Usb Interface Manual: Auto Lensmeter

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December 2010
Pages in total: 58
NIDEK CO., LTD. : 34-14, Maehama, Hiroishi-cho, Gamagori, Aichi 443-0038, Japan
(Manufacturer) Telephone: +81-533-67-6611
Facsimile: +81-533-67-6610
NIDEK CO., LTD. : 3F Sumitomo Fudosan Hongo Bldg., 3-22-5, Hongo,
(Tokyo Office) Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan
Telephone: +81-3-5844-2641
Facsimile: +81-3-5844-2642
NIDEK INCORPORATED : 47651 Westinghouse Drive, Fremont, California 94539, U. S. A.
(United States Agent) Telephone: +1-510-226-5700
Facsimile: +1-510-226-5750
NIDEK S.A. : Europarc 13, rue Auguste Perret, 94042 Créteil, France
(EU Authorized Representative) Telephone: +33-1-49 80 97 97
Facsimile: +33-1-49 80 32 08
Table of Contents

1. OUTLINE OF COMMUNICATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1 Outline of Communication Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
1.1.1 Basic interface specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
1.1.2 Setting the parameter related to communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
1.1.3 Installation of the USB driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

2. DATA FORMAT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.1 Format of Entire Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
2.2 Format of each data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
2.3 Example of Data Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

3. INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3.1 Installation Procedure (Windows 7) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
3.2 Installation Procedure (Windows XP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
3.3 Installation Procedure (Windows 2000) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
3.4 Installation Procedure (Windows 98) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
3.5 Installation Procedure (Windows ME) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54



1.1 Outline of Communication Function


The LM-1000, LM-1000P, or LM-1200 comes standard with a USB interface that enables transmission
of measured data to an external computer. This manual explains the method of receiving the mea-
sured data from the LM-1000, LM-1000P, or LM-1200 through the USB interface.

The following sections describe the specifications for the interface for communication between the
LM-1000, LM-1000P, or LM-1200 and an external device such as a personal computer.

1.1.1 Basic interface specifications

• Be sure to set the A.Prt S and A.Prt R/L parameters to OFF before communication.
Failure to do so could cause a printer error.

In accordance with the USB V1.1 specifications

1 Communication specifications
(B-type connector on the LM side)
2 Data format ASCII
3 Error detection Checksum
4 Interface cable Standard USB cable (Shield type)
5 Activation of transmission Operation of the print button

1.1.2 Setting the parameter related to communication

Among the parameters related to communication, set the two parameters below: The other parame-
ters related to communication have no influence on the data exported through the USB interface.

1 CR Code OFF, ON
2 PrismTx OFF, ON, Display

* The underlined option shows the factory setting.

For the method of setting parameters, see “2.13 Setting Parameters” of the LM-1000, LM-1000P, LM-
1200 Operator's Manual.

OUTLINE OF COMMUNICATION: Outline of Communication Function

1 : CR Code
This is for selecting whether to attach CR (carriage return) code at the end of data to be transmitted.
Set this parameter to “ON” when the communication software on the computer needs the CR code to
terminate the reception of the data character string.

OFF The CR code is not added.

ON The CR code is added to the output character string.

2 : Prism Tx
This parameter is for selecting whether to transmit the measured prism value.

OFF The measured prism value is not transmitted at any time.

The measured prism value that is displayed in rectangular coordinates is
transmitted at all times.
When the measured prism value is displayed on the screen, it will be
transmitted. If not, it will not be transmitted.

1.1.3 Installation of the USB driver

The computer needs the USB driver to receive the data measured by the LM-1000, LM-1000P, or LM-
Install the provided USB driver attached to the USB cable (option) to the computer.
For the USB driver installation procedure, refer to “3. INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER”
(page 37).
Purchase a program used for data reception by yourself.


Data measured by the LM-1000, LM-1000P, or LM-1200 and represented in ASCII character codes
are transmitted in the specified format and the specified sequence. Data that has not been obtained is
not transmitted; the length of data changes with the measurement conditions: Write the program using
character strings to be added for a search for desired data as below:
Data is transmitted only from the LM to the computer; the computer is not provided with a function etc.
for requesting a command. Data transmission is triggered by the operation of the print button. The 2
data that has been saved in the memory when the print button is pressed is transmitted. During the
measurement, measured data that is in the memory when the print button is pressed is saved and

2.1 Format of Entire Data

The format of the entire data to be transmitted is explained:

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

(1) SOH (01H)

This is referred to as “communication control character” and frequently used for data trans-
mission etc. A single SOH character is represented as “01H” in hexadecimal character
SOH represents “the start of a character string".
Data (3), (6), (7), (8), and (10) is a similar control character.

(2) “DLM”
Data that is comprised of three characters represent “Data of LM”.

(3) STX (02H)

This communication control character represents “the start of data”.

DATA FORMAT: Format of Entire Data

Character string of the company and model names.

I D N I D E K / L M - 1 0 0 0 P ETB CR
49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 30H 30H 30H 50H 17H 0DH


I D N I D E K / L M - 1 0 0 0 ETB CR
49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 32H 30H 30H 17H 0DH

I D N I D E K / L M - 1 2 0 0 ETB CR
49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 32H 30H 30H 17H 0DH

* In the lower line, the ASCII code of each character is represented by hexadecimals.
The first two characters, “ID”, that is referred to as an identification code of the character
string represents the type of the data that follows. The identification code that is also added
to the head of the measured data is used for searching for desired data. The latter ETB, a
communication control character, represents “a delimiter of data”. Some software on the
computer needs the CR code at the end that represents “the end of the character string”. As
necessary, set the CR Code parameter.

(5) Measured data, (6) ETB, (7) CR

See “2.2. Format of each data (Page 8)”.

(8) EOT(04H)
This is a communication control character that represents “the end of the character string”.
In the case of measured data, this character represents the end of data.

(9) CS1 - CS4, (10) CR

This is a checksum for error detection. The value of the checksum is the simple sum of
“SOH” at the head to “EOT” in the data format except the CR code. The hexadecimal num-
bers in the low-order two bytes are represented by four-byte ASCII codes as a simple sum of
SOH at the head of the data to “EOT (04H)”. The checksum is calculated from the data
received by the computer in the same way. Normal data reception is identified by an agree-
ment between both sums.

DATA FORMAT: Format of Entire Data

The LM transmits the following types of data. These types of data are output according to the lens
measurement mode, whether the data has been measured or not, and the condition for the lenses
(single, left or right).
{: Output if measured ×: Not output
Measured lens mode Lens*3
Single Progressive Contact Prism
Single Right Left
vision power lens layout
1) Manufacturer/model name { { { { Once at the beginning
2) SPH, CYL, AXIS { { { { { { { 2
3) SE (Spherical Equivalent value) × × { × { { {
4) ADD (1st/2nd addition power) { {*2 × × { { {
5) PRISM { { { { { { {
6) Progressive Length*1 × { × × { { {
7) Channel Width *1 × { × × { { {
8) PD *1 { { × × × { {
9) Near Portion Inside Amount*1 × { × × × { {
10) Net Prism *1 { × × × × One for both sides

*1: LM-1200 only.

When the parameter is not set to “ON”, measurement or data output is not performed.
*2: 1st addition power only
*3: In the case of “Single (not the right- nor left-eye lens)” state, only single data is output.
When both left- and right-eye lenses are measured, the data is output in following order:
“Right” “Left”.

LM-1000/LM-1000P (In the order of 1) → Right 2) - 5) data → Left 2) - 5) data)

LM-1200 (In the order of 1) → Right 2) - 7) data → Left 2) - 7) data → (8) - 10))

*4: In the prism layout, the measured value is output for the PRISM value.

• Measured data has been rounded off according to the cylinder mode, the indication form of
the measured prism data, and indication step specified on the LM.

