G Oldcare Service e Xpands To Next-G Eneration 737: A Irworthiness D Irective I Mplementation and Compliance

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 1 1
A quarterly publication

GoldCare Service
Expands to Next-
Generation 737

and Compliance

Fire Protection:

Services for
Greater Fuel

Human Fatigue
Risk Management
System for
Cover photo: 737-800 fuselage interior.
goldcare Service e xpands to
next- generation 737
boeing’s service option on the 787 is
now being offered to next-generation
737 operators.

I ndustry Efforts to I mprove
A irworthiness D irective
I mplementation and
more than 30 changes are being made to
processes and procedures affecting regu-
lators, original equipment manufacturers,
operators, and maintenance providers.

Fire protection:

cargo compartments
cargo compartments on boeing passenger
and freighter airplanes incorporate compre-
hensive fire protection that includes fire

11 detection and suppression systems.

inFlight optimization Services
o ffers A irlines more Fuel-efficient
en-route operations
boeing has developed a suite of flight

services that enables operators to increase
fuel and flight efficiency and reduce costs
and carbon emissions.

implementing a Human Fatigue
risk management System for

25 maintenance
maintenance and engineering organizations
should develop risk management systems
to deal with human fatigue that contributes
to maintenance errors.

W W W . boeing.com/co m m e rciA l / A e ro m A g Azine i ssue 42 _q uarter 02 | 2011
Publisher Design Cover photography Editorial Board
Shannon Frew methodologie Jeff corwin gary bartz, richard breuhaus, tom Dodt, Justin Hale, Darrell Hokuf,
Al John, Doug lane, Jill langer, russell lee, Duke mcmillin, David presuhn,
Editorial director Writer Printer
Wade price, bob rakestraw, Frank Santoni, Jerome Schmelzer
Jill langer Jeff Fraga colorgraphics
Technical Review Committee
Editor-in-chief Distribution manager Web site design
gary bartz, richard breuhaus, David carbaugh, tom Dodt, Justin Hale,
Jim lombardo nanci moultrie methodologie
Darrell Hokuf, Al John, Doug lane, Jill langer, russell lee, Duke mcmillin,
David palmer, David presuhn, Wade price, Jerome Schmelzer, William tsai

AERO Online

AERO magazine is published quarterly by boeing commercial Airplanes and is information published in AERO magazine is intended to be accurate and authoritative.
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Aer o q uA r t e r ly qt r_02 | 11
goldcare Service
expands to
next-generation 737
it is my great pleasure to introduce this have received many customer inquiries.
edition of AERO magazine. in our last issue, much of the interest has concerned
my recently named successor, Jay maloney, platforms other than the 787. given the
explained our 787 service, goldcare. high level of customer interest, boeing is
goldcare began in 2004 when we put now offering the goldcare service on all
a small team together to develop a new next-generation 737 airplanes, and the
service around the 787, leveraging capa- goldcare team is engaging with several
bilities throughout boeing and our supplier operators. We expect to make a launch
network. We saw the potential to add customer announcement in the near future.
customer value and began discussions We are also evaluating goldcare offerings
with 787 customers to assess whether for the 777 and 747-8 models.
they also saw this value. if you have ever received an e-mail from
responses were far-ranging, but the me, you may have noticed that i include
general opinion was that goldcare did a quotation by Frances Hodgson burnett,
indeed add value and appeared to be well- which i think best describes our journey
aligned with market trends toward airline to bring goldcare to reality. it reads, “At
outsourcing of material management, first, people refuse to believe that a strange
engineering, and maintenance. most new thing can be done, then they begin
importantly, customer responses indicated to hope it can be done, then they see
a clear desire for original-equipment- it can be done — then it is done, and all
manufacturer services to provide technical, the world wonders why it was not done
logistical, and regulatory support not centuries ago.”
available elsewhere in the marketplace. Developing a product that provides high
our goal has been to imbed unique, value- value to customers is what boeing is all
added benefits in the goldcare service, about, and it has been personally very
many of which Jay reviewed in his article. rewarding for me to see goldcare come B OB A vERy
Since we announced tui travel as to market for our customers. Vice president
the goldcare launch customer, we please enjoy this issue of AERO magazine! Fleet management

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The Aviation Rulemaking
Committee is changing
how airworthiness
directives are developed
and implemented.
industry efforts to
improve Airworthiness
Directive implementation
and compliance
the Airworthiness Directive (AD) implementation Aviation rulemaking committee
(Arc) was chartered by the u.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to implement
recommendations resulting from an investigation into the grounding of numerous
airplanes because of AD noncompliance.

By Terry Mcvenes, Director, operational regulatory Affairs, and

Dale Johnson, Senior program manager, regulatory operations Support

the purpose of the AD Arc was to develop original equipment manufacturers (oems), review team (irt) to examine the FAA’s
and implement solutions that would operators, and maintenance providers. safety culture and its implementation of
improve airline compliance with FAA ADs. this article highlights these changes safety management. the irt consisted
improvements include clearly identifying the and how the success of the AD Arc is of five aviation and safety experts who
critical steps required for AD compliance, expected to improve the current process were tasked with evaluating and making
adding flexibility and standard practices for developing and implementing ADs. recommendations to improve the FAA’s
to reduce the need for alternative methods implementation of the aviation safety
of compliance (Amocs), providing FAA system and its culture of safety. the irt
inspectors with better tools to determine issued its final report in September 2008,
compliance, and communicating best identifying recommendations related to ADs,
During march and April 2008, two cases
practices for operators when planning and the voluntary disclosure program, the culture
of potential noncompliance to ADs resulted
performing inspections and modifications of the FAA, safety management systems,
in hundreds of airplanes being grounded,
mandated by an AD. in all, the committee is the air transportation oversight system,
inconveniencing thousands of passengers.
implementing more than 30 changes to pro- and the role of FAA inspectors.
this prompted the u.S. Department of
cesses and procedures affecting the FAA,
transportation to establish an independent

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Figure 1: AD ARC process
The U.S. Department of Transportation established an Independent Review Team (IRT) followed by an Airworthiness Directive (AD) Compliance Review
Team (CRT) that was established by the FAA. Findings and recommendations for improvements from these two teams were sent to the AD Aviation
Rulemaking Committee, which was tasked with implementing the recommendations.


Independent Review Team AD Compliance Review Team

Reviewed FAA safety management Reviewed noncompliance event
culture and process. and AD process.



