Rain Load

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Chapter C8

C8.1 SYMBOLS AND NOTATION The flow rate through a single drainage system is as follows:
A = roof area serviced by a single drainage system, in ft2 (m2 ) Q = 0.0104Ai (C8-1)
i = design rainfall intensity as specified by the code having −6
jurisdiction, in./h (mm/h) (in SI:Q = 0.278 × 10 Ai )
Q = flow rate out of a single drainage system, in gal/min ( m3 /s) The hydraulic head, dh , is related to flow rate, Q, for various
drainage systems in Table C8-1. That table indicates that dh can
vary considerably depending on the type and size of each drainage
C8.2 ROOF DRAINAGE system and the flow rate it must handle. For this reason the single
value of 1 in. (25 mm) (i.e., 5 lb/ft2 (0.24 kN/m2 )) used in ASCE
Roof drainage systems are designed to handle all the flow asso- 7-93 has been eliminated.
ciated with intense, short-duration rainfall events. For example,
the 1993 BOCA National Plumbing Code [Ref. C8-1], and Fac- The hydraulic head, dh , is zero when the secondary drainage
tory Mutual Loss Prevention Data 1–54, “Roof Loads for New system is simply overflow all along a roof edge.
Construction” [Ref. C8-2] use a 1-h duration event with a 100-yr
return period; the 1994 Standard Plumbing Code [Ref. C8-3] uses C8.4 PONDING INSTABILITY
1-h and 15-min duration events with 100-yr return periods for the
primary and secondary drainage systems, respectively, and the Water may accumulate as ponds on relatively flat roofs. As addi-
1990 National Building Code [Ref. C8-4] of Canada uses a 15- tional water flows to such areas, the roof tends to deflect more,
min event with a 10-yr return period. A very severe local storm or allowing a deeper pond to form there. If the structure does not
thunderstorm may produce a deluge of such intensity and duration possess enough stiffness to resist this progression, failure by lo-
that properly designed primary drainage systems are temporarily calized overloading may result. References [C8-1 through C8-16]
overloaded. Such temporary loads are adequately covered in de- contain information on ponding and its importance in the design
sign when blocked drains (see Section 8.3) and ponding instability of flexible roofs. Rational design methods to preclude instability
(see Section 8.4) are considered. from ponding are presented in Refs. [C8-5 and C8-6].
Roof drainage is a structural, architectural and mechanical By providing roofs with a slope of 1/4 in./ft (1.19◦ ) or more,
(plumbing) issue. The type and location of secondary drains and ponding instability can be avoided. If the slope is less than 1/4 in./ft
the hydraulic head above their inlets at the design flow must be (1.19◦ ), the roof structure must be checked for ponding instability
known in order to determine rain loads. Design team coordination because construction tolerances and long-term deflections under
is particularly important when establishing rain loads. dead load can result in flat portions susceptible to ponding.


In some areas of the country, ordinances are in effect that limit the
The amount of water that could accumulate on a roof from block- rate of rainwater flow from roofs into storm drains. Controlled-
age of the primary drainage system is determined and the roof flow drains are often used on such roofs. Those roofs must be
is designed to withstand the load created by that water plus the capable of sustaining the storm water temporarily stored on them.
uniform load caused by water that rises above the inlet of the sec- Many roofs designed with controlled-flow drains have a design
ondary drainage systems at its design flow. If parapet walls, cant rain load of 30 lb/ft2 (1.44 kN/m2 ) and are equipped with a sec-
strips, expansion joints, and other features create the potential for ondary drainage system (for example, scuppers) that prevents
deep water in an area, it may be advisable to install in that area water depths (ds + dh ) greater than 5.75 (145 mm) in. on the
secondary (overflow) drains with separate drain lines rather than roof.
overflow scuppers to reduce the magnitude of the design rain load.
Where geometry permits, free discharge is the preferred form of Examples
emergency drainage. The following two examples illustrate the method used to establish
When determining these water loads, it is assumed that the roof design rain loads based on Chapter 8 of this standard.
does not deflect. This eliminates complexities associated with de-
termining the distribution of water loads within deflection depres-
Example 1: Determine the design rain load, R, at the sec-
sions. However, it is quite important to consider this water when
ondary drainage for the roof plan shown in Fig. C8-1, located
assessing ponding instability in Section 8.4.
at a site in Birmingham, AL. The design rainfall intensity, i,
The depth of water, dh , above the inlet of the secondary drainage specified by the plumbing code for a 100-yr, 1-h rainfall is
system (i.e., the hydraulic head) is a function of the rainfall inten- 3.75 in./h (95 mm/h). The inlet of the 4 in. diameter (102 mm)
sity at the site, the area of roof serviced by that drainage system, secondary roof drains are set 2 in. (51 mm) above the roof
and the size of the drainage system. surface.

Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures 337

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Flow rate, Q, for the secondary drainage 4 in. diameter (102 Static head, ds = 2 in. (51 mm); depth of water from the scupper
mm) roof drain: inlet to the roof surface.
Q = 0.0104Ai (C8-1) Design rain load, R, adjacent to the scuppers:
Q = 0.0104(2500)(3.75) = 97.5 gal/min (0.0062 m /s) 3
R = 5.2(dh + ds )
Hydraulic head, dh : R = 5.2(2 + 3) = 26 psf (1.2 kN/m2 )
Using Table C8-1, for a 4 in. diameter (102 mm) roof drain with
a flow rate of 97.5 gal/min (0.0062 m3 /s) interpolate between a
hydraulic head of 1 and 2 in. (25 mm and 51 mm) as follows: REFERENCES
[Ref. C8-1] Building Officials and Code Administrators International. (Jan.
dh = 1 + [(97.5 − 80) ÷ (170 − 80)] = 1.19 in. 30.2 mm) 1993). The BOCA National Plumbing Code/1993. BOCA Inc., Country
Static head ds = 2 in. (51 mm); the water depth from drain inlet Club Hills, IL.
to the roof surface. [Ref. C8-2] Factory Mutual Engineering Corp. (Aug. 1991). “Loss Prevention
Data 1–54, Roof Loads for New Construction.” Norwood, MA.
Design rain load, R, adjacent to the drains: [Ref. C8-3] Southern Building Code Congress International. (1991). Standard
Plumbing Code, 1991 Ed. SBCCI Inc., Birmingham, AL.
R = 5.2(ds + dh ) (8-1) [Ref. C8-4] Associate Committee on the National Building Code. (Jan. 1990).
National Building Code of Canada 1990, National Research Council of
R = 5.2(2 + 1.19) = 16.6 psf (0.80 kN/m ) 2
Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
[Ref. C8-5] American Institute of Steel Construction. (June 1989). “Specifi-
cation for structural steel for buildings, allowable stress design and plastic
Example 2: Determine the design rain load, R, at the sec- design.” AISC, New York.
ondary drainage for the roof plan shown in Fig. C8-2, located [Ref. C8-6] American Institute of Steel Construction. (Sept. 1986). “Load and
at a site in Los Angeles, CA. The design rainfall intensity, i, resistance factor design specification for structural steel buildings.” AISC,
specified by the plumbing code for a 100-yr, 1-h rainfall is New York.
1.5 in./h (38 mm/h). The inlet of the 12 in. (305 mm) sec- [Ref. C8-7] American Institute of Timber Construction. (Dec. 1978). “Roof
ondary roof scuppers are set 2 in. (51 mm) above the roof slope and drainage for flat or nearly flat roofs.” AITC Tech. Note No. 5,
Englewood, CO.
surface. [Ref. C8-8] Burgett, L.B. (First quarter, 1973). “Fast check for ponding.” Eng.
J. Am. Inst. Steel Construction, 10(1), 26–28.
Flow rate, Q, for the secondary drainage, 12 in. (305 mm) wide [Ref. C8-9] Chinn, J., Mansouri, A.H., and Adams, S.F. (May 1969). “Ponding
of liquids on flat roofs.” J. Struct. Div. (ASCE), 95(ST5), 797–808.
channel scupper: [Ref. C8-10] Chinn, J. (April 1965). “Failure of simply supported flat roofs
Q = 0.0104Ai (C8-1) by ponding of rain.” Eng. J. Am. Inst. Steel Construction, 3(2), 38–41.
[Ref. C8-11] Haussler, R.W. (Oct. 1962). “Roof deflection caused by rainwater
Q = 0.0104(11,500)(1.5) = 179 gal/min (0.0113 m /s) 3
pools.” Civil Eng., 32, 58–59.
[Ref. C8-12] Heinzerling, J.E. (May 1971). “Structural design of steel joist
Hydraulic head, dh : roofs to resist ponding loads.” Tech. Dig. No. 3. Steel Joist Institute,
Using Table C8-1, by interpolation, the flow rate for a 12 in. Arlington, VA.
[Ref. C8-13] Marino, F.J. (July 1966). “Ponding of two-way roof systems.”
(305 mm) wide channel scupper is twice that of a 6 in. (152 mm) Eng. J. Am. Inst. Steel Construction, 3(3), 93–100.
wide channel scupper. Using Table C8-1, the hydraulic head, dh , [Ref. C8-14] Salama, A.E., and Moody, M.L. (Feb. 1967). “Analysis of beams
for one-half the flow rate, Q, or 90 gal/min (0.0057 m3 /s), through and plates for ponding loads.” J. Struct. Div. (ASCE), 93(ST1), 109–126.
a 6 in. (152 mm) wide channel scupper is 3 in. (76 mm). [Ref. C8-15] Sawyer, D.A. (Feb. 1967). “Ponding of rainwater on flexible
roof systems.” J. Struct. Div. (ASCE), 93(ST1), 127–148.
dh = 3 in. (76 mm) for a 12 in. wide (305 mm) channel scupper [Ref. C8-16] Sawyer, D.A. (Jan. 1969). “Roof-structural roof-drainage inter-
with a flow rate, Q, of 179 gal/min (0.0113 m3 /s). actions.” J. Struct. Div. (ASCE), 94(ST1), 175–198.