DATA FORMAT: Format of each data

2.2 Format of each data

The number inside the parentheses indicates the number of characters transmitted.

(1) Company name / Model name

The name of the manufacturer (NIDEK) and the name of model (LM-1000/LM-1000P/LM-
1200) are output.
* In the lower line, the ASCII codes are represented by hexadecimals.
• LM-1000P

I D N I D E K / L M - 1 0 0 0 P ETB CR
49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 30H 30H 30H 50H 17H 0DH
Company name Model name (LM-1000P)

• LM-1000

I D N I D E K / L M - 1 0 0 0 ETB CR
49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 30H 30H 30H 17H 0DH
Company name Model name (LM-1000)

• LM-1200

I D N I D E K / L M - 1 2 0 0 ETB CR
49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 32H 30H 30H 17H 0DH
Company name Model name (LM-1200)


Basic measured SPH, CYL, and AXIS data are output.

Single “ ” (Space, Space)

Right “ R” (Space, R)
Left “ L” (Space, L)

The number of digits of each measured data to be output is fixed with the leading digit 0
The ETB and CR codes are added to the end (when the CR Code parameter is set to ON).
(The codes are added to the end of all the following types of data.)

Four digits with a fixed decimal point

and a polarity sign
Four digits with a fixed decimal point
and a polarity sign
AXIS Three-digit integer

DATA FORMAT: Format of each data

1) In the case of single data (SPH= +1.00 D, CYL= 0.00 D, AXIS= 0º)

+ 0 1 . 0 0 + 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 ETB CR
20H 20H 2BH 30H 31H 2EH 30H 30H 2BH 30H 30H 2EH 30H 30H 30H 30H 30H 17H 0DH
SPH (6 characters) CYL (6 characters)
(3 characters)

2) In the case of right data (SPH= -11.25 D, CYL= -9.75 D, AXIS= 90º)

R - 1 1 . 2 5 - 0 9 . 7 5 0 9 0 ETB CR
20H 52H 2DH 31H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 2DH 30H 39H 2EH 37H 35H 30H 39H 30H 17H 0DH
SPH (6 characters) CYL (6 characters)
(3 characters)
3) In the case of left data (SPH= 0.00 D, CYL= +1.50 D, AXIS= 180º)

L + 0 0 . 0 0 + 0 1 . 5 0 1 8 0 ETB CR
20H 4CH 2BH 30H 30H 2EH 30H 30H 2BH 30H 31H 2EH 35H 30H 31H 38H 30H 17H 0DH
SPH (6 characters) CYL (6 characters)
(3 characters)

(3) SE (Spherical Equivalent value, only in the contact lens measuring mode)
The measured SE value is output.

Single “S ”(S, Space)

Right “SR”
Left “SL”

Measured data is output by fixed four digits including a decimal point with a polarity sign and
the leading digit 0 remaining.
1) In the case of single data (SE = +2.00 D)

S + 0 2 . 0 0 ETB CR
53H 20H 2BH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 17H 0DH
SE (6 characters)

2) In the case of right data (SE = -10.00 D)

S R - 1 0 . 0 0 ETB CR
53H 52H 2DH 31H 30H 2EH 30H 30H 17H 0DH
SE (6 characters)

DATA FORMAT: Format of each data

(4) ADD
The measured addition powers are output.
If the secondary addition power has been measured, the data is sent subsequently to the
primary addition power.

Single “A ” (A, Space)

Right “AR”
Left “AL”

Measured data is output by fixed four digits including a decimal point without a polarity sign
and with the leading digit 0 remaining.

If the NEAR parameter is set to NEAR SPH, the near portion power represented by spheri-
cal value is added to the end of the addition powers.

Single “N ” (N, Space)

Right “NR”
Left “NL”

Measured data is output by fixed four digits including a decimal point with a polarity sign and
the leading digit 0 remaining.
1) Example of the primary addition power in the single data (ADD= +2.00 D)

A 0 2 . 0 0 ETB CR
41H 20H 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 17H 0DH
ADD (5 characters)

2) Example of the primary and secondary addition powers in the right data (ADD = +2.00 D, ADD2
= +2.50 D)

A R 0 2 . 0 0 ETB CR 0 2 . 5 0 ETB CR
41H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 17H 0DH 30H 32H 2EH 35H 30H 17H 0DH
ADD (5 characters) ADD2 (5 characters)
3) Example of the primary and secondary addition powers represented by spherical powers in the
left data
(ADD = +2.00 D, ADD2 = +2.50 D)
(NSPH = -1.00 D, NSPH2 = -0.50 D)

→ To be
A L 0 2 . 0 0 ETB CR 0 2 . 5 0 ETB CR
20H 4CH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 17H 0DH 30H 32H 2EH 35H 30H 17H 0DH
ADD (5 characters) ADD2 (5 characters)

N L - 0 1 . 0 0 ETB CR - 0 0 . 5 0 ETB CR
41H 4CH 2DH 30H 31H 2EH 30H 30H 17H 0DH 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 35H 30H 17H 0DH
NSPH (6 characters) NSPH2 (6 characters)

DATA FORMAT: Format of each data

The measured prism data is output.
The format of the output prism data varies with the PRISM parameter setting.

If the PRISM parameter is set to “BU/D BI/O”:

Single “P ” (P, Space)

Right “PR”
Left “PL”
Measured data is output by fixed four digits including a decimal point with no polarity sign and the
leading digit 0 remaining.

In addition, a character representing the base direction is added to the end of the measured data.

e.g. IN 3.00, UP 2.50: 03.00 I 02.50 U

OUT 1.25, DOWN 2.00: 01.25 O 02.00 D

If the PRISM parameter is set to “P-B”:

Single “P ”“B ” (P, Space)(B, Space)

Right “PR”“BR”
Left “PL”“BL”

Measured data is output by fixed four digits including a decimal point with no polarity sign and the
leading digit 0 remaining.

Four digits with a fixed decimal point

with no polarity sign
BASE Three-digit integer with no polarity sign

1) Example of single data when the PRISM parameter is set to “BU/D BI/O”:
(PRISM = IN 3.00Δ, UP 2.50Δ)

P 0 3 . 0 0 I ETB CR P 0 2 . 5 0 U ETB CR
50H 20H 30H 33H 2EH 30H 30H 49H 17H 0DH 50H 20H 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 55H 17H 0DH
PRISM1 (6 characters) PRISM2 (6 characters)

2) Example of right data when the PRISM parameter is set to BU/D BI/O:
(PRISM = OUT 1.25Δ, DOWN 2.00Δ)

P R 0 1 . 2 5 O ETB CR P R 0 2 . 0 0 D ETB CR
50H 52H 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 4FH 17H 0DH 50H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 44H 17H 0DH
PRISM1 (6 characters) PRISM2 '(6 characters)

DATA FORMAT: Format of each data

3) Example of left data when the PRISM parameter is set to P-B: (PRISM = 6.5Δ, BASE = 70º)

P L 0 6 . 5 0 ETB CR B L 0 7 0 ETB CR
50H 4CH 30H 36H 2EH 35H 30H 17H 0DH 42H 4CH 30H 37H 30H 17H 0DH
PRISM (5 characters)
(3 characters)

Data (6) to (10) is output from the LM-1200 only.

(6) Progressive Length (Only for LM-1200)

Measured data of the progressive length (V. Length) is output.

Single “D ” (D, space)

Right “DR”
Left “DL”

Measured data of the progressive length is output by a two-digit integer with the leading digit
0 remaining.
1) Example of single data (V. Length= 12 mm)

D 1 2 ETB CR

44H 20H 31H 32H 17H 0DH

V. Length
(2 characters)

2) Example of right data (V. Length= 8 mm)

D R 0 8 ETB CR
44H 52H 30H 38H 17H 0DH

V. Length
(2 characters)

DATA FORMAT: Format of each data

(7) Channel Width (Only for LM-1200)

Measured data of the channel width (C. Width) and its position (Len) are output.

