Physiological Roles of Macrophages
Physiological Roles of Macrophages
Physiological Roles of Macrophages
DOI 10.1007/s00424-017-1945-7
Fig. 1 Physiological roles of macrophages and macrophages patterns; (b) receptors for apoptotic cells; (c) cytokine receptors such as
heterogeneity. Phenotypic heterogeneity of tissue macrophages is IFN-γ and IL-4Rα that promote M1/M2-like activation, respectively; (d)
triggered by differences in cellular origin (self-replicated cells of receptors for neurotransmitters as well as (e) receptors that regulate
embryonic origin vs monocyte-derived), tissue environment and macrophage activation in situ such as the inhibitory receptors SIRP1-α
adaptation to the physiological requirements of the organism (shown on and CD200R. Integrins (f) mediate interaction with extracellular matrix.
the left). Macrophage heterogeneity underpins the vast range of Macrophages produce numerous molecules that contribute to tissue
physiological roles performed of these cells (shown on the right). remodelling and inflammation and mediate clearance of apoptotic
Phenotypic heterogeneity is consolidated by tissue-specific Bchromatin bodies, cell debris and soluble compounds such as collagen and
landscapes^ in macrophages in response to environmental signals. lysosomal hydrolases. High phagocytic and endocytic activities as well
Macrophages display a wide range of Bsensor systems^ in the form of as motility are central to the ability of macrophages to support tissue-
(a) cell surface and intracellular pattern recognition receptors that detect dependent functions. RNS reactive nitrogen species, ROS reactive
microbe-associated molecular patterns and damage-associated molecular oxygen species
generally appreciated that macrophage activities extend be- receptors to mediate phagocytic clearance of particulates, in-
yond immunology and host defence. They express a broad cluding micro-organisms and apoptotic cells, and for endocy-
repertoire of surface and intracellular receptors and produce tosis of soluble ligands. In addition, they are able to sense and
a large variety of regulated bioactive molecules; together with respond to the presence of microbial constituents, including
their ability to enter all tissues, in the steady state and on RNA and DNA, within their cytoplasm, activating intracellu-
demand, they constitute a dispersed organ system, able to lar inflammasomes [32], caspase processing and release of IL-
influence and respond to every other system in the body. 1β. A plethora of other cytokines, enzymes, growth factors,
lipid-derived and low molecular metabolite products can also
be secreted by macrophages in response to phagocytic and
Cellular characteristics of the macrophage lineage: various stimuli and, in turn, act on macrophage receptors by
relevance to physiology autocrine mechanisms. Plasma membrane receptors co-
operate in formation of a phagocytic synapse, excluding phos-
To set the stage for subsequent discussion, we briefly summa- phatases such as CD45, and allow receptor kinases to initiate
rise some general properties of macrophages relevant to their signalling pathways and cytoskeletal assembly, to bring about
functions in vivo. The cells originate from progenitors in the ingestion of particles [21]. A sequence of dynamic interac-
embryo and postnatally, as discussed further below, and are tions with vesicular membranes derived from the endoplasmic
seeded throughout the body as relatively long lived, terminally reticulum and Golgi apparatus accompanies phagosome mat-
differentiated haematopoietic cells. They are motile and dis- uration, fusion with primary lysosomes, acidification and di-
play a range of membrane receptors to recognise and respond gestion [31, 39, 71]. Macrophages can internalise its entire
to a large repertoire of host-derived and foreign ligands [29]. surface membrane in 20 min, but recycle components equally
These include adhesion molecules, opsonic and non-opsonic rapidly to maintain membrane homeostasis [51]. Heterophagy
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refers to uptake of extracellular cargo; autophagy, the seques- complex activation [19]. The stability or reversibility of phe-
tration of effete cytoplasm and intracellular organelles, is well notype in vivo needs a great deal of further study, at popula-
developed in macrophages [16]; genetic deficiency of lyso- tion and the single cell level. In addition, further studies on
somal digestion or components of the autophagy pathway can genetic and epigenetic mechanisms will contribute to a more
result in storage diseases [59] or chronic granulomatous in- sophisticated understanding of tissue-specific and generic
flammation [68], respectively. macrophage phenotypic heterogeneity.
