The Art of Building A Home
The Art of Building A Home
The Art of Building A Home
Language: English
Chorlton & Knowles, Mayfield Press.
The Quadrant, Buxton, 1901.
Introduction I-VI
V. Of Furniture 69
Barry Parker and Raymond Unwin.
The way we run in ruts is wonderful: our inability to find out the
right principles upon which to set to work to accomplish what we take
in hand, or to go to the bottom of things, is simply astonishing: while
the resignation with which we accept the Recognised and Usual as the
Right and Inevitable is really beautiful.
Could we but have the right thing put in the right place and left
alone, each object having some vital reason for being where it is, and
obviously revealing its function; could we but have that form given to
everything which would best enable it to answer the real purpose for
which it exists; our houses would become places of real interest.
The essence and life of design lies in finding that form for anything
which will, with the maximum of convenience and beauty, fit it for the
particular functions it has to perform, and adapt it to the special
circumstances in which it must be placed. Perhaps the most fruitful
source whence charm of design arises in anything, is the grace with
which it serves its purpose and conforms to its surroundings. How
many of the beautiful features of the work of past ages, which we now
arbitrarily reproduce and copy, arose out of the skilful and graceful
way in which some old artist-craftsman, or chief mason, got over a
difficulty! If, instead of copying these features when and where the
cause for them does not exist, we would rather emulate the spirit in
which they were produced, there would be more hope of again seeing life
and vigour in our architecture and design.
B. P.
R. U.
In the class of house with which we are to deal to-night, there are
so many directions in which improvement is needed, that it will only
be possible for me, in the space of one lecture, to refer to a few of
them, and to those specially which will illustrate most suggestively
the main principles for which I contend: suggestively, in the hope that
some present will do me the honour of giving further thought to what I
shall touch upon, than is possible to them during the length of time
assigned to me this evening.
The influences which our common every-day surroundings have upon our
characters, our conceptions, our habits of thought and conduct, are
often very much underrated; we do not realise the power they have of
either aiding or hindering the development in us of the best or worst
of which we are capable.
[Illustration: Diagrams 1, 2, 3]
First of all, for the sake of any who may be here who are not
architects, I will just point out what is the most comfortable form of
room for a sitting room with respect to the relative positions of the
door, windows, and fire. If your room must, of necessity, be square or
oblong (which should be the case as seldom as possible), the form most
conducive to comfort, is of course this: diagram 1. The second best
arrangement, (when this cannot be got) is to have the door and fire
both on the long wall, diagram 2. When the door is on the opposite wall
to the fire, you never feel to be able to get out of the draught of it;
and of course this kind of thing, diagram 3, is too palpably bad to
need that anything should be said regarding it.
One of the first defects we notice in the plans of houses of the class
we are speaking of, as usually laid down, is that there are too many
rooms & all therefore necessarily too small. In the larger middle class
house there are generally drawing room, dining room, library, kitchens,
and offices, all tolerably good rooms. Now, when a smaller house is
wanted, the general custom seems to be, to put exactly the same number
of rooms, only reducing all in size. Would it not be far better to
reduce the number of rooms, keeping such rooms as we do retain, large
enough to be healthy, comfortable, and habitable?
Are not many of the houses we know only too well, most distressing
in this respect, divided up, as they are, into a number of small
compartments, we cannot call them rooms, all far too small to be
healthy; too small to be really fit for human habitation. And what is
gained by this cramping? Only that there shall be one or more of these
compartments practically useless. In far the greater number of these
houses the third room is never used, or used merely because it happens
to be there, and its chief end seems to be to provide a place for the
women of the household to spend any spare time they may have, cleaning
down, dusting &c.
And what is made of the hall? Generally one of two things; either it is
a passage with a kind of step-ladder for a staircase and a hat stand
in it, with not room enough for you to hold the door and let a friend
out; or it is a great bare cold comfortless waste space, in the centre
of the house: instead of being, as it might, the most comfortable and
homely room, the centre of the common life of the household.
Of course a hall of this kind needs some care in planning. In the first
place, the staircase must occupy exactly that position in which it can
be made an ornament and a pleasing feature in the room, all of which it
is quite capable of being, and a position in which it does not detract
from the cosiness, or give any unpleasant feeling of draughtiness, or
too great openness. In the second place, the doors necessarily opening
into a hall must be carefully so grouped that the parts of the room in
which anyone would sit, shall be out of the draught of them as far as
Any house is cold all through the winter months unless a fire of some
kind is kept burning in the hall; many people, therefore, find it
necessary to have a stove or heating apparatus; and, in most houses,
it is thought necessary to have two other fires burning, one in the
living room, and one in some other room that there may be somewhere
to show visitors. Now when the hall is also a sitting room, with a
fire in it, we get, for the trouble and expense of two fires, all the
advantages ordinarily attaching to three.
I must now pass on to Decoration and Furniture. The best test of the
artistic merits or demerits of a room _as a whole_, is the impression
it makes, on one�s entering for the first time. We can get accustomed
to anything, and it is from this fact, taken in conjunction with what
we have already noted, of the power as an influence for advancement
or degradation of beautiful or unbeautiful surroundings, that the
importance of our subject to-night is partly drawn. And what _should_
be our feeling, on entering a room? Simply this: How exquisitely
comfortable! For _the first essential in the form and design of any
decorative object_, (_and everything in a room should be a decorative
object_), _is reposefulness_. I feel herein to be guilty of giving
utterance to a truism, and I should hardly dare to state so obvious a
fact, were it not that I see this first principle so almost universally
violated; for, if this test of reposefulness is _the_ test, the average
farm house kitchen has an artistic value far beyond that of ninety-nine
out of every hundred drawing rooms in the kingdom; and I will endeavour
to show why.
The first fault in our rooms which contributes to this result is _over
decoration_. This is an almost universal failing. Everything has a
pattern on it and almost every pattern is mechanically produced, run
out by the yard, and cut off just where it happens to be when the
time comes for it to finish. No pattern bears any relation to any
other pattern, and the whole effect is fidgety, fussy, and painful
to a degree. Nothing is let alone, but every surface must needs be
worried and tortured into some unwholesome form of altogether soul-less
ornament. We cannot even find rest for our weary eyes on the ceiling,
for tortuous intricacies of design meet them there also.
The second fault I wish to refer to, is that all this ornament is
made to shout, everything is clamouring for notice. It would not
be in place for me to say much here about those rooms in which any
one element of decoration is in such flagrantly bad taste as to be
noticed, immediately on entering, with a sort of start and feeling of
�Oh! wall-paper,� or �Oh! carpet,� or whatever it may happen to be.
(A designer will often aim at this for the sake of the advertisement
and at the sacrifice of his artistic principles). But even when this
extreme is not reached, everything seems trying within certain limits
to assert itself, to attract attention.
Now any ornament you notice when you do not look for it, or perhaps
I might better say, when you do not wish to think of it, is
necessarily in bad taste. The degree of assertiveness admissible in
a decorative object depends upon the degree of its naturalisation or
conventionalisation, or, to put it another way, on the degree in which
it is fine or mechanical. And though we cannot pretend to regulate
by rules of this kind, pictures which are direct mirrors as far as
possible of real things, yet, in so far as they are mural decorations,
they come under this law.
How seldom we get these qualities: how laboured and unspontaneous most
patterns are! Into what unwholesome forms the ornament is tortured, how
the one aim seems to be to make the design as restless and fussy as
possible! A sort of feeling pervades the whole, that the designer could
not let the thing alone.
Now this fear of repetition is no imaginary evil, but a very real and
living one. How often do we all attempt something fresh, knowing it not
to be the best we can do, (best I mean more in kind than degree) simply
from a weak dislike that people should say of us, that we have only one
style. How often do we turn out a design for a certain purpose and
position, knowing it to be not so good as one we have before made for
a similar purpose and position, simply because we have not strength to
repeat what we believe to be best, lest people should think that is
_all_ we can do. In so doing we preclude all possibility of development.
Now observe, this never occurs during the progress of any living art
in the past. The man who had carved one Early English capital did
not, when next he had a capital to carve, say, �I know nothing more
_beautiful_, but I must at any rate do something different, I must not
put the same capital here again.� On the contrary, his aim was to carve
a similar capital again, only he would try to do a better one; for
probably he had noticed some little point in which he could improve on
the last he did; some way in which he could mass his light and shade so
as to give them a more pleasing form when seen at a distance; or some
more lovely feeling it was possible to introduce into the reveal of a
leaf or the curve of a stem.
