Soil and Water Engineering: Course Description and Objectives
Soil and Water Engineering: Course Description and Objectives
Soil and Water Engineering: Course Description and Objectives
Course Outcomes:
The student will be able to:
Design prototype models of drop spillway, drop inlet spillway and chute spillway with
standard procedures.
Analyze various soil and water conservation structure designs using software.
ACTIVITIES: SOIL EROSION : Soil erosion - causes, types and agents of soil erosion, Water erosion, Forms of
water erosion, Mechanics of erosion, Effect of slope, Slope length, Soil, Vegetation, Topographical
o Identification of features and rainfall on erosion, Gullies and their classification, Stages of gully development, Soil
gully affected loss estimation- universal soil loss equation and modified soil loss equation, Determination of
areas and their various parameters.
recommendations UNIT - 2 L-10, T-03
to control.
EROSION CONTROL MEASURES : Agronomic measures: contour cropping, Strip cropping, Mulching,
o Measurement Mechanical measures- terraces – level and graded broad base terraces and their design, Bench
of terraces and their design, Layout procedure, Terrace planning, Bunds- contour bunds, Graded
sedimentation bunds and their design, Gully and ravine reclamation- principles of gully control, Vegetative and
in rivers using temporary structures, Control measures for stream bank and coastal erosion.
UNIT - 3 L-10, T-03
SEDIMENTATION AND WIND EROSION : Landslides, Factors causing it, Land slips, Measures for
o Construction of control; Sedimentation in reservoirs and streams; Estimation and measurement, Sediment delivery
windbreaks ratio, Trap efficiency, Land use capability classification, Grassed waterways and their design,
and shelter Introduction to water harvesting techniques, Introduction to stream water quality and pollution, Wind
belts in farmers erosion- factors affecting wind erosion, Mechanics of wind erosion, Soil loss estimation, Wind
fields. erosion control measures, Vegetative, Mechanical measures, Wind breaks and shelterbelts, Sand
dunes stabilization.
o Structural
design of UNIT - 4 L-10, T-03
various CONSERVATION STRUCTURES : Classification of conservation structures, Functional requirements
structures. of soil erosion control structures, Flow in open channel, Types of flow, State of flow, Regimes of flow,
Energy and momentum principles, Specific energy and specific force, Flow transitions due to hump
o Construction of
and width variations, Hydraulic jump and its application, Type of hydraulic jump, Energy dissipation
dugout farm
due to jump, Jump efficiency, Relative loss of energy, Straight drop spillway, General description,
Functional use, Advantages and disadvantages, Structural parts and functions, Components of
o Demonstration spillway, Hydrologic and hydraulic design, Free board and wave free board, Aeration of weirs,
of flow net Concept of free and submerged flow.
through model. UNIT - 5 L-10, T-03
STRUCTURE DESIGN : Structural design of a drop spillway, Loads on headwall, Variables affecting
equivalent fluid pressure, Determination of saturation line for different flow conditions, Seepage
under the structure, Equivalent fluid pressure, Triangular load diagram for various flow conditions,
Creep line theory, Uplift pressure estimation, Safety against sliding, overturning, crushing and
tension, Chute spillway, General description and its components, Hydraulic design, Energy
dissipaters, Design criteria of a SAF stilling basin and its limitations, Drop inlet spillway general
description, Functional use, Design criteria; Design of diversions; Small earth embankment, Their
types and design principles, Farm ponds, Percolation ponds, Check dams and Reservoirs.
1. R. Suresh, “Soil and water Conservation Engineering”, 4th Edition, Standard Publishers
and Distributors, 1997.
1. V. V. N. Murty and M. K. Jha, “Land and Water Management Engineering”, 6th Edition, Kalyani
Publishers, 2013.
2. G. O. Schwab, R. K. Frevert, T. W. Edminister and K. K. Barnes, “Soil and Water Conservation
Engineering”, 3rd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 1993.
3. A. M. Michael and T. P. Ojha, “Principles of Agricultural Engineering, Vol. II”, Jain Brothers,
New Delhi, 1985.