Correctional Administration
Correctional Administration
Correctional Administration
The Institution-based approach has three (3) Towards this end, the State shall provide for the
levels; modernization, professionalization and restructuring
a. National, of the Bureau of Corrections by upgrading its
b. Provincial and Sub-Provincial, and facilities, increasing the number of its personnel,
upgrading the level of qualifications of their 5. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm in
personnel and standardizing their base pay, Zamboanga City
retirement and other benefits, making it at par with 6. Leyte Regional Prison in Abuyog, Leyte; and
that of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology 7. Davao Prison and Penal Farm in Panabo, Davao
(BJMP), and maximization of land use development Province.
for the agency’s sustainability
The New Bilibid Prison:
The concept of imprisonment is stated in Rule 57 - The national prison was formerly housed at
of UNSMRTP: Bilibid Prison in Azcarraga (C.M. Recto) before
“Imprisonment and other measures which result in it was transferred to Muntinlupa, Rizal, due to
cutting off an offender from the outside world are increasing number of convicts which required a
afflictive by the very fact of taking from the person larger facility away from Manila.
the right of self-determination by depriving him of - The 552 hectare lot was given by the Manila City
his liberty. Therefore the prison system shall not, government in exchange for their acquisition of
except as incidental to justifiable segregation or the the Bilibid Prison. It was originally intended to
maintenance of discipline, aggravate the suffering become a facility for a training school for boys.
inherent in such a situation.” - The New Bilibid Prison was first constructed in
1936 and the transfer of prisoners was conducted
The concept of reintegration to society is stated in before the outbreak of World War II in 1941.
Rule 58 of UNSMRTP:
“The purpose and justification of a sentence of (The Bilibid Prison is the first penal institution in
imprisonment or a similar measure deprivative of the country, whose scope is a national penitentiary
liberty is ultimately to protect society against crime. in nature constructed sometime in 1847 in the City
This end can only be achieved if the period of of Manila. Today the old bilibid prison is known as
imprisonment is used to ensure, so far as possible, the Manila City Jail).
that upon his return to society the offender is not only
willing but able to lead a law-abiding and self- The New Bilibid Prison is mainly a maximum
supporting life.” security facility which became the center for
incarceration of convicts from, all over the
And the concept of reformation is stated in Rule Philippines, it is where the convicts including death
59 of UNSMRTP: row, the electric chair and the lethal injection
“To this end, the institution should utilize all the chamber is placed including the central offices of the
remedial, educational, moral, spiritual and other Bureau of Corrections. New Bilibid Prison has three
forces and forms of assistance which are appropriate satellite units namely;
and available, and should seek to apply them 1. CampBukang Liwayway - the Minimum
according to the individual treatment needs of the Security Camp;
prisoners.” 2. Sampaguita Camp - the Medium Security
Camp and Youth Rehabilitation Center for
On a national scope, the Bureau of Corrections juvenile offenders; (The agricultural site is
(BuCor) shall be able to completely deliver the actual located at the medium security unit where
realization of deterrence (special deterrence and crops are cultivated as well as a site for raising
general deterrence), restraint, reformation, hogs and poultry under the supervision of
retribution, and restoration as major interventions for armed guards.)
the treatment of law offenders towards a safe, secure, 3. Reception and Diagnostic Center (RDC)
harmonious and progressive Philippine society.
San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
The Bureau of Correction has seven (7) operating - It was named in memory of Ramon Blanco, a
units located nationwide, namely: Spanish captain in the Royal Army.
1. The New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City; - Established on August 21, 1869 in Zamboanga
2. The Correctional Institution for Women (CIW) City, intended for the confinement of convicted
in Mandaluyong City; Moro “insurrectos” fighting subjugation by
3. Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm in Puerto Princesa Spanish “conquistadors.”
City, Palawan; - The facility, which faced the Jolo Sea, had
4. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm, in Occidental Spanish-inspired dormitories and was originally
Mindoro; set on 1,524.6 hectare sprawling estate.
- It has its own RDC and maximum, medium and - The Davao Penal Colony houses the largest
minimum security facilities. Abaca plantation in the Philippines, and it is the
- The main crop raised is copra and several crops largest Income earner for the Bureau of
namely corn, coffee and rice were cultivated. At Corrections.
the height of the coconut industry when coconut - A banana plantation sits in a 3,000 hectare lot is
products were deemed as priced commodities, maintained under a Joint venture with Tagum
the institution was able to gather a sizeable Development Company.
amount of money which comprises the majority - It also operates the Tanglaw Settlement which is
income earned by the Bureau of Prisons. given to release prisoners. .
- It was closed during the Spanish-American War
of 1898. Sablayan Prison and Penal Farm: Established on
- Act No. 1407 (Reorganization Act of 1905) – September 26, 1954 by virtue of
created the Bureau of Prisons under the PresidentialProclamation no. 72.
Department of Commerce and Police which - Situated in a 16,000 hectare lot located in
paved the way for the re-establishment of San Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro
Ramon Prison in 1907. - It is an open type institution which has rice for its
- On January 1, 1915, the San Ramon Prison was principal product and grows vegetable crops for
placed under the auspices of the Bureau of their consumption and that of the convict of the
Prisons and started receiving prisoners from other institutions.
Mindanao. - The penal colony is self-reliant in terms of
agricultural product needs and considered as the
Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm: Originally fastest growing and youngest institution in the
established to house incorrigibles or those prisoners Philippine correctional administration system.
beyond reform
- The institution has no walls and considered as Leyte Regional Prison:– this was built by the
one of the best open institutions in the world. Bureau of Prisons in Abuyog, Leyte on January 16,
- It sits on a 36,000 hectare lot and divided into 1973 on the orders issued under the Martial Law
four colonies namely: Sta Lucia, Inawagan, (Proclamation No. 1101 and Presidential Decree No.
Montible, and Central sub-colony. 28) by President Ferdinand E Marcos.
- A Tagumpay re-settlement is a 1,000 hectare
site dedicated for deserving convicts who desires Fort Bonifacio Prison– Formerly known as Fort
to live there and given 6 hectare homestead lots. William McKinley a military reservation located in
Makati, established after the Americans came to the
One vital feature of the colony is the privilege given Philippines.
to the inmates to live with their families. Schools, - The prison was originally used as a detention
churches and normal institutions of a free society center for offenders of US military laws and
were constructed. The principal products of the ordinances.
Iwahig Penal colony are rice. copra, corn, cattle logs - The Fort was renamed Fort Andres Bonifacio
and minor forest products. during the administration of President Diosdado
Correctional Institution for Women: The only - The correctional facility was also renamed as
penal institution for women in the country. Fort Bonifacio Prison.
- Established in 1931 on an 18 hectare lot located
in Mandaluyong, Rizal by virtue of Act 3579 The Mandates of the Bureau of Corrections
- Vocational courses in dressmaking, handicrafts, The BuCor shall be in charge of safekeeping and
beauty culture, slipper making, embroidery and instituting reformation programs to national inmates
making are offered to interested inmates. sentenced to more than three (3) years through
progressive, effective, and efficient administration.
Davao Prison and Penal Farm: Founded by
General Paulino Santos on January 21, 1932 in Safekeeping of National Inmates.
compliance with Act 3732 and Proclamation 414 In compliance with established United Nations
series of 1931. Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of
- The colony maintains a medium and minimum Prisoners (UNSMRTP), the safekeeping of inmates
security facility and its separate RDC. shall include:
- The colony is divided into two sub-colonies
namely the Panabo and Kapalong sub-colony.
1. Decent and adequate provision of basic
necessities such as shelters/quarters, food, water, Reformation of National Inmates.
clothing, medicine; The circumferential reformation programs which will
2. Proper observance of prescribed privileges such be institutionalized by BuCor for the inmates shall be
as regulated communication and visitation; and comprised of the following:
3. Efficient processing of necessary documentary 1. Moral and Spiritual Program.
requirements and records for their timely release. This refers to the moral and spiritual
The processing of these documentary valuesformation of inmates which shall be
requirements shall be undertaken by the institutionalized by the Directorate for Moral and
Directorate for Inmate Documents and Records Spiritual Welfare (DMSW), which include the
(DIDR). practice of one’s religion and beliefs.
The core objective of these safekeeping provisions is Participating Religious Volunteer Organizations
to “accord the dignity of man” to inmates while (RVO) and individuals shall be regulated and
serving sentence in accordance with the basis for managed by DMSW.
humane understanding of Presidential Proclamation 2. Education and Training Program. This refers
551, series 1995, and with UNSMRTP Rule 60. to the administration of formal and non-formal
education, and skills development of inmates
Security of National Inmates which shall be institutionalized by the
The complementary component of safekeeping in Directorate for Education and Training (DET).
custodial function is security which ensures that Participating volunteer teachers, professors,
inmates are completely incapacitated from further instructors, and trainers shall be regulated and
committing criminal acts, and have been totally cut managed by DET.
off from their criminal networks (or contacts in the 3. Work and Livelihood Program. This refers to
free society) while serving sentence inside the the administration of skills development
premises of the national penitentiary. programs on work and livelihood to achieve self-
sufficiency of inmates in the prison community
Security also includes protection against illegal and for income generation of the agency. This
organized armed groups which have the capacity of shall be institutionalized by the Directorate for
launching an attack on any prison camp of the Work and Livelihood (DWL). Volunteer
national penitentiary to rescue their convicted participating agencies, Non-Government
comrade or to forcibly amass firearms issued to Organizations and individuals shall be regulated
corrections officers. The security of the inmates shall and managed by DWL.
be undertaken by the Custodial Force consisting of 4. Sports and Recreation Program. This refers to
Corrections Officers with a ranking system and salary the administration of physical and recreational
grades similar to its counterpart in the BJMP. engagement to achieve mental alertness and
The circumferential security activities to be physical agility in the spirit of sportsmanship.
undertaken are: This shall be institutionalized by the Directorate
1. Proper custody; for Sports and Recreation (DSR). Volunteer
2. Implementation of prison laws and participating agencies, Non-Government
regulations, to include prevention of prison Organizations and individuals shall be regulated
violence and crimes; and and managed by DSR.
3. Efficient Recovery of fugitives. 5. Health and Welfare Program. This refers to the
The core security objectives of such activities are administration of proper nutrition, hygiene,
a) to completely incapacitate inmates from sanitation, cleanliness and promotion of good
further committing criminal acts, and health to inmates. This also includes appropriate
b) have them totally cut-off from their criminal provision of medical care or hospitalization of
networks (or contacts in the free society) the sick, mentally impaired, old aged, and
while serving sentence at BuCor, to disabled inmates. This shall be institutionalized
ultimately protect the society against crime by the Directorate for Health and Welfare
as provided for in Rule 58 of UNSMRTP. Services (DHWS). Volunteer participating
agencies, Non-Government Organizations and
The conduct of these activities shall be undertaken by individuals shall be regulated and managed by
the Directorate for Security and Safekeeping (DSS), DHWS.
supported by Directorate for Intelligence and 6. Behavior Modification Program. This refers to
Investigation (DII), and Directorate for Plans and the administration of programs for the character
Program (DPP). formation of an inmate necessary for effective
interpersonal relationship in the prison 3.) Social (socio-demographic), and other
community. This program also includes behavioral-trait assessments.
Therapeutic Community. This shall be
institutionalized by the Directorate for Behavior The core diagnostics objective is to determine an
Modification (DBM). Volunteer participating inmate’s “Reformability.” These classification
agencies, Non-Government Organizations and activities shall serve as reference of the DRD in the
individuals shall be regulated and managed by preparation of individual inmate reformation
DBM. treatment programs and inmate-group reformation
treatment programs.
The core objective in the administration of these
circumferential reformation programs is the effective Diversification is necessary in all penal system to
treatment of anti-social behavior and destructive implement segregation. In most cases, diversification
personality disorders of an inmate. of prisoners is undertaken either in small or large
plants mainly for the purpose of obtaining proper
Directorate for Reception and Diagnostics(DRD)
– It shall undertake reception of inmates Effective diversification of institution within a
Security and Operations Directorates correctional system is based upon the following
– provide their basic needs and security classifications:
Reformation Directorates a. Diversification by Age. Boys and girls regarded
– administer their reformation programs or classified as minors is separated and confined
Directorate for External Relations (DER) in a different facility from the older group. This
– prepare inmates for reintegration to mainstream would prevent the young ones from being
society influenced by incorrigible and hardened
Basic Procedures for Reception and Diagnostics b. Diversification by" Sex. This is of universal
for new inmates. implementation that members of the like are
Reception Procedure grouped together and those of the opposites are
1.) Admission of Prisoners. The BuCor, through its naturally prohibited from contact with each
penal establishments, shall receive prisoners other.
from competent authority upon presentation of c. Diversification by degree of Custody. That
the following documents: prisoners are segregated based on the duration or
a. Mittimus/Commitment Order of the length of their sentence imposed by the judge in
Court, the final judgment.
b. Information and Court Decision in the o Super Security Facility – Designated place
case, of confinement for hardened criminals and
c. Certification of Detention, escapees. The operating cost for such
d. Certification of No Pending Case, structures is not practical and the conditions
e. Certification of Non-Appeal, and thereat are deemed inhuman.
f. Provincial Form 35 / Inmate data sheet o Maximum Security Facility- thick wall
2.) A female offender shall be received only at the enclosures of 18 to 25 feet high are
Correctional Institution for Women. constructed with catwalks, patrol towers and
3.) All prisons and penal farms are also authorized patrol guards for day and night. Occupants
to receive directly from courts convicted thereat are subjected to work in industrial
prisoners in consonance with the Supreme Court facilities within the prison compound.
Circular No. 63-97 dated October 6, 1997. o Medium Security Institution - fences are
utilized instead of walls the structure is
Diagnostics. created for prisoners housed in dormitories.
The DRD shall likewise be responsible for the The specifications for construction of two
conduct of classification of each and every inmate fences with the interior fence approximately
admitted to the BuCor. Inmates shall be classified 12 to 14ft high and the outer fence 8 to 12 ft
according to security risk and sentence. Included in high and they are to be erected at least 18 ft
the classification are determining an inmate’s certain: apart. The perimeter fence requires lesser
1.) Interests, skills or talents; personnel to conduct patrol activities.
2.) Physical, mental, spiritual, psychological
evaluation; and
o Minimum Security- in this type of .facility ORGANIZATION AND KEY POSITIONS OF
the main objective is to keep civilians away BUCOR
and not created for purposes of preventing Head of the BuCor – Director
escapes of the convicts. The prisoners placed Assisted by three Deputy Directors:
thereat are those who are awaiting final one (1) for administration,
release and there is little or no supervision of one (1) for security and operations and
authorities is necessary. These prisoners are one (1) for reformation
free to move about subject to compliance to Appointing Authority - President upon the
curfew hours. recommendation of the Secretary of the DOJ
Tour of Duty – not exceeding 6 years from date of
Segregation – An ideal prison system should be appointment. Except in times of war or other national
diversified by institution. It is necessary that first emergency declared by congress, President may
time offenders be separated from the incorrigible extend such tour of duty.
ones and those undergoing disciplinary punishments.
The movement of the prisoners as well as the workers Officers in Command
should be carefully planned to avoid escapes, Order of position – rank – title - insignia
confusion, loss of time and inefficiency in custodial
supervision. The Head of the BuCor – Undersecretary – Dir. Gen.
of Corrections - 3 star
Purpose of Segregation: 2nd officers in command - Ass Sec - Dep Dir Generals
1. To prevent physical contamination. of Corrections - 2 star
2. To avoid moral contamination. 3rd officer in command - Chief Sup - Corrections
3. To minimize or neutralize custodial risk. Chief Sup..
4th officer in command - Sen Sup – Corrections - Sen
BuCor’s Segregation Scheme Sup.