The uptake and killing of microbes and opsonised cellular
targets by oxygen and nitrogen-derived radicals are mediated
by assembly and activation of an NADPH oxidase and induc- Macrophage heterogeneity under physiological
ible nitric oxide synthetase, respectively [23, 43]. The inges- conditions
tion of apoptotic targets, a major physiologic function of
tissue-resident and inflammatory macrophages, is mediated The immune system comprises a complex network of cellular
by a range of redundant receptors, using exposed phosphatidyl and soluble components that collaborate to respond to chal-
serine and other cues as ligands [2]. Apoptotic cell uptake lenges, both infectious and non-infectious, identified as poten-
inhibits the inflammatory response associated with uptake of tial threats to the organism. Accordingly, immune constituents
necrotic cells or microbes; anti-inflammatory products include are widely distributed throughout tissues with specialised lym-
TGF-β, IL-10 and PGE2 [38]. The importance of phagoptotic phoid organs, such as splenic white pulp and lymph nodes,
killing during phagocytosis has been emphasised by the stud- mostly providing unique sites for the induction of specific
ies of Guy Brown and colleagues [7]. Finally, macrophages acquired immunity.
can ingest membrane-enveloped nuclei or intracellular vesi- To date, newcomers to the field are still surprised to learn
cles released from living cells or undergo cell fusion, to form that healthy tissues incorporate immune cells, in particular,
multinucleated giant cells [35]. macrophages which are cells commonly associated with pro-
tection against infection and as mediators of tissue damage.
Macrophages, unlike neutrophils, are integral components of
Phenotypic adaptation of macrophages tissues; they contribute to organ development and mainte-
nance of homeostasis through mechanisms similar to those
Macrophage gene expression has been intensively studied in exploited during infection to detect pathogens and trigger in-
recent years and modules of genes regulated by a range of flammation. Widespread distribution of macrophages is ac-
cytokines and other stimuli characterised in tissue-resident companied by substantial tissue-specific phenotypic and gene
and inflammatory macrophages. Both pro- and anti- expression profile differences related to the specific environ-
inflammatory pathways can be induced in macrophage popu- mental cues in each organ that foster tissue-specific macro-
lations, mediated by plasma membrane or cytoplasmic recep- phage function [25]. Differences in gene expression are
tors. IFN-γ, for example, induces a characteristic profile of underpinned by the existence of distinct Bchromatin
genes and proteins, often termed Bclassical or M1 activation^ landscapes^ in each tissue macrophage population which are
[47]; prototypic markers include upregulation of MHCII anti- determined in large extent by the tissue environment [44].
gens, pro-inflammatory cytokines and induction of i-NOS, Furthermore, fully differentiated macrophages may retain the
whereas CD206 expression is selectively downregulated. By capacity to change their gene expression profile when exposed
contrast, interleukin-4 and interleukin-13, binding to a com- to a new tissue environment [44], which highlights the poten-
mon IL-4 receptor alpha chain, induce an Balternative, M2^ tial ability of macrophages to undergo reprogramming even
phenotype, characterised by upregulation of CD206, after differentiation. Phenotypically, there are instances of tis-
transglutaminase 2, arginase and, in the mouse, chitinase- sue adaptation in macrophages involving fine tuning of cellu-
like molecules such as YM1 [48]. An IL-13-specific receptor lar activation thresholds. In mucosal tissues such as the respi-
pathway has also been demonstrated by induction of macro- ratory and gastrointestinal tracts, macrophages display a
phage homokaryon formation [62]. Phenotypic changes in higher threshold of activation as a means to minimise
macrophages are underpinned by metabolic reprogramming. inflammation-mediated organ damage in response to repeated
M1 macrophages utilise Warburg metabolism and M2 macro- exposure to foreign material, including microbial products. In
phage oxidative metabolism [55]. The M1/M2 terminology the case of alveolar macrophages, exposure to IL-10, surfac-
arose as counterpart to Th1 and Th2 categories of adaptive tant proteins A and D and close interaction with respiratory
immune responses, associated with the above and related cy- epithelium through the inhibitory receptor CD200R and ανβ-
tokines. It is thought that instead of bimodal polarisation, a 6 tethered TGF-β, act as effective brakes of macrophage ac-
more complex phenotypic spectrum is more likely, especially tivation minimising the risk of unwanted inflammation [40].
