Pas 8
Pas 8
Pas 8
Accounting policies are essential for a proper The period of change if the change affects that
understanding of the information contained in the period only.
financial statements. The period of change and future periods if the
change affects both.
Changes in Accounting policies
Changes in accounting estimates are to be handled
An entity is permitted to change an accounting currently and prospectively, if necessary.
policy only if the change:
Prospective recognition
Is required by a standard or interpretation
Results in the financial statements providing means that the change is applied to transactions,
reliable and more relevant information about the other events and conditions from the date of change in
financial position, financial performance and cash flows estimate.
of the entity.
Prior period errors
are omissions and misstatements in the financial
Reporting a change in accounting policy
statements for one or more periods arising from a failure
If a change in accounting policy is required by a to use or misuse of reliable information.
standard or interpretation, the change is accounted for as
Errors may occur as a result of mathematical
required by that new pronouncement.
mistakes, mistakes in applying accounting policies,
If the standard or interpretation contains no misinterpretation of facts, fraud or oversight.
transitional provisions, or if an accounting policy is
Treating prior period errors
changed voluntarily, the change shall be applied
retrospectively. Prior period errors shall be corrected retrospectively by
adjusting the opening balance of retained earnings and
affected assets and liabilities.
Retrospective application
means that any resulting adjustment from the
change in accounting policy shall be reported a s an
adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings.