Bisoma Clinical Reports

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Frozen shoulder

Complaints: Left frozen shoulder for 8 months due to a fall. MRI showed
no tear. Right shoulder recently began to be painful. Being a side
sleeper, it was very difficult to be in bed on either left or right side of the
body.  She did not see a progression of improvement even with
therapies and medications.

Acupuncture: Left-side yang horary points in Metal-Order of LI1, UB66,

GB41, SI5, and ST36.
Treatment process: She had 7 acupuncture treatments so far. After
each treatment, the improvement has been linear with less intensity,
frequency, and duration. In addition, range of motion had increased to
nearly normal. She was comfortably able to sleep on her side. Even with
regular strenuous exercises that aggravated the pain, she recovered
Discussion: Maintaining the quality of life and active lifestyle is the
ultimate reason people seek treatment.

Complaints: A constant sciatic pain on the left side, radiating from the hip
down to toe caused by a disc herniation at lumbar 4-5. Ibuprofen was
taken every 6 hours.  
Acupuncture: Let-side yang horary points in Wood-Order of GB44, SI2,
ST43, LI5, and UB40 (ST36 works as well).
Treatment process: Two years ago, the pain was resolved with 10
treatments in 6 weeks. The first treatment in Metal-Order of LI1, UB66,
GB41, SI5, and ST36 did not produce any relief. A switch to Wood-Order
immediately relieved the leg pain. Additional treatments incrementally
provided further relief and she was pain-free by the 10th visit. The
patient recently came back this time with a right sciatic pain. She had
two epidural shots one and two months ago, respectively. There was
some relief in the right leg, but the low back pain was still persistent.
Standing for longer than 10 minutes led to a severe pain. She had 4
treatments of the same protocol of left-side Wood-Order. The first
treatment was immediately helpful, and the pain is improving
incrementally. She can stand straighter and longer and walk further with
less pain.    
Discussion: One-sided acupuncture, whether contralateral or ipsilateral,
has the same improvement regardless of the nature or location of the


Complaints: In addition to the original low back pain, bilateral carpal
tunnel, and heel stiffness, she had other problems such as right
shoulder, right knee, and left elbow pain. They were all caused by
physical work and strenuous exercise.
Acupuncture: Right side Yang Horary Points in Metal-Order of LI1,
UB66, GB41, SI5, and ST36. Both LI1 and UB66 were not stimulated
because she has a low pain tolerance. Wood points LI3, SI3, ST43, and
UB65 were added because her constitution is a Lesser Yang and
Greater Yang combination, making the wood most central element.
Treatment process: She had 58 acupuncture treatments so far in a
span of 2 years. Over time, he had incremental benefits in intensity,
frequency, and duration. Whenever she had new or re-injuries, she
experienced significant relief after one or two treatments.
Discussion: Even for people with highly sensitive skin, we can stimulate
less painful acupuncture points that the patients can be tolerant with.  
Complaints: Chronic sinusitis and headache for 13 years. Antibiotics,
steroids, and nasal sprays were either temporarily or not helpful.
Facial throbbing pain was very uncomfortable, especially on the left side.
Sinus was mostly congested. She had difficulty breathing through the
nose. Acupuncture: Left-side Yang Horary points in the Wood-Order of
GB44, SI2, ST43, LI5, and ST36 (ST36 is as good as UB40). Treatment
process: The patient had 7 acupuncture treatments so far at 3 times a
week visit. The first treatment of Metal-Order LI1, UB66, GB41, SI5, and
ST36 did not relieve the sinusitis but Advil reduced the headache quicker
than before. The second Wood-Order acupuncture immediately dried the
mucous and opened the air passage. The third treatment was even more
helpful. On the 4th visit, she was given a Sasang Formula Chuan Xiong
Gui Zhi Tang (Gui Zhi, Bai Shao, Chuan Xiong, Cang Zhu, Chen Pi, Zhi
Gan Cao, Sheng Jiang, Da Zao) for a Lesser Yin and Greater Yang
constitution (aka Soeumin), which was also opened the sinus within the
hour. She is experiencing a significant relief on a weekly basis with less
intensity, frequency, and duration. Discussion: Even with a chronic
physiological problem, a gentle and correct treatment can be
immediately and much helpful. From my observation of past patients, the
long-term follow-up should be a good prognosis of a consistent
significant relief, if not eliminated.


Complaints: Chronic left side low back, hip, and leg pain due to minor
disc bulge, arthritis, and slipped disc according to MRI. Her first epidural
one week ago relieved 20-30% of the pain only in the leg. The pain was
easily aggravated with activities around the house. In addition, she had
constant and uncomfortable tightness in neck and trapezius.
Acupuncture: Left-side yang horary points in Wood-Order of GB44, SI2,
ST43, LI5, and UB40 (ST36 is as good as UB40).
Treatment process: After the first treatment of Metal-Order LI1, UB66,
GB41, SI5, and ST36, the left side pain was slightly less, and the neck
tension remained the same. On the second visit, the points were
changed to Wood-Order, which immediately relieved the tension and
pain. The improved state maintained even with much activities. She had
two additional treatments so far with comparable relief.
Discussion: When there is no or minor relief after one or two treatments
of Yang Metal-Order points, which are effective on 70% of population, an
alternative Wood-Order points for the 30% is reasonable to try. A
comparison between the two sets of points reveals the optimal points for
the patient.


Complaints: Chronic sacroiliac and right knee pain. She broke her left
wrist one and half months ago from a fall.

Acupuncture: Right-side yang horary points in Metal-Order of LI1,

UB66, GB41, SI5, and ST36.

Treatment process: The patient had twice a week acupuncture for 7

treatments so far. There was an immediate and clearly noticeable
weekly relief in all the symptoms with less intensity, frequency, and
Discussion: Her major concern was an inability to have daily walks. At
the age of 72, circulating, toning, and strengthening were crucial for
maintaining the health of her mind and body. This patient drove one hour
from another town with a high hope, which is being satisfactorily met.

Complaints: Arrhythmia and ventricular tachycardia began after a
whooping cough and 3 courses of antibiotics 8 years ago. She had a
surgical heart ablation, which had significantly relieved the heart
problem, although still persistent. In addition, she had sinusitis,
abdominal bloating, thumbs pain, acid reflux, neck stiffness, and low
back pain. With all these problems, she was easily tired on exertion.
Acupuncture: Left-side yin horary points in Metal-Order of LU11, KD2,
LR3, HT4, and SP9. Right-side yang horary points in Metal-Order of LI1,
UB66, GB41, SI5, and ST36.
Treatment process: 7 years ago, on the first visit, this patient was given
a left-side Wood-Order of LR1, HT8, SP3, LU8, and KD10. There was no
relief. However, she noticed an immediate and multiple relief with the
left-side yin Metal-Order. After the 4th treatment, she was able to walk
40 minutes with a good sense of well-being. She had a total of 67
treatments in 4 years with gradual improvement of the multiple
symptoms over time. On the 22nd visit, she was given a right-side yang
points in Metal-Order, which also gave an immediate relief. Since then,
she was given a bilateral acupuncture. This patient came back one
month ago because the arrhythmia had returned for 6 months. She had
an increased anxiety due to the problem. She only lasted 3 minutes on a
heart treadmill test due to an ensuing fatigue. She had 7 treatments so
far with relief again in intensity, frequency, and duration. She can now
walk regularly for 40 minutes at a time with a sense of well-being and no
Discussion: Having gone through the compromise of body at multiple
levels and a prolonged recovery after heart ablation 8 years ago, the
patient opted to try acupuncture again for an immediate and prolonged

Sciatica, Shoulder Pain, Lower Back Pain, Hand Pain

Complaints: Severe right shoulder pain for 3-4 weeks. Hands joint pain
for 3-4 years from a life-long tool working as a profession. The pains
were constant. He still had numbness in left leg after lumbar surgery 10
years ago, relieving much of the low back pain.

Acupuncture: Right-side yang horary points in Wood-Order of GB44,

SI2, ST43, LI5, and UB40 (ST36 is as good).

Treatment process: The patient had 6 acupuncture treatments so far.

The first treatment in Metal-Order of LI1, UB66, GB41, SI5, and ST36
did not produce any relief. A switch to Wood-Order at the second visit
resulted in an immediate relief of pain and increased range of motion.
After the 3rd treatment, the hands and low back pain/sciatica also began
to be better. The relief was clearly noticeable weekly in intensity,
frequency, and duration, even with the continuation of his physical work.
Discussion: The purpose of medicine is to enhance the quality of our
lives so that we can continue the pursuit of purpose and meaning of life
through work and play.

Knee Pain, Muscloskeletal Pain

Complaints: Left side of upper rib cage tenderness still present after
mastectomy 5 years ago. Daily pain in the left knee due to tear in
meniscus. Pain in both knees is aggravated with standing all day at
work. Mentally stressed due to a strained family relationship.

Acupuncture: Left-side yin horary points in Wood-Order of LR1, HT8,

SP3, LU8, and KD10 plus local Heding and Xiyan.

Treatment Process: The patient had 9 acupuncture treatments so far at

twice a week visit. After the first treatment, the patient noticed an
immediate relief which was still better into the following visit. The pains
continued to improve on a weekly basis in intensity, frequency, and
duration. The knees were less painful even with standing all day and
recovered well with rest. She was able to sleep on her left side, which
was difficult since the surgery 5 years ago. Lastly, she had a higher
sense of well-being and felt mentally clearer.

Discussion: Acupuncture helps to enhance the quality of mind and

body to be more efficient throughout the day and for sleep better at night
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Anxiety Disorders
Can Acupuncture help with IBS Treatment?
IBS Symptoms:
Chronic anxiety, abdominal bloating, stomach cramping, frequent bowel
movements and loose stools. All symptoms were worse in the mornings
and lessened by the afternoon. In the past two days, he had a significant
increase in all the symptoms.
IBS Acupuncture Points:
Right-side yin horary points in Wood-Order of LR1, HT8, SP3, LU8, and
Can Acupuncture help with IBS Treatment?
The patient had 4 acupuncture treatments in 2 weeks so far. After the
first treatment, he felt an immediate calming of the mind and abdomen.
He slept deeply that evening. Each additional treatment was even more
helpful. By the 4th visit, his symptoms were less by half.
Discussion on if IBS symptoms can be healed by Acupuncture?
In this particular case, the client had a strong gut and brain connection.
When the digestive system does not do well, the anxiety heightens. So,
it is not the conscious mind aggravating the anxiety and the intestines,
but the body’s imbalance worsening the anxiety. In this situation,
acupuncture works very well for both mind and body.

Anxiety Disorders, Headaches

Treatment process: He had acupuncture at twice a week for 14 visits.
Each treatment immediately relieved pain, anxiety, and sinus
congestion. From the 4th visit, he was able to mostly reduce NSAID.
However, his anxiety, headache, and sinusitis had only improved
incrementally on a weekly basis. Each treatment was immediately
helpful, but the relief lasted up to one or two days.

Discussion: Being emotionally hypersensitive from childhood, he had a

life-long propensity for high anxiety, leading to frequent headaches. Two
years ago, he came in for the same problems. With 10 acupuncture
treatments in 3 months, his symptoms were much better. His propensity
for worrying and anxiety easily triggered and aggravated the anxiety and
headache. Acupuncture was helpful, but he needed to learn the tool of
meditation and mindfulness so that he does not allow the problems to be

How can Acupuncture help with Anxiety?

Acupuncture is an ancient traditional Chinese practice that has gained
importance in recent years as an alternative treatment for anxiety. Much
scientific evidence proves that acupuncture can help with certain
symptoms of anxiety. Acupuncture involves inserting sterile needles into
specific pressure points on your body.  According to Chinese medicine,
meridians are channels that allow a constant flow of energy into the
body, and in disease conditions like anxiety, depression or any other
ailment, these channels are congested and cause blockage of energy.
Acupuncture can help maintain a constant flow of energy through these
channels and thus help prevent the disease.
Acupuncture is relatively safe and risk-free and unlike some medications
that produce its effect after a prolonged time, the effect of acupuncture
can be felt immediately and help with anxiety symptoms.