Classification based on security 5th officer in command – Sup - Sup
maximum, medium and minimum
Classification and Segregation according to crimes Custodial personnel-to inmate ratio - 1:7 for 3 shifts
(committed (based on the related penal codes) Reformation personnel-to-inmate ratio - 1:24 1 shift
- Crimes Against Persons,
- Crimes Against Properties, Reformation ratio is broken down into the
- Crimes Against Chastity, following:
- related Special Laws, Moral and Spiritual personnel-to-inmate - 1:240;
- Customs Laws and Immigration Laws. Education and Training personnel-to-inmate - 1:120;
Work and Livelihood personnel-to-inmate - 1:180;
This is to ensure that an inmate will not be Sports and Recreation personnel-to-inmate - 1:225;
susceptible to acquire other criminal skills brought Health and Welfare personnel-to-inmate - 1:80;
about by his exposure with other inmates who are Behavior Modification personnel-to-inmate - 1:150.
committed to BuCor for different crimes or offenses,
which normally happens in the present prison setup. Authorized to increase its manpower to meet such
ratio and may continue to increase personnel per
Dormitory – refers to the facility exclusively used as percentage rate increase of committed inmates
confinement area of all inmates within the prison annually or as the need arises
camp with specific consideration on spatial Administrative personnel - 1:14.58,
designation. Engineering personnel - 1:58.33,
Directorate for Reception and Diagnostics and
Classification of Dormitory Directorate for External Relations combined
Type A – above 500 inmate/area of more than 1.5 personnel - 1:120 (at 50% share each),
hectares Directorate for Inmate Documents and Records
Type B – 101 to 500 inmate/area of 1.5 hectares personnel -1:116.7
Type C – 1 to 100 inmate/area of 3,000 sq. m.
Minimum Qualifications of BuCor Personnel:
The recommended lot area per inmate is 30 sq. m.
No person shall be appointed as personnel of the Corrections Senior Inspector and Corrections
BuCor unless one possesses the following minimum Technical Senior Inspector
qualifications: Doctor of Medicine
1) A citizen of the Republic of the Philippines; members of the Philippine Bar
2) A person of good moral character; chaplains
3) Must have passed the psychiatric/psychological,
drug and physical test for the purpose of Key Positions.
determining his/her physical and mental health;
4) Must possess a baccalaureate degree from a Sub-Colony Supervisor
recognized learning institution; Corrections Senior Inspector (CSI)
5) Must possess the appropriate civil service at least second year Bachelor of Laws or at
eligibility; least twelve (12) units in a master’s degree
6) Must not have been dishonorably discharged or Colony Assistant Superintendent
dismissed for cause from previous employment; Corrections Chief Inspector (CCI)
7) Must not have been convicted by final judgment at least second year Bachelor of Laws or at
of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude; least twenty-four (24) units in a master’s
and degree
8) Must be at least 1.62 m. in height for male, and Colony Superintendent
1.57m. for female: Corrections Superintendent (CS)
Provided, That a waiver for height and age a graduate of Bachelor of Laws or a holder
requirement/s may be granted to applicants of a master’s degree
belonging to the cultural communities: Colony Corrections Senior Superintendent
That a new applicant must not be less than (CSS) - For prison and penal farms with an
twenty-one (21) or not more than forty (40) years inmate population of 2,000 but below 3,000.
of age. Regional Superintendent
That those who are already in the service upon Corrections Senior Superintendent (CSS) or
the effectivity of RA 10575 shall be given 5 Corrections Chief Superintendent (CCS)
years from the date of such effectivity to obtain a graduate of Bachelor of Laws or a holder
the minimum educational qualification and of a master’s degree
eligibility with subsidiary assistance. Colony Corrections Senior Superintendent
(CSS) – for prison and penal farms with an
APPOINTMENT OF UNIFORMED inmate population of 3,000 but below 5,000
PERSONNEL TO BUCOR Corrections Chief Superintendent (CCS) –
Corrections Officer I to Corrections Chief for prison and penal farms with an inmate
Superintendent – Appointed by the Director population of over 5,000
General of Corrections, and attested by the Civil Compulsory Retirement Age
Service Commission. Newly hired or upon effectivity of RA 10575 - 56
Director General of Corrections and Deputy Those in the service upon effectivity of RA 10575 –
Director General of Corrections – Appointed by may continue to render services up to 65 years old
the President upon the recommendation of the
Secretary of the DOJ, with the proper endorsement THE CLASSIFICATION PROCESS
by the Chairman of the CSC. Classification is a method by which diagnosis,
treatment planning and execution of the treatment
Lateral Entry of Officer into the BuCor programs are coordinated in the individual case
Corrections Inspector and Corrections Technical study.
Inspector It is a process of determining the needs and
civil engineers mechanical engineers requirement of prisoners for assigning them to
electrical engineers chemical engineers programs according to their needs and existing
chemist architects resources.
criminologists certified public
accountants The Classification Process is adopted to determine
nurses physical therapists the work assignment, type of supervision and
dentists social workers custody which will be applied to the prisoners.
psychologists sociologists Classification procedures are:
guidance counselors teachers
1. Diagnosis – the prisoner’s case history is taken a. One blanket, mat, pillow with pillow
and his personality is being studied through case, mosquito net, a pair of slippers
examination and observations; and a set of mess kit.
2. Treatment Planning – it is the formulation of b. After the issuance of uniforms and other
tentative treatment program suited for the items the prisoner is lead to the
prisoners; quarantine unit. The convict would
3. Execution of the Treatment Program – is the spend at least 5 days thereat to insure
application of the treatment programs and that the prisoner is not afflicted or
policies by the classification committee; suffering from any contagious disease.
4. Re-classification – it is where the treatment
program is kept current with the inmates Color of uniform as to security classification:
changing needs. a. Maximum security - tangerine
b. Medium security - blue
Admission Procedures: The following procedure of c. Minimum security - brown
admission is undertaken by the staff for every d. Detainee - gray
prisoner entrusted to their custody:
1. Checking of the commitment paper. 5. Orientation Procedure – A booklet containing
commitment paper - is in due form if it bears the the rules and regulations implemented at the
signature of the judge, the seal of the court or prison is given with all the pertinent matters
committing authority and the attestation by the discussed by the prison staff. This is the initial
clerk of the court thereof. Aside from this, the contact of the prisoner with the center and is
information and court decision in the case, the deemed meaningful towards the aim to reform
certification of detention and certification that him.
the case of the inmate is not on appeal if any 6. Testing Programs – the psychological and
must be presented to the RDC staff. psychiatric group testing is conducted to the
2. Establishing the identity of the prisoner. This personality of the in mate and predicts the
is done by comparing and examining the manner in which he will interact with other
fingerprint and photograph of the inmate prisoners.
contained in the commitment order. This is to
make sure that the person being committed is the Staff Conference: It is undertaken after all the tests,
one whose name appears in the commitment interviews and examination has been conducted. It is
order. in said forum that the inmate's program for treatment
3. Searching the prisoner. A complete frisking is and training is planned. This is of a tentative status
undertaken to look for contrabands. and would depend in the exemplary behavior and
- All personal items must be inspected thoroughly religious observance of the convict with the program
and items not allowed at the prison such as cash, ascertained.
jewelry, watches and weapons are deposited with
a receipt to be issued by the staff and given to the Admission Summary – It is a written compilation
prisoner. made by the staff regarding their findings on the
- Narcotics and all other prohibited drugs, all types prisoner.
of weapons, chemicals or substances that may - It is used by the classification committee as a
cause injury to persons, and articles or items guide in carrying out the rehabilitation program
which an inmate is not allowed to possess under of the prisoner in the operating institution.
prison rules shall be considered as contrabands.
- All articles taken from the inmate shall be This is the nucleus of the cumulative case history of
considered to him upon his discharge unless the inmate its contents are as follows:
previously disposed of the request of the inmate 1. Complete account of the legal aspects of the
or ordered condemned by the Superintendent case. .
after a lapse of two (2) years. 2. A summary of the prisoner's criminal history.
4. Issuance of clothes and Equipment. The newly 3. The biography or social history of the prisoner.
admitted inmate shall be provided with two (2) 4. Physical Condition.
regulation uniforms and two (2) t-shirts in 5. Educational status.
accordance with the degree of sentence. 6. Vocational interests, experience and
Whenever practicable the following shall also be competence
issued: 7. Recreational interest.
8. Psychological characteristics.
9. Behavior at the RDC and reaction to group 2. Those whose minimum sentence is twenty
psychotherapy. years of imprisonment;
10. Religious background and interest. 3. Detainees or remand inmates whose sentence
is (20) years and above and those sentences are
Transfer Out of The Center: After completion of under review by the Court of Appeals or the
the Admission Summary, the prisoner is transferred Supreme Court;
out of the center to the operating institution. The 4. Those with pending cases;
tentative program arrived or determined is approved 5. Escapees, recidivists delinquents;
by the Director of Prisons. The said summary is 6. Those under safekeeping or disciplinary
forwarded to the Classification and Treatment punishment;
Division of the prison for implementation. While 7. Those confined at the RDC; and
waiting for his permanent residence assignment, the 8. Those who are diagnosed as criminally insane
prisoner stays at the orientation unit. Therein he is or with severe emotional or personality
guided to choose his vocation program. disorders that makes them hazardous to fellow
inmates or the prison staff.
Classification Committee: It carries out the 9. Building 14 (Considered the Super Maximum
treatment program of the convict which is composed Compound of the Bureau of Correction) where
of the following persons: incorrigible prisoners from the maximum
a. Superintendent (warden) - compound where being placed and separated
Chairman for intense disciplinary approaches.
b. Chief of the RDC - Vice
Chairman Medium Security- This shall include those who
c. Medical Officer - Member cannot be trusted in less secured areas whose conduct
d. Chief, Education section - Member or behavior requires minimum supervision. Under
e. Chief, Agro-Industries section - Member this category are:
f. Chief Overseer - 1. Those whose minimum sentence is less than
Secretary twenty years of imprisonment;
2. Detainees or remand inmates whose sentence are
Admission Classification Meeting: This is initial below twenty years;
classification meeting which takes place after the 3. Those who are eighteen years of age and below
transfer of the prisoner from the RDC to the regardless of sentence and case;
operating institution. This interview and consultation 4. Those who have two or more records of escapes;
is held to determine the realistic plan or program of and
treatment best suited for the convict to help him in his 5. First time offenders sentenced to reclusion
rehabilitation at the prison. The principal decisions perpetua.
should be arrived at are as follows:
a. Custody classification Minimum security - This shall include who may be
b. Housing reasonably trusted to serve their sentence under less
c. Transfer restricted conditions. Under this category are:
d. Medical and Psychiatric treatment a. Those with a severe physical handicap as
e. Occupational and Vocational training assignment certified by the chief medical officer of the
f. General education program prison;
g. Casework and social services b. Those who are sixty-five (65) years old and
h. Religious and recreational recommendations above without pending case and whose
convictions are not on appeal;
CLASSIFICATION OF INMATES AS TO c. Those who. have served ½ of their minimum
SECURITY RISK: sentence or 1/3 of their maximum sentence,
The Death Row – One special facility for inmates excluding good conduct time allowance; and
waiting for the execution of death penalty. d. Those who have only six (6) months more to
Maximum security group – this shall include high serve before the expiration of their maximum
security risk or highly dangerous inmates as sentence.
determined by the classification board who requires
an extreme degree of supervision and control. They Philippines-Japan Halfway House. The Half-way
are as follows: House was the brainchild of the late Dr. Cicero
1. Those sentenced to death; Campos, the first President o the Philippine Public
Safety College (PPSC). The ten proposed project was
first brought to the attention of the United Nations Custodial Model – it is based on the assumption
Asia and Far East Institute (UNAFEI) Filipino that prisoners have been incarcerated for the
Alumni by Assistant Chief State Prosecutor Severino protection society and for the purpose in
Gana Jr. of the Department of Justice (DOJ) and incapacitation, deterrence and retribution. It
member of Asia Crime Prevention Philippines, Inc. emphasizes maintenance and security and order
(ACPPI). In turn, Mr. Shikita made a request to the through the subordination of the prisoner to the
Nagoya West Lions Club (NWLC), an ardent authority of the warden. Discipline is strictly
supporter of ACPF in all of its activities to help applied and most aspect of behavior is regulated;
shoulder the cost of the incipient project. True to their
word, the said organization donated 8 million pesos Rehabilitation Model – security and
for the construction of the edifice. Several programs housekeeping activities are viewed primarily as a
and services such as casework and counseling framework for rehabilitation efforts. Professional
services, productivity training, homelife services, treatment specialist enjoys a higher status than
medical and health services, and placement services other employees, in accordance with the idea that
are continuously being provided to prepare inmates to all aspect of prison management should be
become useful and productive citizens in the directed towards rehabilitation with the
mainstream of society upon their release. rethinking of the goal of rehabilitation;
Pre release Treatment: It is a program specifically Reintegration Model is linked to the structures
designed to prepare the offender during a limited and goals of community corrections but has
period prior to his release on parole. It deals with direct impact on prison operations. Although an
transition from confined and regulated life to normal offender is confined in prison, that experience is
Independent life. Several pre release programs are as pointed toward reintegration into society. This
follows: kind of treatment gradually gives inmates greater
a. Leave for work which allows the offender to be freedom and responsibility during their
employed in the community at day provided he confinement and move them into a halfway
return to the institution at night. house, work release programs, or community
b. Special Information sessions which covers parole correctional center before releasing them to
conditions and employment opportunities. supervision. Consistent with the perspective of
c. Granting greater freedom inside the institution, community corrections, this model is based on
wherein the prisoner is allowed to wear civilian the assumption that it is important for the
clothes, lodging in separate quarters, giving him offender to maintain or develop ties with free
more leisure opportunity and generally giving society the entire focuses this approach is on the
him less supervision inside the prison. resumption of a normal life (Clear and Cole,
d. Group and individual counseling to lessen his 1986); &
worries and anxiety regarding his return to the
free world. Total Institution – “the prison, like other total
e. Pre-released leaves for a few hours a day to institution, is a place of residence and work
enable the prisoner to arrange outside residence where a large number of like-situated
and procure pertinent papers. individuals, cut off from wider society for an
appreciable period of time, together lead an
MODELS OF CRIMINAL TREATMENT enclosed, formally administered round life”. A
Control Model – A criminal treatment model of total institution is one that completely
prison management emphasizes prisoner’s encapsulates the lives of the people who work
obedience, work end education (Sahara 1988); and live there. A prison must be such an
institution in the sense that whatever prisoners do
Responsibility Model – It stresses prisoners’ or not do begins and ends there; every minute
responsibility for their own action, not behind bars must be lived in accordance with the
administrative control to assure prescribed rules as enforce by the staff.
behavior. Proper classification of inmates,
according to this model, permits placing APPROACHES IN DEALING WITH
prisoners in the least restrictive prison consistent CRIMINALS
with security, safety, and humane confinement. Null Strategy says that nothing should be done,
Prisoners should be given a significant degree of that prisoners should be allowed to become
freedom and the held to account for their actions increasingly congested and staff should remain to
(Sahara 1988);
maintain them with the assumption that the - Individual and group counseling, visitation
problem is temporary and will disappear in time. which contribute to the total correctional
Selective Incapacitation Strategy urge that treatment program for the offenders.
expensive and limited prison space with the - Our penal institution in this line, adopts an
necessary number of staff to maintain them individualized treatment whenever possible
should be used more-effectively by targeting the which depends entirely on the workable
individuals whose incarceration will do the most classification system.
to reduce crime. It shows that the incarceration - Without proper treatment our society would only
of some career criminals has a pay off in the be protected for a short period of time while the
prevention of multiple serious offenses. convicts are incarcerated.
