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Designation: D2555 – 06

Standard Practice for

Establishing Clear Wood Strength Values1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D2555; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.


The development of safe and efficient working stresses for lumber, laminated timber, plywood,
round timbers, and other solid wood products, each with its own special requirements has, as a
common starting point, the need for an authoritative compilation of clear wood strength values for the
commercially important species. Also required are procedures for establishing, from these data, values
applicable to groups of species or to regional groupings within a species where necessitated by
marketing conditions. This standard has been developed to meet these needs and to provide, in
addition, information on factors for consideration in the adjustment of the clear wood strength values
to the level of working stresses for design. Since factors such as species preference, species groupings,
marketing practices, design techniques, and safety factors vary with each type of product and end use,
it is contemplated that this standard will be supplemented where necessary by other appropriate
standards relating to specific work stresses for each such product. Practice D245 is an example of such
a standard applicable to the interpretation of the clear wood strength values in terms of working
stresses for structural lumber.
A primary feature of this practice is the establishment of tables presenting the most reliable basic
information developed on the strength of clear wood and its variability through many years of testing
and experience. The testing techniques employed are those presented in Test Methods D143. Among
the recognized limitations of such strength data are those resulting from the problems of sampling
material from forests extending over large regions, and the uneconomical feasibility of completely
testing an intensive sample. A practical approach to the improvement of strength data is through the
application of the results of density surveys in which the specific gravity of the entire forest stand for
each species is determined on a sound statistical basis. Through regression equations derived from
presently available strength data, revised strength values are established from the specific gravity-
strength relationship for clear wood. This procedure greatly extends current capabilities to develop
new estimates of strength and to improve or verify estimates made in the past.

1. Scope 1.1.2 Guidelines for the interpretation of the data in terms of

1.1 This practice covers the determination of strength values assigned values for combinations of species or regional divi-
for clear wood of different species in the unseasoned condition, sions within a species to meet special marketing needs, and
unadjusted for end use, applicable to the establishment of 1.1.3 Information basic to the translation of the clear wood
working stresses for different solid wood products such as values into working stresses for different solid wood products
lumber, laminated wood, plywood, and round timbers. Pre- for different end uses.
sented are: 1.1.4 For species where density survey data are not as yet
1.1.1 Procedures by which test values obtained on small available for the re-evaluation of average strength properties,
clear specimens may be combined with density data from the presently available data from tests made under the sampling
extensive forest surveys to make them more representative, methods and procedures of Test Methods D143 or Practice
E105 are provided with appropriate provision for their appli-
cation and use. Because of the comprehensive manner in which
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D07 on Wood and the density survey is undertaken, it follows that the re-
are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D07.01 on Fundamental Test Methods
and Properties.
evaluated strength data are intended to be representative of the
Current edition approved March 1, 2006. Published March 2006. Originally forest stand, or rather large forest subdivisions.
approved in 1966. Last previous edition approved in 2005 as D2555 – 05a. DOI:

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D2555 – 06
1.1.5 Some useful mechanical properties (tensile strengths strength properties and estimates of variance for the groups. In
parallel and perpendicular to grain and modulus of rigidity for these methods a basic group is a combination of unit areas
a longitudinal-transverse plane) have not been extensively representing a species or a regional division thereof.
evaluated. Methods are described for estimating these proper- 4.1.1 Conducting Wood Density Survey—A well-designed
ties by their relation to other properties. and thorough wood density survey is required to provide
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the needed data on specific gravity for the reevaluation of strength
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the properties. Such a survey requires consideration of the geo-
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- graphic range to be covered, the representativeness of the
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- sample, the techniques of density evaluation, and adequate data
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. analysis.
NOTE 2—Detailed information on an acceptable method of conducting
2. Referenced Documents
wood density surveys, together with survey data, are presented in the U.S.
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 Forest Service Research Paper FPL 27, “Western Wood Density Survey
D143 Test Methods for Small Clear Specimens of Timber Report No. 1.”
D245 Practice for Establishing Structural Grades and Re- 4.1.2 Development of Unit Areas—Subdivide the geo-
lated Allowable Properties for Visually Graded Lumber graphical growth range of each species into unit areas that
D2915 Practice for Evaluating Allowable Properties for contain 1 % or more of the estimated cubic foot volume of
Grades of Structural Lumber standing timber of the species and are represented by reliable
E105 Practice for Probability Sampling Of Materials estimates of specific gravity of at least 20 trees. Make up unit
3. Summary of Methods areas of U.S. Forest Service Survey Units, or similar units or
subdivisions of units, for which reliable estimates of timber
3.1 Two methods are presented for establishing tables of volume are available. Develop unit areas objectively by means
clear wood strength properties for different species and re- of the following steps:
gional subdivisions thereof in the unseasoned condition and Select a base survey unit or subdivision of a survey
unadjusted for end use. These are designated Method A and unit to be grouped with others,
Method B. Group with similar adjacent areas to make up a unit
3.1.1 Method A provides for the use of the results of surveys area on the basis of a timber volume, and
of wood density involving extensive sampling of forest trees, Determine the number of tree specific gravity
in combination with the data obtained from standard strength samples available in the proposed unit area.
tests made in accordance with Test Methods D143. The
average strength properties are obtained from wood density NOTE 3—The rules for developing unit areas should represent an effort
survey data through linear regression equations establishing the to subdivide objectively and uniquely the range of a species into small
geographic areas, which are assumed to be considerably more homoge-
relation of specific gravity to the several strength properties. neous with respect to the mechanical properties of the species than is the
NOTE 1—Density surveys have been completed for only a limited entire range itself. The number of unit areas associated with a species is
number of species. Data are thus not currently available for the use of a function of the volume of timber on the smallest usable areas and the
Method A on all commercial species. As such data become available they number of tree specific gravity samples taken. In general, the larger the
will be incorporated in revisions of this practice. range and the greater the commercial importance of the species, the
greater are the number of unfit areas. One acceptable procedure for
3.1.2 Method B provides for the establishment of tables of establishing unit areas is presented in U.S. Forest Service Research Paper
strength values based on standard tests of small clear speci- FPL 27, “Western Wood Density Survey Report No. 1,” Appendix C.
mens in the unseasoned condition for use when data from
density surveys are not available. Separate tables are employed 4.1.3 Determination of Average Specific Gravity for a Unit
to present the data on woods grown in the United States and on Area—Calculate the average specific gravity of trees in each
woods grown in Canada. unit area as the simple average of individual estimates of
specific gravity of trees within the unit area.
4. Procedure for Establishing Clear Wood Strength 4.1.4 Determination of Strength-Specific Gravity
Values Relations—From matched specific gravity and strength data on
small clear specimens of wood, establish relationships of the
4.1 Method A—Six steps are involved in establishing
strength values by the wood density survey procedure. These
are: conducting the wood density survey, development of unit y 5 a 1 bx (1)
areas, determination of average specific gravity for a unit area, where:
determination of strength-specific gravity relations, estimation y = estimated strength value,
of average strength properties for a unit area, and combining a, b = constants for the species, and
values for unit areas into basic groups and establishing average x = specific gravity of the species.
for each species, using standard statistical methods of
regression analysis. Equations for modulus of rupture, modulus
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
of elasticity, maximum crushing strength, and maximum shear-
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on ing strength are established in this manner. The distribution of
the ASTM website. specific gravity in the samples used to compute regressions