And now for the last cause of failure of which I shall speak, and this
is: the very marked feeling which everything has of not having been
designed for its place: the look everything has of being ready to move
at any moment. Most things to look right and happy in their places must
be designed _for_ their places. The advantages attaching to a room
furnished in this way, and largely by means of _fixtures_, I think the
accompanying sketches will do something to illustrate.
I have several times hinted that the entire lack of unity, which is the
inevitable result of all this, must continue, so long as our rooms and
our houses are never thought out as a whole, so long as one man plans
the building, another arranges the decorations, and a third picks up
the furniture of twenty designers, here and there and everywhere. It
is essential to any good result, that one man should design the house
as a whole. I do not mean necessarily that he should design everything
in it, or draw with his own hand every detail; but he must exercise a
controlling power, selecting where he does not design, and ensuring
that the work of all may be done in a spirit of co-operation towards
the complete whole which he planned.
You will all be wishing to ask me, I doubt not, how this is possible in
our days of speculative building, short leases & shorter tenancies. I
must at once admit that to a large part of this work such a system is
inapplicable, though even here much could be done if each department
made what improvements are possible irrespective of the others. The
lack of power to control the decorations does not excuse a badly
planned hall. But outside the purely speculative building there is yet
a large amount of work to which the system is applicable, in greater or
less degree, such degree mainly depending on our clients: and here we
have the real difficulty. We are powerless to compel our clients, nay,
to a large extent, the client has a right to have his own way.
This polished mahogany life of ours, with stucco trimmings and jerry
joints presented for view to our visitors and acquaintances in the
front room, is not, I believe, what many of us really want; we are
tired also of the dismal and cramped, but at anyrate real, back office,
back room, and kitchen life; & many are looking for houses in which
they shall not spend their labour for that which is not bread, but
shall be able to live a life of less artificiality than our present
complex 19th century existence, a truer, healthier life altogether.
I have just said, that the true method of making a room beautiful is
to make all the necessary and useful things in it beautiful; so much
is this true that it becomes almost impossible to design a really
beautiful room that is to have no useful work done in it or natural
life lived in it. An architect called upon to design a room in which
nothing more earnest is to be done than to gossip over afternoon tea
has, indeed, a sad job.
For a room must always derive its dignity or meanness from, and reflect
somewhat, the character and kind of occupation which is carried on
in it. For instance, the studio of an artist, the study of a man of
letters, the workshop of a carpenter, or the kitchen of a farmhouse,
each in its position and degree, derives a dignity and interest from
the work done in it. And the things in the room bear some relation to
that work, and will be the furniture and surroundings natural to it; as
the bench and tools in the carpenter�s shop; the easels and canvasses
in the studio; the books and papers in the study; and the bright pans
and crockery in the kitchen. All these lend a sense of active, useful,
human life to the room, which redeems it from vulgarity, though it be
the simplest possible; and no amount of decoration or ornamentation
can give dignity or homeliness to a room which is used as a show room,
or in which no regular useful life is lived. For in the work room all
things _have a place_, by reason of their usefulness, which gives a
sense of fitness and repose entirely wanting in a room where a place
has obviously _had to be found_ for everything, as in a drawing room.
The kinship between all the various branches of art is so very close,
that instead of speaking of them as different arts, it would really be
more accurate to describe them as only different media for expression
of the same truth. Our object in trying to express ourselves in some
one form of art, is to bring home to those to whom this _form_ most
appeals, truths which we see are passed over by them unheeded and
uncomprehended when expressed in another. Many of the principles and
truths I hope to bring before you are so much more easily set forth
in other arts than that of language, that the attempt to use this
form would seem unnecessary and undesirable were it not for the truth
of what I have just said, that each of the arts appeals & clearly
expresses its meanings and teachings only to a part of those to whom it
is addressed. All feel something of the meanings expressed through art,
no matter what _form_ of expression may have been chosen, but every
one will be more directly appealed to and will more clearly understand
the message expressed in one art than they would that, or some other
message, expressed in another.
It cannot be denied that many get from music what they see not in
poetry, while others learn from poetry what they miss in music,
painting, sculpture, or architecture; that some can feel and know truth
in architecture they find not in the drama, and many learn from the
drama what no other art can teach them.
For though it is true that many of our greatest artists could have
expressed themselves, as some have expressed themselves, with equal
power through several media; many of our greatest poets might have
made equally great painters, and our painters, poets; still few could
possibly find time to acquire equal knowledge of several arts. And
though most men, being masters of one art, will have abundant sympathy
and love for the others, yet life will prove too short for them to
come to feel and know the messages or truths of any other with equal
clearness. But, having them in the depths of their natures, they will
feel, though dimly perhaps, that they are all one, and that their vital
truths belong to all alike, and are essentially the same in all, and
are of the very life of all that is worthy, all that is beautiful,
true, or noble.
Now all the greatest truths are so broad and universal in their very
elements, that they are incapable of clear definition and _must_ depend
on the subtleties of true art for expression. And in this lies the
dignity of all true art, in that by it and through it only can the
highest truths be taught, or true education reached.
Why has music this power of calling forth all that is best in us, of
making us feel the great things beyond expression? We cannot say.
We feel, and so we know and realise, that music never deceives, and is
the only art which is never misunderstood. Her revelation is either
taken or left, it is either comprehended or passed by unheeded, but
it is never misconstrued. It may be understood and felt in a degree
only. It may give more of its message to one than to another, but in
so far as it is understood at all, it is _truly_ understood and never
misleads, and herein lies its greatness.
Some there are who say they can express by language or other arts
what the musician is speaking of in his music; this only shows that
all in which music transcends other arts is beyond their conception.
The messages music has for us are above and beyond such things as can
be put into words, and to have it merely telling a story which could
equally well, or perhaps even better, have been told in words, or even
to have it imitating the sounds of the sea, the voices of the storm,
the whisper of the trees, or the sorrow of the wind, is to miss much of
its greatness.
The messages of music may have been at some times the same as those of
Nature, in the sea, the stream, or the trees, but to make it merely
a less comprehensible language, telling us what written or spoken
language can tell us, is to take from it much of its nobility and to
deprive it of some of its most sacred prerogatives.
So if we follow this through we see its truth in all the arts. Poetry,
partaking of the character of music, can bring home to us things too
subtle, too high, to be told to us in prose, but may be misunderstood
as music cannot be. In its highest influences, in those elements which
it has in common with music, it is, like music, either taken rightly or
not comprehended at all, but in many of its lesser and more definable
messages it may be misunderstood.
Our laws and legal documents are a constant comment upon and
illustration of the utter failure inevitably resulting from any attempt
to express with absolute accuracy, without the aid of art, any of those
things which involve questions of morality, love, truth, justice, or
any of the higher qualities of our nature; for they have always been
and must always be the most obscure, involved, and incomprehensible
attempts at expression in any language.
So we go upwards from the scientific formula and the laws of geometry,
past the legal document to the newspaper article, and everyday prose,
until we come to the more matter-of-fact forms of philosophy, thence
on to parable, fiction and fairy tale, & from these to sculpture,
architecture, painting, and poetry, calling in at every stage more and
more of the aid of art, until we arrive at last at that most perfect
art, and most complete expression, _music_. And observe, all the way
through the series we have moved less and less within the regions of
definitely statable facts, and more and more in the regions of those
truths which can be felt & known, but not definitely expressed.
Great truths, which are for all time and all peoples, must be expressed
in an art at any rate as high in dignity as parable in one of its many
forms. The greatest teachers have recognised this. All great truths
must be presented in a form in which those who are capable of realising
them can find them, while others miss, & each can take away what he can
comprehend. This is only another way of saying again, great truths can
only be expressed through the medium of art, for it is an essential
property of all true art that it shall suggest and imply more than it
actually says.
I have said art is the only true educator between man and man, and a
knowledge and appreciation of those things which through art alone we
can learn, is the only true education. But I would not for one moment
be thought to lose sight of the fact that _Nature_ can and does teach
us more than any work of man. She has influences over us tending to
the highest education; with these I was not concerning myself in the
above, for I was speaking of man�s influence upon his fellow man. I am
to try and give some idea of wherein lies the life and vitality of some
of the humbler branches of art. I say humbler, for I will have none of
the shallow hypocrisy of those who, not being able to paint a great
realistic picture, pretend that their little conventional decorations
are a higher and nobler branch of art, and who, because the great
picture may be still greater by being _also_ decorative, and can only
attain to its greatest when it _is also_ decorative, argue that all
decorative art is greater than pictorial.
