Revelations 7912 - 7986: Bertha Dudde Book 83
Revelations 7912 - 7986: Bertha Dudde Book 83
Revelations 7912 - 7986: Bertha Dudde Book 83
is book contains within the given range all the currently translated
Divine Revelations, received through the Inner Word by Bertha Dudde as
promised by John 14.21: ``Whoever has My commands and obeys them,
he is the one who loves Me. He who loves Me will be loved by My Father,
and I too will love him and show Myself to him.''
Only complete and unaltered messages with references may be copied and
Contact Me when you are presented with spiritual knowledge for scrutiny,
so that I will guide your thoughts into the right direction and give you the
abili to form a correct judgment. For your intellect is incapable of making
spiritual judgments; it requires an awakened spirit to guide your thinking
into the right direction, and thus I Myself, the eternal Father-Spirit, must
always be able to establish contact with your indwelling spiritual spark if
your correct thinking is to be guaranteed, if your scrutiny for the origin
of spiritual knowledge is to be accurate. e intellect cannot conduct such
an examination and, were it to do so, there would be no guarantee for
truth, for truth comes forth from Me and it will only be recognised by
those who establish contact with Me, who appeal to Me for enlightened
thinking and who therefore will not accept anything but the truth. And
so you humans should not value your intellect too highly, for as soon as
it concerns spiritual spheres I want to be approached directly, otherwise
the `truth'would only ever be the privilege of those people who possess
a highly developed intellect .... But My condition for correct and truthful
thinking is different: I expect from you humans the love which awakens
your spirit, which enlightens your thinking, which is a direct bond with
Me, the Eternal Love Itself. A sharp intellect, however, is no guarantee for
a life of love .... A sharp intellect without love can also be used by My
adversary, and then truthful thinking can never be expected because the
influence exerted by My adversary will always be against Me in order to
undermine the truth which exposes him. Understand that only a person
living a life of love is wise .... for he lives within divine order and is thus
enlightened, he has gained realisation, the knowledge of the pure truth.
So, of what use is a highly developed intellect to a person if he lacks love?
He will not be able to offer you truth, as My adversary's tool he is more
likely to lead your thinking astray, since the former will always intervene
where a person's life opposes the divine order, where the principle of love
does not predominate .... Love protects him against this influence, love
characterises him as a divine living creation, love testifies to the bond with
Me and therefore also always to correct thinking, and thus he will also
always know the truth, he will be capable of forming a correct judgment
I speak to you because you should know My will .... You need to be given
guidelines by which you should live your life for as long as you live on
earth .... us you must be informed of My will, and the consequences of
complying or not complying with My will must also be explained to you
.... you must know what I expect of you and why I expect it. And then you
should act according to your free will .... that is, you either accept My will or
live contrary to it, but then you must also accept the consequences of your
rightly or wrongly directed will. But you are free to make your decision ....
you are not forced to make this or that decision, to live your life in this or
that way. Even so, you decide your fate in eterni and therefore bear great
responsibili . Were the information of My will not presented to you, you
could not be held to account either but you would hardly reach the goal
e gate into the kingdom of light and beatitude was opened for you
again when the human being Jesus gave His life on the Calvary cross as
redemption for humani 's guilt of sin .... e gulf between Me and you
was bridged by His crucifixion, the path which lead into the Father's house
was clear for you again .... is act of compassion, accomplished by a
human being Who had received the fullness of Myself in Himself and who
therefore also had abundant strength, was unique, and will never have to
be repeated again, because it was accomplished for all people past, present
and future ....
e death of the man Jesus had been so agonising, His physical and
psychological suffering so immeasurably great, that I let it suffice Me as
atonement for the immense original sin of the spiritual beings'past apostasy
from Me .... that My justice, too, was thereby satisfied and that My love was
therefore able to accept you again without violating the law, which even the
most perfect Being has to obey otherwise its perfection would suffer a loss
.... I accepted the sacrifice of Jesus, the man, and the path was open for you,
I will still create many opportunities for you before the end which shall
enable you to find the path to Me .... Time and again I will reveal Myself to
you, though o en in a painful manner, yet you shall always recognise that
you are unable to determine your own destiny, you shall always recognise
a Power above yourselves Which intervenes in your life, and harshly so if
there is no other option, in order to pull you back from the abyss towards
which you are blindly striving .....
