2014 Divya Prasanna-Raju
2014 Divya Prasanna-Raju
2014 Divya Prasanna-Raju
Abstract: This project looks at an alternate circuit to comprehend a power electronic interface for nanogrids, with multiple
unidirectional input sources and a single output. The converter structure is comprehended using a single master control with
multiple sources of comparatively lesser power rating. The output of the converter is directly connected to a battery to store a
supplementary stage as well as MPPT control. The concept is represented by using a Simulink model for distinctive working
scenarios with a solar panel as a master source working under MPPT. As per the characteristic of the source, the suggested
converter works under a number of working modes are conversed.
Keywords- DC Nanogrid, Multi Input Single Control (MISC), Battery Charging ,Heighten Converter, Multi-port
Efficient Load Controlled Multi-Input Single-Control (MISC) Battery Charger For DC Nano Grids
International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISSN: 2347-6982 Volume-2, Issue-11, Nov.-2014
of using distinctive devoted converters from a It is imperative to note that all the ordinary
number of unidirectional renewable sources, this renewable sources are unidirectional in nature and
project proposes a single stage heighten converter should be interfaced with a diode. When a current
with multiple inputs that can effectively decimate source is interfaced to the converter, a capacitor is
generated energy to charge a battery. utilized at the input terminal as can be seen from Fig.
4. This capacitor is needed to meet the ripple
II. MULTI-INPUT SINGLE CONTROL necessities of the converter input current. When the
(MISC) SCHEME source has a voltage source appropriatety, an input
capacitor is avoided as it will consistently force the
The general scheme is derived from heighten capacitor voltage to become one and the same to the
Converter as shown in Fig. 3. There is a Master master source terminal voltage due to duty restriction.
source S1 (can be voltage or current source) and N-l
slave sources S2 to Sn are interfaced to the drain of III. MODES OF FUNCTION
the control switch through devoted inductors. The
converter scheme is referred to as Multi Input Single The distinctive modes of function of MISC
Control (MISC) due to the fact that the master source converter is as outlined in Table I. All the modes
is always in control of the duty. The Master Source given in Fig. 4 are applicable if the basic restriction
S1 fixes the duty cycle of switch Ml based on the of output voltage being greater than input voltage is
MPP working point of the input source, if input is a contented. Note that the output of the converter is
solar panel. The loads are connected to the battery connected to a battery in parallel to a resistive load.
bus directly or through an interface converter. As the The resistive load characterizes the load on the DC
converter scheme is based on heighten converter bus. All the working modes justified below are very
output voltage is always greater than input voltage for much reliant on the intention of input inductor.
the function of the converter.
Fig. 4. (a) Current and Voltage Source Inputs, (b) Current and
Current Source Inputs, (c) Voltage and Voltage Source Inputs,
Fig. 5. Working Intervals when Current and Voltage Sources
and (d) Voltage and Current Source Inputs.
are utilized: (a)
Efficient Load Controlled Multi-Input Single-Control (MISC) Battery Charger For DC Nano Grids
International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISSN: 2347-6982 Volume-2, Issue-11, Nov.-2014
when Ml is on,(b) when Diode D is on, and (c) Input average current drawn from the current source 12 is
Diode D2 is off positive but the negative portion of the current
indicates that inductor current ILl is charging the
input capacitor of slave source 12 every switching
2) Sub-Mode I(B): VI V2: When the
master source terminal voltage is one and the same to cycle. Current IL I drawn from the source should be
that of the slave source, both the input currents are in transferred only to the output battery and therefore
CCM. In spite of this, this may not be practicable all this working scenario is not effective. To prevent this
the time, as the second source is assumed lesser. This mode of function the appropriate collection of
may lead to the second source working under current Inductance and capacitance value is obligatory.
limit. Relatively, if slave source voltage is larger, for
identical duty cycle as the master, its current will
consistently reach current limit. Therefore, all that
can be said about this mode is that, in a practical
scenerio, the slave source works under current limit.
The inductor current waveform IL2 indicated in Fig.
6 (b) indicates the state of function before the source
current attains its limit. When the slave source attains
current limit the inductor current waveform depend
on the charecteristics of source such as type of Fig. 8. Inductor Current waveforms (a) Typical Function, and
source, source impedance etc. (b) High Ripple function.
