Psalm 20 Commentary

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Psalm 20 is seen as a end time prophetic Psalm and it has 9 verses and 70 words.

number 9 means Promises of YHVH and the number 7 means YHVH's Plan. The End
Times is where both these come into fulfilment where YHVH's Plan will be fulfilled and
His final Redemption will take place so that we will receive His Promises of Salvation,
the Kingdom and the King, Y'shua the Messiah.

Psalm 20 - End time perspective:

Verse 1

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David calls it "The Day of Trouble" which is linked to "Jacob's Trouble" that is a prophetic
picture of the Last Days and the Return of the Messiah. Trouble is the Hebrew word
"tsarah" that means: tightness (that is, figuratively trouble); transitively a female rival: -
adversary, adversity, affliction, anguish, distress, tribulation, trouble.
It says that YHVH will "defend" those who knows the Elohim of Jacob. "Defend" is the
word "sagab" that actually means: lofty, especially inaccessible; by implication safe,
strong; used literally and figuratively: - defend, exalt, be excellent, (be, set on) high, lofty,
be safe, set up (on high), be too strong. We can then say that YHVH will look after His
Children and see to it that they are safe during the time of trouble or the time of the
Tribulation. This word "sagab" is first used in Deu_2:36 where it describes the Cities that
are not to strong to be delivered to the hands of Israel.

The wandering is over, and 40 years have passed since the Hebrews left Egypt. Here
they sit on the east side of the Jordan River ready to go into Canaan to possess it. But
first, let's get a second giving of the Law of Moses. That's what "Deuteronomy" means;
it's not a Semitic word at all, but rather a compound Greek word - "Deutero" (second)
and "nomy" (law), a name adopted for it as a result of the Old Testament translation into
the Greek Septuagint.. Hang on for a repeat of the giving of the Law to the Hebrews
before they go possess their new land. This is also true for us living in the time where
our travelling through the Wilderness is over and we are ready to enter the "Promised
Land" Prior to this there is a "second giving of the Commandments" and we see this in
our time where YHVH revived His Torah in the Body of Messiah, the 10 Lost Tribes of
Israel. The WHOLE of Israel MUST hear the Torah AGAIN before entering the Kingdom
and the Jews heard it when they were restored in 1948 and the rest of Israel will hear it
in the LAST DAYS. This is a sign of the end times that the things are coming to an end
and this is the final equipping of the Saints before the Coming of the Messiah. The
preparation of the Bride of the Messiah is to give Her the Torah to cleanse herself so
that she may be without spot or blemish and ready to be received by Y'shua the
Messiah. Eph_5:26. One thing that the Bride should not forget in Her learning the Torah,
is not to forget the reason why She cleanses Herself and that is for Her Husband Y'shua
the Messiah. NEVER forget Y'shua because He is the GOAL of the Torah Rom_10:4,
the end point of our journey and our exceedingly GREAT REWARD. Gen_15:1

Verse 2

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YHVH will send help from the Sanctuary. The word for "send" is the Hebrew word
"shalach" that means "to appoint"; YHVH will appoint people that comes from the
Sanctuary to help His people during this "Time of Trouble". Sanctuary is the Hebrew
word "qodesh" that means "Holy place" but also "Holiness" and "Saint". YHVH will use
His Saints, His Holy people and form them He will appoint leaders to lead His people
during the "Time of Trouble" just like He used Moses leading His people through the
Wilderness. This refers to the 144000 that He will seal with a physical sign and appoint
(anoint) to enable them to lead His people.

We will have the 144,000.

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We will have YHVH’s presence. I also know that YHVH will lead us and show us where
to take refuge in Him. Whether we see a pillar is not essential; what is essential is that
YHVH will guide us and not forsake us.

The 144000 will have the Father’s name on their foreheads and that is the name in
Hebrew that we know as Yahweh. This is the “sign” (Etham) that they will have
to show that they are the ones that will lead the people like Moses did. The people will
not appoint these leaders but YHVH Himself will appoint then and give them this visible
sign to show they are chosen and that the people must listen to them and follow them
and be “with them” (Etham).

YHVH is delegating His authority to these leaders and He will lead His people through
them and they will have the same anointing Moses did when they travelled through the
Wilderness. They will have the “strength” (Etham) to lead the people and this will be a
strength that comes from within and will help them to endure till the end.

