MPRT Manual 021804 PDF
MPRT Manual 021804 PDF
MPRT Manual 021804 PDF
Model MPRT
Megger Protective Relay Tester
Part 710000
Rev 0 Date 12/17/03
Revision History
This manual, as well as the hardware and software described in it, is furnished under license and
may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. The content of this
manual is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice. Megger
assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this
The information and data in this User Manual are proprietary. The equipment described herein
may be protected by U.S. patents. Megger specifically reserves all rights to such proprietary
information as well as rights under any patent, none of which is waived by the submission of this
user manual.
Except as permitted by such license, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording,
or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Megger.
Megger, the Megger logo are trademarks of Megger. VXWorks, Zinc, and Tornado are either
registered trademarks or trademarks of the WindRiver Corporation in the US and other countries.
Adobe, the Adobe logo, and Adobe Reader are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. All
other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Notice to U.S. government end users. The hardware, software and documentation are
“commercial items”, as that term is defined at 48 C.F.R. §2.101, consisting of “commercial
computer software” and “commercial computer software documentation,” as such terms are used
in 48 C.F.R. §12.212 or 48 C.F.R. §227.7202, as applicable. Consistent with 48 C.F.R. §12.212
or 48 C.F.R. §§227.7202-1 through 227.7202-4, as applicable, the commercial computer software
and commercial computer software documentation are being licensed to U.S. government end
users (1) only as commercial items and (2) with only those rights as are granted to all other end
users pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in the Megger standard commercial
agreement for this software and hardware. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws
of the United States. The recipient, if a Government agency, acknowledges that this manual and
the equipment described were procured with "Limited Rights" to technical data as described in
ASPR 9-203 (b).
The MPRT test set includes an RTOS-resident computer program. This program belongs to
Megger and contains trade secret ideas and information of Megger.
Written and designed at Megger, 4271 Bronze Way, Dallas, Texas 75237.
This instrument has been designed for operator safety; however, no design can
completely protect against incorrect use. Electrical circuits are dangerous and can be
lethal when lack of caution and poor safety practices are used. There are several
standard safety precautions that should be taken by the operator. Where applicable, IEC
safety markings have been placed on the instrument to notify the operator to refer to the
user manual for instructions on correct use or safety related topics. Refer to the following
table of symbols and definitions.
Symbol Description
Direct Current
Alternating Current
On (Supply)
Off (Supply)
The following are some specific safety related items associated with the
MPRT test system.
Always start with the power OFF, before connecting the power cord.
Make sure outputs are off before attempting to make test
Always use properly insulated test leads. The test leads supplied
with the unit are rated for the continuous output ratings of the test
system, and should be properly used and cared for. DO NOT use
cracked or broken test leads.
Always turn the test system off before disconnecting the power cord
or removing / inserting output modules. Turn the power off when
removing or inserting the Voltage / Current module(s).
DO NOT attempt to use the unit if the power cord ground prong is
broken or missing.
Table of Contents
Section Page
6 Color Palette................................................................................................................ 23 Brightness.................................................................................................................... 23 About - Information Screen ......................................................................................... 24 Date and Time ............................................................................................................. 24 Battery Simulator Setting............................................................................................. 24 IP Address ................................................................................................................... 24 Serial Port.................................................................................................................... 24 GPIB Address.............................................................................................................. 25 Convertible V/I Control ................................................................................................ 25 Phase Angle Setting .................................................................................................... 25 System Frequency....................................................................................................... 26 Default Current Output ................................................................................................ 26 Default Voltage Output ................................................................................................ 26
2.2.4 File Management ............................................................................................................ 26 Test Files ..................................................................................................................... 27 Test Results................................................................................................................. 27
2.3 Communication Ports ...................................................................................................... 27
2.3.1 RS-232C Serial Port........................................................................................................ 27
2.3.2 IEEE-488 GPIB ............................................................................................................... 28
2.3.3 Ethernet 10 BaseT .......................................................................................................... 28
2.3.4 USB Port ......................................................................................................................... 28
2.3.5 Printer Port ...................................................................................................................... 28
2.4 Error Reporting ................................................................................................................. 28
2.5 Advanced Visual Test Software (AVTS) ......................................................................... 28
3.0 OPERATING PROCEDURES ............................................................................................ 28
3.1 Touch View Interface........................................................................................................ 28
3.2 Setting Phase Angle Relationships ................................................................................ 28
3.3 Current Sources................................................................................................................ 31
3.3.1 Parallel Operation ........................................................................................................... 31
3.3.2 Currents in Series Operation .......................................................................................... 31
3.3.3 Harmonic Restraint Test ................................................................................................. 32 Basic Harmonic Restraint Test Procedure .................................................................. 33
3.4 Voltage Sources................................................................................................................ 34
3.4.1 Outputs Summed Together............................................................................................. 34
3.4.2 Dynamic Voltage Relay Test........................................................................................... 34
3.4.3 3Ø, 3-Wire, Open-Delta and T-Connection..................................................................... 34 Open Delta .................................................................................................................. 34 Voltage Output Connections.................................................................................... 35 T-Connection ............................................................................................................... 36
3.4.4 3Ø, 4-Wire, Y-Connection ............................................................................................... 38
3.5 Internal Software Test Profiles ........................................................................................ 39
3.5.1 Pulse Ramping................................................................................................................ 39
3.5.2 Ramping .......................................................................................................................... 39
3.5.3 Angle of Torque............................................................................................................... 40
3.5.4 Step ................................................................................................................................. 40
3.5.5 Dynamic Frequency Hz/S ............................................................................................... 41
3.5.6 Auto Synchronizing ......................................................................................................... 42
3.5.7 Pickup.............................................................................................................................. 42
3.5.8 Seal-In (Target) ............................................................................................................... 43
3.5.9 Timing.............................................................................................................................. 43
3.5.10 Harmonic Restraint ......................................................................................................... 43
3.5.11 Slope ............................................................................................................................... 43
3.5.12 Through Fault.................................................................................................................. 43
3.5.13 Polarizing ........................................................................................................................ 43
3.6 Timer .................................................................................................................................. 44
Basic Timer Setup Menu............................................................................................................ 44
Description ................................................................................................................................. 44
Controls...................................................................................................................................... 44
Complex Timer Setup Menu ...................................................................................................... 46
Description ................................................................................................................................. 46
3.7 Battery Simulator.............................................................................................................. 46
3.8 Relay Testing .................................................................................................................... 46
3.8.1 Touch View Interface Graphical User Interface .............................................................. 47 Main Menu Screen ...................................................................................................... 47 Pre-set Test Menu ....................................................................................................... 48
3.8.2 Impedance Relay Testing Menu .................................................................................. 49 Impedance Relay Setting Screen................................................................................ 50 The Reach Test Setting Screen .................................................................................. 51 Impedance Relay Pre-fault Setting Screen ................................................................. 52 Impedance Relay Reach Test Result Screen ............................................................. 53 Impedance Relay Test Timing Settings....................................................................... 54 Impedance Relay Timing Test Result Screen ............................................................. 55 Impedance Relay Angle of Torque Test Settings Screen ........................................... 57 Impedance Relay Angle of Torque Test Results Screen ............................................ 58 Impedance Relay Target & Seal-In Test and Results ................................................. 60
3.8.3 Overcurrent Relay Test Menu ...................................................................................... 61 Over-Current Relay Setting Screen............................................................................. 62 Overcurrent Relay Test Configuration Screen ............................................................ 63 Overcurrent Relay Pickup Test Results ...................................................................... 65 Overcurrent Relay Target & Seal-In Test Results....................................................... 66 Overcurrent Relay Instantaneous Test Results .......................................................... 67 Overcurrent Relay Timing Test Results ...................................................................... 68
3.8.4 Differential Relay Test Menu ........................................................................................ 69 Differential Relay Setting Screen ................................................................................ 70 Differential Relay Test Configuration Screen .............................................................. 72 Differential Relay Winding 1, 2 or 3 Pick-Up Test Results .......................................... 74 Differential Relay Harmonic Restraint Test Results .................................................... 75 Differential Relay Slope Test Results.......................................................................... 76 Differential Relay Seal-In Test Results........................................................................ 77 Differential Relay Instantaneous Test Results ............................................................ 78 Differential Relay Through Fault Test Results............................................................. 79 Differential Relay Polarizing Test Results ................................................................... 80
3.8.5 Voltage Relay Test Menu.............................................................................................. 81 Voltage Relay Setting Screen ..................................................................................... 82 Voltage Relay Pickup Test Results ............................................................................. 83 Voltage Relay Target & Seal-In Test Results.............................................................. 85 Voltage Relay Timing Test Results ............................................................................. 86
3.8.6 Synchronous Relay Test Menu.................................................................................... 88 Synchronous Relay Setting Screen............................................................................. 89 Synchronous Relay Pickup Test Results .................................................................... 90 Testing Sync-Check, Synchronizing and Auto-Synchronizing Relays .................... 91 Synchronous Relay Timing.......................................................................................... 92
3.8.7 Power Relay Test Menu ................................................................................................ 93 Power Relay Setting Screen ....................................................................................... 94 Test Configuration Screen ....................................................................................... 97 Power Relay Pickup Test Results ............................................................................... 99 Power Relay Target & Seal-In Test and Results....................................................... 100 Power Relay Timing Test Results ............................................................................. 101
3.8.8 Reclose Relay Test Menu ........................................................................................... 102 Reclose Relay Setting Screen................................................................................... 103 Reclose Relay Pickup Test Setting Screen............................................................... 104 Reclose Relay Timing Test Results .......................................................................... 105
8 Testing Reclosing Relays - Theory of Operation................................................... 106 Testing Reclosing Relays (Reclose Only), Timing and Sequence to Lockout ...... 109 Testing Distribution Relays with Trip, Reclosing and Sequence to Lockout ......... 113
3.8.9 Frequency Relay Test Menu ...................................................................................... 117 Frequency Relay Setting Screen............................................................................... 118 Frequency Relay Pickup Test Results ...................................................................... 119 Frequency Relay Target & Seal-In Test Screen ....................................................... 120 Frequency Relay Timing Test Screen ....................................................................... 121 Dynamic Frequency Timing Test ........................................................................... 121
3.8.10 Manual Test Menu Screen .......................................................................................... 123 Manual Voltage/Current Test Screen..................................................................... 124
Description ............................................................................................................................... 124
Operation ................................................................................................................................. 124
Controls.................................................................................................................................... 124 Manual Frequency Test Settings Screen .............................................................. 127
Description ............................................................................................................................... 127
Operation ................................................................................................................................. 127
Controls.................................................................................................................................... 127
Dynamic Frequency Operation ................................................................................................ 130 Manual Auto Synchronizing Test Screen.............................................................. 131
Description ............................................................................................................................... 131
Operation ................................................................................................................................. 131
Controls.................................................................................................................................... 131
Testing Synchronizing and Auto-Synchronizing Relays .......................................................... 132 Manual Transducer Test Settings Screen............................................................. 134 Select Transducer Type ..................................................................................... 134 Transducer Description ...................................................................................... 134 System Default Settings..................................................................................... 135 Transducer Output ............................................................................................. 136 Manual Transducer Test Screen ............................................................................ 138 MPRT Output Section ........................................................................................ 138 Transducer Output Section ................................................................................ 139 Testing Transducers ............................................................................................... 139 Saving Results.................................................................................................. 140 Watt / Var / Va / Power Factor Applications .......................................................... 140 Watt/VAR 1 Element .......................................................................................... 140 Power Factor 1 Element..................................................................................... 141 Watt/VAR1 1/2 Element ..................................................................................... 143 Watt/VAR 2 Element .......................................................................................... 144 Watt/VAR 2 1/2 Element .................................................................................... 146 Watt/VAR 3 Element .......................................................................................... 148 Power Factor 3 Element..................................................................................... 150 Single Phase Applications ..................................................................................... 151 AC and DC Voltage Transducers....................................................................... 151 AC and DC Current Transducers ....................................................................... 152 Frequency Transducers ..................................................................................... 153
4.0 External High Current Amplifier .................................................................................... 155
5.0 Warranty Statement........................................................................................................ 155
6.0 Service Data .................................................................................................................... 156
6.1 Preventive Maintenance................................................................................................. 156
6.1.1 Examine the Unit........................................................................................................... 156
6.2 MPRT Ethernet Port and IP Networks........................................................................... 156
6.2.1 Setting MPRT IP Address Dialog Box ....................................................................... 157
6.2.2 Updating MPRT Software / Firmware ........................................................................ 157
6.3 Service and Repair Instructions.................................................................................... 157
6.3.1 Basic Troubleshooting ............................................................................................... 158
9 Power Input............................................................................................................ 158 Input Power and Control ........................................................................................ 159 Binary Inputs and Battery Simulator ...................................................................... 159 Voltage/Current Amplifier Module.......................................................................... 160 Input Power and Control ........................................................................................ 161
6.4 Calibration ....................................................................................................................... 162
6.5 Preparation for Reshipment .......................................................................................... 162
1.0 Operation
The unit’s design is a "modular" concept. All controls and outputs are clearly marked and
logically grouped so continual reference to the instruction manual should not be necessary once
the test operator is acquainted with the operation of the test system. The unit’s rear panel will
appear different among units since each unit may have up to four V/I Generator Modules and
may have an optional EPOCH II / EPOCH 20 interface, or other type. However, there must be at
least one V/I Generator Module installed for this unit to operate properly.
3. Reset Button – the reset button provides a soft reboot for the unit and restores the unit
to its normal Power-On state. The reset will clear all values entered into various screens.
The data should be saved before performing a reset, if possible.
4. Binary Outputs – there are 6 internal to the MPRT Unit. Each output can be configured
as Normally Open or Normally Closed contacts providing logic to the device under test.
The output can switch up to 300 VAC or 250 VDC with 1 Amp continuous. The
programmable wait duration is from 1 millisecond to 10,000 milliseconds.
5. Battery Simulator – the output voltages are 24, 48, 125 and 250 Volts DC with current
limiting output power protection. If a voltage is powered ON, that respective voltage will
have a lighted value.
7. Binary Inputs – there are 10 internal to the MPRT unit. The input will accept a voltage
range of 5 to 300 VAC or 5 to 250 VDC or dry Normally Open / Normally Closed contacts.
8. Three Phase Power Indication – the three phases are noted by the red, yellow, and
blue color boxes surrounding each output. Phase A (V1 & I1) is denoted by the red color;
Phase B (V2 & I2) is denoted by the yellow color; and Phase C (V3 & I3) is denoted by
the blue color. An optional fourth output module is denoted by the black color box. With a
fourth output module installed, there may be up to four phases of voltage and current, or
two three phase open delta voltages, with four currents, or up to eight phases of current.
The first four phases are indicated by V1/I1, V2/I2, V3/I3 and V4/I4. Once the voltage
generators are converted to current generators, they will change as indicated below:
V1 ⇒ I5
V2 ⇒ I6
V3 ⇒ I7
V4 ⇒ I8
9. TVI Connector – connects the Touch View Interface to the unit. Used for manual
operation, and display outputs when under computer control.
1. Incoming Power / Line Cord – the input line cord, ground terminal, are mounted on the
back panel of the test set.
Input Line Cord The test set is equipped with a line cord; see the accessory kit, which
connects to the male plug on the back panel. Verify the input voltage
before connecting the line cord to the power source.
NOTE: The unit can be powered from an input source with a rating of
95 VAC to 264 VAC. The unit automatically adjusts to the available
power if it is within the specified range.
2. Earth Ground Jack – use this terminal to connect chassis ground to earth ground.
3. RS-232C Serial Port - The serial port can operate at a maximum baud rate of 115,200
and will send / receive data in a serial fashion. See section for more description.
4. IEEE-488 GPIB –The IEEE-488 GPIB port enables the unit to function as a talker-listener
as well as operate at speeds much faster than the serial bus, which will send / receive
data in a parallel fashion. This will allow DFR and EMTP files to be downloaded at a
faster rate. See section for more description.
5. Ethernet 10BaseT – The Ethernet 10BaseT port will typically operate very efficiently and
effectively in real time. This port is the fastest communication method within this unit.
The setup will be similar to Microsoft® Windows where one may set the protocol. In
addition, this port provides the optimal method for downloading EMTP files, DFR
streaming, and updating the unit’s firmware as required. See sections and 6.2 for
more descriptions.
6. USB Interface – Provides a communication port for connecting external devices, such as
the optional external binary input/output box to the unit (when more than 10 binary inputs
and/or more than 6 binary outputs are required).
7. EPOCH High Current Interface Port –The High Current Interface port is provided on the
rear panel of the unit. It is designed to interface with the Multi-Amp Models EPOCH-II or
EPOCH-20 High-Current Output Units (reference the EPOCH-20 or EPOCH-II Bulletins
for output specifications). This port interfaces with the optional interface module box to
provide control of up to three EPOCH-20 or EPOCH-II current amplitude, phase angle
and frequency outputs. Status of the EPOCH-20/II output can be seen on the TVI display.
8. External Clock –The external clock has separate input and output connections. The
Clock In is used in conjunction with a Clock Out from another unit or other clock source
for multiple unit operations or other special test applications. The Clock Out provides a
24 KHz clock signal to another unit that phase locks these units together.
9. External Trigger –The External Trigger has separate input and output connections. They
enable the unit to sync with another unit, or TTL (+ 5Vdc) signal source such as a GPS
satellite receiver. The Trigger In is used in conjunction with another unit to establish a
trigger for a special operation or programmed event. Typically the Trigger In
synchronizes to the Trigger Out unit and acts as a slave to it. The Trigger Out provides a
TTL digital signal to another unit in order to synchronize a multiple unit operation when it
needs to establish a trigger for a special operation or programmed event. The TTL signal
and pulse width for the GPS receiver is:
10. PRINTER Interface Port– For future use (not used at this time).
Voltage/Current Modules (or V/I Gen). –There are four available slots for the Voltage/Current
Amplifier Modules. The slots are numbered from right to left with the back of the unit facing you.
Looking at the back of the unit, the rightmost slot equates to Phase A; the second slot from the
right equates to Phase B; the third slot from the right equates to Phase C; and left most slot may
be used to provide a fourth phase, polarizing voltage and/or current, residual voltage and/or
current, or other required sources.
Amplifier EXT Inputs – There are four sets of BNC connectors labeled V1/I5, I1; V2/I6, I2;
V3/I7, I3 and V4/I8, I4. These connectors are used to amplify an external analog signal using the
MPRT amplifiers. Application of ± 10 Volts Peak will provide Full Scale output from the selected
The Touch View Interface is used in manual operation of the unit. The color LCD touch-panel
display and control knob are the operator interface for the unit.
2. Control Knob – this knob will adjust values once the cursor is in the box location of the
value to be changed.
1.2 Terminology
The acronyms, terms, and definitions used throughout this manual are described below:
1.2.1 Acronyms
AC Alternating Current
AVTS Advanced Visual Test Software
CW Clockwise (rotation)
CCW Counter Clockwise (rotation)
DC Direct Current
GPIB General Purpose Interface Bus (IEEE-488)
GPS Global Position System
GUI Graphical User Interface
Hz Hertz
ID Identification
I/O Input/Output
kHz Kilo Hertz
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
MAG Magnitude
MHz Megahertz
MTA Maximum Torque Angle
NVRAM Non-volatile Random Access Memory
PC Personal Computer
ROM Read-Only Memory
RS-232 Serial Communication Interface
RTS Relay Test System
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
SSD Solid State Disk
TCM Timer Control Module
TVI Touch View Interface
USB Universal Serial Bus
VAC Volts Alternating Current
VDC Volts Direct Current
V/I Gen Voltage / Current Generator Module
VRMS Volts Root Mean Square
UUT Unit Under Test
The MPRT TVI display screens prompt the user to select, or set, various values. The values vary
depending on the relay under test, and the relay setting screen. Many of the terms used are
similar in nature and mean virtually the same thing regardless of the type of relay. For example,
the term Time Dial is the used to define the time dial setting on the relay under test. The Time
Dial could be on an overcurrent relay, or just as easily be on a under voltage relay.
Unfortunately, some of the terms described here may apply to different types of relays in different
ways, and thus may not cover every possible relay made. However, it is hoped that this glossary
will help the user to understand every setting value on every relay setting screen. Tap
A numerical value associated with a tap setting on the relay. Tap is normally associated with a
value of current, voltage, frequency or watts. Tap is used to define a setting value, pick up value,
or minimum operating point, of the relay under test.
15 Time Dial
A numerical value normally associated with a TIME CURVE, or defines the use of a specific time
curve from a family of curves. Used when conducting a timing test. The TIME DIAL number also
may be used in a Time-Curve algorithm in calculating the theoretical operating time of the relay
under test.
A numerical value associated with a tap setting on the instantaneous element of the relay.
Normally associated with a value of current or voltage. Used to define a pick up value, or
minimum operating point, of the instantaneous element of the relay under test.
Is a numerical value of time in seconds. Normally associated with electromechanical relays, this
is the amount of time required for the operating disk to reset. If multiple timing tests are
conducted on a relay, the test system will wait the Reset Time value prior to applying the next
timing test.