One day you humans will understand that I Myself will never exert and
never have exerted My influence over the spiritual being which I exter-
nalised as free and independent .... For as soon as I created it as a self-aware
being it was also endowed with free will, and this free will was not in the
slightest tied to My will, to My illumination of love or any other influence
on My part .... e will was entirely free and able to decide either way. But
the fact that the being possessed free will was also the guarantee that one
day it would be able to change the state of a `living creation'into the state
of a `child', which would have been unthinkable without free will. But My
objective at the creation of the beings was true `children of God' .... thus
beings of supreme perfection which, however, had to attain this perfection
themselves. e question will always arise in you humans as to whether
the thought of apostasy was implanted by Me in these beings, as to whether
they, in a manner of speaking, had to fall away, because I had set Myself
this goal .... `true children'.... when I created the beings. In that case you
can also dispute the beings'free will, but this was the cause of, as well as the
possibili for, the apostasy. However, I foresaw from the very beginning
how My living creations would use their free will and, therefore, I was also
I want to bring you light because you are living in darkness .... I want to lead
you out of the darkness of night into the light of day, I want to enlighten
your spirit and illuminate you with My light of love, I want to make you
happy because you are miserable in your spiritual darkness. I want the sun
of My spirit to shine upon you .... I want to give you that which you are
lacking: the pure truth from God .... I Myself want to teach you, for then
the darkness in you can no longer reign, then the light of My love will
radiate into your hearts and make you blissfully happy, for then you will
no longer repel Me, as you did when you fell away from Me, but listen to
Me once again and accept the light of My love, as it was in the beginning
.... e fact that you humans are lacking light cannot be denied by you, for
you have no idea about the meaning and purpose of your existence, about
the reason for your earthly progress, about the meaning and purpose of
any work of creation .... you have no knowledge about the correlations and
especially not about your relationship with your God and Creator .... You
don't recognise your Father in Me and are unaware of the goal that you
ought to unite with Me as your Father of eterni in order to be eternally
happy again, as you were in the beginning. All this is unknown to you and
neither do you question it, and thus you live in darkness and don't look for
You should steadfastly continue on the path you have taken when you
offered your service to Me .... You should only ever listen to the instructions
given to you by the custodian of the house, for it is necessary to rescue the
souls which are at great risk, since the end is approaching .... And thus you
should listen to Me, you should only ever give Me the opportuni to speak
to you, for you must know what My will consists of because you should live
your life accordingly. And you should believe the information revealed to
you through My Word .... I want to address all people through My servants
on Earth who enable Me to speak through them. And you should always
regard them as My messengers who proclaim the will of their Lord to you,
who ask you to prepare yourselves and provide Me with an abode which
serves Me well when I Myself come knocking at the door of your heart in
order to enter it .... And I will truly bless those of you who are of service
to Me by allowing Me to speak through you .... is voluntarily accepted
task of yours, your mission, is very important, and you will indeed finish
it in accordance with My will, for time and again I convey strength to you
and always show you the ways which enable you to successfully work in
My vineyard .... Time a er time I repel My adversary from you, who will
not cease in his attempts of extinguishing the light where it was kindled
by My love .... Yet he will not succeed, for you are surrounded by spiritual
guardians which weaken his activi . And you can safely continue with your
vineyard work by serving Me as a vessel for the spirit into which I Am able
to flow .... so that My Word can be transmitted to Earth and made accessible
to people of good will. And anyone who is thus directly addressed by Me
need not fear that his work will be in vain, that My Word will not serve its
right purpose, that the `living water'might run dry without having served
the human being with its inherent benefit .... to puri the soul and to
e path of the spirits across the earth will extend into eterni .... For
the spirits themselves became the matter which earth and all its creations
consist of .... God's will turned solidified spiritual substance into matter,
thus the whole of the creation work earth .... as well as all creations in the
entire universe .... is God's once emanated strength which He externalised
as a `being'but which so changed itself that it finally became mere hardened
substance, which was then transformed into creations of all kinds.
