1 Initiation Phase: Work Breakdown Structure Template - Tasks Task No. Dependency Task Description Task Owner
1 Initiation Phase: Work Breakdown Structure Template - Tasks Task No. Dependency Task Description Task Owner
1 Initiation Phase: Work Breakdown Structure Template - Tasks Task No. Dependency Task Description Task Owner
Project Manager
Task Task
Task No. Dependency
Description Owner
1 Initiation Phase
1.1 Set up hardware Victor C. Purchase
1.1.1 Install software Erin N. Installation
1.1.2 Format software Pete C. Network computers
1.1.3 Tests software Peggy C. Prior tasks
2 Planning Phase
2.1 Task
2.1.1 Subtask
2.1.2 Subtask
2.1.3 Subtask
2.2 Task
2.2.1 Subtask
2.2.2 Subtask
2.2.3 Subtask
3 Execution Phase
3.1 Task
3.1.1 Subtask
3.1.2 Subtask
3.1.3 Subtask
4 Control Phase
4.1 Task
4.1.1 Subtask
4.1.2 Subtask
4.1.3 Subtask
5 Close Phase
5.1 Task
5.1.1 Subtask
5.1.2 Subtask
5.1.3 Subtask
Resources Task Start Estimated Finish
Needed Status Date Completion Date
Task No.: This is a numerical listing of the deliverable, which is further distinguished as you drill
down deeper from task to subtask by decimal points to make sure you know exactly where in the
process you are.
Task Description: This section details what the deliverable is and also goes into the task and
the subtasks necessary to complete it.
Task Owner: Every deliverable, task and subtask needs an owner to make sure the work is
getting done, and that person is noted in this column.
Dependency: Some tasks cannot be started until the task before them has been completed,
which means it’s dependent on that task and they should be linked. This is the space where you
can note task dependencies.
Resources Needed: Whatever the task needs in terms of people, equipment, materials, etc., is
listed here.
Task Status: This is where you can track the status of a specific task or subtask. The dropdown
menu gives you the option of marking the task as unassigned, assigned, in progress, late or
Cost: Note the financial commitment needed to get the deliverable done.
Start Date: When did work on the deliverable begin? Mark it here.
Estimated Completion: The estimated amount of time allotted for the completion of the
deliverable should be noted here.
Finish Date: When the deliverable is done, note the end date here.
On the second sheet there is a tree chart to visualize the work breakdown structure, from the
highest level at the top to the lowest level at the bottom, where the bottom is more specific and the
top more general. You don’t have to add all the extra data you filled into the previous sheet, just the
deliverable, task and how every many subtasks are needed to get the work done.