Single “W ” (W, space)

Right “WR”
Left “WL”

Measured data of the channel width/position is output by a two-digit integer with the leading
digit 0 remaining.
1) Example of single data (C. Width = 6 mm/ Measurement at the position of 16 mm of the near 2
portion from the add starting point)

W 0 6 / 1 6 ETB CR

57H 20H 30H 36H 2FH 31H 36H 17H 0DH

C. Width Position
(2 characters) (2 characters)

2) Example of left data (C. Width = 5 mm/ Measurement at the position of 8 mm of the near portion
from the add starting point)

W L 0 5 / 0 8 ETB CR

57H 4CH 30H 35H 2FH 30H 38H 17H 0DH

C. Width Position
(2 characters) (2 characters)

(8) PD (Only for LM-1200)

The measured PD data is output.
* This data will not be included in the output unless PD has been measured for both sides.


The data is sent in the order of Total PD (T. PD), Right PD (R. PD) and Left PD (L. PD).
Measured data of the PD is output by fixed three digits including a decimal point.
If T. PD is 100.0 mm or more, 99.9 is output.
Sample of PD data (T. PD= 64.0 mm, R. PD= 31.5 mm, L.PD= 32.5 mm)

P D 6 4 . 0 3 1 . 5 3 2 . 5 ETB CR

50H 44H 36H 34H 2EH 30H 33H 31H 2EH 35H 33H 32H 2EH 35H 17H 0DH

T. PD (4 characters) R. PD (4 characters) L. PD (4 characters)

DATA FORMAT: Format of each data

(9) Near Portion Inside Amount (Only for progressive lens measurement mode of LM-1200)
Measured data of the near portion inside amount is output.
* Output only when both the right and left distance PDs are measured.
* The side (R or L) whose near portion inside amount has not been measured is output with


Measured data is output in the order of “R. INS” to “L. INS”.

Measured data of the near portion inside amount is output by fixed three digits including a
decimal point with a polarity sign and the leading digit 0 remaining.
Example of near portion inside amount (R. INS = 1.5 mm, L. INS = -2.5 mm)

I S + 0 1 . 5 - 0 2 . 5 ETB CR

49H 53H 2BH 30H 31H 2EH 35H 2DH 30H 32H 2EH 35H 17H 0DH

R. INS (5 characters) L. INS (5 characters)

(10)Net Prism data (Only for normal lens measurement mode of LM-1200)
This output data shows the net prism measurements.
* This data will not be included in the output unless prism has been measured for both sides.


The data is sent out in the order of Net Horizontal Prism, and Net Vertical Prism.
The net prism measurements are always indicated by rectangular coordinates (BASE IN/
OUT, UP/DOWN). Measured data is output by four digits including a decimal point and the
leading digit 0 remaining.
The base direction is shown with a letter put after the value, just as in the case of the PRISM
E.g. Net H. Prism = IN 3.00, Net V. Prism = UP 2.50 03.00 I 02.50 U
Net H. Prism = OUT 1.25, Net V. Prism = DOWN 2.00 01.25 O 02.00 D
Example of net prism data (Net H. Prism = IN 3.00, Net V. Prism = UP 2.50)


N P 0 3 . 0 0 I ETB CR N P 0 2 . 5 0 U ETB CR

4EH 50H 30H 33H 2EH 30H 30H 49H 17H 0DH 4EH 50H 30H 32H 2EH 35H 30H 55H 17H 0DH

Net H. Prism (6 characters) Net V. Prism (6 characters)

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

2.3 Example of Data Output

The formats of various types of measured data are explained in “2.2. Format of each data (Page 8)”;
the entire format of the data to be transmitted varies with the existence or absence of various types of
measured data and the designation of lenses (Left/Right).
Several concrete examples are provided below for reference:

• Example outputs of (1) - (5), (8), (14) - (15) are common among LM-1000, LM-1000P, and
LM-1200. 2
For the LM-1000 and LM-1200, replace the model name.

(1) In the case of single data in normal measurement mode:

Measurement conditions
: Single vision lens measurement with the single state designated
: SPH = +1.00 D, CYL = 0.00 D, AXIS = 0º
: No prism measurement performed
: CR code = None

• The following is an example of minimum data to be output.

SOH D L M STX → To be continued

01H 44H 4CH 4DH 02H

I D N I D E K / L M - 1 0 0 0 P ETB → To be continued
49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 30H 30H 30H 50H 17H
Company name/Model name

+ 0 1 . 0 0 + 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0
20H 20H 2BH 30H 31H 2EH 30H 30H 2BH 30H 30H 2EH 30H 30H 30H 30H 30H
Single SPH Single CYL Single AXIS

ETB 0 7 F C
04H 30H 37H 46H 43H

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

(2) In the case of signal data in progressive power lens measurement mode:
Measurement conditions:
Progressive power lens measurement with the single state designated
SPH = +1.00D, CYL = 0.00D, AXIS = 0º
PRISM = IN 3.00Δ. UP 2.50Δ (BU/D BI/O setting)
CR code = None

• Prism data is added to the end of SPH, CYL and Axis data.

SOH D L M STX → To be continued

01H 44H 4CH 4DH 02H

I D N I D E K / L M - 1 0 0 0 P ETB → To be continued
49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 30H 30H 30H 50H 17H
Company name/ Model name

+ 0 1 . 0 0 + 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 ETB → To be continued
20H 20H 2BH 30H 31H 2EH 30H 30H 2BH 30H 30H 2EH 30H 30H 30H 30H 30H 17H
Single SPH Single CYL Single AXIS

P 0 3 . 0 0 I ETB P 0 2 . 5 0 U
50H 20H 30H 33H 2EH 30H 30H 49H 17H 50H 20H 30H 32H 2EH 35H 30H 55H
Single PRISM1 Single PRISM2

ETB 0 B 8 E
04H 30H 42H 38H 45E

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

(3) In the case of single data in contact lens measurement mode:

Measurement conditions:
Contact lens measurement with the single state designated
SPH = +2.00 D, CYL = +0.50 D, AXIS = 60º, SE = +2.25 D
PRISM = 1.25Δ, BASE = 70º (P-B setting)
CR code = Added

• In the contact lens measurement mode, the SE value is added to the end of SPH, CYL and
AXIS data.
• The prism representation mode is different from case (2).
• The CR code is added to the end of “ETB” and “EOT”.

SOH D L M STX → To be continued

01H 44H 4CH 4DH 02H

I D N I D E K / L M - 1 0 0 0 P ETB CR → To be continued
49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 30H 30H 30H 50H 17H 0DH
Company name/ Model name

+ 0 2 . 0 0 + 0 0 . 5 0 0 6 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 20H 2BH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 2BH 30H 30H 2EH 35H 30H 30H 36H 30H 17H 0DH
Single SPH Single CYL Single AXIS

S + 0 2 . 2 5 ETB CR P 0 1 . 2 5 ETB CR → continued

To be

53H 20H 2BH 30H 32H 2EH 32H 35H 17H 0DH 50H 20H 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 17H 0DH
Single SE Single PRISM

B 0 7 0 ETB CR EOT 0 C 5 8 CR
42H 20H 30H 37H 30H 17H 0DH 04H 30H 43H 35H 38H 0DH
Single BASE Checksum

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

(4) In the case of right data only in normal measurement mode

Measurement conditions:
Single vision lens measurement with the right-eye lens designated
Right: SPH = -11.25 D, CYL = -9.75 D, AXIS = 90º
Right: PRISM = OUT 1.25Δ, DOWN 2.00Δ (BU/D BI/O setting)
CR code = Added

• The identification code is changed to that for the right-eye lens data.
• In the case of measurement of the left-eye lens only, the identification code change from R
to L.