AD Aviation Rulemaking Committee

New Advisory Revised New FAA and Industry Revised Service

Circulars FAA Orders Processes Bulletin Format

ae r o q ua r t e r ly   qtr_02 | 11
Soon after the irt was formed, the included people from various airlines, such as access and close-up. it should
FAA also established an AD compliance design approval holders, the FAA, and also reduce the need for Amocs for
review team (crt) to review the events industry associations. the objectives work done during a heavy visit when the
that caused the major disruption to some of the working groups were: airplane is already opened up, and other
airlines’ schedules. this team consisted similar situations.
■■ Service information. revise the way
of eight FAA and industry subject matter
service bulletins (Sbs) are written to ■■ Adding notes to Sbs that allow flexibility
experts. the team first reviewed compliance
avoid mandating actions that are not in using acceptable equivalent alternate
issues related to a model-specific AD and
required to meet the safety intent of materials, parts, and procedures where
then reviewed the general process for
the AD. allowed. general notes have been used
developing and implementing ADs. the
in Sbs for years, but this effort is creat-
team’s findings show that the AD processes ■ AD development. ensure that the
ing new notes and expanding existing
within the FAA and within the manufacturing AD development process is effective
notes to allow for the maximum amount
and air carrier industry have worked well and efficient.
of flexibility when accomplishing the Sb
over the years. However, during this review
■■ AD implementation. identify and develop instructions. For example, this may
the team uncovered areas where improve-
guiding principles, processes, procedures, eliminate the need for Amocs to use
ments can be made. the team created two
and best practices for implementing alternate fasteners or change the
reports (see fig. 1) with findings and recom-
and maintaining compliance with ADs sequence of steps in a procedure, or
mendations for improvements. these
to ensure a safe product. when gaining and restoring access to
recommendations focus on the areas
accomplish a modification.
of service instructions, the FAA Aircraft ■ FAA organization/procedures. Define
■■ in addition to adding general notes, Sbs
evaluation groups (Aegs), lead airline pro- decision-making processes for com-
will be written using standard industry
cess (i.e., Air transportation Association pliance versus noncompliance that
practices whenever possible, instead of
Specification 111), AD process and can be used by the FAA and industry
unique materials or processes. this will
implementation, mandatory continuing in any situation.
make it less likely for work to be
airworthiness information, Amocs, crisis
accidentally undone during normal
communication, and part 39 regulations.
S ERvICE I nFORMATIOn W ORkIng maintenance.
g ROuP ■■ Figures and illustrations will be identified
AD I MPlEMEnTATIOn ARC as either “authoritative” or “reference
the Service information Working group only,” communicating more clearly
in August 2009, the FAA chartered the AD was co-led by boeing and a major u.S. when the airplane configuration must
Arc to evaluate and address the recom- airline. this group’s efforts will result in match the illustration.
mendations of the AD crt and irt relating significant changes to the way boeing Sbs ■■ best practices are being shared among
to airworthiness directives. the AD Arc are written, especially those associated the design approval holders serving
had its first meeting in December 2009 with ADs. these changes and best prac- on the working group to help streamline
with members including the FAA, various tices are being written into an FAA advisory the processes for developing and
airplane manufacturers, airlines, and circular (Ac) with strong encouragement for revising Sbs.
industry associations. it was tasked with all design approval holders to make similar ■■ the lead airline process is being
implementing the recommendations by changes. these changes include: enhanced to improve the coordination
June 30, 2011. of corrective action necessary to correct
■ Writing Sbs to clearly identify which
an unsafe condition before the Sb and
Working groups. the Arc divided the accomplishment steps are required to
AD are released.
recommendations into four categories and correct the unsafe condition that
created four associated working groups: prompted the AD and which steps can
service information, AD development, be performed using acceptable
AD implementation, and FAA organization/ procedures. this will allow airlines to use
procedures. Working group members their own accepted practices for steps

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the Service information and AD Development Working
groups are working jointly to document in the AD what is
necessary after accomplishment of the AD to either maintain
the exact configuration defined by the AD or whether
standard maintenance practices can be used.

AD D EvElOPMEnT W ORkIng g ROuP ■■ A formalized process for documenting for air carrier AD compliance planning,
within the AD whether credit is given for implementation, and monitoring:
this working group was led by the FAA and accomplishing earlier versions of the
■ FAA aviation safety inspector (ASi)
was tasked with making the AD process related service information. this will help
involvement in air carrier AD
more effective and efficient. changes that reduce the number of Amocs.
management processes.
either already have been completed or are
■ the FAA has clarified in the AD manual ■ Air carrier prototyping of AD
being implemented include:
what is meant by ex parte (“one-sided”) documentation prior to implementation
■ FAA notice 8110.112, which discusses communications and how it relates in order to ensure work efficiency and
the FAA posting of service information to commenting on rule changes. this AD compliance.
that is “incorporated by reference” in will provide awareness of the proper ■ periodic audits of AD compliance by air
ADs onto the Federal Docket manage- documentation during rulemaking. carriers with a focus on ADs with a high
ment System (FDmS) at the final rule risk of inadvertent alteration during
the Service information and AD
stage. this gives public access to normal maintenance.
Development Working groups are working
bulletins containing work instructions ■ training on AD processes and wiring
jointly to document in the AD what is
mandated by ADs. it also allows the best practices.
necessary after accomplishment of the AD
FAA to post service information onto ■ Air carrier skill-specific training for parti-
to either maintain the exact configuration
the FDmS at the notice of proposed cular ADs.
defined by the AD or whether standard
rulemaking (nprm) stage with ■ oem and air carrier best practices when
maintenance practices can be used. this
permission from the design approval requesting Amocs.
effort was an add-on from the irt and crt
holders. boeing has granted the FAA ■ identification of opportunities to make
recommendations and may take additional
permission so that during the nprm more Amocs global when appropriate
time to work through the details of the
comment period, commenters will have and posting of these Amocs on oem
the appropriate information needed to websites.
review the requirements before com- ■ 24/7 crisis communication process
menting. this will apply to new ADs AD I MPlEMEnTATIOn W ORkIng among air carriers and FAA Flight
only; it is not retroactive. g ROuP Standards Service field offices to prevent
potential grounding situations.
■■ A process developed by the FAA
A major u.S. airline headed up this working
and oems for tracking and managing incorporation of these best practices will
group. it took the best practices from all
multiple AD-related Sbs that may help to improve the overall process for AD
the groups’ participants and is including
conflict or overlap. this will help to implementation and reduce noncompliance
them into an FAA Ac so that all operators
avoid potential confusion, inadvertent findings and the need for Amocs.
can adopt them. the Ac will include the
noncompliance, or reversal of previous
following guidance related to best practices
AD actions.

