Journal of Infection and Public Health: Sciencedirect
Journal of Infection and Public Health: Sciencedirect
Journal of Infection and Public Health: Sciencedirect
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Introduction: Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), is an emerging infectious dis-
Received 12 February 2020 ease of growing global importance. This review describes the latest MERS-CoV clusters and the first cases
Accepted 2 March 2020 of nosocomial transmission within health care facilities in Oman. We have highlighted lessons learned
and proposed steps to prevent healthcare-associated infections.
Keywords: Methods: A descriptive analysis of MERS-CoV cases was conducted between January 23 and February 16,
Middle East respiratory syndrome
2019. The data from officials and other published sources used.
Results: Thirteen laboratory-confirmed cases of MERS-CoV were reported from three simultaneous clus-
ters from two governorates without an epidemiological link between the clusters. Two clusters were
Healthcare associated transmission reported from North Al Batinah Governorate, with nine cases (69%) and 1 cluster from South Ash Sharqiyah
Household-associated transmission Governorate with four cases (31%). In total, four deaths were reported (case fatality rate 31%). Four cases
Nosocomial infection (31%) reported were household contacts from the first cluster, 3 (23%) were nosocomial transmission in
Infection control health care facilities (two for first and one from the second cluster) and 7 (54%) were community-acquired
Oman cases.
Conclusions: The first local clusters of MERS-CoV reported with evidence suggestive of healthcare and
household-associated transmission. Early diagnosis and strict implementation of infection control mea-
sures remain fundamental in preventing and managing MERS-CoV infection.
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for
Health Sciences. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.
Introduction bian Peninsula, cases were likewise reported from travelers visiting
other continents [2]. Dromedary camels, in which the virus does not
The Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is caused by a cause disease, are believed to be the major host reservoir [3,4]. The
zoonotic respiratory pathogen, coronavirus, which causes a non- virus can spread from dromedary camels to humans through direct
specific respiratory illness that was first reported in Saudi Arabia in or indirect contact, causing significant morbidity and mortality [4].
2012 [1]. Following reports of MERS-CoV infections from the Ara- The clinical spectrum ranges from asymptomatic illness to septic
shock, multi-organ failure and death in severe cases [5]. Evidence
suggests that the average incubation period in an infected human
host is 5.5–6.5 days with a maximum of 10–14 days [6].
∗ Corresponding author at: P.O. Box 393 PC 100, Muscat, Oman. As of the end of December 2019, a total of 2499 laboratory-
∗∗ Corresponding author at: P.O. Box 1331 PC 111, Muscat Oman. confirmed human cases of MERS-CoV from 27 countries have been
E-mail addresses: (S.T. Al Awaidy), reported, with 861 associated deaths (fatality rate of 34.2%). Ninety (F. Khamis).
1876-0341/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of King Saud Bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
680 S.T. Al Awaidy et al. / Journal of Infection and Public Health 13 (2020) 679–686
percent of the cases have been reported from countries of the East- [Fig. 1]. Nine cases (69%) were residents of North Al Batinah, and
ern Mediterranean Region (EMR) by WHO (2). Eighty-four percent four cases (31%) were from South Ash Sharqiyah Governorates (23)
(1106) of total global cases were reported from Saudi Arabia and [Fig. 2]. Eleven cases (85%) were Omani nationals.
resulted in at least 770 related deaths with a case fatality rate of The first cluster of five females (Four from the same family),
close to 37.2% [2]. reported on January 23 and 28, 2019, were residents of North Al
Limited human-to-human transmission of MERS-CoV has been Batinah (Fig. 2). Their median age was 42 ± SD 10.8 years (range:
described mostly in health care setting [2,6–13] and small house- 30–59 years). Three of the five cases were probably secondary cases,
hold clusters of community-acquired cases, including a family exposed to the index case who reported a history of direct con-
cluster of mild disease [14–19]. Larger outbreaks have been tact with camels [28]. These secondary cases had neither a recent
reported in healthcare settings, which have led to multiple chains history of travel outside of Oman nor a history of a recent hospi-
of limited transmission, as a result of contact with index cases talization or direct contact with camels. There is also a history of
or inadequate infection prevention and control measures causing sleeping in an index case-patient’s room and spending time in the
excessive morbidity and mortality in several countries [2,5–11]. same room and assisting the possible index case during his illness.