is took place over an infinitely long period of time, because the `trans-
formation'also occurred in lawful order, the rise of what is now visible as
`inhabited earth'happened during countless phases of development .... it
was not an instantly externalised work of God's creative power .... since
even the slow development served its purpose .... Time and again minutely
disintegrated spiritual particles were captured and reshaped, the process
took an inconceivably long time before earth had formed itself into a work
of creation which could serve as an abode and sustain physical life for
the constantly maturing spiritual substance, as it was designated by God's
eternal plan of Salvation. And even this spiritual substance took an endless
time before it reached the degree when it was allowed to live as a human
being on earth for the purpose of its final perfection.
is last earthly progress as a human being is but a moment in time
compared with the infinitely long period of the earth's preliminary devel-
opment .... Although the creation of every form was indeed the work of
an instant for God, because His will and His strength externalised every
thought as an existing work .... yet the resistance of the once fallen spirits
determined the length of time until their physical transformation. For God
did not force this spiritual substance but His strength of love captured it
until its resistance had somewhat subsided in order to then encase it in
accordance with His plan, to then shape it into various forms where it
would perform some kind of activi which was so minimal that, again, an
infinitely long time passed before these forms could gradually disintegrate
and change ....
e development of earth took ages until it could be inhabited by living
beings, and these, in turn, prepared the earth for yet another inconceivably
You all should know that I will return in the clouds .... that I will descend
to earth in the same way as I once ascended to heaven .... that My Own
will see Me in brilliance and glory, just as My disciples once saw Me, and
that I will take My Own from earth because the day of the end has come
.... Admittedly, prior to that I Am already descending to earth in the Word,
for I Am the Word Myself, and have given you the promise that I will stay
with you until the end of the world .... but My obvious appearance will not
happen yet, for it will constitute the end of one and the beginning of a new
earth period ....
My coming in the clouds has to be understood literally, yet only few will
see Me, for My flock is small and only My Own will be able to endure
seeing Me, I will only be visible to My Own and allow them to behold
My might and glory .... And this shall be your hope in hours of hardship
and affliction by hostile powers to God .... for in the end everything will
be hostile to God, the rulers and their followers, the people who take their
side in the battle of faith. ey all will take action against you, who want
to remain loyal to Me and persevere to the end .... ey will put you under
great pressure and then you shall hope for My coming, for I will not leave
you in distress of body and soul, I will save you and li you to a place of
peace, and your faith will be so strong that I will be able to show Myself
I have to emphasize time and again that only truth can bring you joy ....
How o en was error explained to you already and you do not recognise
it as such. By this I only refer to mental concepts which do not relate to
earthly knowledge but extend into the spiritual realm, which you humans
will never be able to prove, which can only be believed. is mental
information, however, must correspond to the truth if it is to have beneficial
effects .... You can be totally devoid of knowledge and need not endeavour to
learn anything either .... but then your life as a human being is completely
meaningless, for you will never attain its purpose: your perfection. But
if the wrong knowledge is given to you, your earthly life can be equally
pointless, because wrong knowledge is darkness of spirit .... But you should
live in light, only then will you fulfil the purpose of your earthly life: your
soul will mature fully, for you will live a conscious life and your conduct
will be in accordance with My will. Consequently, imparting the truth and
accepting it has to be the first condition for you to reach your goal ....
But you have free will, and this alone determines your attitude to truth.
