Chronic Adaptations To Training: Liveitup2
Chronic Adaptations To Training: Liveitup2
Chronic Adaptations To Training: Liveitup2
Chronic adaptations
to training
Whenever an individual engages in training there are placed upon it and are referred to as chronic
two types of physiological responses that their body adaptations to training. The combined effect
produces as a result of the demands of the exercise. of all chronic adaptations is known as the
These are: training effect.
• Immediate, short-term responses that last only This chapter examines the chronic adaptations to
for the duration of the training or exercise session training, that occur at the system (circulatory and res-
and for a short time-period afterwards (recovery). piratory) level and the tissue (muscular) level.
These are commonly referred to as acute responses Acute responses were covered in year 11 and are
to exercise. not directly assessed in the year 12 course. However,
• Long-term responses that develop over a period it may be useful to briefly revise these concepts as
of time (usually a minimum of six weeks) when they provide a solid grounding for a complete under-
training is repeated regularly. These responses standing of chronic adaptations (refer to chapters 5
involve the body adapting to the new demands and 6, Live it up 1, second edition).
• identify and summarise the chronic adaptations
to aerobic and anaerobic training that occur
at the system (circulatory and respiratory) level
and tissue (muscle) level.
Figure 8.5:
Cardiac output at rest Increased cardiac output at maximum workloads
and at maximal exercise
While cardiac output remains unchanged at rest and even during sub-
for trained and untrained subjects
maximal exercise regardless of training status, it does increase during
30 maximal workloads. During maximal exercise, cardiac output may increase
to values of 20–22 litres per minute for untrained males and 15–16 litres per
Rest — trained and untrained athletes
Respiratory adaptations
Increased lung ventilation
Regular aerobic training results in more efficient and improved lung
ventilation. At rest and during sub-maximal exercise, ventilation may
in fact be reduced due to improved oxygen extraction. However, during
maximal workloads, ventilation is increased because of increased tidal
volume and respiratory frequency. Pulmonary diffusion — the ability
of the blood to extract oxygen from the alveoli — is also enhanced as a
result of training.
the Tour de France during a flat stage and more than 8000
calories during a mountain stage.
Studies say the average human burns
By Mike Van Niekerk between 1400 and 2500 calories a
Tomorrow in Paris, Lance Armstrong Between 1992 and 1999 Coyle day. All that energy has to come from
will call it quits. Barring an acci- had the unique opportunity to test somewhere. Meals during the Tour
dent before the 2005 Tour de France Armstrong’s body and chart how are simple and nourishing. Breakfast
crosses the Champs Elysees finish it adapted to intense training and consists of eggs, pasta, rice, bread,
line, the 33-year-old American will competition. Armstrong was an yoghurt, cereals. During the race,
retire with a seventh straight yellow extraordinary athlete who … dra- lunch is handed to the riders in bags
jersey on his shoulders and a repu- matically improved over time. called musettes. They contain
tation as one of the greatest athletes To do well, Coyle said, cyclists high-carbohydrate items: small
of his generation. needed a big heart, low levels of sandwiches filled with honey and
Watching the devastating ease with lactic acid in their blood — the by- banana slices, cakes, energy bars,
which Armstrong this week matched product of intense exercise — and the energy gells and water or sports drinks.
every attack by his rivals in the steep ability to efficiently generate power, After a stage, team members snack on
climbs of the Pyrenees, you would measured as watts. When Armstrong, cereal and high-protein foods. Dinner
think he was superhuman — and you then 20, first asked Coyle for an analy- consists of meats, pasta, rice, salad,
would be right. Armstrong is a physi- sis of his potential, he already had the bread and dessert.
cal freak, spectacularly well adapted big heart and low lactic acid. But his
to the harsh demands of endurance muscle efficiency was not very good,
bicycle racing. Coyle said. It came in at 21 per cent.
His heart is a third bigger than That first year, two other athletes Stimulated by years of training
average, pumping blood to his we studied were better. Armstrong intensely for up to six hours most
muscles more efficiently; at rest his improved until his career was sus- days, Armstrong’s muscles changed
heart rate is 32 beats a minute, less pended in 1996: he was diagnosed from 60 per cent slow-twitch fibre —
than half the average. His blood is with testicular cancer, which had the kind that doesn’t burn out quickly
more saturated than normal, even for spread to his lungs and brain. Eight — to 80 per cent.
a top-level sportsman, with energy- months after his treatment ended, Clearly, this champion embodies a
producing oxygen; his VO2 max Coyle’s tests found nothing perma- phenomenon of both genetic natural
rating, which measures how much nently wrong with Armstrong. selection and the extreme to which the
oxygen the lungs can consume during The last test was done in 1999, human can adapt to endurance train-
exercise, is 85. An average healthy after Armstrong won his first Tour de ing performed for a decade or more in
male might rate a 40. France. a person who is truly inspired, Coyle
Even in an untrained state, In the previous two years his wrote.
