Blessed Women of The Bible
Blessed Women of The Bible
Blessed Women of The Bible
who glorified GOD by their acts of
◦ Name: Eve
◦ Profile: Wife of Adam and the first woman of
the world, created by God
◦ Credentials: A helper to her husband-Adam
& The mother of all the living
◦ Reference: Genesis 1-3
◦ Insight: The prophecy about Jesus Christ
conquering the evil, given to Eve in the
beginning of the World itself!
◦ Name: Sarah
◦ Profile: Wife of Abraham, Mother of Isaac
◦ Credentials: Mother of nations; Has been
submissive to her husband, calling him –
Lord (meaning, Master)
◦ Reference: Genesis 17:16,18:12
◦ Insight: Nothing is impossible with God for
His promises always come true, and his
timing is always best!
◦ Name: Hagar
◦ Profile: A maid of Sarah, who gave her to
Abraham to bear a child
◦ Credentials: Obedience to God's command
though she began to despair at Sarah's
home and Hagar was the first woman to call
our LORD by a name, “You are the God who
sees me"!
◦ References: Genesis 16:13
◦ Insight: All are equal before God and He is
willing to bless us all!
◦ Name: Rebecca
◦ Profile: Wife of Isaac, Mother of Jacob &
◦ Credentials: Kind & generous, lovable to her
◦ Reference: Genesis 24
◦ Insight: God knows before, what we are
about to ask Him in prayer and grants the
same, as we believe and pray according to
His will!
◦ Name: Leah
◦ Profile: Wife of Jacob, Elder sister of Rachel
◦ Credentials: Not so appealing to her husband,
Was thankful to God for His blessings to her
◦ Reference: Genesis 29:17,30
◦ Insight: Though the people of this world do not
love you, God loves you!
◦ Name: Jocebed
◦ Profile: Mother of Moses
◦ Credentials: Ability to visualize God's plan;
Nursing of child in a good way
◦ Reference: Exodus 2:2; 6:20
◦ Insight: God has a purpose for every child
and it's the duty of parents to nurture their
children in a Godly way!
◦ Name: Rahab
◦ Profile: A prostitute of Jericho, an ancestress of King
◦ Credentials: Possessed knowledge of God's power
and was faithful in God's ability to do anything,
Confessed 'Lord is God' of heaven & earth; Risked
her life to spare the lives of men who had come for a
mighty purpose and also was prudent to save her
entire family from death
◦ Reference: Joshua 2
◦ Insight: The fear of God is beginning of wisdom and
associated faith saves our lives from destruction!
◦ Name: Deborah
◦ Profile: A prophetess and the only female
judge of pre-monarchic Israel, wife of
◦ Credentials: An eminent leader, Being
courageous in fulfilling God's will
◦ Reference: Judges 4
◦ Insight: God gives us a chance and if we
don't cooperate, he executes his plan
through another man or woman!
◦ Name: Hannah
◦ Profile: Mother of Samuel, initially barren for
many years
◦ Credentials: Perseverance in prayer; Honored
her promise by giving her child back to God
◦ Reference: 1 Samuel 1:10-28
◦ Insight: Willingness to give back to God as we
get every blessing only from Him. So when our
greatest desire is to give glory to God, He will
grant that request!
◦ Name: Unknown
◦ Profile: A widow at Zarephath
◦ Credentials: Being truthful in her words;
Obedience to 'Man of God'
◦ Reference: 1 Kings 17
◦ Insight: God hears the prayer of anyone who
obeys him and does his will, as we learn
from the life of Elijah!
◦ Name: Esther
◦ Profile: The Jewish queen of a Persian king
◦ Credentials: A woman grown without her parents;
Being brave in changing an 'elimination plan' of her
tribe into a 'winning plan'; Being humble by not
forgetting the past though were in a royal position
currently; Trying to do something for her people
amidst difficult circumstances and by putting her own
life at risk
◦ Reference: Book of Esther
◦ Insight: God's protection for his people will always
come through unimaginable ways as we submit to
him in repentance & prayers!
◦ Name: Ruth
◦ Profile: Widow of Mahlon later becoming
Wife of Boaz, Daughter-in-law of Naomi, an
ancestress of King David
◦ Credentials: Kind & loyal; Belief in the 'true
& only' God; Persistent love towards her
widowed mother-in-law with an acclaim that
she is better to Naomi than of seven sons to
◦ Reference: Book of Ruth
◦ Insight: God is the Provider to those who
seek him and trust him to the end!
◦ Name: Abigail
◦ Profile: Wife of Nabal and after his death, becomes
wife of David
◦ Credentials: Truthful to her husband-Nabal and was
Quick & Intelligent to save her husband from disaster;
A Prudent woman who prevented King David from
murdering her greedy husband and from falling into
a troubled conscience of needless bloodshed; A
prophet who envisaged, David as a future ruler of
◦ Reference: 1 Samuel 25
◦ Insight: God doesn't want us to take the revenge, but
he shall be the Judge of all people!
◦ Name: Elizabeth
◦ Profile: Wife of Zechariah & Mother of 'John
the Baptist'
◦ Credentials: Barren until old age but found
righteous before God, Walked blamelessly
in all the commands of God, Blessed virgin
Mary & played a role in God's plan of
◦ Reference: Luke 1:6,7
◦ Insight: God is good to those who seek him,
and God makes them rejoice in life, as they
walk in his decrees!