Note, if the Reset Time is too short, and the disk does not completely reset, then timing error
will be introduced to the test. Note that numerical relays also can have reset times to coordinate
with electromechanical relays.
Is a numerical value of dc current. This value is used when conducting the Target and Seal-in
tests on electromechanical relays.
A numerical value normally associated with conducting timing tests. Multiples are normally
expressed in terms of 2, 3, 4, etc., times the Relay Tap, or Pickup, value of the relay under test.
If only one Test Multiple is entered, then only one timing test point will be conducted. If two or
three multiples are entered, then the test system will wait the Reset Time before applying the next
Test Multiple. Reach
A numerical value expressed in Ohms. This value is used to determine the “distance”, in Ohms,
that the relay under test “sees” either into the transmission line or a generator. Torque
A numerical value expressed in degrees. A value used in impedance relays to define the
“maximum torque angle” or “line angle” setting of the relay under test.
A numerical value which expresses the operating time of the relay under test. Normally used to
specify a definite operating time for a given fault value.
16 Winding (1,2,3,4) Tap
A numerical value associated with the Winding Number i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., of a transformer
differential relay. Used to define the tap setting value and test for each winding. % Slope
A numerical value which establishes the operating characteristic of a differential relay. The
operating characteristic of the differential relay is a line, with a slope defined by the ratio of the
operating and restraint values. % Harmonic
A numerical value which establishes the percent of harmonic restraint for a harmonic restrained
transformer differential relay. This value will be used to determine Pass/Fail during the Harmonic
Restraint test.
The Touch View Interface is the operator’s interface for the manual operation of this unit.
Variable or value changes are performed by the touch panel keypad or by rotating the control
knob after touching the display with your finger where the change is required. See section 2.2 for
operational details.
The input voltage may be from 95 to 264 VAC, 50/60 hertz. Input current required varies with the
number of output modules in use and load. The maximum input power is 2100VA. The input is
protected by an ON/OFF switch / circuit breaker. Model 84XX-XXTXAX comes with a North
American power cord (part number 14350).
Model 84XX-XXTXEX comes with a Continental Europe power cord (part number 15021).
The 84XX-XXTXIX comes with a standard International Color code power cord as shown below.
The cord, part number 14525, is ready for wiring to the appropriate plug (depending on country).
The following colors apply, Brown = Line, Blue = Neutral and Green/Yellow = Ground.
The voltage and current ranges may be set to zero for automatic range adjustments or manually
set to the number desired in volts or amps as indicated below. The unit will choose the lowest
range which contains the desired value.
17 Voltage and Current Ranges
30.00V 150VA @ 5A
150.00V 150VA @ 1A
The output module is able to provide a variable frequency output with the following ranges:
00.001 to 99.999
100.01 to 999.99
1000.1 to 3000.0
The phase angle may be set from 0° to 359.9° in either lead or lag configuration, clockwise or
counterclockwise rotation. In addition, the user may select the angle display configuration of
±180°. See section, Phase Angle Setting, for information regarding Factory Default
The Timer can indicate the elapsed time either in seconds or in cycles. The Timer is prearranged
in the setup screens of the respective relay types that are to be evaluated. There are factory
default settings for the timer inputs.
1.5.1 Binary Inputs – Timer
The Timer is specifically designed to measure high speed operation of electro-mechanical, solid-
state and microprocessor-based protection relays. In addition, it will perform timing tests on EHV
to low voltage breakers, trip circuits, and contactors. The factory default settings are:
It incorporates the banana plug receptacles that may be programmed to be: Start Gates, Stop
Gates, and Monitor Gates, all Stop Gates, all Contact Continuity Monitors, or all Voltage
Applied/Removed Monitors.
In the TVI there are up to sixteen identical, independent, programmable gate circuits (Start, Stop,
and Monitor) that permit simple selection of the desired mode for timing or contact monitoring
operation. There are 10 internal inputs and 6 optional external inputs for the unit.
To monitor operation of the contacts or trip SCR in the device under test, an "ACTIVE" light is
provided for each gate. The gate circuit is isolated for voltage-sensing and can monitor solid-
state logic signals. Each “Active” light will illuminate once contacts close or voltage is applied to
the gate. If desired, a tone generator (horn) may provide an audible indication when the contacts
close or voltage is applied.
Timer starts, stops or a continuity indicator goes out at the opening of normally closed contacts,
or when conduction through a semiconductor device, such as a triac or a transistor, is interrupted.
Timer starts, stops or a continuity indicator glows at the closing of the normally open contacts, or
upon conduction through a semiconductor device such as a triac or a transistor.
This will either start the Timer or stop the Timer. The continuity indicator will glow (application) or
darkens (removal) upon the application or removal of either an AC or DC voltage. A higher
threshold voltage helps to eliminate false triggers due to a noisy source. Lower thresholds allow
starting and stopping of timer from TTL voltage signals. The allowable voltage applied is 5 to 300
Volts AC or 5 to 300 Volts DC, current limiting resistors provide protection. The Timer can be started when turning on any selected generators. The Timer can be started simultaneously with a change in Frequency, Phase
Angle, or Amplitude. Also, it can be started simultaneously with a Voltage or Current waveform
step. The Timer can be stopped upon Phase Synchronization between two voltage
channels (normally used to time auto synchronizing relays).
1.5.2 Binary Outputs – Timer
There are 6 internal outputs and 10 optional external outputs for the unit. The contacts can
switch up to 300 VAC, 1 Amp or 250 VDC, 1 Amp continuous. The contacts may be to open or
closed, thus simulating circuit breaker operation. The programmable wait duration is from 1
millisecond to 10,000 milliseconds.
The receptacles provide 24, 48, 125, or 250 VDC with current limiting protection. The primary
application is to provide DC logic voltage to solid-state and microprocessor relays.
The DC measuring circuit’s voltage is from 0 ±10VDC and current from either 0±1mADC or 1 to
±20mADC. This circuit is used for testing transducers. See Section for more description.
The High Current Interface may be initiated in the Main Menu Screen. The High Current Interface
button is located at the bottom of the TVI. When initiated, the “High I” will change to “Unit I”.
When a relay test is completed and the HIGH CURRENT INTERFACE is no longer required, turn
OFF the EPOCH-20/II test unit.
2.1 System
Unpack the unit and check for evidence of any shipping damage. If there is any visual damage,
notify the freight carrier to make a damage claim and notify Megger of the damage.
1. Plug the Touch View Interface into the front of the unit. The TVI will be active once the
power is turned ON. A personal computer (PC) will take control of the unit if it is
connected. The unit power must be OFF before the PC is connected to the unit.
2. Before connecting power to the unit, make sure the POWER ON/OFF Switch is in the
OFF position (0). Plug the unit line cord into a power source and turn the POWER
ON/OFF Switch to ON (I).
Pressing the Main Menu button will produce the following screen.
If a PC is connected, the TVI will display the monitored outputs when the PC is in control of the
unit. The Timer button will be available to select time ONLY. In addition, the vector graph will be
displayed on the TVI.
2.2.1 Touch Panel Display
The TVI Touch Panel Display is the means by which data is entered into the unit, while the unit is
in manual control. The TVI will display all active (ON) generators in red and all selected, but
inactive (OFF), generators in green. If a generator is not selected it will be grey. If an entered
value is out-of-range, an error screen will appear to notify the setting is out-of-range.
The keypad entry provides an interface to the user when entering a value in the various screens.
Touching a data entry window on the TVI will activate the Numeric Keypad. Pressing Enter or
Cancel will return the user to the previous screen that is in use. Pressing Ramp will select that
value to ramp when using the control knob. Pressing Clear will clear the value you just entered.
knob uses a speed control algorithm to provide fine adjustment, with a slow rotation, and a larger
step adjustment with a faster rotation. Language
The factory default is English, but may be changed to French, Spanish, German, Italian, or
Portuguese. Other languages will be added to the list at a later date. To change language, press
the language select button on the Main Menu Screen, see Figure 7.
The background and color scheme is adjustable. Press the button to select from a variety of other
color schemes. Brightness
The brightness is adjustable. The display will always be visible since hardware limits the
brightness from becoming too bright or too dark to be seen. Press the brightness + or - buttons to
make adjustments.
23 About - Information Screen
The V/I Generators, Timer and Unit Serial Numbers, software/firmware versions and unit
configuration will be displayed once the About button is pressed. This information is useful when
calling Dallas for service or technical support related issues. Date and Time
Press this button to reset the Date and Time. This information is critical for saving tests and test
results in the unit internal file manager. IP Address
The IP address allows the unit to be connected and controlled on a local area network. Pressing
the IP Address button will produce the IP Address Dialog box. See Section 6.2 MPRT Ethernet
Port and IP Networks for details associated with use of the Ethernet port and IP address settings.
24 GPIB Address
The GPIB address is selectable from 01 to 15. The factory default is 01. This will permit
communication between a personal computer and the unit once the IEEE-488 GPIB driver is set
to communicate with the respective address.
Used to change voltage channel to a current channel. Current configuration will be highlighted in
red, while the unselected channels will be in green. If the channel is not present, it will be in grey
and not available for selection.
The Phase Angle Setting has three selections: 0-360° Lead, Lag or ±180°. In addition, the user
can set the display for clockwise and counterclockwise rotations. The factory default is 0-360°
lagging. Press the Phase Angle select button, and the following screen will appear.
Select either Leading or Lagging and the phase indicators 0 deg., or 0, 240, 120 deg. or 0, 120,
240 deg. or 0, - 120, +120 deg. Selecting 0 -360 Lead and 0, 240, 120 deg. will result with V1
referenced at 0˚, V2 at 240˚ Leading V1 and V3 at 120˚ Leading V1, Counterclockwise rotation.
Currents when entered will Lead their respective voltages by the angle entered. Selecting 0 – 360
Lag, and 0, 120, 240 will result with the voltage V2 and V3 lagging V1 by 120 and 240 degrees
respectively. Any current values entered will lag their respective voltages by the angle indicated.
See section 3.2 for more details on setting phase angle relationships.
25 System Frequency
The system frequency will be set to the typical value of the country, either 50 or 60 hertz. Other
fixed frequencies are available. The unit can provide a fixed output frequency of 0 (DC), 25, 50,
60, 100 hertz, or Line Sync 50/60 Hz. To change the default frequency press the System
Frequency button and the following selection screen will appear.
The Default Current provides a default value (set for 0 Amps) and provides the selectable setup
values for the current. The selectable currents are 0, 1, and 5 amps phase-to-neutral. This will
also be the value used in the prefault settings screen as well some other preset test screens.
These settings will change once the values are changed by the user in the relay settings screen.
The Default Voltage output provides a default value (set for 0 volts) and provides the selectable
setup values for the voltage. These settings can be changed by the user in the relay settings
screen. Press the Default Voltage button and a list of popular phase-to-neutral values will be
provided to choose from. This is a big time saver when testing three-phase relays, the user does
not have to enter each individual voltage value, they will already be preset ready to use.
Figure 18 File Manager Screen
The display is divided into two parts: the upper half is used to define the user action; and the
lower half displays the files and directories. File names are limited to 99 capital letter characters.
The alphanumeric keypad is used to enter file or directory names. In addition, the name of a file
or directory will appear in the name area as the cursor moves (using Up and Down buttons)
through the list of files or directories.
The following list of actions may be used in this display through pull down menus: Save Data,
Read Data, Make Directory, Rename, Delete, Save User Sys Defaults, Read User Sys Defaults,
Read Factory Defaults and Delete Factory Defaults. If files are to be deleted or written over, a
warning message will alert the operator this action is about to take place. This allows the
operator to cancel the action.
2.3.2 IEEE-488 GPIB
The IEEE-488 GPIB port will allow a faster baud rate and connectivity to the Unit. This port is
recommended for connection to the unit except when DFR streaming or EMTP files need to be
controlled in real-time.
2.3.3 Ethernet 10 BaseT
The Ethernet port will allow the fastest method for DFR playback streaming in real-time.
Firmware updates use this port for downloading purposes, since it is the most effective and
efficient communication. Simply connect the port to the networked PC and download accordingly.
The Printer port is for future use and is not available at this time.
There are over 300 possible error messages that the operator may witness. Some have to do
with manual operation, some have to do with automated operation, and some have to do with unit
errors or overload situations. For example, errors will be reported when out-of-range values are
entered. The error screen will display the range for that value to ensure a value is entered that
resides within the tolerance of the range.
This section describes basic operating procedures for using the multiple output modules of the
unit for such applications as paralleling current outputs, conducting harmonic restraint tests,
series of potential sources to provide higher than rated potential, testing over/under voltage relays
and forming three phase voltage outputs.
The Touch View Interface (TVI) is used to operate the MPRT manually. It is controlled via a
touch screen and a control knob. The touch screen allows the operator to change a parameter by
simply touching the location for the value. Then, a keypad can be used to change the value or
the operator may use the knob to modify the value.
Think of each V/I Generator module as a vector generator. Each module has an internal zero
reference to which it references its phase angle settings as displayed on the TVI. This applies to
phase angle settings between the voltage and current outputs. When setting a phase angle
between two outputs, it is recommended that one output be set at 0° and the other output be
referenced to the 0° . This is for operator convenience only. When setting an angle, the operator
has a multiple of choices, depending on the Default Phase Angle setting in the Default Setting
Screen, see In the engineering world and in the following figures, the lagging diagram
displays negative rotation and will create negative sequence components, while the Lead and +/-
180 diagrams display positive rotation which is normal system activity.
Figure 21 Positive Phase Sequence Rotation Using ± 180˚
For example, using 0-360 Lag (0, 120, 240) setting an angle of 30° between the two outputs
would look like:
The reference output is 0° and the second output is rotated 30° clockwise. In other words, the
angle is lagging the referenced source by 30°.
Conversely, if the angle decreases in the counterclockwise direction from 359.9° toward 0.0°, for
a setting angle of 300.0°, the second output would look like:
The reference output is 0° and the second output is rotated to 60° in the counterclockwise
direction. In other words, the second output lags the reference output by 300° or leads it by 60°.
The user may default to phase angles to ±180° with the - (negative) angles lagging and the +
(positive) angles leading. Therefore, to set an angle of + 10° leading, the vector relationship
would be:
Two, three or four current channels may be connected in parallel to provide additional current
capacity. This is necessary when higher test currents are needed for testing instantaneous trip
elements. To parallel the current channels of the unit, perform the following:
1. Using the current channel test leads, connect each current channel to the relay under
test. The parallel connection must be made at the relay, not at the source. Note that all
current sources are grounded.
NOTE: All current channels should be set to the same phase angle.
2. If two current channels that are to be used in parallel, set each to one-half of the output
requirements. The settings between three current channels will be one-third the output
requirement, and four channels would be one-fourth. Initiate all current channels
simultaneously by pressing the Start button. All parallel current outputs must be ON to
prevent internal shunting of current.
3. All current channels have amplitude control now operates simultaneously to provide the
desired test current. Selecting Ramp of the current Magnitudes will allow the user to ramp
all currents at the same time using the Control Knob. Total output is the sum of the
current shown on the current channels amplitude displays.
Two current channels may be connected in series in order to double the available compliance
voltage. High impedance electromechanical ground overcurrent relays have always been difficult
to test at high multiples of tap due to the winding impedance and saturation characteristics. The
peak voltage required can exceed the maximum output voltage of one MPRT current output
channel, depending on the required test current. By connecting the outputs in series, the
compliance voltage is doubled, providing higher test currents through the load. To series the
current channels of the unit, perform the following:
Using the current channel test leads, connect the Red output terminals of current channel to the
relay under test. The Black ground terminals are not used.
NOTE: One current channel should be set to 0 degrees and the other current channel
should be set to a phase angle of 180 degrees so that the two compliance voltages add across
the load.
The two current channels that are to be used in series, set each to the same test current
magnitude. Initiate the two current channels simultaneously by pressing the Start button.
All current channels have amplitude control now operates simultaneously to provide the desired
test current. Selecting Ramp of the two current Magnitudes will allow the user to ramp the two
currents at the same time using the Control Knob. The test current is the current shown on either
of the current channels amplitude displays.
One V/I Generator could be used to do differential or harmonic restraint tests when the voltage
channel is converted to a current source. This is useful when the unit only has one V/I Generator,
and if the required operating current doesn’t exceed 5 amperes and the restraint current doesn’t
exceed 15 amperes (Model MPRT 8415) or 30 amperes (Model MPRT 8430).
Two V/I Generator current channels may be used to obtain the desired current output to conduct
harmonic restraint tests on differential relays. One of the current channels provides the second or
higher harmonic output and the other current channel provides the fundamental current.
There are two methods available to do harmonic restraint tests: the first method uses a pure
harmonic (2nd, 3rd, 5th, etc) of the fundamental from one current channel summed with the
fundamental current from a second current channel at the relay; The second method uses the
unit "HWAVE" feature. The HWAVE simulates the "diode method" recommended in some relay
manufacturers instruction literature. When the HWAVE is selected, the output module provides a
"half-wave" sinewave (similar to what you would see if using a diode in series with a current
NOTE: Some recommended test procedures prefer using 4 DC amperes of half-wave. Since
the unit displays the full RMS sine-wave quantity, it will be necessary to set 8.89 amperes RMS
on the selected HWAVE current channel to achieve the desired equivalent of 4 DC amperes half-
wave. Use the following formulas to calculate other values of DC half-wave:
IDC (halfwave) = and Ipeak = Irms * 1.414
Irms * 1.414
Idc(halfwave) =
Irms =
Solving where:
Idc = 4
Irms = or Irms = 8.89
32 Basic Harmonic Restraint Test Procedure
To set up the unit for harmonic restraint testing use the following procedure:
1. Select a current module to provide the desired harmonic. Set the current channel to the
desired harmonic. Use either second, third, or fifth harmonic in conjunction with the
selected frequency.
2. Connect the pair of current output leads from two of the unit’s current channels to the
relay under test so the current from each output is in parallel with one restraint and the
operating coil of the relay. Check to ensure both commons (grounds or earths) share the
same relay terminal.
3. Initiate the outputs. Increase the output to the appropriate harmonic current. It is
recommended that 1.0 ampere of harmonic current be set (it will make the math easier).
If using the HWAVE, set the displayed current to 8.89 amperes RMS (this equals 4
amperes DC half-wave).
4. Increase the fundamental current until the relay operates. To calculate the percent of
harmonic restraint use the appropriate equation below (if using pure harmonic current). If
using the HWAVE refer to the manufacturer’s instruction literature for the appropriate %
Harmonic Curve.
NOTE: Restore the HWAVE channel to a sinewave upon test completion if the HWAVE
feature was used.
3.4 Voltage Sources
Two voltage channels may be used to sum the voltage outputs to obtain higher than rated voltage
provided the load is ungrounded. Connect the load between the voltage channel posts, set V1
Phase to 0° and set V2 Phase to 180°. The voltage outputs will add so the total voltage is the
sum of the two voltage amplitudes, V1 and V2 as can be seen in the picture below.
V2 • V1
. Note that the common terminals are grounded and not used.
Over/Under Voltage Relays can be dynamically tested using one voltage channel along with the
timer. This procedure applies a "normal" voltage to the relay under test, then automatically
adjusts the test voltage to a "fault" amplitude that is higher (over voltage) than the pickup voltage.
The same is true for testing under voltage relays except the test voltage is dropped below the
relay pickup voltage. Additionally, the timer is automatically started with "fault" voltage applied to
the relay under test.
First, set the "normal" voltage on the relay, then with the relay energized to normal condition, set
the desired "fault" voltage and Timer Start (relay trip circuit should be connected to the Timer
Stop terminals). If you want to de-energize the voltage to the relay when it trips, use the Auto-Off
feature. The Timer starts, the relay trips, and stops the Timer. It then removes power from the
outputs. See Voltage Relay in section 3.8.5.
Two methods of obtaining a three-phase, three-wire voltage source are available. The Open-
Delta configuration, referenced in the following figure, is the easier to use when a balanced three-
phase source and it is required because the amplitude and phase relationship can be set directly.
No calculations are necessary.
When using the Open-Delta Configuration to set up a phase-to-phase fault, calculations’ using
the Law of Cosines is required to calculate amplitude and phase relationships. (See discussion
under T-Connection for simulating unbalanced, phase-to-phase faults without need for
When using the Open-Delta configuration, it is suggested to use voltage channel #1, designated
V1, and voltage channel #2, designated V2, while the COMMON binding post is designated Vg.
With this arrangement, the magnitude and phase angle of the potentials can be easily calculated
and set. For the balanced three-phase condition V1g and V2g are equal in magnitude and
separated by an angle of 60o. This is done by setting the V1 and Vg potentials equal in
magnitude, setting 0° on V1 and 300o (60 degrees leading assuming that the default phase
rotation is set to 360 Lag) on V2, (reference following figure).
Set V1 = Vf ∠ 0o
Set V2 = Vf ∠ 300o
AB2 = AC2 + BC2 – 2 x AB x BC x cos ß.
The next figure shows the phase relationships between voltages and an example of the
necessary calculation. For convenience the amplitude and the phase angle settings for the
typical Vf fault magnitudes are tabulated.