We all know that the mere form of a chair, the contour of a mould, the
shape of a bracket, a scheme of colour, have power to affect us, in a
degree, in just the same way music does, and, with awe let us realise
it, even as Nature herself does. And I would have every craftsman and
every practiser of the arts as deeply impressed with the dignity this
places upon him, and the responsibilities it brings with it, as he can
possibly be. I would have him feel this truth, that in his degree he
is instrumental in either forwarding or retarding his fellow men in
their highest and truest education; that in just so far as his art is
true or false, real and vital, or feeble and insincere, he is advancing
or hindering this great work; that true art is the grandest work of
which humanity is capable, and that through it alone can man advance to
higher things than those of which he is now capable.
Wherein truth in art consists, none but the artist can know, and he
cannot tell to another what he knows of it himself; he has learned it,
first from an inborn instinct and gift, and second, by that education
which true art only can promote, and others can only come to a
knowledge of it in the same way.
The whole spirit and trend, all the outside circumstances, influences,
and conditions of modern life, are against the artist and true art.
The present individualistic and competitive basis of society makes
a _living_ art almost an impossibility, but I do not propose we
should concern ourselves now with questions which are not within the
designer�s power, but only with those things which he can and must see
that he personally rightly understands and practises.
No good work in any field of art was ever yet done in a hurry; it maybe
done quickly, with the utmost energy, this will probably only give it
vitality, but all outside pressure means death to art.
All true art work must always be done under the very keenest stress of
mental effort; it cannot be slovenly, careless, or interestless in its
smallest detail, but must be wrought with every faculty alert with an
absorption and concentration amounting to abandon, and it must be done,
_can_ only be done for the love of it. Other motives there may be, and
in greater or less degree there _will_ be, but this must be first and
paramount, or true art is impossible.
No good result was ever yet arrived at by any one who took up this
position. No: the way to go to work is, to get clearly into your mind
the functions, duties, requirements and limitations of the thing to
be designed, then choose the material or materials which will enable
it best to fulfil its functions, duties, and requirements, and keep
within its limitations. Afterwards, with a full knowledge and candid
recognition of the properties and characteristics of your materials and
the best way of using them, set to work to evolve the form which will,
in the simplest and most direct & at the same time most beautiful and
decorative manner, fulfil the requirements, and the result will bear
the impress of your own personality, it will have your own feeling,
and will probably also have something of true originality.
You may if you like, with all this clearly in your mind, pass in review
the customary forms employed to fulfil the conditions, retaining such
characteristics as you see are valuable either because they advance the
objects, or add to the comeliness, but this must come second not first.
I would like you to notice in passing that this right and true method
of going to work in design is entirely inapplicable to all things
having no functions to fulfil, by such a throng of which we are now
The whole trend of modern civilisation would make the outlook for the
artist one of blank hopelessness, were it not that there are signs of a
reaction, due to the efforts of great men who have fought hard that art
may not die.
We call the present the �Machine Age.� Now the influence of machinery
on art is one of the most degrading we have to contend with, for every
advance made by machinery must mean a corresponding retreat on the part
of art.
When I say I want a piece of copper just hammered out to the size and
shape I require without that grinding and polishing by which all trace
of the hammer & human hand is lost in mere smoothness and mechanical
finish, the workman tells me it will be injurious to his credit, people
will see nothing in it but bad workmanship and inability to finish. He
would prefer to efface the sympathetic surface and natural beauties of
the beaten metal as completely as possible, then he would put it in a
press and stamp some meaningless pattern on it, but the result would be
entirely uninteresting to him, and he would have no satisfaction in it,
unless sheer commercialism had utterly killed every grain of everything
higher than itself in his nature.
Think of the beauty of leaded glass compared with the lifeless hard
mechanical perfection of polished plate. This beauty has nothing to do
with its old-fashioned look, with romantic associations, or quaintness
of effect; it is simply an inherent property of all leaded glazing,
due to the wonderful and never ending charm of the play of light and
shade on the different panes, each one catching the light slightly
differently from any other, some glistening brightly, others dead and
sombre, and the rest occupying every tone between the two. One sheet of
glass with the leading laid upon it would be more ugly and meaningless
than the plate glass. Many would-be artistic people think that it
is an essential characteristic of the artistic that it should be in
some degree eccentric or unusual. This is as great a delusion as any
one could well labour under. That it is the case at the present time
cannot be denied; but it is because we have sunk to such depths of
degradation, that the artistic has become the eccentric and unusual,
not that to be different from the ordinary is the property of the
artistic. There was a time when the exact reverse was the case, when
simple natural beauty was the rule in all things and ugliness the
exception, and the unusual and eccentric was then the inartistic.
Neither is it necessary (and for the same reasons) that I should say
much about imitations & shams; wood made to simulate stone or marble;
iron cast in forms suited only to wood; wood worked into forms suited
only to stone, or in imitation of stone, as in tracery and groining.
The evil of all this is too well known, and I have had to pass over it
for the sake of what is less recognised and not so often brought before
us. To put the right thing in the right place; to give it its most
appropriate form, and above all things the form which will best enable
it to fulfil its functions and uses, and withal the simplest, most
direct, and the most perfect in construction; this is the first duty of
every designer, and in doing this he will generally find he gets the
maximum of beauty.
Most of us would do well to change it all for one or two good pictures,
a bit of really beautiful metal work, carving, or embroidery, done by
an artist with his own hand, and possessing something of that dignity
of true art I have tried to show.
The place in our lives which Art must fill is so exalted that it is
with reverence I would consider the way in which we should teach or be
taught to express ourselves in art, or learn to read the meaning of
others expressed through that medium. Those who have come to realize
that only by the employment of Art can the highest truths which we
are capable of receiving be conveyed from one man to another, must
feel that the method of preparing ourselves to wield so great a power,
or render ourselves receptive of such an influence, should be most
earnestly considered. I have taken �Our Education in Art� as my title,
instead of �The Education of an Artist� or any other title which would
have fixed more definitely the limitations within which I should
confine myself, because I want what I am about to say to have a much
wider application than it would if simply taken as addressed to those
who propose to practise an art. For, to train all to an appreciation
of what is good, true, and beautiful, in Art, is hardly less important
than to train artists capable of expressing what is good, true, and
I would then point out to the accomplished craftsman, that he, upon
sitting down to paint from Nature, must first ask himself what it
is which makes a picture (in the true sense of the word) in what
is before him, and why he has chosen this particular subject: and
he must never for a moment allow himself to lose sight of this.
Much there is he must of necessity leave out, but he must grasp the
essentials and retain these. His study has taught him to see things
as they present themselves to his eye, rather than as he knows them
to be. In a sentence, he has learned to know what he sees, not to see
what he knows: he is aware that yonder hill in the distance, were he
there, would be green, but that seeing it as he does, affected by
the intervening atmosphere & light, it is blue. The painter must by
training, and power of analysing causes of effects, be able to see his
subject somewhat as he would were he suddenly dropped into his seat
from another planet, without any knowledge of the appearance on closer
inspection of the component parts of his subject. May I explain some
of what I have said, with the aid of a simple example, a stone wall
bounding a green field, the wall casting a shadow on the grass. Of
drawing pure and simple there is not much; there is the form of the
stones in the wall, the irregularities of the contour of the field, the
shadow of the wall & the modifications which the rise and fall of the
surface of the field effect in it, presenting it to the eye now more
foreshortened and now less as the angle between the wall and the ground
changes. In the reflected light there is much to note and dissociate
in our minds from the direct lighting. In this we should see that the
shadow on the shade side of the wall is much lighter than the shadow
cast by the wall upon the grass. This results from the fact that the
grass from its horizontal position receives far more diffused light
from the atmosphere and the sky than does the vertical surface of the
wall; therefore it reflects more light upon the wall than the wall can
in its turn reflect on to it. But though the shadow on the shade side
of the wall is lighter than the shadow on the grass, the shade side of
the wall will be darker than the grass within the shadow of the wall;
and this is not due to the local tint, the grey of the stone and the
green of the grass, for probably the horizontal surfaces of the stones
on the top of the wall, show as light as the part of the grass which is
also in the full blaze of the sun; it is due to the different character
of surface or texture of the grass field and the stone wall, and the
different effect upon each of varying degrees of lighting. So observe,
all these, the light and shade, the diffused and the reflected light,
the character of the surfaces, the local tints and the atmosphere &
distance from the observer, all affect the relative value of the tone
of the grass and wall, which value must be _seen_ truly before it can
be painted truly.
