Plastic Analysis-Problms
Plastic Analysis-Problms
Plastic Analysis-Problms
In this span only two hinges are required to induce collapse in the beam.
Span FG is effectively a propped cantilever and consequently the position of the hinge
under the uniformly distributed load must be calculated. (Note: it is different from
Example 8.3 since the plastic moment at each hinge position is not the same).
Examples in structural analysis 634
Equate the Mp values to determine x:
Problem 8.1
Problem 8.2
Plastic analysis 635
Problem 8.3
Problem 8.4
Problem 8.5
Figure 8.13
Each of these collapse mechanisms can occur independently of each other. It is also
possible for a critical collapse mechanism to develop which is a combination of the
independent ones such as indicated in Figure 8.14.
Figure 8.14
Figure 8.15
Kinematic Method:
Consider each independent mechanism separately.
Consider the independent mechanisms, their associated work equations and Mp values
as shown in Figure 8.16:
Plastic analysis 657
Figure 8.16
It is evident from inspection of the collapse mechanisms that the hinges located at C
and E can be eliminated since in some cases the rotation is negative whilst in others it is
positive. The minimum number of hinges to induce total collapse is one more than the
number of redundancies, i.e. (ID+1)=2 and therefore the independent mechanisms should
be combined to try and achieve this and at the same time maximize the associated Mp
value. It is unlikely that mechanism (i) will be included in the failure mechanism since its
associated Mp value is relatively small compared to the others. It is necessary to
investigate several possibilities and confirm the resulting solution by checking that the
bending moments do not exceed the plastic moment of resistance at any section.
It is possible that this is the true collapse mechanism, however this would have to be
confirmed as indicated above by satisfying conditions (ii) and (iii) in Section 8.1.2.
In mechanism (v) β=0.5θ (see the sway calculation above) and hence the
total rotation at joint E=−(θ+β)=−1.5θ. If this hinge is to be eliminated
then the combinations of mechanisms (iii) and (v) must be in the
proportions of 1.5:1.0. (Note: when developing mechanism (v) the
proportions were 1:1).
The +ve rotation indicates tension inside the frame at point D and the −ve rotation
indicates tension outside the frame at point F.
Plastic analysis 659
This is marginally higher than the previous value and since there does not
appear to be any other obvious collapse mechanism, this result should be
checked as follows:
Figure 8.17
Examples in structural analysis 660
Figure 8.18
The three conditions indicated in Section 8.1.2 have been satisfied: i.e.
Yield condition: the bending moment does not exceed Mp anywhere in the
B(MP) +2.0θ − − − − −
C(Mp) −θ −θ − +θ EH EH (2.0Mpθ)
Table 8.1
Static Method:
This frame can also be analysed readily using the static method since it only has one
degree-of-indeterminacy. When using this method the frame can be considered as the
superposition of two frames; one statically determinate and one involving only the
assumed redundant reaction as shown in Figure 8.19. Applying the three equations of
equilibrium to the two force systems results in the support reactions indicated.
Examples in structural analysis 662
Figure 8.19
Equations can be developed for each of the five possible hinge positions in terms of the
two frames as follows:
Plastic analysis 663
As indicated previously, only two hinges are required to induce total collapse. A collapse
mechanism involving two hinge positions can be assumed and the associated equations
will each have two unknown values, i.e. HG and Mp and can be solved simultaneously.
The value of the bending moment at all other hinge positions can then be
checked to ensure that they do not exceed the calculated Mp value. If any
one does exceed the value then the assumed mechanism was incorrect and
others can be checked until the true one is identified.
Check the value of the moments at all other possible hinge positions.
Since the bending moment at F is greater than Mp this mechanism does not satisfy the
‘yield condition’ and produces an unsafe solution.
The reader should repeat the above calculation assuming hinges develop at
positions D and F and confirm that the true solution is when Mp=58.7
kNm as determined previously using the kinematic method.