BatstateU Implementing Rules & Regulation
BatstateU Implementing Rules & Regulation
BatstateU Implementing Rules & Regulation
In line with the University's effort of providing support and direction to the entire
academic community in adapting to the new learning environment, you are hereby directed
to disseminate to all concerned the attached Implementing Rules and Regulation of the
General Guidelines on the Conduct of Flexible Learning for Academic Year 2020-2021
which is approved by virtue of BOR Resolution No. 64 S. 2020.
This 2020 Implementing Rules and Regulations, hereinafter called the IRR, is
promulgated pursuant to General Guidelines on the Conduct of Flexible Learning for
Academic Year 2020-2021 approved by the University Board of Regent through
Resolution No. 64 S. 2020 and, thereafter whenever applicable, for the purpose of
prescribing the necessary rules and regulations for the standardization, and proper
implementation of the flexible learning general guidelines.
The provisions of this IRR are in line with the commitment of the university to promote
good governance and its effort to adhere to the principles of accountability and
efficiency in its implementation of flexible learning. It is the policy of the University to
support all types of students to adjust to flexible learning, with the mission of ensuring
no student is left behind during this pandemic.
in lieu of in-campus learning/face-to-face modality. The exercise of discretion by
the HEIs, including BatStateU and their faculty must be reasonable, transparent,
and outcomes-based validated.
3. The University shall decide on the most viable form of flexible learning and
teaching that it will utilize based on its capability, existing condition, national
government agency guidelines and local government unit advisories.
5. In terms of Learning Content, the University shall review all curricular offerings
and make the necessary adjustments or modifications in the course
contents/requirements, determine alternative options in the design, delivery,
pedagogy, and assessment mechanisms that can be delivered to the students
through various modalities.
guidebook/manual/briefer, etc. or may be incorporated in the institution’s student
handbook. The University should implement mechanisms for students to
receive/access printed or digital course packages/instructional materials through
courier, designated pick up points or through digital platforms.
9. The University shall implement or explore grants and/or support capacity building
programs for administrators, faculty, and staff on transitioning to flexible learning.
Trainings through webinars shall be conducted through the Center for
Transformative Learning.
10. The University shall ensure that health and safety protocols are maintained at
all times. The University shall establish means to remind students, teachers and
other school personnel of the health and safety protocols through the display of
reminders in conspicuous areas within the school premises. Minimum health and
safety standards and protocols under national, local and university directives
shall be observed. For this purpose, the specific guidelines University Health and
Safety Protocols on Prevention and Mitigation of Spread of COVID-19 Pandemic
issued through Memorandum No. 269, S. 2020 dated May 15, 2020 shall be
imposed as applicable. Specifically, when reporting physically to school or
performing academic related activities, students and faculty members shall
observe the rules on thermal scanning, triage, completion of home quarantine,
use of masks and shields, PPE, cleaning and disinfection, bring-you-own-meal
policy, entry of visitors and guests, prohibition of mass gatherings and conditional
physical gatherings, school activity-related travels, sanitation and hand washing,
physical distancing, respiratory etiquette, campus lockdown, teleconsultation and
vulnerable group.
11. To the extent permitted, required by law, or by agreement with concerned party,
the university may share, disclose, or transfer personal data to other persons or
organizations in order to pursue its legitimate interests as an educational
institution, including a variety of academic, administrative, research, historical,
and statistical purposes.
Provided that faculty members shall not publicly share or post in social media
such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and the like, the following
11.1 student personal data, personal information, or sensitive personal
11.2 student photos or pictures, including those captured through screenshots,
printscreens, screen grabs and the like, which in any manner relate to
personal data, personal information, or sensitive personal information;
11.3 student class standing and grades
11.4 class lists with names of students
11.5 specific evaluation results of student works
This IRR shall apply to all teaching and learning activities in all campuses of the
The following operational definitions of terms are stated for the purpose of clarity and
• Online learning requires connectivity and full use of technology, particularly the
• Flexible learning is a broader term that focuses on the design and delivery of
programs, courses, and learning interventions that address learners' unique
needs in terms of pace, place, process, and products of learning. It does not
necessarily require connectivity.
• Synchronous learning is the kind of learning that happens in real time. This
means that instructor and students interact in a specific virtual place, through a
specific online medium, at a specific time. Methods of synchronous online
learning include video conferencing, teleconferencing, live chatting, and live-
streaming lectures.
• Asynchronous learning happens on student’s schedule. While the instructor
provide materials for reading, lectures for viewing, assignments for completing,
and exams for evaluation, students have the ability to access and satisfy these
requirements within a flexible time frame. Methods of asynchronous online
learning include self-guided lesson modules, streaming video content, virtual
libraries, posted lecture notes, and exchanges across discussion boards or social
media platforms.