Etahm is the third place they went after leaving Egypt and it is part of the 42 destinations
that went to as they travelled through the Wilderness for 40 years. The 42 destinations
coincides with the 42 months of the Great Tribulation and we can see the parallels and
learn from these events as they will be significant to us during the Great Tribulation.
YHVH will appoint these leaders and the meaning of Etham (Third destination) confirms
that we will see the "sign" on their foreheads, we will be "with them" and follow them and
we will receive "strength" through them during this time.

YHVH will chose these people on grounds of their attributes, just like He chose Moses:

• Moses was the humblest man that ever lived.

• Moses obeyed YHVH without questioning
• Moses interceded for the people Eze_9:4

We read further in Psa_20:2 that YHVH will send these anointed Holy men to "support"
us out of Zion. The word for "strengthen" is the Hebrew word sa-ad" that means: to
support, to comfort, to refresh one self and to uphold. This word is first used in Scripture
in Gen_18:5 Where Elohim visited Abraham in the form of three Messengers and
Abraham showed his hospitality which is a form of worship unto YHVH. It sys that
Abraham gave them a fresh piece of Bread to "strengthen" their hearts. I thought YHVH
will strengthen us and send Holy men to help us and to strengthen us, not the other way
as described in the story of Abraham's hospitality and worship. This is the key to inner
strength; if you present YHVH's Word (Bread) back to Him is a way of worship and self-
nourishment. You will be strengthened on the inside and I believe that these Holy
appointed man will teach us how to worship YH VH so that YHVH can strengthen us
though us blessing Him and worshipping Him. It is a spiritual concept that does not make
sense to the world but it makes perfect sense to the believer and is in line with YHVH's
Spiritual Laws. Give and you shall receive, sow and you shall reap, Psa_126:5,
Hos_10:12, Gal_6:8, and these things shall remain till the end, seed, time and harvest.
Keep on sowing seeds, have patience and you will reap. This is in line with the meaning
of the third destination after leaning Egypt, namely Etham that means, sign, with them
and strength.

Verse 3

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David reminds YHVH of all their offerings (minchah) and to accept their burnt offerings
(olah). Both the minchah and Olah are voluntary offerings and are given as gifts and is a
act of worship. The word for prayer and offering are similar and it means to "draw near"
or to approach YHVH. We draw near to YHVH through our prayers and this verse
compliments the previous verse where we need to nourish our selves through
worshipping YHVH, refreshing His heart.

David asked YHVH to "remember", remember is the word "zakar" that means: to
mark, remember, to be recognised, to mention. YHVH will seal His people in the last
days and they will be remembered by Him in the time of Trouble. "Remember" is first
used in Scripture in Gen_8:1 where Noah and his family were saved in the time of
Judgment and YHVH remembered them and let the waters subside so that He can
start an "new beginning" through Noah and his generation. In the same way YHVH
will save His people and remember them after the time of Judgement and He will
start a "New Beginning" after Judgment through His Bride and their generations.
YHVH chose Noah in the first place because he was perfect in his generation
meaning that he and his children were following YHVH. In the same way He will
save His people who are perfect in their generation, following Him and teaching their
children and "spiritual children" of Him.

Verse 4

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This verse can be interpreted wrong; it sounds like YHVH should grant us according
to our own hearts but if you read the Hebrew it definitely refers to YHVH granting us
according to HIS heart and to fulfil HIS Plans. During this Time of Trouble and
Tribulation our prays should be to let YHVH's Will be done in our lives and may His
Plan be fulfilled in us and through us as the end time events roll out into fulfilment. It
is not about us, making our lives comfortable, but to seek YHVH's Will and let His
Will be done and His Kingdom com in our lives. Mat_6:10.

David asked YHVH to grant us according to His will. Grant is the word "nathan" that
is first used in Scripture in Gen_1:14-19 where YHVH created the firmament and the
sun, moon and stars to be as signs and seasons (mo-ed) or Appointed Times
(Festivals) whereby He will set out His Plan in relation to His Seven Appointed
Times. These Appointed Times are SET (nathan) to reveal to us His Plan and His
Will and that is the context of Psa_20:3; ...let YHVH's Plan roll out and let His
Appointed Times or Festivals come into fulfilment according to His Plan so that His
Kingdom will come and we may receive His promises as stated in His Word. His
Festivals are prophetic and are SET (nathan) in place just like Nathan was a prophet
set in place to guide YHVH's people and specifically the Leaders (David) to fulfil
YHVH's Plan. In context with Psa_20:2 where we discussed the Appointed Anointed
Holy Leaders YHVH will appoint we get the insight that they will be like the Prophet
Nathan, serving the same purpose in the end time events.

