Isolation of Potassium Carbonate From Banana Plant (Musa Balbisiana)

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Isolation of potassium carbonate from banana plant(Musa balbisiana)

VI.1 Introduction

Potassium carbonate (K2CO3) is a white, deliquescent inorganic salt, soluble in

water (insoluble in alcohol), which forms a strongly alkaline solution. The hydrated
form occurs as small, white, translucent crystals or granules.

Potassium carbonate was first identified in 1742 by Antonio Campanella.1 It is

the primary component of potash and the more refined pearl ash or salts of tartar.
Historically, pearl ash was created by baking potash in a kiln to remove impurities. The
fine, white powder remaining was the pearl ash. The first patent issued by the US Patent
Office was awarded to Samuel Hopkins in 1790 for an improved method of making
potash and pearl ash.Other terms used for potassium carbonate are

1. Carbonate of potash
2. Dipotassium carbonate
3. Dipotassium salt
4. Pearl ash
5. Potash
6. Salt of tartar
7. Salt of wormwood

The physical properties of potassium carbonate are

Molar mass : 138.205 g/mol

Melting point : 891 °C, 1164 K, 1636 °F
Boiling point : decomposes
Solubility in water : 112 g/100 mL (20 °C)

: 156 g/100 mL (100 °C)

VI.1.1 Uses of potassium carbonate

In the late 18th century North America, before the development of baking
powder, pearl ash was used as a leavening agent in quick breads.2 Potassium carbonate

is used in the production of soap and glass.The potassium carbonate market is divided
between the glass industry and other numerous applications.

1. Potassium carbonate is used to make specialty glasses, such as television

screens, cathode ray tubes, and optical lenses. Video and television screens
account for 44% of potassium carbonate usage, while specialty glass and
ceramics use 10%. The main reason that relatively expensive potassium
carbonate is used in place of soda ash in glass applications is that it is more
compatible with the required lead, barium and strontium oxides. These specialty
glasses possess the improved properties of greater electrical resistivity, higher
index of refraction, greater brilliance or luster, lower softening point and a wide
temperature working range. In addition, potassium carbonate allows improved
behavior of many colorants in glass.3
2. Potassium carbonate is use as fertilizer, provides plants with the potassium they
need to stay healthy and grow.
3. Potassium carbonate is used in the chemical industry, where it is used as a raw
material to make other chemical compounds, potassium silicate being the most
common. It may be used as a mild drying agent where other drying agents, such
as calcium chloride and magnesium sulfate, may be incompatible. It is mixed
with distilled water to make a safer electrolyte for oxyhydrogen production than
potassium hydroxide, the more commonly used electrolyte.
4. Smaller amounts of potassium carbonate are still used for what was once its
major application: the manufacture of soap. Potassium soaps (made from
potassium carbonate) have some characteristics different from more common
sodium soaps (made from sodium carbonate). They tend to be softer or even
liquid and better able to create suds in water that contains a high concentration
of minerals.
5. Potassium carbonate is used for glazes in the making of pottery.
6. It is used in the manufacture of pigments and printing inks.
7. It is used as an additive in certain food products, chocolate being one example.

8. Potassium carbonate softens hard water.4 Aqueous potassium carbonate is also

used as a toxin-free cleaning agent and is also called electrolyzed or

"engineered" water. The water softening properties of the potassium carbonate
add to water's natural ability to remove dirt and sanitize areas.
9. Potassium carbonate is sometimes used as a buffering agent in the production of
mead or wine.
10. It may also be used to dry some ketones, alcohols, and amines prior to
11. Potassium carbonate was often used to harden rosin in varnish recipes,
especially for use on musical instruments. It is also used to emulsify wax to
make Punic wax.
12. It is used for the tanning and finishing of leather and the dyeing, washing, and
finishing of wool; and
13. It is an ingredient in welding fluxes, and in the flux coating on arc-welding rods.

VI.2 Materials and methods

VI.2.1 Materials

The fibre of the banana plant (Musa balbisiana) pseudo-stem was the material
from which potassium carbonate was isolated. The procedure of burning of dry fibre
and preparation of water extract from the ash was same as described in section IV.2.1
and IV.2.2.1.

