FTI's 13th Annual Tech Trends Report: What We Found Interesting, Insightful and Surprising
FTI's 13th Annual Tech Trends Report: What We Found Interesting, Insightful and Surprising
FTI's 13th Annual Tech Trends Report: What We Found Interesting, Insightful and Surprising
Everyone alive today is being scored. (And we’re Soon every company will have access to robots. Synthetic medicines, microbes and food will solve
not just talking about China.)
some of our problems but freak a lot of people out.
Last year, Boston Dynamics started selling its quadrupedal robot
Our data are being mined, refined and productized to sort, tag and named Spot for commercial, non-military purposes. Meanwhile, Synthetic biology involves creating an organism that doesn’t already
catalogue us. Why? To make it easier for systems to make decisions Amazon’s AWS RoboMaker was created to help companies test and exist in nature, and someday it will help repair defective genes, rid the
for, on behalf of and about us. We’re living in a new age of deploy intelligent robotics applications at scale using the cloud. Cloud planet of toxins, destroy cancer cells, and help mass-produce
algorithmic determinism. We increasingly rely on A.I. systems to robotics and automation is a field in which physical robots share data proteins for our consumption. It could be a key to a healthier planet.
make choices, even if those systems score us without being able to and code and perform computations remotely via networks, rather Imagine a future in which you no longer take medication—instead, your
understand our nuanced histories, special circumstances and the than within their containers alone. Soon, businesses will be able to cells are simply reprogrammed to fight off whatever ails you. Or
unique characteristics of our humanity. Hundreds of companies now take advantage of cloud-based robotics for a variety of uses, imagine biting into a thick, juicy Tomahawk steak, grilled to perfection
score customers. Collectively, these companies are secretly mining including strategic warehouse selection in anticipation of seasonal —one that’s vegan-friendly, because it is made from plant-based
thousands of your unique data points, including how many times you retail spikes, security in large buildings, and factory automation. It proteins. There’s so much activity in this field and so many new
open apps on your phone, which devices you use, where you spend could also be a catalyst for shifting manufacturing away from trends that we’ve dedicated an entire section to synthetic biology.
time, what kinds of food you order for delivery and insights from countries where human labor costs are cheap.
messages you’ve sent to Uber drivers and Airbnb hosts.
Get ready to meet your digital twin. Big tech has its sights set on farming. A new mil-tech industrial complex is forming.
There are different categories of deepfakes, which include malicious, You read that right. Some of the world’s biggest tech companies— Our future wars will be fought in code, using data and algorithms as
non-malicious and benign. Last year’s malicious deepfakes included Amazon, Microsoft, Walmart—are getting into agriculture. (We think powerful weapons. The current global order is being shaped by
Jon Snow’s public apology for the ending of Game of Thrones and of Walmart as a tech company as wall as a retailer.) Microsoft artificial intelligence, and the same countries leading the world in A.I.
Barack Obama calling Donald Trump a “complete dipshit.” We also launched a multi-year plan to modernize agriculture with data research – the U.S., China, Israel, France, Russia, the U.K., and South
watched Rasputin offering a convincing rendition of Beyoncé’s Halo. analytics, and is piloting a program already on two U.S. farms in which Korea – are also developing weapons systems that include at least
That latter, non-malicious category is better known as synthetic Microsoft has invested. Walmart is opening its own meatpacking some autonomous functionality. Some of the biggest A.I. companies
media, and you’re about to see a lot of it. We uncovered 13 trends plants and dairy processing facilities in an effort to drive down costs. in the U.S. started partnering with the military to advance research,
related to synthetic media, including a worrying new trend in using Meanwhile Amazon’s Jeff Bezos has invested in vertical farming. find efficiencies and develop new technological systems that can be
synthetic media to get around a country’s copyright laws. deployed under a variety of circumstances.
Quantum and edge jumped from our weak signals list Our homes are producing digital emissions. It’s going to be a big year for off-planet
to our trends list.
The average person isn’t aware of how much data they’re shedding.
For the first time, quantum computing and edge computing made our Collectively, our homes are starting to produce digital emissions, which This is an important year for space initiatives. Some of the planned
main trends list, and that was because of some important new includes all the data not actively used and processed by devices. Bits of missions involve humans, others are for robots only, and a handful
research developments in the past 18 months. We are at the beginning information in that network include things like your body temperature will bring earthly agriculture into space. We’re tracking trends in
of a new era of computing, one that will bring powerful new machines as you watch TV, the ambient hums and creaks that your home makes at microsatellite launches, internet from space, space-based quantum
and will eventually enable more processing at or near the source of night, and the communication pings your devices make. Digital emissions internets, space junk and a new “made in space” initiative. Some
our data. aren’t harmful to the environment, but they’re an untapped resource to estimates value the space industry at $330 billion, and that could
be mined and analyzed—with transparency and permissions, of course. double by 2026.
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