SOH D L M STX → To be continued

01H 44H 4CH 4DH 02H

I D N I D E K / L M - 1 0 0 0 P ETB CR → To be continued
49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 30H 30H 30H 50H 17H 0DH
Company name/ Model name

R - 1 1 . 2 5 - 0 9 . 7 5 0 9 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 52H 2DH 31H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 2DH 30H 39H 2EH 37H 35H 30H 39H 30H 17H 0DH
Right SPH Right CYL Right AXIS

P R + 0 1 . 2 5 O ETB CR P R 0 2 . 0 0 D → continued
To be

50H 52H 2BH 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 4FH 17H 0DH 50H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 44H
Single PRISM1 Single PRISM2

17H 0DH 04H 30H 43H 38H 35H 0DH

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

(5) In the case of the left and right data in normal measurement mode
Measurement conditions:
Trifocal lens measurement with the left- and right-eye lenses designated
Right: SPH = -1.25 D, CYL = -0.75 D, AXIS = 120º
No prism measurement performed
ADD = +2.00 D, ADD2 = +3.00 D
Left: SPH = -2.00 D, CYL = -0.50 D, AXIS =180º
No prism measurement performed
ADD = +2.25 D, ADD2 has not been measured. 2
CR Code = Added

• The secondary addition power of the left-eye lens has not been measured and therefore, it
is not transmitted.

SOH D L M STX → To be continued

01H 44H 4CH 4DH 02H

I D N I D E K / L M - 1 0 0 0 P ETB CR → continued
To be

49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 30H 30H 30H 50H 17H 0DH
Company name/ Model name

R - 0 1 . 2 5 - 0 0 . 7 5 1 2 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 52H 2DH 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 37H 35H 31H 32H 30H 17H 0DH
Right SPH Right CYL Right AXIS

A R 0 2 . 0 0 ETB CR 0 3 . 0 0 ETB CR → continued

To be

41H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 17H 0DH 30H 33H 2EH 30H 30H 17H 0DH
Right ADD Right ADD2

L - 0 2 . 0 0 - 0 0 . 5 0 1 8 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 4CH 2DH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 35H 30H 31H 38H 30H 17H 0DH
Left SPH Left CYL Left AXIS

A L 0 2 . 2 5 ETB CR EOT 0 F F 5 CR
41H 4CH 30H 32H 2EH 32H 35H 17H 0DH 04H 30H 46H 46H 35H 0DH
Left ADD Checksum

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

(6) Sample 1 of the left and right data in normal measurement mode with PD measurement
Measurement conditions:
Bifocal lens measurement with the left- and right-eye lenses designated
Right: SPH = -1.25 D, CYL= -0.75 D, AXIS = 120º
No prism measurement performed
ADD = +2.00 D
RPD = 31.5 mm
Left: SPH = -2.00 D, CYL = -0.50 D, AXIS = 180º
No prism measurement performed
ADD = +2.25 D
LPD = 32.5 mm
Total PD = 64.0 mm
CR Code = Added

• The secondary addition power has not been measured and therefore, it is not transmitted.
• PD data is added after R and L data.

SOH D L M STX → To be continued

01H 44H 4CH 4DH 02H

I D N I D E K / L M - 1 2 0 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 32H 30H 30H 17H 0DH
Company name/ Model name

R - 0 1 . 2 5 - 0 0 . 7 5 1 2 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 52H 2DH 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 37H 35H 31H 32H 30H 17H 0DH
Right SPH Right CYL Right AXIS

A R 0 2 . 0 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

41H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 17H 0DH

Right ADD

L - 0 2 . 0 0 - 0 0 . 5 0 1 8 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 4CH 2DH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 35H 30H 31H 38H 30H 17H 0DH
Left SPH Left CYL Left AXIS

A L 0 2 . 2 5 ETB CR → continued
To be

41H 4CH 30H 32H 2EH 32H 35H 17H 0DH

Left ADD

P D 6 4 . 0 3 1 . 5 3 2 . 5 ETB CR EOT 1 1 A 1 CR
50H 44H 36H 34H 2EH 30H 33H 31H 2EH 35H 33H 32H 2EH 35H 17H 0DH 04H 31H 31H 41H 31H 0DH
Total PD Right PD Left PD Checksum

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

(7) Sample 2 of left and right data in normal measurement mode with PD measurement (LM-
Measurement conditions:
Single vision lens measurement with the left-eye lens designated
Right: SPH = -1.25 D, CYL = 0.75 D, AXIS = 120º
No prism measurement performed
RPD = 31.5 mm
Left: SPH = -2.00 D, CYL = -0.50 D, AXIS = 180º
No prism measurement performed 2
No LPD measurement
Total PD is undecided.
CR code = Added

• No PD outputs because LPD has not been measured.

• Net PRISM measurements will also be excluded from the output unless prism has been
measured for both sides.

SOH D L M STX → To be continued

01H 44H 4CH 4DH 02H

I D N I D E K / L M - 1 2 0 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 32H 30H 30H 17H 0DH
Company name/ Model name

R - 0 1 . 2 5 - 0 0 . 7 5 1 2 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 52H 2DH 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 37H 35H 31H 32H 30H 17H 0DH
Right SPH Right CYL Right AXIS

L - 0 2 . 0 0 - 0 0 . 5 0 1 8 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 4CH 2DH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 35H 30H 31H 38H 30H 17H 0DH
Left SPH Left CYL Left AXIS

EOT 0 B 6 A CR
04H 30H 42H 36H 41H 0DH

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

(8) In the case of the left and right data in progressive power lens measurement mode
Measurement conditions:
Progressive power lens measurement with the left- and right-eye lenses desig-
Right: SPH = -1.25 D, CYL = -0.75 D, AXIS = 120º
PRISM = IN 2.50Δ, DOWN 2.00Δ (BU/D BI/O setting)
ADD = +2.00 D
Left: SPH = -2.00 D, CYL = -0.50 D, AXIS = 180º
PRISM = OUT 1.25Δ, UP 2.00Δ (BU/D BI/O setting)
ADD = +2.25 D
CR code = Added

• The addition power is added before the prism data.

• After the transmission of the right-eye lens data, the left-eye lens data is output.

SOH D L M STX → To be continued

01H 44H 4CH 4DH 02H

I D N I D E K / L M - 1 0 0 0 P ETB CR → continued
To be

49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 30H 30H 30H 50H 17H 0DH
Company name/ Model name

R - 0 1 . 2 5 - 0 0 . 7 5 1 2 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 52H 2DH 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 37H 35H 31H 32H 30H 17H 0DH
Right SPH Right CYL Right AXIS

A R 0 2 . 0 0 ETB CR P R 0 2 . 5 0 I ETB CR → To be
41H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 17H 0DH 50H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 35H 30H 49H 17H 0DH
Right ADD Right PRISM1

P R 0 2 . 0 0 D ETB CR → continued
To be

50H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 44H 17H 0DH
Right PRISM2

L - 0 2 . 0 0 - 0 0 . 5 0 1 8 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 4CH 2DH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 35H 30H 31H 38H 30H 17H 0DH
Left SPH Left CYL Left AXIS

A L 0 2 . 2 5 ETB CR P L 0 1 . 2 5 O ETB CR → continued

To be

41H 4CH 30H 32H 2EH 32H 35H 17H 0DH 50H 4CH 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 4FH 17H 0DH
Left ADD Left PRISM1

P L 0 2 . 0 0 U ETB CR EOT 1 6 C 1 CR
50H 4CH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 55H 17H 0DH 04H 31H 36H 43H 31H 0DH
Left PRISM2 Checksum

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

(9) In the case of the left and right data in progressive lens measurement mode with PD mea-
surement and near portion inside amount measurement (LM-1200)
Measurement conditions:
Contact lens measurement with the left- and right-eye lenses designated
: R : SPH = -1.25 D, CYL = -0.75 D, AXIS = 120º
No prism measurement performed
ADD = +2.00 D
RPD = 31.5 mm
RINS = 1.5 mm 2
: L : SPH = -2.00 D, CYL = -0.50 D, AXIS = 180º
No prism measurement performed
ADD = +2.25 D
LPD = 32.5 mm
No LINS measurement
Total PD = 64.0 mm
CR code is used

• PD data is added after R and L data.