VI.2.2 Methodology

The detection and estimation of the chemical constituents in the aqueous extract
of the leaf sheath fibre ash were discussed in the Chapter IV. The two major
constituents present are K+ and CO32-.

VI.2.2.1 Determination of composition of solid obtained from aqueous extract of

fibre ash

500 ml of aqueous extract derived from 25 g of banana pseudo-stem fibre ash

was taken in a cleaned 1000 ml beaker and evaporated slowly over an electric hot plate.
When the volume of the solution became 60 ml, whole the volume was transferred into
a pre-weighed 100 ml beaker. Again the solution was evaporated to dryness to yield a
white solid. The solid so obtained was kept in a furnace at temperatures of 250 to

350 ℃for dehydration and weighed. The composition of the solid was determined from
the concentration of the ions in the aqueous extract of fibre ash by simple mathematical
back calculation (Table VI.1 & Table VI.2).

VI.2.2.2 Isolation of high grade potassium carbonate fromaqueous extract of fibre


From the study of the solubility product of salts,6 it is seen that the solubility
product of sodium carbonate (K2CO3) is 2130 which is very high with comparison to
the solubility product of sodium chloride (37.3), potassium chloride (21.7) and sodium
carbonate (1.2) at 25℃. The concentration of major constituents in the water extract
derived from fibre ash is as follows (in terms of mol/L).

[Na+] =0.0203 mol/L [K+] = 0.2048 mol /L

[Cl ] = 0.0137 mol/L [CO32-] = 0.1050 mol/L
[NO3-] = 0.0041 mol/L [PO43-] = 0.0011 mol/L

From the relationship between solubility product and ionic product of salts, it
can be predicted that if the volume of the water solution is reduced to 2.5% of its
original volume, the ionic product will exceed the solubility product of sodium
carbonate (Na2CO3) only, as a result of which Na2CO3 will precipice out. But potassium
carbonate (K2CO3) has very high solubility product, so the ionic product cannot
overcome its solubility product at this concentration. Due to the very low concentration
of chloride ion (Cl-), the ionic products cannot cross the solubility products of sodium
chloride and potassium chloride. Therefore potassium carbonate will remain in the
solution with some Na+ and Cl- ions. Moreover, at this stage, almost all trace metals will
precipitate either as phosphate or as carbonate salt because their solubility products as
carbonate or phosphate are very small. Remembering this principle, the separation of
potassium carbonate from its solution by fractional crystallization process was
performed following the procedure as describe below.

For isolation of K2CO3, 1000 ml kolakhar prepared by dissolving 50 g of ash

derived from fibre of leaf sheath of Musa balbisiana, as described above (IV.2.2.1) was

taken in a 1000 ml beaker andwas evaporated slowly by heating over an electric hot
plate. When the volume of the solution reduced to nearly 80 ml, the solution was
transferred into a pre-weighed clean100 ml beaker to create a favorable environment for
crystallization. The solution was evaporated slowly again and the volume was reduced
to 20 ml (2.0% of its original volume). The solution was allowed to cool to room
temperature and after sometimes a white solid appeared. The supernatant liquid was
separated carefully with a dropper and the solid residue was dried over a low
temperature electric hot plate, cooled to room temperature in a desiccator and weighed.
The solid so obtained is termed as 1stcrop.

The supernatant liquid was transferred to a pre-weighed 100 ml beaker, and

evaporated to dryness over a low temperature electric hot plate. The solid mass along
with the beaker was dried in a hot air oven at 200℃ for an hour for dehydration, and
then allowed to cool down to room temperature in a desiccator and weighed. The solid
mass so obtained is termed as 2ndcrop.

The solid of the 1stcrop (0.9178 g) was dissolved in 100 ml distilled water in a
100 ml volumetric flask and the solid of the 2ndcrop (14.9318g) was dissolved in 1000
ml distilled water in a 1000 ml volumetric flask. The quantity of the constituents in the
solution of 1st and 2ndcropswere determined by chemical and spectrometric methods as
described in the sections II.3.3 and IV. and the resultsare given in the Table
VI.3, Table VI.4, Table VI.5 and Table VI.6.