Population-reduction Strategy incorporates - With proper care and implementation of the
from door and back door strategies. Front door treatment program for convicts, the wrong
strategies divert offenders to non-incarcerative attitude and behavior is slowly being improved
sanctions, among them, community service, to pave tile way for man's reformation and his
restitution, fines, and probation. While the back- awaited return to society as law abiding and
door strategies such as detention, parole, work responsible citizen.
release and good behavior are devised to get the
offenders out of the prison before end of their The United Nations "Standard Minimum Rules
terms in order to free space for new comers. for the Treatment of Prisoners”
Construction Strategy of building new facilities "The treatment of persons sentenced to imprisonment
to meet the demand for prison space for an or similar measure shall have as its purpose so far as
advantageous prison management. The approach length of Sentence permits, to establish in them the
comes to mind when legislators and correctional will to lead law abiding and self-supporting lives
officials confront the problem on prison after their release and to fit them to do so. The
crowding, sanitation and prison violence to treatment shall be as such as to encourage their self-
expand the size, number of facilities and respect and develop their sense of responsibility,"
Population-Sensitive Flow Control Strategy "To these ends all appropriate means shall be used,
urges the sentencing be linked to the availability including religious care in the countries where this is
of prison space and management staff, the possible education, vocational guidance and training,
policies be developed allowing the release of the social case work, employment counseling, physical
prisoners when prison facilities become crowded development and strengthening of moral character,
and staff are greatly outnumbered to manage in accordance with the individual needs of each
prisoners, and that each court be allotted a prisoner, taking account of his social and criminal
certain amount of prison space and staff history his physical and mental capacities and
members so that the judges and prosecutors aptitudes, his personal temperament, the length of his
make certain decisions accordingly. This strategy sentence and his prospects after release"
depends on the political will to release prisoners
even in the face of public protest (Clear and Employent of Prisoners: The old practice of prison
Cole, 1986). labor as a means of punitive sanction to law violators
in addition to the term of imprisonment was
THE CORRECTIONAL TREATMENT abandoned. The rising costs in the maintenance of
PROGRAM prison facilities has altered adherence to such belief
- The correctional treatment programs are and later correctional administrators incorporated
formulated for the purpose of rehabilitating the prison labor to reduce the cost of maintenance of
prisoners mainly by changing their attitudes. their institutions. .
- Treatment services are geared towards The forerunners of our modem penal institution have
Improving the offender's philosophy of life, used prison labor. The Auburn system was held more
various tools such is education whether formal or profitable because the output was greater in
vocational, work, religion and recreation are congregate workshops than that of the Pennsylvania
utilized to achieve the goal of long term system that employed convicts working separately
rehabilitation of the convicts. within their cells. The Americans have also utilized
- It is also augmented by medical care. prison labor not only in the manufacturing sector but
also in public works.
Six types or system of prison labor which was first minimum security mates may be assigned in
practiced in the United States; agricultural field projects within prison reservation.
a. Lease system – This measure is run by handing
over management to a private lease who in return Religious Services: It has been widely accepted that
of the profits gained is responsible with the the chaplain is the most important person who
expenditures at the institution as well as contributes to the rehabilitation of the prisoner. The
discipline and maintenance. inspiring power of religion drives the man to reform
b. Contract system – the state retains control and and change his errant behavior. The chaplain must be
supervision while the contractor pays the state able to guide and instill proper teachings to uplift the
for the labor toiled by the convicts. human spirit of the convicts, in this noble goal, the
c. State use system- in this system products made in chaplain engages not only in sacramental ministry but
state run institution are mainly used by the as well as counseling for the convicts and their family
government. and ministration of the prisoners who are sick. Aside
d. Price-piece system – The private contractor from his pastoral responsibility, the chaplain also
supplies the raw materials and the state charges serves as a member of the diagnostic staff.
the cost of labor based on the output products.
e. Public Account system – the state is the sole Inside the prison system, the religious belief and
proprietor and sells the products made in prison moral precepts of an inmate shall be respected. No
to the open market. prison official shall proselytize inmates under his
f. Public works system – The prisoners are supervision or allow any Inmate to do so without the
utilized in the construction of roads, bridges consent of the inmate concerned. An accredited
buildings, dams and other similar structures. minister, pastor or priest may be allowed to hold
regular service and to pay pastoral visits to inmates of
In general, the opportunity to engage in worthwhile his religion at such hours as maybe prescribed by the
activities develops morale and discipline among the Superintendent. Attendance by an inmate of worship
inmates. Proponent of prison labor contends that the services and similar religious activities shall be on
principal value of prisons labor is to afford the voluntary basis.
inmates to revive and acquire skills while serving
their sentences. The employment assignments of Educational Program: This occupies one of the
prisoners may be classified into five general groups: most vital phase in the prisoners rehabilitation
1. Available for limited employment particularly program. The focus for correctional institution for
for new comers. adults is geared towards vocational education but for
2. Maintenance assignments juvenile Institution the primary consideration is
3. Educational assignments elementary and secondary levels of formal education.
4. Industrial employment The Philippine correctional administration offers a
5. Agricultural activities in colonies wide variety of vocational training to wit:
a. radio mechanics.
However, in engaging prison labor the correctional b. automobile mechanics.
administrators must be able to comply with the c. shoemaking
United Nations Standards, which basically requires d. horticulture,
the following: e. carpentry,
a. That prison labor must not be afflictive in f. electronics
nature. g. hollow block making
b. In employing prisoners .it should be based on h. livestock raising such as poultry and hogs
their physical abilities as determined by the
medical officer. Goals of Education Program:
c. It should be voluntary. . o To offer inmate sufficient academic
d. It should be able to develop the skills and work education, which he will need in the ever
attitude to allow them earn an honest living growing demands of the outside world.
after release o To give vocational training to inmates to
e. The money earned should constitute a savings enable him to acquire skills and be
fund for the prisoner and handed over to them economically efficient after release.
after release. o To broaden the interest of prisoners towards
hobbies and cultural activities so as to help in
An inmate over sixty years of age may be excused his adjustment to normal free life.
from mandatory prison labor. Only medium and
support service to staff members in their relation
Recreational Program: Wholesome and healthy and efficient management of the offenders.
activities either in groups or in small number of
participant would enable the prisoners to fight of the CUSTODY, SECURITY AND DISCIPLINE:
ill effects of boredom as a result of his incarceration In prison management, custody and control of
in the prison A well rounded recreational program prisoners is tool which leads to the attainment of the
must be undertaken by all prisoners design to meet rehabilitation program by effectively implementing
interest of the prisoners. Such activities must be well- the rules and regulations and instilling discipline
planned and conducted during free time to enable among the inmates. Although the primary objective
maximum participation from among those convicts. of the prison program is security, its ultimate goat is
A balanced and well-rounded recreational program always geared towards rehabilitation of the convicts.
shall include: Security will assure that escapes are prevented,
a. Sports activities either individual or dual maintenance of peace and order is attained and
Sports or team sports, contrabands are not permitted entry to the facility.
b. Music, Arts and Crafts. Penologists would contend that the best way to secure
c. Special Events the inmates is to make them engage in productive and
d. Drama and literary activities positive activities and prevent idleness from among
e. Social Games the inmates.
f. Club activities
g. Million pictures, radio and television. Custody and Control:
This would refer to penal safekeeping or guarding the
Library Service: To further enhance and improve inmates. The custodial force or division being the
the practical and cultural aspects of social living, a largest component of the whole prison personnel
library should be maintained in all penal facilities. It system are responsible for the maintenance of
should contain a great number or collection of books discipline as well as ensuring safety of the inmates
and periodicals to meet the wide interest and varied and preventing escapes and riots. The prison guard
needs or the prisoners. has the most contact with the inmates and should be
able to manifest respect to their human rights into
Health and Medical Service: An adequately staffed gain the prisoners’ confidence and respect from the
medical service for a sizeable number of prisoners inmates. This will enable him to occupy a position
must be established and to be divided into three wherein they can easily influence the convicts and
major units namely: medicine and surgery, psychiatry assist them in their rehabilitation program.
and dentistry. Said service shall be solely responsible
for providing prompt health medical and dental Custody are measures and activities such as the
services to the inmates, it should be headed by an implementation of security measures, locking and
able medical officer whose duties range from giving counting routines, supervision of prisoners to insure
medical attention to the sick and seeing to it that compliance to punctual and orderly movement inside
food. Hygiene and sanitation is nut subhuman to the prison and procedures for searching prisoners by
prevent outbreak of diseases in the prison. conducting greyhound operations to look for
contrabands which may be concealed in the cells,
Counseling, Casework and Clinical Service: living quarters work areas.
Viewed as an integral part of the total corrections
program counseling, casework and clinical services Contraband – is anything found in the possession of
are staffed with-professional personnel to administer the prisoner contrary to the rules and regulations of
to the needs of the convicts. the facility. This generally includes firearms and
- Counseling entails one to the endeavor of deadly weapons, cash, jewelry and other valuable
helping other to understand and resolve their items which can cause disharmony and threaten the
problems. serenity within the prison.
- In casework, professional services are given to
determine the proper prescription and social In addition the following control measures must be
treatment which the convicts require. adopted:
- Clinical services give the most intensive 1. A system of counting inmates. A minimum or
diagnostic treatment activities aimed at at least four times a day is delegated for head
discovering individual mal adjustments, applying count. This is normally done during change
psychiatric techniques and offers guidance and shifts. The rule is during roll call the custodians
must hear voice and see flesh at all times
especially during night time. In three shift work one place work program or assignment to
detail, the fourth roll call is designed so as to another.
prevent routine or pattern time of conducting Discipline: The main objective of instilling discipline
prisoner count. in the prison system is to inculcate positive habits,
2. Control of firearms and other deadly weapon. values and habits that will make the convicts useful
Firearms must be kept in an armory not within and law abiding members of society upon his release.
the sight and reach of the inmates and should be This is contrary to the notion that discipline is a
located outside of the main prison and the means to prevent escapes and riots and punish
inmate's work/activity area. It should be well- infractions to rules and regulations of the institution.
guarded and locked at all times. And proper
inventory procedures are to be conducted. Prison Discipline – is a state of good order and
3. Key control and locking devices. The key to behavior which include sanitation maintenance, work
cells and dormitories should be always in the Standards, education, personal health and recreation.
possession of gate officers, Officer of the day-
shift commander, keeper and custodial and Morale is a component of discipline which is defined
medical officer designated by the as a mental condition of an individual pertaining to
superintendents. A proper accounting and storage courage, zeal, hope and confidence in the present
of keys must be observed. In addition, the keys principles and way of life. Hence, it would be safe to
to all means of access in and out of the facility conclude that the aim of discipline in giving value
and vital and sensitive areas within the prison formation to the convicts have the ultimate goal to
should be kept in a separate receptacle and kept develop self-respect, self-reliance and self-discipline
unmarked as a precautionary measure. As an in conformity with the norms of the free world.
additional measure, all locking devices in
individual doors must be checked of its good Preventive discipline - is the prompt corrections of
operational efficiency. minor deviations committed by prisoners before it
4. Tools and equipment. Items which are utilized become serious violations. It is a rather new concept
as tools must be properly and securely stored and and is more effective than discipline applied after an
inventory should be made to minimize the threat offense has been committed. This would come in the
to security within the prison premises. form of advice, reprimand and warning to avoid
5. Security procedures during emergencies, future misbehavior. This is amply supported by the
major disturbances escapes and riots. fact that discipline must be considered on an
- The prison facility must establish a control individual basis in which the prisoner's altitude and
center be in command of, execute and monitor social background must be carefully studied before
the proper and timely implementation of detailed applying discipline for breach of law, rules and
plans to cope with emergency conditions which regulations.
may be caused by fires, violent disturbances or
riots or escapes. Communication is a tool or important element in
- In case of such disorders all officials and discipline. A good system of communication
employees of the prison where the incident established between the prisoners and the correctional
occurs shall be placed on a 24 hour alert status to officers would build harmony, rapport and
carry out tasks necessary to quell the condition understanding. This will also relieve the inmate's
and normalize the situation. feeling of insecurity because constant end friendly
- In cases of such disturbances the alarm is conversation eases one of his burdens in life. In
sounded either by bell, siren or gun fires. addition, the formulation of inmate councils
- All inmates shall be instructed to lie flat on the composed of chosen leader inmates which serve as an
ground face down with arms and legs spread out. advisory council to the superintendent. in dealing
- On such occasions when warnings are ignored, with pertinent matters concerning management of
the guards are authorized to use reasonable force prison activities and treatment designed for the
to carry out such instructions. convicts.
Security involves safety measures to A rule book is, disseminated among, the convicts
maintain the orderliness and discipline and explained thoroughly to minimize violations.
within the jail or prison while, Serious Infractions to the Manual and rule book
Control involves supervision of prisoners to imposed in the prison is heard in the disciplinary
ensure punctual and orderly movement from board the proceedings are summary in nature and the
behavior or misconduct report is scrutinized based
upon the merits. A behavior report is one which calls earned assignment to this class upon start of
the attention to the inmate's attitude which might be sentence; or one who has been promoted from
considered as misconduct and could also include the second class.
positive behavior manifested by the convict duly e. Colonist- Those who are first class inmates and
observed by the prison personnel. While a has served for one year immediately preceding
misconduct report contains the violation committed the completion of the period specified in the
by the inmate in reference to the rules, such reports following classifications: has served
are investigated and dealt with accordingly imprisonment with good conduct for a period
equivalent to 1/5 of the maximum term of his
Punishments imposed on prisoners convicted by the prison sentence or seven years in the case of
disciplinary board: reclusion perpetua.
a. Counsel and reprimand – A mild form of
punishment but an effective means of discipline Good conduct time allowance
for convicts who are known to comply with rules - is a reward for good conduct, diligence. A prisoner
and regulations. This serves as deterrent to may have his sentence diminished or reduced in a
mostly obedient inmates who are concerned to manner provided under the following circumstances.
improve their record while in prison. first 2 years of imprisonment - 20
b. Loss of Good Conduct Time Allowance – The days/month
good conduct time allowance is given to 3rd to the 5th year, inclusive, - 23 days/month
prisoners who have shown exemplary behavior until the 10th year, inclusive – 25 days/month
in prison. A reduction of sentence from 5 days, 8 eleventh and successive years – 30
days up to 15 days is given to the prisoner for days/month
every month of good behavior. In cases of
misconduct this privilege is forfeited. A prisoner who has attained the status of colonist or
c. Loss of privilege – for violations to the rule trustee under Act 2489 (Industrial Good Time Law)
book, the temporary cancellation of visitation may be given an additional of 5 days good conduct
privileges are meted 10 misbehaving convicts. time allowance for each month while he retains such
This is an effective deterrent for those who look classification.
forward to converse with their friends and loved
ones. Special Time Allowance for loyalty
d. Close Confinement – for those incorrigible Evasion of sentence by reason of disorder due to
prisoners when lighter punishments have been earthquakes, conflagration, floods or other similar
proven to be ineffectual; the use of bartolina for catastrophe. A reduction of
solitary confinement justified when a foreseen 1/5 of his sentence if prisoners leave and shall return,
danger to the convict or others is apparent. or surrender to authorities within 48 hours after
e. Reduced diet – this punishment must be given following the issuance or proclamation that said
with the supervision of the prison physician and calamity, mutiny, catastrophe has passed away or
must conform with United Nations Standards of elapsed.
not being a cruel and unusual punishment. 2/5 if he chose to stay.
f. The use of handcuff and leg irons – this only
utilized in cases where in the convict may harm Release of an Inmate: An Inmate or detainee may
himself or threaten to injure other inmates. be released from confinement based on:
a. Upon the expiration of sentence.
Classification of inmates as to entitlement of b. By order of the Court or of competent authority.
privilege: c. After being granted probation, parole or pardon.
a. Detainee.
b. Third Class Inmate - one who has either been The following persons are authorized to approve
previously committed for three or more times as or order the release of inmates:
a sentenced inmate, except those imprisoned for a. Supreme Court or lower courts, in cases of
nonpayment of a fine and who had been reduced grant of bail or of acquittal;
from a higher class. b. The President of the Philippines;
c. Second Class Inmate - a newly arrived inmate; c. Board of Pardons and Parole;
an inmate demoted from first class or one d. Director of the Bureau of Corrections upon
promoted from the third class. . expiration of the sentence of an inmate.
d. FirstClass Inmate - are those whose known
character and credit for work while in detention
Before the release of a detainee or inmate, he/she
shall be properly identified. His fingerprints and other ORGANIZATION OF THE BJMP: The Jail Bureau
identification marks shall be confirmed with those shall be headed by a chief who shall be assisted by
which were taken when he was admitted in prison, the deputy chief, as prescribed by RA 6975. It shall
and any change in his distinguishing marks since be composed of all city and municipal jails each
admission. Proper documentation is required prior to headed by a warden. The chief of the Jail Bureau
release. shall recommended to the Secretary of the DILG the
organization structure and staffing pattern of the
Inmates shall be released without delay, otherwise the BJMP as well as disciplinary machinery of the
erring authority may be held criminally liable. . Bureau.
committing a person on jail is to deprive him of following modes and guidelines shall be observed
liberty in order to protect society against crime, such when inmates are to be released from detention.
person is still entitled to certain rights even while in A. An inmate may be released through:
detention. These rights are: 1) Service of Sentence
a) The right to be treated as human being, and not 2) Order of the Court
to be subjected to corporal punishment; 3) Parole
b) The right to be informed of the regulations 4) Pardon
governing the detention center; 5) Amnesty
c) The right to adequate food, space and ventilation, B. Before an inmate is released, he shall be properly
rest and recreation; identified to ensure that he is the same person
d) The right to avail of medical, dental and other received and will be released. His marks and
health services; fingerprints shall be verified with those taken
e) The right to be visited by his counsel anytime; when he was received. any changes or
f) The right to practice his religious beliefs and differences in his distinguishing marks and scars
moral precepts; shall be investigated to ascertain his real identity
g) The right to vote unless disqualified by law; in order to prevent the mistaken release of
h) The right to separate detention facilities or cells another person.
particularly for women inmates; C. No inmate shall be released on a mere verbal
i) If a foreigner, the right to communicate with his order or an order relayed by telephone. The
embassy or consulate. release of an inmate by reason of acquittal,
dismissal of case, payment of fines and or
PRIVILEGES ALLOWED FOR INMATES - indemnity, or filing of bond shall be effected
Inmates may enjoy the following privileges: only upon receipt of the Release Order served by
a) To wear their own clothes while in confinement; the Court Process server. The Court Order shall
b) To write letters, subject to censorship, provided bear the full name of the inmate, the crime he
that expenses for such correspondence shall be was charged with, the criminal case number and
borne by them; such other details that will enable the Jail Officer
c) To receive visitors during visiting hours. to properly identify the inmate to be released.