• Since the near portion inside amount of the left eye is not measured, “*****” is output.

SOH D L M STX → To be continued

01H 44H 4CH 4DH 02H

I D N I D E K / L M - 1 2 0 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 32H 30H 30H 17H 0DH
Company name/ Model name

R - 0 1 . 2 5 - 0 0 . 7 5 1 2 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 52H 2DH 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 37H 35H 31H 32H 30H 17H 0DH
Right SPH Right CYL Right AXIS

A R 0 2 . 0 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

41H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 17H 0DH

Right ADD

L - 0 2 . 0 0 - 0 0 . 5 0 1 8 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 4CH 2DH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 35H 30H 31H 38H 30H 17H 0DH
Left SPH Left CYL Left AXIS

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

A L 0 2 . 2 5 ETB CR → continued
To be

41H 4CH 30H 32H 2EH 32H 35H 17H 0DH

Left ADD

P D 6 4 . 0 3 1 . 5 3 2 . 5 ETB CR → continued
To be

50H 44H 36H 34H 2EH 30H 33H 31H 2EH 35H 33H 32H 2EH 35H 17H 0DH
Total PD Right PD Left PD

I S + 0 1 . 5 * * * * * ETB CR EOT 1 4 1 4 CR
49H 53H 2BH 30H 31H 2EH 35H 2AH 2AH 2AH 2AH 2AH 17H 0DH 04H 31H 34H 31H 34H 0DH
Right INS Left INS Checksum

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

(10) In the case of the maximum data size in normal measurement mode (LM-1000/1000P)
Measurement conditions:
Trifocal lens measurement with the left- and right-eye lenses designated
Right: SPH = -1.25 D, CYL = -0.75 D, AXIS = 120º
PRISM = IN 2.25Δ, DOWN 2.00Δ (BU/D BI/O setting)
ADD = +2.00 D, ADD2 = +3.00 D
Representation form of near portion power = NEAR SPH
NSPH = +0.75D, NSPH2 = +1.75 D
Left: SPH = -2.00 D, CYL = -0.50 D, AXIS = 180º 2
PRISM = OUT 1.25Δ, UP 2.00Δ (BU/D BI/O setting)
ADD = +2.25 D, ADD2 = +3.50 D
Representation form of near portion power = NEAR SPH
NSPH = +0.25 D, NSPH2 = +1.50 D
CR code = Added

• This is an example of LM-1000P of the maximum data size (175 characters) in an ordinary
lens measurement mode.
• When the NEAR parameter is set to NEAR SPH, both the addition powers (ADD) and near
spherical data (NSPH) are output.

1 5 (Number of characters)
SOH D L M STX → To be continued
01H 44H 4CH 4DH 02H

10 15 20

I D N I D E K / L M - 1 0 0 0 P ETB CR → continued
To be

49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 30H 30H 30H 50H 17H 0DH
Company name/ Model name
25 30 35 40
R - 0 1 . 2 5 - 0 0 . 7 5 1 2 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 52H 2DH 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 37H 35H 31H 32H 30H 17H 0DH
Right SPH Right CYL Right AXIS
45 50 55

A R 0 2 . 0 0 ETB CR 0 3 . 0 0 ETB CR → continued

To be

41H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 17H 0DH 30H 33H 2EH 30H 30H 17H 0DH
Right ADD Right ADD2
60 65 70 75

N R + 0 0 . 7 5 ETB CR + 0 1 . 7 5 ETB CR → continued

To be

4EH 52H 2BH 30H 30H 2EH 37H 35H 17H 0DH 2BH 30H 31H 2EH 37H 35H 17H 0DH
Right NSPH Right NSPH2

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

80 85 90 95

P R 0 2 . 2 5 I ETB CR P R 0 2 . 0 0 D ETB CR →continued

To be

50H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 32H 35H 49H 17H 0DH 50H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 44H 17H 0DH
Right PRISM1 Right PRISM2
100 105 110 115

L - 0 2 . 0 0 - 0 0 . 5 0 1 8 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 4CH 2DH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 35H 30H 31H 38H 30H 17H 0DH
Left SPH Left CYL Left AXIS
120 125 130

A L 0 2 . 2 5 ETB CR 0 3 . 5 0 ETB CR → continued

To be

41H 4CH 30H 32H 2EH 32H 35H 17H 0DH 30H 33H 2EH 35H 30H 17H 0DH
Left ADD Left ADD2
135 140 145

N L + 0 0 . 2 5 ETB CR + 0 1 . 5 0 ETB CR → continued

To be

4EH 4CH 2BH 30H 30H 2EH 32H 35H 17H 0DH 2BH 30H 31H 2EH 35H 30H 17H 0DH
Left NSPH Left NSPH2
150 155 160 165

P L 0 1 . 2 5 O ETB CR P L 0 2 . 0 0 U ETB CR →continued

To be

53H 4CH 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 4FH 17H 0DH 50H 4CH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 55H 17H 0DH
170 175
EOT 1 E F 8 CR
04H 31H 45H 46H 38H 0DH

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

(11) In the case of the maximum data size in normal measurement mode (LM-1200)
Measurement conditions:
Trifocal lens measurement with the left- and right-eye lenses designated
Right: SPH=-1.25 D, CYL=-0.75 D, AXIS=120º
PRISM = IN 2.25Δ, DOWN 2.00Δ (BU/D BI/O setting)
ADD=+2.00 D, ADD2=+3.00 D
Representation form of near portion power = NEAR SPH NSPH =
+0.75D, NSPH2 = +1.75 D
RPD= 31.5 mm 2
Left: SPH=-2.00 D, CYL=-0.50 D, AXIS=180º
PRISM=OUT 1.25Δ, UP 2.00Δ (Rectangular)
ADD=+2.25 D, ADD2=+3.50 D
Representation form of near portion power = NEAR SPH NSPH =
+0.25D, NSPH2 = +1.50 D
LPD= 32.5 mm
Total PD= 64.0 mm
Net Prism Net H. Prism = IN 1.25Δ Net V. Prism = UP 1.00Δ
CR code = Added

• This is an example of LM-1200 of the maximum data size (210 characters) in ordinary lens
measurement mode.
• When the NEAR parameter is set to NEAR SPH, both the addition powers (ADD) and near
spherical data (NSPH) are output.
• When the Net PRISM parameter is set to "ON", differences between right and left prism
values are included in the output as the Net PRISM value.

1 5 (Number of characters)
SOH D L M STX → To be continued
01H 44H 4CH 4DH 02H

10 15 20

I D N I D E K / L M - 1 2 0 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 32H 30H 30H 17H 0DH
Company name/ Model name
25 30 35 40

R - 0 1 . 2 5 - 0 0 . 7 5 1 2 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 52H 2DH 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 37H 35H 31H 32H 30H 17H 0DH
Right SPH Right CYL Right AXIS
45 50 55

A R 0 2 . 0 0 ETB CR 0 3 . 0 0 ETB CR → continued

To be

41H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 17H 0DH 30H 33H 2EH 30H 30H 17H 0DH
Right ADD Right ADD2

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

60 65 70 75

N R + 0 0 . 7 5 ETB CR + 0 1 . 7 5 ETB CR → continued

To be

4EH 52H 2BH 30H 30H 2EH 37H 35H 17H 0DH 2BH 30H 31H 2EH 37H 35H 17H 0DH
Right NSPH Right NSPH2
80 85 90 95

P R 0 2 . 2 5 I ETB CR P R 0 2 . 0 0 D ETB CR →continued

To be

50H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 32H 35H 49H 17H 0DH 50H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 44H 17H 0DH
Right PRISM1 Right PRISM2
100 105 110

