Episode 33 A Breakdown: 35 LAURA I'm Just Not Ready To Get Serious With Anyone
Episode 33 A Breakdown: 35 LAURA I'm Just Not Ready To Get Serious With Anyone
Episode 33 A Breakdown: 35 LAURA I'm Just Not Ready To Get Serious With Anyone
A Breakdown
68 Kevin and Laura turn in to Laura’s driveway.
69 KEVIN When are you going back to school?
70 LAURA Tomorrow.
71 KEVIN Jeez, what am I supposed to say?. . . Good luck, I guess.
72 LAURA You’re a sweet guy, Kev. Good night.
73 They hug. She gets out of the car, and Kevin sits in sadness.
75 Brendan and Anne sit and listen to Rebecca’s phone calls.
76 REBECCA Thanks, John. Do me a favor. . . If you do hear from him, have him call me right
77 away, OK?. . . Sorry for calling so late. . . Bye.
78 Rebecca hangs up the phone.
79 BRENDAN He’s been gone for hours. Where would he go?
80 REBECCA I don’t know. I’ve called all of his friends.. . at least the ones I know. But I’ve
81 been gone for a while.. . He may have some new friends...
82 Anne is at the window.
83 ANNE Oh, here comes a car.. . No, no, it’s not him. Sorry.
84 Rebecca starts dialing another number.
85 REBECCA This is a long shot, but maybe my friend Sandy knows who he hangs out with.
87 Jack is asleep, face down on the bed. We see an empty beer can on the night table. As the phone rings, he
88 awakens. Sandy gets up at the same time from where she is sleeping on the sofa.
89 JACK Why don’t you answer the damn phone?
90 Sandy walks down the hall and picks up the phone. Sandy’s right eye appears swollen.
91 SANDY Hello.
92 REBECCA Sandy, it’s Rebecca. How are you doing?
93 SANDY (speaking softly) I’m OK. . . What’s up?
94 REBECCA Listen, have you seen or heard from Kevin?
95 SANDY Kevin? No, why?
96 REBECCA Well, to make a long story short, he swiped my uncle’s car keys. We think he’s
97 driving around somewhere.
98 SANDY Oh God! Poor kid. . . No, I haven’t seen him.
99 Jack yells from the bedroom.
100 JACK Who is it?
101 SANDY It’s Rebecca. She doesn’t know where Kevin is.
102 REBECCA Do you know who he hangs around with these days?
103 SANDY No, we really haven’t talked much.
104 REBECCA If you hear anything, call me, OK?
105 SANDY Sure.
106 Jack appears in the doorway.
107 JACK Why the hell is she calling this time of night? I’m trying to get some sleep.
108 Jack heads to the refrigerator to get another beer.
109 SANDY I’ve gotta go. I’ll call you tomorrow, all right?
110 REBECCA Something wrong? What’s going on over there?
111 SANDY I really have to go.
112 Jack gets angry and strides over to Sandy.
113 JACK I told you get off the phone!
114 SANDY I’ll call you tomorrow.
115 He pulls the phone off the wall. Rebecca tries to talk to Sandy.
116 REBECCA Sandy? Sandy!
118 Rebecca, Brendan, and Anne sit at the kitchen table. The front door closes and Kevin steps into the kitchen.
119 Rebecca jumps to her feet.
120 REBECCA Kevin! Where the hell have you been? We’ve been worried sick. You took Uncle
121 Brendan’s car, didn’t you?
122 KEVIN (nods) Yeah...
123 Kevin takes the keys out of his pocket and tosses them onto the tables
124 REBECCA Oh, Kevin...
125 KEVIN I took your car.
126 Brendan comes slowly over to him.
127 BRENDAN Kevin, whatever the reason, that was not a clever thing to do.
128 Kevin nods, avoiding Brendan’s eyes.
129 ANNE But we’re glad you made it back safely.
130 BRENDAN If anything had happened, we would have been in big trouble. The insurance on
131 the car doesn’t cover you.
132 REBECCA I mean, Kevin, how could you do that? We had no idea where you were.
133 Kevin, though he had been feeling better, finds he can’t deal with all of this. He turns away. Rebecca grabs
134 him and turns him around.
135 REBECCA Kevin, talk to me. . . Why did you do that?
136 Kevin looks as if he is about to explain, but then doesn’t.
137 BRENDAN Were you drinking?
138 Kevin looks up and meets Brendan’s eyes.
139 KEVIN No.
140 REBECCA Look, you owe us an apology. . . especially Uncle Brendan and Aunt Anne.
141 ANNE It’s OK. We all did foolish things when we were kids...
142 REBECCA Yeah, well, he is not a kid anymore, OK? He’s nearly eighteen years old. . . and
143 he expects us to treat him like an adult.
144 KEVIN Shut up! Just leave me alone.
145 He walks back toward the front door and out.
146 REBECCA Kevin! Where do you think you’re going?
147 But he goes down the stairs. Rebecca yells after him.
148 REBECCA Kevin Casey! Stop this minute! Do you hear me?
153 Rebecca looks after Kevin. She then walks back into the apartment to get her coat and reassure her aunt
154 and uncle.
155 REBECCA I’ll take care of this, OK? I’m gonna go get him.
167 We see Kevin sitting underneath a jungle gym. Rebecca sees Kevin, and her mood softens.
168 Rebecca walks down the staircase toward Kevin. He is crying.
169 REBECCA (calling gently) Key...
170 She moves closer carefully and sits next to him.
171 REBECCA I know it hurts. Dad’s death. Mom’s death. Everything.
172 KEVIN Why? Why is everyone always bugging me? Why can’t they just leave me alone?
173 Why did Dad have to die?
174 Rebecca and Kevin sit in the darkness. She finally comes up with a way to reach her brother.
175 REBECCA When I was driving to California by myself, I felt pretty bad, pretty alone like you
176 do right now. And I wrote this song. Can I sing it to you?
177 KEVIN Do I have a choice?
178 REBECCA Urn—no.
179 Kevin looks disgusted. She begins to sing. it’s a terrible country-western song, full of self-pity and personal
180 problems. Rebecca sings it in a funny, country-western voice.