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D2555 – 06
should be representative of the species and, in particular, shall Compute the variability index, which is a measure of
represent the full specific gravity range. The nature of the true the homogeneity among average values for unit areas within a
distribution of specific gravity can be obtained from results of group, by dividing the group average by the lowest unit area
wood density surveys. Obtain the data from specimens tested average included in the group.
in accordance with Test Methods D143. Estimate a standard deviation, providing a measure Several methods are available for securing suitable of the dispersion of individual strength values about the group
samples for obtaining data to compute strength-specific gravity average, for each basic group of unit areas using information
relationships, as follows: strength and specific gravity values on variance obtained from density survey and standard strength
from samples obtained in conformance with Test Methods data. Compute estimates of standard deviation for each prop-
D143 may be employed solely or in combination with data erty as:
secured by sampling techniques described below or test
s 5 =b2~sw2 1 sa2! 1 RMS (3)
samples may be obtained from the forest resource in the form
of trees, logs, or lumber. Select samples that are representative where:
of all growing stock from each of at least five different s = standard deviation
locations within the growth range of a species that include the b = slope of the strength-specific gravity relation,
scope of environmental conditions of the range. This implies sw2 = within-tree variance in specific gravity esti-
that the sample from a single location must be such that all of mated from data used to obtain strength-
the growing stock from that location is represented. specific gravity relations, Where relationships between strength and specific sa2 = among-tree variance in specific gravity ob-
gravity are shown to have a statistically significant difference at tained from density survey data,
the 5 % level within a species growth range, subdivide the (sw2 + sa2) = estimate of total variance in specific gravity,
range to permit the development of more accurate estimating and
equations for each subdivision. Develop equations for subdi- RMS = residual mean square from the strength-
visions of a species growth range only if specimens from at specific gravity relation.
least five distinctly different places in the proposed subdivision NOTE 4—When a sampling technique is used that ensures only one
are available and if the correlation coefficients from the specimen will be taken per tree (such as a suitably designed mill sample),
strength-specific gravity regressions are 0.50 or greater. the quantity (sw2 + sa2) is automatically obtained as a total variance of
specific gravity.
4.1.5 Estimation of the Average Strength Properties for a
NOTE 5—An alternative procedure for developing average strength
Unit Area—Given a set of strength-specific gravity estimating values where all unit areas are contained within a single species or
equations for each species or subdivision thereof, compute regional subdivision thereof consists of combining the volume weighted
average strength properties for each unit area using these unit area specific gravities to establish a species or regional subdivision
equations and the average specific gravity for the unit area. specific gravity and then computing the average strength properties by
4.1.6 Combining Unit Areas into Basic Groups and Devel- substituting the average specific gravity in the strength-specific gravity
regression equations.
opment of Average Strength Properties and Estimates of
Variance for the Groups—Combine all unit areas containing Average compression perpendicular to the grain
timber whose properties are described by the same strength- values have not been developed by the procedures described in
specific gravity relationships to produce a basic group of unit the preceding paragraphs but are based on available standard
areas. Develop the following information for these basic strength data alone as in Method B.
groups: Table 1 gives basic information on the strength For each unit area, obtain, from reliable volume properties of the commercially important species for which
data, the volume of the species being considered and estimate wood density survey data are available. Listed are averages and
strength properties from appropriate equations. Determine standard deviations for modulus of rupture, modulus of elas-
average strength properties for a group of unit areas for a ticity, maximum crushing strength parallel to grain, horizontal
species or a subdivision thereof by the following equation: shear strength, proportional limit in compression perpendicular
to grain, and specific gravity. These properties are for clear
Y 5 (i ~ȲiVi/V! (2) wood in the unseasoned condition. Variability indexes are
given for the first four properties.
5 = weighted average strength property for the group of 4.2 Method B:
Y 4.2.1 Base average strength properties for clear wood of
unit areas,
Ȳi = average strength property for the ith unit area, species for which density survey data are not available on
Vi = percentage of standing timber volume of the species standard strength test data obtained in accordance with Test
for the ith unit area, and Methods D143. Estimate approximate standard deviations for
V = total percentage of standing timber volume of the these species as follows:
species in the group of unit areas being combined. 5
s 5 cY (4)

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D2555 – 06
TABLE 1 Clear Wood Strength Values Unadjusted for End Use and Measures of Variation for Commercial Species of Wood in the
Unseasoned Condition (Method A)A
NOTE 1—All digits retained in the averages and standard deviations through the units position to permit further computation with minimum round-off
error (specific gravity excepted).
Compression, Perpen-
Compression Parallel dicular to GrainD
Modulus of Modulus of
to Grain, Crushing Shear Strength Stress at Stress Specific Gravity
RuptureB ElasticityC
Species or Re- Strength Proportional at
gion, or Both Limit 0.04 in.
Varia- Std. Avg., Varia- Varia- Std. Varia- Std. Std. Varia-
Avg., Dev., Avg., Avg., Avg., Avg., Std.
bility Dev., 1000 bility bility Dev., bility Dev., Dev., Avg. bility
psi 1000 psi psi psi psiE Dev.
Index psi psi Index Index psi Index psi psi Index
Douglas fir:F
Coast 7665 1.05 1317 1560 1.05 315 3784 1.05 734 904 1.03 131 382 107 700 0.45 ... 0.057
Interior West 7713 1.03 1322 1513 1.04 324 3872 1.04 799 936 1.02 137 418 117 707 0.46 ... 0.058
Interior North 7438 1.04 1163 1409 1.04 274 3469 1.04 602 947 1.03 126 356 100 669 0.45 ... 0.049
Interior South 6784 1.01 908 1162 1.00 200 3113 1.01 489 953 1.00 153 337 94 578 0.43 ... 0.045
White fir 5854 1.01 949 1161 1.02 249 2902 1.02 528 756 1.01 78 282 79 491 0.37 ... 0.045
California red fir 5809 1.01 885 1170 1.01 267 2758 1.01 459 767 1.00 146 334 94 573 0.36 ... 0.043
Grand fir 5839 1.03 680 1250 1.03 164 2939 1.04 363 739 1.04 97 272 76 475 0.35 ... 0.043
Pacific silver fir 6410 1.07 1296 1420 1.05 255 3142 1.06 591 746 1.05 114 225 63 414 0.39 ... 0.058
Noble fir 6169 1.07 966 1380 1.08 310 3013 1.08 561 802 1.04 136 274 77 478 0.37 ... 0.043
Western hemlock 6637 1.03 1088 1307 1.02 258 3364 1.03 615 864 1.02 105 282 79 457 0.42 ... 0.053
Western larch 7652 1.04 1001 1458 1.02 249 3756 1.04 564 869 1.03 85 399 112 676 0.48 ... 0.048
Black cottonwood 4890 1.00 951 1083 1.00 197 2200 1.00 360 612 1.00 92 165 46 305 0.31 ... 0.034
Southern pine:
Loblolly 7300 1.08 1199 1402 1.08 321 3511 1.09 612 863 1.05 112 389 109 661 0.47 1.06 0.053
Longleaf 8538 1.07 1305 1586 1.07 295 4321 1.07 707 1041 1.05 120 479 134 804 0.54 1.05 0.058
Shortleaf 7435 1.04 1167 1388 1.04 268 3527 1.05 564 905 1.05 125 353 99 573 0.47 1.05 0.051
Slash 8692 1.09 1127 1532 1.08 295 3823 1.07 547 964 1.05 128 529 148 883 0.54 1.09 0.062
For tension parallel and perpendicular to grain and modulus of rigidity, see 4.3.
Modulus of rupture values are applicable to material 2 in. (51 mm) in depth.
Modulus of elasticity values are applicable at a ratio of shear span to depth of 14.
Based on a 2-in. wide steel plate bearing on the center of a 2-in. wide by 2-in. thick by 6-in. long specimen oriented with growth rings parallel to load.
A coefficient of variation of 28 % can be used as an approximate measure of variability of individual values about the stresses tabulated.
The regional description of Douglas fir is that given on pp. 54–55 of U.S. Forest Service Research Paper FPL 27, “Western Wood Density Survey Report No. 1.”

where: plane are sometimes needed for design considerations. These

s = standard deviation, properties have not been evaluated extensively. They may,
5 = the average value for the species, and however, be estimated from the clear wood properties of any
c = 0.16 for modulus of rupture, combination of species, as described in the following criteria:
0.22 for modulus of elasticity, 4.3.1 Tension Parallel to Grain—For clear wood strength in
0.18 for maximum crushing strength parallel to grain, tension parallel to grain, the clear wood strength value for
0.14 for maximum shear strength, modulus of rupture may be used.
0.28 for compression perpendicular to grain strength, 4.3.2 Tension Perpendicular to Grain—For clear wood
and strength in tension perpendicular to grain, 0.33 times the clear
0.10 for specific gravity. wood strength value for shear may be used.
Alternatively, calculate the average strength properties for
4.3.3 Modulus of Rigidity—For clear wood modulus of
clear wood and standard deviations from data from a random
sample obtained in accordance with Practice E105. rigidity, 0.069 times the modulus of elasticity may be used.
4.2.2 Table 2 and Table 3 present basic information on the NOTE 6—The factor 0.069 is 1/16 times 11/10 where the 11/10 converts
strength properties of various species in the unseasoned con- the apparent moduli of elasticity tabulated in this practice to true moduli,
dition as determined from standard strength tests of small clear and the 1/16 is an empirically determined ratio of shear modulus to elastic
specimens. Table 2 covers data on woods grown in the United modulus.
States, and Table 3 woods grown in Canada.
4.3 Tensile strength parallel and perpendicular to grain and
modulus of rigidity associated with a longitudinal-transverse

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D2555 – 06
TABLE 2 Clear Wood Strength Values Unadjusted for End Use and Measures of Variation for Commercial Species of Wood in the
Unseasoned Condition (Method B) (for Woods Grown in the United States)A
NOTE 1—All digits retained in the averages and standard deviations through the units position to permit further computation with minimum round-off
error (specific gravity excepted).
NOTE 2—Values of standard deviation have been calculated using the values for c given in 4.2.