From the Law of Cosines
θ = arccos( V 12 )
2 * V 23
V 12 2 3
V 23 = ( ) +( * 120 )2
2 2
Figure 22 Open-Delta Unbalanced phase-to-phase Fault
V12 = Vf
V12 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
V23 104 104 104 104 104 105 105 105 106 106 106 108 108 109 110
At θ° 270 271 273 274 275 277 278 280 281 282 284 285 286 287 289
Lag T Connection
The second method of obtaining a three-phase, three-wire voltage source is the so-called T-
Connection. The method, shown in the following figure, is easier to use when obtaining an
unbalanced, phase-to-phase fault simulation since it eliminates calculations. To reduce confusion
when using the T-Connection, the voltage output #1 is designated Va and its phase angle set at
0°, voltage output #2 is designated Vb and its phase angle set for 180°, and voltage output #3 is
designated Vc and its phase angle is set for 270 Any combination of balanced three phase faults
or unbalanced phase-to-phase fault conditions can be easily simulated. The following figure
indicates these phase relationships.
NOTE: This method should not be used for very low fault voltages (i.e. 5 volts or less, or for
testing ABB or Westinghouse type SKD relays).
Balanced or Unbalanced Fault T-Connection
3.4.4 3Ø, 4-Wire, Y-Connection
A three-phase, four-wire potential system can be provided using three output modules. The
vector relationships are referenced below. This Y-Connection has the advantage of being able to
supply a higher line-to-line voltage (1.73 x phase-to-neutral voltage). It is ideally suited for
simulating phase-to-ground faults. Voltage channel #1 is designated as Va with its phase
relationship set for 0°. Voltage channel #2 is then designated as Vb and phase angle set for 120°.
Finally, voltage channel #3 is designated Vc and phase angle set for 240° (for a 1-2-3 counter
clockwise rotation). Va, Vb and Vc are connected to the voltage potential binding posts on the
respective test sets. If a neutral is required, it is connected to a ground post on any voltage
output module to ground the load.
3.5 Internal Software Test Profiles
The test profiles are performed on the Relay Under Test to verify the relay is operating correctly.
The following describes the procedures to test a unit:
The Pulse Ramping may be used to determine reach values for multi-zone relays, without
defeating the zone timer elements. The Pulse Time is set so that the test current is only on long
enough for the selected zone to operate. The following figure shows the current pulse generated
by the test unit.
Select the fault type from the several available fault types: phase-to-ground; phase-to-phase; two
phases-to-ground; and three phase. Hold the voltage or the current constant. There are different
available pre-fault voltages to choose from. The user may enter a different value if desired. The
pre-fault current range is from 0 to 9.99 amps. The test starts with a pre-fault current (voltage) for
the Pre-fault Time Off delay to ensure the relay energizes (polarize) before starting the test. The
Pulse Time Off Delay Time is specified in milliseconds with the factory default value set at 1000
mSec (60 cycles at 60 Hz). The pulse ramping can begin once the relay is energized. The first
pulse has a selectable amplitude for the start value. This value is held for the defined Pulse Time
(in cycles). The generator output returns to the Pre-fault Value. The time the relay remains at this
level is determined by the Delay Time minus the Pulse Time. The next pulse is increased by the
increment value specified. The voltage magnitude and angle will be calculated for each of the
three phases when the test is complete. The current is calculated for the three phases. The
percent error is calculated for the Reach. The resistance is calculated for the final value. A fault
calculator, based on symmetrical components, is used to perform the fault calculations.
3.5.2 Ramping
The Ramping test maybe used to determine pickup values, verify single-zone impedance relays
or the outer most zone of a multi-zone impedance relays. For example, using the Ramping for
finding the reach of an impedance relay, select the fault type from a list. Determine whether the
voltage or the current is to be held constant. In the angle of torque calculation both the voltage
and current are held constant while the angle is ramping. Start with a pre-fault current (voltage)
for the Pre-fault Delay Time to ensure the relay is energized before the test begins. The Pre-fault
Delay Time has been specified in milliseconds and the factory default value is 1000 milliseconds
(60 cycles at 60 Hz). The ramping starts once the relay energizes. The generator output is set to
the start value specified. The generator holds the value for the specified Delay Time by the fault
calculator or you may enter a specific value. Once the time has elapsed, the generator output
increments by the Increment value specified in the fault calculator or by the entered value. The
ramping continues until pickup is detected or the Stop value is reached.
When the test is complete, the voltage magnitude and angle, current, and Reach percent error
are calculated for the three phases. One of the inputs is setup to monitor the relay’s contacts.
When the first fault voltage is applied, the timer starts, and the relay stops when the relay trips.
The angle of torque test requires two phase ramps. The first ramp is performed by incrementing
the angle CW with the next ramp being incremented CCW. The test will use these two
measurements to calculate the angle of torque.
Measured CW
Calculated Angle
of Torque
Measured CCW
Angle of Torque
3.5.4 Step
The step test is similar to the pulse ramp except the Step test only uses a single pulse. The test
steps from a normal relay setup into the fault condition and waits for the relay to respond. The
test energizes the relay with the pre-fault values, sets the output of the generators to the fault
values, and then starts the timer. The timer input is used to monitor the relay’s trip. The timer
stops once the timer detects the relays contacts have operated. This function is normally used
when timing under/over voltage or frequency relays.
3.5.5 Dynamic Frequency Hz/S
Some frequency relays require a dual ramp to perform this test. Three sets of data need to be
established to perform the test. These sets of data are the pre-fault, fault, and post fault
conditions. The dynamic frequency test is executed from the Manual Frequency screen. This
test requires a single voltage generator. The change in frequency happens when the frequency
passes through the positive going zero-crossing. The rate of change is defined as the delta
(Hz/S). The frequency is changed every cycle at the positive going zero crossing. The test limits
the delta setting to a maximum value of 10Hz/sec with anything greater being treated as a Step
test. The frequency increment is calculated for each cycle prior to starting the dynamic ramp. If
we use a delta of 1 Hz/sec and want to ramp from 60 to 50 hertz, then the time would be ten
seconds to go from 60 hertz to 50 hertz in increments of 0.01667 hertz steps per cycle.
The first set defines the pre-fault values, which are necessary to energize the relay before the
fault condition. The following diagram shows the frequency decreasing. However, the frequency
ramp could be increasing as well. The pre-fault and fault values determines the direction of the
ramp. If the fault value is less than pre-fault value then the ramp is decreasing. If the fault value
is greater than the pre-fault value then the ramp is incremented up from the pre-fault value.
There isn’t any change to the generator outputs during pre-fault.
Prefault Post Fault
Delta 1
Set point Delta 2
Fault Freq
Prefault T ime
Dynamic Frequency
Duration is the time at the fault frequency. The dynamic fault requires the V/I Generators to ramp
to the actual fault value. Delta 1 is the fault ramp and the change in frequency divided by time
(Hz/S). The set point indicates the frequency when the relay first detects the fault. Once the set
point is reached the relay starts its timer. If the fault is not cleared within the timeout, the relay
will trip. The fault frequency is below the set point to ensure the relay trips for a decreasing ramp.
The fault value is greater than the set point for the increasing ramp. Once the ramp has reached
the set point, the timer is enabled. The fault condition is maintained for the time indicated in the
The post fault requires the V/I Generators to ramp with the generators in the fault condition. This
post fault ramp will ramp back to the pre-fault condition. The relay is also in a fault condition and
could trip. The post fault will be able to detect the relay trip and record the trip time. The post
fault timer will start at the beginning of the ramp and will not wait for the set point. Delta 2 is the
post fault ramp and is the change in frequency divided by time (Hz/S).
3.5.6 Auto Synchronizing
Two voltage output modules are required to perform tests on synchronizing type relays. To
perform Pick-Up or Closing Angle tests, voltage channel one, V1, will be referenced at 0° and
allow the second voltage channel, V2, to provide the variable phase angle adjustment.
Remember the phase angle indicated on V2 will be a lagging angle. If the relay’s closing
characteristic is 20° leading, set an angle of 340° on voltage channel 2.
Relay Contacts Close
+90 -90
Auto Synchronizing Relay
3.5.7 Pickup
The pickup test performs a Ramp or Pulse Ramp (see 3.5.1 for description of Pulse Ramp).
Using the Ramp function, the relay is first energized using two times the Tap or Pickup value.
After the relay contacts close, the outputs are set to 90% of the Pickup value. The output is
increased until the relay trips. Once the relay trips the test stops and the output is recorded.
Pickup Test
3.5.8 Seal-In (Target)
The Seal-In test is performed using DC output current. An AC output current may be applied on
over-current relays to close the trip contacts. Some relays require the user to block the trip
contacts closed to perform this test. The test ramps the DC output at a pre-selected rate see
Test Configuration. The Seal-In test requires the user to press the Stop button, when the Seal-In
contact is closed, since these contacts cannot be monitored by the unit.
3.5.9 Timing
The Timing test is similar to the pulse ramp except is uses a single step. The test steps from a
normal operating condition into the fault condition and waits for the relay to respond. The test
may energize the relay with the normal operating values, then sets the output of the generators to
the fault values, and starts the timer. The timer input monitors the relay constants. The fault
value is a multiple of relay tap settings. This value could be 70%, 80%, 90%, 200%, 300% or
400% depending on the type of relay being tested (voltage or current). The test has three
multiple values and uses each of them until a trip occurs or the last value is used. In some tests,
the user may select IEEE / IEC time curves. Trip times are calculated using preprogrammed
timing formulas per IEEE or IEC standards. However, if IEEE / IEC times curve are not used, or
specific value/trip time tests are to be preformed, the user may manually enter a value(s) and
associated trip time(s) in the appropriate value windows.
This test uses two current generators. The generators are in phase while the current is being
ramped. The two currents are set to different frequencies. The starting current is determined by
the value entered. With the harmonic current preset (i.e. 1 ampere) the second current channel
(fundamental) will be increased at the preset ramp rate, until the relay trips or the max value is
3.5.11 Slope
This test uses two current generators. The starting current is determined by the value entered.
The current on one V/I Generator starts at the selected value and is labeled the operate
generator. It starts at (I2 x % Slope x 0.9). The restraint current is set as I2. The operate current
will be increased at the preset ramp rate, until the relay trips or the max value is reached
This test uses two current generators in parallel. The test is executed and the output current is
applied to the relay. The test monitors the relay contact to determine if it is open or closed.
3.5.13 Polarizing
This test uses all three current generators where the output current for each generator is
paralleled at the relay. The test is executed and the output current is applied to the relay. This
test does not monitor any contacts, but does step the generator outputs to the current value
selected. The duration is selected with a maximum time of four cycles to ensure no damage
3.6 Timer
Due to the timer complexities on the MPRT there are two timer screens. There is a basic timer
control screen and the complex timer control screen. When the user presses the Timer Setup
button anywhere in the TVI the user will be first presented with the basic timer setup screen. This
screen will provide the user with the capability to setup the timer for nearly all relay testing
requirements. If the basic timer setup screen does not provide all the capability required the user
can press the Complex Timer Setup button. This screen will provide the user the capability of
adjusting all the timer input and output setting parameters.
Condition Sets the parameters under which a true or false contact
is determined. The selections of condition are as
NO Normally Open dry contact.
NC Normally Closed dry contact.
VA Voltage Applied wet contact.
VR Voltage Removed wet contact.
N/A Not Applicable.
Latch Mode: Sets the parameter under which the timer will either stay
on after a contact state becomes true or will return to
previous state after the contact changes state.
Latch On: Will latch the timer in that condition after the
timer has reached a true condition.
Latch Off: Will allow the timer to return to original
condition even after the contact has reached a true
Max Operate Time Determines the maximum timer the unit will operate
before the outputs are turned off. This function is only
applicable when the timer is operating.
Turn Currents Off (Stop Contact Only) When selected will turn all output currents off when the
stop contact becomes true.
Turn Voltages Off (Stop Contact Only) When selected will turn all output voltages off when the
stop contact becomes true.
Horn On / Horn Off This selection will turn the horn on when any contact is
determined to be true
Seconds / Cycles This selection will toggle the timer between measuring in
seconds or cycles.
Complex Timer This selection will display the Complex Timer Setup
Complex Timer Setup Menu
Up to 16 different timers are available using the button labeled T1. This button will present a pull
down menu to select the required timers.
This screen will be used by the default screen to set system defaults. The time selection, when
used from the default screen, will set the time base for all screens. If seconds are selected, all
screens will set Duration, Op. Time, and Pulse Time to indicate seconds or milliseconds, as
applicable. If cycles are selected, the time base will be set to cycles. When this display is called
from a setup screen, the time base for the timer in that screen may be changed.
There are two distinct buttons for the Battery Simulator: the Volts DC and value settings. The
Battery Simulator output voltage can be set to 24, 48, 125, or 250 volts DC with the factory
default set at 125 VDC. This establishes the voltage values, but does not turn the Battery
Simulator power ON. The various test setup screens will allow the Battery Simulator to be
powered ON, as applicable.
The Touch View Interface contains three user interfaces in one unit, a color LCD alphanumeric
display panel, a control knob, and a touch panel used to input data into the unit. The TVI will
display all active generator settings in red and all inactive, generator OFF, settings in green. If an
entered value is out of range, the display will be yellow and an Error Screen will appear. The
control knob will change the contents after the value is highlighted by touching the display with
your finger.
NOTE: The unit contains factory default values to run a quick test without entering data.
However, a one-time warning message will notify the user the test is being conducted with factory
default values if the defaults are used.
3.8.1 Touch View Interface Graphical User Interface
The main screen is used to access the four normal operating modes and an optional external
high current amplifier connection, if this option is purchased.
The Pre-set test screen option provides a variety of preset relay specific test routines.
The System Config. button allows changes to the system and screen defaults.
The Metered Display allows the viewing of the actual output and input values, as measured by
the unit’s hardware.
The optional External High Current Amplifier connects to an external source such as an EPOCH
II, EPOCH 20, or other system.
47 Pre-Set Test Menu
The Pre-set menu contains all the relay test options.
Select the relay type to undergo testing. Once selected, the display will move to that set of relay
setting and test screens.
The File button takes the user to the File Management Screen
3.8.2 Impedance Relay Testing Menu
The unit contains a set of default values so a test operator interested in running a quick test will
not have to enter this data.
This menu permits the setting and testing of an Impedance or Distance relay. These tests should
be conducted in accordance with the manufacturers relay specifications.
The bottom of the screen has common buttons.
Pre-set Tests Menu: This selection will return the controller to the
Pre-set Test Menu Screen.
49 Impedance Relay Setting Screen
The relay setting screen sets the relay values to test the impedance or distance relay. The
settings determine if the relay passed or failed when the test completes.
• The Reach setting value is in Ohms with a range of 0.000 to 99.99 ohms. The factory default
is 10 ohms.
• There are two parts to defining the torque setting: lag or lead. A lagging torque uses a range
of 0-360°, and the lead/lag torque has a range of –180° to +180°. The torque angle value
has a range of 0.0 to 999.9. The default value will be set at 75° with current lagging voltage.
The user will only be able to enter a value of ± 180° if the ± 180° range is selected.
• The Operating Time is the time in milliseconds with a range of 0 to 9999 milliseconds. The
factory default value is 100 milliseconds.
• The Zone button is used to select the test label. The unit tests a single zone at one time and
has the information for that zone. The factory default is Zone 1 (Z1). The zone is used
during the save operation to separate test data for each zone to save data for all zones in a
single file. The Zones are Z1, Z2, Z3, Z4, Z5, Z2R, Z3R, Z4R, and Z5R.
• The Target Tap has selectable values with a factory default of 0.2 DC amperes.
• Select either Single-Phase, Three-Phase Y or Three Phase Open Delta modes with the
factory default set to Three-Phase Y. However, selecting the single-phase mode limits the
user to one V/I Generator.
50 The Reach Test Setting Screen
The impedance test settings screen will establish and run a test using factory defaults or
manufacturer’s recommended values, if entered.
• The Pre-fault Settings button sets the necessary pre-fault conditions for relay testing.
• The Relay Settings button will allow the entry of relay setting values to test and evaluate the
• When the current lags the voltage using 0° to 359.9°, the message “lagging xxx.x Degree” is
used. Otherwise, no message is required when using ±180°.
• The Fault Type determines the kind of fault tested. The accepted values are AG, BG, CG,
AB, BC, CA, ABC, ABG, BCG, and CAG (Note: A, B, and C are the phases and G is ground).
• The test entry has two possible selections: Ramp and Pulse Ramp. The selection of the
Ramp test will not use all the entries for pulse time. The ramp test changes the V/I Generator
output without re-applying the pre-fault conditions. Pulse Ramp uses all screen values.
• The Pulse Time is the length of time the fault value will be applied. The range is from 1to
9999 cycles.
• The Delay Time is the cumulative of fault and fault recovery times with a range of 1 to 9999
cycles. Note: The Pulse Time must be less than Delay Time.
• The channel selection default condition enables all Voltage and Current Generators. This is
indicated by a check mark in each of the generators selection area.
• The voltage or current may be held. If Voltage is held the Start, Stop, and Increment values
will need to be expressed in Amps. If Current is held the Start, Stop and Increment values
will need to be expressed in Volts. The Increment value is used to increase the fault values
from the start to stop. The Start value is the beginning value for the output ramp. The limit for
the MPRT 8415 unit is 15 amps RMS. The limit for the MPRT 8430 unit is 30 amps RMS.
The Stop value is the upper limit of the ramp. The two values should be checked to ensure
the Stop value is greater than the Start value if ramping current up.
The bottom of the screen has common buttons.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
This screen sets the relay values before fault values are applied to ensure the relay is properly
• The voltage range is 0.00 to 150.0 volts. This value may be set to two decimal places (i.e.
69.28) with a pull down menu that provide values of 57.735, 63.51, 69.28, 110.0 and 120.0
• The voltage can be set phase-to-neutral (φ-N) or phase-to-phase (φ-φ) with a factory default
voltage of 69.28 φ-N.
• The current range is 0.00 to 9.99 amps with the factory default setting of 3.00 amps.
• There are two parts to defining the angle. The first part is set in the System Default Screen
where the angle entry is defined as leading or lagging. Lagging value range is 0° to 360°,
and the lead/lag value range is –180° to +180°. The factory default is set to 75° lagging. The
second part is the value with a range of 0.0 to 999.9. If the user selects ±180° range the user
will only be able to enter a value of ±180°.
• The time entry determines how long the relay will stay in the pre-fault state and the range is
0.0 to 999.9 milliseconds. The factory default is 100.0 milliseconds.
This screen displays the test results. The Zone and Fault values are copied from the setting
screen while all other values are calculated from the test results. The results of the test will be
displayed as “Test Passed” or “Test Failed”. No data may be entered in this screen.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
This screen sets the values to perform the relay timing test.
• The Pre-fault Settings button will move to its screen and will allow changes to the relay
specifications. If factory defaults are used, a one-time warning message should be displayed
to notify the factory default values are being used.
• The Relay Settings button will move to its screen and allows changes to the relay
• The Timer Setup screen will define how the timer will be used.
• The Fault type button determines the fault the test will perform. The accepted values are AG,
BG, CG, AB, BC, CA, ABC, ABG, BCG, and CAG (Note: A, B, and C are the phases and G is
• The voltage and current generators may be enabled or disabled. The default condition has all
voltage and current generators enabled. This is indicated by a check mark in the channels
selection boxes. If the Voltage is held the Stop value is expressed in Amps. If the Current is
held the Stop value is expressed in Volts. The V/I Generators used in the MPRT- 8415 unit
have 15 amps / 150 volts RMS limit and the MPRT - 8430 unit have 30 Amps / 300 volts
RMS limit. The Stop value is the fault value for the test.
• The timing test jumps from the pre-fault value to the fault value and times how long the relay
takes to trip.
• The Run Test button is used to execute the current test setup.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
This screen displays the results upon test completion. The Zone and Fault values are copied
from the setting screen while all other values are calculated from the test results.
The bottom of the screen has common buttons.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
56 Impedance Relay Angle of Torque Test Settings Screen
The angle of torque settings screen allows the operator to input the values necessary to perform
the relay angle of torque test.
• The Pre-fault Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer specifications. If the factory defaults are used, a one-time warning message
should be displayed to notify default values are being used.
• The Relay Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer’s specifications.
• The Timer Setup screen allows the user to define how the time will be used.
• The Fault Type determines the fault the test will perform. The accepted values are AG, BG,
CG, AB, BC, CA, ABC, ABG, BCG, and CAG (Note: A, B, and C are the phases and G is
• The voltage and current generators may be enabled or disabled. The default condition has all
voltage and current generators enabled. This is indicated by a check mark in the channels
selection boxes. If the Voltage is held constant, the Stop value is expressed in Amps. If the
Current is held constant, the Stop value is expressed in Volts. The V/I Generators used in
the MPRT-8415 unit have 15 amps / 150 volts RMS limit and the MPRT-8430 unit have 30
Amps / 300 volts RMS limit. The Stop value is the fault value for the test.
• The Start test button is used to execute the current test setup.
• The Start, Stop and Increment values will need to be expressed as an angle in degrees. The
Increment value is used to increase the angle values from the start to the stop value. The
test needs to be performed in two directions to calculate the torque. During one test the stop
value will function as the end point. When the test is performed in the other direction the stop
value will be the starting point.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
Test Menu: This selection will return the controller to the
Test Menu Screen.
This screen displays the results upon test completion. The Zone and Fault values are copied
from the setting screen while all other values are calculated from the test results. The results of
the test will be displayed as “Test Passed” or “Test Failed”. No data may be entered in this
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
Start / Stop: This selection will apply the set quantities
displayed and begin the test. After Start is
pressed this button will turn red and display
Stop. Pressing Stop at any time will stop the
test and turn the outputs off.
59 Impedance Relay Target & Seal-In Test and Results
This screen displays the results upon test completion. The results of the test will be displayed as
“Test Passed” or “Test Failed”. No data may be entered in this screen.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
3.8.3 Overcurrent Relay Test Menu
This menu permits the setting and testing of an Overcurrent relay. These tests should be
conducted in accordance with the manufacturers relay specifications. There are two different
curve types: IEEE/ANSI and IEC which are user selectable on the various screens.
These tests should be conducted in accordance with the manufacturers relay specifications.
Pre-set Test Menu: This selection will return the controller to the
Pre-set Test Menu Screen.
61 Over-Current Relay Setting Screen
• The Timing button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the manufacturer
• The Instantaneous button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer’s specifications.
• The Target & Seal-In button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer’s specifications.
• The Pickup button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the manufacturer’s
• Relay Tap, Time Dial, Instantaneous Tap, Reset Time, Target Tap, IEEE/IEC curve type, and
test multiple(s) need to be set unless factory defaults are used.
Once the multipliers are selected the expected (theoretical) trip times are displayed according to
the curve type ,curve shape and time dial selected previously.
User defined trip times can be typed into Theo Trip Time Multiples A,B,C fields if the relay does
not have an IEEE/ANSI or IEC standard curve.
62 Overcurrent Relay Test Configuration Screen
The test configuration menu is used to adjust the advanced relay testing parameters. The TVI
has default test parameters that should not need to be adjusted by the user. If the user has
determined these values do need to be adjusted, then following the directions in the TVI
Operations section.
Increment % / 10 cycles This value is used to control the how fast the
MPRT will increase the current to determine the
pickup value. The value input into this field is in
% increase per 10 cycles. The default value for
this field is .02 % of pickup. Example: If the
pickup value requires 1.0 ampere the MPRT will
increase the current magnitude 0.0002 amperes
every 10 cycles until the relay operates. For
larger increments, use a larger percentage.
Pulse Time On (cyc) This value is used to control how long the output
pulse is on during an Instantaneous pickup test.
This value is in cycles. Note: Set Pulse Time On
slightly greater than the operating time of the
Pulse Time Off (cyc) This value is used to control how long the output
pulse is off during an Instantaneous pickup test.
This feature is required in order to protect the
relay under test against excessive heating due
to applying large currents continuously. This
value is in cycles. Note: Start with equal
amounts of Pulse Time On and Off.
Increment % / 100msec This value is used to control the how fast the
MPRT will increase the current to determine the
pickup value for the target and seal-in. The
value input into this field is in % increase per
100msec. The default value for this field is .02
% of pickup. Example: If the pickup is set for 2.0
amperes the MPRT will increase the current
magnitude 0.0004 amperes every 100msec until
the relay seal-in contacts close.
Relay Settings The Relay Settings button will return the user to
the Relay Settings Menu.
64 Overcurrent Relay Pickup Test Results
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
The Timing, Instantaneous, and Target & Seal-In test screens may be entered to change test
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
A timer setup link is available on this screen. Also the Timer Setup configuration is displayed for
convenience. The status of the relay contact will be displayed on the screen real time along with
the value of the current. The Stop current is the maximum current provided by the test set before
test is stopped. This instance is applicable if the relay does not operate when ramping the current
up between the Start and Stop values. After the test is completed, the current amplitude will be
read out from the screen or stored in the memory.
65 Overcurrent Relay Target & Seal-In Test Results
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
The Timing, Instantaneous, and Pickup test screens may be entered to change test settings.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
When running this test, a current (I1 =2xTap) will be applied first to the relay in order to close the
main contact. Once the contact closes, the path for the DC target and Seal-in closes also. Current
I5 is used to ramp a DC current up until the target drops. The user must press the Stop button and
record the results.
66 Overcurrent Relay Instantaneous Test Results
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
The Timing, Target & Seal-In, and Pickup test screens may be entered to change test settings.
Each current channel must be selected by touching I1, I2, and I3. However, there must be a
corresponding V/I Generator.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
A link to Timer Setup configuration is be available on this screen. Also the Timer Setup
configuration is displayed for convenience. The user selects the appropriate number of channels
required pressing I1,I2 and I3.The amount of current required will be split proportionally between
selected current channels. The status of the relay contact will be displayed on the screen real
time along with the value of the current(s) and the percentage error.
67 Overcurrent Relay Timing Test Results
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
The Instantaneous, Target & Seal-In, and Pickup test screens may be entered to change test
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
A link to Timer Setup configuration is be available on this screen. Also the Timer
Setup configuration is displayed for convenience. The user selects the appropriate number of
channels required pressing I1,I2 and I3.The amount of current required will be split proportionally
between selected current channels. After the test is completed the trip time for all multipliers, the
percentage error and current(s) amplitude will be read out from the screen or stored in the
memory as can be seen in the figure below:
This menu permits the setting and testing of a differential relay. These tests should be conducted
in accordance with the manufacturers relay specifications.
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There are several options to further define the tests to be performed. Selecting one of these
options will present the test setup screen for that option.
Pre-set Test Menu: This selection will return the controller to the
Pre-set Test Menu Screen.
The Differential setting screen requires some values to be entered or verified before performing
the test. The factory defaults may be used to test a relay generically.
Winding # Tap The user enters the tap value for each of the relay windings. Default
value is 5.0 Amperes.
Min. Pickup % Tap The user enters the relay minimum percentage of tap where the relay will
operate. Default 30 %. Therefore, with a tap value of 5 amperes, the
minimum pickup value for the relay on any tap would be 1.5 Amperes
(30% of tap).
% Harmonic The user enters the % of harmonic restraint the relay is set to. The
default value is 20 %.
Order of Harmonic The user enters the order of harmonic restraint that the relay is set for.
For example, a second harmonic restraint would be set to 2, third
harmonic 3 and fifth harmonic 5. The default value is 2.
% Slope Enter the % slope of the relay. For example, a 30 % slope , enter value
30. The default value is 25.
Restraint I Enter the desired restraint current that will be used in the slope test. The
default value is 10 Amperes.
Through Fault I This will be the current applied in the through fault test. Consult relay
manufacturer literature for appropriate test current value. Default value is
20 Amperes.
Target Tap The Target Tap has selectable values with a factory default of 0.2 DC
Relay Model Cal. The Westinghouse HU relay requires a different calculation for harmonic
restraint. If testing an HU select HU, the default is All Other.
Inst. Tap Enter the instantaneous trip current value. The default value is 40
Test Configuration This will take the user to a new screen. It was added to simplify the
Relay Settings screen. The Test Configuration Screen provides
additional input parameters for more complex tests, and for adjusting
ramping and pulse ramping values.
Test Configuration The Test Configuration button will take the user
to the Test Configuration Menu. This menu is
used to set additional test parameters such as
ramp increment and start and stop points.
These test parameters should not need to be
71 Differential Relay Test Configuration Screen
The test configuration menu is used to adjust the advanced relay testing parameters. The TVI
has default test parameters that should not need to be adjusted by the user. If the user has
determined these values do need to be adjusted, then following the directions in the TVI
Operations section.
Increment % / 10 cycles This value is used to control the how fast the
MPRT will increase the current to determine the
pickup value. The value input into this field is in
% increase per 10 cycles. The default value for
this field is 1 % of pickup. Example: If the
pickup value requires 1.0 ampere the MPRT will
increase the current magnitude 0.01 amperes
every 10 cycles until the relay contacts close.
For smaller increments, use a smaller
Instantaneous Pulse Ramp Specifications
Pulse Time On (cyc) This value is used to control how long the output
pulse is on during an Instantaneous pickup test.
This value is in cycles.
Pulsar Time Off (cyc) This value is used to control how long the output
pulse is off during an Instantaneous pickup test.
This value is in cycles.
Increment % / 100 msec This value is used to control the how fast the
MPRT will increase the current to determine the
pickup value for the target and seal-in. The
value input into this field is in % increase per
100 msec. The default value for this field is 1 %
of pickup. Example: If the pickup is set for 2.0
amperes the MPRT will increase the current
magnitude 0.02 amperes every 100 msec until
the relay seal-in contacts close.
Relay Settings The Relay Settings button will return the user to
the Relay Settings Menu.
73 Differential Relay Winding 1, 2 or 3 Pick-Up Test Results
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
A timer setup link is available on this screen. Also the Timer Setup configuration is displayed for
convenience. The status of the relay contact will be displayed on the screen real time along with
the value of the current. The calculated Start and Stop current can also be seen on the test
screen. The Stop current is the maximum current provided by the test set before test is stopped.
This instance is applicable if the relay does not operate when ramping the current up between the
Start and Stop values. After the test is completed, the current amplitude will be read out from the
screen or stored in the memory.
74 Differential Relay Harmonic Restraint Test Results
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
A timer setup link is available on this screen. Also the Timer Setup configuration is displayed for
convenience. The status of the relay contact will be displayed on the screen real time along with
the value of the current. The calculated Start and Stop current can also be seen on the test
screen. The Stop current is the maximum current provided by the test set before test is stopped.
This instance is applicable if the relay does not operate when ramping the current up between the
Start and Stop values. For this test, a fundamental frequency current is provided from the test set
along with a higher order harmonic signal (based on settings). Both channels selected (I1 and I5)
should be wired out in parallel at the relay side. After the test is completed, the currents amplitude
will be read out from the screen or stored in the memory.
75 Differential Relay Slope Test Results
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
A timer setup link is available on this screen. Also the Timer Setup configuration is displayed for
convenience. The status of the relay contact will be displayed on the screen real time along with
the value of the current. The calculated Start and Stop current can also be seen on the test
screen. The Stop current is the maximum current provided by the test set before test is stopped.
This instance is applicable if the relay does not operate when ramping the current up between the
Start and Stop values. For this test two current channels will be used to energize the two restraint
coils of the relay. After the test is completed, the currents amplitude and the Actual Slope (%) will
be read out from the screen or stored in the memory.
76 Differential Relay Seal-In Test Results
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
The Timing, Instantaneous, and Pickup test screens may be entered to change test settings.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
When running this test the user should close the main contact manually. Once the contact closes,
the path for the DC target and Seal-in is closed also. Current I1 is used to ramp a DC current up
until the target drops. The user must press the Stop button and record the results.
77 Differential Relay Instantaneous Test Results
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
The Timing, Target & Seal-In, and Pickup test screens may be entered to change test settings.
Each current channel must be selected by touching I1, I2, and I3. However, there must be a
corresponding V/I Generator.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
A link to Timer Setup configuration is be available on this screen. Also the Timer
Setup configuration is displayed for convenience. The user selects the appropriate number of
channels required pressing I1,I2 and I3.The amount of current required will be split proportionally
between selected current channels. The calculated Start and Stop current can also be seen on
the test screen. The Stop current is the maximum current provided by the test set before test is
stopped. The status of the relay contact will be displayed on the screen real time along with the
value of the current(s) and the percentage error.
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
This test requires two current channels. A link to Timer Setup configuration is be available on this
screen. Also the Timer Setup configuration is displayed for convenience. For this test the currents
will be applied to the restraints for a short period of time and the relay should not operate. If it
does operate the message “ Test Failed” will appear on the screen.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
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Stop. Pressing Stop at any time will stop the
test and turn the outputs off.
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
This test is suggested by some relay manufacturers. Three currents channels in parallel will be
used and there is no need for detecting a change in state of the relay contact. Accordingly, the
test itself consists in applying a large amount of current for a very short time.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
3.8.5 Voltage Relay Test Menu
This menu permits the setting and testing of a voltage relay. These tests should be conducted in
accordance with the manufacturers relay specifications.
There are several options to further define the tests to be performed. Selecting one of these
options will present the test setup screen for that option.
Pre-set Test Menu: This selection will return the controller to the
Pre-set Test Menu Screen.
81 Voltage Relay Setting Screen
• The Timing Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer specifications.
• The Target & Seal-In Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer’s specifications.
• The Pickup Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer’s specifications.
• Relay Tap, Time Dial, Normal Voltage, Reset Time, Target Tap, IEEE curve type, % Error,
test multiple(s), and Operation Time(s) need to be set unless factory defaults are used.
• The Timer Setup screen allows the user to define how the time will be used.
• The IEC curves are algorithms and must be selected by the operator using the Time Curve
pull-down button.
• For inverse time curves, the IDMT characteristic available on each stage is defined by the
following formula:
(M - 1)
Where: K = Time multiplier setting (e.g. Vo(rms), etc)
T = Operating time in seconds
Residual voltage
Setting voltage
NOTE: The Residual and Setting voltages will need to be furnished if performing a definite time
• For under voltage inverse time delay, the under voltage elements may be programmed to
have an inverse time delay characteristic. The under voltage delay set point defines a family
of curves as illustrated by the following equation:
T = D / (1 – V / Vpu)
Where: T = Operating Time
D = Under voltage Delay Set point
V = Voltage as a fraction of the nominal VT Secondary Voltage
Vpu = Pickup Level
NOTE: The Under voltage Delay Set point, Voltage, and Pickup Level voltage will need to be
furnished if performing a definite time test.
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
• The Timing Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer specifications.
• The Target & Seal-In Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer’s specifications.
• To calculate the percent error of the pickup values by comparing Pick Up Voltage with the
Relay Tag value:
Pick Up Voltage - Relay Tap
% error = * 100
Relay Tap
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
84 Voltage Relay Target & Seal-In Test Results
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
• The Timing Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer specifications.
• The Pickup Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer’s specifications.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
85 Voltage Relay Timing Test Results
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
• The Timing Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer specifications.
• The Pickup Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer’s specifications.
• A timing error calculation must be performed based on the actual trip time versus the
theoretical time from the time curve algorithms or from the definite time window:
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
Stop. Pressing Stop at any time will stop the
test and turn the outputs off.
3.8.6 Synchronous Relay Test Menu
This menu permits the setting and testing of a synchronous relay. These tests should be
conducted in accordance with the manufacturers relay specifications.
There are several options to further define the tests to be performed. Selecting one of these
options will present the test setup screen for that option.
88 Synchronous Relay Setting Screen
• The Timing Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer specifications.
• The Pickup Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer’s specifications.
• Closing Angle with Tolerance, Slip Frequency, Target Tap, Time Setting with Tolerance, and
Normal Voltage need to be set unless factory defaults are used.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
89 Synchronous Relay Pickup Test Results
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
• The Relay Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer specifications.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
90 Testing Sync-Check, Synchronizing and Auto-Synchronizing Relays
To perform tests on synchronizing type relays requires the use of two voltage output modules.
Pick-up or Closing Angle Tests: To perform Pick-up or Closing Angle tests let one voltage
channel be the 0° reference, i.e., V1, and let the second voltage channel provide the variable
phase angle adjustment, i.e., V2. This test requires phase angles indicated on V2 will be a
leading angle (this requires +/- 180° phase angle option). If the relay's closing characteristic is
20° leading, an angle of + 20° will be indicated on voltage channel 2 (assuming V1 is set to the 0°
Set V1 and V2 to Normal Voltage, i.e. 120 Volts each, and turn outputs on.
Ramp V2 phase angle in the CW direction lagging the reference voltage. At some point a set of
contacts may open, thus allowing the user to determine the dropout angle (- 20°). If the user
selected Normally Closed open, he could automatically capture this angle. The user could set the
starting angle of – 30° for V2, thus the contacts would not be closed. If we started the ramp at this
point the angle would continue to 180°. Then the sign would change to +. When the relay
Normally Open contacts closed we would capture the closing angle, i.e. + 20°. We would then
compare the actual closing angle to that specified in the Relay Setting Screen and calculate the
error in degrees.
Setting Advance Time: To perform this test let voltage channel 2, V2, provide the slip frequency
(generator) and let voltage channel 1, V1, provide the fixed voltage/frequency source (bus).
Connect the relay's closing contacts to Timer Start Terminal 1 (first pair of Binary Input terminals),
so that when the relay contacts close (at the advance angle) it will start the timer, and capture the
closing angle at the same time. Set V1 to the Normal voltage output. Set V2 to the Normal output
voltage output and slip frequency. For example: VOLTAGE, 2, AC, 120, FREQ, 60.100. V2
ANGLE display should start at 0° (we want V1 and V2 to turn on at 0° together). V2 will turn on in
phase with V1, but will slip out of phase at the selected slip frequency. Since the phase angle is
measured, the angle should start to change for V2 reading a - number until the angle of 180° is
reached, then change to + . The number should fall from + 179° towards the closing angle At the
advance angle the relay contacts will close, thus starting the timer. Since the phase angle was
changing with the slip, we could capture the closing angle, when we start the timer. When the two
voltages slip into phase the Timer will stop. The time indicated will be the advance time setting of
the relay. See the following figure for a graphic representation.
As "S" approaches "F", at some point (the advance angle) the relay will send a close signal,
which will start the Timer. When "S" and "F" are in synchronous, the Timer will stop. The time
indicated on the timer display is the advance time of the relay based on the preset slip frequency.
91 Synchronous Relay Timing Test Results
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
• The Relay Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer specifications.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
3.8.7 Power Relay Test Menu
This menu permits the setting and testing of a power relay. These tests should be conducted in
accordance with the manufacturers relay specifications.
This menu permits the setting and testing of a Power relay. These tests should be conducted in
accordance with the manufacturers relay specifications.
Pre-set Test Menu: This selection will return the controller to the
Pre-set Test Menu Screen.
93 Power Relay Setting Screen
The Power Relay Settings Menu is used to input relay settings and relay test parameters. The
data input into the relay settings screen will be used by the MPRT to calculate appropriate test
currents or voltages to test the relay.
The Power Relay Settings menu is used to input relay settings and test values To insert the
relay settings or test values press the appropriate button and insert the value as described in
Touch View Interface Operation. After all pertinent relay settings are keyed in the next step is to
select the desired relay test at the top of the screen.
Pickup: The Pickup button will take the user to the Pickup Test Menu.
Timing: The Timing button will take the user to the Timing Test Menu.
Target & Seal-In: The Target & Seal-In button will take the user to the Target & Seal-In Test
Relay Tap This value is the relay tap setting or the value at
which the relay will start timing. This value is
also known as the relay plug setting or pickup
Time Dial This value is the time dial setting or the delay
setting. This value is also known as the time
leaver setting.
Reset Time This value is the time it takes the relay to reset
from a trip condition. The value inserted in the
reset time must exceed the reset time of the
relay. This is to insure that all timing tests will
be correct.
Normal Volt The Normal Volts is the desired test voltage per
phase. See Formula below for further
Target Tap This value is the target tap setting. This value is
either 0.2 A or 2.0 A.
Voltage * Current * Cosine θ
Voltage * Current * Cosine θ
Each formula represents different types and styles of relays and how they are connected to the
power system. The formula selected will be used to calculate the Watts displayed in the test
screen. Some are used with single-phase relays for both Watt and VAR applications, where the
relay is calibrated in single-phase Watts. Some formulas represent other special applications
where the relay is a single phase relay sensing phase to phase voltage and single phase current,
or two phase current. One is for three phase voltage and two phase current applications, while
another is for three phase voltage and current, 4-wire Y connections. Another is for loss of
excitation relay calibrated in Watts. In the Power Relay Setting Screen, the Normal Volt is the
desired test voltage per phase. Under most single phase applications that would be considered a
phase to ground voltage. However, for single phase relays with the potential coil connected
phase to phase, and if the relay has a 30˚ lagging phase shift built into the voltage input circuit,
the formula
will consider the Normal Volt set in the Relay Setting Screen as the phase to phase voltage, and
takes into account the 30˚ phase shift to calculate Watts. Therefore, it is important that the user
consider the relay design, application, the relay manufacturers recommended test connections,
relay settings and select the appropriate formula accordingly. For the above example, the
manufacturer has the user apply a single phase voltage equal to the phase to phase value, with a
single phase current lagging the voltage by 30˚. For this example let us assume a voltage value
of 120 volts phase to phase. The technician would enter 120 volts into the Normal Volt window. If
the relay pickup setting is 180 Watts, then we would expect the relay to operate at about 2.59
where θ is the lagging angle of the test current.
For our next example relay, consider a three phase, three-wire relay that monitors phase-to-
phase voltage, and two-phase currents. For a balanced load condition the formula
would be used to calculate Watts. In this test case the manufacture recommends testing the
relay using a single-phase voltage and parallel the voltage to the relay potential sensing coils.
