Suspension Without Pay Letter
Suspension Without Pay Letter
Suspension Without Pay Letter
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Dear ___________________________:
This letter is to inform you that you are suspended without pay for the dates of ______ through _______. You
will report back to work on ______.
This disciplinary action is based on (Here, detail the conduct/activities in which the employee engaged – use
the reasons contained in the due process letter, and address the issues raised in the employee’s response to
the due process letter). This conduct violates the following County policies: (indicate which personnel rule,
order, or written standard of conduct the activity violates; and if there is no rule, order, or standard of
conduct, indicate that the conduct was inappropriate).
Optional Statement: Each of these matters by itself is serious and warrants discipline. In combination, the
actions become more significant.
Any future violations of County policy and procedures may result in additional disciplinary action, up
to and including termination. A copy of this letter will be placed in your personnel file.
You may provide a written response to this notice. You may also file a grievance in accordance with (cite
policy manual or union contract), which is attached hereto.
It is strongly suggested that you give the foregoing warning very serious consideration throughout the
remainder of your employment with the County.
Department Head (or appropriate title)
(Your signature acknowledges that you have had the chance to review and comment on this notice – not that
you necessarily agree with it.)
_________________________________________ __________________________
Employee’s Signature Date