Aer o q uA r t e r ly qt r_02 | 11
FAA O RgAnIzATIOn/ P ROCEDuRES increasing staff at the Aeg. revising FAA orders 8100.15 and
W ORkIng g ROuP improving compliance planning 8110.37 to include expansion of
through: structural Amoc delegations in
this team was led by the FAA and focused ■
providing new guidance in FAA limited situations to allow approval
on making changes to the way the FAA man- order 8900.1 and Ac for AD of alternative inspection methods,
ages ADs. this team’s functions included: management. this is the Ac being thresholds, and intervals, and certain
worked by the AD implementation global Amocs.
■ Strengthening the role of the FAA
Working group that will address
Aeg by:
the six elements of an effective
clarifying Aeg roles and responsi- Su MMARy
AD management process:
bilities in FAA order 8900.1 (Flight
Standards information management Formed by the FAA following an investi-
System). the Aeg specialist will be gation into the grounding of hundreds of
involved earlier in the AD process, airplanes owing to AD noncompliance, the
which will help the Aeg determine AD Arc is implementing a number of
when an outreach program to the recommendations to more clearly identify
principal inspector is needed. the steps airlines and maintenance, repair,

revising the AD management
Developing new Aeg classroom and and overhaul organizations must take to
and foundations for principal
Web-based training regarding Aeg ensure compliance with ADs and making
inspector courses to bring them
roles and responsibilities and their numerous changes to the way the FAA
up to speed on the new AD
interfaces with the Aircraft certifi- manages ADs. the AD Arc has proven
management processes.
cation office (Aco). the training that when the FAA and industry come
program would define the communi- ■ enhancing ASi decision making by: together to work on a common cause,
cation protocol and elaborate on the providing new guidance in FAA many good things can happen. the
responsibilities and positions of each order 8900.1 for ASis for addressing changes that are being implemented,
group (e.g., ASi, Aeg, aviation safety situations in which the compliance of along with the collaborative attitude that
engineer, etc.). a single airplane or fleet of airplanes has formed between all those involved
ensuring that FAA field personnel is in question, as well as how and in this effort, will result in a significant
understand that the Aeg is a key when to determine coordination with reduction in the number of Amocs needed,
resource for technical issues and Aeg and Aco. a much better understanding of the steps
continued operational safety. providing new guidance in FAA that are required to correct the unsafe
Developing new 24/7 and Amoc order 8900.1 for principal inspectors’ condition identified by ADs, and fewer
support process Web-based training. role in the Amoc process (e.g., roles, instances of grounded airplanes.
the 24/7 Amoc support process responsibilities, and 24/7 interface). For more information, please contact
will help prevent grounding of a large providing a new logic flowchart that Dale Johnson at dale.r.johnson2@
number of airplanes. illustrates step-by-step procedures boeing.com.
conducting briefings to the FAA that can be followed to eliminate single-
regional field offices on the new 24/7 person determination and to elevate
Amoc support process. concerns regarding AD compliance.
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Boeing designs cargo
compartments to
prevent fire and to
provide passive and
active protection systems
should a fire occur.
Fire protection:
cargo compartments
cargo compartments on boeing passenger and freighter airplanes incorporate
comprehensive fire protection that includes fire detection and suppression systems.

By Carol Hipsher, Senior manager, Flight Safety and Design office, technical customer Support, and
Douglas E. Ferguson, technical Safety chief, Fire protection, technical Services and modifications

This article is the second in a series spreading to other parts of the airplane, this article describes how boeing designs
exploring the implementation of fire pro- and controlling a fire should one occur. fire protection into the cargo compartments
tection on transport category airplanes. to effect this prevention, separation, of passenger and freighter airplanes.
isolation, and control, boeing uses both
Fire protection is given one of the highest
passive and active features. passive features
considerations at boeing in airplane design, C ARgO COMPARTMEnT
include the use of noncombustible or self- ClASSIFICATIOnS
testing, and certification. in designing an
extinguishing materials; separation by
airplane’s fire protection features, boeing
routing, compartmentalization, isolation,
uses the principles of prevention, separation, the Federal Aviation regulations classify
ventilation, and drainage; and bonding and
isolation, and control. cargo compartments into four categories:
grounding. Active features include fire and
prevention is the first order of the day,
overheat detection systems, fire-suppression class A. the presence of a fire would be
as it is better to prevent a fire than to have
systems, temperature sensing, air shut-off easily discovered by a crewmember while
to contend with one in flight. the principles
means, and automatic shutdown of nonflight at his or her station and each part of the
also involve separating the three essentials
critical systems. Fire protection systems on compartment is easily accessible in flight.
for creating a fire (i.e., fuel, ignition source,
boeing airplanes meet all aviation regulatory
and oxygen), isolating potential fires from
requirements as well as internal boeing
design requirements.

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Figure 1: Class C lower cargo compartment

Smoke detector
installed in a
pan (typical)

Figure 2: Class E main deck cargo compartment

Smoke detector
installed in a
ceiling (typical)

Smoke detector
installed in a pan

ae r o q ua r t e r ly   qtr_02 | 11
Figure 3: Fire protection in a typical cargo compartment
this main deck cargo compartment illustrates two types of fire protection: liners on the sidewalls and smoke detectors running overhead.

class b. there is a separate approved class e (allowed only on airplanes used construction materials. All materials used in
smoke detector or fire detector system to strictly for carrying cargo). there is a the construction of the cargo compartment
give warning at the pilot or flight engineer separate approved smoke or fire detector besides the liners must meet applicable
station. there is sufficient access in flight to system to give warning at the pilot or flight test criteria that include fire tests as
enable a crewmember to effectively reach engineer station. there are means to shut required.
any part of the compartment with the off the ventilating airflow to, or within, the
controls. no cargo compartment may
contents of a hand fire extinguisher. When compartment, and the controls for these
contain any controls, lines (wires, tubing,
access provisions are being used, no means are accessible to the flight crew in
cables), equipment, or accessories whose
hazardous quantity of smoke, flames, or the crew compartment. there are means
damage or failure would affect safe oper-
suppression agent can enter any compart- to exclude hazardous quantities of smoke,
ation, unless those items are protected
ment occupied by the crew or passengers. flames, or noxious gasses from the flight
so that they cannot be damaged by the
there are means to control ventilation and crew compartment. the required crew
movement of cargo in the compartment
drafts within the compartment. emergency exits are accessible under any
and their breakage or failure will not create
cargo loading condition (see fig. 2).
class c. there is a separate approved a fire hazard.
smoke detector or fire detector system to
cargo/baggage restraint. there must be
give warning at the pilot or flight engineer A DDITIOnAl REquIREMEnTS FOR
CARgO COMPARTMEnT FIRE means to prevent cargo or baggage from
station. there is an approved built-in fire
PROTECTIOn interfering with the functioning of the fire
extinguishing or suppression system
protective features of the compartment.
controllable from the flight deck. there are
in addition, the following are required by
means to exclude hazardous quantities of Heat sources. Sources of heat within the
the regulations:
smoke, flames, or suppression agent from compartment (i.e., from lights, control
any compartment occupied by the crew or liners. the liner must be separate from (but panels) must be shielded and insulated to
passengers. there are means to control may be attached to) the airplane structure prevent igniting the cargo or baggage.
ventilation and drafts within the compart- (see fig. 3). ceiling and sidewall liner panels
ment so that the suppression agent used of class c compartments must meet fire
can control any fire that may start within test requirements.
the compartment (see fig. 1).

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Figure 4: Types of smoke detectors
A smoke detector can be described by how the smoke enters the sensing chamber.

pilot light emitting reflected light photo electronic circuit

Diode (leD) cell and relay

Air in Air out


test leD light beam light


Draw-Through Type Smoke Detector


electrical pan


Open-Area Type Smoke Detector

Aer o q uA r t e r ly qt r_02 | 11
Almost all cargo compartment smoke detectors are based
on photoelectric sensing. Smoke particles interfere with
a light beam inside the detector, causing the light to
scatter onto a photosensitive diode, which increases the
photodiode’s current output and generates an alarm.

Wiring. cargo compartment electrical to land and evacuate passengers and crew S MOkE DETECTIOn
wiring interconnection system components safely. both terms are used interchangeably
must meet installation requirements, in this article.) class b, c, and e cargo compartments
such as wire separation, and component have smoke detection systems that provide
qualification tests. active fire protection. these systems are
designed to provide an aural and visual
tests. certification ground and flight tests
indication to the flight crew in the early,
must be conducted to demonstrate various liners are a passive fire protection feature.
smoldering phase of a fire prior to it
requirements. these include: the primary purpose of a cargo liner is to
breaking out into a large fire. in older model
prevent a fire originating in a cargo compart-
■ in-flight access to cargo compartments airplanes, the time to detect a fire was not
ment from spreading to other parts of the
for class A, b, and e cargo quantified by the regulators. Smoke detec-
airplane before it can be brought under
compartments. tion systems of that era typically met a
control by the fire suppression system.
■ the prevention of hazardous quantities five-minute detection time. using newer
in class c cargo compartments —
of smoke or suppression agent from technology, smoke detection systems
which include the lower cargo compartments
entering into compartments occupied can provide an indication in a shorter time.
of all passenger airplanes and the lower
by the crew or passengers. based on a simulated smoke source
cargo compartments for most freighters —
■ Demonstration of the smoke detection representing a smoldering fire, all newer
the cargo compartment sidewall and ceiling
system is performed to show compliance airplanes can detect a fire within one
liner panel installations are fire tested to
to all requirements, including flight testing minute. in all cases, the smoke detection
determine flame penetration resistance.
to show that the system performs its systems can detect a fire at a temperature
test requirements specify that a minimum
intended function at all foreseeable significantly below that at which the
of three specimens must be tested; there
operating conditions. structural integrity of the airplane could
must be no flame penetration of any speci-
■ concentration measurements for be adversely affected.
men within five minutes after application of
the suppression agent in class c Almost all cargo compartment smoke
the 1,700 degrees F (927 degrees c) flame
compartments. detectors are based on photoelectric
source; and for ceiling liners, the peak
sensing. Smoke particles interfere with a
During these flight tests, it must also temperature measured at four inches
light beam inside the detector, causing the
be shown that no inadvertent operation of above the upper surface of the horizontal
light to scatter onto a photosensitive diode,
smoke or fire detectors in any compartment test panel must not exceed 400 degrees F
which increases the photodiode’s current
would occur as a result of fire contained in (202.4 degrees c). All other materials must
output and generates an alarm. A smoke
any other compartment, either during or after be self-extinguishing.
detector can be described by how the
extinguishment. (Although fire extinguishing many boeing-certified freighter airplanes’
smoke enters the sensing chamber: draw-
is the term used by the regulatory authorities, main deck class e cargo compartments
through or open-area type (see fig. 4).
the more realistic term is fire suppression. also incorporate cargo liners made from the
A fire in a cargo compartment is required to same material that meets class c compart-
be suppressed long enough for an airplane ment liner requirements.

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Figure 5: Draw-through cargo smoke detection system
many boeing airplanes utilize draw-through smoke detectors in the cargo compartment smoke detection systems.

Smoke Detectors Draw-Through Smoke Detectors

Forward lower cargo compartment

lower cargo compartment (typical)

Air Sampling Ports (Typical) Air Sampling Port

Figure 6: Cargo compartment smoke detectors

All cargo compartments have multiple smoke detectors. this main deck cargo compartment has 18 smoke detectors. StA = Station