Compression, Perpendicular to
Compression Paral- GrainD
Modulus of Rup- Modulus of
lel to Grain, Crush- Shear Strength Specific Gravity
Species (Official Common tureB ElasticityC Stress at Pro- Stress at
ing Strength
Tree Names) portional Limit 0.04 in.
Std. Avg., Std. Std. Std. Std.
Avg., Avg., Avg., Avg., Avg., Std.
Dev., 1000 Dev., Dev., Dev., Dev., Avg.
psi psi psi psi psiE Dev.
psi psi 1000 psi psi psi psi
Baldcypress 6640 1062 1184 260 3580 644 812 114 403 113 683 0.43 0.043

Alaska 6450 1032 1135 260 3050 549 842 118 349 98 597 0.42 0.042
Incense 6220 995 840 185 3150 567 834 117 369 103 629 0.35 0.035
Port Orford 6598 860 1297 247 3145 397 842 122 301 71 521 0.39 0.034
Atlantic white 4740 758 752 165 2390 430 694 97 244 68 430 0.31 0.031
Northern white 4250 680 643 141 1990 358 616 86 234 66 414 0.29 0.029
Eastern red 7030 1125 649 143 3570 643 1008 141 700 196 1155 0.46 0.046
Western red 5184 761 939 223 2774 493 771 115 244 65 430 0.31 0.027

Balsam 5517 552 1251 143 2631 283 662 83 187 31 340 0.32 0.025
Subalpine 4900 664 1052 182 2301 363 696 103 192 44 348 0.31 0.032

Eastern 6420 1027 1073 236 3080 554 848 119 359 101 613 0.39 0.039
Mountain 6270 1003 1038 228 2880 518 933 131 371 104 632 0.42 0.042

Jack 6030 965 1068 235 2950 531 754 106 296 83 513 0.40 0.040
Eastern white 4930 789 994 219 2440 439 678 95 218 61 389 0.35 0.035
Lodgepole 5490 878 1076 237 2610 470 685 96 252 71 443 0.39 0.039
Monterey 6625 1060 1420 312 3330 599 875 123 440 123 742 0.46 0.046
Ponderosa 5130 821 997 219 2450 441 704 99 282 79 491 0.39 0.039
Red 5820 931 1281 282 2730 491 686 96 259 73 454 0.42 0.042
Sugar 4893 663 1032 193 2459 386 718 105 214 43 382 0.34 0.027
Western white 4688 693 1193 257 2434 406 677 98 192 46 348 0.35 0.034

Pine, southern yellow:

Pitch 6830 1093 1200 264 2950 531 860 120 365 102 622 0.47 0.047
Pond 7450 1192 1281 282 3660 659 936 131 441 123 743 0.51 0.051
Spruce 6004 1102 1002 286 2835 580 895 136 279 95 486 0.41 0.041
Sand 7500 1200 1024 225 3440 619 1143 160 450 126 757 0.46 0.046
Virginia 7330 1173 1218 268 3420 616 888 124 390 109 662 0.46 0.046

Old growth 7500 1202 1177 259 4210 758 803 112 424 119 716 0.39 0.039
Second growth 5920 947 955 210 3110 560 894 125 269 75 470 0.34 0.034

Black 6118 759 1382 193 2836 417 739 79 242 34 427 0.38 0.028
Engelmann 4705 692 1029 207 2180 427 637 64 197 50 358 0.33 0.033
Red 6003 627 1328 145 2721 313 754 95 262 59 459 0.37 0.025
Sitka 5660 906 1230 271 2670 481 757 106 279 78 486 0.38 0.038
White 4995 878 1141 265 2349 439 636 68 210 51 402 0.33 0.034

Tamarack 7170 1147 1236 272 3480 626 863 121 389 109 661 0.49 0.049
Alder, red 6540 1044 1167 257 2960 484 770 108 250 70 440 0.38 0.038

Black 6000 960 1043 229 2300 414 861 120 347 97 594 0.45 0.045
Green 9460 1514 1400 308 4200 756 1261 176 734 206 1209 0.53 0.053
White 9500 1520 1436 316 3990 718 1354 190 667 187 1102 0.54 0.054

Bigtooth 5400 864 1120 246 2500 450 732 102 206 58 370 0.36 0.036

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D2555 – 06

TABLE 2 Continued
Compression, Perpendicular to
Compression Paral- GrainD
Modulus of Rup- Modulus of
lel to Grain, Crush- Shear Strength Specific Gravity
Species (Official Common tureB ElasticityC Stress at Pro- Stress at
ing Strength
Tree Names) portional Limit 0.04 in.
Std. Avg., Std. Std. Std. Std.
Avg., Avg., Avg., Avg., Avg., Std.
Dev., 1000 Dev., Dev., Dev., Dev., Avg.
psi psi psi psi psiE Dev.
psi psi 1000 psi psi psi psi
Quaking 5130 821 860 189 2140 385 656 92 181 51 272 0.35 0.035

Basswood, American 4960 794 1038 228 2220 400 599 84 170 48 313 0.32 0.032

Beech, American 8570 1371 1381 304 3550 639 1288 180 544 152 907 0.57 0.057

Paper 6380 1021 1170 257 2360 425 836 117 273 76 476 0.48 0.048
Sweet 9390 1502 1650 363 3740 673 1245 174 473 132 794 0.60 0.060
Yellow 8260 1322 1504 331 3380 608 1106 155 428 120 723 0.55 0.055

Eastern 5260 842 1013 223 2280 410 682 95 196 55 354 0.37 0.037

American 7190 1150 1114 245 2910 524 1002 140 355 99 607 0.46 0.046
Rock 9490 1518 1194 263 3780 680 1274 178 610 171 1012 0.57 0.057
Slippery 8010 1282 1232 271 3320 598 1106 155 415 116 702 0.49 0.049

Hackberry 6480 1037 954 210 2650 477 1070 150 399 112 676 0.49 0.049

Pecan 9770 1563 1367 301 3990 718 1482 207 777 218 1277 0.61 0.061
Water 10740 1718 1563 344 4660 839 1440 202 881 247 1442 0.63 0.063
Mockernut 11080 1773 1574 346 4480 806 1277 179 812 227 1333 0.64 0.064
Pignut 11740 1878 1652 363 4810 866 1370 192 923 258 1509 0.67 0.067
Shagbark 11020 1763 1566 344 4580 824 1520 213 843 236 1382 0.64 0.064
Shellbark 10530 1685 1343 295 3920 706 1186 166 808 226 1326 0.63 0.063
Bitternut 10280 1645 1399 308 4570 823 1237 173 799 224 1312 0.62 0.062
Nutmeg 9060 1450 1289 284 3980 716 1032 144 760 213 1250 0.56 0.056

Cucumbertree 7420 1187 1565 344 3140 565 991 139 330 92 567 0.44 0.044
Southern magnolia 6780 1085 1106 243 2700 486 1044 146 462 129 777 0.46 0.046

Bigleaf 7390 1182 1095 241 3240 583 1108 155 449 126 756 0.44 0.044
Black 7920 1267 1328 292 3270 589 1128 158 601 168 997 0.52 0.052
Sugar 9420 1507 1546 340 4020 724 1465 205 645 181 1067 0.57 0.057
Red 7690 1230 1386 305 3280 590 1151 161 405 113 686 0.50 0.050
Silver 5820 931 943 207 2490 448 1053 147 369 103 629 0.44 0.044