Also, a single-phase current is applied in series to the two current input terminals. It should be
noted that in using the manufacturer’s recommended test procedure, the relay is calibrated in
three-phase watts using ½ the pickup current corresponding to the relay pickup in watts using the
previous stated formula. Other three-phase relays may also be tested using a single-phase
voltage and current source. For example, to test a three phase, four-wire, phase-neutral sensing
relay using a single phase voltage and current source requires the use of the following formula to
calculate three-phase watts,
In this case, the single phase voltage output is connected in parallel to all three potential sensing
inputs on the relay, and the single phase current is connected in series to all three current inputs.
The Voltage applied will be the phase to neutral voltage enter in the Normal Volt window. The
phase angle relationship recommended by the manufacture is 0˚. Therefore, If the relay pickup
setting is 1800 Watts, and the relay voltage is 120 Volts, then we would expect the relay to
operate at about 5.0 Amperes,
For our final example relay, consider a loss of excitation relay, connected phase to phase voltage
and single phase current that is calibrated in watts. The formula
would be used to calculate Watts. In this test case the manufacture recommends testing the relay
using a single-phase voltage and a single-phase current. The Voltage applied will be the voltage
entered in the Normal Volt window. The phase angle relationship recommended by the
manufacture is 60˚. Therefore, if the relay pickup setting is 75 Watts, and the relay voltage is 120
Volts, then if the relay operates at 2.16 Amperes,
Watts, and the user selects a test multiple of 2.0,
and for a time dial setting of 3 the operating time
of the relay is say 2.000 seconds, then the test
set will apply 80 Watts to the relay and check to
verify that the relay operated in 2.000 seconds.
Test Configuration The Test Configuration button will take the user
to the Test Configuration Menu. This menu is
used to set additional test parameters such as
ramp increment and start and stop points.
These test parameters should not need to be
Increment % / 10 cycles For the Power relay the test voltage is fixed at
the Normal Volts value and the test current is
ramped. This value is used to control the how
fast the MPRT will increase the current to
determine the power pickup value. The MPRT
will calculate the pickup value based on the
formula selected and the Normal Volts value
entered by the user. The value input into this
field is in % increase per 10 cycles. The default
value for this field is 0.02 % of pickup. Example:
If the pickup Watts value requires 1.0 ampere
the MPRT will increase the current magnitude
0.02 amperes every 10 cycles until the relay
contacts close.
Pulse Time On (cyc) This value is used to control how long the output
pulse is on during an Instantaneous pickup test.
This value is not used on Power Relays.
Pulsar Time Off (cyc) This value is used to control how long the output
pulse is off during an Instantaneous pickup test.
This value is not used on Power Relays.
Increment % / 10 cycles. This value is used to control the how fast the
MPRT will increase the current to determine the
pickup value for the target and seal-in. The
value input into this field is in % increase per 10
cycles. The default value for this field is 0.02 %
of pickup. Example: If the pickup is set for 2.0
amperes the MPRT will increase the current
magnitude 0.04 amperes every 10 cycles until
the relay seal-in contacts close.
Relay Settings The Relay Settings button will return the user to
the Relay Settings Menu.
98 Power Relay Pickup Test Results
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
In the power Relay Pickup test Screen only the voltage(s) and current(s) selected in the Relay
Setting Screen will be active in the test screen. For example, in the setting screen only 1 voltage
and current were selected, therefore, only V1 and I1 are activated in the above figure. Pressing
the Start button will start the test. The test voltage specified in the setting screen will be applied,
and the appropriate test current will be applied at the appropriate test angle. The current will
automatically ramp up until the relay operates, or in case of a solid-state relay the LED lights up
indicating pickup. The pickup Watts will be displayed in the Watts box. The formula used to
calculate Watts is also displayed.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
A timer setup link is available on this screen. Also the Timer Setup configuration is displayed for
convenience. The status of the relay contact will be displayed on the screen real time along with
the value of the test quantities. After the test is completed, the current amplitude will be read out
from the screen or stored in the memory.
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
The Timing and Pickup test screens may be entered to change test settings.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
100 Power Relay Timing Test Results
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
A timer setup link is available on this screen. Also the Timer Setup configuration is displayed for
convenience. The status of the relay contact will be displayed on the screen real time along with
the value of the test quantities. After the test is completed the trip time for all multipliers, the
expected ones, the percentage error and the test quantities will be read out from the screen or
stored in the memory.
3.8.8 Reclose Relay Test Menu
This menu permits the setting and testing of a reclose relay. These tests should be conducted in
accordance with the manufacturers relay specifications.
There are several options to further define the tests to be performed. Selecting one of these
options will present the test setup screen for that option.
For electronic relays, apply a current, get a relay trip and record the trip time, remove the current,
toggle the 52a & 52b contacts (Binary Outputs 1 & 2), monitor the reclose contact, toggle the 52a
& 52b contacts again, apply current again, and look for lockout. This will be repeated for the total
number of operations selected in the setup screen.
For electro-mechanical relays, set the current to zero (trip curve will be ignored), set the number
of operations and reclose time, set a current, measure the trip and reclose time, and simulate the
52a & 52b contacts. This will be repeated for the total number of operations selected in the setup
Pre-set Test Menu: This selection will return the controller to the
Pre-set Test Menu Screen.
102 Reclose Relay Setting Screen
• The Timing Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer specifications.
• Relay Tap, Time Dial, Number of Operations, Target Tap, IEEE Curve Type, Reclose
Operations, Reclose Time, and Lockout Time to be set unless factory defaults are used.
• The number of ‘Reclose Ops’ will be one less than the ‘No. of Operations’. The time setting
for ‘Reclose Time’ will be the same for each operation. The lockout time is the time that a
lockout should occur unless a trip has occurred again.
• The Timer Setup screen allows the user to define how the time will be used.
103 Reclose Relay Pickup Test Setting Screen
In the Pickup Setting Screen, the user may select single or three-phase voltage and current.
• The Timing Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer specifications.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
104 Reclose Relay Timing Test Results
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
105 Testing Reclosing Relays - Theory of Operation
There are a variety of reclosing relays. Some have a simple reclose feature (Reclose Only) that
does a simple definite timing function by closing a set of contacts to close a breaker. Other relays
include trip and reclose functions (trip & reclose). The MPRT can test both types. The
electromechanical relay operates from either an AC or DC voltage to drive a motor and cam
shaft. This means that the user needs to be able to switch on either an AC single phase or a
single dc voltage source. The solid-state trip and reclose relays usually require three phase
voltage be applied during the tests. Therefore, the user will need to be able to select single phase
or three phase voltages, AC or DC in the relay setting screen. The user will also need to be able
to select single phase or three phase test currents for the trip & reclose relays. In some cases the
user may need single phase current and three phase voltage. In the case for the trip & reclose
relays, the user will be provided a Test Current window to set the test value. The same test
current will be applied for each trip test, either single phase or three phase. The Test Voltage will
need to be set similar to the Test Current, and be applied during the entire test. The relay does
require external stimulus from circuit breaker simulation using the “A” (normally closed) & “B”
(normally open) contacts. This will be simulated using the Binary Output contacts 1 & 2.
Therefore, the user will need access to the Timer Setup screen for selection and programming of
the binary output contacts. The MPRT will also need to have the Binary Input contacts
programmed for sensing the relay Trip Contacts and the Reclose Contacts. The purpose of the
timing test is to measure the reclose times and sequence of operation to a lockout state for the
reclosing relay. For the trip & reclose relays the MPRT needs to record both the trip and reclose
For testing the reclose only relays, the timing test involves simulating a fault tripping a breaker
and measure the time for the reclosing relay to operate. Upon initiating the test, the test set will
toggle the Binary Outputs 1 (A contact) and 2 (B contact) simulating the circuit breaker opening
and start the timer running at the same time. Upon sensing the relay reclose contacts closing
(defaulted to Binary Input terminal #2) stops the timer, records T1 reclose time, and after a preset
time delay of 0.040 seconds (simulates the closing time of the breaker), toggles the Output
Contacts back to the original start state (breaker closed) and resets the timer. While recording
and resetting, the MPRT must continue to monitor the Timer Stop contacts looking for the
reclosing relay contacts to change state (open). Once the reclose relay closing contacts have
opened, wait 0.040 seconds (simulates breaker opening time) and then, repeat this process
depending on the No. of Operations (defaulted to 4) selected in the Reclose Relay Test Screen,
until the relay goes to a lockout state (after the 4th reclose state as is in this example). The test
set will record the reclose times for each individual reclose operation, no trip times are recorded
for the reclose only relay. See next figure for example test screen.
Figure 76 Reclose Only, 4-Shot Reclose Timing Test
The following graphic displays the reclose contacts, the breaker simulator contacts and the delay
time between contact operations for Reclose Only relays.
Some of the new distribution protection relays require an AC current to simulate an overcurrent
condition, as well as circuit breaker simulation for the reclose operation (Trip and Reclose). In
this case, as well as the electronic (ME) recloser, two tests are normally performed. One test is
the pickup test, or minimum operation point. This test is performed same as the Overcurrent
Pickup Test. The other is a timing test. For testing the trip and reclose relays, the timing test
involves applying a fault current, measure the trip time, record the trip time, simulating a circuit
breaker opening and measure the time for the reclosing contacts to operate. Upon initiating the
test, the test set will apply fault current set in the setting screen and start the Trip timer running.
When the relay trip contacts close, record the trip time T1, reset the timer, wait a programmable
period of time and toggle the Binary Outputs 1 (A contact) and 2 (B contact) simulating the circuit
breaker opening. Start the reclose timer running when the A/B contacts change state. Upon
sensing the relay reclose contacts closing (defaulted to Binary Input terminal #2) stops the timer,
records R1 reclose time, and after a preset time delay of 0.040 seconds (simulates the closing
time of the breaker), toggles the Output Contacts back to the original start state (breaker closed)
and resets the timer. Repeat this process depending on the No. of Operations (defaulted to 4)
selected in the Reclose Relay Setting Screen, until the relay goes to a lockout state (after the 4th
trip operation as is in this example). The test set will record the trip and reclose times for each
individual trip and reclose operation. See next figure for example test screen.
108 Testing Reclosing Relays (Reclose Only), Timing and Sequence to Lockout
From the MAIN MENU Screen, select RECLOSING RELAY. The following screen should be
Note: If relay is solid state, or microprocessor-based, and requires a DC logic voltage prior to
applying test, connect the relay dc power terminals to the BATTERY SIMULATOR terminals. The
Battery Simulator voltage may be set and turned on in the Relay Test Screen.
1. Select Relay Settings. The following screen should appear. The Relay Tap, Time Dial
and Test Multiple should be set to zero (see Testing Distribution Relays with Reclosing
for use of these inputs). Set the No. of Operations to the desired number of trips you
want to simulate (this is the number of times the Binary Output contacts will be toggled).
Note, if the reclosing relay is a three shot to lockout, then set the number of operations to
4. Set Reclose Ops (Shot Count) to the desired value (the number of reclose operations
that the relay is set for). A maximum of 9 reclose operations (shots) may be recorded.
Figure 79 Reclose Relay Setting Screen
2. Press the Delay Time window, and enter the desired delay between operations in
seconds. Note: this will be the Fault simulation time (normally the time an overcurrent
relay may operate). Do not set the delay time too long, or the reclosing relay may reset
between operations.
3. Press the Lockout Time window, and set the desired total time to lockout. Note: this is the
total time to lockout, which includes the relay reclose time delays and the Delay Time that
you just entered in the step above. Therefore, allow this time plus an additional second or
two for the relay to totally lockout. At the end of the Lockout Time, any voltage output set
in the setting screen will be removed from the relay and the test is completed.
4. Press the Timer Setup button. The Timer Setup Screen should appear.
5. In the following figure, the Timer Setup Screen has already been modified for testing a
reclosing relay. The BINARY INPUT Terminal T2 was selected and set to STOP the Timer
upon N.O. (Normally Open) contacts closing. The Latch was set On so that the timer
would stop on first contact closure, thus ignoring any contact bounce. The Timer was
defaulted to measure time in Seconds.
Figure 80 Timer Input Setup Screen
Pressing the Binary Output Setup button provides a setup screen to modify which output contacts
will simulate the circuit breaker operation.
6. From the above figure it can be seen that the BINARY OUTPUT Terminals 1 & 2 have
been selected to simulate the circuit breaker 52B and 52A contacts. Pressing the X
changes the contact to open indicated by the number 0. Pressing again changes it to be
closed indicated by the number 1. During the Fault simulation Delay Time, Binary Output
#1 will be closed, and Binary Output #2 is open. Note that the opposite is true for the Brk
Trip simulation. Pressing Enter sets the Binary Inputs and Outputs. Pressing Main Menu
takes you back to the test selection screen.
Note: That the test set will wait for the relay reclosing contacts to close during the Brk Trip
simulation. This time will appear in the Test Screen as the Reclose Time. However, if there is a
problem with the relay, which prevents the relay from reclosing the breaker, then the output
voltage will remain on (assuming an AC or DC voltage was set in the Setting Screen) until the
Lockout Time has expired. When the Lockout Time has expired, all outputs will turn off and the
test will be aborted.
7. Press the Timing Test Button; this will take you to the Reclose Timing Test Screen.
Press the Start Button in the lower left corner, see Figure below. The test set closes the
52A contacts, and opens the 52B contacts, simulating the first trip operation. Each time
the relay closes it’s reclose contacts the reclose time is recorded and displayed. The test
set toggles the contacts simulating the breaker reclosing, and then delays the contacts
from opening for the Delay Time between each reclose operation.
8. When the relay goes to lock out, the test is stopped and the total number of operations is
displayed including Trip (Delay Time) and Reclose Times.
112 Testing Distribution Relays with Trip, Reclosing and Sequence to Lockout
From the MAIN MENU Screen, select RECLOSING RELAY. The following screen should be
Connect relays’ trip contacts to BINARY INPUT #1, and the reclosing contacts to the Timer
Connect the desired BINARY OUTPUT contacts to the relays’ breaker sensing input (52B and/or
52A Contacts). Later in the Relay Specifications Screen, set the BINARY OUTPUT #1 for
Normally Closed and BINARY OUTPUT #2 for Normally Open, using the Timer Setup button.
Initially the 52A contacts are open and 52B contacts are closed, when the breaker is closed.
During the test, the BINARY OUTPUT contacts will be toggled to simulate the breaker opening.
When the test set senses the reclosing contacts on the BINARY INPUT #2, the BINARY
OUTPUT contacts will toggle to simulate the breaker reclose, and will be repeated as
programmed in the Relay Specifications Screen.
Connect I1 output terminals to the appropriate relay current input terminals. Some of the
distribution relays show a three-phase voltage input requirement. Most of these relays can be
fooled by using a single-phase voltage output in parallel with all three relay voltage inputs. If it is
desired to use a single-phase voltage, connect V1 output terminals in parallel to the relay voltage
input terminals. In the Relay Specifications Screen touch the Voltage window and enter the
desired voltage value. Press the down arrow and select either single phase AC or DC. If three-
phase voltage is required, connect V1, V2 and V3 output terminals to the appropriate relay input
terminals. Using the down arrow select 3 ∅. The output voltage entered in the window will be
applied, with each voltage separated by 120 degrees (V2 lags V1 by 120 degrees, and V3 lags
V1 by 240 degrees).
Note: If relay is solid state, or microprocessor-based, and requires a DC logic voltage prior to
applying test, connect the relay dc power terminals to the BATTERY SIMULATOR terminals. The
Battery Simulator voltage may be set and turned on in the Relay Test Screen.
9. Select Relay Settings. The following screen should appear. Enter the Relay Tap, and
Time Dial values. Enter the desired Test Multiple (the multiplier used to determine the
test current to applied to the relay, i.e. Test Multiple * Relay Tap = Test Current). Set the
No. of Operations. Unlike the standard reclosing relay, the distribution relay will trip the
breaker (sensed on BINARY INPUT #1) to toggle the BINARY OUTPUT contacts. Note, if
the reclosing relay is a three shot to lockout, then set the number of operations to 4. Set
Reclose Ops (Shot Count) to the desired value (the number of reclose operations that the
relay is set for). A maximum of 9 reclose operations (shots) may be recorded.
10. Press the Delay Time window, and enter 0 (zero). When set to zero the logic in the test
set should be to look at BINARY INPUT #1 and wait for the trip contacts to close. When
the relay trip contacts close, the trip time is recorded, the output current is turned off and
the BINARY OUTPUT contacts will be toggled.
11. Press the Lockout Time window, and set the desired total time to lockout. Note: this is the
total time to lockout, which includes the relay reclose time delays and the expected total
operating (trip) time of the relay’s individual tripping operations. Therefore, allow this time
plus an additional second or two for the relay to totally lockout. At the end of the Lockout
Time, any voltage output set in the setting screen will be removed from the relay and the
test is completed.
12. Press the Timer Setup button. The Timer Setup Screen should appear.
13. The Timer Setup Screen has already been modified for testing a reclosing relay. The
BINARY INPUT Terminals T1and T2 were selected and set to STOP the Timer upon N.O.
(Normally Open) contacts closing. T1 is associated with the relay trip contacts and T2 is
associated with the relay reclosing contacts. The Latch was set On so that the timer
would stop on first contact closure, thus ignoring any contact bounce. The Timer was
defaulted to measure time in Seconds.
Figure 85 Binary Outputs Setting Screen
14. From the above figure it can be seen that the BINARY OUTPUT Terminals 1 & 2 have
been selected to simulate the circuit breaker 52B and 52A contacts. Pressing the X
changes the contact to open indicated by the number 0. Pressing again changes it to be
closed indicated by the number 1. Note: while fault current is being applied to the relay,
Binary Output #1 will be closed, and Binary Output #2 is open. When the relay trips it will
record the trip time for the operation and toggle the BINARY OUTPUT contacts. When the
test set toggles the BINARY OUTPUT contacts, it starts the reclose timer. Pressing Enter
sets the Binary Inputs and Outputs. Pressing Main Menu takes you back to the test
selection screen.
Note: That the test set will wait for the relay reclosing contacts to close during the Brk Trip
simulation. This time will appear in the Test Screen as the Reclose Time. However, if there is a
problem with the relay, which prevents the relay from reclosing the breaker, then the test set will
wait until the Lockout Time has expired. When the Lockout Time has expired, all outputs will turn
off and the test will be aborted.
15. Press the Timing Test Button; this will take you to the Reclose Timing Test Screen.
Press the Start Button in the lower left corner, see Figure below. The test set applies the
output voltage(s) and fault current until the relay trips (sensed on BINARY INPUT #1).
Upon sensing trip, the output current is turned off and BINARY OUTPUT closes the 52A
contacts, and opens the 52B contacts, simulating the first trip operation. Upon sensing the
relays reclose on BINARY INPUT #2, the reclose time is recorded and displayed. The test
set toggles the contacts simulating the breaker reclosing, and then reapplies the fault
current. This is repeated based on the N0. of Operations that was entered in the setting
Figure 86 Single Phase Trip and Reclose Test Results
16. When the relay goes to lock out, the test is stopped and the total number of operations is
displayed including Trip Times and Reclose Times.
3.8.9 Frequency Relay Test Menu
This menu permits the setting and testing of a frequency relay. These tests should be conducted
in accordance with the manufacturers relay specifications.
There are several options to further define the tests to be performed. Selecting one of these
options will present the test setup screen for that option.
• For electro-mechanical relays, the user needs to have only one set point, set the time dial,
and step.
• For solid state relays, there may be multiple set points used, multiple timing, either step
and/or ramp that may be a single or double step/ramp. A double step/ramp usually measures
the rise and fall time duration. This test process measures the delta frequency divided by
delta time.
Pre-set Tests Menu: This selection will return the controller to the
Pre-set Test Menu Screen.
117 Frequency Relay Setting Screen
• The Timing Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer specifications.
• The Target & Seal-In Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer specifications.
• The Pickup Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer specifications.
• Relay Tap, Time Dial, Normal Voltage, Normal Frequency, Reset Time, Target Tap, Fault
Frequency, and Trip Time to be set unless factory defaults are used.
• The Timer Setup screen allows the user to define how the time will be used.
• The relay will require a fault frequency and trip time to calculate the relay theoretical reclose.
The measurement is the delta frequency divided by the delta time where the setting can be
either a ramp rate or a step function as selected.
• For electro-mechanical relays, a single set point, time dial, and a step function are required.
• For the solid state relay, multiple set points may be used in conjunction with multiple times
plus a step or ramp function.
• The step function or ramp rate may be single or double and the use of step / ramp may be
118 Frequency Relay Pickup Test Results
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
• The Timing Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer specifications.
• The Target & Seal-In Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer specifications.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
119 Frequency Relay Target & Seal-In Test Screen
This screen displays the results upon test completion. No data may be entered in this screen.
• The Timing Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer specifications.
• The Pickup Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer specifications.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
120 Frequency Relay Timing Test Screen
• The Target & Seal-In Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer specifications.
• The Pickup Settings button will change screens and will allow changes to meet the
manufacturer specifications.
The unit performs a dynamic timing test on all under/over frequency relays either electro-
mechanical or solid-state, single or multi-set point. To test a typical multi-set point, solid-state
under frequency relay, the following procedure applies.