Only this determines whether you will ask for truth and want to reject error
.... and then the truth will be offered to you with certain , then you will
walk on earth in the light of truth in every way and arrive at your goal. is
will, however, is only weakly present amongst people, they mostly accept
everything indifferently, and because of their indifference the error adheres
to them far more .... they do not recognise it as such, and their earthly
life can then have been in vain unless they become spiritually enlightened
through a life of love and are saved from the downfall. And the crucial
factor for a person is his decision to live a life of love, because then he will
also be able to differentiate between truth and error ....
And thus, he should consider the divine teaching of love as the first and
most important truth .... If he accepts it as pure truth and lives accordingly,
it will be easy for him to recognise wrong teachings concerning the spiritual
realm as misguided, and he will dismiss them .... But if other, humanly
conceived, doctrines are presented to a person as credible they can very
easily take precedence over his love for Me and one's neighbour, or I will
no longer be regarded as the most perfect Being and therefore love cannot
You have been redeemed through the death of Jesus Christ, and not a
single being in the entire universe is excluded from this redemption, for He
has accomplished His act for all once fallen spirits, He has accomplished
it for all people past, present and future .... But the being itself has to
acknowledge it, it consciously has to lay claim on the blessings of the act
of Salvation .... God's opponent is entitled to the spiritual being which
had voluntarily followed him into the abyss .... It turned to him and away
from God of its own free will .... of its own free will it has to turn away
from him again and desire to return to God. However, it would never find
the strength to separate itself from him, because its will had been totally
weakened by the adversary .... It would stay separated from God forever if
You all have to acquire a much firmer faith and that means that you have
to love even more, because love brings forth a living faith .... Performing
labours of love creates a direct bond with Me, Who is eternal love .... It
should be self-evident that you can no longer doubt or have a weak faith
when you are connected to Me because then I Am the guarantee Myself
that your faith won't be destroyed .... And although your will to believe can
be strong .... but you must have an equally strong will to do works of love
.... Love has to be the inner driving force of all your intentions and actions,
then your faith will be firm and steadfast .... you simply will not be able
to doubt anymore but will be sure of what you should believe. And this
convinced faith will fill you with joy and give you inner peace because then
I Am with you Myself, because your deeds of love draw Me closer to you
without fail, because `those who love are in Me and I Am in them ....'Love
unites us permanently and love gives birth to an unwavering, living faith.
And when you pray for a firm faith then you have to pray for a strong will
to love at the same time and you will achieve a firm faith indeed.
A firm faith is the best guarantee you can have because it gives you inner
peace and calmness during all earthly events which I can avert from you or
reduce their effects because you have faith .... And thus you should always
pray: `Father, help me to do works of love and let my will to love become
ever stronger ....'And the will to love will grow at the same rate because
love guarantees My presence and My presence guarantees help at all times
of distress .... Love also guarantees the recognition of all correlations and
hence the understanding for everything which, in turn, contributes to the
strengthening of faith. Love is everything .... and if you have love you
are also filled with strength from Me and this strength enables you to do
unusual things when necessary, when love is the driving force that makes
you want to help .... en you have the faith that moves mountains ....
and then you won't fear whatever happens to you. Because then you are
connected to Him, Who is Lord above all, Who can command the elements
to spare you and Who wants to prove Himself as your Father .... Who loves
His children and will not leave them to become victims of destruction ....
Ask Me every day for the strengthening of your faith and the will to love,
as this is a spiritual request which I certainly will fulfil because love and
faith are necessary for your perfection ....
us stand firm and don't let your faith waver, for I, your God and Father
of eterni , Am and remain with you when the great battle of faith will
begin by which My adversary also wants to cause the downfall of you who
are My Own. Everything undertaken against Me will always aim to render
Jesus Christ and His act of Salvation implausible to you .... And the fact
that Jesus Christ will be denied, that people shall be deprived of all faith
in Him and that they therefore shall have no opportuni to depart from
this earth in a redeemed state shall be taken by you as an obvious sign
of the approaching end .... For My adversary will openly challenge Me by
attacking Jesus Christ in Whom I became a visible God for humani .