However, visiting privileges may be denied in
accordance with the rules and whenever public Organization and Key Positions of the BJMP
safety so requires; The BJMP shall be respectively headed by a Chief
d) To receive books, letters, magazines, newspapers assisted by two (2) deputy chiefs,
and other periodicals that the jail authorities may one (1) for administration
allow; one (1) for operations
e) To be treated by their own doctor and dentist at Appointing Authority - President upon
their expense upon request from and approval by recommendation of the Secretary of the DILG from
appropriate authorities; among the qualified officers with at least the rank of
senior superintendent in the service:
Tour of duty – does not exceed 4 years probation officers worldwide in the form of
preliminary social investigation, interviewing, family
Chief of the Jail Bureau – director casework, foster home placement.
The second officers in command of the BJMP
Dep Chief for Admin - chief Due to his remarkable innovation to corrections he
superintendent was considered as the father of probation.
The third officer in command of the BJMP
Dep Chief for Operation - chief In 1887, a law was passed in providing for the
superintendent appointment of a probation officer for the city of
The fourth officers in command of the BJMP Boston.
Chief of Directorial Staff - chief
superintendent Edward N. Savage a former Boston chief of police
Directors of Directorial Staff – Senior Sup. was named as the first probation officer, employed
by the government.
THE PROBATION LAW The application for probation shall be in the form
PD 968 as amended by RA 10707 – Establishing a approved by the Secretary of Justice as
Probation System, appropriating funds therefor and recommended by the Administrator or as may be
for other purposes. prescribed by the Supreme Court. Official
application form or Xerox copy of the same may be
Probation as a disposition under which an accused, obtained or secured from any City or Provincial
after conviction and sentence, is released subject to Parole and Probation Office for free.
conditions imposed by the court and to the
supervision of a probation officer. The Trial Court may notify the concerned
Prosecuting Officer of the filing of the application at
It is a privilege granted by the court; it cannot be reasonable time it deems necessary, before the
availed of as a matter of right by a person convicted scheduled hearing thereof.
of a crime.
The Prosecuting Officer may submit his comment(s),
To be able to enjoy the benefits of probation, it must if any, on the application within a reasonable time
first be shown that an applicant has none of the given to him by the Trial Court from his receipt of
disqualifications imposed by law. the notice to comment
Policy Objectives and Declared Purposes of The Trial Court may direct the applicant to report to
Probation the proper Probation Office within seventy-two (72)
hours from his receipt of such order.
Effects of Filing and Receipt of Application for c. character,
Probation d. socio-economic status, and criminal records, if
The Trial Court may, upon receipt of the application any, of the applicant and
filed, suspend the execution of the sentence imposed e. the institutional and community resources
in the judgment. available for his rehabilitation.
Pending the submission of the PSIR and the Probation shall be denied if the court finds that:
resolution on the application, the applicant may be 1. the offender is in need of correctional treatment
allowed on temporary liberty under his bail filed in that can be provided most effectively by his
the criminal case: Provided, That, in case where no commitment to an institution; or
bail was filed or the applicant is incapable of filing 2. there is undue risk that during the period of
one, the trial court may allow the release of the probation the offender will commit another
applicant on recognizance to the custody of a crime; or
responsible member of the community who shall 3. probation will depreciate the seriousness of the
guarantee his appearance whenever required by the offense committed.
trial court.
In case applicant has a criminal record(s), such
Initial Interview Work Sheet should be verified with the proper government
Within 5 working days from receipt of said agency(ies) as to its disposition/resolution which
delegated assignment or self-assignment, the has/have to be properly reflected in the PSIR.
investigating Probation Officer on case or CPPO
shall initially interview the applicant if he appeared in For the sake of obtaining additional information or
the Probation Office upon response to the 72 hours clarify conflicting data, the investigating Probation
limitation given to him by the Trial Court. If not, the Officers on case may conduct further investigation
PO on case may write the applicant in his court given and interview to avoid discrepancies of
address, or personally visit applicant's place to facts/information.
schedule an initial interview at the PO.
The investigating Probation Officer on case or CPPO
During such initial interview, the Probation Officer shall assess and recommend or prescribe the suitable
on case or CPPO shall require the applicant to probation treatment and supervision program upon
accomplish and sign a Post-Sentence Investigation the applicant, if granted probation.
Work Sheet (PPA Form 1). The investigating
Probation Officer on case or CPPO shall conduct Absconding Applicant – If the applicant whose
further investigation based on the information application for probation has been given due course
contained therein. by the proper court has failed to present
himself/herself to the proper Office within 72 hours
During such initial interview, the Probation Officer from his/her receipt of the Probation Order or within
on case or CPPO shall require the applicant to reasonable time there from, said Office shall first
accomplish and sign a Post-Sentence Investigation exert best diligent efforts to inquire on, search, find
Work Sheet. The investigating Probation Officer on and locate his/her whereabouts before it shall report
case or CPPO shall conduct further investigation such fact with appropriate recommendation to the
based on the information contained therein. proper court, considering the surrounding
circumstances of place, date and time, his/her health
A Waiver-Cum-Authorization (PPA Form 2), condition and other related factors.
authorizing the PPA and/or the Probation Office to
secure any and all information on the applicant, shall POST- SENTENCE INVESTIGATION REPORT
be duly executed and signed by him. Submission of PSIR:
After the completion of the PSIR, the Probation
Scope and Extent of Investigation: Office shall submit such PSIR to the Trial Court
After accomplishing the PSI Work Sheet and the within the period of 60 days or within the period
Waiver-Cum-Authorization, the same shall be ordered by the Trial Court.
immediately submitted to the Probation Office. The
investigating Probation Officer on case or CPPO Purpose of PSIR:
shall conduct a thorough investigation on the; The PSIR aims to enable the Trial Court to determine
a. antecedents, whether or not the ends of justice and the best interest
b. mental and physical condition, of the public primarily, as well as that of the
applicant, would be served by the grant or denial of recommendation contained on the last page of the
the application. PSIR is persuasive in character addressed to the
sound discretion of the Trial Court considering that
The PSIR shall contain, among others, the following: the denial or grant of probation is a judicial function.
1. circumstances surrounding the crime or offense
for which the applicant was convicted and Signatories:
sentenced, taken from the applicant himself, The PSIR shall, as a rule be prepared by the
offended party and others, who might have investigating Probation Officer on case and approved
knowledge of the commission of the crime or by the CPPO. Both shall initial each and all the pages
offense, and pertinent information taken from the thereof, except the last page on which they shall affix
police and other law enforcement agencies, if their respective signatures.
any, and Trial Court records;
2. details of other criminal records, if any; FULL BLOWN COURTESY INVESTIGATION
3. personal circumstances, educational, economic AND TRANSFER OF CONDUCT OF REFERRAL
and socio-civic data and information about the INVESTIGATION
4. characteristics of applicant, employable skills, Its Nature and Coverage
employment history, collateral information; Full Blown Courtesy Investigation (FBCI) - is a
5. evaluation and analysis of the applicant's General Courtesy Investigation from another City
suitability and legal capacity for probation and or Provincial Parole and Probation Office which
his potential for rehabilitation, reform, requests for a complete PSIR on a petition for
development, transformation and re-integration probation pending referral investigation in the
into the community; Probation Office of origin. It shall take place when
6. recommendation to: upon initial investigation it is gathered that,
a. grant the application, including 1. Applicant for probation is a transient offender in
probation period, probation conditions the place of commission of the crime and/or a
and probation treatment and supervision permanent resident of another place;
plan/program; or 2. He spent his pre-adolescent and/or adolescent
b. deny the application; life in the province or city of origin;
7. data and information on the applicant's financial 3. He attended and/or finished his education
condition and capacity to pay, his civil liability, thereat; and
if any; 4. His immediate family members, collateral
8. results of findings of drug, psychological and informants or disinterested persons and officials
clinical tests conducted, if any; who can best authenticate the inter-family
9. results of criminal records, if any, whether relationship, upbringing, behavior of the
decided or still pending furnished by various law applicant for probation in the community are
enforcement agencies tapped by the Probation residents of the place of his origin.
Office for such purpose;
10. result(s) of courtesy investigation, whether Transfer of Referral Investigation
GCI/FBCI or PCI if any, conducted in the birth When proper under the immediately preceding
place or place of origin of applicant especially if section and warranted under the circumstances, a
he plans to reside thereat while on probation, if FBCI, may be brought to the attention of the Trial
ever his application will be granted; and Court to transfer the conduct of the referral
11. other analogous and related matters. investigation to the Probation Office of the province
or city of origin of applicant for probation.
To obtain additional data or clarify discrepancies
between the information received from the applicant Transfer to the Executive Judge
and those secured from other sources, the In case of the suitability for probation of the applicant
investigating Probation Officer and/or Chief Parole for probation, it shall be recommended in the PSIR
and Probation Officer may conduct such subsequent by the Probation Office, that simultaneous with the
or further interviews on the applicant and/or other grant of probation, the control over the applicant and
persons as may be deemed proper and necessary. his probation rehabilitation program be transferred to
the Honorable Executive Judge of the RTC of the
Nature of Recommendation: Province or City of origin subject to the actual
The entire PSIR submitted to the Trial Court is visitation and supervision of the Probation Officer of
recommendatory in nature and the final said province or city.
probation at such time and place as may be
General Courtesy Investigation specified by the Probation Office.
All other General Courtesy Investigation not falling Other Conditions. The Probation order may also
within the purview of a FBCI to be conducted by require the probationer, inappropriate cases, to:
another Probation Office shall be known as Partial 1. cooperate with his program of probation
Courtesy Investigation (PCI) which should no longer treatment and supervision;
be brought to the attention of the Trial Court for the 2. meet his family responsibilities;
transfer of the conduct of the referral investigation in 3. devote himself to a specific employment and
order to facilitate immediate and thorough not to change said employment without prior
investigation of cases, and to save time, effort and written approval of the CPPO;
money 4. undergo medical, or psychological, or
clinical, or drug or psychiatric examinations
PROBATION ORDER: and treatment and remain in a specified
The application for probation shall be resolved by the institution, when required for that purpose;
Trial Court not later than fifteen (15) days from the 5. comply with a program of payment of civil
date of its receipt of the PSIR. liability to the offended party or his heirs,
when required by the Trial Court as
Nature of Probation: Effect of the Grant of embodied in its decision or resolution;
Probation 6. pursue a prescribed secular study or
Probation is but a mere privilege and as such, its vocational training;
grant or denial rests solely upon the sound of 7. attend or reside in a facility established for
discretion of the Trial Court. After its grant it instruction, recreation or residence of
becomes a statutory right and its hall only be persons on probation;
canceled or revoked for cause and after due notice 8. refrain from visiting houses of ill - repute;
and hearing. 9. abstain from drinking intoxicating beverages
to excess;
The grant of probation has the effect of suspending 10. permit the Supervising Probation Officer on
the execution of sentence. The Trial Court shall order case or an authorized social workers to visit
the release of the probationer's cash or property bond his home and place of work;
upon which he was allowed temporary liberty as well 11. reside at premises approved by the Trial
as release the custodian on ROR from his Court and not to change his residence
undertaking. without prior written approval of said court;
Effectivity of Probation Order: A probation order and/or
shall take effect upon its issuance, at which time the 12. satisfy any other conditions related to his
court shall inform the offender of the consequence rehabilitation into a useful citizen which is
thereat and explain that upon his failure to comply not unduly restrictive of his liberty or
with any of the conditions prescribed in the said order incompatible with his freedom of
or his commission of another offense under which he conscience.
was placed on probation.7
Indemnification:Payment for civil liability shall be
Upon receipt of the Probation Order granting done using the following modes:
probation the same shall be entered in a Docket Book 1. Payment can be given to the Clerk of Court of
for proper recording. An order of denial shall be the Trial Court, who will in return hand over the
docketed as well. sum to the victim who shall issue a
corresponding receipt; a copy of which should be
Finality: The Order of the court granting or denying given by the probationer to the Probation Office
probation shall NOT be appealable. in order to monitor such payment;
2. Payment may be deposited by the probationer to
TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PROBATION the victim’s account where the bankbook is kept
Mandatory Conditions at the Probation Office to be given to the victim
A Probation order shall require the probationer: for his proper disposition;
1. to present himself to the Probation Office for 3. Payment can be effected directly to the victim
supervision within 72 hours from receipt of said and the receipt must be filed in the supervision
order; and record of the probationer kept at the Probation
2. to report to the assigned probation officer on case Office. Further, that the practice of giving the
at least once a month during the period of payment to the Supervising Probation Officer on
case (or the CPPO) to be remitted to the victim, Outside Travel: A Probation Officer may authorize
although with receipts, should be highly a probationer to travel outside his area of
discouraged and discontinued out rightly. operational/territorial jurisdiction for a period of
more than ten (10) days but not exceeding thirty
The primary purposes of probation supervision are to:
1. ensure the probationer's compliance with the A Probationer who seeks to travel for up to thirty
probation conditions specified in the Probation (30) days outside the operational/territorial
Order and the prescribed probation treatment and jurisdiction of the Probation Office shall file at least
supervision program/plan; five (5) days before the intended travel schedule
2. manage the process of the probationer's
rehabilitation and re-integration into the If the requested outside travel is for more than thirty
community; and (30) days, said request shall be recommended by the
3. provide guidance for the probationer's CPPO and submitted to the Trial Court for
transformation and development into a useful approval.
citizen for his eventual reintegration to the
mainstream of society. Outside travel for a cumulative duration of more
than thirty (30) days within a period of six (6)
Commencement of Supervision Service months shall be considered as a courtesy
Supervision service shall commence on the day of supervision.
initial interview or reporting of a probationer. Such
fact shall be duly noted in the case notes of the Absconding Probationer:
Probationer. A probationer who has not reported for initial
supervision within the prescribed period and/or
Initial Report: Upon the probationer's appearance whose whereabouts could not be found, located or
for his initial supervision, the Supervising Probation determined despite best diligent efforts within
Officer on case, or CPPO himself shall: reasonable period of time shall be declared by the
1. give instructions to the client using PPA Form 4 proper Office as an absconding probationer.
(instruction to probationer) in order to reinforce
probationer’s awareness of the probation Thereafter said Office shall file with the proper court
conditions specified in the Probation Order in a a Violation Report, containing its findings and
language or dialect understood by him; recommendation, duly prepared and signed by the
2. formulate with the client, the supervision Supervising Parole and Probation Officer and duly
treatment plan; and noted by the Chief Parole and Probation Officer.
3. carry out other related activities
Period of Probation:
Upon receipt of a copy of PPA Form No. 4, and a not more than 1 year 2 years
copy of the Probation Order on a particular more than one year - shall not exceed 2 years.
probationer the Probation Office through the CPPO
shall immediately assign the probation supervision When the sentence imposes a fine only and the
case to his subordinate Probation Officer. offender is made to serve subsidiary imprisonment in
case of insolvency, the period of probation shall not
Failure to Report to Probation Officer After 72 be less than nor to be more than twice the total
Hours: number of days of subsidiary imprisonment.