Oak, red:
Black 8220 1315 1182 260 3470 625 1222 171 706 198 1164 0.56 0.056
Cherrybark 10850 1736 1790 394 4620 832 1321 185 765 214 1258 0.60 0.060
Northern red 8300 1328 1353 298 3440 619 1214 170 614 172 987 0.56 0.056
Southern red 6920 1107 1141 251 3030 545 934 131 547 153 912 0.53 0.053
Laurel 7940 1270 1393 306 3170 571 1182 165 573 160 953 0.56 0.056
Pin 8330 1333 1318 290 3680 662 1293 181 715 200 1179 0.58 0.058
Scarlet 10420 1667 1476 325 4090 736 1411 198 834 234 1368 0.61 0.061
Water 8910 1426 1552 341 3740 673 1240 174 620 174 1028 0.56 0.056
Willow 7400 1184 1286 283 3000 540 1184 166 611 171 1013 0.55 0.055

Oak, white:
Chestnut 8030 1285 1372 302 3520 634 1212 170 532 149 888 0.58 0.058
Live 11930 1909 1575 346 5430 977 2210 309 2039 571 3282 0.81 0.081
Post 8080 1293 1086 239 3480 626 1278 179 855 239 1401 0.60 0.060
Swamp chestnut 8480 1357 1350 297 3540 637 1262 177 573 160 953 0.60 0.060
White 8300 1328 1246 274 3560 641 1249 175 671 188 1109 0.60 0.060
Bur 7180 1149 877 193 3290 592 1354 190 677 190 1118 0.60 0.060
Overcup 8000 1280 1146 252 3370 607 1315 184 539 151 899 0.56 0.056
Swamp white 9860 1578 1593 350 4360 785 1296 181 764 214 1256 0.64 0.064

Poplar, balsam 3860 618 748 165 1690 304 504 71 136 38 259 0.30 0.030

Sycamore, American 6470 1035 1065 234 2920 526 996 139 365 102 622 0.46 0.046


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D2555 – 06

TABLE 2 Continued
Compression, Perpendicular to
Compression Paral- GrainD
Modulus of Rup- Modulus of
lel to Grain, Crush- Shear Strength Specific Gravity
Species (Official Common tureB ElasticityC Stress at Pro- Stress at
ing Strength
Tree Names) portional Limit 0.04 in.
Std. Avg., Std. Std. Std. Std.
Avg., Avg., Avg., Avg., Avg., Std.
Dev., 1000 Dev., Dev., Dev., Dev., Avg.
psi psi psi psi psiE Dev.
psi psi 1000 psi psi psi psi

Sweetgum 7110 1138 1201 264 3040 547 992 139 367 103 626 0.46 0.046

Tanoak 10470 1675 1550 341 4650 837 ... ... ... ... ... 0.58 0.058

Black 7040 1126 1031 227 3040 547 1098 154 485 136 813 0.47 0.047
Water 7300 1168 1052 231 3370 607 1194 167 480 134 805 0.46 0.046

Yellow-poplar 5950 952 1222 269 2660 479 792 111 269 75 470 0.40 0.040
For tension parallel and perpendicular to grain and modulus of rigidity, see 4.3.
Modulus of rupture values are applicable to material 2 in. (51 mm) in depth.
Modulus of elasticity values are applicable at a ratio of shear span to depth of 14.
Based on a 2-in. wide steel plate bearing on the center of a 2-in. wide by 2-in. thick by 6-in. long specimen oriented with growth rings parallel to load.
A coefficient of variation of 28 % can be used as an approximate measure of variability of individual values about the stresses tabulated.

5. Procedures for Assigning Values to Combinations 5.2.1 The modulus of elasticity value assigned to any
5.1 General Requirements—Administrative and marketing combination of species and regional subdivisions of a species
considerations often make it necessary or desirable to combine shall be the weighted average value for all species or regional
basic groups having relatively similar properties into a single subdivisions thereof included in the combination, subject to the
marketing combination. When species are to be combined, it is following limitations:
necessary to give consideration to the species within the NOTE 7—The weighted average modulus of elasticity and compression
combination having the lowest strength and stiffness proper- perpendicular to grain values are obtained by weighting the Table 1 values
ties. This can be done by setting limits that determine when a in proportion to the volume of standing timber in accordance with the data
species may be included in a combination without reducing the of Table 4, and then dividing the weighted values by the total volume they
average properties for the combination. If a species is to be
included and the limits are exceeded, the assigned property The modulus of elasticity value assigned to the
value for the combination must be reduced to a value such that combination shall not be more than 16 % greater than the
the limits are not exceeded. In any combination of species, lowest average value for any unit area included in the combi-
equitable treatment for each species in the combination is nation. The average modulus of elasticity for the lowest unit
assured by using a weighting factor based on the standing area of any species or subdivisions thereof may be computed
timber volume of that species in relation to the total standing from the information in Table 1. It is the quotient of the average
timber volume of the combination. Table 4 and Table 5 list modulus of elasticity divided by the associated variability
cubic foot timber volume data for some commercially impor- index (see
tant species. The criteria in 5.1.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4, based on A species for which no timber volume data are
experience with past accepted species groupings, are for use in available may be included in a previously established combi-
developing clear wood strength and stiffness assignments for nation if the modulus of elasticity of the new species equals or
any combination of species or unit areas. exceeds the value assigned to the existing combination.
5.1.1 While strength values assigned to combinations under 5.2.2 Establish compression perpendicular to grain values
these methods do not necessarily require mixing of all the for combinations as described in 5.3.1. Establish other strength
group members in a particular shipment, the assigned values value assignments for combinations, which represent a value
shall reflect the probability of obtaining the higher strength as associated with the lower 5 % exclusion limit, as follows:
well as the lower strength members as the combination is used. Strength values assigned to any combination of
If a portion of a combination is separately identified and species and regional subdivisions of a species shall not exceed
marketed to utilize fully its higher properties, the effect of such the 5 % exclusion value of the combined frequency distribution
a separation shall be recognized by a re-evaluation of the of all species or subdivisions included in the combination.
remainder of the combination to assure that it also is marketed Determine the 5 % exclusion value for a combina-
in accordance with its lower properties. tion of species and regional subdivisions of a species by adding
5.2 Combinations of Table 1 Species (Method A): the areas under the volume weighted frequency distribution of


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TABLE 3 Clear Wood Strength Values Unadjusted for End Use and Measures of Variation for Commercial Species of Wood in the
Unseasoned Condition (Method B) (for Woods Grown in Canada)A
NOTE 1—Information on the strength properties of additional hardwood species can be obtained from Department of Forestry, Canada, Publication No.
NOTE 2—Values of standard deviation have been calculated using the values for c given in 4.2.
Compression, Perpendicular to
Compression Paral GrainD
Modulus of Modulus of Specific
lel to Grain, Crush- Shear Strength
Species (Official Common RuptureB ElasticityC Fiber Stress at Pro- Stress at Gravity
ing Strength, max
Tree Names) portional Limit 0.04 in
Std. Avg., Std. Std. Std. Std.
Avg., Avg., Avg., Avg., Avg., Std.
Dev., 1000 Dev., Dev., Dev., Dev., Avg.
psi psi psi psi psiD,E Dev.
psi psi 1000 psi psi psi psi
Eastern (northern) white 3860 618 515 113 1890 340 660 92 196 55 354 0.30 0.030
Western red 5300 848 1046 230 2780 500 696 97 279 78 486 0.31 0.031
Cypress, yellow 6640 1062 1336 294 3240 583 880 123 350 98 599 0.42 0.042
(Alaska cedar)

Douglas fir 7540 1206 1613 355 3610 650 922 129 460 129 773 0.45 0.045

Alpine 5158 825 1258 277 2502 450 684 96 258 72 452 0.33 0.033
Amabilis (Pacific silver) 5480 877 1347 296 2770 499 714 100 234 66 414 0.36 0.036
Balsam 5290 846 1129 248 2440 439 679 95 243 68 429 0.34 0.034