L - 0 2 . 0 0 - 0 0 . 5 0 1 8 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 4CH 2DH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 35H 30H 31H 38H 30H 17H 0DH
Left SPH Left CYL Left AXIS
115 120 125 130

A L 0 2 . 2 5 ETB CR 0 3 . 5 0 ETB CR → continued

To be

41H 4CH 30H 32H 2EH 32H 35H 17H 0DH 30H 33H 2EH 35H 30H 17H 0DH
Left ADD Left ADD2
135 140 145

N L + 0 0 . 2 5 ETB CR + 0 1 . 5 0 ETB CR → continued

To be

4EH 4CH 2BH 30H 30H 2EH 32H 35H 17H 0DH 2BH 30H 31H 2EH 35H 30H 17H 0DH
Left NSPH Left NSPH2
150 155 160 165

P L 0 1 . 2 5 O ETB CR P L 0 2 . 0 0 U ETB CR →continued

To be

50H 4CH 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 4FH 17H 0DH 50H 4CH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 55H 17H 0DH
170 175 180
P D 6 4 . 0 3 1 . 5 3 2 . 5 ETB CR → continued
To be

50H 44H 36H 34H 2EH 30H 33H 31H 2EH 35H 33H 32H 2EH 35H 17H 0DH
Total PD Right PD Left PD
185 190 195 200

N P 0 1 . 2 5 I ETB CR N P 0 1 . 0 0 U ETB CR →continued

To be

4EH 50H 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 4CH 17H 0DH 4EH 50H 30H 31H 2EH 30H 30H 55H 17H 0DH
205 210
EOT 2 5 9 9 CR
04H 32H 35H 39H 39H 0DH

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

(12)In the case of the maximum data size in progressive power lens measurement mode (LM-
Measurement conditions:
Progressive power lens measurement with the left- and right-eye lenses desig-
Right: SPH = -1.25 D, CYL = -0.75 D, AXIS = 120º
PRISM = IN 2.25Δ, DOWN 2.00Δ (BU/D BI/O setting)
ADD = +2.00 D
Representation form of near portion power = NEAR SPH NSPH = +0.75 D 2
Left: SPH = -2.00 D, CYL = -0.50D, AXIS = 180º
PRISM = OUT 1.25Δ, UP 2.00Δ (BU/D BI/O setting)
ADD = +2.25 D
Representation form of near portion power = NEAR SPH NSPH = +0.25 D
CR code = Added

• This is an example of the maximum data size (145 characters) in the progressive power
lens measurement mode.
• When the NEAR parameter is set to NEAR SPH, both the addition powers (ADD) and near
spherical data (NSPH) are output.

1 5 (Number of characters)
SOH D L M STX → To be continued
01H 44H 4CH 4DH 02H

10 15 20

I D N I D E K / L M - 1 0 0 0 P ETB CR → continued
To be

49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 30H 30H 30H 50H 17H 0DH
Company name/ Model name
25 30 35 40

R - 0 1 . 2 5 - 0 0 . 7 5 1 2 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 52H 2DH 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 37H 35H 31H 32H 30H 17H 0DH
Right SPH Right CYL Right AXIS
45 50 55 60

A R 0 2 . 0 0 ETB CR N R + 0 0 . 7 5 ETB CR → continued

To be

41H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 17H 0DH 4EH 52H 2BH 30H 30H 2EH 37H 35H 17H 0DH
Right ADD Right NSPH
65 70 75 80

P R 0 2 . 2 5 I ETB CR P R 0 2 . 0 0 D ETB CR →continued

To be

50H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 32H 35H 49H 17H 0DH 50H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 44H 17H 0DH
Right PRISM1 Right PRISM2

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

85 90 95 100

L - 0 2 . 0 0 - 0 0 . 5 0 1 8 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 4CH 2DH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 35H 30H 31H 38H 30H 17H 0DH
Left SPH Left CYL Left AXIS
105 110 115

A L 0 2 . 2 5 ETB CR N L + 0 0 . 2 5 ETB CR → continued

To be

41H 4CH 30H 32H 2EH 32H 35H 17H 0DH 4EH 4CH 2BH 30H 30H 2EH 32H 35H 17H 0DH
Left ADD Left NSPH
120 125 130 135

P L 0 1 . 2 5 O ETB CR P L 0 2 . 0 0 U ETB CR →continued

To be

50H 4CH 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 4FH 17H 0DH 50H 4CH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 55H 17H 0DH
140 145
EOT 1 A 7 0 CR
04H 31H 41H 37H 30H 0DH

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

(13)In the case of the maximum data size in progressive power lens measurement mode (LM-
Measurement conditions:
Progressive power lens measurement with the left- and right-eye lenses designated
Right: SPH = -1.25 D, CYL= -0.75 D, AXIS = 120º
PRISM = IN 2.50Δ, DOWN 2.00Δ (BU/D BI/O setting)
ADD = +2.00 D
Representation form of near portion power = NEAR SPH NSPH = +0.75 D
Progressive Length = 16 mm 2
Channel Width = 8 mm / Position = 15 mm
RPD = 31.5 mm
RINS = 1.5 mm
Left: SPH = -2.00 D, CYL = -0.50 D, AXIS = 180º
PRISM = OUT 1.25Δ, UP 2.00Δ (BU/D BI/O setting)
ADD = +2.25 D
Representation form of near portion power = NEAR SPH NSPH = +0.25 D
Progressive Length = 17 mm
Channel Width = 10 mm / Position = 18 mm
LPD = 32.5 mm
LINS =2.0 mm
Total PD = 64.0 mm
CR code = Added

• This is an example of the LM-1200 of the maximum data size (204 characters) in the
progressive power lens measurement mode.
• When the NEAR parameter is set to NEAR SPH, both the addition powers (ADD) and near
spherical data (NSPH) are output.
• When the function of the progressive length measurement and/or the channel width
measurement is set, the measured result of the progressive length and/or channel width is

1 5 (Number of characters)
SOH D L M STX → To be continued
01H 44H 4CH 4DH 02H

10 15 20

I D N I D E K / L M - 1 2 0 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 32H 30H 30H 17H 0DH
Company name/ Model name
25 30 35 40
R - 0 1 . 2 5 - 0 0 . 7 5 1 2 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 52H 2DH 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 37H 35H 31H 32H 30H 17H 0DH
Right SPH Right CYL Right AXIS

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

45 50 55 60

A R 0 2 . 0 0 ETB CR N R + 0 0 . 7 5 ETB CR → continued

To be

41H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 17H 0DH 4EH 52H 2BH 30H 30H 2EH 37H 35H 17H 0DH
Right ADD Right NSPH
65 70 75 80

P R 0 2 . 2 5 I ETB CR P R 0 2 . 0 0 D ETB CR →continued

To be

50H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 32H 35H 49H 17H 0DH 50H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 44H 17H 0DH
Right PRISM1 Right PRISM2
85 90 95

D R 1 6 ETB CR W R 0 8 / 1 5 ETB CR → continued

To be

44H 52H 31H 36H 17H 0DH 57H 52H 30H 38H 2FH 31H 35H 17H 0DH
Right Len. Right Channel Width/
100 105 110

L - 0 2 . 0 0 - 0 0 . 5 0 1 8 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 4CH 2DH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 35H 30H 31H 38H 30H 17H 0DH
Left SPH Left CYL Left AXIS
115 120 125 130

A L 0 2 . 2 5 ETB CR N L + 0 0 . 2 5 ETB CR → continued

To be

41H 4CH 30H 32H 2EH 32H 35H 17H 0DH 4EH 4CH 2BH 30H 30H 2EH 32H 35H 17H 0DH
Left ADD Left NSPH
135 140 145 150

P L 0 1 . 2 5 O ETB CR P L 0 2 . 0 0 U ETB CR →continued

To be

50H 4CH 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 4FH 17H 0DH 50H 4CH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 55H 17H 0DH
155 160 165