Currently, there is no evidence of sustained human-to-human Three cases (60%) were admitted to ICU [Table 1]. Two of the five
transmission [2]. cases died (Case fatality rate: 40%).
In Oman, the first laboratory-confirmed case of MERS-CoV The second and third clusters were reported between January 27
was reported in June 2013 [6,8,20–22]. Sporadic cases were then and February 12, 2019, from North Al Batinah and South Ash Shar-
reported until March 2018, with limited human-to-human trans- qiyah Governorates each reported 4 additional cases (Eight totals).
mission and secondary transmission. No secondary cases were These two additional clustered cases had no epidemiological link
reported among health care workers (HCWs). to the previous cluster. The median age was 55 ± SD 17.5 years
In 2013, a countrywide MERS survey among dromedary camels (range: 30–77 years), with an equal number of males and females.
showed MERS-CoV neutrilasing antibodies were detected in all Two cases (50%) from South Ash Sharqiyah and one case (25%) from
(50) surveyed camels [23]. In addition, phylogenetic analysis and North Al Batinah were admitted to ICU [Table 1]. In total, uncon-
high MERS-CoV viral loads in dromedary camels suggested local trolled diabetes mellitus (Five cases, 38%), hypertension (Six cases,
zoonotic transmission through the respiratory route. However, 46%) and ischemic heart diseases (Two cases, 15%) were the most
MERS-CoV isolates from camels did not have sequences closely common co-morbidities and were reported in all clusters. Three of
related to MERS-CoV strains recovered from human cases [24]. the four cases (75%) had septic shock, and bronchopneumonia was
This review describes the latest MERS-CoV clusters and the first the most common cause of death. The overall case-fatality rate was
cases of nosocomial transmission within health care facilities in 4 (31%) [Table 1].
Oman. We have highlighted lessons learned and proposed steps to Eleven cases (85%) presented with the typical MERS-CoV symp-
prevent future community and healthcare-associated infections. toms, including fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Four cases
(31%) presented with gastrointestinal symptoms and diarrhoea.
Methodology A total of 2 cases (15%) were asymptomatic and 4 (30%) had a
mild illness. The two asymptomatic cases were health care work-
Between January 23 and February 16, 2019, a review of the ers detected by contact screening. The median time from symptom
MERS-CoV data were collected from the following sources: the onset to hospitalization was 4 days (range 1–13 days) and from
MOH Communicable Diseases Weekly Surveillance Updates, hospitalization to case notification was 12 days (range 1–22 days).
WHO/EMRO Weekly Epidemiological Monitor for MERS cluster The two index cases (15%) from North Al Batinah and South
in Oman [25]. The information collected included baseline demo- Ash Sharqiyah Governorates had a history of contact with camels,
graphic characteristics (time, place, gender, age, residency and and 6 of the 13 cases (46%) had a history of contact with MERS-
nationality), risk factors including history of previous exposure to CoV patients either within the household or nosocomial [Fig. 3].
camels, co-morbidities, laboratory investigations, clinical manage- Community-acquired cases were reported during the winter month
ment and outcomes including mortality rates. A comprehensive of January with a peak number of cases (46%) reported on January
investigation of close contacts, including health care personnel 11 [Fig. 2].