As I said, for simplicity, I have herein so far followed out the course
of study as applied in landscape only, but at the right stages I would
have the student, in exactly the same way, study the seeing rightly,
and then drawing rightly, first plants, then animals, then the human
figure; then finally I would let him apply his knowledge and artistic
feeling to design.
For him who would practise the art of the architect, a course of
study directed primarily to the strengthening of the power to see
wherein lies the secret of the beauty of one form over another, and
not merely that one form _is_ more beautiful than another, is perhaps
more important than to him who follows any other art appealing to the
eye: for this art is further removed from the influence of Nature�s own
I have been obliged to dismiss in a single sentence the training by
means of drawing and studying plants, animals, & the human form, which
I would advocate; and fear I may so have given a very wrong impression
as to the importance I attach to this study. I must ask that this be
not measured by the time I have devoted to it; for I hold it to be
all-important, and the work at it should be long and thorough. In this
work the student could be carried much further in many of the separate
branches of his study I have indicated, than he could be in landscape.
The plants & animals would demand of him a far greater perception
of the subtleties of form than did the landscape, and of course his
drawing would be carried very much further. He would have to apply all
he had learnt of light & shade and reflected light under very much more
complex conditions. Much more subtle distinction of the character of
surfaces and textures would be required of him; and also greater nicety
of perception in local tints. But composition or grouping should not
enter yet into his consideration. Before he thought of these I should
want him to specialise, and decide in what field of artistic labour
his feeling & knowledge were to find expression. I should then require
that he get a complete mastery of the technicalities of this, and of
its methods, restrictions, and capabilities. If he elected to be an
architect, I would have him acquire a comprehensive knowledge of pure
building construction, but no architecture--in so far as it can be
separated from building construction. If possible, I would have him
learn one of the handicrafts for which he is eventually to design,
that he might show forth his feeling for beauty of form modified by,
and in due and proper relation to, complete mastery over methods of
construction. If he were to be a sculptor I would have him next master
the technical side of the art. If a glass painter he should be able to
make a window before he attempted to design one. The embryo painter
should master all the details of the painter�s art; the would-be
textile designer should work at a loom; and the ceramic designer with
wheel, mould, glazes, & kiln. Then at length, each should in his own
line attempt to give expression to his own ideas, his own feeling, and
his own love of beauty, in something really to be used, and for which
there was a definite requirement and a place in the world already
And this brings us to what I consider perhaps the most vital point in
the whole system I am advocating. The student is now in a position
to solve the difficulties which will beset him on every hand. In
his own way he sets himself to create that which will best fulfil
certain definite conditions and requirements, and to give it what he
conceives to be the best and most beautiful form in which it can do
this. At this stage, _having first encountered the difficulties_, he
may, with advantage to himself and his work, look round and see how
others before him have met and overcome similar difficulties; and how,
out of the way they have done this, certain historic styles, accepted
forms, and recognised conventions have resulted. As each difficulty
presents itself it will help and stimulate him to study how it has been
overcome in old work, but if he is saturated with knowledge of the
forms and finished result of old work, without first having met the
problems which brought them into existence, he will simply have his own
instincts swamped by them, and will blindly reproduce them without any
feeling for the spirit which prompted them. Really vital design will be
well-nigh impossible to him.
If we look round among those who are the leading spirits in the really
great forward movement in art which is going on among us, how many of
them shall we find to be the product of our recognised educational
authorities in art? How many have got their art training on the lines
laid down by our schools of art, for instance? If they come out of
government schools at all, we shall generally find they have acquired
their grasp & mastery _in spite_ of that system, and owe it to
influences arising in some by-path, there, or outside its curriculum
altogether; or to the fact that their own individuality has been too
big to be drowned or stamped out by it. Still we cannot fail to be
struck by the very small percentage of these leading spirits which it
can be claimed are the outcome of any system of training at present
They studied the ornament of the Greeks, but failed to notice how
it was in all cases subordinated to, and explained and enhanced the
general forms and contours and emphasized the construction; and the
result was the meaningless inanity and vapid gracefulness of their
compiled arabesques and ornament on pilasters, their festoons, and all
the rest of the imitative and uninspired artificialities of the style.
The first thing that must go to the making of an artist is not that he
shall have the power to express himself, but that he shall have that
within him which needs expression. The artist�s duty is a very grave
and solemn one; it is for him to rouse in others the power of seeing
truth and beauty, �The best impart the gift of seeing to the rest.�
Looking over some colour prints from Japan, I have been much impressed
by the extreme simplicity which characterizes the interiors of Japanese
houses as depicted in them. Print after print shows us a room almost
bare, the walls in some delicate brown or grey tint, with the wood
framing exposed: this latter consists of bamboo cane or simple squared
posts and beams, with now and then a door head slightly arched.
For the elaborately ornamented screens and bric-�-brac which are
associated with Japan one searches these prints in vain: the rooms are
characterized by an almost complete absence of mere ornament. There is
in one a single panel of the wall or screen adorned with a landscape
very slightly suggested; in another a blind or hanging of some sort
bears a text or painted floral decoration; or a vase standing on a
slightly raised dais, holds a carefully arranged spray of flowers; or
ajar on the centre of a wall displays a single peony or chrysanthemum
exquisitely poised; but beyond this there is no ornamentation.
If the love of art did really result in making more and more elaborate
collections of beautiful things necessary to us, then indeed it would
be the enemy not alone of simplicity but of liberty also. Then would
it be but an added burden, still more terribly dividing those who work
from those who enjoy, and further enslaving the one to the other; but
another millstone hung about the neck of miserable man to keep him
from rising above the slough of mere material wants and entanglements,
in which he is already well-nigh engulfed. But the accumulation of
beautiful things from all the ends of the earth is no sign that a deep
love for art exists, and the admiration of them in itself is no sign of
much refinement. Rather does this result from our utter lack of true
art, from our complete inability to make the things we need beautiful.
It is a sign too of our entire want of refinement that we are content
to use such ugly things as we do make, if only we may have a few of the
beautiful things that other people have made, to look at. Fancy a Greek
carrying water in a galvanized iron pail, and thinking it artistic
to put his pitcher on a bracket in his hall! The Greek required his
pitchers for water carrying, and made them for that purpose, made them
as comfortable and easy to carry as possible; and that his work in the
making of them might be to him somewhat of an interest, he made them
as beautiful as he could in form, and decorated them with suggestions
of the things his mind loved to dwell upon. And so was art to him both
a solace to labour and an expression of his interest in his work. And
to the one who used the things made, what was it but a pure added
joy in his life; suggesting to him the pleasure of that worker, and
starting in his mind thoughts of gods or heroes on which he also liked
to dwell. This is the origin of all true art, springing from some joy
in the maker and giving to all who use the thing made some suggestion
of this joy. Or it may be, in the higher branches, springing from
some great thought demanding expression or great emotion yearning for
sympathy, & in the beholder ever after stimulating something of that
thought or emotion. Instead of being an added burden to men it may be
an added joy; may gladden the hours of toil to the maker; and for the
user may lift the every-day affairs of life out of the commonplace,
satisfying his taste with the comeliness of all the implements he uses
and cheering him with the beautiful suggestions of their ornament.
Art such as this must be in close touch with simplicity; for, under its
influence, ornament that has no message of suggestion, that conveys
no memento of a maker�s pleasure, would not exist; and if you come to
think of it, why should it? There is no virtue in mere ornament: far
otherwise. It is not easy to create a decoration more beautiful than
the play of sunlight or firelight on a whitewashed wall; and unless
some one has joy in doing it, or can give us something more constantly
pleasing or suggestively helpful, why should it be attempted? Certainly
refinement does not demand it; for it is refinement that teaches us to
appreciate the subtle colouring of the varying light and to be content
with it.