Is Acupuncture effective for anxiety: Science and research 

A case study named Acupuncture for Anxiety. Different approaches
have beneficial effects.1 that involved 36 anxiety patients who were
found to be mildly depressed were treated with an acupuncture protocol
that was traditionally practiced by Chinese medical practitioners to treat
anxiety.  The effectiveness of acupuncture therapy was determined by
measuring Heart rate variability (HRV) and mean heart rate. After the
completion of the therapy, the result was found to be very effective,
showing a significant reduction in the overall anxiety by changing
autonomic activity. To summarize, effectiveness of Acupuncture therapy
for anxiety is well documented.
Outcome: Good

A systematic review named Acupuncture and electroacupuncture for

anxiety disorders: A systematic review of the clinical research.2  was
carried out to know the effectiveness of acupuncture. In the study, three
different types of acupuncture were carried out which included traditional
(body) acupuncture, ear acupuncture (auriculotherapy), and electro-
therapy.  The study revealed that acupuncture is used along with the
prescription of anti-anxiety medications can bring significant effects in
reducing the anxiety disorders.

Outcome: Good

It has been found through various clinical trials that acupuncture

therapies used are proved to bring symptomatic relief to patients
suffering from anxiety disorders.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Anxiety Disorders
Acupuncture Treatment and Points for IBS:
Acupuncture Points: Right-side yin horary points in Wood-Order of
LR1, HT8, SP3, LU8, and KD10.
 Treatment process: This patient had 4 acupuncture treatments in 2
weeks so far. After the first treatment, he felt an immediate calming of
the mind and abdomen. He slept deeply that evening. Each additional
treatment was even more helpful. By the 4th visit, his symptoms were
less by half.
Discussion: He has a strong gut and brain connection. When the
digestive system does not do well, the anxiety heightens. So, it is not the
conscious mind aggravating the anxiety and the intestines, but the
body’s imbalance worsening the anxiety. In this situation, acupuncture
works very well for both mind and body.
 Can Acupuncture Treatment help with relief of IBS?
 Choosing the right treatment to cure irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is
challenging because of its complicated pathophysiology. Acupuncture
therapy is found to be an effective alternative therapy to treat IBS. IBS is
caused due to several factors like stress, hormonal imbalance, food
allergies or illness. Therefore, stimulating a few points in the body will
provide relief from IBS and anxiety. 
Scientific Study – Acupuncture for the treatment of irritable bowel
In this scientific journal, the authors have collected details from 17
studies that include acupuncture treatment in 1806 participants to find if
it is effective in treating IBS. 

Common IBS Acupuncture Points:  

 The important acupuncture pressure points that can help ease IBS by
regulating the underlying organs are listed below:
CV12 – Pressure applied to this potential reflexology point will treat
digestive disorders. It is present midway between the belly button and
CV6 – Longevity point that helps in improving overall health condition. It
is present below the belly button. Applying pressure on this point will
activate the large intestine that helps relieve bloating, abdominal cramps,
aches and IBS.
LI14 – Large intestine 14 treats IBS by regulating acid regurgitation. It is
situated on the upper arm in the radial side and four-finger width beneath
the shoulder blade. 
SP4 - Spleen 4 points is situated midpoint of the inner foot above the
depression of the foot. Pressure applied here will relieve gastric pain and
reduces bloating. 
St25 - Two-thumb width away on either side of the belly button St25
point offers an effective cure from IBS when activated by applying
St36 – It is also called the 3-mile point located 4 finger-width below the
knee cap and one thumb width away from the shinbone. It strengthens
the entire body and cures indigestion. 
UB25 – Urinary bladder 25 pressure point is present at the back on
either side of the 4th lumbar vertebra. It treats IBS and hemorrhoids. 
It is found that acupuncture therapy shows both clinical and statistical
control of the IBS symptoms. Being a natural therapy it does not have
any side effects. 

Muscloskeletal Pain (Muscle spasm in right thigh)

Complaints: Spasm in the right lower thigh three years ago with a
swelling of a golf-ball size which was persistent for one week. Since
then, the spasm and swelling occurred sporadically. It was most often
aggravated with activities and sometimes without an apparent cause.
This time, the problem was persistent for two months straight.

Acupuncture: Right-side yang horary points in Metal-Order of LI1, UB66,

GB41, SI5, and ST36.

Treatment process: The patient had a total of 6 treatments at twice a

week visit. The improvement was linear with steadily decreasing of the
swelling. By the 4th treatment, there was no more swelling. Even with
much physical exercise and demand on the body, there was no
Discussion: Even with problems that are seemingly unsure how to deal
with, acupuncture often comes out as the solution the patient needed.

Acupuncture for Relief of Anxiety After Accident

Back Pain, Chronic Pain, Depression, Drug Addiction,
Muscloskeletal Pain, Anxiety Disorders

Medical History:
Severe car accident 6 years ago causing multiple bone fractures and
necessitating extensive surgery. Pain medications and heroin to manage
pain and stress.

Chief Complaint: A severe car accident 6 years ago caused multiple

broken bones, necessitating extensive corrective surgery. He had
constant and chronic low back, bilateral sciatica, right arm, and left leg
pains. He was still in constant pain at the minimum level of 6/10. It was
easily aggravated with small amount of physical exertion. He had a lack
of motivation, was often bedridden, and the mind couldn’t function freely.
The amount of sleep was between 2 to 3 hours per night.
Case Management:
Acupuncture: Right-side yang horary points in Metal-Order of LI1,
UB66, GB41, SI5, ST36 with wood points LI3, SI3, ST43, and UB65,
which are central elements for his Lesser Yang and Greater Yang

Treatment process: This patient had 18 acupuncture treatments in 3

months so far. During the first visit, he slept through the whole 25-minute
session and 30 minutes more until he was prompted to wake up. He had
the best deep sleep in years. From then on, he had a definite weekly
improvement in intensity, frequency, and duration both in the mind and
body. After the 13th visit, he was able to exercise for more than one hour
without aggravation. By the 18th visit, he reported having close to zero

Discussion: Chronic pains make it difficult to have a healthy mindset

and to live a normal life. So, it is easier to take prescription medications
and illegal drugs to relieve the anguish. Fortunately, acupuncture was
able to eliminate most of the pain, increase stamina, and bring hope for
his future. In addition, a drug rehabilitation center, which he was
participating in, is crucial in providing mind and social support.

What is Anxiety and its causes, symptoms, and Prevalence?

