FOR: Irritability, Agitation, Rage FOR: Anxiety, Worry, Racing Thoughts
FOR: Irritability, Agitation, Rage FOR: Anxiety, Worry, Racing Thoughts
FOR: Irritability, Agitation, Rage FOR: Anxiety, Worry, Racing Thoughts
Touch each thumb to the base of the Mercury (pinky) With the elbows bent, bring the hands up to meet in
fingers. Close the rest of the fingers over the thumbs front of the body at the level of the heart. The elbows
to form fists. Raising the arms, begin a backstroke are held up almost to the level of the hands. Bend the
type movement over the head, alternating each side Jupiter (index) fingers of each hand in toward the palms,
(right/left) as you swing up, over and back around and press them together along the second joint. The
again, just like you are doing the backstroke in a Saturn (middle) fingers are extended and meet at the
swimming pool. fingertips. The other fingers are curled into the hand.
The thumb tips are joined
Through O-shaped mouth, begin strong, rhythmic
and pointing toward the body. Hold the mudra about 4
inhale/exhale in sync with arm movements. The
inches from the body with
breath becomes a breath of fire through the mouth.
the extended fingers
Keep the lips in an O shape throughout the
pointing away from the
body. Reference this image.
The mudra, movement and breathing are continuous
Focus your eyes on the tip of your nose.
and strong.
Inhale completely and hold the breath while repeating
Intentionally think about anything and everything that
the mantra of your choice (Wahe Guru or Sat Nam are
makes you angry, weird, negative, or commotional.
good choices) 11-21 times. Exhale, hold the breath out,
Continue this focus on bringing up the anger and
and repeat the mantra an equal number of times.
negativity throughout the meditation, increasing the
movement and breath. Continue for 3 minutes.
This, and other medical meditations can be found in Dharma Singh Khalsa’s book, Meditation as Medicine.