Direct Reading Theodolite Wild T16
Direct Reading Theodolite Wild T16
Direct Reading Theodolite Wild T16
The Wild T16 (T16E) Direct Reading Theodolite
The Wild T16 (T16E) Direct Reading Theodolite has been
designed as a tacheometric theodolite suitable for all low-
order triangulations, tacheometric detail and traverse surveys,
mine surveys, property surveys, building site measurements,
marking out, etc. The easily read scales of the horizontal and
vertical circles allow work to be carried out quickly, with
estimation to one tenth of a graduation interval (one minute
of arc) accomplished without difficulty. All clamps and drive
screws are placed logically so that they can be manipulated
safely and comfortably. The combination of the simple circle
scale reading and the operation of the instrument itself makes
the T16 a most useful instrument for use by trainees.
The T16ED has the extra facility of a horizontal circle with
double numbering (360° circle only), allowing angles to be read
or set out either to the left ("North to West") or, in the normal
fashion, to the right ("North to East"). The detachable tribrach
ensures that the T16 can be used with all Wild traversing
equipment and, of course, the normal accessories and attach-
ments all provide additional uses and accuracies for the
instrument. — For full description see brochure G1 241 e.
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