Fhilosophical: Research Society
Fhilosophical: Research Society
Fhilosophical: Research Society
The n;ystlcal tradltlon ls not a doctrine tJrat ls taught as te night teach bloL-
ogy, Jurisprudence, or É¡one other secular systen of hlorJ,edge. The student does
not slt at the feet of an adept rho ri1l a¡rs;er all hls questlons ar¡d shane
rlth hln the deepest rysterles of llfe. Each nust r¡nfold the latent porers
regident ln his orr¡ soul. He must resoluteþ and qufetly accompLish the trane-
mutatlon of his own nature. A1l the legft{mate religlons of the vorl-d are
gates leading torard the ennoblement of hunan cheracter. Such efnple guides
as the Ten Comsndments a¡rd the Ser.non on the Mor¡nt refine character and butLat
for¡¡rdatlons of lntegrlty. They pnovlde tl¡e approved ray of probetionshlp. Each
truthseeker must put his ovrn life l.n order, overcome the comon faults which
are the lnpedlments to spiritual grorth, and free hÍs heart and nind from per-
sonal anbitions. lrfotiveg beeome alL tnportar¡t factors--even the quest for enlight-
ennent can be an aspeet of self-centeredness. Patlence and hunillty are essential
to probatlonship. No one can denand enltghterunent--Ít nust be earned through
self discipline.
In the Eg¡ptian system there rere speolal rites and cere¡nonies to nark the transÍ-
tion between chlldhood and naturlty. OnJ.y those rho passed through these tests
successfr¡lly could be accepted lnto fulI ottÍzenship. Instructlon given at this
tlme set forth clearly the obligations of membership ln the sociaL structure. The
teachings thus inparted, were largel-y moral and ethical but night also inelude
rtgid physical disciplines. Because of tbe religious overtones these ceremonies
nade a deep and lastlng lnpressÍon and constituted a guide to character whlch
lasted throughout the physlcaL lf.fe. Iorurg people rith this early training mtght
in later yeais sssk arlmÍôbibn"lrito the State^IffSterfèsr"fi¡1Ly brarè of the"respÒn-
slbillties they would face. They lrrer that rÍsdon ras not lnrparted, but e:rperienced.
The heart led the ¡nind and moderated alL ettitudes w'ith corpassion and rnutual
affection. Plato declared that all krorledge ras intended to build a foutdatl.on
under faith, for only deep and sincere believing in Dlvlne Provldence and the
nornal hrrnan virtues prepared the trrrthseeker for internal enlighter¡¡nent. The
passing of ages have not altered or nod:ifled the anclent path. We nust all- advance
by groringr and eaeh person rnust accorplf.sh his orn gmrbh. Ìbderate study nay
assist, but only to the degree that it leads to the acceptance of the Dlvlne
It ls obvious that among the qualltles that each student ¡nust develop rlthin hin-
self ls dlgsrlmi¡ation. NormaLl-y consclence, whÍch ls a soul poter, protects us
fron foming allegiencea rhich are detrfmentaL to personal unfoldnent. If, however,
our spirltr¡al anbltlons are too strong and ovemhelm our proper asplratlons, re
siuply fail ln a test and nust bear the consequences. We can all learn from each
other, but each perso¡¡ nust interpret rhat he learns 1n tetns of the needs of his
orn soul. A sínple exar¡rle nay be the case of a doctor whon I tr¡ror quite rell.
He fra¡rkly admitted that hÍs enlightennent as a ptrysician began after he had
graduated from his ¡nedical school. lle ras a sincere and good rnan rho eamestly
desired the inprovement of hls patÍents and, in the course of tlne, he developeil
an ertra-sensorJr awaneness far rcre ascurate than laboratory tests. It is nuch
the gane rlth those isearching for depth of ' understandl.ng. If they are fatthfuL'
in the trrrorledge that has been gfrren to then and to the needs of those arorr¡d
then, they prepare the proper ray for the release of sor¡I porers. Tt¡e old teach-
lng teLls us'thÊt the light rlthin ourselves, shining through the lanterrr of our
orn hearts reveals or¡r r.eadiness for higher lnstruction. llhen the tlne ls right
the nert leve1 of insight ls given to us. Thus searching 1s actually a process
of becoming. If re vere alone on a desert lsland and rere worthy, the teacher
rould be there.
StnqerelV and gratefully yours,
7Tæ P//*4
Manly P. Hall-
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