Eastern 6780 1085 1268 279 3430 617 914 128 404 113 684 0.40 0.040
Western 6960 1114 1476 325 3580 644 752 105 373 104 635 0.41 0.041

Tamarack 6820 1091 1238 272 3130 563 919 129 413 116 699 0.48 0.048

Larch, western 8680 1389 1654 364 4420 796 920 129 519 145 867 0.55 0.055

Jack 6310 1010 1167 257 2950 531 822 115 335 94 575 0.42 0.042
Lodgepole 5650 904 1274 280 2860 515 724 101 276 77 481 0.40 0.040
Red 5010 802 1066 235 2370 427 711 100 281 79 489 0.39 0.039
Western white 4830 773 1187 261 2520 454 652 91 235 66 416 0.36 0.036
Ponderosa 5700 912 1130 249 2840 511 720 101 349 98 597 0.44 0.044
Eastern white 5140 822 1176 259 2590 466 635 89 238 67 421 0.36 0.036


Black 5870 939 1320 290 2760 497 796 111 300 84 519 0.41 0.041
Engelmann 5660 906 1251 275 2810 506 702 98 268 75 468 0.38 0.038
Red 5880 941 1325 292 2810 506 807 113 273 76 476 0.38 0.038
Sitka 5420 867 1370 301 2560 461 634 89 291 81 505 0.35 0.035
White 5100 816 1150 253 2470 445 670 94 245 69 432 0.35 0.035
Largetooth 5340 854 1082 238 2390 430 789 110 212 59 379 0.39 0.039
Quaking 5460 874 1307 288 2350 423 718 101 199 56 359 0.37 0.037

Black 4060 650 971 214 1860 335 558 78 101 28 202 0.30 0.030
Eastern 4740 758 869 191 1970 355 770 108 210 59 376 0.35 0.035

Poplar, balsam 5010 802 1151 253 2110 380 666 93 178 50 325 0.37 0.037
For tension parallel and perpendicular to grain and modulus of rigidity, see 4.3.
Modulus of rupture values are applicable to material 2 in. (51 mm) in depth.
Modulus of elasticity values are applicable at a ratio of shear span to depth of 14.
Based on a 2-in. wide steel plate bearing on the center of a 2-in. wide by 2-in. thick by 6-in. long specimen oriented with growth rings parallel to load.
A coefficient of variation of 28 % can be used as an approximate measure of variability of individual values about the stresses tabulated.

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TABLE 4 Standing Timber Volume for Commercially Important Species Grown in the United States
Species Volume MMCFAB4.3 Species Volume MMCFAB4.3
Alder, red 7764 Larch, western 5984
Ash 11 595 Maple:
Aspen: Black 52
Bigtooth 3974 Red 31 398
Quaking 17 445 Silver 1913
Baldcypress 4200 Sugar 21 950
Beech, American 9262 Oak:C
Birch: Select red 22 867
Sweet 2601 Other red 42 455
Yellow 4008 Select white 29 776
Cedar: Other white 19 780
Alaska 105 Pine:
Atlantic white 311 Eastern white 13 483
Eastern red 1612 Jack 1561
Incense 3611 Lodgepole 28 420
Northern white 5354 Ponderosa 36 223
Port-Orford 272 Red 4084
Western red 7736 Southern yellow:
Cottonwood: Loblolly 57 990
Black 781 Longleaf 4795
Douglas-fir: Pitch 1436
Coast 58 722 Pond 1251
Interior West 19 761 Shortleaf 15 284
Interior North 30 020 Slash 10 891
Interior South 5779 Spruce 576
Fir: Virginia 7206

Balsam 5655 Sugar 3373
California red 3150 Western white 1227
Grand 11 134 Redwood 4631
Noble 1152 Spruce:
Pacific silver 5671 Black 1599
Subalpine 11 939 Engelmann 17 804
White 14 471 Red 4803
Hackberry 1133 Sitka 1470
Hemlock: White 1790
Eastern 8530 Sweetgum 18 388
Mountain 3040 Sycamore 2658
Western 20 894 Tamarack 1202
Hickory 7888 TupeloD 6507
Yellow-poplar 23 203
Million cubic feet.
Source: Miles, Patrick D.; Pugh, Scott A.; Smith, W. Brad; Vissage, John S., Forest Resources of the United States, 2002 Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-241, 137 p, St. Paul,
MN: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Research Station. The attribute of interest is volume of growing stock in timberland (cuft) (live growing
stock volume $5” DBH, on timberland). Based on survey data from 2000 or earlier.
Select white oaks are Quercus alba (white), Q. michauxii (swamp chestnut), Q. muehlenbergii (chinkapin), Q. durandiiDurand, Q. bicolor (swamp white), and Q.
macrocarpa (bur). Select red oaks are Q. rubra (northern red), Q. falcata var. pagodaefolia (cherry bark), and Q. shumardii (shumard). Other Red and White are from
Hardwoods of North America by Harry Alden. Definitions of other White are Q. garryana (Oregon White), Q. lyrata (overcup), Q. stellata (post), and Q. prinus (chestnut).
Other Reds are Q. falcate (southern red), Q. coccinea (scarlet), Q. kelloggi (California black), Q. laurifolia (laurel), Q. nigra (water), Q. nuttalli (nuttal), Q. palusris (pin),
Q. phellos (willow), and Q. velutina (black).
Includes black gum.

each species or subdivision thereof at successively higher 5

CDF 5 [~ Y /V.I.! 2 A]/s (5)
levels of strength until a value is obtained below which 5 % of
the area under the combined frequency distribution will fall. where:
5 = average value for each species or basic group of unit
NOTE 8—An approximate value for the 5 % exclusion limit of a
areas of a species included in the combination,
combination can be obtained by computing the volume weighted average V.I. = variability index for each species or basic group of
5 % exclusion value for all included species or regional subdivisions unit areas of a species included in the combination,
thereof from the appropriate standard deviations. s = standard deviation for each species or basic group of In addition, the composite dispersion factor (CDF) unit areas of a species included in the combination,
(Eq 5) shall not be less than 1.18 for any included species or and
subdivision thereof. For basic groups using Method A proce- A = the computed 5 % exclusion value of the combined
dure: frequency distribution.

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TABLE 5 Standing Timber Volume for Commercially Important Determine the 5 % exclusion value for a combina-
Species Grown in CanadaA tion of species by adding the areas under the volume weighted
Species Volume MMCFB Species Volume MMCFB frequency distribution of each species at successively higher
Aspen: levels of strength until a value is obtained below which 5 % of
Largetooth 11 179
Quaking 53 952 Tamarack 3613
the area under the combined frequency distribution will fall
(Note 8).
Cottonwood: Larch, western 2608 In addition, the composite dispersion factor (CDF)
Black 10 871
Eastern 73 shall not be less than 1.48 for Method B, as established by the
Pine: following equation:
Cedar: Red 1235
Eastern (northern) 7686 Ponderosa 640 5
CDF 5 ~ Y 2 A!/s ~see! (6)
Western red 20 690 Western white 657 A species for which no timber volume data are
Cypress, yellow 5494 Eastern white 6779
(Alaska cedar) available may be included in a previously established combi-
Jack 30 767 nation if the 5 % exclusion values of the new species equals or
Douglas Fir 26 171 Lodgepole 86 860
exceeds the strength property values assigned the combination.
Fir: Spruce 5.4 Combinations of Table 1 and Table 2 and Table 3
Amabilis 13 793 White 57 193 Species (Methods A and B Combined):
Grandis 10 Black 140 539
5.4.1 Establish compression perpendicular to grain values