Lot of us suffer from anxiety with our harried lifestyle in today’s day and
age. What exactly is anxiety and how do you know that you suffer from
Anxiety is an emotion that is characterized by feelings of tension, worried
thoughts that may lead to increased blood pressure. Everyone
experiences some kind of anxiety at some point in their life, the duration
and severity of an anxious feeling determine whether the individual is
suffering from an anxiety disorder or not. Anxiety disorders are the most
common mental illness that affects people all over the world most
commonly women. Anxiety arises due to stress, medications, and lack of
oxygen.  A person suffering from anxiety disorder can experience
excessive anxiety energy, fear, apprehension, depression and in long
term can also lead to secondary effects like loneliness, hopelessness,
thoughts of suicide, and deep sadness.
Neck Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Lower Back Pain
Complaints: As a profession, she sits in front of a computer work all day
long, causing a constant tension in the whole of her back. She had a
whiplash injury at age 25, causing a chronic neck tension. Right carpal
tunnel due to excessive typing.

Acupuncture: Right-side yang horary points in Metal-Order of LI1, UB66,

GB41, SI5, and ST36 with earth points GB34 and LI11 because she is a
Lesser Yin and Greater Yin combination (aka Soeumin in Sasang,
Kapha in Ayurveda, Melancholic in Unani, and LinGin in Tetrasoma).

Treatment process: She had 34 treatments so far. Twice a week for the
first 12 visits, and the visits gradually tapered down to once every 3
weeks. After the first treatment, there was an immediate and significant
relief. Additional treatments provided a less frequency, less intensity,
and shorter duration of pain on a weekly basis. When there was an
aggravation, she recovered quickly. Now she is mostly pain-free. When
she caught a cold or flu, a Sasang herbal formula Chuan Xiong Gui Zhi
Tang (Gui Zhi, Bai Shao, Chuan Xiong, Cang Zhu, Chen Pi, Zhi Gan
Cao, Sheng Jiang, and Da Zao) immediately stopped the progression
and helped a quick recovery.

Discussion: Acupuncture and Asian herbs help increase quality of living.

They helped her body to be healthier and better functioning so that her
profession as a writer and personal life as a matriarch of a large family
were enhanced.
Insomnia, Menopause, Lower Back Pain
Complaints: This patient began acupuncture 4 years ago for a 4-month
low back pain with right sciatica. MRI, CT and ultrasound did not show
any problem. Hot flashes and insomnia related to perimenopause began
2 years after the initial acupuncture treatment.

Acupuncture: Right side yin horary points in Wood-Order of LR1, HT8,

SP3, LU8, and KD10 with wood points SP1 and LU11 because her
constitution is a Lesser Yang and Greater Yang combination (aka
Soyangin in Sasang, Vatta in Ayurveda, Sanguine in Unani, and
LangGang in Tetrasoma).

Treatment process: The patient had 52 acupuncture treatments so far

with most symptoms gone. Although there was fluctuation in symptoms,
especially at the beginning, the relief of all the problems were less in
frequency, less in duration, and shorter in duration overtime.

Discussion: As on a bell curve, some patients do not have fast relief.

Others have a leap and bound of an improvement. At times, patience
and persistence is required for an accumulated and eventual lasting

Neck Pain, Headaches

7 acupuncture treatments had much resolved the pain. Then she had a
poisonous spider bite in the middle of the night in bed. A black widow
stung her left trapezius, causing severe chills, pain, swelling, and
profuse sweating all through her body. Morphine and NSAID did not help
at all.
Acupuncture Points for Headache and Neck Pain: 
Left side Yang horary points in Wood-Order of GB44, SI2, ST43, LI5,
and ST36 (ST36 is as good as UB40) with Wood points ST45 and LI1
because her constitution is a Lesser Yang and Greater Yang
combination (aka Vatta in Ayurveda, Sanguine in Unani, Soyangin in
Sasang, and LangGang in Tetrasoma).

Treatment process: 7 acupuncture sessions twice a week visit resolved

80% of the headache and neck pain. Afterwards, she had a black widow
bite. 4 treatments of the same acupuncture points reduced the
symptoms by 75%. Acupuncture is not only good for chronic and
intractable pain, but also increases the body’s ability to detoxify poisons,
such as spider and scorpion bites

Acne, Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, Headaches

Complaints: Chronic tension in head, face, and neck with an irritating
heat. He also had large acne breakouts especially in the upper back,
chest, and face. The acne was aggravated with canned food, peanuts,
corn, dairy, and soda. The body felt sluggish.

Acupuncture: Left-side yang horary points in the Wood-Order of GB44,

SI2, ST43, LI5, and ST36 (ST36 is as good as UB40). 

Treatment Process: The patient had 47 acupuncture treatments over 4

years. The frequency was at twice a week and then gradually tapered
down to once a month. There was no relief with the initial treatment of
Metal-Order with LI1, UB66, GB41, SI5, and ST36. The Wood-Order
was immediately helpful with lessening of the discomfort in the head,
neck, and shoulders. He was diagnosed as a constitution with Lesser
Yang and Greater Yang combination, which is Vatta in Ayurveda,
Sanguine in Unani, Soyangin in Sasang, and LangGang in Tetrasoma.
He was advised to reduce all nuts, beef, chicken, hot spices, and
caffeine in addition to the foods he noticed were causing acne.
Gradually, all the symptoms had reduced in intensity, frequency, and
duration. He can have once a month visit with minimal discomfort
coming back.

Discussion: Often, harmful food ingredients must be drastically reduced.

Cutting down on caffeine was most helpful in reducing neck/shoulder
tension, irritable heat and symptoms of prostatitis. For his body type,
caffeine is an intolerant stimulant. In addition, a reduction of chicken and
beef had reduced acne

Complaints: Shingles began 3 days prior to the initial visit with nausea,
vomiting every hour, and chills/fever. The swelling of the right upper face
and forehead was so severe that she couldn’t open her right eye.

Acupuncture: Right-side yang horary points in Metal-Order of LI, UB66,

GB41, SI5, and ST36 with wood points LI3, SI3, ST43, and UB65 for a
constitution with Lesser Yang and Greater Yang combination (aka Vatta
in Ayurveda, Sanguine in Unani, Soyangin in Sasang, and LangGang in

Treatment process: The patient had 6 daily treatments so far. From the
first treatment, the patient noticed immediate relief in all the symptoms in
intensity, frequency, and duration with an overall relief by at least more
than half. Her neurologist was pleasantly surprised of her progress,
which was faster than expected.