VI.3 Results and discussion

The weight of the anhydrous solid isolated from the aqueous extract of 25 g of
fibre ash was 7.9248 g and the compositions of each major constituent are shown in
Table VI.1 and the trace metals in Table VI.2.

From the Table VI.1 and Table VI.2, it is observed that 25 g of banana pseudo-
stem fibre ash gives 7.9248 g of solid mass (31.70% of ash), ie, almost one third of the
total mass of the ash. The solid, so obtained, contains highest percentage of potassium
as cation(50.39%) and highest percentage of carbonate (CO32-) as anion (39.75%). The
remaining part consists of Na+ (2.95%), Cl- (3.07%), NO3- (0.16%), PO43- (0.67%) and
trace metals.

Table VI.1: Percentage composition of the constituents in the solid obtained from
water extract derived from fibre ash

Ash taken =25 g

Extract derived =500 ml
Solid obtained =7.9248 g

Entry Quantity in gram Quantity in %
1 Na+ 0.234 2.95
2 K 3.993 50.39
3 Cl 0.243 3.07
4 CO3 3.150 39.75
5 NO3 0.013 0.16
6 PO43- 0.053 0.67

Table VI.2: Amount of trace metals (mg/100g) in the solid obtained from aqueous
extract of fibre ash

Entry Trace metal Quantity (mg/100g)

1 Al 54.531
2 Cd 0.222
3 Co 4.687
4 Cr 0.580
5 Cu 0.524
6 Fe 41.236
7 Mg 3.672
8 Mn 0.334
9 Ni 5.054
10 Pb 0.296
11 V 2.202
12 Zn 3.356

The above experimental findings reveal that 25 g of ash derived from banana
(Musa balbisiana) pseudo-stem can give as much as 7.065 g (28%)of potassium

carbonate (K2CO3). Extending back these data to raw leaf sheath of the banana plant,it
can be concluded that 5.65 kg raw leaf sheath can give 187.70 g dry fibre from which
7.065 g potassium carbonate can be isolated. Hence, 3.76% potassium carbonate by
weight can be isolated from dry fibre. Results of fractional crystallization to isolate
potassium carbonate in more pure form are shown in Table VI.3 and Table VI.4.

Table VI.3: Estimation of Na+, K+, Cl-, CO32-, NO3- and PO43- in 1st and 2ndcrops of
fractional crystallization

Total solid taken = 15.8496 g

1st crop = 0.9178 g
2nd crop = 14.9318 g

Quantity (in g)
Total Total mass
Entry Sample accounted for
code Na+ K+ Cl- CO32- NO3- PO43-
(g) g %
1 1 crop 0.9178 0.2665 0.1306 0.2190 0.2012 BDL 0.0702 0.8875 96.70

2 2ndcrop 14.9318 0.2011 7.8550 0.2653 6.1000 0.0250 0.0332 14.4796 96.97

Analysis of the results shown in the Table VI.3 shows thatout of the total soluble
mass of 15.8496 g present in 50 g of ash (1000 ml water extract), 5.79% (0.9178 g) is
recovered in the 1stcrop and the rest 94.21% (14.9318 g) in the 2ndcrop. Major parts of
K+ (98.36%) and CO32- (96.81%) are found in the 2ndcrop whereas major parts of
Na+(56.99%), Cl- (45.22%) and PO43-(67.89%) are found in the 1st part crop. It is
evident that Na+ appears in higher percentage (24.46%) followed by anion K+ (14.23%)
in the 1st crop (Table VI.4) whereas Cl- and CO32- are present almost in equal
percentage, 23.86% and 21.92% respectively.On the other hand most of the 2ndcropis
shared by K+ and CO32- ions, 52.80% and 40.85% respectively. Data in the table VI.3
also indicate that K2CO3 content in the 1st crop is 25.18% against 93.07% in the 2nd
crop.Thus the process described in this section for isolation of K2CO3 is a viable

Table VI.4:Quantities of Na+, K+, Cl-, CO32-, NO3- and PO43- in 1st and 2ndcrops
offractional crystallization
Chemical Quantities in % in Quantities in % in
constituents the 1stcrop the 2ndcrop
1 Na+ 24.46 1.35
2 K+ 14.23 52.80
3 Cl 23.86 1.78
4 CO3 21.92 40.85
5 NO3 BDL 0.17
6 PO4 7.65 0.22

Abundance of trace metals in 1st and 2ndcrops are shown in Table VI.5. In this
table it is seen that major part of the trace metals appear in the 1stcrop; as the result the
isolation process enhances the purity of K2CO3 in the 2ndcrop.

From the study of the Table VI.5 it is seen that among the trace metals, iron has
highest quantity (163.434 mg/100g) in the 1stcrop followed by Al (108.956mg/100g).
On the other hand, highest quantity of Al (51.166mg/100 g) is found in the 2ndcrop
followed by Fe (33.727 mg/100 g). Major parts of all trace metals go into the 1stcrop
except Al and Fe. About 11.60% of total quantity of Al is retained in the 1stcropand the
remaining 88.40% by 2ndcrop. On the other hand, 22.95% of total Fe is separated in the
1st crop and 77.05% in the 2nd crop.

It has been observed that, banana pseudo-stem juice has no carbonate content, it
has considerable amount of oxalate (described in Chapter II). On the other hand, the
water extract of pseudo-stem fibre ash (kolakhar) contains high amount of carbonate, no
oxalate. The presence of high amount of carbonate and absence of oxalate in kolakhar
implies that oxalate is converted to carbonate in the process of burning of banana
pseudo-stem fibre. Hence oxalate content may be the responsible for the concentration
of carbonate in kolakhar. Therefore, to know the factors on which concentration of
carbonate in kolakhar depends, an attempt was made to study the effect of temperature
on the conversion of oxalate to carbonate.

Table VI.5: Amount of trace metals in the 1stand 2nd crops

Entry Metal 1st crop (mg/100 g) 2nd crop (mg/100 g)

1 Al 108.956 51.166
2 Cd 0.115 0.005
3 Co 3.424 0.788
4 Cr 1.303 0.067
5 Cu 6.842 0.134
6 Fe 163.434 33.727
7 Mg 32.687 1.888
8 Mn 3.813 0.121
9 Ni 49.030 2.351
10 Pb 0.559 BDL
11 V 21.791 1.005
12 Zn 32.689 1.688

VI.4 Origin of carbonate ion in kolakhar derived from of banana plant pseudo-
stem fibre

Oxalates are common constituents of plants and are found in the majority of
plant families, functioning in high capacity calcium regulation and protection against
herbivory.7They occur in the forms of oxalic acid, soluble salts of potassium, sodium
and magnesium, and as the insoluble salt of calcium.8 The amount of oxalate in plants
ranges from a few percent up to 80% of the total weight of the plant. These compounds
are usually accumulated within the vacuoles of plant cells, although crystalline calcium
oxalate forms within the cells walls of some plants. Since plant cells generally have a
large vacuolar compartment, often from 75-90% of the cell volume, there is the massive
oxalate accumulation potential.9
It is reported that oxalic acid and oxalates was detected in varying quantities in
all parts of most plants, leaves, leaf stalks, flowers, tubers and roots.10 The oxalate
content of plants can vary according to their age, the season, the climate and the type of
soil. In some plants, such as rhubarb, oxalate content tends to increase as the plants
mature, whereas, in other plants, e.g. spinach, sugar beet leaves, and bananas, there is a

large increase in oxalate content during the early stages of development, followed by a
decrease as the plants mature.

It is well established that plants are capable of metabolizing oxalate by

observing fluctuations in oxalate concentrations under certain conditions,11 and enzymes
degrading oxalic acid have been detected in numerous plants.12,13 Several functions have
been proposed for the presence of oxalic acid in plants. One of the possible functions is
that oxalic acid might be related to ionic balance, since it can combine with various
plant ions to form soluble or insoluble compounds. It has been reported that oxalate
synthesis occurred to balance the excess of inorganic cations (represented by K+, Na+,
NH4+, Ca2+ and Mg2+) over anions (represented by NO3–, Cl–, H2PO4–, SO42-) normally
present in the plant, the ability of nitrate ions and chloride ions to inhibit oxalic acid
oxidase activity in Beta vulgaris [Beta vulgaris (beet) is a plant in the Chenopodiaceae
family which is now included in Amaranthaceae family] results in an accumulation of