in vivo [50, 52]. In truth, there is overlap with other cytokine- In the gut, macrophages are hyporesponsive to stimulation
induced stimuli, e.g. after IL-10 stimulation or immune [65]. Nevertheless, gut macrophages can trigger inflammation
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with one mechanism involving the detection of tissue damage Ly6Chigh monocytes are recruited to tissues under steady
through activation of the NLRC4 inflammasome which in- state and inflammatory conditions. In the absence of inflam-
duces processing of pro-IL-1β constitutively expressed by mation, Ly6Chigh monocytes sample the tissues and transport
intestinal macrophages [20]. This mechanism ensures detec- material to draining lymph nodes without differentiating into
tion of pathogens that cause tissue damage through the pro- macrophages or dendritic cells [18]. Under inflammatory con-
duction of virulence factors [6, 70]. Macrophages in internal ditions, Ly6Chigh monocytes differentiate into macrophages
organs, less exposed to microbial constituents, present a lower and can give rise to tissue macrophages with capacity for
activation threshold and are considered to be responsible for self-renewal. This process is highly dependent on the tissue-
the induction of systemic inflammation in response to blood- depletion strategy used and the organ under consideration
borne pathogens, which can have deadly consequences in the [18].
case of sepsis [30].
compensate for this inflammation-related effect and establish- CD47 and thrombospondin-1 which results in increased up-
ment of a pre-diabetic state [49]. In healthy white adipose take by red pulp macrophages [15]. Splenic macrophages
tissue, insulin sensitivity in adipocytes is maintained through have also been implicated in the removal of intracellular in-
the action of resident macrophages that express the anti- clusions in erythrocytes through a process that leaves the
inflammatory cytokine IL-10 acting as insulin sensitiser. erythrocyte intact. These inclusion bodies are thought to be
These adipose-tissue macrophages have a phenotype consis- caused by oxidative damage [15].
tent with alternative activation resulting from exposure to IL-4
and IL-13. PPAR- expression by macrophages is essential for
control of alternative activation and improves insulin resis- Macrophages and tissue regeneration
tance [56]; eosinophils have been identified as the source of
IL-4 in adipose tissue and lack of eosinophils has been asso- Self-contained inflammation with preservation of organ func-
ciated with activation of adipose tissue macrophages and a tion depends on multifaceted interactions between macro-
tendency to develop insulin resistance in response to obesity phages and recruited immune cells, particularly neutrophils
[72]. Changes in macrophage phenotype in white adipose tis- and monocytes that ensure timely resolution through changes
sue after chronic increase in energy uptake occur in response in the activation state of macrophages (from a M1 to a M2-like
to metabolic stress in the adipocytes; this leads to the recruit- phenotype). These constitute a Blipid mediator class switch^
ment of inflammatory monocytes by CCL2, CCL5 and CCL8 which shifts the production of lipid mediators from pro-
[73]. These inflammatory monocytes differentiate into classi- inflammatory (for instance the eicosanoids prostaglandin E2,
cally activated macrophages, engulf dying adipocytes and fur- and leukotriene B4 that promote vasodilatation and chemo-
ther promote cellular activation. Cytokine production by these taxis) to pro-resolving lipids (such as lipoxins, resolvins,
activated macrophages is considered major contributors to protectins and maresins), production of proteins such as
local and systemic insulin resistance. In the case of hepatic annexin A1, gaseous mediators (carbon monoxide), chemo-
insulin resistance, Kupffer cells regulate the oxidation of fatty kine inactivation and release of acetylcholine by the vagus
acids in hepatocytes; hepatic steatosis develops if Kupffer nerve [34]. Resident macrophages dominate the induction of
cells are unable to adopt an alternative activation phenotype inflammatory responses in response to injury in the presence
because of loss of PPAR-δ in myeloid cells [73]. and absence of infection through activation of receptors by
DAMPs and MAMPs. After stimulation, macrophages pro-
Macrophages and iron recycling duce an array of cytokines such as TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6
and chemokines as well as pro-inflammatory eicosanoids de-
Resident bone marrow macrophages and red pulp macro- rived from arachidonic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid.