• Laboratory classes are used by any instructor who wishes to create an
environment where students are physically engaged with concepts in the field
through active experimentation or exploration. Many learning objectives can be
taught through laboratory classes.
• Capstone design projects are a multifaceted assignment that serves as a
culminating academic and intellectual experience for students, typically during
their final year. It may be completed individually or as part of a group depending
on the course or the overall program design. Since teamwork is considered a
critical skill to succeed in the professional world, most capstone design courses
require students to accomplish a design project in a team setting.
• Turnitin is a plagiarism prevention tool that compares submitted student papers
to websites, online journals and other student papers in the Turnitin system. The
software generates a report that highlights passages in the paper that match the
online sources. It is optional for instructors to make Turnitin reports available to
students, however, it is important that the students understand how the reports
work so that they can make sure their sources are correctly cited and take
necessary action, if needed, to avoid unintended plagiarism.
• Instructor, or course instructor shall mean the faculty member handling the
class regardless of academic rank, unless otherwise provided in this IRR.
RULE II – Flexible Learning Administration
7.1 Once the Google Classrooms are created and students have been
invited, the concerned course instructor shall determine those students
who have not responded to the invitation to join the class or have
responded late. The course instructor shall conduct a survey among the
students to determine the means of communication available to them.
Based on data on available means of communication, course instructor
shall develop or adjust the learning plans and strategies.
7. 2 The concerned course instructor shall submit to the Department Chair the
proposed customized teaching and learning activities based on the type of
communication media available to the students and the intended learning
outcome per subject.
7.3 The concerned course instructor must submit the accomplished Flexible
Teaching and Learning Plan Form per subject to the Department Chair.
The Dean shall approve the Plans before the start of classes.
7.4 The Flexible Teaching and Learning Plan Form must be filled-up
completely and revision of the pro-forma form is prohibited.
7.5 The content of the duly approved Flexible Teaching and Learning Plan
shall be reflected and consistent with lectures and activities in the Google
Classroom. Information from the flexible teaching and learning plan shall
be made available to the students.
7.6 The department chair shall be co-teacher in all classroom created by the
7.7 The concerned course instructor must monitor the class attendance or
engagement of the students and use the data for student guidance and
counselling. The attendance may be viewed in the Google Sheet and may
be recorded accordingly.
7.8 The class schedule indicated in the class list provided by the department
shall be the schedule reflected in the Google Classroom. No synchronous
activities shall be done outside of the class schedule.
7.8 The first topic in the Google Classroom must contain the syllabus, the
prepared modules, and reading materials including videos, power point
presentation and other electronic modules that are carefully selected and
to facilitate and enhance learning. Modules to be uploaded must have the
following content:
• Module Introduction. It is a short statement about the module,
including concept background, providing interest and motivation to
the students.
• Intended Learning Outcome (ILO). It refers to what the students
should attain after completing the module and how it shall be
presented to the learners. It shall be aligned with the approved
syllabus of a particular course.
• Module Content.
• End of Module Test. This refers to the examination that serves as
the assessment after the module. Each module test shall measure
ILO, and assessment shall be based on the purpose of the topic
modules whether it’s purpose is to introduce (I), reinforce (R) or
demonstrate (D). This end of module test may be applied
Section 8. Class Monitoring
8.1 The College Deans and Department Chair shall monitor the delivery of
flexible learning based on the approved Course Content, Class
Administration, Assessment Method and Grading System submitted by the
faculty member or course instructor before the start of the semester.
8.2 The Department Chair which act as a co-teacher in Google Classroom
shall observe the conduct of class activities once every semester using
the prescribed classroom observation form.
8.3 Prior to the observation, the Department Chair and faculty member
concerned agree on class module(s) to be deliver for observation and
schedule of observation.
8.4 Department Chair should preview module(s) agreed for observation and
all course overview materials before making the actual observation.
8.5 Observation should be done within the first ten (10) weeks of the
8.6 Students attendance shall be monitored but shall not be used as part of
the grading system but as an input to guidance and counselling.
Sample: 4 unit course (3units lec-3hrs, 1 unit lab-3hrs) = 50%
Lecture, 50% Lab
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6. Individual Capstone Design (ARIDFA) Thesis/Research
9. On-the-Job Training
60%- Evaluation from the project/task supervisor from the
40% - Evaluation from OJT Coordinator
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a) Coordination with few selected industries for a possible online
presentation of their company’s workflow process. Technical report
shall be considered as an output provided they passed the Turnitin
criteria for evaluation.
b) Invite speakers specialized on the given topic to conduct technical
c) Adjust appropriately the number of field trips and seminar required
without sacrificing the learning outcomes of the course.
9.4 If the assessment requires work in teams, allow them to open Google
Docs for collaboration and advising.