It was earlier thought that the synthesis of oxalate in plants took place by the
incomplete oxidation of carbohydrate.15 But actually the source(s) of the oxalate that
must be synthesized in the substantial amounts in plants is not clearly known. In certain
plants, oxalate synthesis increases with increased calcium supply and uptake.16,17 A
number of pathways give rise to oxalate in plants.18,19,20 Previous research supports the
idea that oxalate does not originate from the same source in all plants. Many plants
accumulate significant soluble salts of oxalate16,18in addition to crystalline calcium
oxalate, and soluble and insoluble oxalates could originate from different pathways. In
higher plants, calcium oxalate typically develops within intravascular membrane
chambers of specialized cells. The complex cellular features associated with calcium
oxalate crystallization indicate that it constitutes a biologically controlled process,
analogous to calcification processes that shape bones, teeth, and shells in animals.21

An understanding of factors involved in increased oxalate biosynthesis in plants

is necessary for improving the nutritional value of certain foods. In plants, oxalates
occur as metabolic end products of the oxaloacetate, glycolate and glyoxalate
pathways8An oxaloacetate hydrolase which cleaves oxaloacetate into acetate and
oxalate is found in red beets and spinach. Glycolate oxidase catalyses an oxygen-

dependent oxidation of glycolate to glyoxalate and hydrogen peroxide in plants. Further
oxidation of glyoxalate leads to oxalate through either non-enzymatic or in the presence
of catalase. A well-known plant antioxidant, ascorbic acid, has also been shown to be an
oxalic acid precursor capable of large scale oxalic acid synthesis. Increased ascorbic
acid turnover in plants, due to factors such as the environment, may very well lead to
raised oxalate content. It has already been shown that factors such as plant
nutrition22and different season cultivars23 can influence oxalate content, however
environmental stresses, such as the effects of UV-B, have not yet been explored.

VI.4.1Effect of burning temperatures of banana plant pseudo-stem fibre on

carbonate content in ash
This study is carried out to examine whether the concentration of carbonate in
kolakhar depends on the temperature at which the fibre is burnt.To study the
temperature dependent nature of carbonate content in kolakhar, banana (Musa
balbisiana) pseudo-stem fibre (after separation of juice) was burnt at different
temperatures viz.300℃, 400℃, 500℃, 600℃ in a muffle furnace (Lab Tech)and in open


First of all, a large silica crucible of appropriate size was cleanedand dried in a
hot air oven at temperature 150℃ to 200℃ for an hour and allowed to cool in a
desiccator to room temperature and weighed. The process of heating and cooling were
repeated until a constant weight of the crucible was recorded. After getting a constant
weight of the crucible, well dried 6.000 g fibre of banana (Musa balbisiana) pseudo-
stem was taken in it and burnt in a muffle furnace at 300℃. The temperature of the
furnace was raised at the rate of 10℃/min and kept at 300℃ for an hour. After half an
hour, the crucible was taken out from the furnace and cooled in a desiccator to normal
temperature and weighed. The ash so obtained was taken in a 250 ml conical flask;
added 100 ml distilled water and stirred magnetically for 30 minutes.The mixture was
filtered and the filtrate was made up to 100 ml in a volumetric flask. Then carbonate
content was estimated by the procedure as described in the Chapter IV, Section
IV. same procedure was repeated for the preparation of samples at
temperatures 400℃ 500℃ and 600℃.

Table VI.6:Carbonate content in kolakhar derived from banana plant pseudo-stem
fibre when burned at different temperatures

Wt. of ash Total wt.