Nathan was the Prophet that YHVH gave the message to tell David to build a House
for Him. This is in relation with end time events where YHVH will rebuild His House
in Jerusalem and ultimately Build the New Jerusalem in Zion. 2Sa_7:4-8. YHVH has
dwelled in a Tabernacle among His people, a temporary dwelling and in our time
relates to us indwelled by His Spirit. The time has come where YHVH will establish
His Kingdome again and set up a permanent dwelling in Zion; the New Jerusalem.
Mic_4:2. As seen from the Feasts' perspective, YHVH SET the Festivals to outline
His Plan and the last part of His Plan is to come and Tabernacle with us as
symbolised with the Feast of Sukkot where it will be fulfilled with the establishment of
YHVH's final permanent Dwelling place called the New Jerusalem. Rev_21:2,

Nathan means to set up, to establish and to assign, to lift up, to pour, to perform.
This is confirmed in where YHVH will pour out His Spirit on all flesh Joe_2:29,
Act_2:17-18, and appoint people that will set His Plan in motion by being available
and willing to let YHVH's Plan be established through them in this worlds.
We are to be like Nathan, to be used so that YHVH can fulfil His Plan and build His
House among His people and rule over them forever. Isa_2:3.

Verse 5

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This verse is translated in such a way that it supports a doctrine in the church today
rather than reflecting the truth, specifically in the last portion where David says
"...may YHVH fulfil all your prayers". Prayers is the word "aytsah" that means: Plan,
counsel and purpose. Who gives the plan and the counsel and the purpose for life?
YHVH, not you, me or anybody. Some people are under the impression that we have
the power to twist YHVH's arm and to change the outcome of YHVH's Plan as
revealed in Prophecy. YHVH made His Plan in the Beginning and no man can
change it and not even through prayer. His Word will come to pass and it is captured
in the Prophets of what will come to pass. This is the evidence we have that the
Scripture is true, if we see if coming to pass in our lives and it does not make sense
if thousands of believers with different opinions and views "change" YHVH's Plan
and His Prophecies through prayer. Who will he listen to and who's prayer will be
grant regarding end time events? No man's opinion or desire, only the Will and
desire of the Father as stated in His Word as given by the Prophets. That is why it is
dangerous to say you are a prophet today, that means you will "add" to His Word,
revealing additional information regarding the end times and you brake the principle
given in Scripture in Deu_4:2. If YHVH impress something on your heart regarding
the end times, then it must be tested against the Word and IN LINE with what is
already written, if not, then it is not from YHVH but from the food you ate last night.

Psa_20:5 would then read: "... ! 6 ! 78

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We will rejoice in His Salvation because you will need salvation in the time of
Judgment because you will be saved from the wroth of YHVH. We are not saved yet
but have the hope of salvation Lam_3:26, 1Th_5:8, and need to work out our
salvation with fear and trembling Php_2:12.

We will set up banners in the Name of our Elohim. To set up a banner is the word
"dagal" that means" to raise a flag, to be conspicuous - open to the eye, to reveal,
manifest , clearly known. If we set up banners in the Name of our Elohim that
means that we will reveal and make known His Name for all to see so that all the
nations will know Who is the One we follow and Who is the One Who give the victory
and Who is the One Who Judges. YHVH wants His Name to be proclaimed and to
be known in the end of time so that He will be known just like in the days when
David's name was proclaimed in the time of victory. 1Sa_18:6-7.
Verse 6

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The phrase "YHVH saves" is the meaning of the Name of our Saviour; Yahshuah the
Messiah. “Yah-ushuah” that means “Yah Saves” or Yahweh Saves” This is the Name
we need to proclaim as a banner; Yahweh the Father and Yahushua, the Son, and
Yahweh saves through His Son Yahushua. There is only salvation in the Name of
YHVH. Act_2:21, Rom_10:13. This is in line with Psa 20:5 where we are instructed to
lift up His Name as a banner and that name is Yahweh Saves or Yahshuah. Those
who call on His Name will be saved, He will hear them from His Holy heaven and will
save them with His right hand. "Right hand" is the word "yameen" that means:
south, right hand or strength. First found in Scripture in Gen_13:9 where Abraham
gave Lot the option to choose where he wants to take his flocks because there were
disputes among the herdsman of Abraham and the herdsman of Lot. Lot choose the
well watered region close to the Jordan and Sodom & Gomorrah and he travelled
east and pitched his tent towards Sodom Gen_13:12. In context of the end times will
there be herdsman (shepherds, pastors, spiritual leaders) that have disputes over
the fields and where they want to feed their flock? Yes, this is quite evident today
with 36000 different Christian denominations and that there is NO UNITY in the Body
of Messiah today. YHVH gives us the choice, do you want to go to the Left (physical
- well watered pastures close to Sodom) or will you go the Right (Dry Wilderness,
dependant on YHVH for rain - close to the minuteness areas)?