In the event that the probationer does not report for
initial supervision within the prescribed period after Dual aspect in probation supervision.
the Probation Order has been released by the Trial 1. Authoritarian – deals with the enforcement of
Court, or his whereabouts are unknown, the the conditions imposed by the court in the
Probation Officer shall exert his best efforts to find probation order
said probationer and conduct such field inquiry as is 2. The guidance aspect – to direct the probationer
necessary within a reasonable period of time, before to live a law abiding life and be a productive
considering the fact that the subject has absconded member of the community.
amounting to a violation of a probation condition,
requiring the preparation and submission of a Supervision in probation involves two concepts
Violation Report (PPA Form 8) to the Trial Court. namely;
1. Operational supervision – refers to the joint power with respect to him that was previously
processes that take place between the probation possessed by the court which granted the probation.
officer and the probationer from the time
probation is granted until its due termination. Revocation of Probation. At any time during
2. Administrative supervision – refers to the probation, the court may issue a warrant for the arrest
relationship between the probation officer and of a probationer for any serious violation of the
the assistant probation officers during the conditions of probation. The probationer, once
conduct of operational supervision. arrested and detained, shall immediately be brought
before the court for a hearing of the violation
Levels of Supervision- The classification of charged. The defendant may be admitted to bail
supervision are as follows: pending such hearing. In such case, the provisions
a) Minimum- (green plan card) minimal regarding release on bail of persons charged with
attention is required and the probationer is crime shall be applicable to probationers arrested
ordered to report once a month to the under this provision. An order revoking the grant of
probation officer. probation or modifying the terms and conditions
b) Medium- (yellow plan card) - the probationer thereof shall not be appealable.
is in need of moderate attention and required
to report at least twice a month to the Termination of Probation: After the period of
probation office. probation and upon consideration of the report and
c) Maximum- (red plan card) this indicates that recommendation of the probation officer, the court
the person placed under probation is in need of may order the final discharge of the probationer upon
considerable attention and guidance. More finding that he has fulfilled the terms and conditions
than twice a month reporting is required in of his probation and thereupon the case is deemed
such cases. terminated. The final discharge of the probationer
shall restore his civil rights which were suspended
Modification of Conditions of Probation: During during the period of probation. At this point all civil
the period of probation, the court may, upon and criminal liability on the part of the probationer
application of either the probationers or the probation shall be extinguished.
officer, revise or modify the conditions or period of
probation. The court shall notify either the Volunteer Probation Assistants (VPAs)
probationer or the probation officer of the filing of To assist the Chief Probation and Parole Officers in
such an application so as to give both parties an the supervised treatment program of the probationers,
opportunity to be heard thereon. the Probation Administrator may appoint VPA’s,
Change in the period or conditions of probation may a. Citizens of good repute and probity, who have
be considered when any of the following the willingness, aptitude and capability to act as
circumstances exists: VPAs;
a) Conditions are no longer appropriate to serve b. Preferably twenty- five (25) years old and above;
the ends of rehabilitation. c. Preferably a resident of the same community as
b) The performance of the probationer warrants the client;
reduction or extension of the period of d. Willing to serve without compensation;
probation. e. Capable to prepare reports;
c) Violations occurs which does not require f. No criminal conviction, however, former clients
revocation of probation. with exemplary behavior fit to be role models
d) The probationer has requested modification of may be considered; and
the probation order. g. Of good health.
The indeterminate sentence allowed the authorities to There are two kinds of pardon as exercised in the
observe the behavior and attitudes of the offender Philippines, namely absolute and conditional.
while he was serving his sentence, and in particular Absolute Pardon – It is given without any condition
the way in which these changed for the better; it attached to it. Its grant carries with total extinction
provided an incentive to the prisoner to improve, in of criminal liability and designed for the following
order to convince the authorities that he was ready for purposes:
release. In addition to contributing in this way to the 1. To do away with the miscarriage of justice.
rehabilitation of the offender, the indeterminate 2. To restore full political and civil rights of
sentence had a number of administrative advantages persons who have already served their sentence.
to the prison authorities. It provided a powerful 3. To keep abreast with current philosophy in the
sanction against misbehavior--a prisoner who was administration of the criminal justice system.
violent or disruptive in prison knew that he risked
losing the chance of release; it allowed the authorities Limitations on the pardoning power:
to compensate for disparities in the sentences a. Pardon cannot be extended to cases of
imposed by judges (often believed to be a source of impeachment.
friction and discontent among prisoners); and it b. No pardon, parole or suspension of sentence for
provided a means by which the population of the the violation of any election law may be granted
prisons could be kept within limits. without favorable recommendations by the
Commission on Election.
The essential requisites of parole are as follows: c. It may only be granted by the president after
3. That the offender is convicted. conviction.
4. That he serves part of his sentence in prison.
5. That he is released before the full expiration of Conditional Pardon: It serves for the purpose of
his sentence. releasing rehabilitated and reformed convicts who are
6. That said release is conditional, dependent on his not eligible for parole.
good behavior. - A conditional Pardoned when delivered and
7. That he remains on parole until the expiration of accepted is considered as a social Contract
his maximum sentence or until he receives a final between the convict and the sovereign power of
discharge from parole. the executive that the latter will release the
FORMS OF EXECUTIVE CLEMENCY - In granting of conditional pardon the condition
Pardon: It is a form of executive clemency which is usually imposed upon the Convict is that "he
an act exercised by the President which exempting an shall not commit any felony or violate the Penal
individual on whom it is bestowed from the laws of the Philippines."
punishment the law inflicts for the crime he has It is commenced by a petition for either the convict or
committed. his/her family or upon recommendation of proper
- This is a privilege and only vested within the authorities to the Board of Pardons and Parole. Upon
powers of the chief executive and not subject to determination of sufficient service or length of
review. imprisonment and the prisoner's potential to become
a responsible member of society, the board will
endorse the favorable recommendation to the Reprieve: It is the temporary stay in the execution of
president. the sentence. The execution is set backwards to
enable the President to review the merits of the case
Abuse of Pardoning Powers and Safeguards: and to determine proper punishment for the convict.
To curtail or prevent the instances wherein the It is exercised only by the president only after
President may abuse his pardoning power by conviction.
indiscriminately granting of pardon to the detriment
of social order, the constitution mandates that abuse The Board of Pardon and Parole
of power is an impeachable offense. And in addition, Policy Objectives
as practiced before only cases or petition which have To uplift and redeem valuable human material to
been favorably endorsed by the Board of Pardon and economic usefulness and to prevent unnecessary and
Parole may be granted. But said matter is not entirely excessive deprivation of personal liberty by way of
binding on the president but only serve as a means of parole or through executive clemency.
decency in office.
Towards this end, the Board undertakes the
Amnesty: It is a general pardon extended to a group following:
or classes of persons and is exercised by the chief a. Looks into the physical, mental and moral
executive, with the concurrence of congress. It is records of prisoners who are eligible for parole
usually given to political offenders. Its purpose is to or any form of executive clemency and
bring about the return of dissidents and recalcitrant determines the proper time of release of such
members of our population to their homes and prisoners on parole;
resumption of their lawful pursuits. b. Assists in the full rehabilitation of individuals on
parole or those under conditional pardon with
Pardon and Amnesty distinguished: parole conditions, by way of parole supervision;
1. Pardon includes any crime and is exercised by and,
the President exclusively and individually, while c. Recommends to the President of the Philippines
amnesty is a blanket pardon to classes of the grant of any form of executive clemency to
persons or communities who may be guilty of prisoners other than those entitled to parole.
political offenses.
2. Pardon is given only after conviction while National Prisoner Confined in a Local Jail.
amnesty may be exercised even before The Board may not consider the release on
investigation, trial or conviction. pardon/parole of a national prisoner who is serving
3. In granting pardon the president may wish to do sentence in a municipal, city, district or provincial jail
so without any consent. In amnesty its final grant unless the confinement in said jail is in good faith or
needs the concurrence of congress. due to circumstances beyond the prisoner’s control.
WHEREAS, one of the major goals of the Probation may be granted whether the sentence
government is to establish a more enlightened and imposes a term of imprisonment or a line only. An
humane correctional system that will promote the application for probation shall be filed with the trill
reformation of orders and thereby reduce the court, with notice to the appellate court if an appeal
incidence of recidivism; has been taken from the sentence of conviction. The
filing of an application shall be deemed a waiver of
the right to appeal, or the automatic withdrawal of a a. Sentenced to serve a maximum term of
pending appeal. imprisonment of more than six years;
b. Convicted of any offense against the security of
An order granting or denying probation shall not be the State;
appealable. c. Who have previously been convicted by final
judgment of an offense punished by
SEC. 5 Post-sentence investigation - No person imprisonment of not less than one month and one
shall be placed on probation except upon prior day and/or a fine of not less than Two Hundred
investigation by the probation officer and Pesos;
determination by the court that the ends of justice and d. Who have been once on probation under the
the best interest of the public as well as that of the provisions of this Decree; and
defendant will be served thereby. e. Who are already serving sentence at the same
SEC. 6 Form of Investigation Report - The time the substantive provisions of this Decree
investigation report to be submitted by the probation becal11e applicable Pursuant to Section 33
officer under Section 5 hereof shall be in the form hereof.
prescribed by the Probation Administrator and
approved by the Secretary of Justice. SEC. 10 Conditions of Probation - Every probation
order issued by the court shall contain conditions
SEC. 7 Period for submission of investigation requiring that the probationer shall;
Report - The probation officer shall submit to the a. Present himself to the probation officer
court the Investigation report on a defendant not designated to undertake his provision at such
later than sixty days from receipt of the order and place as may be specified in the order within
said court to conduct the investigation. The court seventy-two hours from receipt of said order.
shal1 resolve the petition for probation not later than b. Report to the probation officer at least once a
15 days after the receipt of said report: month at such time and place as specified by said
Pending submission of the investigation report and
the resolution of the petition, the defendant may be The court may also require the probationer to:
allowed to temporary liberty under his bail tiled In a. Cooperate with a program of supervision;
the criminal case; Provide, that, In case where no bail b. Meet his family responsibilities;
was tiled or that the defendant is incapable of filing c. Devote himself to a specific employment and not
one, the court may allow the release of the defendant to change said employment without the prior
on a recognizance to the custody of a responsible written approval of the probation officer;
member of the community who shall guarantee his d. Undergo medical, psychological or psychiatric
appearance whenever required by the court. examination and treatment and enter and remain
in a specified Institution, when require for that
SEC. 8 Criteria for Placing an Offender on purpose;
Probation - In determining whether an offender may e. Pursue a proscribed secular study or vocational
be placed on probation in the court shall consider all training;
information relative to the character, antecedents, f. Attend or reside in a facility established for
environment, mental and physical condition of the instruction, recreation or residence of persons on
offender, and available institutional and community probation;
resources. Probation shall be denied if the court finds g. Refrain from visiting houses of ill repute;
that: h. Abstain from drinking intoxicating beverages to
a. The offender is in need of correctional treatment excess;
that can be provided most effectively by his i. Permit the probation officer or an authorized
commitment to an institution; or social worker to visit his home and place of
b. There is an undue risk that during the period of work;
probation the offender will commit another j. Reside at premises approved by it and not to
crime; or change his residence without its prior written
c. Probation will depreciate the seriousness of the approval; or
offense committed. k. Satisfy any other condition related to the
rehabilitation of the defendant and not unduly
SEC. 9 Disqualified Offenders - The benefits of this restrictive of his liberty or incompatible with his
Decree shall not be extended to those: freedom of conscience.
SEC. 11 Effectively of Probation Order - A probation may issue a warrant for the arrest of a probationer for
order shall take effect upon its issuance at which time violation of any of the conditions of probation. The
the court snail inform the offender of the probationer, once arrested and detained, shall
consequences thereof and explain that upon his immediately be brought before the court for a
failure to comply with any of the conditions hearing, which may be Informed and summary, of the
prescribed in the said order or his commission of violation charged. The defendant may be admitted to
another offence, he shall serve the penalty imposed bail pending such hearing. In such a case, the
for the offense under which he was placed on provisions regarding release on bail of persons
probation. charged with a crime shall be applicable to
probationers arrested under this provision. If revoked,
SEC. 12 Modification of conditions of Probation - the court shall order the probationer to serve the
During the period of probation, the court may, upon sentence originally imposed. An order revoking the
application of either the probationer or the probation grant of probation or modifying the terms and
officer, revise or modify the conditions or period of conditions thereof shall not be responsible.
probation. The court shall notify either the probation
or the probation officer of the filing of such an SEC. 16 Termination of Probation - After the period
application so as to give both parties an opportunity of probation and upon consideration of the report and
to be heard thereon. recommendation of the probation officer, the court
may order the final discharge of the probationer upon
The court shall inform in writing the probation officer finding that he has fulfilled the terms and conditions
and probationer of any change in the period or of his probation and thereupon the case is deemed
conditions of probation. terminated.
The final discharge of the probationer shall operate to
SEC. 13 Control and Supervision of Probationer - restore to him all civil rights lost or suspended as a
The probationer and his probation program shall be result of his conviction and to fully discharge his
under the control of the court who placed him on liability for any fine imposed as to the offense for
probation subject to actual supervision and visitation which probation was granted.
by a probation officer.
The probationer and the probation officer shall each
Whenever a probationer is permitted to reside in a be furnished with a copy of such order.
place under the jurisdiction of another court, control SEC. 17 Confidentiality of Records. - The
over him shall be transferred to the Executive Judge investigation report and the supervision history of a
of the Court of First instance of that place, and in probationer obtained under this Decree shall be
such a case, a copy of the probation order, the privileged and shall not be disclosed directly or
investigation report and other pertinent records shall indirectly to anyone other than the Probation
be furnished said Executive Judge. There after the Administration or the court concerned, except that the
Executive Judge to whom Jurisdiction over the court, in Its discretion, may permit the probationer or
probationer is transferred shall have the power with his attorney to Inspect the aforementioned documents
respect to him that was previously possessed by the of parts thereof whenever the best interest of the
court which granted the probation. Probationer makes such disclosure desirable of
helpful; Provided, Further, That, any government
SEC. 14 Period of Probation officer or agency engaged in the correction or
(a) The period of probation of a defendant sentenced rehabilitation of offenders may, if necessary, obtain
to a term of imprisonment of not more than one year copies of said documents for its official use from the
shall not exceed two years, and in all other cases, said proper court or the Administration.
period shall not exceed six years.
(b) When the sentence imposes a fine only and the SEC. 10 The Probation Administration - There is
offender is made to serve subsidiary Imprisonment In hereby created under the Department of Justice an
case of insolvency, the period of probation shall not agency to be known as the probation Administration
be less than nor be more than twice the total number herein referred to as the Administration, which shall
of days of subsidiary imprisonment as computed at exercise general supervision over all probationers.
the rate established in Article thirty-nine of the The Administration shall have such staff, operating
Revised Penal Code, as amended. . units and personnel as may be necessary for the
proper execution of the functions.
SEC. 15 Arrest of Probationer; Subsequent
Disposition - At any time during probation, the court
SEC. 19 Probation Administrator - The pattern established under the Integrated
Administration shall be headed by the Probation Reorganization Plan.
Administrator, herein after referred to as the
Administrator, who shall be appointed by the Such regional offices shall be headed by a Regional
President of the Philippines. He shall hold office Probation Officer who shall be appointed by the
during good behavior and shall not be removed President of the Philippines in accordance with the
except for cause; Integrated Reorganization Plan and upon the
recommendation of the Secretary of Justice.
The Administrator shall receive an annual salary of at
least forty thousand pesos. His powers and duties The Regional Probation Officer shall exercise
shall be to: supervision and control over all probation officers
(a) Act as the executive officer of the within his jurisdiction and such duties as may be
Administration; assigned to him' by the Administrator. He shall have
(b) Exercise supervision and control over all an annual salary of at least twenty-four thousand
probation officers; pesos.
