Lab 2.5.1 Configuring An Asynchronous Dialup Connection: Objective
Lab 2.5.1 Configuring An Asynchronous Dialup Connection: Objective
Lab 2.5.1 Configuring An Asynchronous Dialup Connection: Objective
In this lab, the student will configure a Cisco router to support an out-of-band management EXEC
session through a modem. The modem will be connected to the serial interface on the router that will
be configured to support an asynchronous connection. The student will also use a workstation to
remotely dial in to the router.
The International Travel Agency wants the serial interface on the SanJose1 core router configured to
accept dialup connections. This will allow it to be remotely managed in the event of a network failure.
As the network administrator, configure the modem to allow management sessions only. Dial-on-
demand routing (DDR) will not be set up.
Step 1
Before beginning this lab, it is recommended that the router be reloaded after erasing the startup
configuration. This will prevent problems that may be caused by residual configurations. Build the
network according to the diagram, but do not configure the interface on the router. Use the Adtran
Atlas 550 or similar device to simulate the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). If the Atlas
550 is being used, the line cables from both modems must be plugged into the octal FXS voice
module ports of the Atlas 550 as labeled in the diagram.
Note: The diagram assumes the octal FXS voice module is installed in slot 3.
Cable Connection Notes: Be sure to use the appropriate cable to connect the modem to the
serial interface on the router. The specific cable will depend upon the router model and type of
physical serial interface. For example, different cables are used for a Smart Serial interface and
a DB-60 serial interface.
Step 2
Configure the serial interface on SanJose1 for an asynchronous connection to assign a TTY line
number to the serial interface as follows:
SanJose1(config)#interface s0/1
SanJose1(config-if)#physical-layer async
1-7 CCNP 2: Remote Access v 3.0 - Lab 2.5.1 Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.
After entering these commands, issue the show interface s0/1 command, as shown:
1. What is the default encapsulation type for an interface in physical-layer async mode?
Once the serial interface has been configured as asynchronous, determine the line number being
used for the interface. If unfamiliar with the numbering scheme for this router model, the show line
command can be used to determine the line number, as shown in the following example:
SanJose1#show line
Tty Typ Tx/Rx A Modem Roty AccO AccI Uses Noise Overruns Int
* 0 CTY - - - - - 0 0 0/0 -
2 TTY 9600/9600 - - - - - 0 0 0/0
65 AUX 9600/9600 - - - - - 0 0 0/0 -
66 VTY - - - - - 0 0 0/0 -
67 VTY - - - - - 0 0 0/0 -
68 VTY - - - - - 0 0 0/0 -
69 VTY - - - - - 0 0 0/0 -
70 VTY - - - - - 0 0 0/0 -
Lines not in async mode -or- with no hardware support: 1 and 3 through 64.
The shaded portion of the sample show line command output shows that Serial 0/1 is TTY 2.
Use the show line output from the router to obtain the correct line number. Enter the line
configuration mode, as shown in the following example:
SanJose1(config)#line 2
Step 3
From the line configuration mode, configure the router to authenticate connections with the password
cisco shown as follows:
SanJose1(config-line)#password cisco
2-7 CCNP 2: Remote Access v 3.0 - Lab 2.5.1 Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.
Set the line speed and flow control type as follows:
SanJose1(config-line)#speed 115200
SanJose1(config-line)#flowcontrol hardware
Next, configure the line for both incoming and outgoing calls and allow incoming calls using all
available protocols. The following commands will allow reverse Telnet to the modem:
SanJose1(config-line)#modem inout
SanJose1(config-line)#transport input all
The default number of stopbits used by the asynchronous line of the router is two. Configure the line
to use only one stopbit as follows:
SanJose1(config-line)#stopbits 1
Reducing the number of stopbits from two to one will improve throughput by reducing asynchronous
framing overhead.
Step 4
In this step, configure a router interface for TCP/IP. The router must have an operational interface
with a valid IP address in order to establish a reverse Telnet connection to the modem. Although a
physical interface could be configured with an IP address, configure SanJose1 with a loopback
interface. A loopback interface is the best way to assign an IP address to the router. This is because
loopbacks are immune to link failure. Use the following commands to configure the loopback
SanJose1(config-line)#interface loopback0
SanJose1(config-if)#ip address
Notice that a 32-bit mask is used when configuring a loopback IP address. If a 32-bit mask is not
used, the router would be configured as if it were connected to an entire subnet or network.
Step 5
Before establishing a Telnet session, secure virtual terminal access with the following commands:
SanJose1(config-if)#line vty 0 4
SanJose1(config-line)#password cisco
Use the following command to open the reverse Telnet session to line 2.
Note: If the router is not using line 2, change the last number to the line number appropriate to
the router.
3-7 CCNP 2: Remote Access v 3.0 - Lab 2.5.1 Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.
At this point, a prompt should appear for a login password. Type the password cisco and press the
Enter key, this should begin a session with the modem. Although there is no prompt, issue the
following command:
If the modem responds with an OK, a successful reverse Telnet connection has been established. If
an OK response is not received, troubleshoot the configuration.
Step 6
View the current configuration on the modem by issuing the command. The following is a sample
4-7 CCNP 2: Remote Access v 3.0 - Lab 2.5.1 Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.
The modem will output its configuration information, which is stored in NVRAM. Reset the modem to
the factory defaults by entering the following command:
Once the modem is reset, issue the AT&V command again. The following is a sample output from the
Note: Depending on the version of firmware, the preceding output may differ.
5-7 CCNP 2: Remote Access v 3.0 - Lab 2.5.1 Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.
1. What is the Speaker Volume set to?
2. According to the output of the AT&V command, what is the AT command used to configure the
speaker volume?
3. What is the AutoAnswerRing# set to?
4. What is the AT command used to configure the AutoAnswerRing#?
5. What is the Flow Control set to?
6. What is the AT command used to configure the Flow Control?
Notice that the ampersand (&) character, which denotes an “advanced” command, must be included
in certain AT commands.
Configure the modem to answer on the second ring using the following command:
Adjust the speaker volume on the modem by using the following command:
Use the appropriate command, AT&V, to view the current settings on the modem and verify that the
configurations have taken effect.
Finally, save the configurations to NVRAM with the following command:
Step 7
Now that the modem is configured, suspend the reverse Telnet session by pressing
Control+Shift+6 at the same time, release, then press X. This should now return to the router
prompt. From the router prompt, disconnect the reverse Telnet session to the modem as follows:
If this session is not disconnected, the router will not be able to connect using the dialup.
On Host A, use the modem control panel to check that the modem is properly installed and working.
Run HyperTerminal and select the modem from the “Connect To” window. Then configure
HyperTerminal to dial the appropriate number. If the Adtran Atlas 550 is used, this number will be
6-7 CCNP 2: Remote Access v 3.0 - Lab 2.5.1 Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.
At the password prompt, enter the cisco password. Next, the SanJose1 user mode prompt should
be seen. Issue the who command shown as follows:
1. According to the output of this command, what TTY is being used to communicate with the
2. Since this connection cannot be used to route TCP/IP traffic, what is the benefit of configuring a
serial interface to accept calls this way?
7-7 CCNP 2: Remote Access v 3.0 - Lab 2.5.1 Copyright 2003, Cisco Systems, Inc.