Discussion: Shingles is often an opportunistic infection. When the body

is not stressed, the viral proliferation cannot occur. For years, she has
been consuming the cashews and pistachio, which is contra-indicated
for her constitution. Some individuals are highly reactive, and others are
not. But the harmful effect catches on soon or later. In addition, this
patient began treatment 9 years ago. Bisoma had successfully relieved
neck, scapular, knee, hip, plantar fascia low back pains and scorpion


Complaints: This patient was 6 weeks pregnant and had a constant
nausea all day and night. She had a low appetite and even drinking
water was difficult. In addition, she had a chronic tightness in neck and
sacro-iliac area.
Acupuncture: Right-side yin horary points in Wood-Order of LR1, HT8,
SP3, LU8, and KD10.
Treatment process: After the first treatment, the nausea had immediately
subsided, and she ate a large amount of dinner that evening. She woke
up next morning with less tightness in neck and sacro-iliac area than
usual. After the second treatment, the symptoms were even less.
Discussion: Acupuncture is quite safe during pregnancy and can be
effective even more than chemical medicine. 
Hip pain, Neck Pain, Lower Back Pain
Chief complaint: Hip, Low Back, and Neck Pain
Complaints: Right hip and low back pain aggravated and persistent after
hiking 4 weeks ago. The original injury was from being hit by a car a few
years ago. She also had chronic neck tightness.

Acupuncture: Right-side yin horary points in Wood-Order of LR1, HT8,

SP3, LU8, and KD10.
Treatment process: The patient had 10 acupuncture treatments at twice
a week visit. The hip pain immediately reduced after the first visit. By the
4th treatment, she had reported the improvement of the hip by 3/4, low
back by most, and neck by 2/3. By the 10 th visit, all symptoms were very
minor in intensity, frequency, and duration.   
Discussion: Because acupuncture is very effective and reliable for the
recovery of soft-flesh sprain and strain in tendon, ligament, and muscle,
it will be a first choice. So the patients will have increased efficiency and
quality of living.  

Chief complaint: Shoulder and elbow pain.

Complaints: Left shoulder rotator cuff tendinitis for 8 months. Right
medial epicondylitis for 7 years. Physical therapy helped to recover
some, but the pain was daily and easily aggravated.

Acupuncture: Left-side yang horary points in Metal-Order of LI1, UB66,

GB41, SI5, and ST36.

Treatment process: The patient had 10 acupuncture treatments in 4

weeks. After the first treatment, he had an immediate relief of both pains.
After the third treatment, playing golf did not aggravate the pains as
much as before. Each treatment was additionally helpful in reducing
intensity, duration, and frequency. By the 10 th visit, most of the pain was

Discussion: Acupuncture is highly relevant for the elderly to maintain

independent living by minimizing pain and increase the body’s capacity
to function

Chief complaint: Upper Arm Pain

Complaints: Chronic, constant, and moderate right upper arm pain. Mild
and constant neck tension. He stopped swimming 4 months ago.
Shaving was difficult in the mornings due to pain and limited range of
motion. Daily throbbing pain even without movement.

Acupuncture: Right-side yin horary points in the Wood-Order of LR1,

HT8, SP3, LU8, and KD10.   

Treatment Process: He had 10 acupuncture treatments at twice a week

visit. After the first treatment, he slept through the night without pain,
which made it difficult in the previous 3 evenings. The improvement was
linear with each treatment, giving additional relief in intensity, frequency,
and duration. After the 5th visit, he reported an overall relief by half. By
the 10th visit, he was mostly pain-free and gained back most of the range
of motion.  

Discussion:  He tried acupuncture after trying a variety of common

methods for rehabilitation through the veteran’s administration. As a last
resort, he found acupuncture to be most beneficial
Complaints: A sudden dizziness and fogginess in the head with
nausea began 5 days ago.
Acupuncture: Right-side yang horary points in Metal-Order of LI1, UB66,
GB41, SI5, and ST36. An herbal formula Tiao Wei Cheng Qing Tang (Yi
Yi Ren, Gan Li, Lai Fu Zi, Jie Geng, Mai Men Dong, Wu Wei Zi, Shi
Chang Pu, Yuan Zhi, Tian Men Dong, Suan Zao Ren, and Long Yan
Rou) for a Greater Yin and Lesser Yang combination (aka Taeumin in
Sasang, Pitta-Kapha in Ayurveda, Choleric in Unani, and GinLang in

Case Management:
Acupuncture Treatment Process for IBS
Two acupuncture treatments immediately reduced most of the dizzy
symptoms. This patient initially came to this clinic 12 years ago for a 15-
year idiopathic irritable bowel syndrome with classic problems of
nausea/vomiting, constant bloating, loose stools, and frequent bowel
movement. She tried a variety of treatments without relief. Two months
of Tiao Wei Cheng Qing Tang had eliminated the digestive problems and
they did not come back. Since then, the same acupuncture points
relieved asthma, low back pain, nausea/vomiting during first trimester of
pregnancy, and headache whenever she came in.
Discussion: Knowing the patient’s inborn acupuncture points and
constitution makes the treatments quick and efficient. It is because the
treatments empower the body to self-heal, rather than directly relieving
the diseases. 

Complaints: Lumbar stenosis caused a chronic low back pain with

sciatica down the left leg into foot. Pain was constant and worse in bed
at night, necessitating NSAID Aleve, which helped some. She repeatedly
woke up every 1 -2 hours from pain.
Acupuncture: Left-side yang horary points in the Metal-Order of LI1,
UB66, GB41, SI5, and ST36.
Treatment process: The patient had twice a week acupuncture for 6
treatments so far. Within the first 2 visits, she noticed less pain during
the day with less stiffness and increased mobility. From the 3 rd visit, the
pain at night had gradually decreased in intensity, frequency, and
Discussion: The patient tried acupuncture due to a concern of taking too
much pain medication, which can cause harm to liver and kidneys. In
addition, a chronic lack of deep sleep was affecting her mentally. Spinal
stenosis is one of the most difficult condition to treat due to the
narrowing of the spinal canal, directly pressing onto the spinal cord.
Regardless, acupuncture at times is significantly helpful. 