Armstrong is at the same level as a lactic acid had dropped further and Good genes and sheer hard work.
highly trained but less gifted athlete, his efficiency increased to 23 per cent. Armstrong is a driven personality,
according to scientist Edward Coyle. Together with the weight loss during whose attention to detail shocked
Go back to those Pyrenean climbs cancer treatment he was delivering the Europeans. Never had anyone
again. Armstrong can ride uphill 18 per cent more power — meaning reconnoitred every mountain climb
generating about 500 watts of power he could go faster up mountains with months ahead of the tour — ridden
for 20 minutes, something a typical less effort. them repeatedly for training, as well
25-year-old could do for only 30 Coyle’s study, Improved Muscu- as memorised those parts where he or
seconds. A professional hockey player lar Efficiency Displayed as Tour de other riders might attack.
— perhaps even an AFL footballer — France Champion Matures, in the Few, if any, top cyclists have
might last three minutes then throw June issue of the Journal of Applied combined a precision diet to give
up, according to Coyle, director of the Physiology, reveals the combination of themselves exactly the right race-
human performance laboratory at the natural gifts and focused hard work ready weight in July with carefully
University of Texas. that took Armstrong to the top. calibrated training and racing to
reach a physical peak at the end of the It’s possible the 102-year-old Tour Foundation for cancer research and
first week of the tour, when the race de France will never again produce awareness.
hits the first mountains. Jan Ullrich, another rider who can win seven In an interview with Outdoor mag-
Armstrong’s most noted challenger times straight. No one has done it azine last month, Armstrong said
for six of the past seven years, is before. that one night recently he drove with
well known to put on weight in the Astonishingly, Armstrong has quit his rock musician girlfriend Sheryl
off season then over-compensate by at the height of his powers. It’s com- Crow past the governor’s mansion in
losing the excess too quickly before monly accepted that on the strength his home town of Austin, the capital
the tour, stressing his system. of this year’s performance, measured of Texas. It’s a nice mansion. Nice
Armstrong has surrounded himself against his rivals, he could likely win place, nice house, he teased. If he
with experts, such as celebrity coach an eighth yellow jersey in 2006. does decide to go into public life, it’s
Chris Carmichael and Italian Michele What he’ll do now is open to spec- certain you will hear the name Lance
Ferrari — although less openly since ulation. Having earned a reported Armstrong in future just as often as
he was implicated in a drugs scandal $36.6 million in 2004 in salary and when he was winning the Tour de
— with whom he daily discusses endorsements, on top of previous France.
training statistics. years’ earnings and with an ongoing
Finally, there is Armstrong’s commercial relationship with the Dis-
incredible desire to win. Even sur- covery Channel and other sponsors,
The Age, 23 July, 2005
rounded by attacking rivals, as he has he’ll be able to do as he pleases. He
been in this tour, he has never once sat will certainly continue promoting
back when the challenges came. the work of his Lance Armstrong
Figure 8.7:
Case study of an elite athlete’s
adaptations to training
Aerobic training enhances the body’s ability to attract oxygen into the
muscle cells and then utilise it to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for
muscle contraction. This process occurs in the following ways:
Mitochondrial number
Glycogen oxidation
Myoglobin content
glyceride stores are oxidised. The greater the number and size of the
20 mitochondria located within the muscle, the greater the oxidisation of
fuels to produce ATP.
0 • Increased myoglobin stores. Myoglobin is the substance in the muscle cell
5 days per 5 days per that attracts oxygen from the bloodstream into the muscle. Aerobic
week for week for
12 weeks 28 weeks
training significantly increases the myoglobin content in the muscle and
therefore its ability to extract oxygen.
Figure 8.8: Figure 8.8 illustrates the effect of aerobic training on these parameters.
Effects of aerobic training on
muscle tissue Increased muscular fuel stores
Aerobic training also leads to increases in the muscular storage of glycogen,
free fatty acids and triglycerides, along with the oxidative enzymes required
to metabolise these fuel stores and produce ATP.
Figure 8.9:
Summary of muscle tissue Before training After training
adaptations to aerobic
(endurance) training Mitochondria
(size and Increased
Myoglobin Increased
stores Increased
Some conversion of
Type 2B fibres to
Type Type 2A fibres
Muscle hypertrophy
Anaerobic training can result in significant enlarge-
ment of muscle fibres (mainly Type 2B fast-twitch fibres)
resulting in muscular hypertrophy (an increase in the
cross-sectional size of the muscle) and subsequently,
greater strength, (figure 8.10). This hypertrophy occurs
as a result of an increased size and number of myofibrils
per muscle fibre and increased amounts of myosin and
actin myofilaments. Muscular hypertrophy is more pro-
nounced in males than females due to greater levels of
testosterone within men.