who may have been exposed to patients infected with MERS-CoV Laboratory investigations revealed that 5 cases (38%) presented
was conducted. Close contacts were defined as any person who with anaemia, and 2 cases and 1 case (15% and 8%) with leukopenia
provided care for the patient, including a healthcare worker or and thrombocytopenia, respectively. C-reactive protein was high
family member, or had another similarly close physical contact, for in all except 1 patient. Alanine aminotransferase was elevated in
example, someone with whom the patient had resided or visited 3 cases (23%). Hyponatremia was observed in 8 cases (61%) and
[26]. Close contacts of confirmed or probable cases were identified creatinine was elevated in 4 cases (31%) [Table 1]. Three cases (23%)
and monitored for the appearance of respiratory symptoms for 14 had co-infection with other respiratory viruses and 6 cases (46%)
days after their last exposure to the confirmed or suspected case, had bacterial infections. The antibiotics and antiviral drugs used
while the index case remained symptomatic. Any contact that to manage the patients during hospitalization has been shown in
became ill during that period of time was tested for MERS-CoV [Table 2].
using real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) [27] to detect
viral RNA from patient blood samples. RT-PCR was also used
to test the camels, starting with RNA extracted from nasal and Contact and active case tracing
conjunctive swabs. The ethical approval was obtained based on
Ministry of Health regulation. A total of 761 close contacts from the clusters were identified
and screened. In South Ash Sharquia, 294 contacts were screened,
Results of which 151 (51%) were HCWs and 24 (8%) were close house-
hold contacts. In North Al Batinah, 467 contacts, 234 (50%) HCWs,
Cluster description and 114 (24%) household contacts were screened. Contacts were
monitored for 14 days from their final date of exposure. MERS-
Between January 23 and February 16, 2019, a total of 13 human CoV was not detected by RT-PCR, except in two HCWs, one from
cases of laboratory-confirmed MERS-CoV were reported in Oman each Governorate. These HCWs were a female nurse and a female
S.T. Al Awaidy et al. / Journal of Infection and Public Health 13 (2020) 679–686 681
Fig. 1. MERS-CoV notified cases and death by year of report, Oman, 2013-2019.
Fig. 2. MERS-CoV cases, by month of report and Governorate (province), Oman, 2013-2019.
Fig. 3. MERS-CoV confirmed cases by date of onset of symptoms, type of case, and Governorate, Oman, 2019.
physician. One had a single encounter with the patient during intu- ting this manuscript, there are no epidemiological data to suggest
bation, and the other was involved in providing care for a patient further propagation of the outbreak.
for over a week in a high-dependency ward. Both were asymp- The index cases’ source of exposure was investigated by the
tomatic. Screening for MERS-CoV was not repeated if the first Oman Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) less than a week after case
sample tested negative. Almost all other HCWs who attended the notification and a total of 86 camels were tested (nasal and con-
MERS-CoV patients were females, aged between 30 and 40 years. junctival swabs) in the vicinity and found to be negative for the
None of these HCWs exhibited co-morbidities. virus. None of the camels in North Al Batinah Governorate tested
Two cases (15%) from South Ash Sharquia rapidly progressed positive for the virus and only one camel in South Ash Sharqiyah
to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), with a median of 3 Governorate tested positive.
days from hospitalization to ICU admission. At the time of submit-
682 S.T. Al Awaidy et al. / Journal of Infection and Public Health 13 (2020) 679–686
Table 1
Demographic and clinical characteristics of clusters MERS-CoV cases, Oman, 2019.