phages are essential for the process of erythrophagocytosis Vasodilation and edema are followed by recruitment of neu-
to recycle iron. Senescent or damaged erythrocytes are phago- trophils which are the first cells that enter the inflamed site.
cytosed and digested to extract heme [22]. Upon uptake, heme Neutrophil recruitment is favoured by the rapid exposure of P-
is degraded through the action of heme oxygenase (HO; selectin (CD62P) on activated endothelial cells followed by
predominantly HO-1) to release iron into the cytoplasm. engagement of β2 integrins by the adhesion molecules
Cytoplasmic iron is exported by ferroportin located at the ICAM-1 and ICAM-2, culminating in the process of diapede-
plasma membrane [22, 33]. Iron flux from macrophages ex- sis. Cues for directional cell migration are provided by the
ceeds iron adsorption through diet and iron stored in hepato- formation of chemokine gradients that guide the migrating
cytes [22]. Intriguingly, heme itself has been shown to induce neutrophil to the site of injury. Resolution of inflammation is
the development of F4/80hi, VCAMhi iron recycling macro- now viewed as an active process and its de-regulation can
phages in bone marrow and spleen through induction of the hamper restoration of tissue function with lack of resolution
transcription factor Spi-c [33]. Red pulp macrophages also leading to chronic inflammation and scar formation and fibro-
express Nramp1 and the haptoglobin-haemoglobin receptor sis. The collaborative nature of the resolution process is illus-
(CD163) which further emphasises their important role in sys- trated by the requirement for transcellular metabolic events
temic iron haemostasis [22]. There are several hypotheses between leukocytes and epithelial cells and platelets for the
regarding the signals recognised on aged erythrocytes by mac- synthesis of lipoxins, the first described pro-resolving lipids.
rophages for their removal. These signals include the exposure Because of their potential for tissue damage, it appears coun-
of the universal apoptotic marker phosphatidyl serine in se- terintuitive to consider neutrophils’ essential partners for the
nescent erythrocytes, in spite of the fact that erythrocytes lack resolution of inflammation. However, neutrophils promote
a cell nucleus and mitochondria and do not undergo canonical resolution by enhancing monocyte recruitment by inducing
apoptotic process [15]. Other possibilities include the loss of changes in endothelial cells, for instance through shedding
CD47 expression, i.e. lack of an inhibitory signal, and confor- of IL-6Rα which complexes with IL-6. The IL-6Rα-IL-6
mational changes in CD47 that enable an interaction between complex engages gp130 on endothelial cells and induces the
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production of E-selectin (CD62E) and VCAM1, thus promot- have been found to produce Wnt7b which promotes repair of
ing monocyte recruitment. In addition, apoptotic neutrophils basement membrane [10].
change macrophage activation as uptake of apoptotic neutro- Scar formation during wound healing can compromise or-
phils is non-phlogistic, inducing IL-10, TGF-β and lipoxin gan function after injury and multiple reports have linked Th2
synthesis by macrophages [66]. These changes are associated immunity to the regulation of tissue fibrosis, although the
with the sensing of an Binflammation threshold^ established molecular processes of this effect are poorly understood [24,
early during the induction phase and highly dependent on the 74]. Knipper et al. [42] recently revealed an important cross-
nature and extent of the original insult. Molecular mechanisms talk between macrophages and fibroblasts during wound
underpinning this concept include the fact that prostaglandin healing in mouse injured skin, required to control the forma-
E2 induces changes in the lipoxygenase activity of neutrophils tion of collagen fibrils. This effect is dependent on the expres-
from 5-lipoxygenase to 15-lipoxygenase, required for synthe- sion of IL-4-Rα by myeloid cells which, among others, in-
sis of lipoxins [34]. During cardiac damage, inflammatory duces the production of Relm-α, a well-characterised marker
neutrophils and monocytes release oncostatin-M that induces of macrophage activation in response to IL-4. IL-4Rα signal-
the release by cardiomyocytes of Reg3β. Reg3β promotes the ling during wound healing promotes the expression of
recruitment of reparative macrophages which favours the Relm-α by macrophages, and Relm-α, in turn, induces the
elimination of neutrophils [26]. In addition, macrophages con- synthesis of the collagen-modifying enzyme lysyl hydroxy-
trol the neutrophil lifespan through the release of TNF-α, Fas lase 2 by fibroblasts, leading to fibrosis [42]. In line with the
ligand (FasL) and TRAIL [34]. major influence of the tissue environment on macrophage bi-
The fate of the recruited monocytes and their contribution ology, in liver and muscle, Th2 immunity promotes tissue
to repair depends on the organ and extent of damage. In the regeneration through direct action on parenchymal cells [27,
heart, recruited monocytes give rise to pro-inflammatory mac- 36]; this suggests that macrophage contribution to wound
rophages, while resident macrophages mediate tissue repair. healing is largely dependent on the intrinsic regenerative ca-
In the spinal cord, both the pro-inflammatory and repair mac- pacity of the tissue and, likely, the nature of the insult.
