A Fox and A Kit Answer
A Fox and A Kit Answer
A Fox and A Kit Answer
Add -s to each word.
Write the new word on the line.
Home Activity Your child added -s to verbs. Have your child write the verbs see, fan, nap, dig, sit, hop, jog,
and mop, and add an -s to each verb. Have your child pick a verb and use it in a sentence about you, such
as Mommy hops. Then act out the sentence.
1. We see four .
2. The eat .
SP TB G3 pg 68d
3. is a big cat.
6. We see five .
Home Activity This week your child identified and read the words eat, four, five, her, too, and this. Look
through books to find these words in print and have your child read them aloud.
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Home Activity Your child learned about the main idea and details of a story. As you read stories together,
have your child tell you the main idea.
he narrative tells a story about a real event in
the author’s life.
Inflected Ending -s
Write list words to finish the sentences. Spelling Words
Home Activity Your child spelled pairs of words with and without the -s ending. Point to a word on this
page and have your child spell the other word in the pair.
Declarative Sentences
A telling sentence tells something. It is a declarative sentence.
It begins with a capital letter. It usually ends with a period (.).
Home Activity Your child learned about telling sentences. Read a story together. Have your child point to
sentences in the story and name the capital letter at the beginning and the period at the end.
Story Chart
End of Story
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Home Activity Your child can plan to write about real events. Share a memory about an event such as a
time you saw animals at a zoo.
Nn Gg
Copy the words. Slant all of the letters the same way.
Home Activity Your child practiced writing words with Nn and Gg and words ending in -ing. Name a word
from the chart, point to it, and have your child copy it on a separate sheet of paper. Continue with other words.
Handwriting 177
deer fawn
elephant calf
3. Lee wants to revise his topic. Use Lee’s chart to choose the
Animals and Their Babies © Pearson Education, Inc., 1
Big Animals
Animals and Their Babies gives more detail about the chart.
Home Activity Your child learned how review and revise a topic. Ask your child to choose a topic that is of
interest to him or her. Have him or her list some facts about the topic. Then using a reference source, read
about the topic and ask your child to revise the facts based on your research.
Inflected ending -s Inflected H igh - Frequency
ending -ing Words
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fills sip s mix in g do th e
digs mo p s to ssin g of up
picks n ap s fixin g is to o
K it si ts a nd sip s. R o b wil l d o l o t s o f j o b s.
Rob mo ps up. Mo m is m ix in g in t he p o t .
K it na ps. Ro b n ap s, t oo! R o b fil l s t h e p a n .
4 1
Decodable Story Rob
Target Skills Inflected ending -s, Inflected ending -ing
11/20/09 12:55:09 PM
11/20/09 12:56:18 PM
© Pearson Education, Inc., 1
Da d d ig s t he ro ck s. Tam i s fi x in g the ri p in t he cap .
R ob is tossing the rocks in th e R o b pi cks up t he pi ns .
bo x .
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2 3
A Fox and a Kit
Inflected Ending -s
Write list words to finish the sentences. Spelling Words
1. The pups nap . naps
2. The pup . sits
3. The pups sit . wins
4. The pup sits . fits
5. I can win the game. hits
the ball.
Home Activity Your child wrote spelling words to complete sentences. Have your child circle the list words
that end in -s.
Declarative Sentences
Which animals have you seen?
deer rabbit
Write about an animal you have seen.
Begin and end each sentence correctly.
Home Activity Your child learned how to use telling sentences when writing. Take turns with your child
saying sentences that describe the animals on the page.
Inflected Ending -s
Draw a line to help Kit find her mitt. Spelling Words
Follow the words that rhyme with Kit.
Circle the words. Write the words.
hit naps
win sits
wins sit win
7. fits 8. hits
9. naps
10. win
Home Activity Your child has been learning to spell words that end in -s. Help your child look on food
boxes and cans for words that end in -s.
Declarative Sentences
Find the sentence. Mark the sentence.
2. It has a kit.
it has a kit.
It has a kit
Home Activity Your child prepared for taking tests on telling sentences. Name a familiar animal. Have your
child say a sentence that tells about the animal.