MWWO: Modified Water Wave Optimization
MWWO: Modified Water Wave Optimization
MWWO: Modified Water Wave Optimization
Abstract— Water Wave Optimization (WWO) is a swarm the search space for finding new and better solutions, and
intelligence optimization algorithm that shares many similarities exploitation is the ability to look for the optimal solution near a
with evolutionary computation techniques. However, the WWO good one. The abilities of exploration and exploitation in every
uses three wave-inspired operators including a high dimensional heuristic algorithm are applied with specific operators. Since
solution space of an optimization problem. Like some other each operator has its own abilities of exploration and
evolutionary optimization techniques, premature convergence is exploitation, the operators should be artfully hybridized
also happened in WWO. In this paper, we propose a new kind of together for a good trade-off between exploitation and
exploration parameter to increase the exploration ability of exploration. Hence, new operators are designed or available
algorithm. As the results show it helps the agent to escape the
operators redesigned in order to add specific capabilities to
local optima more easily. The Modified Water Wave
Optimization (MWWO) is evaluated on some benchmark
heuristic algorithms for solving some problems.
function and the results are reported. In MWWO algorithm, the adaptive value is considered to
increase the exploration ability of algorithm at the beginning
Keywords: Metaheuristic, Water Wave Optimization (WWO), and by laps of time this exploration ability is substituted with
Propagation, Exploration, Exploitation. exploration ability of algorithm.
This paper is organized as follows. The section ‘‘the basic
of WWO’’ provides a brief review of WWO. In the section
I. INTRODUCTION ‘‘Proposed method’’, we explain the proposed exploration
operator and its characteristics are described in the section
Nowadays, heuristic search algorithms have been widely ‘‘Simulation Results’’ and finally in the last section, the paper
employed to solve global optimization problems. Heuristic is discussed in detail.
search algorithms are stochastic algorithms that mimic the
processes of natural phenomena such as natural selection, II. BASIC OF WWO
natural evolution, self-organization, etc. These algorithms The method of WWO has putted the seabed as an axis
maintain a collection of potential solutions for a problem. higher the fitness is the wave that has a shorter distance to the
Some of these possible solutions are used to create new level of the sea. Waves are solutions which find the global
potential solutions through the use of specific operators. The optima and define a height (or amplitude) ℎ ∈ and a
operators act on population and produce collections of new wavelength ∈ and initial values of and ℎ are
potential solutions at each iteration. This process is used considered 0.5 and ℎ respectively. In [7] three types of
repeatedly to generate new collections of potential solutions operation on the waves are considered which are called:
till the stopping criterion is met [1]. It is shown that the propagation, refraction and breaking respectively.
population-based heuristic search algorithms are effective and 1) Propagation. at each iteration each wave need to
flexible tools to solve the problems in a wide range of propagate exactly once. propagation is utilized for creating a
application [2]. Since the late 1990s, many various heuristic
new wave as follows:
approaches have been adopted by researches, such as genetic
algorithm (GA) [3], ant colony optimization (ACO) [4], ( )= ( )+ (−1, 1). ( ) (1)
particle swarm optimization (PSO) [5], GSA [6], water wave
optimization (WWO), etc. where rand (−1, 1) is a uniformly distributed random number
Very recently, inspired by wave motions controlled by the within the range [−1, 1] and, ( ) is the length of the dth
wave-current bottom interactions [7], Zheng proposed a novel dimension of the search space (1 ≤ ≤ ) as illustrated in
optimization algorithm called water wave optimization Fig. 1. Thus, after propagation we calculate the fitness of the
(WWO), which derives effective mechanisms from water wave offspring wave . If ( ′) > ( ), is replaced by . In
phenomena such as propagation, refraction, and breaking for the population, and the wave height of is reset to hmax.
solving high-dimensional global optimization problems. Otherwise, is remained, but its height ℎ is decreased by one
Heuristic algorithms must have a good balance between When a wave moves its height will increases and the wave
exploration and exploitation to achieve both efficient global length by use of this formula will decrease:
and local searches. In this way, they can efficiently solve ( ( ) )/( )
= (2)
optimization problems. Exploration is the ability to investigate
The figure 2, 3 and 4 display that the WWO misses quickly the
exploration ability but the MWWO retains the swarm
exploration ability in the beginning iteration and in the final
On other hand, the powerful exploration capability of the
proposed MWWO could be evolved .
As table 1 display, in Functions 1, 2, 4 and 15, WWO has
better capability to explore and exploit than MWWO but for
twelve remain functions MWWO provides much better results
than WWO because MWWO is more powerful. For instance,
for multimodal functions WWO has weak exploration whiles
MWWO has strong ability explore and exploit the search space
and has acceptable convergence rate. Consequently, these
characteristics cause good results.
Fig. 3. Comparison of performance of MWWO and WWO for This paper modifies the performance of WWO and presents
minimization of a method, named MWWO. In MWWO, an adaptive is
proposed which improves the exploration ability of WWO. The
proposed MWWO has less probability of trapping on local
optima for benchmark functions which are as a result of
acceptable balance between exploration and exploitation
compare to the original WWO. The simulation results confirm
the superiority of proposed MWWO algorithm.
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