Polymers 10 00038 v4 PDF
Polymers 10 00038 v4 PDF
Polymers 10 00038 v4 PDF
Calculation of the Contact Angle of Polymer Melts on
Tool Surfaces from Viscosity Parameters
Gernot Zitzenbacher 1, * ID
, Hannes Dirnberger 1 , Manuel Längauer 1 and Clemens Holzer 2
1 Department of Materials Technology, School of Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria,
4600 Wels, Austria; hannes.dirnberger@fh-wels.at (H.D.); manuel.laengauer@fh-wels.at (M.L.)
2 Department Polymer Engineering and Science, Chair of Polymer Processing, Montanuniversitaet Leoben,
8700 Leoben, Austria; clemens.holzer@unileoben.ac.at
* Correspondence: g.zitzenbacher@fh-wels.at; Tel.: +43-(0)50804-44520
Abstract: It is of great importance for polymer processing whether and how viscosity influences
the wettability of tool surfaces. We demonstrate the existence of a distinct relationship between the
contact angle of molten polymers and zero shear viscosity in this paper. The contact angle of molten
polypropylene and polymethylmethacrylate on polished steel was studied in a high temperature
chamber using the sessile drop method. A high pressure capillary rheometer with a slit die was
employed to determine the shear viscosity curves in a low shear rate range. A linear relation between
the contact angle and zero shear viscosity was obtained. Furthermore, the contact angle and the zero
shear viscosity values of the different polymers were combined to one function. It is revealed that,
for the wetting of tool surfaces by molten polymers, a lower viscosity is advantageous. Furthermore,
a model based on the temperature shift concept is proposed which allows the calculation of the
contact angle of molten polymers on steel for different temperatures directly from shear viscosity data.
1. Introduction
Many phenomena in polymer processing are influenced by the wettability of solid surfaces by
polymer melts. The wettability of solid surfaces in tools and molds affects the replication of surface
structures and remolding forces in injection molding. As an example, in micro injection molding the
wettability of the mold surface and the temperature dependence of viscosity near the glass transition
temperature are important for the replication of surface structures [1]. Ejection forces decrease linearly
with the contact angle of the polymer melt on the mold coating [2]. Rytka et al. [3] reported that the
dewetting potential correlates well with the replicated height of different mold structures. A lower
dewetting potential of a polymer leads to a better replication accuracy.
Wettability also affects the polymer melt flow in flow channels and dies. Fluoropolymers on
die surfaces influence wall slip and shark skin in polymer melt rheology. Hatzikiriakos et al. [4]
investigated the effect of fluoropolymer coatings on high density polyethylene (HDPE). Seidel et al. [5]
found that polyetheretherketone (PEEK) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) induce wall slip of the
polymer melt and cause a smooth extrudate surface. Agassant et al. [6] reported that coatings such as
PTFE, which enhance slip at the wall, reduce or even eliminate sharkskin.
Hard coatings, which are often applied to screws and tools by physical vapor deposition (PVD)
or plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition (PACVD), and metals can also influence the polymer
melt flow and the extrudate appearance. Ramamurthy [7] studied the effect of different metals on
wall slip and on the extrudate appearance of polyethylene. He observed that beryllium copper as
a die material causes a lower critical wall shear stress for the onset of wall slip compared to steel.
Rauwendaal [8] reported that the reduction of the pressure loss in a spiral mandrel extrusion die with
a Lunac coating can be obtained. Zitzenbacher et al. [9,10] investigated the effect of diamond-like
carbon (DLC), titanium nitride (TiN), titanium aluminum nitride (TiAlN), and steel on wall slip of
a polypropylene copolymer and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). It was observed that a higher
polarity as exhibited by TiN reduces wall slip of PP, especially at higher temperatures. PMMA slips
only on polished steel, but no slip was found on DLC.
