Recommendations For The Design, Calculation, Installation and Inspection of Wind-Turbine Foundations
Recommendations For The Design, Calculation, Installation and Inspection of Wind-Turbine Foundations
Recommendations For The Design, Calculation, Installation and Inspection of Wind-Turbine Foundations
d d = 1 - n c/(1 + n c)
dX Solid grain diameter at x percent passing [ml
d1 Failure mechanism length [ml
d2 Failure mechanism length [m)
N" 138-139
1er et 2e trimestres 2012
q Kvs = q/w [Pal
q'o = p' X yx Z [Pal
q, Stress in load-transfer platform underside (to the right of the inclusion) [Pal
q2 Stress in load-transfer platform underside (to the right of the soi!) [Pal
qa Stress in stone columns [Pal
q'app Mean stress applied to soi! over mesh [Pal
qç Tip resistance (or cane resistance) [Pal
q,, Equivalent tip (or cane) resistance [Pal
qplat Allowable stress in Joad transfer plateform at inclusion head level [Pal
qp Soi! bearing capacity under footing [Pal
qp Stress transmitted to inclusion by load-transfer platform [Pal
qP;l Inclusion tip unit resistance [Pa]
qr Vertical failure stress q, of an isolated column [Pa]
qre and qrp See definitions § 5.4 in the "Recommandations colonnes ballastées du CFMS (2011)" [Pa]
(stone-column recommendations)
Qmax Maximum vertical compressive force in the vertical rigid component, induced by overturning moment [NJ
Qp Vertical Joad per inclusion under central Joad [NJ
Rr Friction ratio H
R, Inclusion friction bearing [NJ
s, Coi! to coi! spacing [m]
s Settlement [ml
s Pile full section [m2]
NOS 138-139
1u et 2" trimestres 2012
calculation must be carried out for al! load cases, so 6Wp
that their respective reactions with the soil and piles Footing base ,
Levelo . . - - - - - - - - - - - , , . . . . . - , . . . - -
l 1/W• 101
of failure. /
Since the soil withstands stresses and deformations
in this type of solution, sensitivity studies on soil W f..f;lt fz} Soil settlement
parameters are always required. under footing
Depth (z)
Geotechnical data
To justify the bearing and calculate settlements and Soi! and foundation settlement.
rotation for this type of foundation, remember that the
geotechnical data must combine:
-The requirements of chapter 5.1.2 on gravity-bases; In the upper section of the piles under the footing,
- Specific requirements for pile bearing calculations, the relative settlement wr (z) is always very low. It is
namely knowledge of the soil over a height equal to L thus advisable to consider that mobilizable friction t (z)
+max (5 m; 7 <1> 1). over a length Rs = <I>/2 may be disregarded. For the
Successive geotechnical studies must allow for a bearing calculation, it is recommended to cancel out
standard curve, with al! soi! parameters as per § 4.6.1 this friction over R/2.
and 4.6.2 for every homogeneous layer. The friction mobilized under R/2 is calculated
The geotechnical engineer must also give the value according to the relative pile displacement in relation
of Pie* and qce under the footing, and the short- and
to the soil.
long-term Kv Kx, KY K2 and K~ soil stiffness under this Pile settlement calculations are carried out in
footing. The G values to be taken into account for the accordance with current regulations, following the
calculation in very slight deformation (10- 3 to 10- 5) method described by Combarieu (1988).
must be given as part of a geotechnical study. As long as mean tensile stress of the concrete
over the tensile section of pile is greater than fct / 'Ys'
the only produced pile ES retained for calculating
pile elongation when the piles are connected to the
Pile justification structure is the steel one.
Taking account of the cross-coupled stiffness of
bath components (soi! under the footing and piles), as
well as the horizontal interaction and applied moment
Calculating deformations and load distribution on the slab, requires 3D finite element calculations or
iterative calculations, which must highlight:
Calculating deformations and load distribution
is essential for designing hybrid or "composite" - friction mobilized along the pile shaft;
foundations. - foundation slab rotation;
This calculation is based on relations between unit - mobilized stress in the soil under the footing;
forces and deformations for the various foundation - applied load under compression or under tension for
components. For a load applied to the foundations, the each pile;
calculation involves determining the forces applied to - pile heads moments applied to the mat foundation
the footing, lateral surface and pile points respectively, when the piles are embedded in it;
and calculating settlement in the foundation head. In
this way, a load-settlement curve can be drawn for - horizontal stresses applied to each pile.
the foundations and the level of mobilization for each This mode! must use behavior laws developed for
component in relation to the corresponding ultimate various types of ground and all interfaces. It must also
loads or intrinsic pile load can be verified for all load be able to describe the system's behavior over the
cases (SLS and ULS). whole operational range up to the approach of failure.
