St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts is a school located in Balibago City, Santa Rosa Laguna, Philippines. Its contact information includes an address, telephone number, and email address.
Angel Marie Baluyo rates her fitness level a 4 out of 10 because she does not exercise regularly, is obese, and eats a lot. She thinks the most probable time for her to engage in a personal workout would be in the evenings from 4pm to 6pm. Things that deter her from a healthy diet include not eating vegetables and fruits, loving junk food, liking to eat a lot, and not having family support.
St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts is a school located in Balibago City, Santa Rosa Laguna, Philippines. Its contact information includes an address, telephone number, and email address.
Angel Marie Baluyo rates her fitness level a 4 out of 10 because she does not exercise regularly, is obese, and eats a lot. She thinks the most probable time for her to engage in a personal workout would be in the evenings from 4pm to 6pm. Things that deter her from a healthy diet include not eating vegetables and fruits, loving junk food, liking to eat a lot, and not having family support.
St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts is a school located in Balibago City, Santa Rosa Laguna, Philippines. Its contact information includes an address, telephone number, and email address.
Angel Marie Baluyo rates her fitness level a 4 out of 10 because she does not exercise regularly, is obese, and eats a lot. She thinks the most probable time for her to engage in a personal workout would be in the evenings from 4pm to 6pm. Things that deter her from a healthy diet include not eating vegetables and fruits, loving junk food, liking to eat a lot, and not having family support.
St. Ignatius Technical Institute of Business and Arts is a school located in Balibago City, Santa Rosa Laguna, Philippines. Its contact information includes an address, telephone number, and email address.
Angel Marie Baluyo rates her fitness level a 4 out of 10 because she does not exercise regularly, is obese, and eats a lot. She thinks the most probable time for her to engage in a personal workout would be in the evenings from 4pm to 6pm. Things that deter her from a healthy diet include not eating vegetables and fruits, loving junk food, liking to eat a lot, and not having family support.
Business and Arts Old National Highway Balibago City of Santa Rosa, Laguna Tel. No.; (049)- 534-0446 / 0918- 5418-616, E-mail :
Name: Angel Marie Baluyo
Discussion Points:
1. On scale of 1 to 10, how fit do you see yourself?
4 because i do not exercise regularly add the fact
that I’m obese and I ate a lot.
2. After school or on weekends, when is the most probable time for you to engage in your own personal workout?
Evening hmm 4pm to 6pm.
3. List at least 3 things that deter you from following a healthy diet?
• I don’t eat vegetable and fruits
• I love junk food • I like to eat a lot • My family is not supportive