Bisoma Clinical Reports
Bisoma Clinical Reports
Bisoma Clinical Reports
Complaints: Left frozen shoulder for 8 months due to a fall. MRI showed
no tear. Right shoulder recently began to be painful. Being a side
sleeper, it was very difficult to be in bed on either left or right side of the
body. She did not see a progression of improvement even with
therapies and medications.
Complaints: A constant sciatic pain on the left side, radiating from the hip
down to toe caused by a disc herniation at lumbar 4-5. Ibuprofen was
taken every 6 hours.
Acupuncture: Let-side yang horary points in Wood-Order of GB44, SI2,
ST43, LI5, and UB40 (ST36 works as well).
Treatment process: Two years ago, the pain was resolved with 10
treatments in 6 weeks. The first treatment in Metal-Order of LI1, UB66,
GB41, SI5, and ST36 did not produce any relief. A switch to Wood-Order
immediately relieved the leg pain. Additional treatments incrementally
provided further relief and she was pain-free by the 10th visit. The
patient recently came back this time with a right sciatic pain. She had
two epidural shots one and two months ago, respectively. There was
some relief in the right leg, but the low back pain was still persistent.
Standing for longer than 10 minutes led to a severe pain. She had 4
treatments of the same protocol of left-side Wood-Order. The first
treatment was immediately helpful, and the pain is improving
incrementally. She can stand straighter and longer and walk further with
less pain.
Discussion: One-sided acupuncture, whether contralateral or ipsilateral,
has the same improvement regardless of the nature or location of the
Complaints: Arrhythmia and ventricular tachycardia began after a
whooping cough and 3 courses of antibiotics 8 years ago. She had a
surgical heart ablation, which had significantly relieved the heart
problem, although still persistent. In addition, she had sinusitis,
abdominal bloating, thumbs pain, acid reflux, neck stiffness, and low
back pain. With all these problems, she was easily tired on exertion.
Acupuncture: Left-side yin horary points in Metal-Order of LU11, KD2,
LR3, HT4, and SP9. Right-side yang horary points in Metal-Order of LI1,
UB66, GB41, SI5, and ST36.
Treatment process: 7 years ago, on the first visit, this patient was given
a left-side Wood-Order of LR1, HT8, SP3, LU8, and KD10. There was no
relief. However, she noticed an immediate and multiple relief with the
left-side yin Metal-Order. After the 4th treatment, she was able to walk
40 minutes with a good sense of well-being. She had a total of 67
treatments in 4 years with gradual improvement of the multiple
symptoms over time. On the 22nd visit, she was given a right-side yang
points in Metal-Order, which also gave an immediate relief. Since then,
she was given a bilateral acupuncture. This patient came back one
month ago because the arrhythmia had returned for 6 months. She had
an increased anxiety due to the problem. She only lasted 3 minutes on a
heart treadmill test due to an ensuing fatigue. She had 7 treatments so
far with relief again in intensity, frequency, and duration. She can now
walk regularly for 40 minutes at a time with a sense of well-being and no
Discussion: Having gone through the compromise of body at multiple
levels and a prolonged recovery after heart ablation 8 years ago, the
patient opted to try acupuncture again for an immediate and prolonged
Outcome: Good
Medical History:
Severe car accident 6 years ago causing multiple bone fractures and
necessitating extensive surgery. Pain medications and heroin to manage
pain and stress.
Lot of us suffer from anxiety with our harried lifestyle in today’s day and
age. What exactly is anxiety and how do you know that you suffer from
Anxiety is an emotion that is characterized by feelings of tension, worried
thoughts that may lead to increased blood pressure. Everyone
experiences some kind of anxiety at some point in their life, the duration
and severity of an anxious feeling determine whether the individual is
suffering from an anxiety disorder or not. Anxiety disorders are the most
common mental illness that affects people all over the world most
commonly women. Anxiety arises due to stress, medications, and lack of
oxygen. A person suffering from anxiety disorder can experience
excessive anxiety energy, fear, apprehension, depression and in long
term can also lead to secondary effects like loneliness, hopelessness,
thoughts of suicide, and deep sadness.