STA 862 STA 1086 STA 1273 STA 5-11 STA 1681

STA 675 (2 detectors)
STA 535

STA 638
STA 1969
STA 751

STA 792 (2 detectors) STA 975 STA 6-91 STA 1401 STA 1541 STA 1825

Draw-through type detectors, also known in addition, there are means to allow the the smoke detection systems in each
as active smoke detectors, continuously crew to perform in-flight system testing of cargo compartment can also be designed
monitor a sample of air drawn from the each fire detector circuit to ensure proper in a dual-loop (two single-loops) configura-
cargo compartment for the presence of function. the effectiveness of the detection tion. the smoke detectors are organized
smoke — an indication of a fire condition. system must be shown for all approved with one or more detectors associated with
A draw-through detection system consists operating configurations and conditions. each single-loop. in a dual-loop system,
of a distributed network of sampling tubes the cargo compartments of all boeing two separate smoke signals are required
(see fig. 5) that bring air sampled through airplanes are equipped with multiple smoke to generate a fire alarm at the flight deck.
various ports located in the cargo compart- detectors. For example, the mD-11 freighter most boeing airplanes use a dual-loop
ment ceiling to the smoke detectors located main deck cargo compartment has 18 area configuration for cargo smoke detection
outside the cargo compartment. the air is smoke detectors; 14 distributed axially systems. For both dual-loop and single-
also exhausted outside the compartment. along the compartment overhead centerline loop systems, there is guidance provided
and four located in the forward area of the through the master minimum equipment
open-area type detectors, also known
cargo compartment (see fig. 6). A smoke list to allow dispatch if a smoke detector
as passive smoke detectors, are installed
signal from any smoke detector will trigger is inoperative.
inside the compartment, usually in the
a fire alarm at the flight deck. this is a When smoke is detected in the cargo
ceiling, and directly exposed to the smoke
“single loop” system because any single compartment, visual and aural warnings are
(see figs. 1 and 2).
detector can set off the fire alarm. provided at the flight deck (see fig. 7). two
Aer o q uA r t e r ly qt r_02 | 11
Figure 7: Typical flight deck indications and control
When smoke is detected in a cargo compartment, visual and aural warning indications are provided at the flight deck, which also has controls for the cargo
compartment fire suppression system.

1 2 3 4


Fire Warning bell or

Aural Warning at FWD VLV A B C TEST 1

Flight Deck AFT VLV D E F TEST 2

Fire Suppression System

Squib test panel



master Warning light


CARGO Auxiliary power unit/
cargo/Fire overheat/



0.76 0.25 0.76 0.76
3250 3250 3250 3250
50 50 50 180 MAIN
750 100.1 85.5 0.35 DEPRESS
1750 1650


eicAS Digital Display engine/Auxiliary power unit/

cargo Fire control panel

red master warning lights are located on AFt will be displayed on the eicAS to the airflow from the flight deck. Following
the glare-shield, one in front of the pilot identify the affected area within the main airflow shutdown, boeing-designed class c
and one in front of the first officer. in addi­ deck compartment. the eicAS warning cargo compartment fire suppression
tion, on airplanes with engine indicating message Fire mAin DecK is displayed if systems provide minimum Halon 1301
and crew alerting systems (eicAS), the smoke is detected in more than one zone concentration coverage for one hour or
message Fire cArgo FWD or Fire of the main deck cargo compartment. more, depending on the airplane model,
cArgo AFt is displayed on the upper A fire bell or aural warning will sound in sufficient to suppress the fire until the
eicAS display located on the main panel conjunction with the visual fire warning, airplane lands at the nearest suitable
to identify the affected lower compartment. lights, and messages. airport. the flight crew commands the
on all airplanes and on older airplanes discharge of the cargo fire suppression
without the eicAS system, individual red system from the flight deck (see engine/
lights for the cargo compartment with the Auxiliary power unit/cargo Fire control
fire will light (e.g., FWD cArgo Fire or panel in fig. 7). this initiates the discharge
the first step in controlling and suppressing
AFt cArgo Fire). of halon from fire suppression bottles,
a fire (after turning off the aural warning) is
For the main deck compartment on the which are generally located next to the
shutting down the airflow to the cargo
boeing 747-400F, the message Fire mn cargo compartment. Additional fire
compartment. All ventilated cargo com-
DK FWD, Fire mn DK miD, or Fire mn DK suppression capability is designed into
partments have a means for shutting off

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Figure 8: Typical metered fire extinguishing system with a flow regulator

High-rate Discharge bottles low-rate metered Discharge bottles

bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle bottle

A b c D e F g

to Forward to Aft
Discharge Discharge
nozzles nozzles

in-line pressure Forward Flow regulator Aft Flow Valve in-line pressure
Switch Valve Switch

the airplane as required for extended the initial knockdown fire suppression during a fire to maximize halon retention
operations and is dependent on airline systems installed in all boeing airplane and to reduce smoke penetration effects.
customer option configuration. cargo compartments consist of Halon 1301 An alternate method for maintaining the
typically, cargo fire suppression systems bottles discharged through a distribution minimum required halon concentration is
have an initial high-rate knockdown dis- tubing system to discharge nozzles in the the high-rate discharge fire suppression
charge, followed by a low-rate metered respective cargo compartment ceiling. this system. As the concentration of agent
discharge of Halon 1301, designed to keep initial discharge knocks down the flames from the initial knockdown decays and
the fire suppressed for continued safe flight and suppresses a fire with a minimum of approaches 3 percent, a subsequent bottle
and landing at the nearest suitable airport. 5 percent Halon 1301 concentration by is discharged; the concentration increases
Halon can be discharged into the volume. the system is sized as a function and again begins to decay. Depending on
forward or aft cargo compartment. the of compartment volume, temperature, and system design, additional bottles may be
probability of a cargo fire in any compart- cabin altitude and typically takes one to discharged to maintain concentration levels
ment is very low, and the likelihood of two two minutes to reach maximum above 3 percent until the airplane has
simultaneous fires in two cargo compart- concentrations. landed safely and the passengers and crew
ments is even lower. because of this, it is A second discharge, a metered system evacuated (see fig. 9). An airplane timer is
not required to have separate halon bottles with a flow regulator (see fig. 8), is either turned on when the first discharge occurs
for each compartment. one set of bottles discharged at the same time as the initial and subsequent discharges are made
provides suppression capability to either knockdown or after a specified time delay manually by the flight crew. the time delay
cargo compartment. and provides a steady-state halon flow rate for discharging the additional high-rate
in all models, once a fire is detected and to maintain compartment halon concen- bottles is defined in the airplane flight
the halon discharged, minimum halon con- trations above 3 percent for a specified manual and is also usually incorporated
centrations are required for the remaining duration. the required metered flow is a into the alert messaging logic.
duration of flight. compliance to these function of compartment leakage. the Firefighting in a class e cargo
requirements is demonstrated by measuring higher the compartment leakage rate, compartment is accomplished by shutting
suppression agent concentration at key the higher the halon flow rate must be to down the airflow to the compartment,
locations in the compartment during a compensate. cargo compartments are depressurizing the airplane, and (depending
certification flight test. designed to minimize compartment leakage on airplane) descending to just below

Aer o q uA r t e r ly qt r_02 | 11
Figure 9: Cargo fire suppression performance by type of system
cargo fire suppression systems typically have an initial knockdown concentration discharge of Halon 1301 followed by an additional high-rate discharge (left)
or a low-rate metered discharge (right).