Alpine 27 415 Red 21 077
Balsam 45 566 Sitka 12 231 for combinations as described in 5.3.1. The modulus of
Engelmann 15 528
Hemlock: elasticity value assigned to any combination involving species
Eastern 2108 Poplar, balsam 15 426 analyzed by Method A and species analyzed by Method B shall
Western 46 231 be the weighted average value for all species and regional
From Canada’s National Forest Inventory, 2001. Timber volumes are compiled subdivisions thereof included in the combination and shall be
for not-reserved forest stock greater than 60 years in age and conforming to the
definition of mature or older forests.
subject to the following limitations (Note 7):
Million cubic feet, converted from thousand cubic metres by a factor of .0353. The modulus of elasticity value assigned to the
combination shall not exceed the weighted average value for A species for which no timber volume data are all species included in the combination. In addition, it shall
available may be included in a previously established combi- conform to all requirements of for those included
nation if the 5 % exclusion values of the new species equal or species or regional subdivisions thereof analyzed by Method A;
exceed the strength property values assigned the combination. and shall conform to all the requirements of for those
NOTE 9—An exclusion limit is a level of strength below which a included species or regional subdivisions thereof analyzed by
selected percentage of the strength values are expected to fall and Method B.
corresponds to a selected probability point from the frequency distribution A species for which no timber volume data are
of strength values. A 5 % exclusion limit for a species of regional available may be included in a previously established combi-
subdivision is obtained by multiplying the standard deviation for the nation if the modulus of elasticity of the new species equals or
strength property under consideration by 1.645 and subtracting the
product from the average strength value.
exceeds the value assigned to the existing combination.
5.4.2 Strength values assigned to any combination involv-
5.3 Combinations of Table 2 and Table 3 Species (Method
ing species analyzed by Method A and species analyzed by
Method B shall represent a value associated with the lower 5 %
5.3.1 The modulus of elasticity and stress in compression
exclusion limit and shall be established as follows:
perpendicular to grain values assigned to any combination of
species shall be the weighted average value for all species Strength values assigned to the combination shall
included in the combination, subject to the following limita- not exceed the 5 % exclusion value of the combined frequency
tions (Note 7): distribution of all species or subdivisions thereof included in Neither property value assigned to the combination the combination. The 5 % exclusion values shall be determined
shall be more than 10 % larger than the average value for any by the method described in and In addition,
included species or regional subdivision. strength values shall conform to all the requirements of A species for which no timber volume data are and for those species or regional subdivisions thereof
available may be included in a previously established combi- analyzed by Methods A and B, respectively (Note 8).
nation if the property of the new species equals or exceeds the A species for which no timber volume data are
value assigned to the existing combination. available may be included in a previously established combi-
5.3.2 Establish strength value assignments to combinations, nation if the 5 % exclusion values of the new species equal or
which represent a value associated with the lower 5 % exclu- exceed the strength property values assigned the combination.
sion limit, as follows: 5.5 Illustration of the Application of Procedures for Assign- Strength values assigned to any combination of ing Values to Combinations—The following examples, using
species shall not exceed the 5 % exclusion value of the hypothetical values, illustrate the procedures used to establish
combined frequency distribution of all species included in the modulus of elasticity and strength assignments for species
combination. groupings:

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Example 1—Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) Assignment for 5% Composite
Combination of Three Species Analyzed by the Unit Area Exclusion Percent Dispersion
Avg. Variability Std. Value for of Total Factor
Procedure (Method A): Species MOR, psi Index Dev. Species Volume (CDF)
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5A
B 6150 1.06 940 4604 40 1.46
Avg. C 5980 1.04 920 4467 20 1.43
MOE of
Avg. Percent Lowest Minimum allowable CDF = 1.18.
MOE, Variability of Total Unit Area, 5 % exclusion value of combination = 4432.
Species 1000 psi Index Volume 1000 psi The lowest CDF exceeds 1.18, hence the computed value governs, and the
exclusion value assigned to the combination shall not exceed 4432 psi.
A 1503 1.06 40 1418
B 1296 1.05 40 1234 Example 5—Modulus of Rupture Assignment for Combina-
C 1214 1.08 20 1124 tion of Three Species Not Analyzed by the Unit Area Procedure
(Method B):
Column 5 values = column 2/column 3. Species Avg. Std. 5% Percent Composite
Applicable grouping limit = 16 %. MOR, Dev. Exclusion of Dispersion
Weighted average MOE of combination = [(1503 3 40) + (1296 3 40) + (1214 3 psi Value for Total Factor
20)]/100 = 1362. Species Volume (CDF)
Lowest unit area MOE value 3 1.16 = 1124 3 1.16 = 1304.
Lowest unit area MOE value governs, and the MOE value assigned to the D 6951 1112 5121 25 1.86
combination is 1 300 000 psi. E 7202 1152 5305 30 2.02
Example 2—Modulus of Elasticity Assignment for Combi- F 6301 1008 4642 45 1.41

nation of Three Species Not Analyzed by the Unit Area Minimum allowable CDF = 1.48.
Procedure (Method B): 5 % exclusion value for combination = 4880.
The lowest CDF is less than the minimum allowable value. The exclusion
Avg. MOE, Percent of
value assigned to the combination shall not exceed 6301 − (1.48 3 1008) =
Species 1000 psi Total Volume
4809 psi.
D 1585 25 Example 6—Modulus of Rupture Assignment for Combina-
E 1413 30
F 1292 45 tion of One Species Analyzed by the Unit Area Procedure
(Method A) and Two Species Not Analyzed by the Unit Area
Applicable grouping limit = 10 %. Procedure (Method B):
Weighted average MOE of = [(1585 3 25) + (1413 3 30) + (1292
3 45)]/100 = 1402. 5% Composite
Lowest species MOE value in combination 3 1.10 = 1292 3 1.10 = 1421. Exclusion Percent Dispersion
Weighted average value governs, average MOE assigned to combination Avg. Variability Std. Value for of Total Factor
shall not exceed 1 400 000 psi. Species MOR, psi Index Dev. Species Volume (CDF)

Example 3—Modulus of Elasticity Assignment for Combi- G 7000 1.05 1040 5289 50 1.74
H 6850 ... 1096 5047 40 1.82
nation of Two Species Analyzed by the Unit Area Procedure I 5400 ... 864 3979 10 1.29
(Method A) and a Species Not Analyzed by the Unit Area (lowest)
Procedure (Method B):
Minimum allowable CDF for G = 1.18. Minimum allowable CDF for H and I
Avg. = 1.48.
MOE of 5 % exclusion value for combination = 4853.
Avg. Percent Lowest The lowest CDF is less than the minimum allowable value. The exclusion
MOE, Variability of Total Unit Area, value assigned to the combination shall not exceed 5400 − (1.48 3 864) =
Species 1000 psi Index Volume 1000 psi 4121 psi.

G 1613 1.04 35 1551 6. Requirements for Evaluation of New Data

H 1492 1.06 40 1408
I 1348 ... 25 ... 6.1 New clear wood property data are reviewed for accep-
tance to determine if the new data adequately represent the
Applicable grouping limit = 16 % (Method A).
Applicable grouping limit = 10 % (Method B). target species. It is not the intent to address specific product-
Weighted average MOE of combination = [(1613 3 35) + (1492 3 40) line concerns for practical implementation. Such concerns are
+ (1348 3 25)]/100 = 1498.
Lowest unit area MOE value 3 1.16 = 1408 3 1.16 = 1633.
addressed by the product-line subcommittees. Where clear
Lowest species value 3 1.10 = 1348 3 1.10 = 1483. wood values are already tabulated in these test methods for a
Lowest species MOE value governs and the MOE value assigned to species, new data may be presented to substantiate, augment,
the combination is 1 483 000 psi.
or replace the existing data used to establish tabulated infor-
Example 4—Modulus of Rupture (MOR) Assignment for mation. The following requirements shall be met before
Combination of Three Species Analyzed by the Unit Area submission of the new data to the responsible subcommittee of
Procedure (Method A): Committee D07 for evaluation and recommended action (see
5% Composite Appendix X2).
Exclusion Percent Dispersion 6.1.1 Replacement—Before new data are considered for
Avg. Variability Std. Value for of Total Factor replacement of existing data (the latter defined as those data
Species MOR, psi Index Dev. Species Volume (CDF)
used to establish the property information tabulated in these
A 5700 1.04 850 4302 40 1.23 test methods), the species shall have been representatively
(lowest) sampled and appropriate statistical tests conducted to show that