Wt. of dry Temperatures obtained Colour of of
Entry carbonate
fibre (g) (℃) (g) kolakhar carbonate
in ash
1 6.000 300 2.0944 Deep brown - -
2 6.000 400 0.8703 Brown 0.07247 8.33
3 6.000 500 0.6545 Colourless 0.0595 9.09
4 6.000 600 0.6374 Colourless 0.0567 8.89

5 6.000 Burnt in open 0.7341 Light 0.0925 12.60

air brown

Results shown in the Table VI.6 indicates that the quantity of carbonate obtained
from 6.000 g dry fibre of banana pseudo-stem decreases with increasing temperature.
Highest quantity of carbonate was obtained when the fibre was burnt in open air. In case
of burning at temperature 300℃, the colour of the kharwas deep brown for which it was
very difficult to determine the carbonate content by titrimetric method using methyl
orange indicator. The study of the colour of kharand the weight of ash at different
temperatures reveal that the fibre might be burnt in open air at a temperature in between
400℃and 500℃. The deep brown colour of khar at 300℃ indicates the presence of large
excess of carbon in it and high weight of ash at this temperature indicates the
incomplete combustion of fibre. Colour of khar changes from brown (at 400℃) to light
brown (in open air) indicates the removal of carbon from ash at higher temperatures.
The weight loss of ash may be due to the thermal decomposition of sodium oxalate
(Na2C2O4) and potassium oxalate (K2C2O4) into their respective carbonate compounds,
and as a result of which large increase of carbonate content inkhar. The decomposition
temperature range of Na2C2O4 is 250℃ to 270℃24 and K2C2O4 is 346.9℃ to 420℃25 and
K2CO3 remain stable up to 850℃.18 The weight loss of ash at temperature 500℃ due to
removal of carbon and thermal decomposition of calcium oxalate (CaC2O4) into calcium
carbonate (CaCO3). Decomposition range of CaC2O4is 450℃ to 500℃26and Na2CO3
starts at a temperature above 400℃.27Decomposition of iron carbonate occurs at a
temperature below 450℃28 and also decomposition of aluminum carbonate is
animportant factor of weight loss. At temperature 500℃ and above weight loss of ash

and decrease in carbonate content is due to decomposition of some carbonates. The
insolubility of calcium carbonate in water and decomposition of iron carbonate and
aluminum carbonate into respective oxide causes the decrease of carbonate in kharat
500℃. At 600℃, the colour of kharis colorless due to absence of carbon particle, and
weight loss arises from the decomposition of unstable carbonates and removal of
volatile compounds. Due to the high concentration of carbonate, calcium carbonate was
not found in khar as solubility of calcium carbonate is very low (0.00003932 g/100g).
Therefore, Ca2+ ions were not found in khar derived from fibre.

℃ ℃ ℃
Na2C2O4 Na2CO3 Na2O

. ℃ ℃ ℃
K3C2O4 K2CO3 K2O

℃ ℃ ℃ ℃
CaC2O4 CaCO3 CaO

Table VI.6 also shows that the highest carbonate continent was found in 6.000 g
of dry fibre burnt in open air. The light yellow colour of khar may be due to the
presence of carbon particles, and ferric ions. The decomposition of oxalate compounds
are strongly affected by the atmospheric conditions. The supply of oxygen gas or the
ease of carrying off the resultant gases plays an important role in the decomposition
mechanism.29 The decomposition of potassium oxalate in a free atmosphere proceeds
through two stages.

K2C2O4→ K2CO3 + CO

2K2C2O4→ 2K2CO3 + C +CO2

This may be the one of the causes of getting high amount of carbonate in fibre
burned in open air. Therefore, burning of banana pseudo-stem fibre in open air is the
best method to produce optimum amount of carbonate from fibre.

VI.5 Conclusion

Potassium carbonate is an important chemical substance for the use not only in
industry but also in pharmaceutical and agricultural sector. There is practically no
source of potassium carbonate in nature except very minor source in African lakes and
Dead Sea. Generally it is industrially produced from potassium chloride which is
expensive and energy consuming process.

Banana plant may be a good source of potassium carbonate. Considerable

amount of potassium carbonate can be isolated from banana pseudo-stem fibre ash.
Burning of fibre in open air is the most effective process from where maximum quantity
of carbonate can be isolated. The source of carbonate might be the oxalate content in
plant’s cell. In plants, oxalates occur as metabolic end products of the oxaloacetate,
glycolate and glyoxalate pathways.

From the water extract of banana pseudo-stem fibre ash, a white solid can be
isolated which is 31.70% of the ash and it contains 89.15% K2CO3.Applying fractional
crystallization process the percentage of K2CO3 can be increased in the product up to
93.07%. Thus, banana plant is a viable and renewable source of potassium carbonate.


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Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.

Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy