2nd Sem. WK 2
2nd Sem. WK 2
2nd Sem. WK 2
S. Y. 2019 – 2020
2. ANALYSIS: What are the functions of How will you understand How do we make a
entrepreneur? the video? business plan?
3. ABSTRACTION: Discuss the concepts, Discuss the career Cite a successful Filipino
functions, opportunities for entrepreneur? Why is he
advantages/disadvantag entrepreneurship successful?
e of entrepreneurs? graduates and some
myths about How do we become a
entrepreneurships? successful entrepreneur?
4. APPLICATION: Identify the Answer the following Think of three businesses
entrepreneurs who questions: in your local area that
founded the following you think are successful.
companies. 1. Give examples of Try to select businesses
career opportunities for that are at least three
entrepreneurs. years old. Write down in
the space below the
2. Shed light on 5 myths name of each business
about entrepreneurship. and the product or
service they sell.
5. VALUING: Attention and Attention and Attention and
Appreciation Appreciation Appreciation
6. EVALUATION: Oral Recitation Oral Recitation Generate a business idea 1. Activity Proper
on your locality, and 2. Checking of Activity
think on how you could
improve the business and
determine your edge in
selling the product.
Submitted by: Submitted to:
S. Y. 2019 – 2020
II. LEARNING Enhanced English Enhanced English Enhanced English Enhanced English
RESOURCES: Engagements Engagements Engagements Engagements
English for Academic and English for Academic and English for Academic and English for Academic and
References: Professional Purposes By Professional Purposes By Professional Purposes By Professional Purposes By
Ishima Z. Miciano; Ishima Z. Miciano; Ishima Z. Miciano; Remedios Ishima Z. Miciano;
Remedios Z. Miciano Remedios Z. Miciano Z. Miciano Remedios Z. Miciano
Materials: Laptop, Powerpoint Laptop, Powerpoint Laptop, Powerpoint Laptop, Powerpoint
Presentation and Books Presentation and Books Presentation and Books Presentation and Books
III. LEARNING 1. Students will be grouped The teacher will as the The teacher will ask the 1. Show a picture of a
DELIVERY MODE: into 5 students to read the text students to: person sitting on a chair
2. The teacher will read entitled ‘From A Brief 1. Within five minutes, write and holding a newspaper.
1. ACTIVITY: passages from different History of English by Paul their idea about love. Let the students write
texts. Roberts’ (the teacher will 2. Exchange with their something about the
provide copies to classmates work. Read their picture.
There are 10 persons students) classmate’s work then 2. Randomly, call
died in the accident last underline the sentence which students, who will read
June 10, 2017 at Brgy encapsulates your their works in front of the
Malayantok, Science classmate’s idea class. Write the words or
City of Muñoz Nueva 3. After reading each work, academic words students
Ecija. return to the owner then used in their descriptions.
The warrior saved to a evaluate if their answers are
princess and they live correct.
happily ever after.
Cinderella left her
shoes in the party and
the princes kept
looking for her
3. The students will
identify if the text came
from a publication or a
fictional story. The group
who’ll get the most number
of scores will win.
2. ANALYSIS: Structure of Academic Text The teacher will ask: Thesis statement presents The teacher will discuss
What did the students or describes the point of an the different academic
Academic texts are observe on the language essay. In an academic text texts.
typically formal. They have used on the passages the thesis statement is
clearly structured read by the teacher? usually presented in the
introduction, body and abstract or executive
conclusion. They include summary or found at the last
information from credible part of the introduction. It is
sources which are, in turn, written in a declarative from.
properly cited. They also
include list of references Topic Sentence presents or
used in developing the describes the point of a
academic paper. paragraph. In other words it
is the main idea of a
3. ABSTRACTION: The teacher will ask the Based on the text entitled The teacher will discuss the To differentiate the
students to read the text ‘From A Brief History of strategies in locating the difference between
entitled From Hand to English by Paul Roberts’ Topic Sentence. academic text and
Mouth by Michael C. students will cite nonacademic texts, watch
Corballis (English for examples of lines and the video in the following
Academic and Professional passages from it which link:
Purposes (DepEd Copy) cater the styles of
The students will do the academic texts. http://www.screencast.co
Pop-Corn Reading. (One m/users/UniRdg_Library/f
students will be called to olders/Study%20Adv
start reading the text, when ice/media898c4360-f86d-
the teacher said stop the 4808-812a-758d4ef4ac02
student will stop reading
and another student will be
called to continue the
reading exactly where
his/her classmate stopped)
4. APPLICATION: The teacher will let the In a one whole sheet of The teacher will post the text Using the Venn diagram,
students identify the parts paper, students will entitled Wrigley’s Chewing differentiate academic text
of an academic text in the answer the following Gum. Students will identify to non-academic text.
‘From Hand to Mouth by questions: the thesis statement of the
Michael C. Corbalis’ 1. Does academic writing text.
IV requires concentration
and comprehension?
1. Does one should
identify his/her purpose
before reading? Explain
5. VALUING: Participation and Participation and Participation and Participation and
Attentiveness Attentiveness Attentiveness Attentiveness
6. EVALUATION: Based on their previous Write T if the statement is Let the students identify the 1. The teacher will
groups, the students will true and F if it is false. topic sentence of the present/post academic
be asked to go to the 1. Authors of academic following texts: texts through a power
library by group and find texts usually present point presentation.
one academic text for facts to support their (Follow the link to get the
7minutes. After the given main argument. different academic texts)
time each group will pick a 2. Authors do not usually 2. Students will identify
number in choosing what state critical questions whether the text is
academic text will they and ideas. academic or non-
analyze to identify the 3. Academic writers list academic. If academic, tell
academic parts. Each references. the type of academic text
group will be given 10 4. Academic writers take a posted.
minutes for evaluating the subjective point of view.
text and 3 minutes each for 5. Writers also consider
the presentation. opinions and non fact
basis in their writings.
S. Y. 2019 – 2020
4. APPLICATION: Activity 2: Graphic Distinguish between Distinguish between and Let the students prepare the
Organizers : Teaching and among patterns of among patterns of materials needed on their
with the Newspaper development development summative quiz.
5. VALUING: Participation and Participation and Participation and
appreciation appreciation appreciation
6. EVALUATION: Activity 3: Tree Diagram Activity 4: Writing a Activity 5: Paper and Answering the follow up
Transposing graphic paragraph following a Pencil test questions
presentation to linear certain pattern of
text development
S. Y. 2019 – 2020
TOPIC Nature of Inquiry and Nature of Inquiry and Nature of Inquiry and Nature of Inquiry and
Research Research Research Research
II. LEARNING RESOURCES: Understanding and Understanding and Doing Understanding and Understanding and
Doing Research: A Research: A Handbook for Doing Research: A Doing Research: A
References: Handbook for Beginners Beginners By Fely P. Handbook for Beginners Handbook for Beginners
By Fely P. David David By Fely P. David By Fely P. David
Materials: Books, Laptop and Books, Laptop and Books, Laptop and Books, Laptop and
Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation
III. LEARNING DELIVERY Say: Today, we will learn Webpage show Webpage show Let the learners get at
MODE: more about Inquiry- least 80% of the
Based Learning by summative quiz.
1. ACTIVITY: identifying complex
thinking and simple
thinking questions. What
do you think is the
difference between
complex thinking and
simple thinking
2. ANALYSIS: Firming up insights to 1. What does qualitative Recognize the difference
support understanding research emphasize us between quantitative and
by way of clearing up / according to its qualitative researches.
eliciting new idea. characteristics, processes,
and ethics?
2. How do qualitative and
quantitative differ in terms
of definitions, goals, and
3. ABSTRACTION: Group Discussion: Group Discussion: Group Discussion:
Is qualitative research Is qualitative research Are characteristics,
important in daily life? important in daily life? processes, and ethics of
Why? Why? research important?
4. APPLICATION: Group Representative: Group Representative: Group Representative: Let the students prepare
Report Report Report the materials needed on
Short talk about the Short talk about the Short talk about the their summative quiz.
importance of qualitative importance of qualitative importance of
research in daily life as research in daily life as characteristics,
discussed by group discussed by group processes, and ethics of
members. members. research as discussed
by group members.