Young’s equation [11] is needed to describe the wetting of a solid surface by a liquid
It is obtained from a balance of the surface energy between the liquid and the solid σSL , the surface
energy of the solid σS and the surface tension of the liquid σL including the contact angle θ at the
three phase points of liquid, solid, and surrounding atmosphere. According to Kumar [12] a complete
wetting (θ = 0◦ ), a partial wetting (0◦ < θ < 90◦ ), a partial non-wetting (90◦ < θ < 180◦ ) and a total
non-wetting (θ = 180◦ ) can be distinguished.
Although the wettability of solid substrates is often determined at room temperature, the contact
angle in the polymer melt state is needed for the explanation of phenomena which are related to
the interface between polymers and tool or screw materials. Schonhorn et al. [13] investigated the
wetting of aluminum, mica, and Teflon by an ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer and polyethylene melts.
Silberzan et al. [14] studied the spreading behavior of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) liquids on silica
surfaces at room temperature through optical microscopy and ellipsometry. Anastasiadis et al. [15]
investigated the wetting of molten linear low density and high density polyethylene on steel and
fluoropolymer coatings. Wulf et al. [16] studied the surface tension of a polystyrene melt dependent
on temperature in a sessile drop experiment. Wouters et al. [17] determined the surface tension of
epoxy resins, polyesters, and additives. Kopczynska [18] and Yang et al. [19] investigated the surface
tension of molten polycarbonate (PC), polystyrene (PS), styrene acrylonitrile (SAN), polyethylene (PE),
and polyamide 6 (PA 6). Zitzenbacher et al. [20] studied the contact angle of molten polypropylene (PP),
HDPE, PMMA, and Polyamid 6.6 (PA 6.6) on steel and different coatings such as titanium aluminum
nitride (TiAlN), titanium nitride (TiN), chromium nitride (CrN), silicone doped diamond-like carbon
(DLC), and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). They observed a decrease in the contact angle of the molten
polymers with a rising surface energy of the coating. Vera et al. [21] investigated the contact angle of
molten PP, acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), and PC on steel, different titanium nitride coatings
(TiNOx , TiNOy , and TiNOz ), CrN, and DLC. Furthermore, they measured the surface tension of the
molten polymers and evaluated work of adhesion on the solid substrates.
It is of great importance for polymer melt flow and surface structure replication whether and
how viscosity influences the wettability of tool surfaces, especially in processes such as injection
molding and extrusion technology. Furthermore, shear viscosity curves are often more easily available,
but the contact angle of polymer melts on solid surfaces can only be determined in time consuming
experiments. The goal of this paper was to study the influence of shear viscosity on the contact angle of
molten polymers on tool steel. The contact angle was determined employing the sessile drop method
in a high temperature chamber and the shear viscosity curves were measured in a low shear rate range
using a high pressure capillary rheometer with a slit die. Furthermore, the contact angle and the shear
viscosity curves were determined at elevated temperatures. It is demonstrated that the contact angle
of the molten polymers is a function of zero shear viscosity. The data of the two different polymeric
materials, PP and PMMA, are combined to one function. As a final result, a model is proposed to calculate
the contact angle of polymer melts on steel for different temperatures directly from zero shear viscosity.
Polymers 2018, 10, 38 3 of 12
HW ∆p
τw = (2)
2( H + W ) ∆L
where H is the height of the flow channel, W is the width of the flow channel, ∆L is the distance
between the pressure transducers, and ∆p is the measured pressure loss.
The apparent wall shear stress is
. 6Q
γap = (3)
W H2
where Q is the volume flow rate.
The Weissenberg–Rabinowitsch equation [23,24] was used to obtain the true shear rate at the wall
. γap d logγap
γw = 3 + (4)
4 d(logτw )
Shear viscosity η can then be evaluated by introducing Equations (2) and (4) in Equation (5)
η= . (5)
The measurement and evaluation of the viscosity dependent on shear rate was conducted at
least four times at each temperature. A mean value was calculated from these data at each shear
rate value to obtain the final viscosity curve. The shear viscosity curve was approximated with the
Bird-Carreau-Yasuda model [24] using the least squares method
h i n −1
. a a
η γ = η0 1 + λγ (6)
where η0 is zero shear viscosity, λ is a time constant, n is the Power Law index, and a accounts for the
width of the transition region between zero shear viscosity and the Power Law region.