D L 1 7 ETB CR W L 1 0 / 1 8 ETB CR → continued

To be

44H 4CH 31H 37H 17H 0DH 57H 4CH 31H 30H 2FH 31H 38H 17H 0DH
Left Len. Left Channel Width/
170 175 180
P D 6 4 . 0 3 1 . 5 3 2 . 5 ETB CR → continued
To be

50H 44H 36H 34H 2EH 30H 33H 31H 2EH 35H 33H 32H 2EH 35H 17H 0DH
Total PD Right PD Left PD
185 190 195 200 204
I S + 0 1 . 5 + 0 2 . 0 ETB CR EOT 2 5 4 4 CR
49H 53H 2BH 30H 31H 2EH 35H 2BH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 17H 0DH 04H 32H 35H 34H 34H 0DH
Right INS Left INS Checksum

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

(14)In the case of the maximum data size in contact lens measurement mode
Measurement conditions:
Contact lens measurement with the left- and right-eye lenses designated
Right: SPH = -1.25 D, CYL = -0.75 D, AXIS = 120 , SE = -1.50 D
PRISM = IN 2.50Δ, DOWN 2.00Δ (BU/D BI/O setting)
Left: SPH = -2.00 D, CYL = -0.50 D, AXIS = 180 , SE = -2.25 D
PRISM = OUT 1.25Δ, UP 2.00Δ (BU/D BI/O setting)
CR code = Added
• This is an example of the maximum data size (127 characters) in contact lens measurement
• The SE value is output.
• The addition power and PD are not measured.

1 5 (Number of characters)
SOH D L M STX → To be continued
01H 44H 4CH 4DH 02H

10 15 20

I D N I D E K / L M - 1 0 0 0 P ETB CR → continued
To be

49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 30H 30H 30H 50H 17H 0DH
Company name/ Model name
25 30 35 40

R - 0 1 . 2 5 - 0 0 . 7 5 1 2 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 52H 2DH 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 37H 35H 31H 32H 30H 17H 0DH
Right SPH Right CYL Right AXIS
45 50 55 60
S R - 0 1 . 5 0 ETB CR P R 0 2 . 5 0 I ETB CR → To be
53H 52H 2DH 30H 31H 2EH 35H 30H 17H 0DH 50H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 35H 30H 49H 17H 0DH
Right SE Right PRISM1
65 70

P R 0 2 . 0 0 D ETB CR → continued
To be

50H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 44H 17H 0DH
Right PRISM2
75 80 85 90

L - 0 2 . 0 0 - 0 0 . 5 0 1 8 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 4CH 2DH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 35H 30H 31H 38H 30H 17H 0DH
Left SPH Left CYL Left AXIS

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

95 100 105 110

S L - 0 2 . 2 5 ETB CR P L 0 1 . 2 5 O ETB CR → To be
53H 4CH 2DH 30H 32H 2EH 32H 35H 17H 0DH 50H 4CH 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 4FH 17H 0DH
Left SE Left PRISM1

115 120 125 127

P L 0 2 . 0 0 U ETB CR EOT 1 7 4 3 CR
50H 4CH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 55H 17H 0DH 04H 31H 37H 34H 33H 0DH
Left PRISM2 Checksum

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

(15)In the case of the maximum data size in prism layout measurement mode
Measurement conditions:
Single vision lens measurement with the left- and right-eye lenses designated
Right: SPH = -1.25 D, CYL = -0.75 D, AXIS = 120º
PRISM = IN 2.50Δ, DOWN 2.00Δ (BASE IN/OUT UP/DOWN setting)
RPD = 31.5 mm
Left: SPH = -2.00 D, CYL = -0.50 D, AXIS = 180º
PRISM = OUT 1.25Δ, UP 2.00Δ (BASE IN/OUT UP/DOWN setting)
LPD = 32.5 mm
Total PD = 64.0 mm
CR code = Added

• This is an example of the maximum data size (121 characters) in prism layout measurement
• PRISM is the measured prism power.

1 5 (Number of characters)
SOH D L M STX → To be continued
01H 44H 4CH 4DH 02H

10 15 20

I D N I D E K / L M - 1 0 0 0 P ETB CR → continued
To be

49H 44H 4EH 49H 44H 45H 4BH 2FH 4CH 4DH 2DH 31H 30H 30H 30H 50H 17H 0DH
Company name/ Model name
25 30 35 40

R - 0 1 . 2 5 - 0 0 . 7 5 1 2 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 52H 2DH 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 37H 35H 31H 32H 30H 17H 0DH
Right SPH Right CYL Right AXIS
45 50 55 60

P R 0 2 . 5 0 I ETB CR P R 0 2 . 0 0 D ETB CR → To be
50H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 35H 30H 49H 17H 0DH 50H 52H 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 44H 17H 0DH
Right PRISM 1 Right PRISM2

65 70 75

L - 0 2 . 0 0 - 0 0 . 5 0 1 8 0 ETB CR → continued
To be

20H 4CH 2DH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 2DH 30H 30H 2EH 35H 30H 31H 38H 30H 17H 0DH
Left SPH Left CYL Left AXIS

DATA FORMAT: Example of Data Output

80 85 90 95

P L 0 1 . 2 5 O ETB CR P L 0 2 . 0 0 U ETB CR → To be
50H 4CH 30H 31H 2EH 32H 35H 4FH 17H 0DH 50H 4CH 30H 32H 2EH 30H 30H 55H 17H 0DH
100 105 110 115

P D 6 4 . 0 3 1 . 5 3 2 . 5 ETB CR → continued
To be

50H 44H 36H 34H 2EH 30H 33H 31H 2EH 35H 33H 32H 2EH 35H 17H 0DH
Total PD Right PD Left PD
116 120 121
EOT 1 6 8 E CR
04H 31H 36H 38H 45H 0DH


Have the optional USB cable (31001-E076, provided with the USB driver) handy. The procedure var-
ies with the OS of the computer.

3.1 Installation Procedure (Windows 7)

Follow the procedure below for computer running Windows 7.

* Log in as an administrator. Some procedures might not be displayed due to security
setting. 3
1 Connect the LM-1000, LM-1000P, or LM-1200 and computer with the USB cable.

2 Turn on the LM-1000, LM-1000P, or LM-1200.

The operating system recognizes unknown devices.

3 Open the Property in My Computer.

4 Open the “Device Manager”

The new dialog is displayed.

5 Open the added “Lensmeter USB

The new dialog is displayed.

INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER: Installation Procedure (Windows 7)

6 Press the “Update Driver” button.

The new dialog is displayed.

7 Choose the “Browse my computer for

driver software”.
The new dialog opens.

8 Press the “Browse” button.

The Browse for Folder dialog opens.

9 Designate the location of the “FTDI-

BUS.INF” file and press the OK button.
Ordinarily, designate the E001\Windows7 folder in the distributed media.
The Browse for Folder dialog closes.

10 Press the Next button.

The Windows 7 Security dialog opens.

INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER: Installation Procedure (Windows 7)

11 Choose the “Install this driver software

The new dialog is displayed.

12 Press the Close button.


13 Press the Close button.

14 Open the “USB Serial Port”.

The new dialog is displayed.

INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER: Installation Procedure (Windows 7)

15 Press the “Update Driver” button.

The new dialog is displayed.

16 Choose the “Browse my computer for

driver software”.

17 Press the “Browse” button.

The Browse for Folder dialog opens.

18 Designate the location of the “FTDIPORT.INF” file and press the OK button.
Ordinarily, designate the E001\Windows7 folder in the distributed media.
The Browse for Folder dialog closes.

19 Press the Next button.

The Windows Security dialog opens.

INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER: Installation Procedure (Windows 7)

20 Choose the “Install this driver software

The new dialog is displayed.

