PROJECT No. 2 (Group Project) : Normal Distribution
PROJECT No. 2 (Group Project) : Normal Distribution
PROJECT No. 2 (Group Project) : Normal Distribution
2 (Group Project)
Normal Distribution
Some of the inferences we will draw about a population given sample data depend upon the
underlying distribution being a normal distribution. There are multiple ways to check how
"normal" a given data set is, but for now it will suffice to
1. Draw a histogram. If the histogram departs dramatically from a "bell-shaped curve", one
should not assume the underlying distribution is normal.
2. Check for outliers. Carefully investigate any that are found. If they were the result of a
legitimate error, it may be safe to throw out that value and proceed. If not, or if there is
more than one outlier, the distribution might not be normal.
3. Check for skewness. If the histogram indicates a strong skew to the right or left, the
underlying distribution is likely not normal.
4. Calculate for the measure of central tendency. The mean, median, and standard deviation
should be almost the same.