5. VALUING: Justify the importance of Justify the importance of Justify the
research in daily life. research in daily life. characteristics,
processes, and ethics of
6. EVALUATION: Oral Recitation: Oral Recitation: Oral Recitation: Answering the follow up
In your own words, how In your own words, how In your own words, how questions
does qualitative research does qualitative research does qualitative research
differ from quantitative differ from quantitative differ from quantitative
research in the context research in the context of research in the context
of goal/s? goal/s? of characteristics?
S. Y. 2019 – 2020
January 20, 2020 January 21, 2020 January 22, 2020 January 23, 2020 January 24, 2020
LEARNING COMPETENCY Demonstrate curiosity Recognize the common Recognize the common Recognize the common
and an openness to concerns or intersections concerns or intersections concerns or
explore the origins and of of intersections of
dynamics of culture and anthropology, sociology, anthropology, sociology, anthropology,
society, and political and political science with VACANT and political science with sociology, and political
identities. respect of the respect of the phenomenon science with respect of
(UCSP11/12SPUIa-2) phenomenon of of the phenomenon of
change. change. change.
Analyze social, political, (UCSP11/12SPU-1b-4) (UCSP11/12SPU-1b-4) (UCSP11/12SPU-1b-4)
and cultural change
TOPIC A. Starting points for the A. Starting points for the A. Starting points for the A. Starting points for the
understanding of culture, understanding of culture, understanding of culture, understanding of
society, and politics society, and politics society, and politics culture, society, and
Observations about Observations on Observations on social,
social, political, and social, political, and political, and cultural Observations on
cultural behavior and cultural change change (examples: social, political, and
phenomena (examples: txting , txting , transnational cultural change
(examples: food transnational families, families, local public (examples: txting ,
taboos, istambay, local public services, services, youth transnational
political dynasties, youth volunteerism) volunteerism) families, local public
elections ) services, youth
II. LEARNING Praxis: Understanding Praxis: Understanding Praxis: Understanding Praxis: Understanding
RESOURCES: Culture, Society and Culture, Society and Culture, Society and Culture, Society and
Politics By Rhoderick V. Politics By Rhoderick V. Politics By Rhoderick V. Politics By Rhoderick V.
References: Nuncio, PhD; Elizabeth Nuncio, PhD; Elizabeth Nuncio, PhD; Elizabeth Nuncio, PhD; Elizabeth
Morales-Nuncio, PhD; Morales-Nuncio, PhD; Morales-Nuncio, PhD; Morales-Nuncio, PhD;
Raychelle R. Artuz, MA Raychelle R. Artuz, MA Raychelle R. Artuz, MA Raychelle R. Artuz, MA
Materials: Books, Laptop and Books, Laptop and Books, Laptop and Books, Laptop and
Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint
III. LEARNING DELIVERY ELECTION DAY The teacher will present a Me and My Social Map Me and My Social Map
MODE: The teacher will post list kokology test about their
of senatorial candidates most charming attitude The students will be asked The students will
1. ACTIVITY: and will let the students they see in themselves to bring one whole sheet of continue their activity
choose and vote for 2 and would like to express paper and the students and will write it on
minutes. Somebody will it for everyone to see. follow the instruction manila paper or
explain why or why not below: cartolina.
he/she vote that
candidates. Starting with your present
situation as a student, list
down 5 important factors
that you think are
responsible for the kind of
person you are right now.
Start with what is unique in
you as a social person (not
necessarily focusing on
your biophysical traits).
Link each feature with
societal, cultural, or
political force. Then
evaluate each in terms of
opportunities and
constraints it provides in
pursuing your present and
future plans. Use the table
below as a template for
your assessment.
2. ANALYSIS: The teacher will explain Based from the What is the history and What is the history and
what cultural, social, and motivation, the teacher goals of anthropology, goals of anthropology,
political change. The will introduce the sociology and political sociology and political
students will also share meaning, brief history and science? science?
their observations on common concerns of
what they observe in sociology, anthropology
their community. and political science with
respect of the
phenomenon of change.