Neck Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Lower Back Pain
Complaints: As a profession, she sits in front of a computer work all day
long, causing a constant tension in the whole of her back. She had a
whiplash injury at age 25, causing a chronic neck tension. Right carpal
tunnel due to excessive typing.
Treatment process: She had 34 treatments so far. Twice a week for the
first 12 visits, and the visits gradually tapered down to once every 3
weeks. After the first treatment, there was an immediate and significant
relief. Additional treatments provided a less frequency, less intensity,
and shorter duration of pain on a weekly basis. When there was an
aggravation, she recovered quickly. Now she is mostly pain-free. When
she caught a cold or flu, a Sasang herbal formula Chuan Xiong Gui Zhi
Tang (Gui Zhi, Bai Shao, Chuan Xiong, Cang Zhu, Chen Pi, Zhi Gan
Cao, Sheng Jiang, and Da Zao) immediately stopped the progression
and helped a quick recovery.
Complaints: Shingles began 3 days prior to the initial visit with nausea,
vomiting every hour, and chills/fever. The swelling of the right upper face
and forehead was so severe that she couldn’t open her right eye.
Treatment process: The patient had 6 daily treatments so far. From the
first treatment, the patient noticed immediate relief in all the symptoms in
intensity, frequency, and duration with an overall relief by at least more
than half. Her neurologist was pleasantly surprised of her progress,
which was faster than expected.
Case Management:
Acupuncture Treatment Process for IBS
Two acupuncture treatments immediately reduced most of the dizzy
symptoms. This patient initially came to this clinic 12 years ago for a 15-
year idiopathic irritable bowel syndrome with classic problems of
nausea/vomiting, constant bloating, loose stools, and frequent bowel
movement. She tried a variety of treatments without relief. Two months
of Tiao Wei Cheng Qing Tang had eliminated the digestive problems and
they did not come back. Since then, the same acupuncture points
relieved asthma, low back pain, nausea/vomiting during first trimester of
pregnancy, and headache whenever she came in.
Discussion: Knowing the patient’s inborn acupuncture points and
constitution makes the treatments quick and efficient. It is because the
treatments empower the body to self-heal, rather than directly relieving
the diseases.
Discussion: He had a good relief with acupuncture 4 years ago for the
same problem. It is good to increase the credibility of the acupuncture
profession with the continuation of quality outcome.
Treatment process: Her visits were twice a week initially for 3 weeks and
had gradually tapered down. 32 acupuncture treatments in 10 months
had mostly reduced the problems. 7 months later, the patient resumed
anti-depressant due to significant recurrence of crying, low appetite,
panicking, and feeling overwhelmed. Acupuncture again had helped,
and she took Jing Fang Si Bai San for a better improvement. In addition,
she was advised to reduce 90% of dairy and chicken, which she was
consuming daily since childhood as a major part of her diet. Every week
she experienced increased sense of well-being and health.
Treatment process: The patient had twice a week treatment for 4 weeks.
She was recommended to consume cooling foods such as aloe vera,
cucumber, celery, and pork. She also reduced hot foods such as
chicken, turmeric, ginger and reduce drying foods such as nuts, beef,
dairy. After the first treatment, she slept better, had increased energy,
and less muscle tension. Her conditions continued to improve weekly.
The symptoms were quickly aggravated when straying from the diet. By
5th week, her symptoms were mostly gone.
Complaints: Constant post-nasal drip for 9 months. Nasal spray helped
to open the sinus, but the discharge was same.
Discussion: Sinusitis and post-nasal drip are usually due to the wrong
food ingredients, irritating the body to produce mucous to cover up the
allergen. However, this patient likely had a trigger that did not subside
even after culprit was gone.