Many believers today choose the well-watered gardens in the valley of the Jordan (to
cast down, to fall) at the gates of Sodom (scorch, burnt). Physically it looked like the
best place but that was only in relation to the flesh, the place where you will meet
YOUR desires. This is not the best place to be but it surely is the most comfortable
place for the flesh. The people who choose to go to the Left will be scorched and
tested, there works will be tested but through fire 1Co_3:15, they will be saved in the
end but after being cast down and stripped from their fleshliness. The time of
Trouble or the Tribulation is the event or time of testing where this will happen, just
like in the time of Lot where YHVH came down to destroy Sodom in the time of
Judgment. Those who leave Sodom (Babylon) Rev_18:1-24, will be saved but will
make it by the skin on their back.

YHVH will save those who have chosen the "Right Hand" and He will save them by
the power of His right hand and with strength. His people will see His power and they
that are anointed by Him will be protected during the terrible times that is at hand,
but those who gamble with their fleshliness needs to repent and leave the doorstep
of Sodom so that they can avoid the plagues that is prepared for Her Judgment.
Verse 7

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This verse supports the fact that we need to use YHVH's Name as a banner and
proclaim His Name and remember His Name; then we will have the victory above
those who trust in man and armies to protect them.

The main focus of this verse is to remember. In Hebrew it does not have the vows
"trust" and the word "remember" is the last word in this verse. It reads like
this:"...some chariots, some horses, but we Name of YHVH our Elohim remember..."
We have already discussed the word "remember" (zakar - to mark, remember, to be
recognised, to mention) YHVH's Name. When you are in a difficult situation, is your
firs solution to remember a man made solution or do you remember to call on the
Name of YHVH, asking Him for help?

When the Tribulation starts I think there will be a breakdown in law and order and the
government under the leading of the Antichrist will persecute YHVH's true people.
We will be exposed and will not be protected by the law of the land as it is now; we
will be killed and persecuted and only YHVH will be our shield and our sword that will
protect us and that will fight for us. Our trust should not be on our abilities but we
should trust in YHVH and in Him alone. This will be a great test for all of us because
there will be those who will form small groups that will rebel against the powers to
be. Listen to what YHVH is telling us here; we should not trust in our own strength
but only in His Name for His Name is like a strong Tower and those who run unto it
will be saved. Psa_59:9-17, Psa_62:6, Pro_18:10.

What does this "Strong Tower" mean and how does it relate to YHVH's Name and

Now let's expand a little on these verses and add some support.

As they travelled onward, Jacob pitched his tent on the other side of Migdal Eder.
Migdal Eder (flock-tower) was a watch-tower built for the protection of flocks against
robbers or animals or any thing that could cause a blemish (2Ki_18:8; 2Ch_26:10;
2Ch_27:4) on the other side of Bethlehem, but hardly within 1000 paces of the town,
where it has been placed by tradition since the time of Jerome.

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According to Edersheim in The Life And Times Of Jesus The Messiah, in Book 2,
Chapter 6, this Migdal Eder was not "the watchtower for the ordinary flocks that
pastured on the barren sheep ground beyond Bethlehem, but it lay close to the town,
on the road to Jerusalem." A passage from the Mishnah leads to the conclusion that
'the flocks, which pastured there were destined for Temple sacrifices..." (Shekelim
7:4) In addition, Migdal Eder is also mentioned by the Targums. Thus, Targum
Yonatan, cited by Rabbi Munk, paraphrases Gen_35:23 and Mic_4:8, "He spread his
tent beyond Migdal Eder, the place where King Messiah will reveal Himself at the
end of days." What are we to make of all of this information from the writings of the
rabbis? First, we know that Migdal Eder was the watchtower that guarded the
Temple flocks those who were being raised to serve as sacrificial animals in the
Temple. These were not just any flock and herd. The shepherds who kept them were
men who were specifically trained for this royal task. They were educated in what an
animal that was to be sacrificed had to be and it was their job to make sure that none
of the animals were hurt, damaged, or blemished.