Halon Concentration Curve for a Two-Bottle Halon Concentration Curve for a

High-Rate Discharge Fire Suppression System Metered Fire Suppression System

16 16

14 14

12 12
Halon Concentration (%)

Halon Concentration (%)

10 10

8 8

6 6

4 4

2 2

0 0
30 60 90 120 150 180 30 60 90 120 150 180

Time (minutes) concentration Time (minutes) concentration

25,000 feet as conditions permit. if it is not air return paths into the forward lower component tests and certification tests.
possible to immediately land at a suitable cheek areas. in addition to acting as a All components specified for the fire protec-
airport, the depressurized airplane is pressure source, the fresh air entering tion, smoke detection, and fire suppression
maintained at approximately 25,000 feet the flight deck also serves to sweep away systems are qualification tested to the
to minimize the oxygen available to the fire. trace amounts of smoke that may enter requirements specified by boeing. certifica-
Supplemental oxygen is provided to the the compartment. Smoke within the flight tion ground and flight tests are conducted
flight crew and any supernumeraries via deck is self-clearing and hazardous on the smoke detection and fire suppression
oxygen masks when the cabin altitude accumulations are prevented. systems. in addition, smoke penetration
exceeds 10,000 feet. Air pathways in and out of occupied tests are also conducted to comply with
areas, including the flight deck, are boeing and regulatory requirements.
controlled to ensure that the pressure
differential produced is effective in prevent-
ing smoke migration into the compartment.
boeing uses a two-pronged approach to
in addition, other methods are also used,
exclude hazardous quantities of smoke and boeing designs cargo compartments
such as sealing of bulkheads, e.g., rigid
noxious gases from entering the flight deck in passenger and freighter airplanes to
cargo barriers on freighters, to minimize
or other occupied compartments. prevent a fire and to provide passive and
smoke penetration.
First, the flight deck and passenger active fire protection systems to control
Second, the individual cargo compart-
compartments are maintained at a slightly a fire should one occur. boeing gives the
ments have liners and barriers designed to
higher pressure relative to adjacent highest considerations to the safety of
minimize the amount of smoke leakage out
compartments that may contain smoke passengers and crew.
of the compartment into occupied areas.
or noxious gases during class c or e For more information, please contact
on different airplanes, these compartment
compartment fire suppression. carol Hipsher at carol-sue.c.hipsher@
closeouts and seals take different forms,
in class e compartments, one air- boeing.com.
but the integrity of the liners and other
conditioning pack remains on a low-flow
smoke barriers is important in establishing
setting. this airflow provides air to the
and maintaining the fire protection
flight deck and exits via the electrical
capability of the airplane.
equipment cooling system and through

W W W . boeing.com/co m m e rciA l / A e ro m A g Azine
A new suite of
applications helps
airlines optimize
their postdeparture
flight operations.

ae r o q ua r t e r ly   qtr_02 | 11
inFlight optimization
Services offers Airlines
more Fuel-efficient
en-route operations
boeing has developed a new type of flight services that enables operators to increase fuel
and flight efficiency and reduce costs and carbon emissions.

By Mike Durham, product manager, Airline efficiency Services, Flight Services

boeing inFlight optimization Services the best ways for airlines to cut costs. H OW I n F lIgHT WORkS
(inFlight) is a suite of applications that Airlines typically use roughly 10 percent
continuously checks an array of real-time more fuel than necessary due to flight and inFlight continuously monitors each flight’s
air traffic, weather, and airplane data to air traffic inefficiencies. So implementing progress to identify emerging efficiency
uncover postdeparture opportunities for even small per-flight efficiency improvements opportunities — configured to airline
individual flights to save fuel and improve can deliver significant fleetwide savings specifications — and automatically sends
operational performance. during the course of a year. advisories to the airline. the ground-based
this article describes the development of capturing these savings was the service optimizes individual flights by
inFlight by boeing Flight Services, how it works, impetus for developing inFlight. this suite addressing real-time air traffic control (Atc)
and how airlines can benefit from its use. of products provides live, actionable flight- system variables, the airplane’s current
specific airline advisories, resulting in flight trajectory, flight management
efficiency improvements for postdeparture computer (Fmc) data, weather conditions,
operations. inFlight, which is offered as and other factors. the information is up to
a subscription service, is available for date to within seconds.
an airline’s modern fleet, including non- inFlight communicates flight-specific
With fuel expenses representing up to
boeing airplanes. advisories to an airline’s operations center
30 percent of an airline’s annual operating
or directly to the flight deck in a format that
budget, reducing fuel use remains one of
can be immediately loaded into the Fmc or
W W W . boeing.com/co m m e rciA l / A e ro m A g Azine
Figure 1: Direct Routes flight optimization
inFlight Direct routes provides simple, Atc conflict-checked, wind-optimal reroute opportunities with
at least one minute of time savings within the next hour of flight.


current flight plan

Direct-to advisory for 1.5-min savings
As-flown track saved 1.3 min
Direct-to waypoint

acted upon by flight crews. it was developed D IRECT R OuTES: A uTOMATIC FlIgHT- conflicts, convective weather, established
with a common infrastructure to accom- OPTIMIzIng AlERTS airspace constraints, and other factors.
modate growth of new flight optimization Finally, the pilot must contact Atc to
service applications. the software is Airlines always aim to develop and file the request the direct-to clearance for the
designed with common core services and most efficient flight plans possible. However, more fuel-efficient flight path.
functionality while enabling data sharing these predeparture filed flight plans are con- the current Direct routes system only
across multiple products. strained to procedurally separated jet routes covers airline operations within the conti-
inFlight services are implemented within and en-route transitions to and from standard nental united States. the u.S. Federal
current air traffic and airline operating departure and arrival routes. currently, after Aviation Administration (FAA) is providing
procedures using existing communication airplane departure and with traffic permitting, the live high-update rate surveillance data
channels. no regulatory changes and little or pilots can make a verbal request to Atc for necessary to monitor the airline’s operation
no new equipment or training are required, direct-to routings to downstream waypoints and check for Atc conflicts on any pro-
so airline savings begin immediately. in the current flight plan, eliminating ineffi- posed Direct routes advisories. boeing has
inFlight currently comprises two cient dog-legs in the en-route phase of flight. shared details of the project and findings
services: Direct routes and Wind updates. inFlight Direct routes automates this from Direct route trials with the FAA to
each service provides up-to-the-minute process. Direct routes software continuously ensure the advisories are compatible with
information to airline operation centers and searches for simple, Atc conflict-checked, airspace procedures and constraints,
flight crews, enabling adjustments en route wind-optimal reroute opportunities that and are complementary to Atc services.
to account for weather and Atc status. the offer at least one minute of time savings operational testing of Direct routes has
Direct routes service is currently available within the next hour of flight (see fig. 1). been completed, and this service is
in the continental united States while the Direct routes alerts an airline’s available to customers.
Wind updates service is being implemented operations center or flight crew when a initial boeing projections show that Direct
worldwide. more fuel-efficient path that could be routes can save more than 40,000 minutes
approved by the controller opens up along of flight time per year for a medium-sized
the route of flight. to increase the likelihood u.S. airline — the equivalent of operating
of Atc approval and to keep air traffic hundreds of flights that use no fuel and
controller workload to a minimum, the produce no emissions.
advisories are prechecked for traffic
Aer o q uA r t e r ly qt r_02 | 11
Figure 2: Wind updates flight optimization
inFlight Wind updates continuously monitors airline operations and proactively uploads descent winds when beneficial.