A Drop Shape Analyzer DSA 30S, produced by Kruess, Hamburg, Germany, with a high
temperature chamber TC 21 was employed to measure the contact angle of the molten PP and PMMA
Polymers 2018, 10, 38 4 of 12
on steel with the sessile drop method. The experiments were carried out under nitrogen atmosphere
with a gas flow rate of 20 NL·h−1 to avoid thermooxidative degradation of the polymeric materials.
A schematic diagram of the test setup is shown in [20].
The X38CrMoV5 1 steel discs with a diameter of 40 mm and a thickness of 10 mm were heat
treated and polished to an area-weighted surface roughness Sa of 15.1 ± 5.7 nm. The surface roughness
of the steel samples was determined by means of a confocal microscope DCM3D, Leica Microsystems,
Wetzlar, Germany at three positions on the sample, one in the center, and two 10 mm from the
center, once in x- and once in y-direction. Before the contact angle measurements the steel discs
were cleaned carefully with isopropanol using a tissue and dried with an air stream. Afterwards,
the 2017, 9, 38was placed in the high temperature chamber and preheated 15 min to obtain a uniform
steel sample 4 of 12
temperature distribution.
In the next Wetzlar,
step, the Germany at three was
polymer sample positions
placed ononthethe
solid one in the
surface withcenter, and
a pair oftwo 10 mm
The the center,of
positioning once x- and once
theinpolymer samplein y-direction.
was conducted Beforeas thefast
contact angle measurements
as possible the steel
to avoid substantial
discs were decrease
temperature cleaned andcarefully with isopropanol
high nitrogen loss in theusing a tissue andchamber.
high temperature dried with Afteranmelting
air stream.
polymer sample,the the
steel sample
drop shapewaswasplaced in the
recorded high temperature
dependent chamber
on time with a CCD and preheated
camera with 15 min to
a frame
rate of 1afps.
uniform temperature
The contact distribution.
angle was evaluated using the recorded video data. The drop contour was
In the next step, the polymer
approximated with a polynomial function sample nearwas
theplaced on the
base line. Thesolid
slopesurface with a pair of function
of the approximation tweezers.
the positioning
contact pointofofthe the polymer
three phasessample was conducted
was used to evaluate as thefast as possible
contact angle. Each to avoid
test wassubstantial
temperature decrease and high nitrogen loss in the high temperature
out at least three times in order to verify its reproducibility and a mean value was calculated. chamber. After melting the
polymer sample, the drop shape was recorded dependent on time with a CCD camera with a frame
3.rate of 1 fps. The contact angle was evaluated using the recorded video data. The drop contour was
approximated with a polynomial function near the base line. The slope of the approximation
3.1. Shear Viscosity Curves
function in the contact point of the three phases was used to evaluate the contact angle. Each test was
The out at least
shear three of
viscosity times
PP inandorder
PMMA to verify its reproducibility
dependent on shear rate andata mean value
different was calculated.
temperatures is
represented as the approximated curves in Figures 1 and 2. Table 1 shows the Bird-Carreau-Yasuda
3. Results at different temperatures T, including the zero shear viscosity η0 , the time constant λ,
the Power Law index n, the width of the transition region a and the coefficient of determination R2 .
The Shearreproducibility
Viscosity Curvesof the tests is indicated by the standard deviation of the measured shear
viscosity shearwhich
viscosity of PP andonPMMA
is dependent dependent
shear rate on shearbetween
and temperature rate at different
0.5% and temperatures
4.8%. is
represented as the approximated curves in Figures 1 and 2. Table 1 shows the Bird–Carreau–Yasuda
Both polymer melts exhibit shear thinning behavior, which means that shear viscosity decreases
with at different
rising shear temperaturesshear
rate. Furthermore, T, including
viscosity thedecreases
zero shear viscosity
with 0, the time constant
risingηtemperature. λ, the
The shear
Power Law index n, the width of the transition region a and the coefficient of determination R². The
viscosity curve of PP reveals a negative slope even at low shear rates. The width of the Newtonian
good reproducibility
tableau of PMMA decreases of thewithtests is temperature.