In other ways also the growth of the �sthetic faculty will lead to
simplicity, & will help to produce those changes in the conditions of
life and work, without which there is no hope for any great revival of
art on the lines just sketched. Until recently the beautiful feathers
of the heron, the so-called ospreys or egrets, were a favourite
decoration for the head dress; but since the cruelty attendant on the
obtaining of them has been generally known, they have vanished alike
from the plume of the soldier and the bonnet of the gentle lady. Their
beauty brings no more pleasure; it is marred by the mental picture of
the bleeding heron and its starving young: none but the ignorant or
vain can wear them now. As our appreciation of beauty becomes, if I may
so use the term, intensive as well as extensive, many similar changes
will be brought about. For one must not forget that the appeal of
beauty, of art, to us is not solely a matter of the senses. A work of
art does not cease to touch us the moment it is out of our sight; nay,
we may even get more pleasure and help from it after than when actually
gazing at it. But if it is to continue to please us, beauty must bear
to be thought about. If we cannot dwell with satisfaction on the origin
or production of the beautiful object, its beauty ceases to please, we
feel it to be superficial.
This desire for such a harmony in our life and surroundings as will
not alone delight the eye, but will also satisfy and please the mind
and heart, springing as it does from a deeper appreciation of beauty,
will have far-reaching results in the direction of wedding art and
simplicity together. There are many who can no longer enjoy an artistic
life above stairs, undisturbed by the lack of what art could add, in
the life below stairs on which it rests; for they feel that no beauty
in the drawing room can make up for the want of beauty in the lives of
those in the kitchen; no refinement in the study compensate for the
utter lack of it in the workshop. In fact we are coming to realize that
although we may have the right and the power to create for ourselves a
costly palace to dwell in, and to gather around us all the luxuries and
refinements we can think of, and may moreover have plenty of servants
to wait on us and plenty of labourers to help us to support our costly
life; yet art will not make such a life beautiful, simply because of
that want of harmony between the life and all that goes to support it.
However right and just such a life may be thought to be, it cannot be
And so those to whom beauty really appeals are seeking a simpler form
of life, one which need not cost so much of the labour of others to
maintain, or so much of their own to procure. And the more they come to
love & enjoy beauty, the greater must this tendency to simplicity of
life become, not from any virtue or asceticism, but simply as a matter
of choice. Why should one having such tastes encumber himself with
an elaborate household, which but offends his inner love of harmony,
and takes his time and energy from the enjoyment of so much greater
pleasure? He knows that the art in a picture belongs to all who can
appreciate it, not solely to the purchaser of it, who buys not the
art but the right to shut it up; and he realizes that the beauty of a
landscape is a pleasure open to all who can see it, and that it cannot
be conveyed in the title deed. Such an one does not barter away his
time and his freedom to enjoy these solid pleasures, for the sake of
a fine house, fine society, or any other fictitious refinements. He
minds not how simple his surroundings, if only he may be able to dwell
in thought on everything he handles or sees about him without any
painful suggestion of drudgery in the making of them, or squalor in the
maintaining of them, marring his pleasure in their simple elegance. The
most humble house will content him, so only he may have time and quiet
to appreciate the beauties of nature and art, and opportunity for the
sharing with others of like taste the enjoyment of these things. For
the love of beauty is not selfish, it grows by sharing: we all love to
make others see the beauty that we enjoy.
It is true that such a man may be fastidious, that he may hate all ugly
or sordid things, and may demand that everything he has shall be the
best of its kind. But this must not be confounded with a desire for
many things, or a dislike of simple ones. The musician too, is hurt by
harsh sounds and requires his music to be of the best, but he does not
ask that an orchestral concert shall be for ever going on.
How an architect must wish he could attack this commission from another
standpoint. How he must long to design a house to fit the habits
of life of those who are to occupy it. Then he would work on quite
different lines. Knowing that the family will practically live in the
kitchen, he would think out the space needed to give room for doing
work, taking meals, and resting. He would consider what of the work
which must be done most tends to make the living-room uncomfortable
and dirty; and he would banish that to a scullery or wash-house. In
the living-room he would plan so that there might be warm seats round
the fire in winter, free from draughts, and seats for summer near
the window; a good dresser for work, well lighted and supplied with
cupboards, plate-rack, and perhaps a small washing-up sink for the
crockery. Then he would allow space for a table for meals, and a few
shelves for books; perhaps he might even find a corner for a piano or
desk, in case either should be wanted. Instead of the sitting-room,
he would either build a little den for quiet reading or writing, if
any member of the family desired to study, or more probably so plan
one of the bedrooms that a portion of it could be made cosy for such a
purpose, about the only one for which a sitting-room would be at all
likely to be wanted. Remembering too that cleanliness has been placed
only second among virtues, and that probably most of the labourers
would have dirty and arduous work, he would contrive to give a bath;
and if nothing better could be done might put it in the scullery. In
this way he would have obtained a cottage as nearly as possible fitted
to the lives of the people. It would take no more daily labour and
expense to keep up than the conventional one, and would not cost such
a great deal more to build--in fact, omitting the bath, and keeping
within the total size, need cost no more.
Somewhere between these two extremes must lie the sort of house which
the lover of art and beauty would desire for himself. Somewhere, in
each case, must the two opposing tendencies of comfort and simplicity
meet. Up to a certain point it will add to a man�s real pleasure in
life to enlarge upon the bare shelter of the labourer�s cottage; but
beyond that point any gain there may be will be too dearly bought. This
point is fixed for any individual, but must of course vary widely with
the temperament and circumstances of each. It is sufficient for our
purpose to realize that there is such a point, and that the development
of a man�s love of beauty and art will in the long run give more and
more force to the tendencies which make for simplicity. Those whose
main desire is for beauty in their lives, are coming to see that to
the rational cottage as sketched above, with its ample living-room and
the other absolute necessaries of a decently comfortable life, they
must add with great caution and reluctance, and only as dictated by
really pressing needs. Every extra room is an added care, means further
demands on time and energy, and makes it harder to maintain the home
without introducing additional inharmonious elements in the way of
service. It is possible, though not easy, to introduce one helper into
the home life on equal terms, but very difficult indeed to do this with
two. The increase of the house must be zealously resisted, if it is to
be kept within the limits of one helper doing a fair share of work.
And not only must the size be watched: the furnishing and decorating
likewise need to be kept simple. It is a good rule in such a house
to add nothing until actually needed, and to think well whether the
pleasure and comfort it can give will repay the care and dusting it
will require.
Working on these lines there will be a good chance that our homes will
grow beautiful, that they will fit our lives and be really filled with
life. When we try how few things we can do with, we also begin to try
how beautiful those few may be made. When we value our time, and the
time of our helpers, by the pleasure which may be had from a wise use
of it, we shall take care that any adornment we have, shall at least
give pleasure equal to any other use we might have made of the time
required to obtain it. Therefore none but good decoration will tempt
us. We shall be content with our bare coloured walls, until perhaps
some artist friend comes along and adorns them for us with some true
ornament, which will be an abiding satisfaction, not only in the direct
suggestion which it conveys, but also in the memories it revives of a
pleasant visit and a guest happy in a congenial task.
Our instructions for to-night are that we show you examples of some of
our work. But we have found ourselves unable to comply with the letter
of the instructions, to confine the examples that we show you to-night
to furniture; for, of furniture which can be considered apart from
the building it furnishes, we have scarcely any to show. Complying as
nearly as we can, we will as far as possible keep within what may be
considered furnishing.
The architect who is worth anything will always design a house which
will fit any particular client much better than would any house he
could possibly find not designed for him: and of furniture, fittings
and decoration, and all else belonging to a house, this is also true.
The client wanting a piece of furniture, can otherwise only select,
from those offered for sale in the shops, that which will most
nearly fill the place of something designed specially to meet his
requirements. His own taste and individuality can have no influence
upon it whatever; no say in the form it shall take; this has been
decided for him by a designer to whom he probably never gives a
thought. But if his architect designs something to fit him & his house,
the client can make his own taste felt from the beginning; he can make
known to his architect his own personality, habits, and feeling; and
have some chance of getting what will accord with these and moreover
be in proper relation with the whole. It is not a question whether he
shall have things to his own design or to that of another: this would
be a different matter altogether: the question is: Shall he have things
designed to fit in with him and his requirements, or do the best he can
with what chance may offer him?