An n777B0-PWI/DD290255090.200270080.

boeing inFlight Aircraft communications Addressing and Flight management

Wind updates reporting System message computer

Figure 3: InFlight Wind updates benefits

in this example, which assumes a net increase in tailwind (or decrease in headwind) since the flight plan was generated, the airplane can save 150 pounds of fuel
using inFlight Wind updates to optimize the FmS from top of descent to landing. Fuel saving data is based on analytical models, simulator sessions, and flight trials.

no update to
descent winds
150 lb savings
inFlight Wind

2,000 2,100 2,200 2,300 2,400 2,500

estimated Actual

W InD u PDATES: R EAl-TIME FMC WInD the 747, 757, 767, 787, and A320 family will projects that Wind updates users will experi-
uPDATES be available soon. ence potential savings of 100 to 200 pounds
the use of old, inaccurate, and limited (15 to 30 gallons or 55 to 110 liters) of fuel
Historically, flight crews have received weather data — especially wind and for just the descent portion of a typical
weather forecasts and flight plan weather temperature data — can prevent airplanes single-aisle airplane flight (see fig. 3).
information prior to a flight and manually from operating at their most efficient flight- boeing is currently conducting operational
entered the en-route and descent winds management-system settings and prevent trials with two major airlines to further
data into the Fmc before departure. the them from meeting precisely established expand the capabilities of this service.
forecast information can be several hours arrival times (increasing fuel burn through
old by the time an airplane pushes back additional use of speed brakes and
from the gate. And, although these weather descent level offs). correcting even small
reports provide general forecasts of winds, inefficiencies in postdeparture wind
most airlines are not fully optimizing their
temperature, and pressure within a region, updates adds up to significant fleetwide
postdeparture flight operations. there are
they do not include Fmc inputs precisely savings during the course of a year.
several new approaches to optimize in-flight
tailored for current as-amended flight paths. inFlight Wind updates identifies optimal
trajectories, including updating the Fmc with
the inFlight Wind updates system calcu- input settings while the airplane is in flight
an intelligent selection of the most current
lates the most accurate Fmc input to best and proposes updates to specific Fmc
and accurate wind information, and continu-
represent the updated wind and temperature weather parameters when there is a suffi-
ously monitoring each flight for wind-optimal
for the flight trajectory and for the unique cient net economic benefit (see fig. 2). After
“direct-to” opportunities to shorten flight
capabilities of the Fmc on that airplane. review and acceptance by the flight crew,
paths. boeing inFlight optimization Services
the system utilizes the number of weather the wind updates are autoloaded into the
is a suite of applications that automate
bands available on the Fmc and determines Fmc. this updated weather information in
these processes, offering postdeparture
the flight levels for the weather bands based the airplane Fmc enables a more efficient
opportunities for individual flights to save
on the specific wind and temperature profile. and effective trajectory prediction as a
fuel and improve operational performance.
currently, descent wind updates are component of en-route and descent flight
For more information, please contact mike
available for the next-generation 737, planning, such as improved computation
Durham at michael.h.durham@boeing.com
777, mD-11, and A330. Wind updates for of step climb decisions, speed schedules,
or airlineefficiencyservices@boeing.com.
and the top of descent point. boeing
W W W . boeing.com/co m m e rciA l / A e ro m A g Azine
A fatigue risk manage­
ment system can help
airplane maintenance
organizations reduce the
hazards associated with
fatigued workers.

ae r o q ua r t e r ly   qtr_02 | 11
implementing a Human
Fatigue risk management
System for maintenance
Aviation maintenance technicians (Amts) often work extended hours and through the
night. the result can be a lack of adequate sleep and a fatigued state that can contribute
to errors. there is a growing realization that maintenance and engineering organizations
should develop their own fatigue risk management systems (FrmS) to deal with
these issues.

By William l. Rankin, ph.D., boeing technical Fellow, maintenance Human Factors

numerous studies have highlighted T HE DAngERS OF FATIguE Phase III, Washington, D.c.: FAA office of
the need for aviation maintenance and Aviation medicine. http://hfskyway.faa.gov).
engineering organizations to implement between 1998 and 2000, the u.S. Federal this lack of sleep is believed to be an
an FrmS. the international civil Aviation Aviation Administration (FAA) conducted a important contributor to errors made by
organization and the major national aviation significant study on the sleeping habits of Amts. For example, the Aviation Safety
authorities also encourage an FrmS for Amts in the united States. the FAA reporting System — an incident reporting
maintenance workers — some even require collected some 50,000 hours worth of service for pilots, mechanics, and flight
this type of system. sleep data using a watchlike accelerometer attendants in the united States that is
this article outlines the need for an to determine how long an individual was administered by the national Aeronautics
FrmS, describes the main elements of sleeping. the study concluded that the and Space Administration — included
an implementation, and provides Web technicians slept an average of just five 77 Amt fatigue-related reports from 1990
site information where airlines and main- hours and five minutes per day compared to 2009. Fatigue contributes to both errors
tenance, repair, and overhaul (mro) to the recommended eight hours per day of commission (i.e., the Amt did some-
organizations can access materials to for the average person (Hall, S., Johnson, thing, but did it incorrectly) and errors
use in their FrmS programs. W. b., and Watson, J. [2001] Evaluation of omission (i.e., the Amt forgot to do
of Aviation Maintenance Working Environ- something that should have been done)
ments, Fatigue, and Human Performance: (see fig. 1).