And the more intense this battle erupts the more you can be assured of My
presence, for I will not abandon My Own, I will not let My adversary be
victorious over those who want to be and remain My Own. And when you
are thus cornered by the requirement to deny Me as the divine Redeemer
Jesus Christ .... when you will have to choose between Me and My adversary,
then just put all your trust in Me as then I will be closer to you than ever;
I Myself will fight with you and you need not fear My adversary, for
My power is supreme and will protect you, no matter how threatening
the undertakings against you may look. But then you can expect your
deliverance within hours, you can count on My coming within hours and
the end of the world, whence I will remove you at the height of affliction
and danger ....
Do not become doubtful then, but remember that I have foretold you that
you will still have to endure great tribulations for the sake of your faith ....
Yet the stronger your faith and the more confidently you abide in Me, the
easier will be the battle of faith for you, for I truly have the power at My
disposal to avert even the worst from you, and My Own shall experience
My love and power and therefore can confidently and fearlessly look ahead
to this time. But it will come, for the believers will come under attack by
the earthly authorities and those who are enslaved by My adversary ....
My Own will have to give public testimony and should not be frightened,
for the God Whom they acknowledge will also reveal His power and help
them in earthly adversi and distress ....
You have come a long way already but the fact that you are still walking on
earth is proof that you have not yet concluded your path of development
.... with exception of those who incarnated on earth for the purpose of a
spiritual mission and whose souls thus had previously covered this progress
of development and had found admission in the realm of light .... But I
speak to you humans who are not yet perfect, who once had deserted Me
and had to walk this long path of development so that you can now, at
the human stage, voluntarily take the last test of will, the passing of which
I have no other goal but to make you happy, to bestow the glories of My
kingdom upon you, to let you see what no eye has ever seen, to give you
infinite pleasure .... and to draw you to My heart as My children, because
My love for you is beyond measure .... And one day I will certainly achieve
this goal. Nevertheless, infinitely long periods of time can still pass by,
because it is necessary .... that you, too, grant Me your love, that you
voluntarily desire to return to Me from Whom you once originated .... And
therefore I constantly seek to attract your love as well, I try to inform you
of My nature, which is profoundly perfect, so that I will also gain your
love when you recognise My nature correctly .... is is why I reveal Myself
to you .... I provide you with the evidence that I exist, and I give you an
explanation about My nature, My reign and activi , My eternal plan of
Salvation .... I unveil a picture before your eyes which you can, and indeed
will, love if only you open your eyes and accept this image in your heart ....
And so that you can recognise Me correctly, I speak to you .... You humans
What will still take place before the end of the earth can only ever be
announced as something extremely difficult and sorrowful for humani ,
for God's voice will sound everywhere, albeit in entirely different ways ....
For where His Words of love are ignored He will manifest Himself more
clearly; there will be suffering and adversi in all places, accidents and
catastrophes will alternate with natural occurrences, where the elements
threaten and destroy life .... And all this is God's working or His permission
to disturb people and make them aware of the real purpose for their earthly
life. And where people are united with Him the hardship will be easier to
bear, since He will not abandon His Own even though they are in the midst
of these happenings and unable to avoid the immense adversi during the
last days before the end.
And you all only need to take notice of what happens around you and in
the world, for they are visible warning signs and for the believer always
recognisable as God's intervention or permission, because you were fore-
told that you will have to endure severe hardship and affliction before the
end. All the signs which were predicted for the end are recognisable; yet
you humans always want to see it in the distant future, you don't want to
believe that the time of the end has come. But you have also been told that
the time will be shortened for the sake of those who want to believe and
stand firm. And thus everything will happen in very quick succession ....
e affliction and hardship, the battle of faith and the Antichrist's fury ....
which will emerge only too clearly, and this alone should make the end
time credible to you. For the people who are enslaved by him will surpass
each other in evilness, hatred, lies and vindictiveness, craving for power
and rannies will clearly identi his actions, and people will support him
because they agree with his will and ruthlessly proceed against their fellow
human beings who still believe and want to remain faithful to God.