1. Set the NORMAL Line Frequency and VOLTAGE using the touch screen and numeric
keypad. Read the frequency and voltage selected on the appropriate displays.
2. Enter the Relay Tap (or Setting) frequency value in the Relay Tap window. Set the
desired FAULT Frequency (normally a value below, under frequency, or above, over
frequency, the Tap or Setting value) by using the touch screen and numeric keypad. This
is the frequency that the output will delta or step to. For doing a timing test enter the
appropriate trip time for that fault frequency.
3. Set the desired TIMER Start Frequency. If using a ramping frequency output, when the
output frequency ramps through the TIMER Start Frequency the TIMER will start. If
using a Step Function, the TIMER Start Frequency must be equal to the FAULT
4. With the relay trip circuit connected to the STOP gate binding posts, select the
appropriate TIMER Stop gate. Select the TIMER Start/Stop LATCH ON both the START
and STOP circuits. NOTE: Failure to LATCH circuits will result in timing error.
5. Set the DURATION Time by using the touch screen and numeric keypad. Time indicated
is in seconds. This time is the desired time, which the output frequency will remain at the
selected fault frequency. The DURATION Time should be set slightly longer than the
operating time of the relay.
6. Set the ∆F1 rate of change (Ramp Rate 1). For example, if you wish to ramp the output
frequency at .1 hertz per second, then press the appropriate touch screen window and
increase the frequency until 00.10 Hz/Sec is displayed. However, if you desire to step
the frequency, press the touch screen window twice. The word STEP should be
7. Set the ∆F2 rate of change (Ramp Rate 2) similarly to the ∆F1. A different rate may be
selected from that of ∆ F1. A step function may also be selected.
8. Press the START button window. The voltage output frequency will begin to delta (or
step) down. When the relay trip signal is sensed, the output will de-initiate and the
TIMER will stop indicating the trip time.
3.8.10 Manual Test Menu Screen
This menu permits the setting and testing of relays in a manual mode. These tests should be
conducted in accordance with the manufacturers relay specifications.
There are several options to further define the tests to be performed. Selecting one of these
options will present the test setup screen for that option.
• The File button stores the present test values or reloads the previous set of values.
• The Main Menu button returns the user to the main screen menu. If the Main Menu button is
selected the test will be stopped and will return the generators to an inactive state.
• Remove Pre-Set Menu Selection
123 Manual Voltage/Current Test Screen
The Manual Voltage / Current Test screen is designed to permit manual output control of the
MPRT and provide simple interface for basic relay testing. This control screen allows the user to
apply any value of magnitude, phase angle, or frequency to a protective relay and time the
The Manual Voltage / Current screens can be used to time protective relays in two different
1. This screen can apply set values to visually watch the response of the relay or the unit
can apply set values and start the timer and wait a response time from a protective relay.
2. This screen can also simulate four state conditions ( Pre-Fault; Fault; BKR Trip; and
Reclose) and progress through each state condition. A relay operation time can be
monitored by the timer in the Fault or Fault and Reclose conditions.
V1...V4 & I1…I4: Permits control of any installed voltage (V1, V2,
V3, V4) or current (I1, I2, I3, I4) generator.
Angle: Controls the Phase Angle of any installed
voltage (V1, V2, V3, V4) or current (I1, I2, I3, I4)
Timer Start Contact / Timer Start Auto: Timer Start Contact selection will start the timer
when the first start contact results in a true
condition and the timer will stop and the
generators will turn off when the first stop
contact results in a true condition. The Timer
Start Auto selection will start the timer when the
Start button is pressed and the timer will stop
and the generators will turn off when the first
stop contact results in a true condition.
Dynamic Enabled / Dynamic Disabled: The Dynamic Enabled button will simulate four
state conditions ( Pre-Fault; Fault; BKR Trip; and
Reclose) and progress through each state
condition. The Timer will start when the unit
progresses from the Pre-Fault to the Fault
condition and will stop when the first stop
contact reaches a true condition or when the
Fault Duration has elapsed. If the Reclose
Duration is something other than zero, the
Reclose Timer will start when the unit
progresses from the Fault to the BKR Trip
condition and will stop when the first stop
contact reaches a true condition or when the
BRK Trip Duration has elapsed. If the Dynamic
Disabled selection is displayed the system will
not progress through the Pre-Fault, Fault, BKR
Trip, Reclose operations.
File MGR: This selection will take the user to the File
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
Manual Test Menu: This selection will return the controller to the
Manual Test Menu.
timer depending upon Timer Start selection. If
the Dynamic Enabled button is selected the unit
will progress through the Pre-Fault; Fault; BKR-
Open and Reclose operations. The Start button
will always reset the timer to zero. After Start is
pressed this button will turn red and display
Stop. Pressing Stop at any time will stop the
test and turn the outputs off.
Trip Time: The trip time will display the time from initiation
of the timer to the time when the first stop post
results in a true condition.
The Prefault Settings: With Dynamic Disabled, the user simply uses
the selected test sources as a steady-state
tester. When Dynamic Enabled is used, the user
enters the values for voltage, current, phase
angle or frequency, with the Duration time.
These values will be applied to the device under
test during the Prefault Duration time, and will
then switch to the Fault Settings.
The Fault Settings: When Dynamic Enabled is used, the user enters
the Fault values of voltage, current, phase angle
or frequency, with a Duration time. These values
will be applied to the device under test during
the Fault Duration time, or until the device trips
(which ever comes first) and will then switch to
the Breaker Trip Settings.
The Breaker Trip Settings: When Dynamic Enabled is used, the user enters
the values of voltage, current, phase angle or
frequency, with a Duration time. These values
will be applied to the device under test during
the Breaker Trip Duration time, or until the
device provides a reclose signal to the binary
input terminals (which ever comes first) and will
then switch to the Reclose Settings.
The Reclose Settings: When Dynamic Enabled is used, the user enters
the values for voltage, current, phase angle or
frequency, with the Duration time. These values
will be applied to the device under test during
the post-fault/Reclose Duration time, and will
then switch outputs off.
126 Manual Frequency Test Settings Screen
The Manual Voltage / Current Test screen is designed to permit manual output control of the
MPRT and provide simple interface for basic relay testing. This control screen allows the user to
apply any value of magnitude, phase angle, or frequency to a protective relay and time the
This screen can apply set values to visually watch the response of the relay, or the unit can apply
set values and start the timer and await a response time from a protective relay.
This screen can also simulate a three state conditions ( Prefault, Fault and Postfault). A relay
operation time can be monitored by the timer in the Fault stage.
V1...V4 & I1…I4: Permits control of any installed voltage (V1, V2,
V3, V4) or current (I1, I2, I3, I4) generator.
Freq: Controls the Frequency of any installed voltage
(V1, V2, V3, V4) or current (I1, I2, I3, I4)
Timer Start on Frequency: Timer Start Contact selection will start the timer
when the first start contact results in a true
condition and the timer will stop and the
generators will turn off when the first stop
contact results in a true condition. The Timer
Start Auto selection will start the timer when the
Start button is pressed and the timer will stop
and the generators will turn off when the first
stop contact results in a true condition.
Op. Time: The Op. (operating / trip) time will display the
time from initiation of the timer to the time when
the first stop post results in a true condition.
The Prefault button: With Dynamic Disabled, the user simply uses
the selected test sources as a steady-state
tester. When Dynamic Enabled is used, the user
enters the values for voltage, phase angle and
frequency, with the Duration time. These values
will be applied to the device under test during
the Prefault Duration time, and will then switch
to the Fault Settings.
The Fault button: When Dynamic Enabled is used, the user enters
the Fault values of voltage, phase angle and
frequency, with a Duration time. These values
will be applied to the device under test during
the Fault Duration time, or until the device trips
(which ever comes first) and will then
switch to the Postfault Settings.
The Postfault button: When Dynamic Enabled is used, the user enters
the values for voltage, phase angle and
frequency, with the Duration time. These values
will be applied to the device under test during
the Postfault Duration time, and will then switch
outputs off.
Step; Hz/S; Ramp button: When Dynamic Enabled is used, the user
selects either Step, Hz/S or Ramp. See section
3.5.5 for detail description of the dynamic
frequency selection for Hz/S. Ramp is very
similar to Hz/S, with the exception that the same
ramp rate is used for both Ramps. The unit
defaults to the Step function, which is the
simplest of dynamic frequency timing tests. The
Step changes from the normal operating
frequency set in the Prefault, and changes to the
fault frequency setting in the Fault setting
Dynamic Enabled / Dynamic Disabled: The Dynamic Enabled button will simulate four
fault conditions ( Prefault, Fault, and Postfault)
and progress through each state condition. The
Timer will start when the unit progresses from
the Prefault to the Fault condition and will stop
when the first stop contact reaches a true
condition or when the Fault Duration has
elapsed. If the Dynamic Disabled selection is
displayed the system will not progress through
the Prefault, Fault, and Postfault operations.
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
Manual Test Menu: This selection will return the controller to the
Manual Test Menu.
Main Menu: This selection will return the controller to the
Main Menu:
The MPRT can be programmed with the TVI to perform dynamic timing test on all under/over
frequency relays either electro-mechanical or solid-state, single or multi-set point. To test a
typical multi-set point, solid-state under frequency relay, the following procedure applies.
1. In the Prefault setting window, select V1. The Magnitude and Frequency values should
already be set to the default normal Line Frequency and voltage values. If not, select the
appropriate value(s) and change them using the touch screen and numeric keypad. Set
the Duration Time by using the touch screen and numeric keypad. Time indicated is in
seconds. This time is the desired time which the output voltage and frequency will
remain at the Prefault stage before switching to the Fault stage.
2. Select Fault values by pressing the Fault Settings button. Set the desired FAULT
Frequency, normally a value below (under frequency) or above (over frequency) the Tap
or Setting value, by using the touch screen and keypad. This is the frequency that the
output will delta or step down to during the Fault stage. For doing a timing test enter the
appropriate Duration Time for that fault frequency (the Duration time needs to be slightly
longer than the expected trip time of the relay under test).
3. Set the desired TIMER Start Frequency. If using a ramping frequency output, when the
output frequency ramps through the TIMER Start Frequency the TIMER will start. If
using a Step Function, the TIMER Start Frequency must be equal to the FAULT
4. Select Postfault values by pressing the Postfault Settings button. Set the desired
Postfault Frequency using the touch screen and keypad. This provides a go/no go test
for relays that should instantly reset once the frequency conditions (postfault) have
stabilized to the prefault conditions. Set a Duration Time long enough that the user can
easily determine that the relay has reset properly.
5. With the relay trip circuit connected to the appropriate binary input, Timer STOP gate,
binding posts, select the appropriate TIMER Stop gate using the Timer Setup screen.
Select the TIMER Start/Stop LATCH ON both the START and STOP circuits. NOTE:
Failure to LATCH circuits will result in timing error.
6. The unit defaults to a frequency Step for dynamic timing tests. For testing relays with
multiple set points, the user may want to use either Hz/Sec or Ramp. Hz/Sec allows
different ramp rates down/up, while the Ramp uses the same frequency rate of change
for both ramps. Set the Delta 1 rate of change (Ramp Rate 1). For example, if you wish
to ramp the output frequency at .1 hertz per second, then press the appropriate touch
Delta 1 window and set the frequency to 0.10 Hz/Sec using the numeric keypad.
7. If using Hz/Sec, set the Delta 2 rate of change (Ramp Rate 2) similarly to the Delta 1.
8. Press the Start button window. The voltage output frequency will begin to delta (or step)
down after the Prefault Duration time expires. When the relay trip signal is sensed, the
output will de-initiate and the TIMER will stop indicating the trip time.
130 Manual Auto Synchronizing Test Screen
The Manual Auto Synchronizing Test screen is designed to permit manual output control of the
MPRT and provide testing of synchronizing and auto synchronizing relays. This control screen
allows the user to apply any value of magnitude, phase angle, or frequency to a synchronizing
relay and time the response.
This screen can apply set values to visually watch the response of the relay, or the unit can apply
set values and start the timer and await a response time from a synchronizing relay.
V1...V4 & I1…I4: Permits control of any installed voltage (V1, V2,
V3, V4) or current (I1, I2, I3, I4) generator.
Normally V1 and V2 are used to test
synchronizing type relays.
Freq: Controls the Frequency of any installed voltage
(V1, V2, V3, V4) or current (I1, I2, I3, I4)
Dynamic Enabled / Dynamic Disabled: With the Dynamic test disabled, the user may
manually adjust the phase angle using the
control knob to determine the closing angle. The
Dynamic Enabled, the MPRT will automatically
determine closing angle and advanced closing
time for auto-synchronizing relays. See Pickup
and Advanced Closing Time Tests for more
Batt Sim Off / Batt Sim On: This selection will turn the Battery Simulator On
and Off.
Manual Test Menu: This selection will return the controller to the
Manual Test Menu.
To perform tests on synchronizing type relays requires the use of two voltage output modules.
Pick-up or Closing Angle Test: This test is performed with Dynamic Disabled. With the
Dynamic test disabled, the user may manually adjust the phase angle using the control knob to
determine the closing angle. The output voltages, and frequency, will be the values set in the
System Configuration Screen. To perform Pick-up or Closing Angle tests let one voltage channel
be the 0° reference, i.e., V1, and let the second voltage channel provide the variable phase angle
adjustment, i.e., V2. This test requires phase angles indicated on V2 will be a leading angle (this
requires +/- 180 degree phase angle option). If the relay's closing characteristic is 20° leading, an
angle of + 20 ° will be indicated on voltage channel 2 (assuming V1 is set to the 0° reference).
1. With V1 and V2 set to Normal Voltage, i.e. 120 Volts each, and 60 Hz (for 60 hz relays) turn
outputs on by pressing the Start button.
2. The user selects V2 Angle and sets it to Ramp. Using the control knob, Ramp V2 phase
angle in the CW direction lagging the reference voltage. At some point a set of contacts may
open, thus allowing the user to determine the dropout angle (for example - 20°). The user
could set the starting angle of – 30 degrees for V2, thus the contacts would not be closed. If
we started the ramp at this point the angle would continue to 180 degrees. Then the sign
would change to +. When the relay Normally Open contacts closed we would read the closing
angle, i.e. + 20°. We would then compare the actual closing angle to that specified in the
Relay Setting Screen and calculate the error in degrees.
Advanced Closing Time Test: This test is performed with Dynamic Enabled. To perform this
test let voltage channel 2, V2, provide the slip frequency (generator) and let voltage channel 1,
V1, provide the fixed voltage/frequency source (bus). This test will automatically determine
closing angle and advanced closing time for auto-synchronizing relays.
1. Connect the relay's closing contacts to Timer Start Terminal 1 (first pair of Binary Input
terminals), so that when the relay contacts close (at the advance angle) it will start the
timer, and capture the closing angle at the same time.
2. Set V1 to the Normal voltage output. Set V2 to the Normal output voltage and slip
frequency. For example: VOLTAGE, 2, AC, 120, FREQ, 60.100. V2 ANGLE display
should start at 0 degrees (we want V1 and V2 to turn on at 0 degrees together).
3. Press the Start button. V2 will turn on in phase with V1, but will slip out of phase at the
selected slip frequency. At the advanced angle, based on the slip frequency, the relay will
close the breaker closing contacts, and start the timer. When the two voltages slip back
into phase the Timer will stop. The time indicated will be the advance time setting of the
relay. The associated closing angle will also be displayed. See the following figure for a
graphic representation.
As "S" approaches "F", at some point (the advance angle) the relay will send a close
signal, which will start the Timer. When "S" and "F" are in synchronous, the Timer will
stop. The time indicated on the timer display is the advance time of the relay based on
the preset slip frequency.
133 Manual Transducer Test Settings Screen
This screen is used for selection of single phase or three-phase transducers such as; AC and DC
Voltage, AC and DC Current, Frequency, Power (Watts), Reactive Power (VAR's), Apparent
Power (VA) and Power Factor. The types of transducers are easily selected in the Transducer
Setting Screen.
In the Transducer Setting Screen, the user may select from a variety of transducers,
see Select Transducer Type window. Here the operator may select, by touching the
selection window, the type of transducer that he/she needs to test. Watt, VAR and VA
transducers come in 1, 1 1/2, 2 , 2 1/2 and 3 element configurations. Selecting the
number of elements will automatically select the appropriate number of output voltages
and currents needed to test the selected transducer. For example, selection of a single
element Watt transducer, V1 and I1 sources will automatically be selected for you. In the
case of a three-phase 3 element transducer V1,V2, V3, I1, I2 and I3 will be preselected
for your use. Selections available are:
In the description windows the operator enters descriptive information relative to the
transducer to be tested. This information will be saved with the test results. The following
describes the window entries.
Description: Input a short description of the transducer to be tested. Limited to 36
Serial Number: Enter the serial number of the transducer. Limited to 36 digits.
Some of the system default settings come from the System Defaults Screen, which can
be accessed from the Main Menu.
Current: The current value will automatically default to the value set in the
System Default Screen. However, it should be noted that if the operator chooses Watt,
VAR or VA in the Select Transducer Type window, a Full Scale current will
automatically be calculated and entered for you. The value will be calculated based on
the defaulted VOLTAGE value and the Max. Watts, VAR or VA value entered in the
Transducer Output section. The current may be increased or decreased from this value
in the Transducer Test Screen.
Settling Time: This is the time delay, in milliseconds, the MPRT will wait before
making it's first accuracy calculation and freeze the readings. If the transducer is self
energized, the operator needs to allow enough time for the transducer to stabilize before
making an accuracy calculation. If the transducer needs warmup time prior to testing, the
operator needs to account for this time too. On the other hand, if the transducer is
already warmed and is powered-up, then the operator only needs to allow for the settling
time of the transducer. For example, assume the transducer settling time is 1 second,
then the operator needs to enter a settling time of 1,000 milliseconds. When the test
values are applied, the system will wait 1,000 milliseconds before calculating the % error
deviation. Then, the % error with pass/fail information is displayed and the test values are
frozen. At this point the operator may choose to Stop the test and Save results.
135 Transducer Output Section
Min. and Max.: The tranducer will have either a dc voltage or dc milliampere output. The
default settings are 0 for minimums, 10 Volts dc and 20 milliamperes dc for Maximums. It
should be noted that Minimum Value could be a negative dc value. For example, - 1
milliampere, or - 10 Volts dc. It could also be a positive dc value, other than 0. For
example, the Minimum could be +4 milliamperes. In other words, the minimum could be
+4 mA and the Maximum could be +20 mA. The firmware will calculate the scalling factor
based on the minimum and maximum values, and use this scaling factor to calculate the
actual output from the transducer (in terms of Volts, Amperes, Watts etc). In addition to
Min. and Max., if a Power Factor transducer was selected in the Select Transducer
Type window, then Min. and Max. will change to Lead and Lag (see description for Lead
and Lag in section 3.2).
Voltage or Current : The operator selects one by touching the button associated with
either the Voltage or Current. If the Min. and / or Max. are different from the defaulted
values, the operator touches the appropriate window and a numeric keypad will appear to
enter the appropriate value(s). In our example, the transducer is a Watt transducer. When
Watt 3 Element was selected in the Select Transducer Type window, Watts appears in
the Transducer output window.
In the above example, a value of 1500.0 was entered as the Max. output. The Fullscale
Current was set at 1.000 milliamperes. Therefore, the scaling factor will be,
Therefore, if the transducer had a measured output of .250 mA, then the equvilent Watts
output would be,
Consider another example, where the Min value is a negative value. The following
example is an AC Watt Transducer with the following settings:
Therefore, if the transducer had a measured output of .250 mA, then the equvilent Watts
output would be,
And if transducer had a measured output of -.450 mA, then the equvilent Watts output
would be,
Consider one more example for a Power Factor transducer, where the Min changes to
Lead and the Max. changes to Lag, and the associated output currents are +4 mA for a
Leading Power factor of .5, and +20 mA for a Lagging Power Factor of -.5. The
Transducer Output window would look something like the following,
Therefore, if the transducer had a measured output of 9.500 mA, then the equvilent
Power Factor output would be,
With 20 mA = -.5 PF, then adding -.3 PF results in a -.800 PF output value.
Accuracy: The accuracy value for the transducer is entered here. The default value
is 0.500 %. To enter another value, the user touches the value window and a keypad
allows another value to be entered.
137 Manual Transducer Test Screen
With all the values entered in the Transducer Setting Screen, the operator will press the Test
Screen button at the bottom of the screen. The next screen to appear will be the Transducer
Test Screen. The Transducer Test Screen has three parts. The MPRT Output section, the
Transducer Output section and the Vector Section.
The operator can select which outputs to turn on/off or value to be changed or
incremented. When selecting the type of transducer to test in the Setting Screen, the
appropriate outputs will automarically be selected for the user. For example, if an AC
Voltage or Current transducer had been selected, the V1 or I1 outputs will have changed
from grey to green, and the defaulted voltage or current would appear. The default
frequency will also be preset. If a DC transducer had been selected, the Freq. Window for
the selected voltage or current would read DC. In the example above, a 3 Element Watt
transducer was selected in the Setting Screen, and the user has set ± 180 degrees in
the System Default setting screen. In this case, let’s say the user has already changed
the phase angle of the currents to lag their respective voltages by 30 degrees. The actual
measured output three-phase Watts is displayed as 1299.35. This value will be used later
to calculate % error and PASS / TEST FAILED.