3. ABSTRACTION: The social, political and The students will be The teacher will continue The teacher will
culture behavior and grouped into 4, the the discussion on the continue the discussion
phenomena in the teacher will give the history and goals of on the history and goals
society are results of the students 10 minutes to anthropology, sociology of anthropology,
interaction within answer this question: and political science. sociology and political
society. People talk and As a Senior High School science.
share stories. People student, what do you
share ways of living think are the necessary
among other things. steps that you need to do
People do things in order to start or create
together and work for the change if you want to see
attainment of the change in your
common good and social community?
order. These behaviors,
be they usual or not are
but a natural response to
changes and ideologies
developing within
society as a result of
constant interactions
between members of
4. APPLICATION: Analyze the latest 2019 The teacher will call the The teacher will ask 5 The teacher will ask 5
Midyear Election and let speaker for each group to volunteers to share their volunteers to share their
the students criticize and present their answers. work. work.
vocally express their
thoughts and findings.
5. VALUING: Appreciation and Appreciation and Appreciation and Appreciation and
participation in the participation in the participation in the participation in the
discussion discussion discussion discussion
6. EVALUATION: Answer the following Explain the importance of Answer the following Answer the following
questions. social sciences in questions: questions:
studying culture, society
1. What is common and politics. 1. How do social factors 1. How do social factors
among the scenarios influence the life chances influence the life
discussed that they may of the members of society? chances of the members
be considered as 2. What are the other of society?
manifestations of advantages of social 2. What are the other
cultural and political change in the promotion of advantages of social
changes? cultures and the change in the promotion
2. Explain social development of society? of cultures and the
dynamics as social, development of society?
political, and cultural
3. How can we improve
our awareness on the
social, cultural and
political changes?
S. Y. 2019 – 2020
II. LEARNING Disciplines and Ideas in Disciplines and Ideas in Disciplines and Ideas in Disciplines and Ideas in the
RESOURCES: the Social Sciences By the Social Sciences By the Social Sciences By Social Sciences By Ritchel
Ritchel B. Bernardo; Ritchel B. Bernardo; Ritchel B. Bernardo; B. Bernardo; Desiree B.
References: Desiree B. Mallo Desiree B. Mallo Desiree B. Mallo Mallo
Materials: Books, Laptop and Books, Laptop and Books, Laptop and
Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation
III. LEARNING DELIVERY Recapitulation Review Social Sciences Review: Cite differences of Applied
MODE: 1. What are the Discipline through: Explain the relationship Social Sciences
disciplines under Social Picture Drill: Identify between Social Science
1. ACTIVITY: Sciences? disciplines in social and Applied Social
2. What are related sciences through Sciences
disciplines in Applied presented pictures
Social Sciences? Anthropology, Economics
Geography, History
Linguistics Political
Science, Psychology,
Sociology and
2. ANALYSIS: The teacher will provide Relative to the learners Uncovering: Arrange the Which Applied Social
more examples of output (first day activity), letter to produce the Science is best applicable
Applied Social Sciences. the facilitator further following related key in proper use of media?
gives ideas by providing concepts: Why?
concepts about 1. Counseling
disciplines under Social 2. Social work
Sciences and Applied 3. Communication
Social Sciences 4. Services
5. Practitioners
6. Arts
7. Government
8. Schools
9. Community
10. News
3. ABSTRACTION: The teacher facilitates Further discussion on the What is the difference What are the implications
the discussion on the relationship of Social between: of
relationship of Social Science and Applied A. Counseling and Social Applied Social Science in
Science and Applied Social Sciences through Work dealing with different
Social Science. Provide Venn Diagram: B. Social Work and situations such as:
an example (Psychology 1. Psychology and Communication 1. Bullying
and Sociology) Counseling C. Communication and 2. Child Development
2. Sociology and Social Counseling 3. Media
3. Communication and
4. Linguistics
4. APPLICATION: How can the disciplines Upon knowing, what is Which Applied Social Formulate situations
of Applied Social the importance of Social Science is best depicting differences
Sciences be used in the Sciences and Applied applicable in proper use among applied social
development of the Social Sciences? of media? Why? sciences.
5. VALUING: Appreciation and Appreciation and Appreciation and Appreciation and
participation in the participation in the participation in the participation in the
discussion discussion discussion discussion
6. EVALUATION: Which among the Social In two simple sentences, Is there a social worker Cut and paste 3 photos of
Sciences and Applied the learners will describe in your community? situations related to
Social Sciences is the the relationship between Know his/her perception Counseling. Briefly
most interesting? (150 Social Sciences and about social work. describe each photo.
words essay) Applied Social Sciences.