Chief complaint: Acute right shoulder sprain/strain

Complaints: Severe right shoulder pain and limited range of motion after
throwing softball underhanded 200 times as a pitcher in a practice. The
initial injury occurred one-week prior pitching 600 times. He had not
warmed up and built strength incrementally. The pain was constant and
was severely affecting sleep.   
Acupuncture: Right-side yang horary points in the Metal-Order of LI1,
UB66, GB41. SI5, and ST36.
Treatment process: The patient had 6 acupuncture treatments in a span
of 8 days. The first treatment had immediately reduced the pain and he
was able to sleep much better that evening. Each succeeding treatment
was additionally helpful in reducing intensity, frequency, and duration. By
the 6th visit, he had a full range of motion and only had a minor
discomfort in the anterior deltoid.  
Discussion: Although sprain/strain can elicit a high amount of pain and
limit one’s daily activities, it is easy to treat with acupuncture. In addition,
it was personally satisfying to help an individual who was serving the
community by volunteering as a softball coach. 

Complaints: A persistent low-grade low back tension for 30 years. It

was easily aggravated to a moderate to severe level if he did not
regularly stretch and exercise. He rarely went over one month
without having a major low back episode.
Acupuncture: Right-side yang horary points in Wood-Order of GB44,
SI2, ST43, LI5, and ST36 (ST346 is as good as UB40).
Treatment process: This patient had 10 acupuncture treatments at twice
a week for 5 weeks so far. The first two treatments in Metal-Order of LI1,
UB66, GB41, SI5, and ST36 were immediately helpful, but the intense
pain easily came back. On the 3 rd visit, a switch to Wood-Order was also
immediately helpful but the stability of improved state was even better.
So, the Wood-Order was continued. At the 9 th visit, he reported no
sensation of any tension in 75-80% of time.   
Discussion: One of his favorite exercise is riding a mountain bike on
trails. In the past, he occasionally had an attack of a gripping lumbar
pain in the mountains leaving him stranded. With the improved state, his
daily quality of active living had increased along with a higher confidence
on his venture out in the nature.  
Autoimmune Disease, Fibromyalgia, Hip pain, Lower Back
Pain, Hand Pain
Follow-upChief Complaint:
Complaints: With the initial course of 36 Bisoma acupuncture treatments
and Sasang herbal formula Xiang Fu Ba Wu Tang had relieved many
problems. Fibromyalgia pain, intolerant reaction to foods, insomnia,
alternating bowel movement, excessive menstrual bleeding, migraine,
auto-immune related inflammation, hands swelling, hip pain, and low
back pain were much better or mostly gone.  In addition, she had less
fatigue even on long road trips.
Acupuncture: Left-side yang points in Metal-Order of LI1, UB66, GB41,
SI5, and ST36 with earth points GB34 and LI11 because a constitution
with Lesser Yin and Greater Yin has earth as a central element.
Treatment Process: The patient had 17 more acupuncture treatments at
every 3-4 weeks to maintain the improved state, for perimenopause, and
for premenstrual syndrome with severe mood changes.
Discussion: Asian medicine was able to relieve much of her systemic
problems. The drastic improvement helped her mind and body have a
higher quality of living. 

Chief complaint: Neck pain, Period Cramp, PMS,

Leukorrhea, Raynaud’s and Hyperhydrosis
Complaints: Chronic neck pain due to herniated disc diagnosed 8 years
ago with MRI. Average pain was 2/10 in the mornings and worse by the
end of the day. Severe PMS and period cramping since teenager. PMS
symptoms were sensitive breasts, mood swings, and ice cream cravings.
Chronic hay fever and leukorrhea. Raynaud’s syndrome with finger tips
turning white color when touching cold objects. Hyperhidrosis in palms
with dripping sweat.

Acupuncture: Right-side Tetrasoma acupuncture in Metal-Order of LU5,

KD10, SP9, LU9, LR3, and KD3 for a constitution with Lesser Yin and
Greater Yin combination (aka Kapha in Ayurveda, Melancholic in Unani,
Soeumin in Sasang, and LinGin in Tetrasoma). Ba Wu Jun Zi Tang (Ren
Shen, Huang Qi, Bai Zhu, Bai Shao Yao, Dang Gui, Chuan Xiong, Chen
Pi, Zhi Gan Cao, Sheng Jiang, Da Zao) and Huo Xiang Jing Qi San (Huo
Xiang, Zi Su Ye, Cang Zhu, Bai Zhu, Ban Xia, Chen Pi, Qing Pi, Da Fu
Pi, Gui Pi, Gan Jiang, Yi Zhi Ren,  Zhi Gan Cao, Sheng Jiang, Da Zao).  

Treatment process: The patient had 45 acupuncture treatments in 4.5

years. She initially came in twice a week for the first 3 weeks and
gradually decreased the frequency to once every or two months. There
was an immediate and significant improvement of the neck pain with
acupuncture. Other problems also responded to acupuncture, but the
herbs were helpful in gradually improving the internal conditions over
time. After two years, all symptoms were mostly gone with Ba Wu Jun Zi
Tang except hay fever and leukorrhea, which were reduced by Huo
Xiang Jing Qi San.

Discussion: Asian medicine is superb in treating chronic and stubborn

internal and external diseases. 
Chief complaint: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome  
Complaints: Worsening pain in the right wrist and hand for 6 months with
much tingling and numbness. Making a fist was difficult. His performance
at work was severely affected as a general contractor doing building
renovations. Cold compress did not help anymore.  

Acupuncture: Right-side yang horary points in Metal-Order of LI1, UB66,

GB41, SI5, and ST36.

Treatment process: The patient had 6 treatments in a period of 17 days.

Each treatment was immediately helpful. The improvement was linear in
less intensity, less frequency, and shorter duration. By the 6 th visit, he
had no hand/wrist pain even with regular usage throughout the day.

Discussion: He had a good relief with acupuncture 4 years ago for the
same problem. It is good to increase the credibility of the acupuncture
profession with the continuation of quality outcome. 

Chief complaint: Acne, eczema, and anxiety

Complaints: Acne since teenage and worsened in the last 6 years.
Eczema on front and back of neck for one year. Taking Effexor for
chronic anxiety. All symptoms worsened every month from PMS until the
end of period.
Acupuncture: Left-side yin horary points in Metal-Order of LU11, KD2,
LR3, HT4, and SP9 plus LR4, SP5, KD7, and LU8 because a
constitution with Lesser Yin and Greater Yang combination (aka
Soeumin in Sasang, Kapha-Vata in Ayurveda, and Phlegmatic in Unani)
has fire as the central element, which is deficient. Xiang Fu Ba Wu Tang
(Xiang Fu, Dang Gui, Bai Shao, Bai Zhu, He Shou Wu, Chuan Xiong,
and Chen Pi).  