rising indicated byThe thegood
standard deviationof of
approximation thethe measured
measured shear
viscosity values which is dependent on shear rate and temperature between 0.5% and 4.8%.
data with the Bird-Carreau-Yasuda model is indicated by the coefficient of determination, R
T = 185 °C
T = 200 °C
T = 210 °C
T = 220 °C
Shear viscosity η (Pa s)
0 1 10 100 1000
Shear rate γ (s-1)
Figure 1. Shear
Figure viscosity
1. Shear of of
viscosity polypropylene dependent
polypropylene onon
dependent shear rate
shear at at
rate different temperatures.
different temperatures.
T = 230 °C
T = 240 °C
T = 250 °C
T = 260 °C
ear viscosity η (Pa s)
0 1 10 100 1000
Shear rate γ (s-1)
Polymers 2018, 10, 38 5 of 12
Figure 1. Shear viscosity of polypropylene dependent on shear rate at different temperatures.
T = 230 °C
T = 240 °C
T = 250 °C
T = 260 °C
Polymers 2017, 9, 38 5 of 12
Both polymer melts exhibit shear thinning behavior, which means that shear viscosity decreases
with rising shear rate. Furthermore, shear viscosity decreases with rising temperature. The shear
viscosity curve of PP reveals 10a negative slope even at low shear rates. The width of the Newtonian
0 1 10 100 1000
tableau of PMMA decreases with rising temperature. Shear rate γ (sThe
) good approximation of the measured -1
Contact angle (°)
185 200 210 220
Temperature (°C)
Figure 3. Contact
3. Contact angle
angle ofofmolten
polypropylene on
different temperatures.
different temperatures.
Polymers 9, 38
2017,10, 38 66of
Polymers 2017, 9, 38 6 of 12
(°) (°)
Contact angle
0 230 240 250 260
230 240 Temperature (°C)
250 260
Temperature (°C)
Figure 4. Contact angle of molten polymethylmethacrylate on steel at different temperatures.
on steel
steel at
at different
different temperatures.
3.3. Relation Between the Contact Angle and Zero Shear Viscosity
3.3. Relation
Relation Between
Between thethe Contact
Contact Angle
Angle andand Zero
Zero Shear
Shear Viscosity
Zero shear viscosity depends on material and process parameters. The consideration that the
Zero shear
polymer depends
viscosity melts
depends on
on material
on tool surfaces and
material could
and process parameters.
be influenced
process parameters. The
The consideration
in a similar that
manner compared
consideration that the
contact angle of polymer melts on tool surfaces could be influenced in a similar
viscosity was the motivation to study the relation between the contact angle and zero shear viscosity.
contact angle of polymer melts on tool surfaces could be influenced in a similar manner
manner compared
compared to
The mean
viscosity was
was the
the motivation
values to
of the measured
motivation the
studycontact between
relation data were
between the
contact and
in dependence
angle viscosity.
of zero
shear shear
The mean
mean (seevalues
valuesTableof the measured
of the The dependence contact angle
of thedata
contact angle data
contact were
wereangle plotted
of molten
plotted in dependence
PP and of
in dependence PMMA of zero
on zero
zero shear shear
(see Table(see
viscosity 1). Table
is presented
The 1). Thein dependence
dependence Figures of the
of the 5contact
and contact
The angle PP
molten ofdata
molten were
and PMMA PP andon PMMA
approximated on with
zero shear zero shear
viscosity is
presented is
functions in presented
using in
the 5least
Figures Figures
and 6.squares 5 and 6.
The measured The measured
approximation data
approximated were
functions approximated
with linear with linear
the coefficients
using the of
functions using the least squares method.
determination R² are given in Equations (7) and (8)
least squares method. The approximation The
functions approximation
and the functions
coefficients of and the
R 2 are givenof
in Equations (7) R²and
are (8)
given in Equations (7) and (8)
PP: 𝜃𝜃 = 0.0086𝜂𝜂0 + 53.34, 𝑅𝑅 2
2 = 0.98 (7)
PPPP:: θ𝜃𝜃==0.0086η
0.0086𝜂𝜂0 0++53.34,
53.34,R𝑅𝑅2= = 0.98
0.98 (7)
PMMA : θ 𝜃𝜃==0.0077η
0+0+ 54.52,
54.52, 2 2 = 0.99
R𝑅𝑅 = 0.99 (8)
PMMA: 𝜃𝜃 = 0.0077𝜂𝜂0 + 54.52, 𝑅𝑅2 = 0.99 (8)
The The
values of the
values ofcoefficient of determination
the coefficient of determination R2 areR2slightly belowbelow
are slightly 1, which indicates
1, which a gooda linear
indicates good
The values
of the
between of
the contact
angle angle
the contact and zero R 2 are slightly below 1, which indicates a good linear
andshear viscosity.
zero shear viscosity.
correlation between
The slopes
slopes the contact angle
of Equations andare zero shear viscosity. (Pa∙s)−1,−respectively.
The of Equations (7)(7) and
and(8) (8) are0.0086
0.0077 (Pa·s) 1 , respectively.Furthermore, the
differenceslopes of
between Equations
thethe (7)
distancesand (8)
onon are
contact and 0.0077 (Pa∙s) −1, respectively. Furthermore, the
the difference between distances contactangle
coordinateaxis axisofofEquations
Equations (7)
(7) and (8) is
and (8) is
rather low. the distances
values are53.34
53.34° ◦onforthePPcontact
and54.42 angle
54.42° forcoordinate
◦ for PMMA. axis of Equations (7) and (8) is
rather These are for PP and PMMA.
rather low. These values are 53.34° for PP and 54.42° for PMMA.
Contact angle θ (°)
Contact angle θ (°)
0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
0 1000 2000 Zero shear 4000η0 (Pa·s)
3000 viscosity 5000 6000 7000
Zero shear viscosity η0 (Pa·s)
Figure 5. Contact angle of the molten polypropylene on steel dependent on zero shear viscosity and
Figure 5. Contact angle of the molten polypropylene on steel dependent on zero shear viscosity and
Figure 5. Contact
approximated angle
with of thefunction.
a linear molten polypropylene on steel dependent on zero shear viscosity and
approximated with a linear function.
approximated with a linear function.
Polymers 2018, 10, 38 7 of 12
Polymers 2017, 9, 38 7 of 12
(°) θ (°)
angle θangle
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Zero shear viscosity η0 (Pa·s)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Figure 6. Contact angle of molten polymethylmethacrylate
Zero shear viscosity η0on
(Pa·s) on steel dependent on zero shear
Figure 6. Contact angle of molten polymethylmethacrylate steel dependent on zero shear viscosity
viscosity and approximated with a linear function.
and approximated
Figure 6. Contactwith a linear
angle function.
of molten polymethylmethacrylate on steel dependent on zero shear
Ifviscosity and approximated
the contact angle can bewith a linear function.
calculated directly from zero shear viscosity for one polymer, this
If the contact angle can be calculated
equation could be the same for other polymers. directly from zero
The contact shear
angle viscosity
values for one
of PP and PMMApolymer,
this If the contact angle can be calculated directly from zero shearangle
viscosity forofone polymer, this
plotted dependent on zero shear viscosity in one diagram and approximated with onePMMA
equation could be the same for other polymers. The contact values PP and linear
were plottedcould be the same
dependent on for shear
zero other viscosity
polymers.inThe one contact
and values of PP and
approximated PMMA
with one were
function to prove this hypothesis (see Figure 7)
plotted to
function dependent
prove thison zero shear
hypothesis (seeviscosity
Figure 7)in one diagram and approximated with one linear
function to prove this hypothesis (see Figure𝜃𝜃 = 0.0077𝜂𝜂7) 0 + 54.92, 𝑅𝑅2 = 0.98 (9)
θ = 0.0077η0 + 54.92, R = 0.98 (9)
Although PP and PMMA are completely different
𝜃𝜃 = 0.0077𝜂𝜂 polymeric2 materials, the relation between contact
0 + 54.92, 𝑅𝑅 = 0.98 (9)
angle and zero shear viscosity follows one function, which is supported by the coefficient of
Although PP and
and PMMA are completely
are completely different polymeric
different materials,
polymeric the relation
materials, between
the relation contact
determination R² of 0.98. Now, the contact angle of a polymer melt on polished steel can directly be
angle and zero shear viscosity follows one function, which is supported by the coefficient of
contact angle and zero shear viscosity follows one function, which is supported by the coefficient of
calculated from 2zero shear viscosity of this material using Equation (9), but for a generalization of
determinationRR² of
determination of 0.98.
0.98. Now,
Now,the thecontact
angleof ofaapolymer
this finding, further experiments with other polymers are required.
calculated fromzero
shear viscosity
viscosity of of this
this material
material using
using Equation
Equation (9), (9),
but but
for afor a generalization
generalization of thisof
this finding,
finding, further
further experiments
with with
otherother polymers
polymers are required.
are required.
100 PP
(°) θ (°)
angle θangle
80 PP
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
0 Zero shear viscosity η0(Pa·s)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Figure 7. Material invariant master curveZero
of the contact
shear angle
viscosity of molten polymers on steel dependent
η0 ( T ) = η0 ( T0 ) a T,η ( T ) (10)
where E0 is the activation energy and R is the gas constant. The glass transition temperature is 108 ◦ C
for PMMA and 0 ◦ C for PP, respectively.
It is assumed that the contact angle θ(T) at a certain temperature can be calculated from the
contact angle at a reference temperature θ(T0 ) using a temperature shift factor aT,θ
θ( T ) = θ( T0 ) aT,θ ( T ) (12)
Because of the linear relation between contact angle and zero shear viscosity and under
consideration of Equation (9) the slope k can be expressed as
θ( T ) − θ( T0 )
k= = 0.0077 (13)
η0 ( T ) − η0 ( T0 )
θ( T0 )[ aT,θ ( T ) − 1]
k= (14)
η0 ( T0 )[ aT,η ( T ) − 1]
Then, the temperature shift factor aT,θ for the contact angle can be expressed from Equation (14)
η0 ( T0 )
aT,θ ( T ) = k· ·[ aT,η ( T ) − 1] + 1 (15)
θ( T0 )
After introducing Equation (15) in Equation (12), the contact angle θ can be calculated at different
temperatures T from zero shear viscosity at reference temperature η0 (T0 ) and from the temperature
shift factor of viscosity aT,η
In the next step, this model was applied to the studied polymers. The temperature shift factor of
viscosity aT,η of the polymer melts was calculated by employing Equations (10) and (11). The zero
shear viscosity values η0 , which were determined at different temperatures (see Table 1), were shifted
to the lowest temperature to obtain the activation energy, E0 . A mean value for the activation energy
was calculated from these data. The evaluated parameters for the calculation of the contact angle θ of
PP and PMMA according to Equation (16) are given in Table 2. A comparison of the calculated
contact angle from viscosity parameters to the experimental determined values is presented in
the Figures 8 and 9. The negligible deviations between the calculated contact angle curve and the
experimentally determined values confirm the validity of the proposed model. It has to be considered
that errors in the calculated values can occur below and above the studied temperature range.
Polymers 2018, 10, 38 9 of 12
Table 2. Reference temperature T0 , activation energy E0 , zero shear viscosity at reference temperature
η0 (T0 ), and contact angle at reference temperature θ(T0 ) for the calculation of the temperature
dependent contact angle from viscosity parameters of the polymers polypropylene (PP) and
polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) on steel.
0170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240
170 180 190 Temperature
200 T (°C)
210 220 230 240
Temperature T (°C)
Figure 8. Comparison of the contact angle calculated from viscosity parameters to experimental
Figure 8.8. Comparison
determined Comparison
values of
of the contact
contact angle
of molten
angle on
calculated from
from viscosity
dependentviscosity parameters
parameters to
temperature. to experimental
determined values polypropylene on steel on
determined values of molten polypropylene on steel dependent on temperature.
