Secondary (Scatter) Radiation and Undercut Control
Secondary (Scatter) Radiation and Undercut Control
Secondary (Scatter) Radiation and Undercut Control
Secondary (Scatter) Radiation and Undercut Control History
Pre se nt State
Future Dire ction
Secondary (Scatter) Radiation
Secondary or scatter radiation must often be taken Physics of Radiography
Nature of Pe ne trating
into consideration when producing a radiograph. The R adiation
scattered photons create a loss of contrast and Gam m a R ays
definition. Often secondary radiation is thought of as Activity
De cay R ate
radiation striking the film reflected from an object in -C arbon 14 Dating
the immediate area, such as a wall, or from the table Ionization
Inve rse Square Law
or floor where the part is resting. Side scatter Inte raction of R T/Matte r
Atte nuation C oe fficie nt
originates from walls, or objects on the source side of Half-Value Laye r
Source s of Atte nuation
the film. Control of side scatter can be achieved by -C om pton Scatte ring
moving objects in the room away from the film, Ge om e tric Unsharpne ss
Filte rs in R adiography
moving the x-ray tube to the center of the vault, or Scatte r/R adiation C ontrol
placing a collimator at the exit port, thus reducing the R adiation Safe ty
Undercut - 2/2