Treatment process: The patient had 26 acupuncture treatments at twice

a week in the first 4 weeks and once a week thereafter. After 4 th
treatment, the itching of skin and acne breakout were less. There was
further improvement at each period. After four months, they were much
better. Even with 4 slices of pizza, which would have made all the
symptoms worse, the aggravation was minimal, and she recovered

Discussion: Asian medicine is holistic and comprehensive for the

treatment of feminine issues, mind, body, and food sensitivity. 

Complaints: Persistent left sacro-iliac pain and sciatica

after a disc replacement surgery, which had much relieved
the lumbar pain.
Acupuncture: Left-side yang horary points in Wood Order of GB44, SI2,
ST43, LI5, and ST36 (ST36 is as good as UB40).  
Treatment process: The first two treatments in Metal-Order of LI1, UB66,
GB41, SI5, and ST36 gave an immediate relief but the same pain came
back 1 or 2 days later. Wood Order treatments from the third visit had a
more dramatic and lasting relief. By the 6th visit, pain was very minimal.   
Discussion: There are two types of five-element layout. About 70% of the
population has metal LI1, water UB66, wood GB41, fire SI5, and earth
STS36 as their horary points. The other 30% of the population has wood
GB44, fire SI2, earth ST43, metal LI5, and water UB40 as the horar
Depression, Knee Pain, Migraine, Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain, Anxiety
Complaints: Constant left neck and shoulder pain for 2 years after a
vehicular accident. Left shoulder range of motion was limited and
worsening. She fell with her right knee onto a hard floor a few years ago,
resulting in persistent inflammation and fluid retention. Finally, she had
chronic 20-year anxiety and depression, which had worsened after a
miscarriage 5 months ago. Moderate to severe migraine pain occurred at
least once a month.   
Acupuncture: Left-side yang horary points in Metal-Order of LI1, UB66,
GB41, SI5, and ST36 with fire points LI5, GB38, and UB60, which are
central element points for this constitution with Lesser Yin and Greater
Yang combination (aka Kapha-Vata in Ayurveda, Phlegmatic in Unani,
Soeumin in Sasang, and LinGang in Tetrasoma). Sasang herbal formula
Xiang Fu Ba Wu Tang (Xiang Fu, Dang Gui, Bai Shao Yao, Bai Zhu, He
Shou Wu, Chuan Xiong, Chen Pi, and Zhi Gan Cao).   

Acupcunture Treatment process: She had 14 treatments at twice a week

in the initial 4 weeks and once a week thereafter. Each acupuncture
treatment  was helpful for the pains. The weekly improvement rate was
significant with less intensity, less frequency, and shorter in duration. In
addition, the Asian herbs were instrumental in improving her mental
state and mood. From the 6 th visit, she was able to taper down and get
off Wellbutrin for depression with only withdrawal symptoms. In addition,
she has mostly eliminated the usage of NSAIDs. She currently has
almost no complaint.    
Discussion: In addition to reduction of pain, Asian medicine is great at
helping the body to self-heal by promoting recovery, which chemistry-
language medicine cannot do.  

Chronic Foot And Ankle Pain, Depression, Sciatica, Lower

Back Pain
Complaints: A sudden pain began in the left sacro-iliac area with sciatica
radiating down the whole leg into foot. Chronic left foot pain, which was
aggravated when standing for a prolonged period. She recently weaned
off a 7-year anti-depressant Lexapro and was not taking any for 2
weeks. She had withdrawal symptoms of weeping and impatience.   

Acupuncture: Left-side yang horary points in Wood-Order of GB44, SI2,

ST43, LI5, and ST36 (ST36 is as good as UB40). Herbal formula Jing
Fang Si Bai San (Sheng Di Huang, Fu Ling, Ze Xie, Zhi Mu, Shi Gao,
Qiang Huo, Du Huo, Jing Jie, and Fang Feng) because her constitution
is a Lesser Yang and Greater Yang combination (aka Pitta-Vata in
Ayurveda, Sanguine in Unani, and Soyangin in Sasang, and LangGang
in Tetrasoma).

Treatment process: Her visits were twice a week initially for 3 weeks and
had gradually tapered down. 32 acupuncture treatments in 10 months
had mostly reduced the problems. 7 months later, the patient resumed
anti-depressant due to significant recurrence of crying, low appetite,
panicking, and feeling overwhelmed. Acupuncture again had helped,
and she took Jing Fang Si Bai San for a better improvement. In addition,
she was advised to reduce 90% of dairy and chicken, which she was
consuming daily since childhood as a major part of her diet. Every week
she experienced increased sense of well-being and health.    

Discussion: This patient had inadvertently caused and aggravated her

mind and body problems by consuming wrong food ingredients
significantly and for prolonged time. Because this patient is a hot
constitution, warming food ingredients such as chicken harms the mind
and body. Furthermore, dairy is bad for a damp constitution, because it
is dampening.

Abdominal Bloating, Edema, Vertigo, Anxiety Disorders

Complaints: She had suffered from anxiety her whole life, especially in
last 30 days. Almost daily bloating, gas, and abdominal cramping.
Chronic sinus headaches, post-nasal drip, and vertigo. Retained fluid
easily, mostly in the legs. Heavy menstrual flow for 12 years.

Acupuncture: Right-side Yin horary points in Wood-Order of LR1, HT8,

SP3, LU8, & KD10. Her constitution is a Lesser Yin (Kapha in Ayurveda
& Melancholic in Unani). Xiang Sha Yang Wei Tang (Bai Zhu, Bai Shao
Yao, Zhi Gan Cao, Ban Xia, Chen Pi, Gan Jiang, Sha Zha, Sha Ren, Yi
Zhi Ren, Sheng Jiang, & Da Zao). Shi Er Wei Guan Zhong Tang (He
Shou Wu, Gao Liang Jiang, Gan Jiang, Chen Pi, Qing Pi, Xiang Fu, Yi
Zhi Ren, Hou Po, Zhi Shi, Mu Xiang, Da Fu Pi, & Da Zao).