100 Calculated
100 Experimental
θ (°)
θ (°)
0220 230 240 250 260 270
220 230 Temperature
240 T (°C)
250 260 270
Temperature T (°C)
Figure 9. Comparison of the contact angle calculated from viscosity parameters to experimental
Figure 9.9. Comparison
Figure Comparison of the
values of molten
of contact angle
contact angle calculated
from viscosity
dependent parameters to experimental
on temperature.
parameters to
determined values of molten polymethylmethacrylate on steel dependent on temperature.
determined values of molten polymethylmethacrylate on steel dependent on temperature.
4. Discussion
4. Discussion
4. Discussion
According to Young [11], the contact angle θ of a liquid on a solid is influenced by the surface
energy According
of the solid,to Young [11], tension
the surface the contact angle
of the liquidθ of a liquid on a solid is between
influenced by the and
According to Young [11], the contact angle θ ofand the surface
a liquid energy
on a solid is influenced thebysolid
the surfacethe
energy We
liquid. of the solid, the
observed surface tension
a decrease in the ofof the liquid
contact and
angleand the surface
of polymer energy
melts between steel.
on polished the solid and
Theand the
energy of the solid, the surface tension the liquid the surface energy between the solid the
for thisWe We observed
dependency a decrease in the contact angle of polymer melts on polished steel. The reason
liquid. observed aoriginates
decrease ininthe thecontact
decreaseangleof of
surface melts
tension onof liquidssteel.
polished and polymer
The reason melts
for this dependency
rising temperature. originates in the decrease of the surface tension of liquids and polymer melts
this originatesSeveral authorsofreported
in the decrease the surfacethetension
decrease of surface
of liquids tension with
and polymer meltsrising
with rising temperature.
temperature. EötvösSeveral Several authors
[26] proposed reported
an equation whichthe decrease
predicts of surface
a linear dependencetension with rising
rising temperature. authors reported the decrease of surface tension with risingoftemperature.
the surface
tension [26] Eötvös
of a proposed
liquid on an[26] proposed
temperature. an equation
Other predicts which
authors [16–19] predicts a linear dependence of the surface
Eötvös equation which a linearobserved
dependence a decrease
of the in surface
surface tension
tension of of
epoxy on of a
resins, liquid on
polyesters, temperature.
PE, authors Other
PC, PS, [16–19] authors
PMMA,observed [16–19]
and PA melts observed
with in a
risingdecrease in
temperature.surface tension of
liquid temperature. Other a decrease surface tension of Furthermore,
epoxy resins,
the resins,inpolyesters,
decrease the PS,
contact PE, PC,ofPS,
angle PMMA, and PA melts with rising temperature. Furthermore,
polyesters, PE, PC, PMMA, and the
PA molten
melts withpolymers on polished
rising temperature. steel is influenced
Furthermore, the by a change
decrease in
the decrease in the contact angle of the molten polymers on
of the surface energy between steel and the polymer melts with rising temperature. polished steel is influenced by a change
of theWesurface
obtainedenergy between
a linear steelbetween
relation and the the
contact melts with
angle rising
of the temperature.
molten polymers and zero shear
We obtained a linear relation between the contact
viscosity. This means that the contact angle increases with rising zero shear angle of the molten polymers andItzero
viscosity. has shear
to be
viscosity. This means that the contact angle increases with rising zero
considered that zero shear viscosity can be influenced by temperature, pressure, and the average shear viscosity. It has to be
considered that zero shear viscosity can be influenced by temperature,
molecular weight. The used zero shear viscosity values were obtained from the rheological pressure, and the average
Polymers 2018, 10, 38 10 of 12
the contact angle of the molten polymers on polished steel is influenced by a change of the surface
energy between steel and the polymer melts with rising temperature.