(c) Make annual reports to the Secretary of Justice,
in such form as the latter may prescribe, He shall, whenever necessary, be assisted by an
concerning the operation, administration and Assistant Regional Probation Officer who shall also
improvement of the probation system; be appointed by the President of the Philippines,
(d) Promulgate, subject to the approval of the upon recommendation of the Secretary of Justice,
Secretary of Justice, the necessary rules relative with an annual salary of twenty thousand pesos.
to the methods and procedures of the probation SEC. 23 Provincial and City Probation Officers -
process; There shall be at least one probation officer in each
(e) Recommend to the Secretary of Justice the province, all city who shall be appointed by the
appointment of the subordinate personnel of his Secretary of Justice upon recommendation of the
Administration and other offices established in Administrator and in accordance with civil service
this Decree, and law and rules.
(f) Generally, perform such duties and exercise such
powers as may be necessary for incidental to The Provincial or City Probation Officer shall receive
achieve the objectives of this Decree. an annual salary of at least eighteen thousand and
four, hundred pesos.
SEC. 20 Assistant Probation Administrator - There
shall be an Assistant Probation Administrator who His duties shall be to:
shall assist the Administrator and perform such duties (b) Investigate all persons referred to him for
as may be assigned to him by the latter and as may be Investigation by the proper court or the
provided by law. In the absence of the Administrator, Administrator;
he shall act as head of the Administration. . (c) Instruct all probationers under the supervision
or that of the probation aide on terms and
SEC. 21 Qualifications of the Administrator and conditions of their probation;
Assistant Probation. (d) Keep himself Inform\!d of the conduct and
condition of probationers under his charge and
Administrator - To be eligible for appointment as use all suitable methods to bring about an
Administrator or Assistant Probation Administrator, a improvement In their conduct and condition;
person must be at least thirty five years of age, holder (e) Maintain a detailed record of his work and
of a master's degree or its equivalent in either submit such written reports as may be required
criminology, social work, corrections, penology, by the Administration or the court having
psychology, sociology, public administration, law, Jurisdiction over the probationer under his
police science, police administration, or related supervision.
fields, and should have at least five years of (f) Prepare a list of qualified residents of the
supervisory experience, or be a member of the province or city where he is assigned who are
Philippine Bar with at least seven years of willing to act as probation aides;
supervisory experience. (g) Supervise the training of probation sides and
oversee the latter's supervision of probationers;
SEC. 22 Regional Office; Regional Probation Officer (h) Exercise supervision and control over all field
- The Administration shall have regional offices assistants, probation aides and other personnel;
organized in accordance with the field service area and
(i) Perform such duties as may be assigned by the Administrator. Their qualifications and maximum
court or the Administration. caseloads shall be provided in the rules promulgated
pursuant to this Decree.
SEC. 24 Miscellaneous Powers of Provincial and
City Probation Officers - Provincial or City Probation SEC. 29 Violation of Confidential Nature of
Officers shall have the authority within their Probation Records. The penalty of imprisonment
territorial jurisdiction to administer oaths and ranging from six months and one day to six years and
acknowledgements and to take depositions In a fine ranging from six thousand pesos shall be
connection with their duties and functions under this imposed upon any person who violates Section 17
Decree. They shall also have, with respect to hereof.
probationers under their care, the powers of a police
officer. SEC. 30 Appropriations- There is hereby authorized
the appropriation of the sum of six Million Five
SEC. 25 Qualifications of Regional, Assistant Hundred Thousand Pesos or so much as may be
Regional. Provincial, and City Probation Officers - necessary, out of any of the funds of the National
No persons shall be appointed Regional or Assistant Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to carry out the
Regional or Provincial or City Probation Officer purposes of this Decree. Thereafter, the amount of at
unless he possesses at least a bachelor's degree with least Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand Pesos or so
major in social work, sociology, psychology, much as may be necessary shall be included in the
criminology, penology, corrections, police science, annual appropriations of the National Government.
police administration, or related fields and has at least
three years of experience in work requiring any of the SEC. 31.Repealing Clause. - All provisions of
above mentioned disciplines, or is a member of the existing laws, orders and regulations contrary or
Philippine Bar with at least three year of supervisory inconsistent with this Decree are hereby
experience. repealed or modified accordingly. .
Whenever practicable, the Provincial or City SEC. 32 Separability of Provisions. - If any part,
Probation Officer shall be appointed from among section or provision of this Decree shall be held
qualified residents of the province or city where he invalid or unconstitutional, no other parts, sections or
will be assigned to work. provisions hereof shall be affected thereby.
SEC. 33 Effectivity. This Decree shall take effect
SEC. 26 Organization - Within twelve months from upon its approval: Provided, However, That, the
the approval of this Decree, the Secretary of Justice application of its substantive provisions concerning
shall organize the administrative structure of the the grant of probation shall only take effect twelve
Administration and the other agencies created herein. months after the certification by the Secretary of
During said period he shall also determine the Justice to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court that
staffing patterns of the regional provincial and city the administrative structure of the Probation
probation offices with the end in view of achieving Administration and of the other agencies has been
maximum efficiency and economy in the operations organized.
of the probation system.
Done in the City of Manila, this 24th day of July in
SEC. 27 Field Assistants, Subordinate Personnel. the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy
Provincial or city probation officers shall be assisted six.
by such field assistants and subordinate personnel as
may be necessary to enable them to carry out their REPUBLIC ACT No. 10707
SEC. 28 Probation Aides. To assist the Provincial or THE “PROBATION LAW OF 1976”, AS
city probation officers in the supervision of AMENDED
probationers, The probation Administrator may
appoint citizens of good repute and probity to act as SECTION 1. Section 4 of Presidential Decree No.
probation aides. 968, as amended, is hereby further amended to read
Probation aides shall not receive any regular as follows:
compensation for services except for reasonable
travel allowance. They shall hold office for such “SEC. 4. Grant of Probation. — Subject to the
period as may be determined by the Probation provisions of this Decree, the trial court may, after it
shall have convicted and sentenced a defendant for a 4. who have been once on probation under the
probationable penalty and upon application by said provisions of this Decree; and
defendant within the period for perfecting an appeal, 5. who are already serving sentence at the time the
suspend the execution of the sentence and place the substantive provisions of this Decree became
defendant on probation for such period and upon such applicable pursuant to Section 33 hereof.”
terms and conditions as it may deem best. No
application for probation shall be entertained or SECTION 3. Section 16 of the same Decree, as
granted if the defendant has perfected the appeal from amended, is hereby further amended to read as
the judgment of conviction: Provided, That when a follows:
judgment of conviction imposing a non-probationable “SEC. 16. Termination of Probation. — After the
penalty is appealed or reviewed, and such judgment period of probation and upon consideration of the
is modified through the imposition of a probationable report and recommendation of the probation officer,
penalty, the defendant shall be allowed to apply for the court may order the final discharge of the
probation based on the modified decision before such probationer upon finding that he has fulfilled the
decision becomes final. The application for probation terms and conditions of his probation and thereupon
based on the modified decision shall be filed in the the case is deemed terminated.
trial court where the judgment of conviction
imposing a non-probationable penalty was rendered, “The final discharge of the probationer shall operate
or in the trial court where such case has since been to restore to him all civil rights lost or suspended as a
re-raffled. In a case involving several defendants result of his conviction and to totally extinguish his
where some have taken further appeal, the other criminal liability as to the offense for which
defendants may apply for probation by submitting a probation was granted.
written application and attaching thereto a certified
true copy of the judgment of conviction. “The probationer and the probation officer shall each
be furnished with a copy of such order.”
“The trial court shall, upon receipt of the application
filed, suspend the execution of the sentence imposed SECTION 4. Section 24 of the same Decree is
in the judgment. hereby amended to read as follows:
“This notwithstanding, the accused shall lose the “SEC. 24. Miscellaneous Powers of Regional,
benefit of probation should he seek a review of the Provincial and City Probation Officers. — Regional,
modified decision which already imposes a Provincial or City Probation Officers shall have the
probationable penalty. authority within their territorial jurisdiction to
administer oaths and acknowledgments and to take
“Probation may be granted whether the sentence depositions in connection with their duties and
imposes a term of imprisonment or a fine only. The functions under this Decree. They shall also have,
filing of the application shall be deemed a waiver of with respect to probationers under their care, the
the right to appeal. powers of a police officer. They shall be considered
as persons in authority.”
“An order granting or denying probation shall not be
appealable.” SECTION 5. Section 27 of the same Decree is
hereby amended to read as follows:
SECTION 2. Section 9 of the same Decree, as
amended, is hereby further amended to read as “SEC. 27. Field Assistants, Subordinate Personnel. –
follows: Regional, Provincial or City Probation Officers shall
“SEC. 9. Disqualified Offenders. — The benefits of be assisted by such field assistants and subordinate
this Decree shall not be extended to those: personnel as may be necessary to enable them to
1. sentenced to serve a maximum term of carry out their duties effectively.”
imprisonment of more than six (6) years;
2. convicted of any crime against the national SECTION 6. Section 28 of the same Decree is
security; hereby amended to read as follows:
3. who have previously been convicted by final
judgment of an offense punished by “SEC. 28. Volunteer Probation Assistants (VPAs). —
imprisonment of more than six (6) months and To assist the Chief Probation and Parole Officers in
one (1) day and/or a fine of more than one the supervised treatment program of the probationers,
thousand pesos (P1,000.00); the Probation Administrator may appoint citizens of
good repute and probity, who have the willingness, sentence with four-fifths of the time during which he
aptitude, and capability to act as VPAs. has undergone preventive imprisonment.
“VPAs shall not receive any regular compensation "Credit for preventive imprisonment for the penalty
except for reasonable transportation and meal of reclusion perpetua shall be deducted from thirty
allowances, as may be determined by the Probation (30) years.
Administrator, for services rendered as VPAs.
"Whenever an accused has undergone preventive
“They shall hold office for a two (2)-year term which imprisonment for a period equal to the possible
may be renewed or recalled anytime for a just cause. maximum imprisonment of the offense charged to
Their functions, qualifications, continuance in office which he may be sentenced and his case is not yet
and maximum case loads shall be further prescribed terminated, he shall be released immediately
under the implementing rules and regulations of this without prejudice to the continuation of the trial
Act. thereof or the proceeding on appeal, if the same is
under review. Computation of preventive
“There shall be a reasonable number of VPAs in imprisonment for purposes of immediate release
every regional, provincial, and city probation office. under this paragraph shall be the actual period of
In order to strengthen the functional relationship of detention with good conduct time allowance:
VPAs and the Probation Administrator, the latter Provided, however, That if the accused is absent
shall encourage and support the former to organize without justifiable cause at any stage of the trial, the
themselves in the national, regional, provincial, and court may motu proprio order the rearrest of the
city levels for effective utilization, coordination, and accused: Provided, finally, That recidivists, habitual
sustainability of the volunteer program.” delinquents, escapees and persons charged with
GOOD CONDUCT TIME ALLOWANCE heinous crimes are excluded from the coverage of
this Act. In case the maximum penalty to which the
REPUBLIC ACT No. 10592 - An act amending accused may be sentenced is lestierro, he shall be
articles 29, 94, 97, 98 and 99 of Act. 3815. (credit of released after thirty (30) days of preventive
preventive imprisonment and good conduct time imprisonment."
Partial extinction of criminal liability. – Criminal
Period of preventive imprisonment deducted from liability is extinguished partially:
term of imprisonment 1. By conditional pardon;
– Offenders or accused who have undergone 2. By commutation of the sentence; and
preventive imprisonment shall be credited in the 3. For good conduct allowances which the culprit
service of their sentence consisting of deprivation of may earn while he is undergoing preventive
liberty, with the full time during which they have imprisonment or serving his sentence."
undergone preventive imprisonment if the detention
prisoner agrees voluntarily in writing after being Allowance for good conduct. – The good conduct of
informed of the effects thereof and with the any offender qualified for credit for preventive
assistance of counsel to abide by the same imprisonment pursuant to Article 29 of this Code, or
disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted prisoners, of any convicted prisoner in any penal institution,
except in the following cases: rehabilitation or detention center or any other local
a. When they are recidivists jail shall entitle him to the following deductions from
b. An accused who has been convicted previously the period of his sentence:
twice or more times of any crime a. first two years - twenty days for each month
c. An accused who, upon being summoned for the b. third to the fifth year - twenty-three days for each
execution of their sentence they have failed to month
surrender voluntarily before a court of law c. following years until the tenth year - twenty-five
d. Habitual delinquents days for each month
e. Escapees; and d. eleventh and successive years - thirty days for
f. PDL charge of heinous crimes. each month
e. At any time during the period of imprisonment -
"If the detention prisoner does not agree to abide by fifteen days for each month of study, teaching or
the same disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted mentoring service time rendered.
prisoners, he shall do so in writing with the assistance
of a counsel and shall be credited in the service of his
The following are DISQUALIFIED to avail GCTA subsidiary personal liability at the rate of one day
during PREVENTIVE imprisonment for each amount equivalent to the highest
a. When they are recidivists minimum wage rate prevailing in the Philippines
b. An accused who has been convicted previously at the time of the rendition of judgment of
twice or more times of any crime conviction by the trial court, subject to the
c. An accused who, upon being summoned for the following rules:
execution of their sentence they have failed to 1. If the principal penalty imposed be prision
surrender voluntarily before a court of law correctional or arresto and fine, he shall remain
d. Habitual delinquents under confinement until his fine referred in the
e. Escapees; and preceding paragraph is satisfied, but his
f. PDL charge of heinous crimes. subsidiary imprisonment shall not exceed one-
third of the term of the sentence, and in no case
The following are DISQUALIFIED to avail GCTA shall it continue for more than one year, and no
during SERVICE of SENTENCE fraction or part of a day shall be counted against
a. When they are recidivists the prisoner.
b. Habitual delinquents 2. When the principal penalty imposed be only a
c. Escapees; and fine, the subsidiary imprisonment shall not
d. PDL charge of heinous crimes. exceed six months, if the culprit shall have been
prosecuted for a grave or less grave felony, and
"An appeal by the accused shall not deprive him of shall not exceed fifteen days, if for a fight felony.
entitlement to the above allowances for good 3. When the principal penalty imposed is higher
conduct." than prision correctional, no subsidiary
imprisonment shall be imposed upon the culprit.
Special time allowance for loyalty 4. If the principal penalty imposed is not to be
A deduction of 1/5 of the period of his sentence - executed by confinement in a penal institution,
gives himself up to the authorities within 48 hours but such penalty is of fixed duration, the convict,
following the issuance of a proclamation announcing during the period of time established in the
the passing away of the calamity or catastrophe preceding rules, shall continue to suffer the same
A deduction of 2/5 of the period of his sentence – if deprivations as those of which the principal
the prisoner chose to stay in the place of his penalty consists.
confinement notwithstanding the existence of a 5. The subsidiary personal liability which the
calamity or catastrophe convict may have suffered by reason of his
insolvency shall not relieve him from the fine in
This Article shall apply to any prisoner whether case his financial circumstances should improve.
undergoing preventive imprisonment or serving
sentence. RECOGNIZANCE ACT OF 2012
Who grants time allowances:
a. the Director of the Bureau of Corrections, An act institutionalizing recognizance as a mode of
b. the Chief of the Bureau of Jail Management and granting the release of an indigent person in custody
Penology and/or as accused in a criminal case and for other purposes.
c. the Warden of a provincial, district, municipal or (release on recognizance)
city jail
Statement of Policy. – It is the declared policy of the
GCTA, TASTM, and STAL ONCE GRANTED is State to promote social justice in all phases of
shall NOT be REVOKED. national development, including the promotion of
restorative justice as a means to address the problems
confronting the criminal justice system such as
SUBSIDIARY IMPRISONMENT LAW protracted trials, prolonged resolution of cases, lack
of legal representation, lack of judges, inability to
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10159 - an act amending post bail bond, congestion in jails, and lack of
article 39 of Act. 3815 (subsidiary imprisonment) opportunity to reform and rehabilitate offenders. In
consonance with the principle of presumption of
Subsidiary Penalty. – If the convict has no property innocence, the 1987 Philippine Constitution
with which to meet the fine mentioned in paragraph 3 recognizes and guarantees the right to bail or to be
of the next preceding article, he shall be subject to a released on recognizance as may be provided by law.