That they who lack taste will also stamp their own individuality on the
house they live in, no matter how extended has been the architect�s
province, we know to our cost to be only too true.
All here know that the only right way to go to work to design anything
is to give it that form which will best enable it to fulfil its
functions, that form which is best adapted to the methods by which
it is to be produced, at the same time giving it the most beautiful
form consistent with & explaining these conditions of purpose and
construction: and I contend further that to gain artistic success the
position it is to occupy must also be taken into consideration; it must
be designed for its place; and, to get the best result, its place must
even be designed for it.
But have you ever seen the _ordinary_ room with nothing but the bare
necessaries of educated and refined life in it? I can assure you the
effect is not comfortable. And it is not to be wondered at that people
condemned to live in such rooms should try to supplement their baldness
by all sorts of added ornament and bric-�-brac. Some time ago a picture
dealer was looking at some of our designs for rooms, and he said: �Yes,
but it cannot be expected that I should admire them. You, and those
who follow your teaching are the worst enemies I have. I want people
to have houses of the ordinary type, that they may always be trying
in vain to make something of them, by patiently buying & buying in
the hope that by adding first _this_ then _that_ some approach to a
satisfactory result may be obtained. Each of these rooms is in itself
a complete and satisfactory whole: there is no temptation to add
Lest the foregoing should give any the impression that I do not find
places for pictures, I will let this bring me to what sooner or later
this evening I shall be called upon to justify myself in, namely, the
amount of realism I admit in a picture to which I accord a place as an
element of decoration. I hold that the degree of conventionalisation
justifiably demanded in any decoration is only such as is necessitated
by the following: The limitations of the materials and the processes
by which it is to be produced; a just appreciation of the special
beauties of these materials and characteristics of these processes;
and a full recognition of its proper relations to all by which it will
be surrounded, and with which it is to be combined as a component part
of an architectural whole. There is no need for adding any further
artificial restrictions. But as a legitimate reason for convention
I would add a perfectly frank acknowledgment of considerations of
economy. If you use one process in preference to another because it is
less costly, there is no occasion to disguise this. But, spite of the
convention justified by this needful economy, seek to retain something
of the effect which the _motif_ that gave the inspiration had upon you.
Do not let us have convention pure and simple. If we are to retain all
that art has gained in the development of the easel picture, we must
face the problem fairly, not shirk it. Let us first have something
which we feel to be really beautiful, and then let us suffer it to
undergo only such conventionalisation as is dictated naturally by
the conditions and processes of its production, the limitations of
the materials from which it is to be created, and a true feeling for
fitness; never losing sight of the essential elements of the beauty of
our _motif_ and the factors in creating that beauty, and sacrificing
nothing we can help of its meaning and charm.
There is one point touched upon by Mr. Parker in his paper, about
which I should like to say a few words: I refer to the question of
simplicity in furnishing. I feel that in showing to an assembly of art
workers many of the illustrations which we wish to show, some further
explanation on this point is due.
There may be rooms required for state purposes in the palaces of kings
or the mansions of the great, which call for elaborate & very ornate
furnishing: such I do not propose now to consider. I would refer rather
to the homes of average middle-class people, where this style of
furnishing would be out of place.
Then, too, does not the old building seem almost to grow out of the
ground on which it stands? Built of the local stone; roofed with
material common to the district--thatch, stone shingles, or grey
slates, perhaps; harmonizing in colour with the rocks and soil; it is
as appropriate to the earth on which it rests, as the twig built nest
of the rook is to the tree top on which it sways so lightly and yet so
Our fathers were not tempted as we are in this. They had to use the
local material and to stick to it. There were no railways in their
time carrying blue slates to Whitby, or red tiles to North Wales. Now
all these materials are brought to our doors, and the builder chooses
each according to his own fad; and so we get all sorts of materials
and colours hopelessly jumbled up together, with no thought of general
Our manufactured materials too are less beautiful. Our tiles by perfect
machinery are made so true and flat that a modern tile roof looks as
though it had been ironed with a polishing iron, like a shirt front.
And both our tiles and bricks tend to become so hard and forbidding
that no kindly lichen will clothe them, no wind and rain soften and
tone them. It gives one something of a shock to see the delicate
clematis and the clinging ivy struggling with a wall which, after
twenty or thirty years, still looks as hard and new as the day it was
built. The old tiles were a little curled in burning, and had a surface
rough enough to afford lodgment for moss and lichen; and so the lines
were less hard, and the newness of surface and colour soon mellowed
into all sorts of lovely shades.
In such views as these there are houses and buildings of all sizes: the
hut in which the old road-mender lives by himself, the inn with its
ancient sign, the prosperous yeoman�s homestead, the blacksmith�s house
and forge, the squire�s hall, the vicarage, and the doctor�s house,
are all seemingly jumbled together; and mingled with them are barns and
village shops, wood-yards and wheel-wrights� sheds. Yet there is no
sense of confusion; on the contrary the scene gives us that peaceful
feeling which comes from the perception of orderly arrangement. This is
the more surprising because the order is rather intuitively felt than
seen or consciously realised by the beholder. It is due very largely
to the beautiful grouping of buildings and roofs, a grouping which has
come so inevitably that it seems as if it would be somewhat difficult
to avoid it, or to utterly spoil it. Certainly where many buildings of
various characters and sizes are gathered together, as in a village, a
picturesqueness of grouping is rarely absent even when the individual
buildings have in themselves no special beauty; and very often the
introduction of one or two really ugly modern buildings detracts little
from this particular charm.
Modern conditions of life and work are not conducive to the production
of great architecture, and it seems probable that we shall have to
await some change in these conditions before much that is really
fine in building will be accomplished. But in the simpler buildings
required for domestic purposes there are marked signs of improvement.
Already a few architects are meeting our wants without affectation
or pedantry, but with simple directness and honesty of construction,
and are producing individual buildings of great beauty; but so long
as these remain isolated examples, mere units in a chance collection,
they can do little to help the whole effect. The various buildings must
be brought into harmonious relations one with another; the suburb or
settlement must be conceived in some broader spirit and developed in
relation to a definite idea of the whole, if any improvement is to be
We cannot of course put back the hands of time, nor can we re-create
the spirit which built the old churches that crown so many villages.
The relationships of feudalism have gone, and democracy has yet to
evolve some definite relationships of its own, which when they come
will doubtless be as picturesque as the old forms. But allowing full
force to these disadvantages, we could, if we really desired it, even
now so arrange a new building site that it should not be an actual
eye-sore, and might manage that it should have some little of the charm
of the old village.
Within easy reach of large towns, estates & farms are constantly
changing hands at prices little above their value as agricultural
land. Frequently we find the enterprising purchaser takes advantage
of the demand for country homes: he spends a few hundred pounds in
developing his purchase as a building estate, by making roads and
laying drains; then he cuts it up into small plots and sells it at
three, five, or even ten times the rate at which he bought it. If a few
of those who wish to secure a country home were to purchase such an
estate or farm among them, they could get all the advantage of cheap
land themselves. If they were then to develop the site on co-operative
lines, they could obtain many other equally solid advantages. The
houses could be grouped together and so arranged that each would obtain
a sunny aspect and an open outlook; and portions of the land could be
reserved for ever from being built upon to secure these views.
The arrangement that should be adopted to obtain the best result, would
depend entirely on the nature of the site. If it were on the ridge
of some rising ground, probably the best plan would be to group the
houses at each side of a good broad roadway, taking the wide village
street as the suggestion; while on a good southern slope, the most
successful plan might be to gather the houses and other buildings on
three sides of an open space, adopting the village green as the model.
Where the site was large enough, and the slope sufficient, a second
green with its houses could be arranged, low enough not to obstruct
the view from the upper one; or where two sides of a valley were
included, villages might be placed on each of the slopes, leaving the
valley below for ever free to afford a pleasant prospect for each
village. The particular arrangement to be adopted would be a matter for
most careful thought, and no building should be commenced until some
definite conception of what the completed village was to be like had
been worked out. The sites for prospective schools, church, or other
public buildings, should be reserved from the first, in accordance
with the size to which the available land would allow the community to
grow. The houses should be clustered together as much as possible, not
set villa-wise each in the centre of a little plot. Some few houses of
wealthier members could stand back in larger grounds, taking advantage
of outlying positions or sharing in the common outlook as seemed
best: their gardens and entrances would make pleasant openings in the
buildings. But the majority of the houses should be gathered into
groups, which would inevitably acquire picturesqueness from the variety
both in size and form of the buildings.
