, higher stock market volatility is a strong signal
of higher uncertainty about their future income causing them to postpone investment
activities and durable goods consumption which in turn leads to a contraction in output.
Another way to evaluate the performance of the model is to compare the non-
targeted moments estimated by the model with the actual figures. Table (3) presents
the moments generated by the model and compares them with the values observed in

Table 3. Non-targeted Moments

Ergodic means Actual average values

Investment to GDP ratio 24.6% 20.7%
Consumption to GDP ratio 75.4% 67.2%
Mark-up 18.29% 23.5%
Annual interest rate 6.4% 4.5%
Equity risk premium 4.28% 5.38%

In the model, investment is estimated to constitute 24.6% of the output, which is

close to the actual average figure of 20.7% for the US between 2000-2014.12 Since there
is only investment and consumption in the model, the remaining 75.4% is estimated as
consumption, and the model does not provide estimates for government expenditures
and net exports.
As for short term interest rates, the model generates an ergodic mean of 4 × 1.6% =
6.4%, which bodes well with the actual average figure of 4.5% for the short term interest
rates between 1990-2009 for the US.
For the markup ratio, the model generates an estimate of 18.3%. This estimate
is also reasonable. For example, Martins et al. (1996) investigate markup ratios for
manufacturing industries between 1970 and 1992 and find average ratios of 15.2%,
20.8%, and 15.3% respectively for the US, Japan, and the UK. With more recent data
from 1981 to 2004, Christopoulou and Vermeulen (2012) find average markup ratios of
23.5% and 20% for the manufacturing industries in the US and the Euro area.
Implicit in the model is also a particular explanation to the equity premium puzzle.
According to the model, the equity risk premium is higher than what is justified by
the fundamentals, because the volatility of the mood of the nonsophisticated investors
introduces additional stock price volatility. Assuming an absolute risk aversion param-
eter of 2, the model generates an ergodic mean of 4 × 1.06% = 4.28% for the equity
risk premium. This estimate is very close to the actual average value of the equity risk
premium for the years between 1962 and 2011 which is 5.38%.13

5. Conclusion
This paper investigates whether an increase in uncertainty in financial markets helps
drive business cycles. While the financial consequences of real volatility shocks has been
modeled extensively, the real consequences of financial volatility shocks have received
less attention. The Great Recession, however, suggests that financial volatility may
independently contribute to the severity of economic downturns. The paper investigates
this impact by a model at the intersection of the literatures on equilibrium asset pricing
under the noise trading risk and DSGE models with monopolistically competitive firms
Data is taken from OECD.
See Damodaran (2013).

and sticky prices. The results of the model suggest that the negative impact of financial
volatility on output works by contracting aggregate demand and the simulation results
suggest this impact is substantial.
The finding that financial volatility is an independent cause of real downturns has
immediate policy implications. It suggests that policy makers shouldn’t be oblivious
to an increase in the financial volatility even if they believe it does not reflect a shift
in the fundamentals. More generally, the results suggest that the policymakers should
treat increased financial volatility as a problem in and of itself, rather than a symptom
of underlying fundamental issues.
While the model does not focus on driving the optimal monetary policy rules, its
findings have clear policy implications. The model finds that the increase in financial
market volatility during recessions has an independent and significant contribution to
the contraction in aggregate demand. Hence, the results of the model highlight the
importance of policy measures aimed at reducing volatility and increasing the confidence
in financial markets. For example, policy makers may turn to forward guidance policies
and reduce the volatility of the expectations of the agents about the future path of the
interest rate. To go beyond these general recommendations and drive the specifics of
such policies, further research is needed.

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