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the new data describing the species are significantly different significant differences stated in 6.1.1, and where it is not
than the existing data, with respect to mean, variance, fifth possible or feasible to augment existing data, the new data
percentile, or any combination thereof. In the absence of analysis may be submitted for inclusion in permanent ASTM
analyses showing significant differences between new and files as substantiation of the specific clear wood values to
existing data, the new data still may be submitted for replace- which the data apply. When acceptance of new data as
ment of existing data if documentation is provided showing substantiation of existing clear wood data is approved by action
that the new data represent a more adequate sample or are more of subcommittee and committee, a footnote shall be added to
completely documented than existing data, or both. the appropriate values tabulated in these test methods that
6.1.2 Augment Existing Data—Where new data are demon- references the document providing the substantiation and gives
strated to be representative of the species, but do not show the the date substantiation was approved.
significant differences prescribed in 6.1.1, and where existing
data are documented and are shown to be in need of additional 7. Keywords
precision, new data may be submitted for consideration for
combining with existing data to obtain a more precise estimate 7.1 clear wood; density survey; laminated wood; lumber
of the target population parameters. modulus of elasticity; plywood; round timber; species combi-
6.1.3 Substantiation—Where new data are demonstrated to nations; specific gravity; strength properties; timber volumes;
be representative of the species, but do not present the variability


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 General “Duration of Load and Fatigue in Wood Structures,” Paper

1361 of the Proceedings of the American Society of Civil
X1.1.1 This section gives general principles and informa-
Engineers, 1957.
tion that are applicable to all wood products to convert standard
clear-wood strength values to working stresses in design. These
X1.3 Moisture Content
principles deal with duration of load, moisture content, tem-
perature, strength-reducing characteristics, shape and form, X1.3.1 Wood increases in strength and modulus of elasticity
factor of safety, and rounding of the calculated values. Working as it dries below the fiber saturation point, which is at about
stress standards for a product should show how these or other 30 % moisture content. The average increases in properties of
factors have been taken into account and should give reference small clear specimens dried to 12 % moisture content, when
to adequate supporting data or analysis. compared with properties of matched specimens in the green
condition, are tabulated in Table X1.1 and Table X1.2. In-
X1.2 Duration of Load creases in strength and modulus of elasticity of the clear wood
may not be fully realized in products because of the interaction
X1.2.1 Standard strength values for wood are based on tests of drying with type of product, form, size, occurrence of drying

of 5 to 10-min duration, and all except modulus of elasticity are defects, and to some extent, species. Working stress standards
subject to adjustment for other durations of load. Fig. X1.1 for wood products should recognize the net gain of strength or
shows the generalized relation of strength to duration of load. stiffness from drying and should show how it is to be applied.
Repeated loads have a cumulative effect that may have to be X1.3.2 Although drying results in increases of strength in
considered in some designs. Combinations of loads may be many structural members, the size of a member is reduced by
critical at the stress for the permanent part of the load or at shrinkage resulting from drying. The net gain of strength or
some higher stress of shorter duration. Plastic flow effects may modulus of elasticity of a wood product and the rules for
be taken into account where stiffness over a period of time is applying it with recognition of the effects of shrinkage are left
important. These factors are discussed in greater detail in to the appropriate working stress standard for that product.

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FIG. X1.1 Relation of Strength to Duration of Load

TABLE X1.1 Ratios of DryA to Green Clear Wood Properties for Woods Grown in the United States

Species or Region, or Compression
Both (Official Common Parallel to
Modulus of Modulus of Shear to Grain,
Tree Names) Grain,

Rupture Elasticity Strength Stress at
Baldcypress 1.60 1.22 1.78 1.23 1.81

Alaska 1.73 1.25 2.07 1.35 1.78
Atlantic white 1.44 1.24 1.97 1.16 1.67
Eastern red 1.25 1.36 1.69 ... 1.32
Incense 1.28 1.24 1.65 1.05 1.59
Northern white 1.54 1.24 1.99 1.39 1.32
Port Orford 1.93 1.31 1.99 1.62 2.38
Western red 1.46 1.18 1.64 1.29 1.89

Douglas fir:
Coast 1.62 1.25 1.91 1.25 2.08
Interior North 1.76 1.27 1.99 1.48 2.16
Interior South 1.75 1.28 2.00 1.59 2.20
Interior West 1.64 1.21 1.92 1.38 1.82

Balsam 1.66 1.16 2.01 1.43 2.16
California red 1.81 1.28 1.98 1.36 1.82
Grand 1.53 1.26 1.80 1.22 1.85
Noble 1.74 1.25 2.03 1.31 1.90
Pacific silver 1.71 1.24 2.04 1.64 1.98
Subalpine 1.76 1.23 2.11 1.54 2.01
White 1.67 1.29 2.00 1.46 1.89

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TABLE X1.1 Continued

Species or Region, or Compression
Both (Official Common Parallel to
Modulus of Modulus of Shear to Grain,
Tree Names) Grain,
Rupture Elasticity Strength Stress at

Eastern 1.39 1.11 1.76 1.25 1.81
Mountain 1.83 1.28 2.24 1.65 2.32
Western 1.71 1.25 2.14 1.49 1.94

Larch, western 1.70 1.28 2.03 1.56 2.32

Eastern white 1.74 1.24 1.97 1.33 2.01
Jack 1.64 1.27 1.92 1.55 1.95
Lodgepole 1.70 1.24 2.06 1.28 2.41
Monterey 2.00 1.27 2.22 1.69 2.11
Ponderosa 1.84 1.30 2.17 1.61 2.05
Red 1.88 1.27 2.22 1.77 2.31
Sugar 1.67 1.16 1.81 1.58 2.32
Western white 2.06 1.22 2.07 1.54 2.45

Pine, southern yellow:

Loblolly 1.75 1.28 2.03 1.61 2.04
Longleaf 1.70 1.25 1.96 1.45 2.01
Pitch 1.59 1.19 2.01 1.58 2.23
Pond 1.56 1.37 2.06 1.48 2.06
Sand 1.54 1.38 2.01 .96 1.86
Shortleaf 1.76 1.26 2.06 1.54 2.31
Slash 1.87 1.29 2.13 1.74 1.93
Spruce 1.73 1.23 1.99 1.66 2.63
Virginia 1.77 1.25 1.96 1.52 2.32

Redwood 1.34 1.15 1.68 1.25 1.93

Black 1.77 1.16 2.10 1.67 2.27
Engelmann 1.98 1.26 2.06 1.89 2.06
Red 1.80 1.25 2.04 1.71 2.09
Sitka 1.81 1.27 2.10 1.51 2.07
White 1.89 1.25 2.20 1.53 2.06

Tamarack 1.62 1.33 2.06 1.49 2.07

Alder, red 1.50 1.18 1.97 1.40 1.73

Black 2.10 1.53 2.60 1.82 2.20
Green 1.49 1.18 1.69 1.52 1.78
Oregon 1.67 1.20 1.72 1.50 2.36
White 1.57 1.21 1.86 1.41 1.73

Bigtooth 1.68 1.27 2.12 1.48 2.19
Quaking 1.64 1.37 1.99 1.30 2.04

Beech, American 1.74 1.25 2.06 1.56 1.86

Basswood, American 1.76 1.41 2.13 1.65 2.16

Paper or white 1.92 1.36 2.41 1.45 2.20
Sweet 1.80 1.32 2.28 1.80 2.29
Yellow 2.01 1.34 2.42 1.70 2.26

Butternut 1.51 1.21 2.11 1.55 2.08

Cherry, black 1.54 1.14 2.01 1.51 1.91

Chestnut, American 1.53 1.32 2.15 1.36 2.00

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D2555 – 06

TABLE X1.1 Continued

Species or Region, or Compression
Both (Official Common Parallel to
Modulus of Modulus of Shear to Grain,
Tree Names) Grain,
Rupture Elasticity Strength Stress at
Black 1.73 1.18 2.05 1.69 1.82
Eastern 1.62 1.35 2.15 1.36 1.95

American 1.65 1.20 1.90 1.51 1.95
Cedar 1.47 1.27 1.61 1.70 1.57
Rock 1.56 1.29 1.87 1.51 2.02
Slippery 1.62 1.21 1.92 1.48 1.97
Winged 1.61 1.36 1.83 1.82 1.61

Hackberry 1.70 1.25 2.05 1.49 2.23

Bitternut 1.66 1.28 1.98 1.58 2.10
Mockernut 1.74 1.41 2.00 1.36 2.13
Nutmeg 1.83 1.32 1.74 1.79 2.06
Pecan 1.40 1.26 1.97 1.40 2.22
Pignut 1.71 1.37 1.91 1.57 2.15
Shagbark 1.83 1.38 2.01 1.60 2.08
Shellbark 1.72 1.41 2.04 1.78 2.23
Water 1.65 1.30 1.85 ... 1.75