Characteristics SouthAsh Sharquia (1 cluster) (n = 4) North Al Batinah (2 clasters) (n = 9) Total, n (%) (n = 13)
Age (years)
30–40 1 3 4 (30)
40–50 1 1 2 (15)
50−60 0 1 1 (8)
≥60 2 4 6 (46)
Male 2 7 9 (69)
Female 2 2 4 (31)
Health Care Workers infected with MERS-CoV 1 1 2 (15)
Patients admitted to ICU
Yes 3 4 7 (53)
No 1 5 6 (47)
Average number of days admitted 15 days (Range 1−99days)
Clinical outcome
Survived 2 7 9 (69)
Died 2 2 4 (31)
Possible cause of death
Bronchopneumonia with Septic shock 1 1/4* (25)
Septic shock 1 1/4* (25)
Bronchopeumonia 2 2/4* (50)
Multi-organ failure 1 1/4* (25)
Heart failure 1 1/4* (25)
DM 2 3 5 (38)
HTN 1 5 6 (46)
IHD 1 1 2 (15)
Chronic Kidney disease 1 1 2 (15)
Chronic lung disease
Others Cardiomyopathy CVA, Dementia, Alzheimer, Asthma 7 (53)
Exposure to:
Camels 1 1 2 (15)
MERS-CoV cases 3 3 (23)
(Household) 3 3 (23)
Hospital-acquired 2 1 3 (23)
Community-acquired 3 2 5 (38)
General clinical characteristics
Fever >38 ◦ C 2 2 4 (31)
Malaise 1 2 3 (23)
Confusion 1 1 (7)
Rhinorrhea 1 1 (7)
Sore throat 1 1 (7)
Haemoptysis 1 1 (7)
Pulmonary clinical characteristics
Cough 1 7 8 (62)
Shortness of breath 1 2 3 (23)
Pneumonia 1 1 2 (15)
Extra-pulmonary clinical characteristics
Abdominal pain 3 3 (23)
Nausea and vomiting 2 3 5 (38)
Diarrhea 1 1 (7)
Acute renal failure 1 1 (7)
Blood analysis
Leukopenia 2 (15)
Thrombocytopenia 1 (7)
Anaemia 2 (15)
c-reactive protein 12 (92)
Alanine Aminotrasferase 3 (23)
Elevetaed creatinine 4 (31)
Hyponatremia 8 (61)
Total deaths.
Discussion contacts to cluster cases at 3–4 weeks after contact with index case
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first healthcare and In Oman, sporadic MERS-CoV cases have been reported
household-associated transmission cluster of MERS-CoV infection [21–23,30,31] with limited human-to-human transmission until
in the country. The current three clusters are different than what the time of this clustered outbreak. Most of the community-
has been previously reported: the total number of cases in a sin- acquired cases were reported during the winter month of January
gle month exceeds the total number of cases from the previous 6 2019, which is consistent with data from other countries in the EMR
years [3]. It would have been advantageous in order to confirm the [32]. No healthcare-associated MERS-CoV infections have been pre-
household transmission to perform a whole-genome sequencing of viously reported. This has been mainly attributed to an effective
the virus isolated from individuals and analyze the sera from close triage system and HCWs awareness [33].
Table 2
Characteristic of confirmed MERs-CoV Cases, Oman, 2019.
No Sex Age Nationality Symptoms Co-morbidities Exposure Type of Date of onset Date of Date of Duration of Intubation Antibiotics Antibiotics Organisms Outcome
camels/ Camel contact of symptoms admission Isolation hospitaliza- Y/N received on received grown during
products Y/N tion admission during hospi- hospitaliza-
talization tion
1 F 43 Omani Headaches, HTN N Index case 15/1/19 18/1/19 23/1/19 16 days Y CRO TZP BC: Died
Nauseaabdominal CRL LVX A.baumannii Septic shock
pain OTV TGC
S.T. Al Awaidy et al. / Journal of Infection and Public Health 13 (2020) 679–686
2 F 30 Omani Cough DKA N Household of 22/1/19 25/1/19 25/1/19 8 days Y CRO TZP No growth Died
Nauseaabdominal index case CRL MEM Septic shock
pain LVX
3 F 39 Omani Fever cardiomyopathy N Household of 26/1/19 26/1/19 29/1/19 19 days N CRO TZP No growth Alive
index case CRL
4 F 59 Omani Severe respiratory CKD N Nosocomial 26/1/19 26/1/19 28/1/19 48 days Y CIP TZP UC: E.coli Alive
distress DM, OTV MEM BC: Candida
HTN LZD spps.
5 F 37 Omani Nausea N Household of 26/1/19 29/1/19 1/2/19 16 days N CRO No growth Alive
Abdominal pain index case CRL
6 F 77 Omani Asymptomatic CVA N Unknown Unknown 27/1/19 13/2/19 17 days CRO TZP BC: Alive
DM CRL LZD Enterococcus
HTN Alzheimer spps.