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Figure 1: Fatigue-related errors reported to the Aviation Safety Reporting System

Errors of Commission Errors of Omission

Damaged ram air turbine blade on functional test. taxiing airplane and forgot to stop at an active runway.

installed flap control knob incorrectly. Failed to remove tape covering a pitot tube.

replaced incorrect oxygen bottle. Failed to reinstall flap screws.

locked out wrong valve. Failed to enter information into computer after task completion.

entered incorrect logbook entry. Failed to install top-of-wing access panel.

installed fan blades in wrong order. Failed to disarm door before opening.

incorrectly evaluated nose-landing-gear door delamination. Failed to torque and safety a nut.

A DDRESSIng FATIguE In conducted by the FAA, 25 percent of ■ Working with somebody else so you can
MAInTEnAnCE ORgAnIzATIOnS respondents reported feeling fatigued catch each other’s errors.
or exhausted. ■ going back and checking your own work.
there are two primary ways to address As a result, most experts agree that the
fatigue in maintenance organizations: duty best way to address fatigue is by training
time limitations or an FrmS. However, Amts on strategies to get sufficient sleep
there is general agreement that duty time and on what they should do when they are
Airlines and mros interested in developing
limitations are not the best approach in working while fatigued, including:
an FrmS can use the guidelines on page 27.
maintenance because they do not deal with
■■ exercising/stretching at frequent Additionally, high-quality FrmS materials
the root problem of fatigue; even an Amt
intervals. can be accessed easily on the Web.
observing duty time limitations can be
■■ talking to coworkers. both the FAA and transport canada
affected by fatigue if he or she has not had
■■ Drinking plenty of liquids. have FrmS materials on their Web
adequate rest. For example, in a study

Aer o q uA r t e r ly qt r_02 | 11
Implementing a Fatigue Risk Management System
These general guidelines can help airlines ■■ Train managers on their ■■
Work environment.
and maintenance, repair, and overhaul responsibilities and how to implement Self-selected breaks.
organizations develop and implement an appropriate fatigue-reduction Appropriate break facilities
effective fatigue risk management system strategies where necessary. and healthy snacks.
(FRMS). Additional tools are available online Good lighting.
4. Controls
at the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration Temperature control.
■■ Provide sufficient sleep opportunity.
and Transport Canada Web sites. Carpooling.
Assess work schedules for
Stretching or exercise.
1. Policies and Procedures adequate sleep opportunity. ■■
Scheduling less complex or
■■ Outline the commitment of high-level Use fatigue modeling to help
less safety-critical tasks.
organizational management to develop schedules.
High risk/highly complex
manage fatigue-related risk. Consider options to maximize
activities done during the
■■ Write detailed procedures for sleep opportunity.
managing fatigue at the operational ■■
Limit night shifts.
Rotate tasks.
level. ■■
Restrict shift length to 12 or
Avoid boring tasks at night.
fewer hours.
2. Responsibilities ■■
Training programs.
Limit early morning starts.
■■ List personnel responsible for FRMS Fatigue awareness.
Limit extended duty/overtime.
design, implementation, and How to maximize sleep and
Ensure appropriate breaks.
maintenance. alertness.
Create a napping policy and
■■ Document organizational Information for families on
napping facilities.
responsibilities. facilitating sleep at home.
■■ Assess actual sleep.
Comply with any regulations or Impact of food and water on
Provide employees with methods
legislation. alertness.
for assessing whether they have
Develop policies. Appropriate use of stimu­
gotten adequate sleep before
Provide training and education. lants like caffeine, NO-DOZ®,
coming to work.
Develop error and incident and energy drinks.
Assess whether policies to provide
reporting systems. ■■ Incident investigation.
adequate sleep are working.
Assess work schedules and tasks Develop incident investigation
■■ Assess symptoms of fatigue.
for fatigue-related risk. process that includes fatigue-
Include fatigue-related symptom
■■ Document individual responsibilities. related questions.
checklists within the FRMS.
Use time away from work to get ■■
Length of duty time prior to
Assess employees for fatigue-
adequate sleep—“fit for duty.” work task.
related symptoms.
Report potential risks to manager ■■
Length of time awake since last
Counsel employees regarding
if feeling fatigued. major sleep period (more than
major sleep disorders.
Report fatigue-related errors and two hours) prior to work task.
incidents. ■■
Length of last major sleep
Sleep apnea.
period (more than two hours).
3. Training and Education ■■
Restless leg syndrome.
Total length of any nap(s) since
■■ Train employees on the organization’s ■■
last major sleep period.
fatigue management policies and ■■ Fatigue-proofing.
Total amount of sleep in the
procedures. Target the areas of highest fatigue
24 hours prior to the work task
■■ Train employees on how to identify in the schedule with fatigue-
(including naps).
and manage risks associated with proofing strategies. ■■
Total amount of sleep in the
fatigue at both a personal and an ■■
Double-checking to increase
48 hours prior to the work task
organizational level. probability of finding errors.
(including naps).
■■ Train managers and employees on Close supervision.
Time periods worked two days
their responsibilities in managing Task rotation.
prior to day of task.
fatigue. Checklists.
Work in pairs.

W W W .boeing.com/co m m e r c ia l/ ae r o ma ga z i n e
Figure 2: The maintenance fatigue section of the FAA Web site Figure 3: Fatigue-awareness posters from the FAA
the FAA and transport canada offer a number of fatigue management the FAA has produced a series of educational posters designed to bring
resources on their Web sites, including complete fatigue management awareness to human fatigue in aviation maintenance.

sites at www.mxfatigue.com and ■ training assessment tools that can be S uMMARy

www.tc.gc.ca/eng/civilaviation/standards/ used by trainers to evaluate the fatigue
sms-frms-menu-634.htm, respectively management training program for both When aviation maintenance technicians
(see fig. 2). these materials include: mechanics and supervisors. are fatigued, they are more likely to make
mistakes in their work. implementing an
■■ Fatigue awareness materials, such as ■■ implementation guide for companies
FrmS can help airlines and mros reduce
newsletters and posters (see fig. 3). interested in implementing a systematic
the hazards associated with fatigued
fatigue management system.
■ training and education programs that workers. materials for creating an FrmS
can provide mechanics with the training ■ return-on-investment calculator to are available online.
necessary to adequately combat fatigue determine the risk, cost, and benefit For more information, please
both on and off the job. associated with fatigue and fatigue contact William rankin at william.l.rankin
management in an organization. @boeing.com.
■■ Fatigue awareness video entitled

Aer o q uA r t e r ly qt r_02 | 11

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