Treatment process: She had 13 acupuncture treatments in 8 weeks.

With acupuncture, Overwhelming and constant anxiety had dissipated by
the second week. Xiang Sha Yang Wei Tang improved digestion,
anxiety, and energy, and reducing the heavy menstrual flow.  Shi Eri Wei
Guan Zhong Tang for 2 weeks had visibly reduced the water retention in
the legs.

Discussion: Although she is still hypersensitive to harmful foods, such as

gluten, greasy foods, and food additives, she was symptomless

Drug Addiction, Liver, Pancreas and Gallbladder

Complaints: The patient admitted himself into a sober living facility due
to liver failure from excessive alcohol drinking. In addition, he had pain in
right knee, left achilles, and left hip which were aggravated with
prolonged standing or lying down.

Acupuncture: Right-side Yang horary points in the Metal-Order of LI1,

UB66, GB41, SI5, and ST36.

Treatment process: He had 6 acupuncture treatments so far at twice a

week visit. Each treatment was noticeably helpful in relieving discomfort
in the mind and pain in the body. Furthermore, he noticed an accelerated
reduction of edema in the legs, which indicated his liver was functioning
more normally.  

Discussion: Acupuncture is often simultaneously and significantly helpful

for brain, muscle-joint, and organ, even liver.
Cancer Care
Complaints: After the first chemotherapy for breast cancer, she had
intense nausea, fatigue, thrush in mouth, burning urination, anxiety, and
constipation.  She wanted to try acupuncture immediately after the
second chemotherapy because the side effects were debilitating. Her
chemotherapy schedule was at every 3 weeks for a total of 6 treatments.

Acupuncture: Left-side Yin horary points in Metal-Order of LU11, KD2,

LR3, HT4, and SP9.

Treatment process: The patient had 11 sessions so far in a period of 12

weeks. There was no relief after the first treatment with Wood-Order of
LR1, HT8, SP3, LU8, and KD10. The patient had an immediate
reduction of multiple symptoms after the second acupuncture in Metal-
Order. The continuation of Metal-Order was dramatic in not only relieving
symptoms, but there was also stabilization of red and white blood cells

Discussion: With the reduction of side effects, acupuncture helps

patients to finish the recommended course of chemotherapy.  

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Muscloskeletal Pain

Complaints: Tension in shoulders and whole of back. Weekly had
intense cramping in abdomen and diarrhea. Tired and not sleeping well.
Skin and eyes were easily dry. Thirst was not easily quenched. Had
breast lump and fibroids. Abdominal cramping at every period.
Acupuncture: Left-side Yang horary points in Metal-Order of LI1, UB66,
GB41, SI5, and ST36. Wood points LI3, SI3, UB65, and ST43 were
added because Wood is a central element for this Lesser Yang and
Greater Yang constitution (aka Pitta-Vata in Ayurveda, Soyangin in
Sasang, and Sanguine Hot-Damp in Unani).  

Treatment process: The patient had twice a week treatment for 4 weeks.
She was recommended to consume cooling foods such as aloe vera,
cucumber, celery, and pork. She also reduced hot foods such as
chicken, turmeric, ginger and reduce drying foods such as nuts, beef,
dairy. After the first treatment, she slept better, had increased energy,
and less muscle tension. Her conditions continued to improve weekly.
The symptoms were quickly aggravated when straying from the diet. By
5th week, her symptoms were mostly gone.

Discussion: Although food is an important part of mental and

physiological health, people often cannot identify the harmful food
ingredients for their constitution. The reasons may be that those who
had success with certain food ingredients rave about their health
benefits as if they are for everyone. In addition, the effects of foods are
subtle, making them difficult to test one at a time

Complaints: Constant post-nasal drip for 9 months. Nasal spray helped
to open the sinus, but the discharge was same.  

Acupuncture: Left-side Yang horary points in Metal-Order of LI1, UB66,

GB41, SI5, and ST36.
Treatment process: The patient had 4 acupuncture treatments in 2
weeks. There was a significant lessening of the post-nasal drip after the
first visit. Each succeeding treatment was additionally helpful in
lessening intensity, frequency, and duration. At the 4 th visit, the patient
reported an overall improvement by more than half.  

Discussion: Sinusitis and post-nasal drip are usually due to the wrong
food ingredients, irritating the body to produce mucous to cover up the
allergen. However, this patient likely had a trigger that did not subside
even after culprit was gone. 

Anxiety, Depression, Hairloss, PMS, & Wrist pain with

Bisoma & Tetrasoma Acupuncture, Sasang Herbs
Depression, Hair Loss, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Anxiety Disorders
Complaints: Psychological stress from harassment at work for 1 year.
Left job 2 years ago but still has to experience high anxiety and
depression. Right wrist pain due to De Quervain’s was making yoga
exercise difficult. Acne on the face for at least 7 years. Excessive hair
loss for more than 1 year. Premenstrual syndrome.

Acupuncture: Left-side Yang Horary points in Wood-Order of GB44, SI2,

ST43, LI5, and UB40 (ST36 works as well). Sasang herbal formula
Xiang Sha Yang Wei Tang (Bai Zhu, Bai Shao Yao, Zhi Gan Cao, Ban
Xia, Xiang Fu, Chen Pi, Gan Jiang, Shan Zha, Sha Ren, Bai Dou Kou,
Sheng Jiang and Da Zao) for a Lesser Yin and Greater Yin combination
(aka Kapha in Ayurveda, Melancholic in Unani, and Soeumin in Sasang).

Treatment process: The patient had 9 acupuncture sessions in 5

months. Each treatment was significantly and additionally helpful. There
was a linear and stable improvement in less intensity, less frequency,
and shorter in duration. Anxiety, depression, De Quervain’s, PMS, and
excessive hair loss were mostly gone. Her sense of well-being was
elevated with mood, energy, brain clarity, and vibrancy. Even lessening
on anti-depressants did not cause withdrawal. Facial acne was less by
more than half.    

Discussion: This is a highly reactive patient who had quick, significant,

and lasting relief. For a Lesser Yin constitution, which is a cold body type
with strong brain-gut connection, herbs that enhance digestive ability
help to calm down the brain. Furthermore, an only a small amount of
treatment can have a large outcome when it is what the patient

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