7 F 65 Omani SOB DM N Nosocomial 9/2/19 12/2/19 12/2/19 99 days Y AMP CIP, GEN, CAZ, BC: Alive
HTN MEM, TZP P mirabilis
CVA A. baumannii
8 F 61 Omani Fever DM N Nosocomial 12/2/19 12/2/19 15/2/19 12 days N TZP TGC UC: ESBL Alive
Cough HTN CRL E. coli, A.
CVA OTV baumannii
Dementia ESBL K.
9 F 31 Indian Asymptomatic N N HCW 16/2/19 16/2/19 16/2/19 7 days N OTV No growth Alive
10 M 63 Omani Fever cough DM Y Index case 26/1/2019 29/1/2019 No isolation 10 days Y TZP MEM, CS, UC: Died
IHD CLR LZD, LVX CRE Septic shock
CKD K. pneumonia Broncho
11 M 68 Omani SOB DM No Nosocomial 9/2/19 9/2/19 9/2/19 3 days Y TZP VAN, MEM, No growth Died
HTN OTV CS Broncho
CKD Pneumonia
12 M 30 Sudanese Runny nose Asthma No Nosocomial- 10/2/19 13/2/19 13/2/19 1 day N No 13/2 Alive
sore throat Physician Rhinovirus
13 M 48 Bangladeshi Fever Cardiomyopathy No Nosocomial 14/2/19 14/2/19 18/2/19 10 days N TZP No growth Died
hemoptysis OTV Cardiomyo
684 S.T. Al Awaidy et al. / Journal of Infection and Public Health 13 (2020) 679–686
In the current report, we observed three distinct clusters occur- infected HCWs were asymptomatic [42], serious infections have
ring at the same time without any epidemiological link between occurred, and HCWs might have played a critical role in spreading
them (two clusters from North Al Batinah and 1 cluster from South the virus [43]. Several factors could have contributed to trans-
Ash Sharqiyah Governorates). mission in the current outbreak within the healthcare facilities,
In the first cluster, we suspect that 3 out of 5 patients in the including delays in suspicion and case detection, delays in timely
household–associated transmission acquired infection secondarily. index case isolation and most importantly, lack of adherence to
Though the family lived on a camel farm and the index case reported optimal infection control measures such as: using proper personal
a history of contact with camels, these 3 family members reported protective equipment (PPE) while providing care to the infected
no direct contact with camels or camel products, neither a history patients, proper hand hygiene and lack of proper isolation facilities
of travel outside Oman nor recent hospitalizations. Risk factor for like negative pressure rooms.
the household-associated cluster infection was direct contact with The execution of basic infection control measures must be con-
a confirmed case. The three secondary cases were caring for or shar- tinuous and the efforts should be sustained whether there is an
ing a room with a confirmed case. Therefore the possible source of outbreak or not. The majority of the responsibility lies with the
their infection is the index case. Inaddition, the date of onset of staff and the leadership of a healthcare facility to ensure adherence
illness of the three cases suggested that they are secondary cases to existing infection control practices at all times.
with a link to the index case [Fig. 3,Table 2]. Three patients (27%) exhibited noticeable gastrointestinal
The clustered cases showed three remarkable features. Firstly, symptoms, including abdominal pain and diarrhoea. Two of these
the cases reported from the North Al Batinah cluster were 3 patients (75%) occurred in persons with underlying chronic
household contacts, indicating that for the first time in the medical conditions. Several other countries have reported simi-
country human-to-human transmission occurred at the house- lar co-morbidities (7–10). Fifteen percent (2) of our MERS-CoV
hold level. Similar family clusters were reported in Saudi Arabia patients had severe pneumonia, complicated by ARDS, septic shock,
[14,15,17,34–39], Tunisia [40] and the UK [39]. Secondly, the epi- or multi-organ failure leading to death. A similar situation was
demiological characteristics of these 13 cases are different from observed in a number of countries [7,44]. These patients had several
what has been observed in cases reported from other countries underlying comorbidities including diabetes, hypertension, chronic
[5,10,11,39,40]. The age is skewed towards younger age groups heart disease, and chronic kidney disease. Individuals with co-
while the reported global median age of MERS-CoV cases acquired morbidities and on immunosuppressive treatments are at high risk
through community transmission is 55 and above [5,10,11,39,40]. of severe disease [46]. The high fatality rates (31%) observed in
Thirdly, most of the cases are females (69%) and not males, as our patients with these co-morbidities are in line with what has
reported elsewhere [2,32]. The reason for the strong female pre- been reported globally (approximately 35%) [47]. The high fatality
dominance of the outbreak remains unexplained. rate may also be attributed to a delay in seeking medical care, as
The season of dromedary camel breeding and racing is from the mean date of the onset of symptoms to hospitalization was 4
January to March in these governorates and the camel farms may days, and a delay was seen mostly in those with underlying chronic
become a source of MERS-CoV circulation and transmission during medical conditions.