In furtherance of this policy, the right of persons, Requirements. – The competent court where a
except those charged with crimes punishable by criminal case has been filed against a person covered
death, reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment, to be under this Act shall, upon motion, order the release of
released on recognizance before conviction by the the detained person on recognizance to a qualified
Regional Trial Court, irrespective of whether the case custodian: Provided, That all of the following
was originally filed in or appealed to it, upon requirements are complied with:
compliance with the requirements of this Act, is a. A sworn declaration by the person in custody of
hereby affirmed, recognized and guaranteed. his/her indigency or incapacity either to post a
cash bail or proffer any personal or real property
Recognizance Defined. – Recognizance is a mode of acceptable as sufficient sureties for a bail bond;
securing the release of any person in custody or b. A certification issued by the head of the social
detention for the commission of an offense who is welfare and development office of the
unable to post bail due to abject poverty. The court municipality or city where the accused actually
where the case of such person has been filed shall resides, that the accused is indigent;
allow the release of the accused on recognizance as c. The person in custody has been arraigned;
provided herein, to the custody of a qualified member d. The court has notified the city or municipal
of the barangay, city or municipality where the sanggunian where the accused resides of the
accused resides. application for recognizance. The sanggunian
shall include in its agenda the notice from the
Duty of the Courts. – For purposes of stability and court upon receipt and act on the request for
uniformity, the courts shall use their discretion, in comments or opposition to the application within
determining whether an accused should be deemed an ten (10) days from receipt of the notice.
indigent even if the salary and property requirements
are not met. The courts may also consider the The action of the sanggunian shall be in the form of a
capacity of the accused to support not just resolution, and shall be duly approved by the mayor,
himself/herself but also his/her family or other people and subject to the following conditions:
who are dependent on him/her for support and 1. Any motion for the adoption of a resolution for
subsistence. the purpose of this Act duly made before the
sanggunian shall he considered as an urgent
Other relevant factors and conditions demonstrating matter and shall take precedence over any other
the financial incapacity of the accused at the time that business thereof: Provided, That a special
he/she is facing charges in court may also be session shall be called to consider such proposed
considered by the courts for the purpose of covering resolution if necessary;
as many individuals belonging to the marginalized
and poor sectors of society. The resolution of the sanggunian shall include in its
Release on Recognizance as a Matter of Right resolution a list of recommended organizations from
Guaranteed by the Constitution. – The release on whose members the court may appoint a custodian.
recognizance of any person in custody or detention
for the commission of an offense is a matter of right 2. The presiding officer of the sanggunian shall
when the offense is not punishable by death, ensure that its secretary shall submit any
reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment: Provided, resolution adopted under this Act within twenty-
That the accused or any person on behalf of the four (24) hours from its passage to the mayor
accused files the application for such: who shall act on it within the same period of time
a. Before or after conviction by the Metropolitan from receipt thereof;
Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court, Municipal 3. If the mayor or any person acting as such,
Trial Court in Cities and Municipal Circuit Trial pursuant to law, fails to act on the said resolution
Court; and within twenty-four (24) hours from receipt
b. Before conviction by the Regional Trial Court: thereof, the same shall be deemed to have been
Provided, further, That a person in custody for a acted upon favorably by the mayor;
period equal to or more than the minimum of the 4. If the mayor or any person acting as such,
principal penalty prescribed for the offense pursuant to law, disapproves the resolution, the
charged, without application of the Indeterminate resolution shall be returned within twenty-four
Sentence Law, or any modifying circumstance, (24) hours from disapproval thereof to the
shall be released on the person’s recognizance. sanggunian presiding officer or secretary who
shall be responsible in informing every member
thereof that the sanggunian shall meet in special
session within twenty-four (24) hours from f. There is a great risk that the accused may
receipt of the veto for the sole purpose of commit another crime during the pendency of the
considering to override the veto made by the case; and
mayor. g. The accused has a pending criminal case which
has the same or higher penalty to the new crime
For the purpose of this Act, the resolution of the he/she is being accused of.1âwphi1
sanggunian of the municipality or city shall be
considered final and not subject to the review of the Qualifications of the Custodian of the Person
Sangguniang Panlalawigan, a copy of which shall be Released on Recognizance. – Except in cases of
forwarded to the trial court within three (3) days from children in conflict with the law as provided under
date of resolution. Republic Act No. 9344, the custodian of the person
released on recognizance must have the following
e. The accused shall be properly documented, qualifications:
through such processes as, but not limited to, a. A person of good repute and probity;
photographic image reproduction of all sides of b. A resident of the barangay where the applicant
the face and fingerprinting: Provided, That the resides;
costs involved for the purpose of this subsection c. Must not be a relative of the applicant within the
shall be shouldered by the municipality or city fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity; and
that sought the release of the accused as provided d. Must belong to any of the following sectors and
herein, chargeable to the mandatory five percent institutions: church, academe, social welfare,
(5%) calamity fund in its budget or to any other health sector, cause-oriented groups, charitable
available fund in its treasury; and organizations or organizations engaged in the
f. The court shall notify the public prosecutor of rehabilitation of offenders duly accredited by the
the date of hearing therefor within twenty-four local social welfare and development officer.
(24) hours from the filing of the application for If no person in the barangay where the applicant
release on recognizance in favor of the accused: resides belongs to any of the sectors and institutions
Provided, That such hearing shall be held not listed under paragraph (d) above, the custodian of the
earlier than twenty-four (24) hours nor later than person released on recognizance may be from the
forty-eight (48) hours from the receipt of notice qualified residents of the city or municipality where
by the prosecutor: Provided, further, That during the applicant resides.
said hearing, the prosecutor shall be ready to
submit the recommendations regarding the Duty of the Custodian. – The custodian shall
application made under this Act, wherein no undertake to guarantee the appearance of the accused
motion for postponement shall be entertained. whenever required by the court. The custodian shall
be required to execute an undertaking before the
Disqualifications for Release on Recognizance. – court to produce the accused whenever required. The
Any of the following circumstances shall be a valid said undertaking shall be part of the application for
ground for the court to disqualify an accused from recognizance. The court shall duly notify, within a
availing of the benefits provided herein: reasonable period of time, the custodian whenever the
a. The accused bad made untruthful statements in presence of the accussed is required. A penalty of six
his/her sworn affidavit prescribed under Section (6) months to two (2) years imprisonment shall be
5(a); imposed upon the custodian who failed to deliver or
b. The accused is a recidivist, quasi-recidivist, produce the accused before the court, upon due
habitual delinquent, or has committed a crime notice, without justifiable reason.
aggravated by the circumstance of reiteration;
c. The accused had been found to have previously Role of the Probation Officer. – Upon release of the
escaped from legal confinement, evaded sentence person on recognizance to the custodian, the court
or has violated the conditions of bail or release shall issue an order directing the Probation Office
on recognizance without valid justification; concerned to monitor and evaluate the activities of
d. The accused had previously committed a crime such person. The Probation Office concerned shall
while on probation, parole or under conditional submit a written report containing its findings and
pardon; recommendations on the activities of the person
e. The personal circumstances of the accused or released on recognizance on a monthly basis to
nature of the facts surrounding his/her case determine whether or not the conditions for his/her
indicate the probability of flight if released on release have been complied with. The prosecution
including the private complainant, if any, shall be and if the offense is punished by any other law, the
given a copy of such report. court shall sentence the accused to an indeterminate
sentence, the maximum term of which shall not
Arrest of a Person Released on Recognizance. – exceed the maximum fixed by said law and the
The court shall order the arrest of the accused, who minimum shall not be less than the minimum term
shall forthwith be placed under detention, due to any prescribed by the same.
of the following circumstances:
a. If it finds meritorious a manifestation made under Sec. 2. This Act shall not apply to persons convicted
oath by any person after a summary healing, giving of offenses punished with death penalty or life-
the accused an opportunity to be heard; imprisonment; to those convicted of treason,
b. If the accused fails to appear at the trial or whenever conspiracy or proposal to commit treason; to those
required by the abovementioned court or any other convicted of misprision of treason, rebellion, sedition
competent court without justification, despite due or espionage; to those convicted of piracy; to those
notice; who are habitual delinquents; to those who have
c. If the accused is the subject of a complaint for the escaped from confinement or evaded sentence; to
commission of another offense involving moral those who having been granted conditional pardon by
turpitude and the public prosecutor or the mayor in the Chief Executive shall have violated the terms
the area where the offense is committed recommends thereof; to those whose maximum term of
the arrest to the court; or imprisonment does not exceed one year, not to those
d. If it is shown that the accused committed an act of already sentenced by final judgment at the time of
harassment such as, but not limited to, stalking, approval of this Act, except as provided in Section 5
intimidating or otherwise vexing private complainant, hereof.
prosecutor or witnesses in the case pending against
the accused: Provided, That upon the issuance by the Sec. 3. There is hereby created a Board of Pardons
court of such order, the accused shall likewise and Parole to be composed of the Secretary of Justice
become the proper subject of a citizen’s arrest who shall be its Chairman, and four members to be
pursuant to the Rules of Court. appointed by the President, with the consent of the
Commission on Appointments who shall hold office
No Release on Recognizance After Final Judgment for a term of six years: Provided, That one member of
or Commencement of Sentence; Exception. – The the board shall be a trained sociologist, one a
benefits provided under this Act shall not be allowed clergyman or educator, one psychiatrist unless a
in favor of an accused after the judgment has become trained psychiatrist be employed by the board, and
final or when the accused has started serving the the other members shall be persons qualified for such
sentence: Provided, That this prohibition shall not work by training and experience. At least one
apply to an accused who is entitled to the benefits of member of the board shall be a woman. Of the
the Probation Law if the application for probation is members of the present board, two shall be
made before the convict starts serving the sentence designated by the President to continue until
imposed, in which case, the court shall allow the December thirty, nineteen hundred and sixty-six and
release on recognizance of the convict to the custody the other two shall continue until December thirty,
of a qualified member of the barangay, city or nineteen hundred and sixty-nine. In case of any
municipality where the accused actually resides. vacancy in the membership of the Board, a successor
may be appointed to serve only for the unexpired
THE INDETERMINATE SENTENCE LAW portion of the term of the respective members.
Act No. 4103 - An act to provide for an
indeterminate sentence and parole for all persons Sec. 4. The Board of Pardons and Parole is
convicted of certain crimes by the courts authorized to adopt such rules and regulations as may
be necessary for carrying out its functions and duties.
Section 1. Hereafter, in imposing a prison sentence The Board is empowered to call upon any bureau,
for an offense punished by the Revised Penal Code, office, branch, subdivision, agency or instrumentality
or its amendments, the court shall sentence the of the Government for such assistance as it may need
accused to an indeterminate sentence the maximum in connection with the performance of its functions.
term of which shall be that which, in view of the A majority of all the members shall constitute a
attending circumstances, could be properly imposed quorum and a majority vote shall be necessary to
under the rules of the said Code, and the minimum arrive at a decision. Any dissent from the majority
which shall be within the range of the penalty next opinion shall be reduced to writing and filed with the
lower to that prescribed by the Code for the offense; records of the proceedings. Each member of the
Board, including the Chairman and the Executive officials so designated shall keep such records and
Officer, shall be entitled to receive as compensation make such reports and perform such other duties
fifty pesos for each meeting actually attended by him, hereunder as may be required by said Board. The
notwithstanding the provisions of Section two limits of residence of such paroled prisoner during his
hundred and fifty-nine of the Revised Administrative parole may be fixed and from time to time changed
Code, and in addition thereto, reimbursement of by the said Board in its discretion. If during the
actual and necessary traveling expenses incurred in period of surveillance such paroled prisoner shall
the performance of duties: Provided, however, That show himself to be a law-abiding citizen and shall not
the Board meetings will not be more than 3X a week. violate any of the laws of the Philippine Islands, the
Board of Indeterminate Sentence may issue a final
Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the Board of certificate of release in his favor, which shall entitle
Indeterminate Sentence to look into the physical, him to final release and discharge.
mental and moral record of the prisoners who shall be
eligible to parole and to determine the proper time of Sec. 7. The Board shall file with the court which
release of such prisoners. Whenever any prisoner passed judgment on the case, and with the Chief of
shall have served the minimum penalty imposed on Constabulary, a certified copy of each order of
him, and it shall appear to the Board of Indeterminate conditional or final release and discharge issued in
Sentence, from the reports of the prisoner's work and accordance with the provisions of the next preceding
conduct which may be received in accordance with two sections.
the rules and regulations prescribed, and from the
study and investigation made by the Board itself, that Sec. 8. Whenever any prisoner released on parole by
such prisoner is fitted by his training for release, that virtue of this Act shall, during the period of
there is a reasonable probability that such prisoner surveillance, violate any of the conditions of his
will live and remain at liberty without violating the parole, the Board of Indeterminate Sentence may
law, and that such release will not be incompatible issue an order for his re-arrest which may be served
with the welfare of society, said Board of in any part of the Philippine Islands by any police
Indeterminate Sentence may, in its discretion, and in officer. In such case the prisoner so re-arrested shall
accordance with the rules and regulations adopted serve the remaining unexpired portion of the
hereunder, authorize the release of such prisoner on maximum sentence for which he was originally
parole, upon such terms and conditions as are herein committed to prison, unless the Board of
prescribed and as may be prescribed by the Board. Indeterminate Sentence shall, in its discretion, grant a
The said Board of Indeterminate Sentence shall also new parole to the said prisoner.
examine the records and status of prisoners who shall
have been convicted of any offense other than those Sec. 9. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to
named in Sec. 2 hereof, and have been sentenced for impair or interfere with the powers of the Governor-
more than one year by final judgment prior to the General as set forth in Section 64(i) of the Revised
date on which this Act shall take effect, and shall Administrative Code or the Act of Congress
make recommendation in all such cases to the approved August 29, 1916 entitled "An Act to declare
Governor-General with regard to the parole of such the purpose of the people of the United States as to
prisoners as they shall deem qualified for parole as the future political status of the people of the
herein provided, after they shall have served a period Philippine Islands, and to provide a more autonomous
of imprisonment not less than the minimum period government for those Islands."
for which they might have been sentenced under this
Act for the same offense. Sec. 10. Whenever any prisoner shall be released on
parole hereunder he shall be entitled to receive the
Sec. 6. Every prisoner released from confinement on benefits provided in Section 1751 of the Revised
parole by virtue of this Act shall, at such times and in Administrative Code.
such manner as may be required by the conditions of REVISED ADMINISTRATIVE CODE OF THE
his parole, as may be designated by the said Board PHILIPPINES
for such purpose, report personally to such Section 1705 Title of Chapter - This Chapter shall
government officials or other parole officers hereafter be known as the Prison Law.
appointed by the Board of Indeterminate Sentence for
a period of surveillance equivalent to the remaining Article I - Organization of Bureau: Sec. 1706 Chief
portion of the maximum sentence imposed upon him Officials of the Bureau of Prisons - The Bureau of
or until final release and discharge by the Board of Prisons shall have one chief and one assistant chief,
Indeterminate Sentence as herein provided. The
to be known respectively as the Director of Prisons, exclusive use of the government, for the subsistence
and the Assistant Director of Prisons. and maintenance of the colonists, the prison officials
and their families In said colony, and such pardoned
These officers shall be supplied with furnished or released colonists as may continue to reside
quarter at the main prison and shall be allowed therein.
laundry service and such other services as shall be
sanctioned by the Department Head. Sec. 1713 Assignment of land and Implements to
colonists - Any colonist detained at the Iwahig Penal
Sec. 1707 General Jurisdiction of Bureau - The Colony may be provisionally granted a suitable plot
Bureau of Prisons shall have the general supervision of land within the reservation for the purpose of
and control of National Provincial prisons and of all cultivating and improving the same, and may be
penal settlements and shall be charged with the furnished with such tools, Implements, and
safekeeping of all prisoners confined therein or agricultural supplies as may be deemed necessary for
committed to the custody of said Bureau. the proper cultivation of said land.