138 Transducer Output Section
The transducer output section displays either the dc output Volts or milliamperes. In
addition, it also displays the equivalent output in the select type value. In our example, we
see the measured value of 0.8670 mA dc and a calculated value of 1300.0 Watts.
This calculated value is compared to the actual measured value in the MPRT Output
section. The accuracy is then calculated and displayed. The accuracy is calculated as
If the value displayed in the Accuracy window meets the Accuracy specification set in the
Transducer Setting Screen, an affirnative PASS will be displayed. If it exceeds the setting
specifications, a negative TEST FAILED (in red letters) will appear. Note the PASS or
TEST FAILED is delayed by the settling time value in the setting screen.
1. In the Transducer Setting Screen, enter the transducers specific data, such as
manufacturer, model number and serial number.
2. Select the transducer type to be tested.
3. Enter the transducer's output in dc volts or milliamperes. Include the min. and max.
values for the type of output, which correlates to the voltage or current. Input the
transducer's accuracy value.
4. Adjust the system default settings if required, and enter the transducer's settling, or
response time in milliseconds.
5. Press the Test Screen button at the bottom of the screen.
6. Based on the type of transducer selected the appropriate outputs will have already
been pre-selected for you. The outputs selected will be green in color, indicating the
off state. In the case of Watt, VAR or VA transducers, the angles have already been
preset. If you desire to test at some other value(s) than those preset, press the
window for the value(s) you wish to change and a numeric keypad will appear. Using
the keypad, enter the desired value(s).
7. Connect the selected outputs to the appropriate transducer's input terminals.
8. If the transducer requires an external power source (for the AUX. Power input),
connect your external power source at this time.
9. Press the Start button at the bottom of the screen. The outputs will turn on. To vary
amplitudes, press the window(s) of the voltage(s) or current(s), which you desire to
change. When the numeric keypad appears, select Ramp, and then Enter for each
output. Then, rotate the control knob to ramp the desired output values.
10. Note the test result in the Transducer Output section of the window.
139 Saving Results
1. With the test completed, the results and test file need to be saved to the internal
solid-state disk. To do this, press the File button at the bottom of the window. This
will take the user to the Save/Read window.
2. Press the Save Data button. Select Save Data, and enter a file name for the test.
Press Enter. The test and data are now saved. See File Manager section for
additional information.
As previuously described, Watt and VAR transducers come in 1, 1 1/2, 2, 2 1/2 and 3
Element configurations. In the Transducer Setting Screen, the operator is required to
select what type of transducer is to be tested. Once selected, the internal firmware of the
MPRT unit will make certain assumptions and calculations based on the number of
elements selected. The following are detailed descriptions of the different elements and
the calculations required to calculate Watts and / or VARs.
The single element watt transducer requires 1 voltage and 1 current to test. The MPRT
will automatically select the first voltage and current channels available, V1 and I1. The
test will initially start at the default value voltage that is set in the Default Setting Screen.
For example, 120 Volts L-N. When the user inputs the MAX. Watts value in the
Transducer Setting Screen, the firmware can calculate the required test current for full
scale value. Since the default angle will be 0° (zero degrees), the calculation is simple.
The formula required to calculate Watts is, V1 * I1 * COS 0° = Watts
Example: The default voltage is 120.00 Volts AC, and the user inputs 500 Watts as Max.
Value. The current required for full scale output from the transducer is,
Therefore, when the user inputs 500 Watts in the MAX. value window, in the Test Screen
the test set should automatically show a test current value of 4.167 Amperes at an angle
of 0°. Note, the voltage is also in-phase with the current at 0°. Also, note that the current
is rounded up to 7 in the last digit displayed.
When the test is Started, the measured voltage and current outputs are displayed and the
calculated Watts is based on the measured voltage and current outputs. This is the value
that gets displayed in the Transducer Test Screen under the MPRT Output, next to the
Label of Watt 1 Element Another value of Watts gets calculated using the measured dc
Volts or dc milliampere output as displayed in the Transducer Output section. Let us
assume that in our example transducer, the output is in dc milliamperes. For this
example, let us say that 1 milliampere of dc current is equal to the full scale output of 500
Watts. Therefore, the theoretical output Watts from the transducer would be 500 Watts, if
the output current is 1 milliampere. For this example, let's say that the measured output
voltage is 120.01 Volts, at 0°, and the measured output current is 4.166, Amperes, at
0.0°. The measured output Watts would be,
For this example, let's assume the measured output current from the transducer is 0.996
mA dc. Based on a Max. value of 1 mA equals 500 Watts, the displayed Watts in the
Transducer Output section of the Transducer Test Screen should read 500 * 0.996 =
498.0 Watts
The Accuracy displayed in the Transducer Output section would be equal to the
-0.392 %
If this were a 0.5 % transducer, then the firmware would compare the accuracy values
between the Setting Screen and the Test Screen and would display PASS in the
Transducer Output section of the test screen. If this were a 0.2 %, then it would display
Note: All of the calculations are very similar when testing VAR 1 Element
transducers. The primary difference is replacing the COS function with the SIN function.
For example, let us assume that the test angle for the VAR transducer is 30 degrees.
This is an important point, since if they were in phase, the SIN of 0° is 0, thus the Var
contribution is 0 at the in-phase condition. Only rotating the phase angle 30 degrees do
we create the measured output VAR's would be,
Note: Calculations for VA transducers are the same except there are no
COS or SIN functions. Therefore, the apparent power (VA) calculation is simplified as
Volts * Amps. For example, for the calculation above the apparent power is,
The single element power factor transducer requires 1 voltage and 1 current to test. The
MPRT will automatically select the first voltage and current channels available, V1 and I1.
The test will initially start at the default values for voltage and current that are set in the
Default Setting Screen. For example, 120 Volts L-N, and 5 Amperes. The Power factor
transducer has a range of operation that correlates to the Leading or Lagging phase
angle relationship between the voltage and current inputs. Therefore, when the user
selects Power Factor 1 Element, the MIN and MAX nomenclature will change to read
LEAD and LAG power factor values. The user is required to input the LEAD (MIN) and
LAG (MAX) power factor values into the provided spaces (normally the same values, i. e.
0.5). The power factor is the trigonometric decimal equivalent value of the COS of the
angle between the V1 voltage and I1 current. For example, when the user inputs the
LEAD and LAG Power Factor values in the Transducer Setting Screen, the firmware
can calculate the required test angles for full scale values. Thus for a LAG Power Factor
value of 0.5, the current would need to lag the voltage by 60°. The Lead and Lag phase
angles require that the vector display be changed to show angles as ± 180°. If the default
angle representation is 0 to 360 LAG, then the angle between the voltage and current will
be considered lagging (current lags voltage). In this situation, the typical test angles may
vary between 0 to 90 degrees lag and 359.9 to 270 degrees lag (90 degrees leading).
This could cause some confusion to the user. By forcing the display to ± 180° simplifies
the testing considerably. The test will start at unity power factor, or ±0°. Since the default
angle will be 0° (zero degrees), the calculation is simple. The formula required to
calculate Power Factor is,
Example: The default voltage is 120.00 Volts and current is 5 Amperes AC, and the user
inputs a Power Factor of ± 0.3 as LEAD and LAG Values. The angles required for full
scale output from the transducer is,
When the test is Started, the measured voltage and current outputs are displayed and the
calculated Power Factor is based on the measured phase angle bewteen the voltage and
current outputs. This is the value that gets displayed in the Transducer Test Screen
under the MPRT Output, next to the Label of Power Factor 1 Element.
Another value of Power Factor gets calculated using the measured dc Volts or dc
milliampere output as displayed in the Transducer Output section. Let us assume that
in our next example transducer, the output is in dc milliamperes. For this example, let us
say that ±1 milliampere of dc current is equal to the full scale Power Factor of ± 0.5.
Therefore, the theoretical range of output from the transducer would be - 0.5 Power
Factor, if the output current is -1 milliampere, to +0.5 Power Factor, if the output current
is +1 milliampere. For this example, let's say that the measured output voltage is 120.0
Volts, at 0°, and the measured output current is 5.000 Amperes, at a lagging angle of -
30°. The calculated Power Factor (displayed next to Power Factor 1 Element) would
For this example, let's assume the measured output current from the transducer is -
0.489 mA dc. Based on a Lead/Lag value of ±1 mA equals ±0.5 PF, the scaling would be
equal to
Therefore, the displayed PF in the Transducer Output section of the Transducer Test
Screen should read
Power factor transducer accuracies are stated in units of Power Factor, not in % error.
Therefor, the Accuarcy window for Power factor transducers needs to change from %
error to ± 0.000 PF. The Accuracy displayed in the Transducer Output section would
be equal to the following,
If this were a 0.01 PF transducer, then the firmware would compare the accuracy values
between the Setting Screen and the Test Screen and would display PASS in the
Transducer Output section of the test screen.
This transducer is normally used in single-phase, three wire applications, which requires
2 voltages and 2 currents to test. The MPRT will automatically select the first two voltage
and current channels available, V1, V2, I1 and I2. The voltage input to the transducer is
supplied with one voltage input terminal. However, we must take into account that the
transducer is connected using a PT that is connected line to line. Thus the test will initially
start at the default voltage value, that is set in the Default Setting Screen, for each
Voltage output. However, the V2 output will be 180 degrees out of phase with V1, thus
they add across the potential input of the transducer. For example, a default of 120 Volts
L-N, means 240 Volts will be impressed across the transducer potential input terminals.
Thus V1 will be set to 120 Volts at an angle of 0°, and V2 will be 120 Volts at 180°. I1 and
I2 will be in-phase with their respective voltages (0° and 180°). When the user inputs the
MAX. Watts value in the Transducer Setting Screen, the firmware can calculate the
required test currents for full scale value.
The formula required to calculate Watts for 1 1/2 Element transducer is,
Example: The default voltage is 120.00 Volts AC, and the user inputs 1000 Watts as
Max. Value. The current required for full scale output from the transducer is,
Since each phase contibutes half of the power, we can simplify to,
Therefore, when the user inputs 1000 Watts in the MAX. value window, in the Test
Screen the test set should automatically show a test current value for I1 of 4.167
Amperes at an angle of 0°, and I2 will be 4.167 Amperes at an angle of 180°. Note that
the current is rounded up to 7 in the last digit displayed.
When the test is Started, the measured voltage and current outputs are displayed and the
calculated Watts is based on the measured voltage and current outputs. This is the value
that gets displayed in the Transducer Test Screen under the MPRT Output, next to the
Label of Watt 1 1/2 Element Another value of Watts gets calculated using the measured
dc Volts or dc milliampere output as displayed in the Transducer Output section. Let us
assume that in our example transducer, the output is in dc milliamperes. For this
example, let us say that 1 milliampere of dc current is equal to the full scale output of
1000 Watts. Therefore, the theoretical output Watts from the transducer would be 1000
Watts, if the output current is 1 milliampere. For this example, let's say that the measured
output voltages are 120.00 Volts (V1 and V2) and the measured output currents are
4.166, Amperes, at 0°. The measured output Watts would be,
For this example, let's assume the measured output current from the transducer is 0.998
mA dc. Based on a Max. value of 1 mA equals 1000 Watts, the displayed Watts in the
Transducer Output section of the Transducer Test Screen should read 1000 * 0.998
= 998.00 Watts
The Accuracy displayed in the Transducer Output section would be equal to the
-0.198 %
If this were a 0.2 % transducer, then the firmware would compare the accuracy values
between the Setting Screen and the Test Screen and would display PASS in the
Transducer Output section of the test screen.
Note: All of the calculations are very similar when testing VAR 1 1/2
Element transducers. The primary difference is replacing the COS function with the SIN
function. For example, let us assume that the test angle for the VAR transducer is 30
degrees. This is an important point, since if they were in phase, the SIN of 0° is 0, thus
the Var contribution is 0 at the in-phase condition. Only rotating the phase angle 30
degrees do we create the measured output VAR's would be,
This transducer is normally used in three-phase, three wire delta application, which
requires 2 voltages and 2 currents to test. Normally, the PT's and CT's are connected to
A and C phases. The MPRT will automatically select two voltage and current channels,
V1, V3, I1 and I3 (in the event that there is no V3/I3 channel, then V2 and I2 will be
used). The test will initially start at the default voltage value, that is set in the Default
Setting Screen, for each Voltage output. Thus, for a default voltage setting of 120 volts,
V1 will be set to 120 Volts at an angle of 0°, and V3 will be 120 Volts at 300° (delta
connected PT's). This assumes that the default phase angle is 0 - 360 Degrees lag, and
not +/- 180 degrees. If the +/- 180 degree phase angle option is used, then V3 will be at
+60°. I1 and I3 will be phase shifted 30° with their respective voltages, or I1 at 30° lag
and I3 at 270° lag (or + 90° ). When the user inputs the MAX. Watts value in the
Transducer Setting Screen, the firmware can calculate the required test currents for full
scale value.
Example: The default voltage is 120.00 Volts AC, and the user inputs 1000 Watts as
Max. Value. The current required for full scale output from the transducer is,
Therefore, when the user inputs 1000 Watts in the MAX. value window, in the Test
Screen the test set should automatically show a test current value for I1 of 2.777
Amperes at an angle of 30°, and I3 will be 2.777 Amperes at an angle of 270° (+90°).
When the test is Started, the measured voltage and current outputs are displayed and the
calculated Watts is based on the measured voltage and current outputs. This is the value
that gets displayed in the Transducer Test Screen under the MPRT Output, next to the
Label of Watt 2 Element Another value of Watts gets calculated using the measured dc
Volts or dc milliampere output as displayed in the Transducer Output section. Let us
assume that in our example transducer, the output is in dc milliamperes. In this example,
let 1 miiliampere of dc current be equal to the full scale output of 1000 Watts. For this
example, let's say that the measured output voltages are 120.00 Volts (V1 and V3) and
the measured output currents are 2.793, Amperes. The measured output Watts would
1005.48 Watts
For this example, let's assume the measured output current from the transducer is 1.001
mA dc. Based on a Max. value of 1 mA equals 1000 Watts, the displayed Watts in the
Transducer Output section of the Transducer Test Screen should read 1000 * 1.001
= 1001.00 Watts
The Accuracy displayed in the Transducer Output section would be equal to the
-0.445 %
If this were a 0.5 % transducer, then the firmware would compare the accuracy values
between the Setting Screen and the Test Screen and would display PASS in the
Transducer Output section of the test screen.
If the user adjusts the phase angle in the lagging direction by an additional 30°, then the
Watts output changes.
Where ∅ is the incremental angular change of 30° between V1 and I1 and V3 and I 3,
Note: All of the calculations are very similar when testing VAR 2 Element
transducers. The primary difference is replacing the COS function with the SIN function.
For the example above,
120.00 * * 2.793 * SIN (30°+30°) + 120.00 * * 2.793 * SIN (30° - 30°)
Note: For apparent power, VA, transducers, the calculations remain the
same, except there are no COS or SIN functions. For the example above,
This transducer is normally used in three-phase, four wire Wye applications, which
requires 2 voltages and 3 currents to test. The two voltages and three currents are all
refernced to ground. The MPRT will automatically select two voltage and three current
channels, V1, V3, I1, I2 and I3. The test will initially start at the default voltage value, that
is set in the Default Setting Screen, for each Voltage output. Thus, for a default voltage
setting of 120 volts, V1 will be set to 120 Volts at an angle of 0°, and V3 will be 120 Volts
at 240° lagging. This assumes that the default phase angle is 0 - 360 Degrees lag, and
not +/- 180 degrees. If the +/- 180 degree phase angle option is used, then V3 will be at
+120°. I1and I3 will be in-phase with their respective voltages, or I1 at 0° and I3 at 240°
lag (or + 120° ). I2 will be at 120° lag (or -120°). When the user inputs the MAX. Watts
value in the Transducer Setting Screen, the firmware can calculate the required test
currents for full scale value.
The formula required to calculate Watts for 2 1/2 Element transducer is,
Where ∅ is the incremental angular change between V1 and I1 and V3 and I 3, with I2
changing at the same incremental angle as I1 and I3..
Example: The default voltage is 120.00 Volts AC, and the user inputs 1500 Watts as
Max. Value. The current required for full scale output from the transducer is,
Therefore, when the user inputs 1500 Watts in the MAX. value window, the test set
should automatically show a test current value for I1 of 4.167 Amperes at an angle of 0°,
I2 will be 4.167 at 120° (-120°) and I3 will be 4.167 Amperes at an angle of 240° (+120°).
Note that the current is rounded up to 7 in the last digit displayed.
When the test is Started, the measured voltage and current outputs are displayed and the
calculated Watts is based on the measured voltage and current outputs. This is the value
that gets displayed in the Transducer Test Screen under the MPRT Output, next to the
Label of Watt 2 1/2 Element. Another value of Watts gets calculated using the
measured dc Volts or dc milliampere output as displayed in the Transducer Output
section. Let us assume that in our example transducer, the output is in dc milliamperes.
In this example, let 20 milliamps of dc current be equal to the full scale output of 1500
Watts. For this example, let's say that the measured output voltages are 120.02 Volts (V1
and V3) and the measured output currents are 4.166, Amperes. The measured output
Watts would be,
1500.10 Watts
For this example, let's assume the measured output current from the transducer is 20.1
mA dc. Based on a Max. value of 20 mA equals 1500 Watts, the displayed Watts in the
Transducer Output section of the Transducer Test Screen should read 1507.5 Watts
The Accuracy displayed in the Transducer Output section would be equal to the
If this were a 0.5 % transducer, then the firmware would compare the accuracy values
between the Setting Screen and the Test Screen and would display PASS in the
Transducer Output section of the test screen.
If the user adjusts the phase angle in the lagging direction by 30°, then the Watts output
Where ∅ is the incremental angular change of 30° between V1 and I1 and V3 and I 3
etc. ,
120 * 4.1667 * COS 30° + 120 * 4.1667 * COS 30° + 120 * 4.1667 * (COS 60°
+30° ) + 120 * 4.1667 * (COS 60° - 30°) = 1299.05 Total Watts
Note: All of the calculations are very similar when testing VAR 2 1/2
Element transducers. The primary difference is replacing the COS function with the SIN
function. For the example above,
120 * 4.1667 * SIN 30° + 120 * 4.1667 * SIN 30° + 120 * 4.1667 * (SIN 60° +30° ) + 120
* 4.1667 * (SIN 60° - 30°) = 1250.01 VAR's
Note: All of the calculations are very similar when testing VA 2 1/2 Element
transducers. The primary difference is no COS or SIN functions. For the example above,
This transducer is normally used in three-phase, four wire Wye applications, which
requires 3 voltages and 3 currents to test. The three voltages and three currents are all
refernced to ground. The MPRT will automatically select three voltage and three current
channels, V1, V2, V3, I1, I2 and I3. The test will initially start at the default voltage value,
that is set in the Default Setting Screen, for each Voltage output. Thus, for a default
voltage setting of 120 volts, V1 will be set to 120 Volts at an angle of 0°, V2 will be 120
Volts at 120° lagging and V3 will be 120 Volts at 240° lagging. This assumes that the
default phase angle is 0 - 360 Degrees lag, and not +/- 180 degrees. If the +/- 180 degree
phase angle option is used, then V2 will be at -120° and V3 will be at +120°. I1, I2 and I3
will be in-phase with their respective voltages. When the user inputs the MAX. Watts
value in the Transducer Setting Screen, the firmware can calculate the required test
currents for full scale value.
Where ∅ is the incremental angular change between V1 and I1, V2 and I2, V3 and I3.
Example: The default voltage is 120.00 Volts AC, and the user inputs 1500 Watts as
Max. Value. The current required for full scale output from the transducer is,
Therefore, when the user inputs 1500 Watts in the MAX. value window, in the Test
Screen the test set should automatically show a test current value for I1 of 4.167
Amperes at an angle of 0°, I2 will be 4.167 at 120° (-120°) and I3 will be 4.167 Amperes
at an angle of 240° (+120°). Note that the current is rounded up to 7 in the last digit
When the test is Started, the measured voltage and current outputs are displayed and the
calculated Watts is based on the measured voltage and current outputs. This is the value
that gets displayed in the Transducer Test Screen under the MPRT Output, next to the
Label of Watt 3 Element Another value of Watts gets calculated using the measured dc
Volts or dc milliampere output as displayed in the Transducer Output section. Let us
assume that in our example transducer, the output is in dc milliamperes. In this example,
let 20 milliamps of dc current be equal to the full scale output of 1500 Watts. For this
example, let's say that the measured output voltages are 120.01 Volts (V1, V2 and V3)
and the measured output currents are 4.167, Amperes. The measured output Watts
would be,
120.01 * 4.167 * 0° +120.01 * 4.167 * COS 0° +120.01 * 4.167 * COS 0°
For this example, let's assume the measured output current from the transducer is 20.2
mA dc. Based on a Max. value of 20 mA equals 1500 Watts, the displayed Watts in the
Transducer Output section of the Transducer Test Screen should read 1515.0 Watts
The Accuracy displayed in the Transducer Output section would be equal to the
0.984 %
If this were a 0.5 % transducer, then the firmware would compare the accuracy values
between the Setting Screen and the Test Screen and would display Test Failed in the
Transducer Output section of the test screen.