this time [32]. Two of the index cases had a history of contact with The current outbreak highlights the need for increased aware-
dromedary camels. At this time, evidence suggests that dromedary ness among the public as well, particularly in individuals with
camels (Camelus dromedarius) are the main source of transmission co-morbidities, who are at higher risk of complications and death.
of MERS-CoV to humans [24]. It is known that individuals in close Awareness among this group should focus on avoiding close contact
contact with dromedary camels are at an increased risk of acquir- with camels or camel products, particularly in camel race festivals
ing MERS-CoV infection compared to the general population [41]. and breeding areas. Encouraging regular hand washing, especially
The transmission from camels to humans can be via direct contact following contact with camels [41] and early presentation to health
with respiratory secretions or indirect contact through the use of care facilities when feeling unwell are also important messages.
camel products [41]. Practicing safe hygiene habits around dromedaries could reduce
In these clustered outbreaks, we observed non-linked clusters further transmission and prevent community clustered outbreaks.
and sporadic cases, in addition to nosocomial transmission in health Many patients received multiple courses of antimicrobials and
care facilities with neither evidence of sustained human-to-human may have developed resistance during therapy. The present MERS-
transmission nor community transmission. A similar situation was CoV management approach, with regards to antimicrobial use,
observed in Saudi Arabia, where up to 50% of MERS-CoV cases is not standardized. There is an urgent need to develop regional
were classified as secondary, due to possible human-to-human and national treatment guidelines addressing MERS-CoV antiviral
transmission through contact with asymptomatic or symptomatic drugs and certain adjunct treatments including antibiotics among
individuals infected with MERS-CoV [42]. Furthermore, limited patients infected with MERS-CoV according to current WHO guide-
human-to-human transmission of MERS-CoV was observed in sev- lines [48].
eral other clusters in other countries, including family members In order to better understand future MERS-CoV transmission
[14–19] and patients in health care facilities [39,40,42–44]. dynamics, we recommend a series of clinical steps. a) Perform
The current outbreak highlights the significant challenges asso- whole-genome sequencing of the virus isolated from individuals.
ciated with suspecting and diagnosing MERS-CoV infection. The Also, conduct a serological investigation in order to see if silent
median time from hospitalization to case notification was 12 days, transmission had occurred at the household level and to determine
which is relatively long, reflecting the need for increased aware- the extent of infection, i.e., sub-clinical or asymptomatic amongst
ness among health care workers and the community. However, a high and low risk contacts of the cases. b) Sera collection should be
study conducted in from Saudi Arabia showed the median time to repeated in close contacts 3–4 weeks after contact with the index
notification was 2 days [45]. case, regardless of whether close contacts have developed symp-
The general clinical characteristics of the MERS-CoV clustered toms [26]. Close contacts include family members and health care
cases observed in this study were consistent with data from other worker contacts of the infected patients, including family member
countries in the EMR [39,40,42–45]. Healthcare-associated MERS- contacts that previously tested negative as per the WHO guideline
CoV outbreaks have been reported in several countries, with the [26]. c) It would have been advantageous to consider implemen-
largest outbreaks in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and tation of a study design using inferential methods, from which
the Republic of Korea [2–5,7–9,32–44]. Although most MERS-CoV- evidence-based conclusions can be drawn as the review limitation.
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