Figure '16 depicts the respective soi! and pile
settlements according to depth z, for a footing
downward displacement depth value ws (0), with Verifying reinforced soil bearing capacity
the hypothesis that this footing may or may not be
88 compressible.
N" 138~139
1"' et 2" trimestres 2012
Construction measures required to ensure that
Foundation soil support this sub-base layer is not contaminated by the
supporting soil are to be implemented (geotextile, anti-
This solution requires the implementation of contamination layer, etc.).
mitigation measures to protect the bottom of the
excavation during construction.
This includes making piles at the bottom of the
excavation using a work platform (sub-base layer) Pile Reinforcement
suitable for equipment movements. Concrete piles are reinforced:
This sub-base layer will then be used as the - Longitudinally over the height calculated: at least 4 m;
foundation soi! support, to ensure homogeneous
contact between the footing and the soil, thus enabling - The entire height in the case of a tension-bending
loads to be transferred from the footing to the soi!. moment;
The work platform with a height H lat must be - Transversally in accordance with current pile
installed according to "sub-grade layeril or "road" regulations.
requirements (LCPC/SETRA 2000a and b), whether
they are made of frictional materials (natural gravel)
and/or reinforced with binders (cernent, lime, etc.).
Piles under tensile loads
It is characterized using in-situ "road" or "sub-grade
layer" tests (plate bearing tests, etc.), or more standard Tensile force is not allowed in piles at quasi-
geotechnical tests (pressuremeter or penetrometer permanent SLS.
tests), or laboratory tests (CBR or Immediate Bearing
Capacity ratio, cohesion measurements, friction angle
and water content, etc.).
The aim of these tests is to verify the in-situ Verification and inspection
corn pactness of mate rials and determine their behavior
laws by estimating the various common deformation Current regulations and those of§ 5.1.2 apply and
moduli (pressuremeter modulus, if possible, Young's are completed in the following chapters.
modulus E or oedometric modulus M), shear
characteristics (c', cp') and calculating the settlement
and shear strength of this layer.
Bearing and weathering of the excavation top
The soil support's geomechanical characteristics,
for example EV2 modulus and platform thickness, Please refer to § 5.1.3.
vary according to the design study for the foundation
system and depend on in-situ soi! characteristics.
This distribution layer generally consists of at least
40 cm of material: Sub-base Layer
- Natural grave! granular backfill:
• for example, class D1, D2 or D3 or R in accordance
with GTR92 (NFP 11-300), Thickness
•compacted to 95% of OPM,
• this gives it a deformation modulus (equivalent to Platform thickness is checked by comparing
an EV2 modulus) of around 50 MPa, an EV2/EV1 ratio topographie readings at 3 points per wind turbine.
< 2.1, and a friction angle of 40° for crushed material
and 38° for rolled material;
- For soils treated with binders, the ordinary cohesion Quality
characteristics and friction angle to be taken into account
for the calculations arec'= 50 kPa and cp' = 25°. "Sub-grade layer" tests, plate loading, CBR or
The sub-base layer is to be laid according to Immediate Bearing Capacity tests, as well as cp' and
professional rules and is subject to standard inspections particle-size measurements, are recommended.
for the validation of sub-grade layers beneath ground Comment: For embankments thicker than 80 cm, a
slabs. pressuremeter test or CPT can be used.
Blinding concrete is made as soon as possible after the These tests can be carried out at the following
geotechnical engineer or project manager has validated frequencies:
the work. The sub-base layer must be reconditioned - Bearing tests (a choice between plate loading, qc, p 1
before being covered with this blinding concrete. or CBR);
It is very important to avoid any disturbance at the • at least 3 per foundation slab and 3 per construction
bottom of the excavation bytaking standard precautions site,
for surfaces (especially for piles in mud, etc.).
- Identification (particle size) and/or characterization
To distribute the concentration of foundation-slab (c', cp') tests;
peripheral stresses, there must be a load-transfer
platform extended over a width corresponding to least • at least 1 per construction site.
the maximum (Hmax /2; 0.5m) beyond the edge of the Comment: for high-quality natural grave] as
foundation slab and last row of columns. This is the characterized above, characterization tests may be
1er et Ç!e trimestres 2012
Appendix A (informative) are used to gather geological and geotechnical infor-
mation about a site's soi! and rock conditions. This in-
Glossary cludes their nature, composition, structure and spatial
A.1 Geotechnical Action distribution, as well as their physical, chemical, geo-
Geotechnical action is defined as the action trans- mechanical and hydrogeological characteristics. There
mitted to the structure by the ground, an embankment, is a whole range of tests for geotechnical investigations
water body or underground water. (See Standards NF P 94- Soils: surveying and tests, and
Eurocode 7 NF EN 1997-2).