338 ASCE 7-05

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Hydraulic Head dh , in.

Drainage System 1 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 7 8

4 in. diameter drain 80 170 180
6 in. diameter drain 100 190 270 380 540
8 in. diameter drain 125 230 340 560 850 1,100 1,170
6 in. wide, channel scupperb 18 50 a 90 a 140 a 194 321 393
24 in. wide, channel scupper 72 200 a 360 a 560 a 776 1,284 1,572
6 in. wide, 4 in. high, closed scupperb 18 50 a 90 a 140 a 177 231 253
24 in. wide, 4 in. high, closed scupper 72 200 a 360 a 560 a 708 924 1,012
6 in. wide, 6 in. high, closed scupper 18 50 a 90 a 140 a 194 303 343
24 in. wide, 6 in. high, closed scupper 72 200 a 360 a 560 a 776 1,212 1,372
a Interpolation is appropriate, including between widths of each scupper.
b Channel scuppers are open-topped (i.e., 3-sided). Closed scuppers are 4-sided.

Hydraulic Head dh , mm

Drainage System 25 51 64 76 89 102 114 127 178 203

102 mm diameter drain .0051 .0107 .0114
152 mm diameter drain .0063 .0120 .0170 .0240 .0341
203 mm diameter drain .0079 .0145 .0214 .0353 .0536 .0694 .0738
152 mm wide, channel scupperb .0011 .0032 a .0057 a .0088 a .0122 .0202 .0248
610 mm wide, channel scupper .0045 .0126 a .0227 a .0353 a .0490 .0810 .0992
152 mm wide, 102 mm high, closed scupperb .0011 .0032 a .0057 a .0088 a .0112 .0146 .0160
610 mm wide, 102 mm high, closed scupper .0045 .0126 a .0227 a .0353 a .0447 .0583 .0638
152 mm wide, 152 mm high, closed scupper .0011 .0032 a .0057 a .0088 a .0122 .0191 .0216
610 mm wide, 152 mm high, closed scupper .0045 .0126 a .0227 a .0353 a .0490 .0765 .0866
a Interpolation is appropriate, including between widths of each scupper.
b Channel scuppers are open-topped (i.e., 3-sided). Closed scuppers are 4-sided.

340 ASCE 7-05

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Chapter C9—This Section intentionally left blank.

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