Efficient Load Controlled Multi-Input Single-Control (MISC) Battery Charger For DC Nano Grids
International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISSN: 2347-6982 Volume-2, Issue-11, Nov.-2014
2) Sub-Mode III(B): VI V2: In this sub- Under high ripple function which is realized
mode of function the input inductor currents I L1 and when low value of inductance is elected and
IL2 should operate in CCM. The harmonizing appropriate value of capacitance is not utilized to
working intervals of MISC converter is as shown in maintain the ripple the input current waveforms are as
Fig. 9 (a) and Fig. 9 (b). As the duty ratio is settled by shown in Fig. 12 (b). This mode of function is not
master source, when input voltage of master source is preferred as the there is a negative portion of current
less than or one and the same to the slave source which indicates the charging of the slave source input
voltage it will have a higher gain than needed due to capacitor by master source which decreases the
higher duty ratio. Output current from slave source amount of current flowing to the output.
increases till it attains its current limit which is the
equilibrium point of function for the source. The IV. INTENTION OF MISC COMPONENTS
input inductor IL2 current waveform before the slave
source attains the current limit is as shown in Fig. 10 The intention of components is done for the
(b). When source attains the current limit the working working modes Mode I and Mode II which is of
waveform will depend of source characteristics such primary importance in nanogrid interconnection of
as source type, source impedance etc. the MISC converter. This is due to the fact that solar
panels working under MPP are assumed to be the
master source and any other lesser sources work as
slave. The intention process depicted below is a
general process and hence can be utilized for all
modes of function.
A. Collection of input inductor Ll
The ripple in main inductor is kept as low as
practicable so as to operate the converter in CCM
Fig. 10. Inductor Current Waveforms (a) Sub-Mode III( A), function for distinctive insolation levels of solar
and (b) Sub-Mode 111(8).
panel. As the ripple is decreased the value of
inductance needed increases. So a exchange
D. Mode IV: Voltage Source and Current Source
between the value of inductance and ripple is
necessary. The inductor is intentioned at the
When a voltage source is the master source
MPP point of solar panel hence Vin and IL 1 for
and a current source acts as a slave (as shown in Fig.
a particular insolation level is known.
4 (d)), the duty ratio of switch Ml is controlled by
voltage source. The terminal voltage V2 of the Let represent the ripple in inductor current I L 1.
current source will be strained to be one and the same
to terminal voltage V1 and the current that can be
supplied by the source is drawn from the source. Where x is the ripple percentage of current IL I
There will be only two working intervals as shown in Input inductance LI is calculated using (2)
Fig. 11 (a) and Fig. 11 (b).
Vin characterizes the MPP voltage of master source
Duty ratio,
is the ripple in inductor current given by (1)
Ts- Time period of switching pulse
Input Voltage ripple
Efficient Load Controlled Multi-Input Single-Control (MISC) Battery Charger For DC Nano Grids
International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISSN: 2347-6982 Volume-2, Issue-11, Nov.-2014
Voc is the open circuit voltage of panel, y is in literature. The tracking of MPP is done with the
percentage voltage ripple help of Perturb & Observe (P&O) algorithm. The
C. Collection of input inductor L2 MPP point is calculated using P&O algorithm by
The cost implicated in making of inductor observing the change in power for the deviation of
forces the employ of lower value inductor which can duty cycle. The direction of change of duty cycle is
employs more ripple in input current. As the value of based on the direction of change in power. The slave
inductance is decreased we get less no of turns and sources that can be connected to MISC are as shown
lower size of inductor. Using a lower inductance in Fig. 2. For Mode I function a low power fuel cell
value can employ the function of source in DCM can be interfaced as slave source. Depending on the
which is allowed as the power level of slave source is terminal voltage sub modes I (A) or I (B) exists as the
not high. From (1) we can get the amount of ripple in working mode. For Mode II function a lower power
current based on the value of x utilized. To reduce the solar panel is interfaced as the slave source to the
inductance value amount of ripple is increased by converter.
using higher value of x (50%). For this higher value
of ripple inductor is intentioned based on (2). VI. SIMULATION RESULTS
D. Collection of input capacitor C2
The input inductance L2 utilized is The proposed model is simulated using
decreased as the cost of making inductor is higher MATLAB/SIMULINK and the simulation results are
than the cost of capacitance utilized. As the shown below:
inductance value is decreased the capacitor should be
able to sustain more amount of ripple. To sustain
more current ripple higher capacitor value has to be
utilized which is calculated using (4).
E. Collection of Switches
The main switch Ml and Diode D is rated to
convey l.5 times (aspect of safety) the sum of peak
currents of all the source currents.
Efficient Load Controlled Multi-Input Single-Control (MISC) Battery Charger For DC Nano Grids
International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISSN: 2347-6982 Volume-2, Issue-11, Nov.-2014
Efficient Load Controlled Multi-Input Single-Control (MISC) Battery Charger For DC Nano Grids
International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, ISSN: 2347-6982 Volume-2, Issue-11, Nov.-2014
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