9.5 If the assessment requires oral presentation of output, the concerned
faculty shall do it online using Google Meet.
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comments complied by the proponents. This rule shall be applied with or
without pandemic.
11.12 Students should be allowed to use secondary data to validate the
proposed design through simulation in lieu of field testing and actual
11.13 Student’s thesis topics that will apply the concept of Design of Experiment
shall be considered as an alternative approach to conducting actual
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trained on proposal development, preparation of Information Education
and Communication (IEC) materials and conduct of baseline researches.
11.6 The concerned OJT Coordinator shall determine those students who will
enrol in OJT course and submit the list to Head, Job Placement & OJT
Office and/or to Asst. Director On-the-Job Training Office.
11.7 The Asst. Director OJT Training Office and/or Head, Job Placement &
OJT Office shall distribute the Student Internship Form to the different
University offices to determine the project or task to be performed and the
required specialization and expertise of student trainee.
11.8 The accomplished student internship template shall collected by the office
of . Director OJT Training or Head, Job Placement & OJT in case of
extension campuses.
11.9 The accomplished student internship template shall be distributed to the
respective OJT coordinators for identification of student trainee (program,
and number of student required).
11.10 Before the deployment, student trainee should submit e-copy of the
parent’s consent for internship training.
11.11 The OJT coordinator shall coordinate with concerned offices to endorse
the student trainee and determine the appropriate work arrangement.
11.12 The project/task supervisor listed in the Student Internship Form shall be
in-charge of the project/task implementation.
11.13 While in training, the OJT Coordinator in coordination with the project/task
supervisor shall monitor the performance, attitude and quality of work
using Training Supervisor Feedback Form.
11.14 The project/task supervisor shall evaluate the performance of the student
trainee using Student Trainees Performance Appraisal Report Form.
11.15 After the training, the student trainee shall submit e-copy of technical
narrative report, e-copy of student trainee feedback form, e-copy of
certification of completion of training.
11.16 In case the task requires presence of the intern in the offices, he/she shall
be subject to University Health and Safety Protocols on the Prevention
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and Mitigation of Spread of COVID-19 Pandemic mentioned above and
the same shall strictly followed. For this purpose offices hosting OJT shall
provide ample facility to ensure health and safety of interns.
11.17 A limited number of personnel in the workplace at any one time shall be
observed, to allow for employees to easily maintain at least six-foot
distance from one another at all practicable times.
12.1 Students and faculty should have reliable internet to access and utilize
online resource materials such software that are available using cloud –
computing technologies. In cases of unavailability of internet access at
home, faculty members and students may use university campus internet
facility subject to all health and safety protocols and directives.
12.2 For courses that would require actual hands-on with real machines, the
Colleges shall consider strategic scheduling during laboratory hours to
accept limited number of students at a time so as to observe
social/physical distancing and opening up the facilities even outside the
laboratory hours to accommodate all students. Colleges shall schedule
laboratory classes to accommodate a number of students to perform
activities with actual physical distance of at least 6 feet from each other
but not more than 20 persons in a classroom-size laboratory room at one
12.3 All students entering the campus for laboratory activities shall observe, or
submit for the health and safety protocols such as temperature check at
the campus entrance, hand washing and physical distancing. Sanitation
and/or disinfection of laboratory workstations, tools, equipment and
furnishings shall be done at the end of every session or as frequently as
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necessary. Appropriate laboratory PPEs shall be required. Sharing of
laboratory PPEs shall not be allowed. In addition to the required laboratory
PPE, face-masks, and face shields must be worn at all times in the
laboratory. No person shall be allowed access to the laboratory without
said pieces of equipment. All persons using the laboratories must bring and
use alcohol-based sanitizers to disinfect hands, unless bringing of such
sanitizers is hazardous in specific laboratories, or alternatively, frequent
hand washing shall be required. Laboratory supervisors, teachers and
technicians shall have the responsibility to ensure that these protocols are
observed. They shall have the authority to exclude students who do not
observe these protocols from the laboratory activities. Notices of laboratory
safety and health protocols shall be posted in the laboratory entrance.
12.4 Flexible Teaching and Learning Plan shall provide reduced number of
laboratory activities without sacrificing the learning outcomes. This should
be reflected in the syllabus for the course.
12.5 Lectures and instructions for laboratory activities (i.e., welding, wiring, etc.)
may be pre-recorded so as to minimize face to face contact while not
sacrificing the quality of the teaching and learning experience. The length
of training video must be within 6 minutes to maintain engagement of
student and to minimize student bandwidth. Instructions to view the pre-
recorded lectures and instructions shall be posted in the Google
Classroom for the subject.
12.6 Available videos and interactive simulations in delivering the course for
laboratory shall be utilized. These materials shall be carefully selected to
make sure that they contribute to the learning of the students. Proper
assessment of learning must be done.