If the user adjusts the phase angle in the lagging direction by 30°, then the Watts output
Where ∅ is the incremental angular change of 30° between V1 and I1, V2 and I2, and
V3 and I3 etc. ,
Note: All of the calculations are very similar when testing VAR 3 Element
transducers. The primary difference is replacing the COS function with the SIN function.
For the example above,
Note: All of the calculations are very similar when testing VA 3 Element
transducers. The primary difference is no COS or SIN functions. For the example above,
149 Power Factor 3 Element
The three element power factor transducer requires 3 voltages and 3 currents to test.
The MPRT will automatically select the first three voltages and currents channels
available, V1, V2, V3 and I1, I2, I3. The test will initially start at the default values for
voltage and current that are set in the Default Setting Screen. For example, 120 Volts L-
N, 5 Amperes at their respective phase separations of 120 Degrees (note that for three
phase Power Factor transducers the transducer requires a balanced three-phase output).
The calculated Power Factors will be based on the phase separation between V1 and I1.
The Power factor transducer has a range of operation that correlates to the Leading or
Lagging phase angle relationship between the voltage and current inputs. Therefore,
when the user selects Power Factor 3 Element, the MIN and MAX nomenclature will
change to read LEAD (+) and LAG (-) power factor values. The user is required to input
the LEAD and LAG power factor values into the provided spaces (normally the same
values, i. e. 0.5). The power factor is the trigonometric decimal equivalent value of the
COS of the angle between the V1 voltage and I1 current. For example, when the user
inputs the LEAD and LAG Power Factor values in the Transducer Setting Screen, the
firmware can calculate the required test angles for full scale values. Thus for a LAG
Power Factor value of 0.5, the current would need to lag the voltage by 60°. The Lead
and Lag phase angles require that the vector display be changed to show angles as ±
180°. If the default angle representation is 0 to 360 LAG, then the angle between the
voltage and current will be considered lagging (current lags voltage). In this situation, the
typical test angles may vary between 0 to 90 degrees lag and 359.9 to 270 degrees lag
(90 degrees leading). This could cause some confusion to the user. By forcing the display
to ± 180° simplifies the testing considerably. The test will start at unity power factor, or
±0°. Since the default angle will be 0° (zero degrees), the calculation is simple. The
formula required to calculate Power Factor is,
Example: The default voltage is 120.00 Volts and current is 5 Amperes AC, and the user
inputs a Power Factor of ± 0.3 as LEAD and LAG Values. The angles required for full
scale output from the transducer is,
When the test is Started, the measured voltage and current outputs are displayed and the
calculated Power Factor is based on the measured phase angle bewteen the voltage and
current outputs. This is the value that gets displayed in the Transducer Test Screen
under the MPRT Output, next to the Label of Power Factor 3 Element.
Another value of Power Factor gets calculated using the measured dc Volts or dc
milliampere output as displayed in the Transducer Output section. Let us assume that
in our next example transducer, the output is in dc milliamperes. For this example, let us
say that ±1 milliampere of dc current is equal to the full scale Power Factor of ± 0.5.
Therefore, the theoretical range of output from the transducer would be - 0.5 Power
Factor, if the output current is -1 milliampere, to +0.5 Power Factor, if the output current
is +1 milliampere. For this example, let's say that the measured output voltage is 120.0
Volts, at 0°, and the measured output current is 5.000 Amperes, at a lagging angle of -
30°. The calculated Power Factor (displayed next to Power Factor 3 Element) would
For this example, let's assume the measured output current from the transducer is -
0.489 mA dc. Based on a Lead/Lag value of ±1 mA equals ±0.5 PF, the scaling would be
equal to
Therefore, the displayed PF in the Transducer Output section of the Transducer Test
Screen should read
Power factor transducer accuracies are stated in units of Power Factor, not in % error.
Therefor, the Accuarcy window for Power factor transducers needs to change from %
error to ± 0.000 PF. For the above example the Accuracy displayed in the Transducer
Output section would be equal to the following,
If the accuracy of the transducer were a ± 0.01 PF, then the firmware would compare the
accuracy values between the Setting Screen and the Test Screen and would display
PASS in the Transducer Output section of the test screen.
The single phase AC and DC voltage transducer requires 1 voltage output channel to
test. The MPRT will automatically select the first voltage channel available, V1. The test
will initially start at the default value voltage that is set in the Default Setting Screen. For
example, 120 Volts L-N. When the user inputs the MAX. Volts value in the Transducer
Setting Screen, the firmware can set the required test voltage for full scale value. Note:
to power up the amplifier of some transducers, V2 may be selected to provide the AC
voltage source. Remember to select the proper output voltage for V2 (it will default to the
MAX value in the setting screen). If V2 is not available, use another appropriate source.
Example: The default voltage is 120.00 Volts AC, and the user inputs 150 Volts AC as
Max. Value. When the user inputs 150 Volts in the MAX. value window, in the Test
Screen the test set should automatically show a test voltage value of 150 Volts at an
angle of 0°. Note, the DC voltage transducer is identical, except instead of 50 or 60 Hz as
the default output frequency, the display changes to read DC.
When the test is Started, the measured voltage output is displayed. This is the value that
gets displayed in the Transducer Test Screen under the MPRT Output, next to the
Label of AC Voltage or DC Voltage. Another value of Volts gets calculated using the
measured dc Volts or dc milliampere output as displayed in the Transducer Output
section. Let us assume that in our example transducer, the output is in dc milliamperes.
For this example, let us say that 1 miiliampere of dc current is equal to the full scale
output of 150 Volts. Therefore, the theoretical output Volts from the transducer would be
150 Volts, if the output current is 1 milliampere. For this example, let's say that the
measured output voltage of MPRT is 150.01 Volts.
For this example, let's assume the measured output current from the transducer is 0.999
mAmperes. Based on a Max. value of 1 mA equals 150 Watts, the displayed AC Volts in
the Transducer Output section of the Transducer Test Screen should read 150 *
0.999 = 149.85 Volts
The Accuracy displayed in the Transducer Output section would be equal to the
-0.106 %
If this were a 0.2 % transducer, then the firmware would compare the accuracy values
between the Setting Screen and the Test Screen and would display PASS in the
Transducer Output section of the test screen.
Note: All of the calculations are very similar when testing DC Voltage
The single phase AC or DC current transducer requires 1 current to test. The MPRT will
automatically select the first current channel available, I1. The test will initially start at the
default value current that is set in the Default Setting Screen. For example, 5 Amperes.
When the user inputs the MAX. Current value in the Transducer Setting Screen, the
firmware will automatically set the test current for full scale value. Note: to power up the
amplifier of some transducers, V1 may be selected to provide the AC voltage source.
Remember to select the proper output voltage for V1 (it will be set to the System Default
value in the setting screen).
Example: The default current is 5 Amperes AC, and the user inputs 5 Amperes AC as
Max. Value. Therefore, when the user inputs 5 Amperes in the MAX. value window, the
test set should automatically show a test current value of 5.000 Amperes at an angle of
0°. Note, the DC current transducer is identical, except instead of 50 or 60 Hz as the
default output frequency, the display changes to read DC.
When the test is Started, the measured test current output is displayed in the
Transducer Test Screen under the MPRT Output, next to the Label of AC Current or
DC Current. Another value of Current gets calculated using the measured dc Volts or dc
milliampere output as displayed in the Transducer Output section. Let us assume that
in our example transducer, the output is in dc milliamperes. For this example, let us say
that 20 milliampere of dc current from the transducer is equal to the full scale output of 5
Amperes. Therefore, the theoretical output Current from the transducer would be 5
Amperes, if the transducer output current is 20 milliampere. For this example, let's say
that the measured MPRT output current is 5.001.
For this example, let's say that the measured output current from the transducer is
19.9991 mAmperes. Based on a Max. value of 20 mA equals 5 Amperes, the displayed
AC Amperes in the Transducer Output section of the Transducer Test Screen should
read 4.9997 Amperes
The Accuracy displayed in the Transducer Output section would be equal to the
-0.0699 %
If this were a 0.15 % transducer, then the firmware would compare the accuracy values
between the Setting Screen and the Test Screen and would display PASS in the
Transducer Output section of the test screen..
Note: All of the calculations are very similar when testing DC Current
The frequency transducer requires 1 voltage output channel to test. The MPRT will
automatically select the first voltage channel available, V1. The test will initially start at
the default value voltage and frequency that is set in the Default Setting Screen. For
example, 120 Volts L-N, 60.0000 Hz. When the user inputs the MAX. Frequency value in
the Transducer Setting Screen, the firmware will calculate the required test frequency
for full scale value.
Example: The default frequency is 60.00, and the user inputs 65 Hz as Max. Value.
Therefore, when the user inputs 65 Hz in the MAX. value window, the test set should
automatically show a test frequency value of 65 Hz at the default voltage value of 120
When the test is Started, the measured voltage and frequency outputs are displayed. The
MPRT output frequency is the value that gets displayed in the Transducer Test Screen
under the MPRT Output, next to the Label of Output Frequency Another value of
Frequency gets calculated using the measured dc Volts or dc milliampere output as
displayed in the Transducer Output section. Let us assume that in our example
transducer, the output is in dc Volts. For this example, let us say that 10 DC Volts is
equal to the full scale output of 65 Hz. Therefore, the theoretical output Frequency from
the transducer would be 65 Hz, if the transducer output voltage is 10 Volts DC. For this
example, let's say that the measured MPRT output frequency is 65.00 Hz., and the
measured transducer output voltage is 10.001 Volts. The measured transducer output
Frequency would be,
If, 65.00 Hz = 10 Volts DC
10.001 V * 6.5 Hz/V = 65.0065 Hz
For this example, the displayed Hz in the Transducer Output section of the Transducer
Test Screen should read 65.0091 Hz.
The Accuracy displayed in the Transducer Output section would be equal to the
-0.01 %
If this were a 0.02 % transducer, then the firmware would compare the accuracy values
between the Setting Screen and the Test Screen and would display PASS in the
Transducer Output section of the test screen..
4.0 External High Current Amplifier
The External High Current Amplifier will use the test screens with the “High I” at the bottom of the
display. Otherwise, the screen may not be used by the external amplifier.
Typically this interface is used in relay tests that require a larger amount of current than can be
supplied by the unit. The High Current Interface is initiated in the Main Menu Screen.
Note the EPOCH II/20 series products have a minimum frequency limitation of 5 hertz. Also, the
output compliance voltage and VA output is derated linearly to 50% of the specification from 20 to
40 hertz.
Connect the EPOCH II or EPOCH 20 to the optional interface at the rear of the unit. The
connectors at the rear of the MPRT correlate to the Current Amplifier in the TVI. Channel 1 on
the rear option panel correlates to current channel I9, on the TVI, Channel 2 correlates to current
channel I10, and Channel 3 correlates to current channel I11, and with the voltage channels
converted to currents, I5 correlates to current channel I12, I6 correlates to current channel I13
and I7 correlates to current channel I14. To assign channels, from the Main Menu press the Ext.
High Current Amplifier button and the following screen should be displayed.
Megger warrants the product is free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of two (2)
years from date of shipment. This warranty is non-transferable. This warranty is limited and shall
not apply to equipment that has damage, or cause of defect, due to accident, negligence, and
improper operation, faulty installation by the purchaser, or improper service or repair by any
person, company or corporation not authorized by Megger. Megger will, at its' option, either
repair or replace those parts and/or materials it deems to be defective.
The warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, either expressed or implied on the part of Megger
and in no event shall Megger be liable for the consequential damages due to the breach thereof.
6.0 Service Data
The unit utilizes surface mount technology (SMT) and other components which require little or no
service except for routine cleaning, etc. The unit should be serviced in a clean atmosphere away
from energized electrical circuits.
Dust and Dirt To clean the unit, disconnect the power cord from the unit.
Never use spray liquids or industrial cleaners. Some cleaning
solvents can damage electrical components, and should
never be used. Water and a mild soap may be used. Use a
lightly damp cloth (not dripping wet) to wipe off the unit. A
dirty heat sink can cause thermal overloads. Remove dust
with dry, low pressure, compressed air. Either remove the
module from the chassis or simply apply air forcing the dust
away from the heat sink.
The Ethernet port on the MPRT serves three very valuable purposes. It is the highest
speed communication port in the MPRT unit. This port maybe used to download large
blocks of data into the unit. It is used to download digital samples for DFR playback,
download software / firmware updates and future use in automated substations using the
IEC 61850 standard. Since each output channel is capable of storing up to 256,000
samples of Digital Data, such as in Digital Fault Recordings for DFR playback, and with
up to eight channels that equals over 2 million samples. Using the RS-232 port would
take several minutes to down load at a 9600 baud rate. The MPRT has selectable baud
rates up to 115,200, which would reduce the download to seconds. The Ethernet port on
the MPRT would download the same data in less than 1 second. In addition to high
speed downloads of DFR data, the port is also used to talk the MPRT unit via a Network.
Through the Ethernet port, the MPRT integrates into a network just like a PC or server.
Being able to talk to the unit via a Local Area Network (LAN) is a very important feature of
the MPRT unit, since it allows the user to automatically upgrade the unit software /
firmware through the internet. This means that it may not be necessary to return the unit
to the factory for firmware upgrades. This saves time, money and provides the latest in
new added features or firmware updates with the push of a single button. In addition, this
makes the MPRT suitable for future use of the IEC 61850 standard and the automated
testing of IED’s through the substation’s Local Area Network. To use this feature requires
the user to setup the IP configuration of the MPRT for their LAN. This will probably
require assistance from the company’s information management department (the
department responsible for maintaining your company’s network). The information that is
needed to setup the MPRT for automatic download of firmware upgrades is, the Default
Gateway address and an IP address for the MPRT unit. All this information should be
available from your information management department.
6.2.1 Setting MPRT IP Address Dialog Box
The required Gateway and IP addresses are input in this screen prior to attempting an
update of the MPRT software / firmware. To get access to this screen, from the Main
Menu press the System Config button. Then, press the IP Address button (it will already
have a defaulted IP address preset) and enter the IP address. Press the Default Gateway
button to enter the Gateway Address. After entering the Default Gateway and IP
addresses, the unit will calculate the Network Mask. After entering the addresses, press
the OK button. Then, Save the new settings values as defaults by going to the File
Manager screen, press File, press Save User Sys Def, press Execute, and OK. Your new
network settings have been saved to internal memory.
Before attempting to execute an update, check to make sure that the proper Gateway
and IP addresses have been set in the System Configuration Screen, see 6.2.1 above.
To perform an upgrade, from the Main Menu press the Soft/Firm Update button. Press
the Update Check button. The MPRT will then look for the FTP server. Upon finding the
server the MPRT will present the user a Upgrade Monitor Screen, which will indicate the
status of the upgrade. The MPRT will automatically look to see if there is a newer version
of Software /Firmware available, and if there is it will automatically download the firmware
into the unit. If not, a message appears informing the user that there are no upgrades
available for that unit.
It is not always necessary to return the complete MPRT unit to the factory for repair. To
save turn-around time and reduce costs, MPRT was designed as a modular unit. In most
cases, if any one module should experience a problem it should not cause the test
system to be down. Basic troubleshooting information has been provided to guide the
technician to the possible source of a problem.
Most of the problems experienced with the MPRT can be corrected with a replacement
module. Since MPRT uses Surface Mount Technology, most repairs of the individual
modules are beyond the scope of the basic troubleshooting guide, and should be referred
to the Service Department at Megger or handled through the Megger Representative.
If the unit is still within the original warranty period, or limited warranty period
following factory servicing, the factory must be contacted before attempting any
repairs or the warranty will be void.
Before suspecting a failure in the MPRT, review the Description of Controls and Theory
of Operation sections to ensure that the problem is not a result of operating error.
Preliminary testing of the MPRT within its specified limits can help determine if a
malfunction actually exists, identify the type of malfunction and define the general area of
the failure.
Common causes of malfunctions, other than improper operation, are incorrect power
input (voltage above or below specified limits), incorrect test signal voltages applied to
the Binary Input Timer Monitor/Start/Stop gates (outside of the specified AC/DC
Applied/Removed limits), and contact or circuit resistance too great for the Dry Contact
gates to operate properly on the Monitor/Start/Stop gates. Typical malfunctions for the VI-
Gen amplifiers are external short circuits on the voltage output and open circuits on the
current output. The battery simulator and VI-Gen voltage and current outputs can be
easily checked using a voltmeter and ammeter.
NOTE: Proper ESD procedures should be followed when handling any MPRT
module. Failure to do so, may damage sensitive parts.
Input voltage affects the whole unit and may or may not cause permanent damage if
voltage is incorrect. These problems can often be corrected by simply using a better
source of input power. The rated voltage limits is auto-selectable from 95 to 265 volts, 47
to 63 Hz.
2. High voltage: Circuit breaker operation, power supply failure in Input Power
158 Input Power and Control
Basic troubleshooting of the input power and manual controls are as follows.
1. No power:
Check power source and line cord.
CAUTION: Turn off main power and unplug line cord before
attempting to reseat any module. Observe proper ESD procedure.
After reseating the output module, and reinstalling the cooling fan
assembly, reconnect the power cord and power up the unit. Manually
turn outputs on and check for proper output. If output does not change,
peer through the air intake slots on the top to observe the VI-Gen LED’s.
Each module has some LED’s that stay on continuously and some that
blink. If there are no blinking LED’s on one or more modules, then the
module is not communicating with the operating system. Replace the VI-
Gen Module.
If all the items external of the Timer assembly are in proper order, then the problem exists
within the Binary Input assembly itself.
2. Counting errors:
AC applied or removed Start/Stop signals can create, what appears to be poor
repeatability, an inaccuracy or a malfunction in the Timer. The lower the voltage
level, the more serious the "error" will be. What appears to be an error, however,
is actually a variation in the point on the sine wave at which the voltage is great
enough to cause the gate circuit to operate. If the circuit used for the timing test
has a low AC voltage and the point at which the contact in the test circuit opens
or closes, is at or close to zero on the sine wave, the period of time before the
voltage level will be high enough to trigger the gate circuit can be as much as 4
milliseconds. The total timing variation can be as much as 8 milliseconds. The
shorter the duration of the timing test, the more significant the variation becomes.
Therefore, if small timing variations would present a problem, it is recommended
that an AC voltage of 115 volts or above or a DC voltage be used for voltage
applied/removed test selections.
When the MPRT Timer calibration is being tested, the AC voltage variable is
often overlooked. This is particularly true when the Timer is compared to a
counter and the two are triggered simultaneously with an electronic switch. For
best results, a DC voltage should be used to eliminate the variable. If testing the
AC voltage Start/Stop characteristics is desired, then the Start/Stop signal must
be triggered at the same point on the sine wave to assure that the gate signal will
be repeatable. Ideally, the signal should be at a point near peak in the positive
direction. In addition, the specified rms AC voltage values for the various
Start/Stop control selections must be adhered to.
If a timing error or variation persists after all the suspected causes of error have
been eliminated, then it is possible that the Binary Input circuit is malfunctioning.
Contact factory for return instructions.
CAUTION: Turn off main power and unplug line cord before attempting to
reseat any module.
Check for proper input voltage. Check VI-Gen Amplifier Module; make sure it is
properly seated into the back plane connector. See instruction under section Input Power and Control for reseating the VI-Gen module. After
reseating the output module, and reinstalling the cooling fan assembly, reconnect
the power cord and power up the unit. Manually turn outputs on and check for
proper output. If output does not change, peer through the air intake slots on the
top to observe the VI-Gen LED’s. Each module has some LED’s that stay on
continuously and some that blink. If there are no blinking LED’s on one or more
modules, then the module is not communicating with the operating system.
Replace the VI-Gen Module.
Contact the factory for a Repair Authorization Number and return instructions if service is
required. A Repair Authorization (RA) number will be assigned for proper handling of the unit
when it arrives at the factory. Any non-warranty repair cost incurred for the repair or replacement
of parts and/or materials shall be the responsibility of the purchaser.
Provide the factory with model number, Unit serial number, serial number of VI-Gen if
appropriate, nature of the problem or service, return address, your name, and how to contact you
should the factory need to discuss the service request.
You may need to provide a purchase order number, cost limit, billing, and return shipping
6.4 Calibration
A National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) traceable calibration and certification of
the product is available at an additional cost. There are two distinct types of certification
Save the original shipping container for future use. The shipping container is designed to
withstand the rigors of shipping via a common commercial carrier. For example, you may wish to
reship your unit to Megger for an annual calibration recertification.
Pack the equipment appropriately to prevent damage during shipment. If a reusable container is
utilized, the unit will be returned in the same shipping container if it is in suitable condition.
Add the Return Authorization Number to the address label of the shipping container for proper
identification and quicker handling.
NOTE: Ship the equipment without nonessential items such as test leads, etc. These items
are not needed by the factory to perform service.