We obtained a linear relation between the contact angle of the molten polymers and zero
shear viscosity. This means that the contact angle increases with rising zero shear viscosity. It has
to be considered that zero shear viscosity can be influenced by temperature, pressure, and the
average molecular weight. The used zero shear viscosity values were obtained from the rheological
measurement of shear viscosity curves at different temperatures and fit the well-known concept of
temperature shift of viscosity. This temperature shift can be calculated using the Arrhenius Equation
(see Equation (11)) or the Williams-Landel-Ferry Equation [27]
−C1 ( T − T0 )
logaT,η ( T ) = (17)
C2 + T − T0
which both depend exponentially on temperature. Herein, C1 and C2 are material specific parameters
and T0 is the reference temperature.
In this study, we found that based on the linear correlation between the contact angle of molten
polymers and zero shear viscosity the temperature shift concept can also be applied to the contact
angle of dependence of zero shear viscosity also determine temperature dependence of the contact
angle polymer melts on steel surfaces. The Arrhenius Equation is based on the thermally activated
overcoming of energy barriers in rotational potentials of molecule segments. When considering a melt
drop on a steel surface, temperature change will lead to a rearrangement of the polymer chains so
that the equilibrium of forces in the three-phase point between melt, atmosphere, and solid substrate
remains fulfilled. We state that the same mechanisms which determine temperature of polymer melts
on steel.
It was also shown that the obtained relation between the contact angle and zero shear viscosity
is a linear function, independent of the polymer used. This relation was verified for PP and PMMA.
Other polymers have to be studied to enable a generalization of this relation between the contact angle
and zero shear viscosity.
Furthermore, zero shear viscosity depends on the average molecular weight. The average
molecular weight and the width of the molecular weight distribution influence shear viscosity curves.
When polymer grades with the same distribution width but different average molecular weight are
compared, the viscosity curve with the higher average molecular weight is shifted to higher zero shear
viscosity values. The reason can be found in zero shear viscosity η0 , which exhibits a dependence on
the average molecular weight Mw [28]
η0 ∼ M w (18)
where a is approximately 3.4. This means that zero shear viscosity of the same polymer increases with
rising average molecular weight according to a power law. This study does not yet include grades with
different average molecular weight, but there are plans to study in future work if molecular weight
influences the contact angle in a similar way to temperature.
5. Conclusions
Currently, the contact angle of molten polymers on solid substrates can only be determined in time
consuming experiments at different high temperatures, but shear viscosity curves are often more easily
available for polymeric materials. We demonstrate in this paper that viscosity influences the wetting of
steel by molten polymers. The contact angle of molten polypropylene and polymethylmethacrylate on
polished steel was directly calculated from zero shear viscosity. The obtained linear equation is valid
for both polymers and allows the assignment of a certain zero shear viscosity to a contact angle value.
Furthermore, for the wetting of solid surfaces by molten polymers as it takes place in injection molding,
a lower viscosity is advantageous because the contact angle decreases with falling zero shear viscosity.
The zero shear viscosity depends strongly on temperature and can be assigned with a shift factor to a
Polymers 2018, 10, 38 11 of 12
certain temperature. Since temperature dependence of the wettability is of great interest, we proposed
a model to calculate the contact angle at different temperatures directly from the temperature shift
factor of viscosity, zero shear viscosity, and the contact angle at a reference temperature. The validity
of our model is confirmed by the good agreement with the experimentally determined contact angle
values. As a prospect for future work, other polymers and tool materials have to be studied to enable a
generalization of the relation between the contact angle and zero shear viscosity.
Acknowledgments: Financial support for vital parts of this project was provided by the State Government of
Upper Austria and the European Union in the measure IWB 2020: ProFVK.
Author Contributions: Gernot Zitzenbacher conceived and designed the experiments; Hannes Dirnberger and
Manuel Längauer performed the experiments; Gernot Zitzenbacher, Hannes Dirnberger, Manuel Längauer,
and Clemens Holzer analyzed the data; Gernot Zitzenbacher wrote the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The founding sponsors had no role in the design
of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the
decision to publish the results.
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