While Loop
While Loop
While Loop
while loop continue over and over again as long as the condition is true
while condition:
while error >1: #check the condition
error = 50.0
while error > 1 :
error = error / 4
This example will come in handy, because it's time to build a while loop yourself!
We're going to code a while loop that implements a very basic control system for an
inverted pendulum. If there's an offset from standing perfectly straight, the while
loop will incrementally fix this offset.
Note that if your while loop takes too long to run, you might have made a mistake.
In particular, remember to indent the contents of the loop!
100 XP
Create the variable offset with an initial value of 8.
Code a while loop that keeps running as long as offset is not equal to 0. Inside
the while loop:
Print out the sentence "correcting...".
Next, decrease the value of offset by 1. You can do this with offset = offset - 1.
Finally, still within your loop, print out offset so you can see how it changes.
# Initialize offset
# Initialize offset
offset = -6
Fix things by putting an if-else statement inside the while loop. If your code is
still taking too long to run, you probably made a mistake!
100 XP
Inside the while loop, complete the if-else statement:
If offset is greater than zero, you should decrease offset by 1.
Else, you should increase offset by 1.
If you've coded things correctly, hitting Submit Answer should work this time.
If your code is still taking too long to run (or your session is expiring), you
probably made a mistake. Check your code and make sure that the statement offset !=
0 will eventually evaluate to FALSE!
# Initialize offset
offset = -6