A good number of the houses too might be open to the road or green.
The unfenced common coming right up to one�s doorstep, always gives a
charming sense of openness whether viewed from within or from without;
a sense in no way diminished by the contrast that occasional fenced
gardens or forecourts offer where the houses are set back somewhat.
All sorts of individual tastes and needs would afford opportunity for
obtaining variety: the one thing to be avoided at all costs would be
the producing of anything like a street of detached villas.
On the same lines, also, the state or municipal landlord might relieve
the over-crowding in towns by developing hamlets and villages in the
out-lying districts wherever they had, or could get, suitable land.
And even in the towns and immediately surrounding suburbs, much might
be done to remove the dreary ugliness of the streets by the use of
co-operation in building, and by the fostering of it in the occupants
of the houses. The arrangement would need to be different for a town or
suburb, where land would be costly, from that suggested for a village.
For just as the price of land in the centre of cities regulates to
a large extent the height to which it is profitable to carry up the
buildings, so on the outskirts it must determine the area of land
that can be allowed to each house. By co-operation it may be secured,
however, that all the land which can be afforded shall be available to
give air and outlook to all alike, while its actual occupation can be
reserved for those who really want a garden.
The planning of the Common Rooms would require much thought and care.
On this would depend greatly the success of the co-operative effort.
The usual small meeting-room, high, four-square, having a great deal
of tawdry decoration, but lacking anything whatever to give a sense of
comfort or to add a bit of interest, would be fatal. High the rooms
should be, in parts, sufficient to give air space and promote easy
ventilation. But there should be deep recesses or ingles with low
ceilings, places which by the contrast of their special cosiness should
attract people to sit there. If there could be a little gallery for the
musicians, a deep balcony overlooking the street or the gardens for
the smokers, these would prove great attractions for which everyone
would gladly dispense with the adornments usually thought necessary
for public rooms: though adornments of a more interesting character
there well might be, and undoubtedly would be, when people came to
appreciate their Common Rooms. As such co-operative quadrangles
multiplied, the necessary variety to suit different habits of life
would arise; for even those composed of houses of similar size would
become differentiated, somewhat as different colleges in a university
acquire a character for hard reading, for athletics, or for sport, and
each could choose according to his tastes. The essential thing from the
�sthetic point of view is that there shall be enough co-operation to
secure some grouping of buildings, some centralising influence on them.
How different our streets would look if instead of the rows upon rows
of dreary uninteresting cottages and hardly less dreary terraces of
larger houses, we could have blocks such as suggested. Some might be
adorned with a colonnade facing the street, and leading to the common
rooms at the corner; some might have a comely arched gateway into the
court as a special feature, through which, as one passed, a peep at
the quadrangle, tennis ground, or garden, would be obtained. There
need be nothing elaborate about such buildings. Quite simple cottages
or houses, with some variety of size to suit large and small families,
a little taste in proportioning doors, windows, and other details, a
little imagination in welding them into a complete whole--these would
suffice to change our dreary streets into something, the beauty and
interest of which would be a constant source of pleasure.
Greatly as must the site influence the external treatment of the house,
its internal arrangement will be even more definitely dictated by it.
The position of each room in relation to the points of the compass
& the outlook should be determined on the spot. It is now pretty
generally realised that no sacrifice is too great which is necessary to
enable us to bring plenty of sunshine into all the main living rooms.
In the South of England perhaps some moderation must be observed in
applying this rule, there being no inconsiderable number of days on
which a too sunny room may become unbearably hot; and, where the size
of the house will allow of it, to have an east and west room is often
a great boon. But over the greater part of our country, certainly in
the Midlands and the North, the importance of arranging for the few
days when the sun is oppressive is small indeed compared with that of
planning to suit the many days when every hour of sunshine is of the
utmost value. The general rule, then, would seem to be, so to contrive
as to get the sunshine into a room at the time when it is most likely
to be occupied. Let a study or breakfast-room be east or south-east,
a general living-room or drawing-room south and south-west. A good
western window in the room we most occupy during the latter part of the
day, gives us many an extra hour of daylight; while the opportunity
it affords us of habitually seeing the bright colour of sunset is a
privilege which is worth some effort to obtain. A kitchen is best
north-east or east, for the first coming down into the fireless house
may well have its cheerlessness reduced for the servants by what
sunshine is to be had at an early hour; later in the day, when the
kitchen is hot with cooking, the heat of the sun should not be added.
A bath-room and bedrooms, too, are pleasant with an eastern aspect,
though some cannot sleep in a room into which early sunshine can come.
We have chosen for the first example a country house designed for a
site in North Staffordshire, partly because this site is not one to
very obviously suggest or very imperatively demand a special treatment.
The plot of land consists of a small field, long, and rather narrow; it
is much the shape of a suburban building plot, though situated right
in the country. The main road runs along the north-east end, and the
ground rises on the far side of this road, cutting off all view in that
direction. The ground falls from the road towards the south-west: the
slope being very slight at the top, suggests a level terrace on which
to place the house. The land continues to fall away to a stream; across
this there is a very pleasant view, which becomes finest to the south
of the plot.
But I am digressing from the plan, and must return to the living-room
which we are designing. There the ingle is of somewhat special
construction, having several small windows to afford peeps out towards
the court and the view, and to give light conveniently placed for
reading; and also having cupboards for the display of oriental pottery.
The seats are made long enough to recline on.
In all rooms there is a part by the door where no one willingly sits,
because of a certain lack of comfort; it is well to keep such part
of the room as small as possible. Very often a room may be actually
improved by being reduced in width just where the door opens, while the
space cut off may be put to valuable use. In this case the sheltered
south-west balcony, which is obtained by narrowing the two rooms
opposite the doors, adds greatly to the amount of open air life it is
possible to enjoy, and makes it easy to have the pleasure of frequently
taking meals in the open: the little window by the sideboard is
convenient to hand things through for this purpose. A recessed balcony
is, in our climate, much more useful than any projecting verandah. It
is possible, owing to the extra shelter, to sit in such a balcony two
or three times as often as in the verandah with open ends.
The larder has its window in the back porch, to get a north aspect;
while thorough ventilation is secured by an opening on the south-east
under the eaves where the sun cannot reach it. The cellar was added
after the preliminary plans were made, the scullery being re-arranged
to allow of it. This latter is shaped to obstruct as little as possible
the squint window in the living-room ingle, and at the same time faces
south, which, as there is no fireplace, is a good aspect for it.
The bedroom plan follows pretty closely the ground plan, the bedrooms
also leading off a corridor round the inner court. All four bedrooms
are arranged so that in addition to being convenient as bedrooms, they
have at least a corner near the fire comfortable to sit in. In small
houses to regard a bedroom as a sleeping room only is a mistake. The
accommodation is greatly increased when each member of the household
can use his or her bedroom as a private den also. The balcony is
repeated on the first floor--the bedrooms being as serviceable without
the space it occupies--and by reason of the parapet and overhanging
eaves, it is even more sheltered than that on the ground floor; and it
is thus possible in two bedrooms to sleep practically in the open air
in almost all weathers. It has special value, too, as an addition to
the west room, which is designed for the boy�s bedroom and study. Here
the bed fits in a deep recess out of the way; a washstand is contrived
in the sill of the window of the same recess, which is slightly bayed
to give the needful room; and a curtain may be drawn across, cutting
off all the special bedroom appliances; so leaving a good comfortable
study. A window is put to bring the south-east sun into bedroom No.
3, the wide sill of which in the rather narrow room may be used for
a dressing table. In bedroom No. 4 an over-hanging window recess is
carried out on the joists, to avoid the want of comfort which one
always feels on the window side of a room when the door opens right in
the corner, as here. This room has also a little window towards the
court to bring in morning sun; and thus all the bedrooms get through
ventilation and plenty of sunshine.
Of the treatment of the rooms little need be said. The recesses by the
chimney breasts are fitted with cupboards and bookshelves, which are
designed to include simple framings or mantels for the fireplaces, and
the cornices of which are arranged to match the cornice over doors and
windows and to carry line with a picture rail running round the room.