A.2 Operational Load
The operational load (Standard NF EN 61400 -1) A.9 Project Management
must equal the highest value of: The project management assignment (Law 85-
704), which may be entrusted to a private law entity
a) the loads during normal electricity production, or group of private law entities by the contracting au-
taking an average over its life span; thority, must supply the project with an architectural,
b) the loads during emergency stop for a wind speed technical and economic response [... ]. When building
chosen to ensure that loads before the stop equal those a structure, the project management assignment is dis-
obtained using a). tinct from the contractor's assignment.
A.3 Contracting Authority A.10 Technical Inspection
The contracting authority (Law 85-704 & Standard See chapters 2.1.2 and 2.2.4.
NFP 94-500) is the legal entity (or natural person) [... ]
for whom the structure is built. The contracting au- A.11 Miscellaneous
thority has main responsibility for the structure; this Geotechnical structures (Standard NFP 94-500) are
role includes a general interest function that it cannot structures (or parts of a structure) ensuring the trans-
waive. fer of interactions between the overall structure and
ground in which it stands. Although non-exhaustive,
A.4 Project Manager the most common examples of geotechnical structures
According to NFP 94-500, the project manager is are:
the legal entity or natural person who designs and/or
manages and supervises the installation of the struc- - Foundations (footings, mat foundations, wells, piles,
ture on behalf of the contracting authority. supporting-wall units, buried walls, etc.);
- Support structures made using any process (prefab-
A.5 Technical Supervisor ricated walls, diaphgram walls, shotcrete, inclusions,
See chapters 2.1.2 and 2.2.4. ground nailing, reinforced earth, etc.);
A.6 Geotechnical Engineer - Earth structures (using aggregate from the site or
The geotechnical engineer (NFP 94-500) is the legal elsewhere) and ground modifications via earthworks,
entity or natural person who carries out geotechnical undercutting, dredging (bank sloping, slope modifica-
engineering services and/or geotechnical investiga- tion, quarrying, embankments, sub-grade layers, dikes,
tions. dams, etc.);
A. 7 Operator - Underground structures, with or without support
The operator is the person who develops a wealth- structures (wells, excavations, galleries, tunnels, store-
producing asset. rooms, etc.);
A.8 Geotechnical study - Drainage, dewatering and pumping structures, etc.
Geotechnics (as per NFP 94-500) covers ail activi- A geotechnical report (Fascicle 62, Article A.2.2
ties linked to applied soi! mechanics, rock mechanics [MELT, 1993], Standard NF P94-500) is drawn up on the
and engineering geology. Geotechnics encompasses basis of the completed tests and local experience of the
the study of soi! geotechnical properties, including in- ground gained from previous construction work and
teractions between the ground and the surrounding various types of assignment.
structures, and constructing and operating the sup- Soi! (NFP 94-500) [... ] is the generic term used by
plied structure. geotechnical engineers to define any natural or arti-
Geotechnics focuses mainly on the following earth ficial ground liable to be mobilized when a structure
sciences: is built. The term encompasses in-situ and backfill soi!
- Geology; and rocks. It is completely different from the ordinary
- Hydrogeology; literai sense of the word, which designates only the
- Soi! and rock mechanics; ground surface. The rest of the soi! (sub-soil) consists
- Geomaterial rheology; first of a superficial layer with variable thickness (soi!
- Geophysics; in the agricultural or pedological sense), which results
- Geodynamics; from the weathering of underlying rock. The next lay-
- Geochemistry. er consists of minerais in the earth's crust, which are
rocks in the geological sense of the word.
Geotechnical investigations (NFP 94-500) bring to-
gether ail investigations and surveys carried out us-
ing boringrn, sounding(2l and measuring equipment, as
well as in situ and laboratory geotechnical tests. These
111 Boring (NFP 94-500): carrying out a linear excavation using a speci-
fic boring tool and procedure.
121 Sounding (NFP 94-500): local, methodical exploration of ground via
an excavation, bore hale, probe insertion or using physical techniques
that cause little or no damage. This is to determine the nature and
structure of the ground or measure its physical, chemical, mechanical
92 or hydraulic properties
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