And these will receive exceptional protection and strength, for God will
stay with His Own and lead them through all adversi and difficulties.
And blessed is he who recognises the time and entrusts himself to the only
Know that every earthly or spiritual experience affecting your life is in-
tended or permitted by Me. For every person's course of life is always
determined by Me in accordance with his spiritual development. And thus
everything can be in your best interest, you don't have to suffer if you
accept everything from My hand and even humbly accept your burdens,
for your correct attitude towards Me will also allow you to assess every
event correctly and your soul will mature. e only purpose of earthly life
is for your soul to mature .... And all earthly events, be they suffering or
joy, will approach you in line with this purpose .... Any event is able to lead
you closer to Me if it is your free will to find union with Me.
But My adversary also tries to win you for himself, and thus you will
be faced by temptations on his part which I allow because he still has
a claim on you, and he will equally influence you but never be able to
force you, instead it remains up to your free will to what extent you allow
yourselves to be influenced by him. Hence you make your own decision by
consciously turning either to Me or to him. And you can make this decision
in every situation; every experience, every stroke of fate, every pleasure
and every affliction can impel you to make this decision. And if you know
You will live forever .... you will not lose this life anymore .... Is there a
more enjoyable promise than that I want to give you eternal life and that
you will thus be eternally happy? For life is blissfulness, because life is a
state in freedom, light and strength, because `life'is the state for which I
have created you, which guarantees your perfection .... And this perfection
will have been endeavoured towards by your own free will, otherwise no
life would be possible, for prior to that you were in a state of death and only
your free will was able to and can change this state of death into `life'....
Furthermore, life means permanent union with Me, Who nourishes you
with the necessary strength to live, which flows to you without restriction
and will never again be limited .... Life is working and creating with Me
and in My will .... and yet also in keeping with your will, for you have
completely entered into My will because you are perfect, because you have
become My images and will no longer think and want anything other than
Myself and therefore you will also be incomparably happy.
And that is the final goal of the beings which once emerged from Me
and My strength as living creations, which were indeed supremely perfect,
since nothing imperfect can come forth from Me, but which voluntarily
relinquished their perfection, fell away from Me and then had to travel
an infinitely long path of development in order to achieve the highest
level of perfection again, in order to thus return to Me, yet no longer as a
`living creation'but as `My child', into which it will have voluntarily shaped
itself through love .... which is indeed its fundamental substance because
it came forth from My love, but which its free will had to arouse into the
brightest of blazes .... but then eternal life in supreme happiness will also
be guaranteed .... And this is the life I have promised you .... I Myself want
to grant you this blissful life, and thus I will never cease in supporting you
to achieve this said high degree of love, whenever it may be .... One day
you will attain life and then never lose this life again .... is is truly the
most glorious promise, for you can hope. You need not fear to be lost; you
need not remain in the state of death forever, for I have told you `You will
live forever ....'And My Word is truth .... only you yourselves determine
the time when you will enter into life; you determine the time when you
You should not trouble yourselves with doubts, but you should also know
that you only receive pure truth from Me by merely wanting your thoughts
to be correct and true. And you will always receive assurance that I do not
contradict Myself, that therefore the spiritual information which originates
from Me, which was conveyed to those of you through the `working of My
spirit'who allow My activi in you, must always tally. However, since My
adversary's influence confused people's thinking, since falsehood and error
are far more likely to be accepted by people, it has also become necessary to
convey the pure truth from above time and again, for truth does not remain
You are truly offered something precious when I talk to you directly, and you
will always be able to draw strength by just consciously opening yourselves
to My emanation of love if you want to receive the ray of strength from Me,
if you desire to be filled with strength from Me .... if you want your hunger
and thirst to be stilled by the nourishment you receive from Me Myself.
However, you are as yet unable to recognise the real value of My gi s of
grace .... even though you willingly listen to Me, even though you belong