Reg. No: B.E/B.Tech (Full Time) Degree End Semester Examinations - Nov/Dec 2013
Reg. No: B.E/B.Tech (Full Time) Degree End Semester Examinations - Nov/Dec 2013
Reg. No: B.E/B.Tech (Full Time) Degree End Semester Examinations - Nov/Dec 2013
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VII Semester
(Regulation 2008)
10.What is the permissible limit of noise level at day time in the sensitive zone.
PART-B(5x16=80 Marks)
I I .(i)Write the ambient air quality standards as per CPCB. (10 Marks)
(ii)lndoor air pollution is greater than outdoor air pollution -Justify. (6 Marks)
(b) A coal fired boiler burns 8 tons of coal/hour(containing 5% sulphur) and discharges
through stack, the effluent gases containing sulphur dioxide. The effective stack height
is 175m while the wind speed at the top of the stack is 5m/s. When the atmosphere is
unstable (category-C), estimate (a)maximum ground level concentrations at the cross-
section of the stack(b)at 4km downwind distance(c)GLC at 0.5km crosswind distance.
(16 Marks)
13. (a) what are all the factors to be considered while selecting the air pollution control
equipment. With the help of neat sketch explain the working principles of Biofilteration
techniques. (16 Marks)
(b) With the help of neat sketch .explain the working condition of cyclone separator.
(16 Marks)
(b)What are the causes of radioactive pollution? Discuss the various effects of
radioactive pollution on human health. (16 Marks)
15. (a)ln an industry emits a noise level of of 90dB(A) for 10 min followed by a another
machine emits a noise of 60dB(A) for 50 min every hour. A hospital is located at 350m
away from the industry with the backround noise level of 30dB(A). Predict the equivalent
noise level at the industry and at the hospital. (16 Marks)
(b)Define sound pressure level. Explain the working mechanism of sound level meter.
(16 Marks)