Wall papers or other decorations stop at this rail, all above being
taken in with the ceiling. This arrangement enables the ceiling to be
broken up by the slopes of the low roofs without giving the ugly odds
and ends of papered wall, which really are the only unpleasing feature
about a ceiling broken up in that way.
During the whole of the planning the elevations are of course kept
in view, and the block design carried away in the mind from the site
constantly exerts a modifying influence. The difficulty usually is
to maintain sufficient simplicity; so many features are suggested by
little conveniences of planning that one has continually to cut them
out, never to seek for them merely for the sake of effect.
In the plan now before us the hall was made into the chief living room;
it is carried up two stories to provide for an organ gallery. The
gallery leading to the balcony, the landing, and the staircase, are all
thrown into this hall; the stairs are so arranged as to afford a screen
to the fire, and form a sort of deep ingle with low ceiling under the
landing. The low ceiling continues under the organ gallery and the
balcony, the central part of the hall being open to the full height.
The sense of cosiness in this ingle is greatly enhanced by contrast
with the lofty open space outside; while the variety in lighting,
whether when the morning sun streams in at the great east window, or
when the ingle glows red in the gathering dusk, adds a perpetual charm.
In the gallery is a second fire, with a lounge seat by the organ, under
a kind of canopy formed by the half-landing of the second floor stairs.
To obtain this spacious hall the remainder of the house has been
reduced as much as possible. Only one other small room, for den or
meal-room, is provided, with kitchens, offices, and four bedrooms,
two of which are on the second floor. Lest you should be inclined
to think that only for people living a very exceptional life would
it be advantageous to throw so much space into one room, I will
next refer to a design drawn for a London literary man, who, though
not able to afford a large house, still by reason of his position
required occasionally to be able to entertain a good many people.
Here the first consideration has been to obtain a hall which would be
at once a comfortable living-room and a dignified entertaining room.
The meal-room has been kept as small as would just allow of a little
dinner-party being given in it. The fire is placed in one corner, the
sideboard in another; had it been possible to put the door also in
a corner it would have been still more convenient, for in a small
dining-room it is in the corners that there is a little space to spare.
The narrow Hampstead building plot, having a south-west aspect, and
the best prospect to the south, dictated the general arrangement of
the house and the placing of the best room at the south corner. This
room is spanned by two arches to carry the wall of the study over;
within one of them is placed the fire recess with seats and fitment,
thus using up all the space under the stairs to add to the size and
character of the room; while the stairs themselves, which are shut
off from the vestibule by a door, are also open to the room, the
quarter-landing forming a small gallery overlooking it.
The staircase is such an essentially interesting and decorative feature
in a house, and the space under and around it may be made to add so
much to a room both in size and individuality, that it always seems a
pity to shut it off in a mere passage. In old houses the charm of some
departure from the plain room is well recognised, for the favourite
view, alike for the artist and the photographer, is always that which
contains some peep of stairs from the hall, some gallery, balcony,
ingle, or deep window recess. When the most is made of such advantages
as can be claimed for the bare square room, they seem but a poor
compensation for the loss of character and charm.
Over the hall in this house are placed the client�s study and bedroom,
the two being combined that both may have the benefit of the whole air
space: book cases and curtains screen off the bedroom portion. Double
doors and double windows are fitted to this room, for perfect quiet
both by day and by night is essential; and further to secure this,
ventilation is obtained independently of the windows by means of two
fireplaces and an air shaft built in one of the stacks. The client�s
wife, son and daughter all proposed to make considerable use of their
bedrooms in the day time.
But I must pass on now to cottages, the second part of our subject. The
distinction between a small house and a cottage, never a very clear
one, has been further obscured by a common affectation of simplicity.
The word certainly suggests a simple shelter for a simple form of life,
and for our purposes I propose to regard as a cottage any house in
which separate accommodation is not provided for servants. Provision
for domestic help there may be, but it must be �as one of the family,�
not constituting a separate class to be separately provided for.
To cottages, what has been said about the advantage of securing a good
living-room, even at great sacrifice of other conveniences, applies
with additional force. For not only is the total space at our command
usually less, but the number of functions which the living-room has to
provide for is greater, many of the functions of a kitchen being added
to it. To combine the comfort of a living-room with the convenience for
work of a kitchen will tax our skill in planning, and as the space
we can give becomes less, our care in the disposal of it must become
The western end of the building becomes the living-room, having windows
with the desired outlook. There is a window to the north to command the
best of the view; another on the south side admits plenty of sun; and
in addition on this side there is the outer door, placed there that it
may be possible to enjoy the charm which a door opening direct from a
room upon a sunny garden always gives. Such a door must, however, be
so placed that while the peep out is obtained the comfort of the room
is not destroyed. Here we have gathered the two doors and the stair
foot together in a narrow part of the room out of the way, leaving all
the rest of the space comfortable to occupy. The fire is placed on the
north wall, in a deep recess; one side of which is devoted to rest, the
other to work. The former is occupied by a comfortable low seat; in
the latter is fixed a plate-rack, and a working dresser fitted with a
small fixed bowl for washing up glass and china. All the kitchen work
done in the living-room is thus confined to the one corner handy to the
fire for cooking, and well lighted by the north window. The fireplace
is designed to be used as a closed cooking stove or as an open fire to
sit round. The floor of the recess is tiled, which enhances a little
the feeling of sitting on the hearth, and at the same time affords the
most easily cleaned surface for the working corner. The arrangement,
though producing a little the effect of a room within a room, secures
at anyrate some of the cosiness of an ingle. We are enabled to get a
sheltered garden-seat by reducing the width of the recess to a more
comfortable dimension. The ingle is further defined by an archway, on
one side of which is fitted a writing desk, and on the other the piano
is designed to stand, occupying part of the space under the rising
stairs, the remaining portion being taken up with a store cupboard
opening into the kitchen. A second resting place is provided by a wide
low window seat in the main window. Fixed seats are arranged for two
sides of the meal table, one having a high back to screen it from any
draught coming through the outer door.
To this one good room is added a kitchen for the more dirty work,
fitted with a small range; a good cupboard for coats and hats by
the entrance; a coal-place and larder. Upstairs are four bedrooms,
necessarily rather small; one has a bed-recess taken off the largest
room to help it, and as it is over the low ceiling of the ingle, it
gets the advantage of extra height under the sloping roof; and thus the
low ceiling, which adds so much to the feeling of cosiness in an ingle,
is made to benefit the bedroom over. Where some such arrangement as
this is not possible, we sometimes utilize the space between the low
ceiling and the floor above as a storage cupboard, and we often take
advantage of it for ventilating purposes, by bringing fresh air into
the room, slightly warmed by passing behind the fire, and delivering
it over the opening to the recess, where it is distributed with the
least possible draught. Where an outlet into a flue is desirable to
supplement the exhaust due to the fire, we find this a very good
place to arrange it. In a room with close-fitting iron casements,
sufficiently well built not to leak excessively through floors,
skirting, and door, the most frequent cause of a smoky chimney is the
want of sufficient air supply, and some form of inlet is an absolute
necessity. For bedrooms this may be successfully arranged in some
cases through a hollow fender kerb.
Of the elevations I need only say that local random range stone is
used for the ground story, while for the upper portion the need for
obtaining four bedrooms over a house so narrow requires the use of nine
inch brick walls which are rough-cast in cement. The roof is covered
with local stone slate.
PLANS. Plate
An Artizan�s Living-room 12
A Living-room 13
A Living-room 14
A Library 17
A Living-room 18
A Hall in Buxton 20
A Living-room in Buxton 21
A Living-room 31
A Living-room, Northwood 32
A Hall, Northwood 33
A Village corner 39
Corner in Dining-room 40
� � � 2 43
� � � 3 44
A Living-room in Buxton 45
A Hall in Buxton 46
� � � view 2 48
� � � � view 2 56
� � the Drawing-room 58
� � the Balcony 59
A Living-room in Buxton 61
A Living-room in Croydon 62
A Living-room in Buxton 63
� � � view 2 67
� � � view 3 68
[Illustration: PLATE 2.
[Illustration: PLATE 3.
64, AND 65.
[Illustration: PLATE 4.
[Illustration: PLATE 6.
[Illustration: PLATE 7.
[Illustration: PLATE 8.
[Illustration: PLATE 9.
67 AND 68.
2. SEE PLATE 24.
[Illustration: PLATE 51.
[Illustration: PLATE 67.
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