21 Press the Close button.


22 Press the Close button.

23 Turn off the LM-1000, LM-1000P, or LM-1200.

The installation of the USB driver has been completed.

INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER: Installation Procedure (Windows XP)

3.2 Installation Procedure (Windows XP)

Follow the procedure below for computer running Windows XP.

1 Connect the LM-1000, LM-1000P, or LM-1200 and computer with the USB cable.

2 Turn on the LM-1000, LM-1000P, or LM-1200.

The plug & play operating system recognizes the LM-1000/1200 USB Device. The Welcome
to the Found New Hardware Wizard dialog is displayed.

3 Press the “No, not this time” radio button

and press the Next > button.
The new dialog is displayed.

4 Choose the “Install from a list or specific

location (Advanced)” radio button and
press the Next > button.
The “Please choose your search and
installation options” dialog is displayed.

5 Choose the “Search for the best driver in

these locations.” radio button, choose the
“Include this location in the search” check
box, and then press the Browse button.
The Browse for Folder dialog opens.

INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER: Installation Procedure (Windows XP)

6 Designate the location of the “FTDI-

BUS.INF” file and press the OK
Ordinarily, designate the
Vista folder in the distributed
The browse for Folder dialog

7 Press the Next > button. 3

The Hardware Installation dialog

8 Press the Continue Anyway button.

The “Completing the Found New
Hardware Wizard” dialog is dis-

9 Press the Finish button.

10 The plug & play operating system subsequently recognizes the USB Serial Port.
The “Welcome to the Found New Hardware Wizard” dialog is displayed.

INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER: Installation Procedure (Windows XP)

11 Select the “No, not this time” radio button

and then press the Next > button.
The new dialog is displayed.

12 Select the “Install from a list or specific

location (Advanced)” radio button and
click the Next > button.
The Please choose your search and
installation options dialog is displayed.

13 Choose the “Search for the best driver in

these locations” radio button, then
choose the “Include this location in the
search” check box, and press the Browse
The Browse For Folder dialog opens.

INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER: Installation Procedure (Windows XP)

14 Designate the location of the “FTDI-

PORT.INF” file and press the OK
Ordinarily, designate the
Vista folder in the distributed
The Browse For Folder dialog

15 Press the Next > button. 3

The Hardware Installation dialog

16 Press the Continue Anyway button.

The Found New Hardware
Wizard dialog is displayed.

INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER: Installation Procedure (Windows XP)

17 Press the Finish button.

18 After using the Safety Remove Hardware function, remove the USB cable.
19 Turn off the LM-1000, LM-1000P, or LM-1200.
The installation of the USB driver has been completed.

INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER: Installation Procedure (Windows 2000)

3.3 Installation Procedure (Windows 2000)

Follow the procedure below for computer running Windows 2000.

1 Connect the LM-1000, LM-1000P, or LM-1200 and computer with the USB cable.

2 Turn on the LM-1000, LM-1000P, or LM-1200.

The plug & play operating system recog-
nizes the LM-1000/1200 USB Device.
The “Welcome to the Found New Hard-
ware Wizard” dialog is displayed.
3 Click the Next button >.
The Install Hardware Device Drivers dia-
log is displayed.

4 Choose the “Search for a suitable driver

for my device (recommended)” radio but-
ton and press the Next > button.
The Locate Driver Files dialog is dis-

5 Only check the Specify a location check

box and press the Next > button.
The dialog for designating a file is dis-

INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER: Installation Procedure (Windows 2000)

6 Press the Browse button.

The Locate File dialog is dis-

7 Designate “FTDIBUS.INF” file in

the Look in box.
Ordinarily, designate the
Vista folder in the distributed

8 Select the “FTDIBUS.INF” file and press the Open button.

The dialog for designating a file is activated.

9 Press the OK button.

The Driver Files Search Results
dialog is activated.

10 Press the Next button.

The Completing the Found New
Hardware Wizard dialog is dis-

INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER: Installation Procedure (Windows 2000)

11 Press the Finish button.

The plug & play operating system sub-

sequently recognizes the USB Serial
The “Welcome to the Found New Hard-
ware Wizard” dialog is displayed.

12 Press the Next > button.

The Install Hardware Device Drivers dia-
log is displayed.

13 Choose the “Search for a suitable driver

for my device (recommended)” radio but-
ton and press the Next > button.
The Locate Driver Files dialog is dis-

INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER: Installation Procedure (Windows 2000)

14 Only check the “Specify a location” check

box and press the Next button >.
The dialog for designating a file is dis-

15 Press the Browse button.

The Locate File dialog is displayed.

16 Designate the folder including the “FTDI-

PORT.INF” file in the Look in box.
Ordinarily, designate the E001\
Windows2000&2003&XP&Vista folder in
the distributed media.

17 Select the “FTDIPORT.INF” file and press

the Open button.
The dialog for designating a file is activated.

18 Press the OK button.

The Driver Files Search Results dialog is

INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER: Installation Procedure (Windows 2000)

19 Press the Next > button.

The Completing the Found New Hard-
ware Wizard dialog is displayed.

20 Press the Finish button.


21 After using the Safely Remove Hardware function, remove the USB cable.
22 Turn off the LM-1000, LM-1000P, or LM-1200.
The installation of the USB driver has been completed.

INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER: Installation Procedure (Windows 98)

3.4 Installation Procedure (Windows 98)

Follow the procedure below for computer running Windows 98.

1 Connect the LM-1000, LM-1000P, or LM-1200 and computer with the USB cable.

2 Turn on the LM-1000, LM-1000P, or LM-1200.

The plug & play operating system recognizes the LM-1000/1200 USB Device.
The Add New Hardware Wizard dialog is displayed.

3 Press the Next > button.

The new dialog is displayed.

4 Choose the “Search for the best driver for

your device. (Recommended).” radio but-
ton and press the Next > button.
The new dialog is displayed.

5 Only check the “Specify a location” check

box and press the Browse button.
The Browse for Folder dialog opens.

INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER: Installation Procedure (Windows 98)

6 Select the folder including the

Ordinarily, designate the
E001\Windows98&ME folder in
the distributed media.

7 Press the OK button.

The Browse for Folder dialog

8 Press the Next > button.

The new dialog is displayed.

9 Press the Next > button

The new dialog is displayed.

10 Press the Finish button.

11 After using the Safely Remove

Hardware function, remove the USB cable.

12 Turn off the LM-1000, LM-1000P, or LM-1200.

The installation of the USB driver has been completed.

INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER: Installation Procedure (Windows ME)

3.5 Installation Procedure (Windows ME)

Follow the procedure below for computer running Windows ME.

1 Connect the LM-1000, LM-1000P, or LM-1200 and computer with the USB cable.

2 Turn on the LM-1000, LM-1000P, or LM-1200.

The plug & play operating system recognizes the LM-1000/1200 USB Device.
The Add New Hardware Wizard dialog is displayed.

3 Choose the “Specify the location of the

driver (Advanced)” radio button and press
the Next > button.
The new dialog is displayed.

4 Choose the “Search for the best driver for

your device (Recommended)” radio but-
ton, only check the “Specify a location:”
check box, and press the Browse button.
The Browse for Folder dialog opens.

5 Select the folder including the “FTDI-

BUS.INF” file.
Ordinarily designate the E001\
Windows98&ME folder in the distributed

6 Press the OK button.

The Browse for Folder dialog closes.

INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER: Installation Procedure (Windows ME)

7 Press the Next button >.

The new dialog is displayed.

8 Press the Next > button.

The new dialog is displayed.

9 Press the Finish button.

10 After using the Safely Remove Hardware function, remove the USB cable.

11 Turn off the LM-1000, LM-1000P, or LM-1200.

The installation of the USB driver has been completed.

INSTALLATION OF USB DRIVER: Installation Procedure (Windows ME)


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