Sec. 1708 Main Prison - In the main prison shall be
confined all national prisoners except as otherwise Sec. 1714. Families of colonists - The Iwahig
provided by law or regulations. This prison may also Colonists may, subject to the regulations of the
be used as a place of detention for other classes of Bureau governing the colony, be allowed to have
prisoners or for the temporary safekeeping of any their wives, children, and women to whom they are to
person detained upon legal process. be married, transported to the colony at government
expense and to have their families live on the
Sec. 1709 Iwahig Penal Colony - In the Iwahig reservation. Such privilege may, In any case, be
Reservation, in the Province of Palawan, there shall revoked at any time by order of the superintendent of
be maintained an institution subsidiary to the main the colony, with the approval of the Director of
prison, to be known as the Iwahig Penal Colony. prisons. All members of the families of colonists
In this colony shall be kept such 'prisoners as may be living on the reservation shall be subject to the
transferred thereto from the main prison in regulations governing the colony.
accordance with regulations to be prescribed by the Sec. 1715 Clothing and household supplies for
Director of Prisons. The discipline of the persons Colonist's families. In addition to the subsistence for
detained in this colony shall be of a reformatory and colonists wives and children herein above
probationary character, and the surveillance over authorized, the superintendent of the colony may
said colony and the colonists shall be les5 strict than furnish a special reward to such colonists as In the
is maintained in the main prison. opinion may merit the same, reasonable amount of
clothing and ordinary household supplies to be paid
Sec. 1710 Superintendent of colony - Justice of the out of the regular appropriation for the maintenance
Peace. The Iwahig Penal Colony shall be under the of the Iwahig Penal Colony. Sources 01 this character
immediate supervision of a superintendent, who shall may also be made by way of loan, subject to
be an "ex-officio" justice of the peace and shall, repayment if the financial condition of the colonial at
within the limits of the colony, have the jurisdiction a later date should warrant.
and all powers conferred upon justices of the peace
by the laws of the Philippines. (No longer applicable) Sec. 1716 participation of colonists in proceeds of
products - Products grown, manufactured, or
Sec. 1711 Privileges based upon behavior and service otherwise produced by the colonists may be sold
- Persons detained at the Iwahig Penal Colony shall under the supervision of the superintendent; and
be known as colonists, and they may be divided Into subject to such regulations as may be prescribed In
classes and graded according to conduct, efficiency, reference thereto, the persons producing the same
and length of services and subject to such regulations may be allowed such part of the proceeds thereof as
as shall be prescribed In reference thereto, they may shall be approved by the Department Head.
be granted such extra-ordinary, behavior, habits of
industry, and length of service may justify. Sec. 1717 Monthly allowance in cash - Colonists
occupying positions of special trust may, with the
Sec. 1712 Fishing rights in waters adjacent to colony approval of title Department Head, be granted a
- The fishing rights in the waters of the bay along the monthly allowance In cash, not exceed five pesos, or
shore line of the eastern boundary of the lwahig Penal an equivalent amount of supplies from the general
Colony, Island of Palawan, for a distance seaward of store, to be paid for from the regular appropriation for
one and one-quarter statute miles are reserved for the contingent expenses of the Iwahig Penal Colony.
of the Government may receive the labor of such
Sec. 1718 Right of released colonists 10 remain in national prisoners. .
colony - on the expiration of the sentence of any Sec. 1723 Detail of prisoners to public works. The
colonist he may, subject to the regulation, is allowed President of the Philippines may, from time to time,
to continue to reside upon the reservation and to detail national prisoners to work in any part of the
cultivate land and occupy a house to be designated Philippines upon any public work not within the
and selected by the superintendent of the colony. purview of section one thousand seven hundred and
twenty-seven hereof; and the Department Head shall
Sec. 1719 Supply store for Iwahig Penal Colony - fix the terms and conditions upon which any branch
The Director of Prisons, with the approval of the of the Government may receive the labor of such
Department Head, shall establish and maintain a national prisoners.
general store for sale of merchandise which may be
required by the residents of the settlement, and for the Sec. 1724 Regulations of Bureau of Prisons - The
purpose to purchase of produce which, under regulations of the Bureau of Prisons shall contain
authority from the Department Head, colonists such rules as well best promote discipline In all
residing at the settlement may dispose of their own national and provincial prisons and penal Institutions
profit. Colony product may be sold to others than and best secure the reformation and safe custody of
residents of the settlement should there be more to be prisoners of all classes.
disposed' of than is required for the use of the colony
and the main prisons. Sec. 1725 Duty 0 f prison authorities to enforce
The supply store fund shall be reimbursable, the sanitary orders of Director of Health - The Officers in
receipts from the business of the supply store being charge of all prisons, penal settlements, jails, and
available for the payment of the cost of supply and other places of confinement shall comply and cause
other expenses incident to the conduct of said store, to be executed all sanitary orders, and put into force
without reappropriation. all sanitary regulations Issued by the Director of
Health for their several institutions.
Sec. 1720 San Ramon Penal Farm - A penal farm
shall be maintained at San Ramon, in the Province of Sec. 1726 Mode of treatment of prisoners. Prisoners
Zamboanga, for the confinement of national prisoners shall be treated with humanity. Juvenile prisoners
and such other prisoners as may be remitted thereto shall be kept, if the jail will admit of It, in apartments
in' accordance with law. separate from those containing prisoners of more than
The Director of Prisons shall have authority to eighteen years of age; and the different sexes shall be
designated the superintendent of the San Ramon kept, apart. The visits of parents and friends who
Penal Farm as a summary court officer, by whom desire to exert a moral influence over prisoners shall
members of the San Ramon Penal Farm guard may at all reasonable times be permitted under proper
be tried for violation of the regulations governing the regulations.
same for willful or neglectful waste, loss .or
destruction of arm, ammunitions or accouterments, Sec. 1727 Liability of prisoners to labor - All
for disobedience or disrespect toward their superior convicted, able bodied, male prisoners not over sixty
officers, absence from quarters or duty without leave, years of age, may be compelled to work in and about
drunkenness, abandonment of employment without prisons, jails public buildings, grounds, roads and
having secured proper release, willful violation or other public works of the National Government the
neglect of duty, or misconduct to the prejudice of province, or the municipalities, under general
good order and discipline. The punishment which regulations to be prescribed by the Director of
may be imposed by this summary court shall not Prisons, with the approval of the Department Head.
exceed the forfeiture on one month's pay, or Persons detained on civil process or confined for
discharge. (Sections 1721 and 1722 are obsolete) contempt of court and persons detained pending a
determination of their appeals may be compelled to
Article II - Prison Regime in General police their cells and to perform such other labor as
Sec. 1723 Detail of prisoners to public works. The may be deemed necessary for hygienic or sanitary
President of the Philippines may, from time to time, reasons. .
detail national prisoners to work in any part of the
Philippines upon any public work not within the Sec. 1728 Assignment of women to work - Convicted
purview of section one thousand seven hundred and female prisoners may be assigned to work suitable to
twenty-seven hereof; and the Department Head shall their age, sex, and physical condition.
fix the terms and conditions upon which any branch
Article III more when necessary to the proper maintenance of
Sec. 1729 Provincial Jail - A jail for the safekeeping the prisoners.
of prisoners shall be maintained at the capital of each
province; and in the absence of special provisions all The compensation for the support of a prisoner
expenses incident to the maintenance thereof and of arrested on civil process shall be at the rate of forty
maintaining prisoners therein be borne by the centavos per day, to be advanced weekly to the jailer
province. by the plaintiff in the civil process, and to be taxable
as cots.
Sec. 1730 Visitation and inspection of provincial jails
- The Judge of the Court of First Instance and the Sec. 1733 Record of prisoners to be kept by jailer -
Provincial Board shall, as often as the Judge of the The governor or the jailer appointed by him, shall
Court of First Instance is required to hold court in the keep a true and exact record of all prisoners
province make personal inspection of the provincial committed to the provincial prisoners awaiting trial
jail as to the sufficiency thereof for the safekeeping before the Court of First instance obtained in any
and reformation of prisoners, their proper municipal jail of the province which record shall
accommodation and health, and shall inquire into the contain the names of all persons who are committed,
manner in which the same has been kept since the last their place abode, the time of commitment, the cause
inspection. A report of such visitation shall be of their commitment; the authority that committed
submitted to the Secretary of Justice, who shall them, and the description of their persons, and when
forward the same or a copy thereof to the Director of any prisoner is liberated such calendar shall state the
Prisons. Once during each month the senior Inspector time when and the authority by which such liberation
of Constabulary in the province shall visit the took place; If any prisoner shall escape, shall state
provincial jail and make report upon its condition to particularly the time and manner of escape; if any
the Director of Prisons. prisoner dies, the date and cause of his death shall be
entered on the record.
Sec. 1731 Provincial governor as keeper of jail - The Sec. 1734 Submission of record to court - At the
governor of the province shall be charged with the opening of each term of Court of First Instance
keeping of the provincial jail and it shall be his duty within his province, the governor shall return a copy
to administer the same In accordance with law and of each record under his name to the judge of each
the regulations prescribed for the government of court; and if the same be not forthcoming, it shall b
provincial prisons. The Immediate custody and the duty of the judge to require its production under
supervision of the jail may be committed to the care penalty of contempt.
of a Jailer to be appointed by the provincial governor.
The position of jailer shall be regarded as within the Sec. 1735 Transfer of custody of jail to Constabulary
unclassified civil service but may be filled in the Officer, in an province in which, in the opinion of the
manner In which classified positions are filled, and if President, the provincial jail is not guarded, shall
so filled, the appointee shall be entitled to all the have authority by executive order to direct that the
benefits and privileges of classified employee, except senior Constabulary Officer of such province shall
that he shall hold office only during the term of office take custody of the jail under the supervision of the
of the appointing governor and until a successor in provincial governor and guard the prisoners therein,
the office of jailer is appointed and qualified, unless using for this purpose members of the Philippine
sooner separated. Constabulary as jail guards.
The provincial governor shall, under the direction of Such action shall in no wise alter the liability of the
the provincial board and at the expense of the province for the expenses incident to the maintenance
province, supply proper food and clothing for the of prisoners or the keeping repair, and construction
prisoners, though the provincial board may, In Its of the jail; but the payment and subsistence of the
discretion, let the contract for the feeding of the Constabulary guard shall be at the expense of the
prisoners, to some other person. Constabulary.
Sec. 1732 Amount of allowance for feeding of Sec. 1736 Preservation of documents relating to
prisoners - The ordinary allowance to be made by the confinement of prisoners - All warrants and
provincial board for the feeding of prisoners by the documents of any kind, or attested copies thereof
governor of the province or such other person as may which a prisoner is committed or liberated, shall be
have the contract therefore shall, in case of persons regularly indorsed, flied and kept in a suitable box by
arrested on criminal process, not exceed twenty such governor or by his deputy acting as jailer, and
centavos each per day, but the provincial board may such box, with its contents, shall be delivered to the
successor of the officer having charged of the (a) Persons detained pending preliminary
prisoner. When a prisoner is confined by virtue of investigation before the Court of First Instance.
any process directed to the governor or sheriff and (b) Amended by P.D. 29 - (Max. sentence of 3 yrs.)
which shall require to be returned to the court
whence it issued, such governor or sheriff shall keep Sec. 1741 National prisoners - Prisoners who are
a copy of the same, duly certified by said governor or neither municipal or provincial prisoners shall be
sheriff, shall be presumptive evidence of his right to considered national prisoners, among whom .hall be
retain such prisoner in his custody. reckoned, any event, all persons sentenced for
violation of the Customs Law or other law within the
Sec. 1737 Transfer of prisoners to jail of neighboring jurisdiction of the Bureau of Customs or enforceable
province - In case there should be no jail in any by it, and for violation of the Election Law.
province or in case a provincial jail of any province
be insecure or Insufficient for the accommodation of Sec. 1742 Confinement of Provincial prisoners in
all provincial prisoners, it shall be duty of the municipal jails - When the sentence of a provincial
provincial board to make arrangements for the prisoner does not exceed three months, the provincial
safekeeping of the prisoners of the province with the board may authorize his confinement during such
provincial board of same neighboring province in the period in a municipal jail If In the judgment of said
jail of such neighboring province, and when such board the public interest will be served thereby.
arrangement has been made it shall be the duty of the Provincial boards, may, also with tile approval of the
officer having custody of the prisoner to commit him Secretary of the Interior, direct the confinement of
to the jail of such neighboring province, and he shall persons detained pending preliminary investigation
be there detained with the same legal effect as though before a judge of the Court of First Instance in the
confined in the jail of the province where the offense jail of the municipality where such investigation or
for which he was arrested was committed. trial is to be held, if no provincial Jail be located
Sec. 1738 Use of jail for detention of fugitive from
justice - Any provincial jail may be used for the Sec. 1743 Confinement of municipal prisoners in
safekeeping of any fugitive from justice from any provincial jail Provincial boards may, with the
province, and the jailer shall In such case be entitled approval of the President, direct the confinement of
to receive the same compensation for the support and municipal prisoners in provincial jails when by
custody of such fugitive from justice as Is provided reason of the lack, inadequacy, or when in their
for other prisoners to be paid by the officer Judgment such confinement would best serve the
demanding the custody of the prisoner, who shall be public interest.
reimbursed or such outlay as a part of the costs of the
prosecution: Sec. 1744 Expense of maintenance - Except as
otherwise specifically provided the expense of the
Article IV - Status of Prisoners maintenance of prisons shall be borne as follows;
Sec. 1739 Persons deemed to be municipal prisoners regardless of the place of confinement: in the base of
- The following persons are to be considered a municipal prisoner, by the city or municipality in
municipal prisoners: which the offense with which the prisoner is charged
(a) Persons detained or sentenced for violation of or of which he stands convicted WBS committed; in
municipal or city ordinances. the case of a provincial prisoner, by the province in
(b) Persons detained pending trial before justices of which the offense was committed; and in '.he case of
peach or before municipal courts. the national prisoners, by the Bureau of Prisons. .
(c) Persons detained by order of a justice of the
peace or judge of municipal court pending Sec. 1745 Status of prisoners as affected by parole,
preliminary investigation of the crime charged, allowance of good behavior, etc. - The provision of
until the court shall remand them to the Court of law relative to paroles, conditional pardons, and the
First Instance. diminution of sentences for good behavior shall not
(d) Amended by Presidential Decree No. 29 (max. be construed to change the original status of prisoners
sentence of 6 mos.) or to affect liability for their maintenance.
Sec. 1740 Persons deemed to be provincial prisoners Sec. 1746 Status of prisoner as affected by appeal -
- The following persons, not being municipal Pending an appeal, the status of a prisoner shall not
prisoners shall be considered provincial prisoners: be changed, and whenever upon appeal to, or review
by, higher court, the status or a prisoners, as herein
before fixed, shall be changed by an increase or The expense of the transportation, guarding,
diminution of his sentence, the responsibility of the subsistence, care, and maintenance of any prisoner
National Government or the provinces or transferred to any national prison or penal
municipalities, as the case may be, for the institution, or returned to any province for trial or
maintenance of such prisoner due to such change in for appearance as a witness or otherwise hereunder
sentence shall take effect from the date of judgment shall be a charge against the treasury of the province
of the higher court and shall not be retroactive, from which he was transferred, and the amount of
said expenses shall be fixed by the Department Head,
Sec. 1747 Transportation expenses payable by with the approval of the President of the. Philippines.
municipality - All actual and necessary expenses
incurred In the transportation and guarding and Sec. 1751 Transportation and clothes for released
subsistence of prisoners during transportation, from prisoners - Upon the release of a national prisoner he
municipal jails to provincial jails, except the expenses shall be supplied by the Bureau of Prisons with
of the Constabulary escorts, if any shall be paid from transportation to his home, including a gratuity to
the funds of the proper municipality. cover the probable cost of subsistence enroute, and if
necessary, a suit of clothes of the value of not more
Sec. 1746 Transportation expenses payable by than ten pesos, or In case the prisoner is deported, of
province - All actual and necessary expenses incurred not more than forty pesos.
in the transportation, and guarding and subsistence,
during transportation, of national prisoners from NACOCOW – refers to National Correctional
provincial Jails to a National Prison, reformatory, or Consciousness Week by virtue of Presidential
national penal institution, except the expenses of the Proclamation No. 551 dated March 15, 1995,
Constabulary escort, if any there be, shall be borne by celebrated every last week of October of every year.
the proper province.
R.A. 10575 – An Act Strengthening the Bureau of
Sec. 1749 Return transportation to be borne by Corrections (BuCor) and providing Funds Therefor,”
Bureau of prisons - The return transportation of all otherwise known as the Bureau of Corrections Act of
discharged national prisoners from their place of 2013. (New BuCor law)
confinement to their homes shall be paid out of the
appropriation for the Bureau of Prisons, except as
otherwise specially provided.