YHVH's Name is like this watchtower that watches over the flock, those who are
"living sacrifices", they will be guarded by YHVH and protected so that the wild
animals and wolves will not come in and devour His flock. It is all about keeping the
faith and to stand during times of trouble so that you will not loose heart and fall
away like Y'shua warns us. Whenever you are in a difficult situation, call on the
Name of YHVH and He will protect you as if you are close to the watchtower being
guarded by YHVH as one of His set-apart flock.

Verse 8

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The word "bowed down" is the word "karah" that means: bent the knee, to bow, cast
down, kneel and is first used in Scripture in Gen_49:9-10 where Jacob spoke a
blessing over Judah. This blessing is prophetic and is significant to our brother
Judah or the Jews as we better know them.

The blessing is given to Abraham and is the picture of the Complete Covenant of YHVH
where Y’shua fulfilled it with His death and resurrection.

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Judah was exalted as a young lion and will be cast down as an old lion. The sceptre of
Tribe shall not depart from him until Shiloh (place of rest).
Judah was lifted up in authority to be the Lawgiver and protector of the Torah until the
time of the Rest (1000-year peace). Then his authority will be stripped from him and he
has to learn about the Messiah and wash his clothes in His Blood. He will also be like an
infant who will need to learn the ways of YHVH from the perspective of Y’shua being the
Messiah. The blood will be washed from his teeth (wars and conflict will be no more) and
will be as white as milk.

To get the full picture we have to look at the phrase "have risen" in Ps 20:8. Have risen
is the word "qum" that means: to confirm, continue, make good, get up, decree,
establish, succeed. It is first used in Scripture in Gen 4:8 where Cain rose up (qum) and
slew his brother Abel. As we have seen right throughout Scripture there is a constant
battle between good and evil and between the older and the younger brothers within the
history of Israel and the line of the Messiah. At the end these two "powers" will be
brought together into UNITY and placed under ONE AUTHORITY to rule over them so
that they can be ONE or ECHAD. These two forces resulted into the Two Houses; the
house of Judah (Jews) and the House of Ephraim (10 lost Tribes of Israel?). These two
will be reunited at a time called Jacob's Trouble or better known as the Great
Tribulation,. prior to the coming of the Messiah.

Judah will BOW DOWN (submit or bent the knee) and will "fall" (be inferior, to lie down)
regarding their authority and anointing to guard and teach the Torah and this will be
taken over and continued in the Kingdom by the Lion of Judah, Y'shua the Messiah Who
was born from the Tribe of Judah, the fulfilment of the Tribe of Judah as Teacher and
Guardian of the Torah. Isa_2:3.

Verse 8 says that we (Bride) have risen (are established & confirmed) and will stand
upright. "Stand upright" is the word "ud" that means: duplicate, repeat, restore, stand
upright, to testify. "Ud" is first used in Scripture in Gen_43:3 where Judah told his Father
Israel that the "man" (Joseph) protested (ud) unless he send Benyamin with the next
time they come to buy food. This is a story of restoration of the 12 Tribes of Israel and
the reuniting of all the brothers after they have been divided.

YHVH's Plan is about restoration and He will restore man so that man can have
fellowship with Him again, the people that will be restored is better known as the Bride of
Messiah. They that are part of the Bride are those who obey the Commandments of
YHVH Rev_22:14, following His Torah AND have the TESTEMONY of Y'shua the
Messiah, Rev_12:17, they are confirmed as the Bride at the Marriage Feast after the
Tribulation and they will receive their reward and be arrayed in fine linen that declare
them as righteous and worthy. Rev_19:7-9, Jew, Gentile and the Lost tribes of Israel
can be part of Y'shua's Bride if they accept Y'shua as their Master and Saviour and
recognise Him as the Messiah AND obey His Commandments because they are saved.
Y'shua is the Great Shepherd Who will restore "the brothers" under His authority and
they will become the Bride of the Messiah as He intended it to be right in the beginning.

Verse 9

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The people acknowledge YHVH as their King and their Saviour. Who fits this description
perfectly? Y'shua is our King and our Saviour and He is YHVH and Elohim. Rev_19:16,
Rev_17:14, 1Ti_6:15, 1Jn_4:14, 2Pe_3:18. This is where Y’shua will be the King, in the
Kingdom, and will reign forever. We will be His people and there will be no more tears,
no pain, no sin and evil that will deteriorate His Creation, everything will be restored and
made new. Rev_21:1-2.

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