◦ Name: Mary
◦ Profile: Wife of Joseph & Mother of Jesus-
conceived through Holy Spirit
◦ Credentials: Humble & God-fearing; Despite
the potential shame, she submitted her fully to
the will of God; Blessed among women, as she
was chosen by God for the first coming of
Jesus to this earth; Revered the Lordship of
Jesus and was serving him during his earthly
◦ Reference: In the books of Mathew & Luke
◦ Insight: God exalts the humble and his mercy is
extended to those who fear him!
◦ Name: Salome
◦ Profile: Wife of Zebedee & Mother of James
& John (Disciples of Jesus)
◦ Credentials: Served Jesus in his ministry &
cared for his needs, Witnessed the
resurrection of Jesus
◦ Reference: Mark 15:40,41; 16:1-7 & Matthew
◦ Insight: God honors the one who serves
◦ Name: Anna
◦ Profile: An elderly widow aged around 84
years, who had lived with her husband only
seven years after her marriage
◦ Credentials: A Prophetess, Proclaimed the
redemption plan of God to people of her times
by Thanking God & Prophesying about
(child)Jesus, A devout woman to an extent that
she 1)never left the temple 2)worshiped day &
night 3) persistent in fasting & praying
◦ Reference: Luke 2:36–38
◦ Insight: God reveals his great plans to people
who fervently seek him!
◦ Name: Mary Magdalene
◦ Profile: A follower of Jesus and from whom
seven demons had come out
◦ Credentials: One among other women who
were supporting Jesus in his ministry, The
first to witness Jesus resurrection
◦ Reference: Luke 8:2,3 & Mark 16:9
◦ Insight: Men & Women are equal before
God and He reveals Himself to his true
followers & as we desire to know more
about him!
◦ Name: Martha of Bethany
◦ Profile: Sister of Lazarus & Mary
◦ Credentials: Desire to please Jesus by
serving him the Best, Faith in Jesus as 'Son
of God' and His power of resurrection
◦ Reference: Luke 10:38-42, John 11
◦ Insight: God wants us to pay attention and
yearn for things that are important to our
(eternal) life rather than worldly worries!
◦ Name: Mary of Bethany
◦ Profile: Sister of Lazarus & Martha
◦ Credentials: A woman of spiritual thirst &
believed Jesus as 'Son of God', Poured out
her true love towards Jesus by anointing him
customarily with expensive perfume
visualizing his suffering & burial shortly
◦ Reference: Luke 10:38-42, John 11:2, John
◦ Insight: God will make us see wonders if we
truly believe in his power!
◦ Name: Unknown
◦ Profile: A sinful woman
◦ Credentials: Expressed a real & outstanding
love towards Jesus by anointing him with
her treasured perfume and fully submitting
to him with remorse of her sins
◦ Reference: Luke 7
◦ Insight: God forgives our sins and offers us
salvation, as we repent & love him greatly!
◦ Name: Tabitha (Dorcas)
◦ Profile: A disciple of Lord Jesus and
supposed to be a widow
◦ Credentials: Doing good and helping poor,
Loved by her people around and seem to be
a witness of Lord, Was risen from her death
by Peter, the apostle of Jesus Christ
◦ Reference: Acts 9:36–42
◦ Insight: God wants us to love one another
and help each other, specifically the poor &
the needy believers!
◦ Name: Lydia
◦ Profile: Thought to be a reputable
businesswoman in her times and possibly a
widow, by Bible scholars
◦ Credentials: Worshipper/God-fearer; a great
listener with a thirst to know more about God's
way; Confessed to be a believer in Lord;
Hospitable to God's servants
◦ Reference: Acts 16:14-15
◦ Insight: As said in Bible, we find God as we
search for him truly and moreover, he is willing
to save us!
◦ Name: Priscilla
◦ Profile: Wife of Aquila, fellow workers in Christ Jesus
along with Apostle Paul
◦ Credentials: Always mentioned along with her
husband; A 1st century Christian missionary who
not only strengthened the early churches but even
risking their lives to protect God's men; Pioneer in
organizing 'house church’ & known for hospitality in
serving God's servants in their homes; Thought to
be the anonymous author of "Hebrews" book in
Bible; Credited with instructing Apollos (Evangelist)
in explaining the 'God’s way' more accurately
◦ Reference: Acts 18, Romans 16, 1Corinthians 16:19
◦ Insight: God be glorified, for giving us a role-model
family to be followed by married believers of later
+ Many other Women of the Bible times like Queen of Sheba who had come a
long way to hear the Wisdom of God from King Solomon, the Samaritan woman
who confessed her sins and became the (first) woman Evangelist, etc., that may
be missed out here but whom GOD would have recognized for their faith, love &
submissiveness and they too are part of his blessings forever!
Here are few more examples:
◦ Name: Joanna, Susanna & many others / Profile: Women who were healed
of diseases & evil spirits
◦ Credentials: Ministering to Jesus & his disciples out of their own means
◦ Reference: Luke 8:2,3
◦ Insight: God not only wants us to be thankful but submit ourselves in
establishing the Kingdom of God on earth by utilizing our resources!