Phosphocreatine stores
Creatine kinase activity
efits the athlete in activities that require speed, strength and power.
Glycolytic capacity
40 Increased glycolytic capacity
Enhanced muscular storage of glycogen and increases in the levels of gly-
20 colytic enzymes are also adaptations accompanying anaerobic training.
10 Consequently, the capacity of the anaerobic glycolysis (lactic acid) system to
0 produce energy is enhanced (figure 8.11).
Figure 8.11: Cardiac hypertrophy
Effects of anaerobic training
on muscular stores of ATP,
The most significant circulatory system adaptation resulting from anaer-
PC and glycogen
obic training is cardiac hypertrophy. Sustained anaerobic training results in
the hypertrophy (enlargement) of the heart muscle itself. However, rather
than increasing the size, and therefore volume, of the ventricular chambers,
which occurs after prolonged aerobic training, anaerobic training produces
an increase in the thickness of the ventricular walls (figure 8.12). While no
change in stroke volume occurs, a more forceful contraction takes place and
hence a more forceful ejection of blood from the heart.
Table 8.1
Summary of chronic training adaptations
Evident at:
Tissue or maximal Maximal
system level Specific adaptation to types of training Rest exercise exercise
Circulatory system Aerobic training
Cardiac hypertrophy — increase in size Yes Yes Yes
(volume) of ventricular cavities
Increased capillarisation of the heart muscle Yes Yes Yes
Increased stroke volume Yes Yes Yes
Lower resting heart rate Yes NA NA
Lower heart rate during sub-maximal NA Yes NA
Improved heart-rate recovery rates NA Yes Yes
Increased cardiac output at maximum NA NA Yes
Lower blood pressure Yes Yes Yes
Increased a-VO2 diff Yes Yes Yes
Increased capillarisation of skeletal muscle Yes Yes Yes
Changes to blood cholesterol, triglycerides, Yes Yes Yes
low and high-density lipoprotein levels
Anaerobic training
Cardiac hypertrophy — increase in the Yes Yes Yes
thickness of the ventricular walls
Respiratory system Aerobic training
Increased lung ventilation Yes Yes Yes
Increased VO2 max NA NA Yes
Increased lactate threshold NA NA Yes
Muscle tissue Aerobic training
Increased oxygen utilisation No Yes Yes
Increased size of mitochondria Yes Yes Yes
Increased myoglobin stores Yes Yes Yes
Increased muscular fuel stores: Yes Yes Yes
Glycocen Yes Yes Yes
Triglycerides Yes Yes Yes
Free fatty acids Yes Yes Yes
Oxidative enzymes Yes Yes Yes
NA: not applicable
— the type and method of training
— the frequency, duration and intensity of training
— the individual athlete’s capacities and genetic make-up.
• Table 8.1 (pages 262–3) summarises the main chronic training adaptations
that have been discussed in this chapter.
Review questions
1. Define in your own words the following key terms all of which appear in
this chapter. When you have finished, check your definitions with those
in the glossary on page 435.
Arterio-venous oxygen Capillarisation
difference (a-VO2 diff)
Cardiac hypertrophy Cardiac output
Chronic adaptations De-training
Glycogen sparing Hypertension
Lactate threshold Lung ventilation
Maximum oxygen uptake Mitochondria
(VO2 max)
Muscular hypertrophy Myoglobin
Oxidative enzymes Pulmonary diffusion
Respiratory frequency Stroke volume
Tidal volume Type 1 slow-twitch
oxidative fibres
Type 2A fast-twitch Type 2B fast-twitch
oxidative fibres glycolytic fibres
2. Which of the following is not a chronic adaptation to training?
(a) increased red blood-cell count
(b) increased capillarisation of the heart muscle
(c) increased muscular storage of glycogen
(d) increased resting heart rate.
3. Which of the following chronic adaptations to training would indicate
an improved level of aerobic fitness?
(a) decreased stroke volume at rest
(b) increased cardiac output during maximal exercise
(c) increased blood pressure at rest
(d) decreased arterio-venous oxygen difference during sub-maximal
threshold. What chronic adaptations to training help bring about
this improvement in an athlete’s lactate threshold? What advantages
does a higher lactate threshold have for both anaerobic-type athletes
(e.g. sprinters) and aerobic-type athletes (e.g. longer-distance
Figure 8.14:
Effects of aerobic training on
muscle glycogen stores
Websites Athletes Training for Performance Isokinetics Explained Masters Athletes Physiology and
Performance (MAPP) Peak Performance Online Sports Coach Teach