12.7 The concerned instructor may use demonstration video. He may set up
and record his demonstration and capture the conduct of experiments and
share it via Google Classroom for students to view anytime or
asynchronously. Instructors may also schedule specific time to conduct
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the experiment and allow students to view the same real time/
synchronously. In the latter case, the same shall be recorded and made
available in his Google Classroom for students to access and view any
12.8 The concerned instructor may explore YouTube videos about different
laboratory experiments and may use hypothetical device and hypothetical
data, in lieu of actual experiment so as to avoid face to face interaction.
Hypothetical means, it is based on possible ideas or situations rather than
actual ones (i.e., dynamometer test, prony brake test, planimeter, bomb
calorimeter, deadweight gage tester, flow of fluids, soil mechanics
laboratory, etc.)
13.3 All concerned faculty members must explore and properly use a collection
of free, downloadable, interactive computer models of common analytical
instruments and techniques.
13.4 All virtual laboratories should be properly link to Google Classroom as part
of classroom management especially in creating materials and
Section 14. The Use of Software and Virtual Instrument for Engineering Courses
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geomatics engineering tool for computing and managing plane land
survey coordinates.
14.3 Instructors may also explore and use Electrical Transient Analysis
Program (ETAP) to expose students in a real power system analysis.
14.4 In circuits and electronics courses, the instructors shall explore and use
LTSpice and MATLAB.
14.5 Instructors may consider the use of LabVIEW for virtual instrumentation.
LabVIEW offers powerful features that make is easy to connect to a wide
variety of hardware and other software.
15.1 The College of Agriculture and Forestry shall utilize the Lagadlarin Farm
for the laboratory works of students who are resident of Lobo or are
residing in the vicinity of Lobo and have means of convenient
transportation to go to and from the farm.
15.2 Other students who are not residents of Lobo or not residing in its vicinity
or do not have convenient means of transportation to go to and from the
farm shall be given other tasks such as backyard gardening or container
gardening and other laboratory activities that can be performed at home in
order to facilitate their laboratory works.
15.3 Monitoring and evaluation tool shall be crafted to evaluate the progress of
the students. Provision for social distancing shall always be observed in all
activities that requires the presence of the students.
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Section 16. Physical Education
17.1 Student teachers shall pursue online mode of internship and shall be
deployed to teach through virtual and/or online platform in the Integrated
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student-teacher. Online communication and coaching between the
cooperating teacher and student-teacher is enjoined.
17.4 When instruction shall be done online through Google meet, student
teacher shall be given the activity online, and allowed access to and
perform his duty as a student-teacher.
17.5 The College shall schedule each student teacher to conduct his/her the
final demonstration, which shall be done using online platform. The
supervisor-in-charge, cooperating teacher and some invited faculty will
serve as critics to evaluate the student’s performance.
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sewing, and drafting and other similar skills. The concerned instructor may
use demonstration video in a similar manner mentioned in Section 12.7.
19.2 Assessment of the learning outcomes shall be through demonstration.
Before the end of the semester, students shall create a video
presentations, documenting performance task on their proper attire and
using materials needed. Students shall perform the tasks to demonstrate
the skills emphasized in the course.
19.3 If the situation will permit and assessment of skills is needed, the
concerned course instructor shall schedule the same in accordance with
the health and safety protocols mentioned above..
19.4 Health protocols while performing hands-on laboratory class shall be
strictly implemented in the manner mentioned in Section 12.
Section 20 – Attribution
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[Name], [Course Title], [Term]. (MIT OpenCourseWare: Massachusetts
Institute of Technology), [URL] (Accessed [Date]). License: Creative
commons BY-NC-SA
20.4 When using the materials on and from the Web site, the faculty members
must include a copy of the MIT OpenCourseWare Creative Commons
license (, or a clear and reasonable
link to its URL with every copy of the MIT materials or the derivative work
created from it.
20.5 All other sites may require to visit Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license at
20.6 In other sites that did not require Creative Commons License, all
downloaded materials when included in the modules should be properly
cited in accordance with APA MLA, AMA, Chicago style or Harvard
Referencing Style whichever is applicable.
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and psycho-social well-being of students during the implementation of
flexible learning.
30.4 The monitoring mechanism shall be included in the Flexible Learning
Primer that shall be developed and published for dissemination to
students and faculty.
30.5 The Office of the VPAA shall ensure compliance of all concerned to the
implementation of this IRR.
Section 31. In the implementation of these IRR, the University may introduce
modifications through the amendment of its provisions as the need arises.
Section 32. This IRR shall take effect immediately upon approval. Any provision
hereof that may be in conflict with any existing laws, rules or regulations promulgated by
higher authorities shall be deemed inoperative.
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