General Characteristics: 3029DFS29 G3
General Characteristics: 3029DFS29 G3
General Characteristics: 3029DFS29 G3
Frequency (Hz) 50
Voltage (V) 400/230
Standard control panel APM303
Voltage Standby Amps
kWe kVA kWe kVA
415/240 17.6 22 16 20 31
400/230 17.6 22 16 20 32
380/220 17.6 22 16 20 33
Kohler Co. Provides one-source responsibility for the Length (mm) 1700
generating system and accessories Width (mm) 896
The generator set and its components are prototype- Height (mm) 1181
tested, factory-built, and production-tested
Dry weight (kg) 616
A one-year limited warranty covers all systems and
components Tank capacity (L) 100
Mechanic governor
Mechanically welded chassis with antivibration
Main line circuit breaker Commercial reference of the enclosure M137
Radiator for core temperature of 48/50°C max with Length (mm) 2100
mechanical fan 938
Width (mm)
Protective grille for fan and rotating parts (CE option)
Height (mm) 1285
9 dB(A) silencer supplied separately
Dry weight (kg) 795
Charger DC starting battery with electrolyte
12 V charge alternator and starter Tank capacity (L) 100
Delivered with oil and coolant -30°C Acoustic pressure level @1m in dB(A) 75
Manual for use and installation Sound power level guaranteed (Lwa) 92
Acoustic pressure level @7m in dB(A) 63
PRP : Prime Power is available for an unlimited number of annual
operating hours in variable load applications, in accordance with ISO
8528-1. ESP : The standby power rating is applicable for supplying
emergency power in variable load applications in accordance with ISO
8528-1. Overload is not allowed
According to the standard, the nominal power assigned by the genset is
given for 25°C Air Intlet Temperature, of a barometric pressure of 100
kPA (100 m A.S.L), and 30 % relative humidity. For particular conditions
in your installation, refer to the derating table.
For the generator sets used indoor, where the acoustic pressure levels
depend on the installation conditions, it is not possible to specify the
ambient noise level in the operating and maintenance instructions.
You will also find in our operating and maintenance instructions a
warning concerning the air noise dangers and the need to implement
appropriate preventive measures.
This document is not contractual - Kohler Co. reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics without notice, in a constant effort to improve the quality of its products.
GBD5-03001 (KD22) 01/18
Emission PM (mg/Nm3) 5% O2 74
Emission CO (mg/Nm3) 5% O2 1165
Emission HC+NOx (g/kWh) 17.4
Emission HC (g/kW.h) 1
This document is not contractual - Kohler Co. reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics without notice, in a constant effort to improve the quality of its products.
GBD5-03001 (KD22) 01/18
Dimensions soundproofed version Dimensions DW compact version
Type soundproofing M137 Type soundproofing -
Length (mm) 2100 Length (mm) 2074
Width (mm) 938 Width (mm) 932
Height (mm) 1285 Height (mm) 1382
Dry weight (kg) 795 Dry weight (kg) 822
Tank capacity (L) 100 Tank capacity (L) 240
Acoustic pressure level @1m in dB(A) 75 Acoustic pressure level @1m in dB(A) -
Sound power level guaranteed (Lwa) 92 Sound power level guaranteed (Lwa) -
Acoustic pressure level @7m in dB(A) 63 Acoustic pressure level @7m in dB(A) -
Dimensions DW soundproofed version Dimensions DW 48h soundproofed version
Type soundproofing M137-DW Type soundproofing M137-DW48
Length (mm) 2100 Length (mm) 2100
Width (mm) 932 Width (mm) 932
Height (mm) 1486 Height (mm) 1539
Dry weight (kg) 1004 %PdnetE_5% 1011
Tank capacity (L) 240 Tank capacity (L) 470
Acoustic pressure level @1m in dB(A) - Acoustic pressure level @1m in dB(A) -
Sound power level guaranteed (Lwa) - Sound power level guaranteed (Lwa) -
Acoustic pressure level @7m in dB(A) - Acoustic pressure level @7m in dB(A) -
This document is not contractual - Kohler Co. reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics without notice, in a constant effort to improve the quality of its products.
GBD5-03001 (KD22) 01/18
This document is not contractual - Kohler Co. reserves the right to modify any of the characteristics without notice, in a constant effort to improve the quality of its products.
GBD5-03001 (KD22) 01/18