Matlab/Simulink Simulation of Solar Energy Storage System: Mustafa A. Al-Refai
Matlab/Simulink Simulation of Solar Energy Storage System: Mustafa A. Al-Refai
Matlab/Simulink Simulation of Solar Energy Storage System: Mustafa A. Al-Refai
electrolysis and photovoltaic array combination is verified at various Earth's crust. Hydrogen has the highest energy content of any
insulation levels. It is pointed out that solar cell arrays and common fuel by weight (about three times more than
electrolysers are producing the expected results with solar energy gasoline), but the lowest energy content by volume (about four
inputs that are continuously varying. times less than gasoline) [6]. It is one of the most promising
alternative fuels for the future because it has the capability of
Keywords—Electrolyzer, Simulink, solar energy, storage system.
storing energy of high quality and it is in accordance with a
sustainable development. Hydrogen has therefore been
visualized to become the cornerstone of future energy systems
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Vol:8, No:2, 2014
the two gases namely Hydrogen and Oxygen. Hydrogen can hydrogen generation can lead a pathway for solar-based
be produced from solar energy and water by water energy generation to contribute directly to reducing the
electrolysis. Although the photo electrochemical (PEC) dependence on fossil fuel.
methods for direct water splitting are being developed, the
technically most viable path is by coupling a PV photovoltaic III. HYDROGEN ECONOMY
module or array to an electrolyze [8], [9]. Most of the Hydrogen is ecologically beneficial. Its combustion doesn’t
industrial electrolyzes used today in capacities up to several release carbon dioxides and sulfur dioxides are also not
thousand m3/hr are used on alkaline [koh] electrolyte. created. The only by-product is simple vapor. As well there is
Electrolyzes using a polymer, proton-conducting membrane no radioactivity produced. Hydrogen is absolutely
(PEM) as the electrolyte, are being developed, particularly for nonpoisonous. One kilogram of hydrogen releases at its
small-scale hydrogen generation [9]. In PV powered hydrogen combustion 33kW/h electrical energy. This is the threefold of
generation systems performance is limited by the efficiency of energy of benzene. In principle, then one can an envision an
PV's conversion of solar energy to electrical energy, which in energy economy in which hydrogen is produced from water
commercial devices is about 15%. Conversion efficiencies of and electrical energy, is stored until it is needed, is transmitted
newly developed multi-junction PV cells reached up to 42% to its point of use and there is burned as a fuel to produce
[8]. One of the important issues in photovoltaic/electrolysis electricity, heat or mechanical energy.
International Science Index, Electrical and Computer Engineering Vol:8, No:2, 2014
(PV/EL) hydrogen generation systems is maximum power Hydrogen can be transmitted and distributed by pipeline in
transfer problem between two devices at different irradiance much the same way that natural gas is handled today. The
conditions. A typical PV system, maximum power points MPP movement of fuel by pipeline is one of the cheapest methods
change with irradiance and temperature. Usually, in directly of energy transmission; hydrogen pipeline would be no
connected systems, there is a mismatch between input PEM exception. A gas-delivery system is usually located
electrolysis I-V characteristic and output PV's MMP underground and is therefore inconspicuous. It also occupies
characteristic. To overcome this problem, PV/EL systems are less land area than an electric-power line. Hydrogen can also
usually supported with additional MPP tracker power be stored in a huge quantities by the very same techniques
electronic control device. To operate at the MPP, the MMP used for natural gas today.
tracker device sets optimum impedance harmony between PV
and EL system in response to irradiance variations. However, IV. SIMULINK MODELING SOLAR ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM
this causes additional cost and complexity of a number of
Each physical component of the proposed system is
smaller units-cells, which can be connected in series and/or in
modeled as a separate component subroutine and Simulink
parallel. With appropriate sizing optimization approaches of
block for a modular system simulation program. All of the
both PV and EL it is possible to directly connect these two
developed models are based on physical and chemical
systems. In this paper, a more effective, optimum sizing
principles, as well as empirical parameters. The models have
strategy of both devices is proposed for MPP natural tracking
been designed to be as general as possible and all the blocks
at a wide irradiance interval in directly connected PV/EL
take both design parameters, (such as number of cells in series
hydrogen generation systems. By this way we achieve a stored
and/or parallel) and specific component characteristics
solar energy which is even transportable Fig. 1 shows the
obtained from manufacturers (such us current-voltage curve)
proposed system. The main components of the system include
into account. Simulink offers the advantage of buildings
a PV-generator, an electrolyzer, and a hydrogen storage
hierarchical models, namely to have the possibility to view the
(compressed gas).
system at different levels. Thus each block can contain other
blocks, other levels.
A. Modeling of PV Panel
The mathematical model of the photovoltaic (PV) generator
is based on the one-diode equivalent circuit [9] as shown in
Fig. 3.
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Vol:8, No:2, 2014
The relationship between the current I and the voltage V of = H$
Thermal voltage (7)
the equivalent circuit can be found by equating the light
current Iph, diode current ID, to the operation current I as
The previous equations have been translated into the
Simulink diagram shown in Fig. 3 and the masked model
!"# $ shown in Fig. 4
%&' 1) (2)
<Ga> G
where Iph the light current [A], Isat the diode reverse saturation <T > T
current [A], Rs, the series resistance [Ω], V the operation Subsystem
voltage [V], and I the operation current [A]. T Voc Voc Isat
T Vt
where =;< AB ;< are terminal voltage and output current
of PV module at maximum, power point (MPP), and > is the
cell fill factor which is a measure of cell quality.
The energy output in the form of current is directly
proportional to the energy input in the form of solar
irradiation. There is a small temperature coefficient, CD#E' on
the order of a few milliamps per degree Celsius to account for
temperature differences recognized empirically.
F, H$ @ . K@L H H $
International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 8(2) 2014 299
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Vol:8, No:2, 2014
qr_ sLt
Short circuit current, Isc 5.0 A
:o :o
p . Open circuit voltage, Voc 22.1 V
u r _ vt
Coefficient of current, αscT (0.065±0.015)% mA/ºC
= Initial pressure of the storage tank(pascal)
Temperature coefficient of power (0.5±0.05)%/°C
R = universal (rydberg) gas constant(J/kmol K)
Ho = Operating temperature (K)
Rated power 500W
International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 8(2) 2014 300
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Vol:8, No:2, 2014
In this paper, the components of solar energy storage
system modeled and tested using solar radiation and
temperature as primary input and hydrogen as seasonal energy
storage. The components were modeled in the Simpower
Systems block of MATLAB Simulink. Renewable energy
sources are highly dependent on environmental conditions
such as season's weather. This storage energy system exhibits
excellent performance under variable different radiant and
Fig. 11 Hydrogen storage tank pressure temperature changes. We conclude that energy storage
systems have the potential to improve the attractiveness of
The results from the simulation showed that all of the key solar energy in Libya both technically and economically,
component models were sufficiently accurate to perform short especially in the future with greater development of solar
and long-term system simulation studies. The output of the power resources. Energy storage can help to mitigate technical
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Vol:8, No:2, 2014
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