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In collaboration with your preceptor, write three goals you would like to accomplish by
midpoint. Goals should be specific, measurable. attainable, realistic, and timely. Goals should be
related to clinical judgement. critical thinking, communication, and/or time management. Ideally.
goals are not related to skills. These goals will be reflected on in your midpoint reflection.
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Bon Secours Nlemorial College of Nursing
NUR 4143: Clinical Immersion
Preceptor/ Faculty/ Student Agreement
I. Purpose: To provide students with opportunities to enhance practicum learning experiences while practicing under the
guidance of practicing professional nurses.
o Prior to placement of the student in a specific clinical environment, the course lead faculty ensures that the
clinical site is an effective learning environment that will allow students to demonstrate the required
competencies of the nursing program.
o Faculty shall be responsible for the designation of a preceptor for each student and shall communicate such
assignment with the preceptor.
o Faculty will ensure that clinical experiences using clinical preceptors occur only after the student has received
applicable theory and clinical skills lab experiences necessary to safely provide care to clients. as appropriate
o Faculty will provide the preceptor with:
o Written objectives, methodology, and evaluation procedures for a specified period of time to include
the dates ofeach experience:
: tiiii:'ifl:':1,ff".?1xil- the performance of skills for which rhe sfudent has had faculty-supervised
clinical and didactic preparation.
. Faculty will provide the student with:
c Written objectives and evaluation procedure as defined in the syllabus.
o An orientation progranr to precepting and the role ofthe student nurse.
o Faculty rvill ensure the ratio ofstudent to preceptor shall not exceed two students to one preceptor at any given
' FaculR will meet periodically with clinical preceptor and nursing student to determine student progress.
' During the period in which students are in the clinical setting with a preceptor, the faculty member shall be
avaiiable for communication and consultation with the preceptor. The designated nursing faculty member shall
be available to provide assistance or supervision ofthe student at the clinical site, should a problem arise that
cannot be resolved by telephone.
r Faculty is responsible for the overall coordination of the preceptorship and assumes ultimate responsibility for
implementation, periodic monitoring, and evaluation.
B1 siuning below, we understand and agree to perform the role and responsibilities as outlined above for the preceptored practicum