rophages are monocyte-derived. While the pro-inflammatory
macrophages derive from monocytes recruited through the
CCR2-CCL2 pathway, repair-promoting macrophages de- Macrophages and thermogenesis
rived from monocytes are recruited through a pathway involv-
ing VLA-4, VCAM-1 and CD73 [26]. In other scenarios, Brown fat, termed brown adipose tissue, generates heat
recruited monocytes have been shown to convert from an (thermogenesis) and plays an important role in maintaining
initial pro-inflammatory (M1) phenotype to a healing, pro- body temperature. In contrast to white adipocytes, brown ad-
resolving (M2) phenotype [14, 60] consistent with plasticity ipocytes contain multilocular fat droplets, a large number of
of myeloid cells. This scenario has been observed in kidney mitochondria, and express high levels of UCP1 (uncoupling
[45] and muscle [3]. protein 1). UCP1 is located in the inner membrane of the
A key aspect during tissue regeneration and repair is the mitochondria and uncouples electron transport to promote
cross-talk between macrophages and stem cells. For instance, heat instead of ATP in brown adipocytes. In humans, brown
in liver, macrophage depletion has been shown to reduce in- adipose tissue was thought to be restricted to neonates but
vasiveness of liver progenitor cells into the parenchyma which recent data have shown the presence of brown fat in adults
is required for differentiation into hepatocytes [10]. In addi- [12, 41, 69]. Adult human brown fat is dispersed in the
tion, macrophages can be induced to produce Wnt3a after supraclavicular, para-aortic and suprarenal regions, is cold-
uptake of hepatic debris. Wnt3a promotes expression of inducible and shares many characteristic with the cold-
Numb in liver progenitor cells which inhibits Notch and pro- inducible beige fat found in the subcutaneous white adipose
motes differentiation into hepatocytes instead of biliary cells tissue of rodents [61]. Beige fat refers to the presence of white
[10]. Macrophages contribute to muscle regeneration with the adipocytes functionally similar to brown adipocytes within
sequential change from an early M1-like phenotype into a white fat and promotion of beige fat formation is considered
M2-like phenotype, essential for this process. Disruption of as a potential therapeutic tool in the fight against obesity [41].
these changes in the phenotype of macrophages by blocking Macrophages have been shown to be essential for adaptation
early inflammation (treatment with IL-10 or blocking IFN- ) to cold exposure that leads to lipolysis in white fat and ther-
or late resolution (treatment with anti-IL-10) compromises mogenesis in brown fat. The effect of macrophages depends
muscle regeneration. Myogenic precursor cells are stimulated on the acquisition of an alternative activated phenotype driven
to migrate, grow and survive by macrophages with M1 cells by lL-4/IL-13 and Stat-6 and that leads to secretion of cate-
stimulating proliferation and inhibiting fusion and M2 macro- cholamines by these cells [53]. Indeed, IL-4 exposure of mac-
phages stimulating commitment of myogenic precursors and rophages induces production of the three enzymes required for
differentiation to form myotubes [10]. In kidney, macrophages catecholamine production: tyrosine hydroxylase, dopa
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