Boi - Preparation
Boi - Preparation
Boi - Preparation
Audit Reports in India are guided by the Companies Act, 1956 — as amended —
and the pronouncements of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
which, inter-alia, include the Companies Audit Report Order (CARO), issued in
2003 and revised in 2005.
(i) the provisions of sub-sections (1A), (2), (3) and (4) of section 227 are
applicable to all companies while the Order exempts certain classes of companies
from its application; and
(ii) the provisions of sub-section (1A) require the auditor to make certain specific
enquiries during the course of his audit. The auditor is, however, not required to
report on any of the matters specified in the sub-section unless he has any special
comments to make on the said matters. In other words, if he is satisfied with the
results of his enquiries, he has no further duty to report that he is so satisfied. The
Order, on the other hand, requires a statement on each of the matters specified
therein even if he has no comments to make on any of the matter(s) contained in
the Order. In that respect, the provisions of the Order are similar to the provisions
of sub-sections (2), (3) and (4) of section 227.
Interestingly, India embarked on fiscal expansion much before the global financial
crisis and this has helped the economy land softly during the crisis. The plan for
large increases in public expenditures for pay revision, loan waiver and food and
fertiliser subsidies was put forth in February 2008, much before the Lehman
episode unfolded in September 2008. Besides, large election-related spending also
resulted in a stimulus.
Exiting from the stimulus to phase out large volume of deficits and debt is,
however, painful and Indian policy makers will have to evolve an exit strategy that
maintains high growth with price stability.
India’s debt-to-GDP ratio is also very high at about 80 per cent and though an
overwhelming proportion of this is internal, it is a cause for worry.
IFRS Origin and Structure:
There is also a Frame work for the preparation and presentation of Financial
Statements which describes some of the principles underlying IFRS.
2. In government finance, the ratio of annual export earnings to its annual debt
service on external debt.
The US subprime mortgage crisis was one of the first indicators of the 2007–
2010 financial crisis, characterized by a rise in subprime mortgage delinquencies
and foreclosures, and the resulting decline of securities backing said
mortgages.Approximately 80% of U.S. mortgages issued to subprime borrowers
were adjustable-rate mortgages.[1] After U.S. house prices peaked in mid-2006 and
began their steep decline thereafter, refinancing became more difficult. As
adjustable-rate mortgages began to reset at higher rates, mortgage delinquencies
soared. Securities backed with mortgages, including subprime mortgages, widely
held by financial firms, lost most of their value. Global investors also drastically
reduced purchases of mortgage-backed debt and other securities as part of a
decline in the capacity and willingness of the private financial system to support
lending, tightening credit around the world and slowing economic growth in the
U.S. and Europe.
CASA stands for Current and Savings account. Different kinds of deposits -
current account, savings account and term deposits - form the major source of
funds for banks. The CASA ratio shows how much deposit a bank has in the form
of current and saving account deposits in the total deposit.
Hence, higher the CASA ratios better the net interest margin, which means better
operating efficiency of the bank. Net interest margin is difference between total
interest income and expenditure and is shown as a percentage of average earning
assets. Higher income from CASA will improve the net interest margin as the cost
of this fund is relatively lower.
For instance, most banks lend at over 10%, whereas, the rate of interest that they
pay on saving deposit is just 3.5%. However, actual realisation depends on other
expenditure, too.