Honeylocust 1.44 1.27 1.70 1.36 1.60

Locust, black 1.40 1.11 1.50 1.41 1.58

Cucumber tree 1.66 1.16 2.01 1.35 1.74
Southern magnolia 1.66 1.27 2.02 1.47 1.86

Bigleaf 1.45 1.32 1.84 1.56 1.68
Black 1.68 1.22 2.04 1.61 1.69
Red 1.75 1.19 1.99 1.61 2.48
Silver 1.53 1.21 2.10 1.41 2.00
Sugar 1.67 1.18 1.95 1.59 2.27

Oak, red:
Black 1.69 1.39 1.88 1.56 1.32
Cherrybark 1.67 1.27 1.89 1.51 1.63
Laurel 1.59 1.21 2.20 1.55 1.85
Northern red 1.72 1.35 1.97 1.46 1.65
Pin 1.69 1.31 1.85 1.61 1.42
Scarlet 1.67 1.30 2.04 1.34 1.34
Southern red 1.58 1.31 2.01 1.49 1.60
Water 1.72 1.30 1.81 1.63 1.65
Willow 1.96 1.48 2.35 1.40 1.85

Oak, white:
Bur 1.43 1.18 1.84 1.35 1.78
Chestnut 1.65 1.16 1.94 1.23 1.58
Live 1.54 1.25 1.64 1.20 1.39
Overcup 1.57 1.24 1.84 1.52 1.50
Post 1.63 1.39 1.90 1.44 1.67
Swamp chestnut 1.64 1.31 2.05 1.58 1.93
Swamp white 1.80 1.28 1.97 1.54 1.56
White 1.83 1.43 2.09 1.60 1.59

Poplar, balsam 1.76 1.47 2.38 1.57 2.18

Sweetgum 1.76 1.37 2.08 1.61 1.70

Sycamore, American 1.55 1.33 1.84 1.47 1.91

Black, blackgum 1.36 1.16 1.82 1.22 1.92
Water 1.32 1.19 1.76 1.33 1.81

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Provided by IHS under license with ASTM
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D2555 – 06

TABLE X1.1 Continued

Species or Region, or Compression
Both (Official Common Parallel to
Modulus of Modulus of Shear to Grain,
Tree Names) Grain,
Rupture Elasticity Strength Stress at
Walnut, black 1.54 1.18 1.76 1.13 2.08

Yellow-poplar 1.70 1.29 2.08 1.50 1.85

Dry, here, means 12 % moisture content.

X1.4 Temperature made preferably by considering the factor of safety as multi-

X1.4.1 Wood is stronger at low than at high temperature. valued and as depending upon conditions of both strength and
Prolonged exposure to high temperature also causes a perma- use. The factor of safety may recognize differences in the
nent reduction of strength. These effects are discussed in the hazards and the consequences of failure appropriate to the
Wood Handbook of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. expected uses of the various marketed wood products. An
Strength values tabulated in this practice are derived from tests extended discussion of the factor of safety is found in ASCE
made at temperatures of 70 to 75°F (21 to 23.9°C). Working Transactions, Paper No. 3051, “Factor of Safety in Design of
stress standards for wood products are expected to be suitable Timber Structures” (1960).
for the range of temperatures encountered in normal use or to
X1.8 Rounding of Values
include appropriate factors to compensate for the effects of
abnormal temperatures if needed. X1.8.1 Table 1 and Table 2 and similar data indicate the
degree of significance of the tabulated strength values and
X1.5 Strength-Reducing Characteristics point out that these are to be used for computations. After
X1.5.1 Standard clear-wood strength values, including computations of group or other values are made, the values
moduli of elasticity, provided by these methods are intended to should be suitably rounded for design use as may be deter-
be appropriately modified to account for effects of natural or mined by each product subcommittee to be appropriate in a
induced strength-reducing characteristics. Strength-reducing working stress standard.
effects specifically associated with the general grade or quality
of each manufactured wood product should be expressed as X1.9 Compression Perpendicular to Grain
grade strength ratios or other technically equivalent parameters X1.9.1 Compression perpendicular to grain stress at 0.04-in.
derived from and justified by appropriate scientific studies. deformation in Tables 1-3 is based on the following equation:
Y04 5 42.44 1 1.589 P.L. (X1.1)
X1.6 Shape and Form
where P.L. is the average proportional limit stress in the
X1.6.1 Shape or form has an effect on the strength or
corresponding Tables 1-3 except for values for Douglas fir—
stiffness of many wood structural products that is taken into
Coast, Douglas fir—interior north, shortleaf pine, western
account in developing working stress standards. Factors for
hemlock, Pacific sliver fir, Englemann spruce, white spruce,
shape or form are discussed at several points in Wood Hand-
northern red oak, and quaking aspen. The stresses at 0.04-in.
book No. 72, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
deformation for these species are the mean values from Table
X1.7 Factor of Safety 1 of the literature.3
X1.7.1 Working stress standards for marketed wood prod-
ucts should take into account, after applying the foregoing 3
Mean and Tolerance Limit Stresses and Stress Modelling for Compression
factors, whether a further reduction of stress for factor of safety Perpendicular to Grain in Hardwood and Softwood Species, Research Paper FPL
should be made, and if so how much. The accounting should be 337, Forest Products Laboratory, USDA Forest Service. 1979.


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D2555 – 06
TABLE X1.2 Ratios of DryA to Green Clear Wood Properties for Woods Grown in Canada

Species or Region, or Both Compression Compression

(Official Common Tree Names) Modulus Modulus of Parallel to Shear Perpendicular to
of Rupture Elasticity Grain, Crushing Strength Grain, Stress
Strength at Proportional Limit
Cypress, yellow (Alaska cedar) 1.74 1.19 2.05 1.52 1.96
Eastern (northern) white 1.59 1.23 1.90 1.52 1.98

Western red 1.47 1.14 1.77 1.16 1.78

Douglas fir 1.70 1.22 2.01 1.50 1.89

Alpine 1.59 1.18 2.11 1.44 2.08
Amabilis (Pacific silver) 1.82 1.22 2.14 1.53 2.24
Balsam 1.60 1.24 2.04 1.34 1.90

Eastern 1.43 1.11 1.74 1.38 1.55
Western 1.69 1.21 1.89 1.25 1.76

Larch, western 1.79 1.26 2.00 1.46 2.04

Eastern white 1.84 1.16 2.02 1.39 2.07
Jack 1.79 1.27 1.99 1.45 2.47
Lodgepole 1.95 1.24 2.19 1.71 1.92
Ponderosa 1.86 1.22 2.16 1.42 2.17
Red 2.02 1.29 2.32 1.53 2.56
Western white 1.92 1.23 2.08 1.41 2.00

Black 1.94 1.15 2.19 1.57 2.06
Engelmann 1.78 1.24 2.19 1.56 2.00
Red 1.76 1.21 1.99 1.65 2.00
Sitka 1.87 1.19 2.14 1.55 2.04
White 1.78 1.26 2.17 1.47 2.04

Tamarack 1.62 1.10 2.08 1.42 2.18

Largetooth 1.78 1.16 1.99 1.39 2.23
Quaking 1.79 1.25 2.24 1.36 2.57

Black 1.76 1.32 2.16 1.54 2.56
Eastern 1.58 1.30 1.95 1.50 2.25

Poplar, balsam 2.02 1.45 2.38 1.33 2.38

Dry, here, means 12 % moisture content.


TABLE X2.1 Example Sequence

Mean and Variances i th Quantile Action
1. Unequal Unequal Data are accepted for replacement. Product subcommittees may assess the practical significance.
2. Unequal Equal Examine distribution fit (see Practice D2915).
a. If normal, consult power table to assure adequate sample size. If adequate, data are accepted for replacement or
augmentation. Product subcommittees may assess practical significance.
b. If not normal, see 4b.

3. Equal Equal No changes in tabulated values. Data substantiates existing data.

4. Equal Unequal Examine distribution fit (see Practice D2915)
a. If normal, accept new data for replacement or augmentation. Product subcommittees may assess practical
b. If not normal, further analysis required to determine appropriate action.

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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
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make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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